Query with trim function running more than 15 hours..

I have one select query which is running more than 15 hours.I have many trim() functions in that.and i have index for some columns for the tables that i used in that query.but it is not considering those indexes..
trim(A.x) x,
trim(B.y) y,....... from A,B
Can anyone tell why this query is taking more time?and is there any other way for using the trim function?
Thanks in advance..

Note the name of this forum is "SQL Developer *(Not for general SQL/PLSQL questions)*", so only for issues with the SQL Developer tool. Please post these questions under the dedicated [SQL And PL/SQL|https://forums.oracle.com/forums/forum.jspa?forumID=75] forum.

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  • Query on a table runs more than 45mins(after stats) and same query runs 19secs(before stats - rebuild)

    Query on a table runs more than 45mins(after stats) and same query runs 19secs(before stats - rebuild) - Not sure what the cause is.
    - Analysed the explain the plan
    - different explain plan used afterr stats gather.
    Any idea what could be the cause with this kind of difference.
    Thank you!

    What is the difference you see in the explain plan ? Where it spends most time. All these needs to be analysed.

  • Query abort  with ora-30036 after more than 20 hours and 180g of undo

    Dear all,
    A developper transmits me a query. It fails after more than 20 hours and an undotbs of 180g (i change undo-retention, size of undo tbs, without results). That query makes a lot of inserts. How can i rewrite it to be more performant (my database is on and i can't change it).
    here's the query :
    set serveroutput on size unlimited
    set pages 0
    set trims on
    set lines 1000
    set feed off
    set pagesize 50
    set linesize 1000
    set head off
    set echo off
    set verify off
    set feedback off
    v_annee VARCHAR(4) := '2012';     
    v_dkm_id NUMBER := '108';
    v_entretien NUMBER;
    v_nb_feuilles_cr NUMBER := 0;
    v_nb_etats_cr NUMBER := 0;
    v_action_id NUMBER;
    v_rm_id NUMBER;
    v_personne_id NUMBER;
    CURSOR c_evaluation IS
         WHERE L.DKM_NAT_ID=v_dkm_id;
    r_evaluation c_evaluation%ROWTYPE;
    INTO v_personne_id
    WHERE ID_FONCTIONNEL = 'herve.collin';
    dbms_output.put_line('===== MAJ evaluations / statut_harmo_shd =============');
    dbms_output.put_line('===== Creation des feuilles ==========================');
    INTO v_entretien
    OPEN c_evaluation;
         FETCH c_evaluation INTO r_evaluation;
         EXIT WHEN c_evaluation%NOTFOUND;
    IF r_evaluation.ECHELON = 'T'
    INTO v_rm_id
    WHERE ANNEE = v_annee
    AND CODE = 'V1';
    END IF;
    IF r_evaluation.ECHELON = 'F' OR r_evaluation.ECHELON = 'V'
    INTO v_rm_id
    WHERE ANNEE = v_annee
    AND CODE = 'R1';
    END IF;
    VALUES (S_FEUILLE.NEXTVAL , v_entretien , r_evaluation.E_ID, r_evaluation.WF_ID);
    v_nb_feuilles_cr := v_nb_feuilles_cr + 1;
    CLOSE c_evaluation;
    dbms_output.put_line(' -> '||v_nb_feuilles_cr||' feuilles crees');
    set serveroutput off
    What is the bester choice ? drop the indexes on the table before insert, start the insert without fetching the data in cursor ?
    nb: sorry for my bad english
    Best regards
    Catherine Andre
    @mail: [email protected]

    user4443606 wrote:
    Thanks for your reply !
    I'll try to grow the undo tbs space but i stay convinced that the problem is in the query.You can be convinced & wrong at the same time.
    row by row INSERT is slow by slow.
    It can be done as single INSERT; but that won't change the amount of UNDO that is required.

  • Regarding the thread running more than 24 hours

    The below is the query executed from oracle side and is running more than 24 hours and not yet over. And multiple threads are running.
    FROM snurk_cmms_csht009_rfs,
    WHERE snurk_cmms_csht001_rfs.cd_plant = snurk_cmms_csht008_rfs.cd_plant (+)
    AND snurk_cmms_csht001_rfs.no_rfs = snurk_cmms_csht008_rfs.no_rfs (+)
    AND snurk_cmms_csht008_rfs.cd_plant = snurk_cmms_csht009_rfs.cd_plant (+)
    AND snurk_cmms_csht008_rfs.no_rfs = snurk_cmms_csht009_rfs.no_rfs (+)
    AND snurk_cmms_csht008_rfs.ct_misc_item = snurk_cmms_csht009_rfs.ct_misc_item (+)
    AND (snurk_cmms_csht009_rfs.ct_misc_item_page = 1
    OR snurk_cmms_csht009_rfs.ct_misc_item_page IS NULL);
    snurk_cmms_csht009_rfs,snurk_cmms_csht008_rfs,snurk_cmms_csht001_rfs are synonyms for views that are pointing to DB2 tables with the help of dblink.
    The dba saying that the where clause in the above select is not sent to the db2 side so creating a cartesian product and asking us to add something in the where clause.
    Thread detail
    Thread: Plan=DISTSERV Connid=SERVER Corrid=G422001E Authid=CPPRXPS
    Dist : Type=DATABASE ACCESS, Luwid=H36A45B9.A712.C8ADB744CDC6=132705
    Location :
    ENCLAVE TOKEN: F0001B77B8 Enclave Type: Original Indep
    Owning System: SYB1 Owning Job: DB27DIST
    WLM Mode: Goal Enclave CPU Time 01:26:00.935
    Thread: Plan=DISTSERV Connid=SERVER Corrid=G422001E Authid=CPPRXPS
    Dist : Type=DATABASE ACCESS, Luwid=H36A45B9.A712.C8ADB744CDC6=132705
    Location :
    Thread Activity User Defined Functions
    DB2 Status = WAIT-REMREQ TCB Time (SQL) = 00:00:00.000
    MVS Status = Wait for TCB Time = 00:00:00.000
    Total Elapsed Time = 01-17:00 Elapsed Time = 00:00:00.000
    CP CPU Utilization = 00.7% Elapsed Time (SQL) = 00:00:00.000
    Total CP CPU Time = N/A SQL Events = 0
    IIP CPU Time = 00:00:00.000
    Total Parallel Tasks = 0
    Current Parallel Tasks= 0
    Thread: Plan=DISTSERV Connid=SERVER Corrid=G422001E Authid=CPPRXPS
    Dist : Type=DATABASE ACCESS, Luwid=H36A45B9.A712.C8ADB744CDC6=132705
    Location :
    SQL call is active, call information is as follows :
    Thread Status = WAIT-REMREQ SQL Request Type = DYNAMIC
    Total SQL Reqs = 3589969 SQL Call Type = FETCH
    SQL DBRM Name = GDRDA11 SQL Statement Number = 00000
    Collection ID = SDCSDRDA
    Please suggest on what to be added in the where clause.

    We cannot create a view in db2 side because of security reasons. I tried to run the query as below.
    SELECT count(a),count(b),count(c) FROM
    (Select cd_plant,no_rfs,ct_misc_item, ct_misc_item_page from snurk_cmms_csht009_rfs) a,
    (Select cd_plant,no_rfs,ct_misc_item from snurk_cmms_csht008_rfs) b,
    (Select cd_plant,no_rfs from snurk_cmms_csht001_rfs ) c
    Where c.cd_plant = b.cd_plant (+)
    AND c.no_rfs = b.no_rfs (+)
    AND b.cd_plant = a.cd_plant (+)
    AND b.no_rfs = a.no_rfs (+)
    AND b.ct_misc_item = a.ct_misc_item (+)
    AND (a.ct_misc_item_page = 1
    OR a.ct_misc_item_page IS NULL)
    I am getting the error as below:
    ERROR at line 4:
    ORA-28545: error diagnosed by Net8 when connecting to an agent
    Unable to retrieve text of NETWORK/NCR message 65535
    ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from FAST_SNURK_CMMS
    How to troubleshoot this.

  • Query which the Reports which not run more than 15 days

    I need I query to show all the Concurrent Programs which are attached in Application but not run more than 15 days. Also filter will segregate concurrent Reports and concurrent processes.

    Please clarify are you interested in conc programs/reports which has not been run in last 15 days or the ones which were run only in the first 15 days from creation date.
    I am pasting the base query which gives you the details like concurrent program name, executable name, executable type, and execuation file name ( you may add condition like fcp.enabled_flag = 'Y' for all active programs etc)
    SELECT  fe.executable_name,
    FROM    apps.fnd_executables fe,
            apps.fnd_lookups     fl,
            apps.fnd_concurrent_programs fcp,
            apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt
    WHERE  fcp.executable_id = fe.executable_id
    AND    fe.execution_method_code = fl.lookup_code
    AND    fl.lookup_type =  'CP_EXECUTION_METHOD_CODE'
    AND    fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcpt.concurrent_program_idEdited by: 936671 on Sep 4, 2012 5:58 AM

  • Help in using listagg function for more than 8000 char.

    Hi Friends,
    Need you urgent help in using listagg function for more than 8000 char.
    I did the below sample SQL and in "e_orig" and "d_orig" for upto 4000 char it is working fine but I have to use it for more than 8000 char. and it is giving error,
    I checked the listagg function is having limitation of 4000 char.
    I tried but I am unable to achive this. Can someone provide me a sample example to achive this
    select d.dname,d.loc,e.hiredate
    ,listagg(e.ename,',' ) within group (order by e.deptno) over (partition by e.deptno) as e_orig
    ,listagg(e.ename, ',') within group (order by e.sal) over (partition by e.deptno) as d_orig
    from emp e, dept d
    where e.deptno=d.deptno;[ This is my first post, I gone through the guideline for posting a post , and try to go according to that ( I have not pasted here create table and insert as I have used basic table emp, dept for example), please let me know if still I should give this, I will take care from my next post ]
    Thanks in advance

    Interesting, I didn't know you could do that, but...
    BluShadow wrote:
    You could write some PL/SQL code that does it all for you, but that would involve loops and would be slow.Well, objects are written in PL/SQL aren't they? And presumably there'll be implicit looping too? So it's not at all obvious that this method will be faster than doing the joining in PL/SQL in memory. The only way to find out is to benchmark them - so I have done that.
    I noticed that OP's ref cursor actually only ever retrieves a single record for a bound department number, so I decided the best thing would be to test using a procedure that passes an output string back. I selected all (109) employees and put spaces in to ensure above 4000 characters. I also noticed that as he is using PL/SQL he probably can use a VARCHAR2 type, but just not ListAgg in the query, so I wrote short procedures as follows:
    SimpleAggChr     - bulk collect and array processing, VARCHAR2 output
    ClobAggPrc     - the custom aggregation method, CLOB output
    SimpleAggClob     - bulk collect and array processing, CLOB output
    I then wrote a driving script that calls them in the order above and times each call (I like benchmarking so I have my own timing object to make it easy). I then print the lengths for checking, and my object writes the timings to my output table. Running a few times I got varying results, but generally it looks like there isn't a lot to choose between them for performance.
    Here's the procedure code:
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE char100_list_type AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100)
      l_enames     char100_list_type;
      SELECT first_name || '                                        ' || last_name
        BULK COLLECT INTO l_enames
        FROM employees
       ORDER BY salary;
      FOR i IN 1..l_enames.COUNT LOOP
        x_out := x_out || l_enames(i) || ',';
      END LOOP;
    END SimpleAggChr;
      l_enames     char100_list_type;
      SELECT first_name || '                                        ' || last_name
        BULK COLLECT INTO l_enames
        FROM employees
       ORDER BY salary;
      FOR i IN 1..l_enames.COUNT LOOP
        x_out := x_out || l_enames(i) || ',';
      END LOOP;
    END SimpleAggClob;
    PROMPT ClobAggPrc
      SELECT clobagg(first_name || '                                        ' || last_name || ',')
        INTO x_out
        FROM employees
       ORDER BY salary;
    END ClobAggPrc;
    SHO ERRand the driving script:
      l_enames_c1     CLOB;
      l_enames_c2     CLOB;
      l_enames_v     VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_timer     timer_set_type := timer_set_type ('Aggregation');
      Utils.g_id := 'Aggregation';
      SimpleAggChr (l_enames_v);
      l_timer.Increment_Time ('SimpleAggChr');
      ClobAggPrc (l_enames_c1);
      l_timer.Increment_Time ('ClobAggPrc');
      SimpleAggClob (l_enames_c2);
      l_timer.Increment_Time ('SimpleAggClob');
      DBMS_Output.Put_Line ('SimpleAggChr returned string of length ' || Length (l_enames_v));
      DBMS_Output.Put_Line ('ClobAggPrc returned string of length ' || Length (l_enames_c1));
      DBMS_Output.Put_Line ('SimpleAggClob returned string of length ' || Length (l_enames_c2));
    SET LINES 150
    SET PAGES 1000
    COLUMN line_text FORMAT A120
    SELECT line_text
      FROM output_log
    WHERE id = 'Aggregation'
    ORDER BY line_ind
    /and the results:
    SimpleAggChr returned string of length 5779
    ClobAggPrc returned string of length 5779
    SimpleAggClob returned string of length 5779
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Elapsed: 00:00:27.05
    Timer Set: Aggregation, constructed at 03 Nov 2011 16:27:07, written at 16:27:35
    [Timer timed: Elapsed (per call): 0.02 (0.000016), CPU (per call): 0.01 (0.000010), calls: 1000, '***' denotes corrected
    line below]
    Timer              Elapsed          CPU          Calls        Ela/Call        CPU/Call
    SimpleAggChr          9.84         0.36              1         9.84400         0.36000
    ClobAggPrc            9.37         0.32              1         9.37400         0.32000
    SimpleAggClob         8.25         0.22              1         8.25000         0.22000
    (Other)               0.00         0.00              1         0.00000         0.00000
    Total                27.47         0.90              4         6.86700         0.22500
    13 rows selected.

  • When will this thing run more than one app at the same time?

    When will we be able to run more than one app at a time?

    As has been suggested, we won't know about future features until they announce them, but by understanding the current situation we can guess.
    The current limitations on third-party applications running in the background make sense. It's not a technical limitation. App store downloads, and the phone functionality run in the background while other applications are up front.
    It's a resource limitation. Processor power and probably more importantly battery life are the key limiting factors. It's not that Apple doesn't want you to have more functionality. It's that it currently struggling to deliver a quality experience that satisfies as many customers as possible. As it is the battery life is only just acceptable enough for most current customers, many are unhappy with it.
    So if more efficient chips or batteries become available, or some genius programmer manages to squeeze out a whole lot more out of less, then we'll see more background processes allowed.

  • Cannot run more than one instance of a remote app in remote desktop services Server 2012

    I installed "Remote Desktop Services (RDS) Quick Start Deployment for RemoteApp, Windows Server 2012 Style" using the instructions here http://blogs.technet.com/b/yungchou/archive/2013/02/07/remote-desktop-services-rds-quick-start-deployment-for-remoteapp-windows-server-2012-style.aspx
    I need to set up an image viewing program (Olyvia) to allow students using Macs and iPads access to this windows only application in order for them to get their work done.  We may have 12 or more students accessing and trying to run the Olyvia application
    at any one time.
    All works good, except that I cannot run the Olyvia application (setup as a remoteapp program) more than one instance at a time.  That is, when I start up "olyvia" on a Mac, it works great.  If I leave it up and running, and then try
    and start up "olyvia" on an iPad (using different accounts), I get the following error message:
    "Cannot run more than one instance of this program simultaneously.  Either the program is already running, or it has not been terminated completely."
    I need to understand the root issue.
    1.  Is this a licensing issue?  So, I need to add some CALs to the RDS server?
    2.  Is this a application issue with "olyvia"?  So, no matter what I do, it is not going to be able to be used by more than one person at a time when configured as a remoteapp?
    3.  Did I not "publish" the application correctly?
    4.  Is this happening because I followed the "quick start" guide?
    Appreciate any help I can get on this.  We have no problem getting CALs, I just need some help with the root issue.
    Geoff Weatherford

    Hi Geoff,
    Each application uses different techniques for determining if multiple instances are running.  If you can determine what method it is using then perhaps you could use App-V or other virtualization software.
    In the best case you really should direct your question to the maker of Olyvia.  The reason I said that is they specifically designed their software to prevent multiple instances, so the first question is, why?  Is it related to Licensing? 
    Compatibility?  If you knew the specific reason(s) why they are doing it and the technique used then at the point using a virtualization technique may be the best option.

  • Tomcat : Hlow to run more than 1 instance of tomcat server on same machine?

    How to run more than 1 instance of tomcat server on the same machine.
    I use tomcat 5.5. ,updated port number for second instance and tried to run,it takes the same old port number .No batch file available with this version to update the home directory to second instance to run the second server..
    How to work on clustering and load balancing on tomcat server?
    Any inputs?
    Thanks in advance..

    Anitha123 wrote:
    We have only 1 dedicated server maintained by third party for hosting..
    If are only getting your site hosted, then, normally, the host would handle clustering (to your sepcifications, of course, but it is normally the hosts responsibility).
    If i need to implement clustering and load balancing for tomcat server then do we need to go for 2 different servers for production environment?
    Yes, you would need two, or more, servers.
    Also please guide me on how to implement clustering and load balancing for tomcat server by running 2 instances on 2 different machine? I'm a newbie to it..
    It should have no (or at least minimal) impact on the code (as long as you are using beans, sessions, and the other components properly). It is handled by the web container (by the tomcat in this case). The tomcat documentation should show how to set it up (if it supports it all, I don't know, we don't have Tomcat at work, and at home I use only a single).

  • IMac (2008) OS10.6.8 - Main menu freezes when running more than one application at a time.  Apple and 3rd party applications - all freeze the main menu.  Safe mode seems to work OK. Tried repairing permissions - didn't work.

    For the past 60 days I've experienced Main Menu freeze when running more than one application at a time.  iPhoto, Preview, Text Edit, Epson Scan, Firefox and Thunderbird are the apps I use almost daily.  No matter what I do, when more than one is running they will freeze the Main Menu (top of the screen).  I've tried booting is Safe Mode and I don't seem to have a problem.  I've tried several suggestions from repairing permission (DiskUtility) to eliminating specifis login items.  Nothing works. I've posted this issue on the Apple forum several times and no one else has experienced this problem.  I hesitate to take my iMac to the Apple Store or a private Apple repair service until I've exhausted all of my options.  Do I have any more options?    

    Question:  Everytime an app crashes I have the option to report it to Apple - which I usually do.  But I've NEVER reported a Main Menu freeze because it never asks me to
    There's really no need to submit to Apple, it's just a round file cabinet on the other end, especially with 10.6 or earlier.
    This sure sounds like a resource problem...
    See if the Disk is issuing any S.M.A.R.T errors in Disk Utility...
    Open Activity Monitor in Applications>Utilities, select All Processes & sort on CPU%, any indications there?
    How much RAM & free space do you have also, click on the Memory & Disk Usage Tabs.
    Open Console in Utilities & see if there are any clues or repeating messages when this happens.
    In the Memory tab, are there a lot of Pageouts?

  • "A script is already running" while attempting to run more than one item

    We upgrade recently to ODT Since then, attempting to run more than one item from the Solution Explorer (by selecting the items, right-clicking, and selecting "Run") results in a popup error of "Oracle Developer Tools. A script is already running". If many items are selected it results in many error messages and only a random few of the items are actually executed on the server. Also, choosing "Run On" now results in it prompting for the target database for each item selected (rather than once for all items selected like it used to). This all used to work fine in the earlier release we were using. Has anyone else run into this? Any fixes? We used to use multi-select and "Run" or "Run On" to deploy multiple items at once, but this no longer works -- doing one at a time works, but if you have hundreds of items to run, this quickly becomes unusable.
    Thanks for any insight.
    - Josh

    cshay wrote:
    I don't believe that the intention was for you to be able to run a bunch of scripts one after the other. Often there are dependencies between scripts anyway and so you you have to order them. Because we're generally deploying a large set of stored procedures (and not just one-time scripts) the order doesn't really matter -- even if a stored procedure gets created before one it depends on, once all the SPs are on the server, the ones that are "invalid" will compile correctly once you execute them.
    I think a lot of people are creating master scripts that references child scripts using the "@" sql plus syntax.... have you tried that?
    I'll give that a try as a work around. Only issue I have with that solution is every time we add or remove something from the solution, we also have to update the script.
    We are doing a lot of enhancements to our script generation in the coming year. Keep an eye out for a beta to test.
    Like I said, this used to work fine in the older versions of ODT. It seems like the new version is attempting to execute multiple items at once on the same connection simultaneously, thus resulting in the "A script is already running" error. The old version used to be smart enough to execute them one at a time -- so something changed in a more recent version to completely break "Run" and "Run On" when you have more than one item highlighted (even just highlighting 2 items and choosing "Run" runs the first item, but then gives the error for the second item).
    Christian- Josh

  • Using the the multiple profiles and running more than one instance of Fire fox at atim

    I use F/F in a gaming situation I needed to be able to run more than one session at a time and read about a feature called multiple profiles. Then I read iin another forum that I could have multiple instances with the following bat file :
    @echo off
    set MOZ_NO_REMOTE=1
    start "" "C:\Documents and Settings\Hilton Wiggins\My Documents\Fire Fox non Beta\firefox.exe" -p-no-remote
    set MOZ_NO_REMOTE=0
    I also have the Beta 4.06 on my machine and even though the batch file directs it to wither the Beat or the Non Beta they both seem to track the profiles and can be used in either version.
    However It's not working as I described running two browsers with grease monkey it will start to mis handle data and they both lock up

    There is no need to set MOZ_NO_REMOTE, remove that part of the bat file. Change the start line to:
    start "" "C:\Documents and Settings\Hilton Wiggins\My Documents\Fire Fox non Beta\firefox.exe" -no-remote -p "profile name"

  • Can Function Return more than One Values ??

    Hi Experts,
    I would like to ask you Can Function Return more than one values. I Used Function with Out and In out parameter and its working Fine..
    1. what is harm using Out and In out parameter in function
    2. if we can use Out and In out parameter in Function so what is deffernce between procedure and Function.
    3. Is there any Other Way Though which we can return more the One values in Function.
    Please advice me...
    Umesh Goel

    You can return multiple value from function. But, in PL/SQL and not in a SQL.
    The following examples demonstrate that -
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Mar 28 17:41:15 2007
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> create or replace package glob
      2  as
      3    b varchar2(20);
      4    c varchar2(20);
      5  end;
      6  /
    Package created.
    SQL> create or replace function test_mul_out(a in number)
      2  return number
      3  is
      4    cursor c1(eno in number)
      5    is
      6      select ename,job,sal
      7   from emp
      8   where empno = eno;
    10    rec c1%rowtype;
    11    d  number(10);
    12  begin
    13    open c1(a);
    14    loop
    15      fetch c1 into rec;
    16      exit when c1%notfound;
    17       glob.b:= rec.ename;
    18    glob.c:= rec.job;
    19    d:= rec.sal;
    20    end loop;
    21    close c1;
    22    return d;
    23  end;
    24  /
    Function created.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> declare
      2    zz  number(10);
      3  begin
      4    select test_mul_out(7777)
      5    into zz
      6    from dual;
      8    dbms_output.put_line('Ename: '||glob.b);
      9    dbms_output.put_line('Job: '||glob.c);
    10    dbms_output.put_line('Sal: '||zz);
    11  end;
    12  /
    Ename: Avik
    Job: CLERK
    Sal: 3456
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> Regards.
    Satyaki De.

  • Can oracle  function return more than one value

    Hi All
    please answer can oracle function return more than one value
    need one schenario

    Can any function, irrespective of the language, return multiple values?
    So why do you think Oracle will now suddenly do it differently than all other languages? Never mind that it is impossible for a function (a unit/module of code) returning a memory address, to return multiple memory addresses. The machine code that does that, has not been yet been designed/implemented.
    I am continually amazed that this question is asked. It is about something so fundamental in almost every single 3rd and 4th generation language... something that is taught right at the start... the definition of what a procedure and what a function is.
    Sorry, but I simply cannot pull punches on this subject and smooth it over. There is something fundamentally wrong with your training as a programmer if you have to ask such a question about a function.
    And whatever programming skills you build on such a foundation, will be seriously lacking.
    I kindly suggest that you get back to the very basics of programming - and review and revisit until you fully understand it. There are no shortcuts in becomming a good programmer.
    Message was edited by:
    Billy Verreynne

  • Can I run more than two Mac OS X virtual guests on a Mac host?

    The way I read the Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite license (http://images.apple.com/legal/sla/docs/OSX1010.pdf), I am not allowed to run more than two (2) virtualized  Yosemite guests on a Mac virtual host:
    (iii) to install, use and run up to two (2) additional copies or instances of the Apple Software
    within virtual operating system environments on each Mac Computer you own or control that is
    already running the Apple Software, for purposes of: (a) software development; (b) testing during
    software development; (c) using OS X Server; or (d) personal, non-commercial use.
    There's no exception for running guests on a large Mac Pro, or anything like that.
    I just want to confirm I'm interpreting this part of the license correctly?  Thanks for any feedback!

    Don't think that this will work, despite PSE 8 not being that old. Undoubtedly some of the security and file system changes in OSX 10.7 and 10.8 are at play here thast the installer can't cope with... Consider getting PSE 11.

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