Query with subquery should return value but doesn't

When I run this SQL, it returns no value:
SELECT vfn.cat
FROM vps_fishery_ner vfn, valid_fishery vf
WHERE vfn.plan = vf.plan
AND vfn.cat = vf.cat
AND vf.permit_year = 2010
AND vf.moratorium_fishery = 'T'
AND vfn.vp_num = 211652
AND vfn.ap_year = 2010
AND vfn.plan = 'MUL'
AND vfn.date_issued = (SELECT MAX(date_issued)
FROM vps_fishery_ner
WHERE vp_num = 211652
AND ap_year = 2010);
In order to test, I take out the subquery and run it separately:
SELECT MAX(date_issued)
FROM vps_fishery_ner
WHERE vp_num = 211652
AND ap_year = 2010;
Returns 02-APR-10
Then I paste this date into the original query (using the TRUNC function, of course, since I hardcode only the DDMMYY part of the date):
SELECT vfn.cat
FROM vps_fishery_ner vfn, valid_fishery vf
WHERE vfn.plan = vf.plan
AND vfn.cat = vf.cat
AND vf.permit_year = 2010
AND vf.moratorium_fishery = 'T'
AND vfn.vp_num = 211652
AND vfn.ap_year = 2010
AND vfn.plan = 'MUL'
AND TRUNC(date_issued) = TO_DATE('02-APR-10');
And this returns the required value, 'A'.
So why doesn't the full query with subquery work, if the value that is returned by the subquery is valid and works when you just paste it in?

Not sure about your question.
But you say when you uss 01-apr-10 you get the expected results.
So why dont you try using trunc on botht sides
SELECT vfn.cat
  FROM vps_fishery_ner vfn, valid_fishery vf
WHERE vfn.plan = vf.plan
   AND vfn.cat = vf.cat
   AND vf.permit_year = 2010
   AND vf.moratorium_fishery = 'T'
   AND vfn.vp_num = 211652
   AND vfn.ap_year = 2010
   AND vfn.plan = 'MUL'
   AND trunc(vfn.date_issued) = (SELECT MAX(trunc(date_issued))
                            FROM vps_fishery_ner
                           WHERE vp_num = 211652
                             AND ap_year = 2010);Rememeber if you are couting on some Index to be used you might want to recheck.
IN answer to your question why it does not return with subquery included, because the TIME PART is not the same.
You yourself proved it by using the supplying only the date part.

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    it returns values.
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    Best Regards Arkadiusz Masny

    but such query returns some number of rows :
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    DB version: 11.2
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    USERNAME                       CREATED
    MANHSMPTOM_DEV_01              12 Jul 2012 11:55:16
    PRSM01_OAT_IAU                 13 Jul 2012 01:51:03
    F_SW                           11 Jul 2012 17:52:42
    FUN_CDD_HK_SIT                 09 Jul 2012 15:33:57
    CEMSCOMPTOM_UAT_01             12 Jul 2012 11:43:45
    STORM02_OAT_IAU                13 Jul 2012 02:06:29
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    Name                                      Null?    Type
    TABLESPACE_NAME                           NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    USERNAME                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
    BYTES                                              NUMBER
    MAX_BYTES                                          NUMBER
    BLOCKS                                             NUMBER
    MAX_BLOCKS                                         NUMBER
    DROPPED                                            VARCHAR2(3)So, I wanted to see the allocated space for the users created in the last 4 days. The below query should return only 27 records because the subquery returns only 27 records. Instead it returned 66 records !
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    from dba_ts_quotas
    where username in (select username from dba_users where created > sysdate-4);Any idea why ? I know it is not a bug with oracle. Its just I haven't been eating fish lately.

    J.Kiechle wrote:
    So, I wanted to see the allocated space for the users created in the last 4 days.DBA_TS_QUOTAS doesn't give the allocated space but rather the maximum allowed for a given user.
    J.Kiechle wrote:
    The below query should return only 27 records because the subquery returns only 27 records. Instead it returned 66 records !What if your user John has Quotas on 3 tablespace TBS1, TBS2 and TBS3 ?
    You cannot expect the outer query to only retrieve at most 27 rows just because the inner query returns 27 rows.
    For allocated space by tablespace for recently created users, you'd better query dba_segments. something like :select owner, tablespace_name, trunc(sum(bytes)/1024/1024) alloc_mb
    from dba_segments
    where owner in (select username from dba_users where created > sysdate - 4)
    group by owner, tablespace_name
    order by owner, tablespace_name;

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    I am trying to use dynamic statement to return values into a collection using the returning clause. However, I get an ORA-00933 error. Here is a simple setup:
    create table t(
        pk number,
        id_batch varchar2(30),
        date_created date,
        constraint t_pk primary key ( pk )
    create or replace type num_ntt is table of number;
    create or replace type vc2_ntt is table of varchar2(30);
    create or replace
    package pkg
      type rec is record(
          pk        num_ntt,    
          id_batch  vc2_ntt
      procedure p(
          p_count in number,
          p_rt    out nocopy rec
    end pkg;
    create or replace
    package body pkg
      procedure p(
          p_count in number,
          p_rt    out nocopy rec
          execute immediate '
          insert into t
          select level, ''x'' || level, sysdate
          from   dual
          connect by level <= :p_count
          returning pk, id_batch into :pk, :id_batch'
          using p_count returning bulk collect into p_rt.pk, p_rt.id_batch;
      end p;
    end pkg;
      r  pkg.rec;
      pkg.p( 5, r );

    sanjeevchauhan wrote:
    but I am working with dynamic statement and returning multiple fields into a collection.And using an INSERT...SELECT statement combined with a RETURNING INTO clause still does not work. Whether it's dynamic SQL or not: it doesn't work. The link describes a workaround.
    By the way, I don't see why you are using dynamic SQL here. Static SQL will do just fine. And so you can literally copy Adrian's setup.

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    Not sure about your question.
    But you say when you uss 01-apr-10 you get the expected results.
    So why dont you try using trunc on botht sides
    SELECT vfn.cat
      FROM vps_fishery_ner vfn, valid_fishery vf
    WHERE vfn.plan = vf.plan
       AND vfn.cat = vf.cat
       AND vf.permit_year = 2010
       AND vf.moratorium_fishery = 'T'
       AND vfn.vp_num = 211652
       AND vfn.ap_year = 2010
       AND vfn.plan = 'MUL'
       AND trunc(vfn.date_issued) = (SELECT MAX(trunc(date_issued))
                                FROM vps_fishery_ner
                               WHERE vp_num = 211652
                                 AND ap_year = 2010);Rememeber if you are couting on some Index to be used you might want to recheck.
    IN answer to your question why it does not return with subquery included, because the TIME PART is not the same.
    You yourself proved it by using the supplying only the date part.

  • Input query with dynamic actual & forecast values by month per year

    I am working on a Input ready query for a forecasting application which shows both actuals and forecast numbers and the user will revise the forecast numbers by month
    Requirement: I want to build a Input query for monthly forecasting for the current year. It will be dynamic rolling of months with actuals & forecast data.
    E.g. My report has 12 months for the current year
    and if run the report in May, the months before May has to show the actuals and the months after May has to show the old forecast data so that the user will revise the numbers again in each month and save the data to the real time cube.
    Act Act  Act Act Act  Old frcst for the remaining months
      user will revise forecast for these months
    So, i am able to create Input query with all restricted key figures( plan kf has change mode set to change, actual kf are not set change) and calculate key figures and all the logic is done on dynamically moving/rolling the data based on the input month of the year.
    But the problem is that i am using cal kf to dynamically roll months, i was not able to set the change option for the cal kf.
    So, how can i make sure that the dynamically changed plan months will open for entering forecast and the actuals months not to change?
    Do you guys have any better solutions in implementing it?
    I really appreciate it your input....:)

    Please look at the following DOC which may be useful to you and if so please grant me point.
    Input-Ready Query
    You use input-ready queries to create applications for manual planning. These can range from simple data entry scenarios to complex planning applications.
    You define a query that you want to use for manual planning in the BEx Query Designer (see Defining New Queries).
    In the Web Application Designer or the BEx Analyzer, you can combine the input-ready queries with other queries and planning functions to create complex planning applications.
    You can define an input-ready query on any of the following InfoProviders:
    &#9679;     Aggregation levels (see Aggregation Levels)
    &#9679;     MultiProviders that include at least one simple aggregation level
    The aggregation levels are created in the planning modeler; MultiProviders are defined in the modeling functional area of the Data Warehousing Workbench.
    Definition of an Input-Ready Query
    Once you have defined a query on an InfoProvider, you see the Planning tab page under the Properties of structural components (for example, in key figures or restricted key figures). The options provided there allow you to determine which structural components of an input-ready query are to be input ready at runtime and which are not. With structural components that are not input ready, you can also determine whether these components are viewed as reference data or are just protected against manual entry.
    For the structural components, you also have the following options:
    Input readiness of structural components of a query
    Not input ready (reference data)
    If they are being used as reference data, the structural components are not protected by data locks to ensure exclusive access for one user because this data serves as a reference for many users.
    This is the default setting.
    Not input ready (no reference data)
    If you want to protect structural components against manual entries but allow changes by planning functions, you can use locks to protect this data for one particular user. In this way you can ensure that the planning function works with the displayed data only and not with data that has been changed by other users.
    Input ready
    You can also determine whether an input ready query is to be started in change mode or in display mode. You find this property in the Query Properties on the Planning tab page. If there is at least one input-ready query component, the query (as long as it has not been determined otherwise) is started in display mode.
    In BI applications that use input ready queries as data providers, you can enter data manually at runtime. For more information, see Performing Manual Planning and Creation of Planning Applications.
    You want to create an input-ready query for manual planning for a plan-actual comparison of revenues for a set of products. You want the plan data in a real-time-enabled InfoCube and the actual data in a standard InfoCube.
           1.      Create a MultiProvider that includes the InfoCubes for the plan and actual data.
           2.      Define an aggregation level on the MultiProvider which contains the characteristic Product and the key figure Revenue.
           3.      On the aggregation level, create two restricted key figures Plan Revenue and Actual Revenue. For restriction, choose the characteristic 0INFOPROV and restrict it to the plan or actual InfoCube.
           4.      Add the restricted key figures to the key figure structure. Insert Product into the rows. For Plan Revenue, choose Input Ready for the input-readiness option. For Actual Revenue, choose the option Not Input Ready (Reference Data).
           5.      In the query properties, set the indicator that determines whether the queries are started in display or change mode as required.
    Example of an input-ready query
    Plan Revenue
    Actual Revenue
    If you want to keep actual and plan data in a real-time enabled InfoCube, you do not require a MultiProvider for the task described above. Create an aggregation level on the InfoCube and define the input-ready query for the aggregation level. In the example above, a version characteristic acts as the InfoProvider. Create restricted key figures with the plan or actual version and proceed as in the previous example.

  • SQL query returns value but EXEC SQL Task fails to assign variable

    I have an execute SQL task to get an identifier from an Oracle database and assign it to a variable (the variable is used in subsequent query's where clauses to transfer the data to a SQL Server database). If I copy the query from the SSIS
    package to the Oracle SQL Developer interface and run the query; I get the expected single identifier. If I run the execute SQL task I get the error "[Execute SQL Task] Error: An error occurred while assigning a value to variable "VariableName":
    "Single Row result set is specified, but no rows were returned."
    I can create phony/simpler versions of the query that will return the wrong identifier that will successfully assign the value to the variable, so the problem isn't with the variable itself or the way the result set is set up in the task (Result
    Set/Single Row in the General panel; Result Name 0/VariableName in the Result Set panel).
    How can two queries that return a single value produce different results with respect to the variable assignment process?

    Perhaps you can trap (profile) the query in Oracle to see what it gets submitted,
    thing is this query
    select id from table where ProcessedStatusColumn is null and DateColumn = (sub select to get most recent date in table where ProcessedStatusColumn is null)
    is not guaranteed to return a value, you need a default returned in case the search failed e.g.
    NVL(id, 0)
    from table where ProcessedStatusColumn is null and DateColumn =
    (sub select to get most recent date in table where
    ProcessedStatusColumn is null)
    Arthur My Blog

  • Problems with query with more than 20 values in the select clause

    I have a region based on a function returning a SQL query. It needs to have more than 20 values in the select clause. When I run the page I get a no data found error in the region. I managed to reproduce this behavior with just the following as the select returned by the function:
    select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21
    from dual
    I am running the release of Marvel on of the db on Solaris.

    Hello Raju,
    I will email you the connection settings when I return to the office.
    One thing I should have mentioned: The sql string is returned from a package in the db, so the query region text I originally posted isn't quite correct.
    it is something like:
    return my_pkg.my_fnc;
    the stored package is nothing more than:
    package my_pks is
    funtion my_fnc(i_test_param in varchar2) is
    return 'select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20, 21 from dual';
    Sorry for the inaccurate info in the first post, but I am away from the server in question right now.

  • Is it possible to use parameter in a user query with subquery ?

    Hi ,
    i need to use parameter ( [%0] ) in user query using a subquery , but i have errors message when i execute the query 
    example :
    SELECT T0.[DocNum] as docnum, T0.[DocTotal] as cde , 0 as fact FROM ORDR T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode]  =N'[%0]'
    union all
    SELECT T0.[DocNum], 0 as cde,T0.[DocTotal] as fact FROM OINV T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode]  =N'[%0]'
    works fine
    but ( exactly the same query in the subquery )
    Select t2.Docnum ,t2.cde , t2.fact from
    SELECT T0.[DocNum] as docnum, T0.[DocTotal] as cde , 0 as fact FROM ORDR T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode]  =N'[%0]'
    union all
    SELECT T0.[DocNum], 0 as cde,T0.[DocTotal] as fact FROM OINV T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode]  =N'[%0]'
    ) t2
    return an error message
    the same query without parameter works fine too :
    Select Docnum ,cde , fact from
    SELECT T0.[DocNum] as docnum, T0.[DocTotal] as cde , 0 as fact FROM ORDR T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode]  ='C1'
    union all
    SELECT T0.[DocNum], 0 as cde,T0.[DocTotal] as fact FROM OINV T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode]  ='C1'
    ) t2
    Is it possible to use parameter in a subquery ?

    Try this one:
    declare @cc nvarchar(20)
    set @cc=/*Select c.cardcode from OCRD c where c.cardcode=*/'[%0]'
    Select Docnum ,cde , fact from
    SELECT T0.[DocNum] as docnum, T0.[DocTotal] as cde , 0 as fact FROM ORDR T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode]  =@cc
    union all
    SELECT T0.[DocNum], 0 as cde,T0.[DocTotal] as fact FROM OINV T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode]  =@cc
    ) t2

  • Result attribute's recordcount and identitycol returning values but row not inserted

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    When trying to insert a record, the result attribute of cfquery returns a 1 and the identitycol attribute seems to increment right but no record is inserted.
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    The problem's over, someone else's program was deleting them.
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    Identify all clients who have viewed ALL properties with three rooms in a given city (not just any properties, ALL of them)

    This maybe better off in the PL/SQL forum, but in general if you want answers you need to provide the following:
    1. Oracle version (SELECT * FROM V$VERSION)
    2. Sample data in the form of CREATE / INSERT statements
    3. Expected output
    4. Explanation or logic on how to achieve #3
    5. \ tags for #2 and #3

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    I wish to create several abap query since tables MKPF and MSEG for the inventory mouvements. each query for a type of inventory turnover (101, 501,…), but I should not put the code movement in criteria of selection. it is necessary that the code movement should be fixed in the query. should-I declare the MSEG-BWART as a constante? where I can do it?
    thank you for your assistance.
    cordialy Said

    Hello Esperado9 Said,
    You can think about MB51 / MB5B report where you can define the selection variant and make settings as per your requirement. These both reports will serve your requirement if you are looking for material mvt documents or stock.
    Hope this helps.
    Arif Mansuri

  • MP560 on a Mac OSX networked with Windows 7, recognizes network but doesn't print text

    I have a Canon Pixma MP560 connected to a MacBook Pro with OS 10.9.5 which is wire-networked through a Time Warner Arris TG862 modem to a Dell Latitude E6410 laptop and a Lenovo desktop, both of which have Windows 7. The printer is USB cable connected to the MacBook, and works fine. On the Mac, at System Preferences>>Sharing, Printer Sharing is selected, the MP560 highlighted, and at Users>>"Everyone Can Print"; and at System Preferences>>Printers & Scanners, "Share this printer on the network" is selected. On the Lenovo and Dell, I installed Bonjour, and both can "see" the MP560, and at File>Print on both, the printer is recognized and activated. BUT all it does is shoot out a blank sheet of paper; the text is not printed. Evidently there is something I have not done, some box I have not checked off. I will appreciate any ideas! Thanks.
    Go to Solution.

    Some days after posting here, I asked this question at another Canon website, and learned that in circumstances similar to mine described here, Canon recommends that the MP560 "be connected to your Windows computer then shared to your Macintosh", rather than, as in my case, having the MP560 connected to the Mac and then shared with the Windows computers.

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