Question about context.close in 6.0

In the document of WebLogic 6.0 JNDI mention that client should close the
context in order to release resources.
This is not required at 5.1.
So my question is if one does not do close the context what will happened ?
will run of resource eventually ?
Also when should one close the Context ?
If the context close prematurely, does the object reference obtained from
the context no longer valid ?
It is kind of interesting that the JNDI context implemented in this way !
Thanks for any answer in advance.

Hi Chris,
Thanks for your reply.
What would be the "default" access right for user
"all" (i.e. all authenticated users)? Only "write" &
"delete" ?
No, it's equivalent to (read, list, execute, info,
write, delete).
Is it (read, list, execute,info) of user "anyone" + allow (write, delete) for user "all" = (read, list, execute, info, write, delete) for user "all"?
Then what will be the access right of user "all" if I remove the line 'allow (write, delete) user = "all";'? Only the access right (read, list, execute,info) or even no access right at all?
Thanks and regards,

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    DATA: BEGIN OF ls_struct,
         vendor   TYPE bbp_bp_orga,
         cptable  TYPE zebp_contpers_t, "this is a Table Type!
             END OF ls_struct,
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    IF lt_struct IS NOT INITIAL.
         DATA lo_nd_cp_for_bidders TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node..
         lo_nd_cp_for_bidders = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_cp_for_bidders ).
         CALL METHOD lo_nd_cp_for_bidders->bind_table
             new_items            = lt_struct
    *        set_initial_elements = ABAP_TRUE
    *        index                =
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    What am I missing?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Matteo,
    You also want to bind the CPTABLE node for each CP_FOR_BIDDERS element. One example is below; you can also loop through the table of elements for node CP_FOR_BIDDERS, fetch each element's CPTABLE node and bind the CPTABLE data to each CPTABLE node.
        lo_nd_cptable = wd_context->path_get_node( path = `CP_FOR_BIDDERS.CPTABLE` ).
        CALL METHOD lo_nd_cptable>bind_table(
            new_items               = lt_cptable_data
            set_initial_elements = abap_true

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    Why not simply use this :
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    That's pretty much what I started with; isn't "./css" pretty much the same as "css"?
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    /template.xhtml (has CSS references in it)
    /home.xhtml (refers to /template.xhtml)
    /user/somepage.xhtml (also refers to /template.xhtml).I don't want to add
    /user/css/default.cssbecause the file is redundant. (in my app uses one stylesheet set for all pages).

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    Not as such.
    Give the AppleTV units unique names and also enable Airplay password in settings with unique passwords for each teacher.

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    Context crDataProcessingContext = new InitialContext();
    crDataProcessingContext.bind("rmi:"+hostName, crdpi);
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    If you have any ideas about this I'd like to hear what you know.
    Thanks in advance for any advice.
    Lenny Wintfeld
    ps - I don't believe web services, as full featured as it is, is a useful alternative. I'm moving 100's (in the future possibly 1000's) of megabytes back an forth for processing.

    The local bind/rebind/unbind restriction is still there and it will always be there.
    I would look at
    (a) RMI/IIOP, where you use COSNaming as a registry, which doesn't have that registriction, and which also has location-independent object identifiers
    (b) Jini.

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    Arup Nanda_2 wrote:
    Hi Ed,
    Thanks Mark for pointing me out to this.
    I have been using that for more than 8 or 9 years now, without any side effects. But as Emre Baransel reported that although he has been following that without any untoward effects, you should take every advise in the specific context of your environment. I have tried to put all caveats there; but there is no way for me to check all possible comobinations.
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    Another is the case of nmb and nmo executables. If you are using Enterprise Manager to manage the O/S as well, then changing those executables will no longer allow you to do that. But if you don't do that particular activity (most don't), you again closed a major vulnerabillity without affecting your functionality.
    For anyone who has ever authored anything, one thing is clear - the work is like broadcast, not point to point transmission. Even point-to-point. "If you explain something so clearly that no one can misunderstand, someone will".
    It's not consulting which is situation specific. So, any work which is not prepared in context of a specific situation must be taken with that disclaimer - your mileage may vary. Understanding and testing is a must before committing the work.
    Hope this helps.
    ArupThanks for the response. Besides worrying about the "unknown unknowns" I also have a question about applying patches, especially the quarterly CPUs. Since, at some level, applying a patch is simply overlaying a specific file with a newer version, will this cause permissions to revert to default? Would we have to go through the process after applying a patch? I'll go back and re-read the original doc several more times to make sure I have a good grasp of what's going on here.

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    Operating System: Mac OS X Version 10.7.4
    1) I Downloaded MacKeeper because I was fooled. I had a bad feeling just before I Downloaded it and I should have listened to my heart. However, I didn't buy it or fully Install it. It was like a test run and then they wanted me to pay almost $100 for it. Thankfully, I didn't because I read it is Malware. I spoke with an Apple Tech at Apple Care and he helped me get rid of it (or so we think). I don't see it anymore on my computer. I read it can slow down your computer. How can you tell if it's really off of the computer?
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    3) Is there a new kind of Wireless Modem and Router that doesn't require a CD-ROM?
    4) When I travel or fly and I am not close to home I was told by Best Buy and Sprint that I had to buy a mobile HotSpot to use the computer (WI-FI) safely. As I typed, I have one. But it's pretty expensive and only gives me 1 hour and 15 minutes per day to Stream. What can I do to use this computer safely Online when I am out of range from a Modem and Router? What do people do when they travel on airplanes?  
    5) This compter won't let me use "Raid." I think you have to have a newer version. I hard about Raid on the radio from Leo (can't recall his last name) who's a Tech expert.
    6) Should I buy a ZipDrive? Apple Store Tech told me that I didn't need a ZipDrive. I just remember the episode of HBO's "Sex and The City" when Carrie looses everything because her copy crashed. Now, of course, I know that's a fictional show, but with PC's and Microsoft I have lost everything when it crashed, frooze up, etc. I know there's iClouds. I heard about Carbonite, but I have read the Pros and Cons about it. Mostly they are Cons about it. I just don't want to do anything wrong and mess up this computer.
    7) Should I buy a new Printer/Copier/Scanner because mine is an HP. It's not new, but it works. I even have a CD-ROM for Macs. What about the new product called, "Neat"?
    8) Is there a special product that I should buy to do Online Banking and/or other important stuff?
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    10) Should I Update the OS with OS X Mountian Lion Pro from the Apple Apps Store or buy it at Apple Store?
    In advance, I wish to thank you in this Apple Support Communites for your help.  Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!

    1) Here are instructions for removing MacKeeper. Since it mostly consists of manually looking for folders and specific files, if you follow the instructions you either fail to find what you are told to find (because your AppleCare guide gave you complete instructions which you followed) or you'll find some additional files that need to be replaced.
    2 & 3) I assume you are looking at the sidebar of a Finder window and seeing Shared and computers under it. Those are computers that you can potentionally share. To do so you'd need an account on their computer and a password. They are not sharing your computer.
    AirDrop allows you to create an adhoc network for filesharing and it only functions when you have selected the AirDop item in the SideBar. Actually doing that merely announces to computers in the same network node that your computer is available for a file to be sent to. Even then you have to explicitly allow the file to be downloaded to your computer. Similarly you'd be able to see other computers with AirDrop selected and be able to send them a file - which they'd have to accept.
    The only reason your NetGear Router comes with a CD is to install and run their 'easy' step by step configuration program. It can also be done manually with a browser. Read the manual to find the IP address you must enter to access the router's configuration menu. Apple's WiFi routers don't require a CD to install the software because the configuration software is already on your computer.
    I do have my firewall turned on. AntiVirus software isn't a bad idea - I use Sophos having tested it for a review for our local User Group and I found I liked it better than ClamAVx which is what I'd been using before. Both are free.
    4) I think you were scammed by Sprint and BestBuy. I use hotel, coffee shop, and restaurant WiFi spots and have for years. However, because they can be unsecured, I do not shop online or bank when I'm using them. I also use 1Password and don't reuse passwords so even if a sniffer should grab an account and password that's all it would get - one account.
    5) Raid doesn't really make sense with a MacBook Air - a RAID involves 2 or more disks being used as if they were one.
    6) Zip drive? No. External hard drive - yes. It isn't a question of if a computer's hard drive will malfunction, it is when. OWC has a nice selection of external drives and the Mac has a built in backup system called TimeMachine. Due to the way TimeMachine works, I've found that your TimeMachine drive should be at least twice as large - and preferably 3-4 times as large as the data you are backing up.
    7) if your printer works and it has Mountain Lion drivers, why replace it?
    8) Online banking is done with a browser - Use Safari or FireFox
    9) If trading files with Windows users is important Mac: Office is your best bet. If not, iWork, Mac:Office, or LibreOffice are all good possibilities.
    10) you can only buy Mt Lion via the App Store.

  • Some questions about configuration in MAX.

    I have some questions about configuration in MAX(I am a jackaroo for motion control development),I hope I can get your help.
    I use PCI-7344+UMI-7764+Servo amplifier+Servo motor,my MAX version is 4.2 and I use NI-Motion7.5
    My question as following:
    1,In Axis Configuration,for motor type,why I must select stepper but not servo?my motor is servo motor!If I select Servo,my motor can't run,I don't know why.
     If I select stepper,though motor can work but I can't test encoder in MAX.
    2,In Stepper settings,for stepper loop mode,why I must select open-loop but not close-loop?If I select close-loop,the servo motor doesn't work too.
    3,If I want my two servo motors run at different velocity,How shoud I do?It seems I just can set the same velocity in MAX for my two servo motors.
     My English is poor,Pls pardon me!I come from China.
    Thank you for your help!
    Striving is without limit!

    Thank you for your kindly help!
    The manufacturer of the drive and motor that I am using now is Japan SANYO DENKI,drive type is RS1A01AA,motor type is R2AA06020FXP00.
    And I use position control mode,thehe encoder's counts per revolution is 131072.I set the electronic gear ratio to 1:1 for drive.
    Now,I can use Close-Loop to control the motor but still has some problems.When I configure it to run in closed loop mode, the motors behave strangely and never move to the target position.When I configure it to run in closed loop mode, the motors behave strangely and never move to the target position.The detail situation is as following
    1,Motor can't run.
    2, Or motor moves to a position, then moves in the same direction agian and eventually stops.
    Except for the  two points mentioned above,"Following Error" is  occured frequently,I don't know why.
    I am still not clear why I must set the motor type be stepper in MAX .
    And I have another question:what the relationship between the steps and the counts?They have the proportion relations?I notice that there are a section said like this in help document: For proper closed-loop and p-command operation, steps per revolution/counts per revolution must be in the range of 1/32,767 < steps/counts < 32,767. An incorrect counts to steps ratio can result in failure to reach the target position and erroneous closed-loop stepper operation.
    I am verry sorry I have too many questions!
    I am very appreciate for your kingly help!Thanks again!
    Striving is without limit!

  • Ffox help says "To close a tab, just click its close button." I did this. But still got the message about to close 5 tabs. I could close one tab at a time, in the past but now can't. How do I close just one tab?

    WTF? you ask for details then tell me I have exceeded the 255 character limit. Clicking on links in an email I wound up with 5 open tabs. Tried to close the last tab opened. I got pop-up warning I was about to close 5 tabs.

    ya I'm aware of the shortcut keys. Been using a mac since they came out. She is used to interaction with the mouse, hence the specific question as to where the X has gone.

  • Few questions about mac pro before buying

    Hello all!
    I may be buying a mac pro in a month or so and have a few questions about it.
    1. ) Any one know when Apple may release the latest mac pro? Don't wanna buy some thing that'll be significantly obsolete in a few days
    2. ) Is it possible to use SATA optical drives internally? I have a SATA blu ray drive I'd like to take from my PC, if that's possible.
    3. ) Is it possible to get a graphics cards better than the 8800 GT for video games? (For use in OS X)
    4. ) Finally, is there a significant performance difference between Apple's seemingly super expensive RAM and 3rd party RAM? (Other than the heat syncs)
    Thanks for any replies.

    1. We have no idea when Apple will release any product until it's released. This is a user-to-user site so we have no more information about future products than you do.
    2. Yes, it's possible. There are two additional SATA ports on the motherboard.
    3. The only graphic cards are those provided by Apple when you order the computer as well as the non-Apple supplied ATI HD-3870 Mac/PC card. The 8800 and 3870 have close performance specs. You can find some benchmarks at Bare Feats.
    4. There's no difference between the RAM Apple installs and what you can purchase on the open market. As long as the RAM meets the required specifications and has the requisite heat sink it will work just fine.

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    long since I like the models and items sony. from start playstation, cameras, camcorders up, I've ever had. and a new camera that I bought two years ie compact cameras Sony Cybershot DSC H200. as of a month ago, a camera was having problems in lenses that would not close. and setting the automatic mode to move by itself. I came to the Sony Service Center in Makassar, precisely on Jl. Shop Pengayomann A5 / 05 (0411) 442340.
    operator initially said only two weeks to work on my camera. but this week has been more dau even want to go in a month tomorrow, dated July 9, no news from the service center. and I kept the call to the office service. as well as assorted reasons. there are no spare parts or technical constraints, and the last one I call to his office, he said the factory spare part is damaged. imported directly from Singapore. I think, ko new spare part it can be damaged before using that? how the quality of this Sony spare part? ugly? not good? why?
    I was disappointed with this situation, where soon it will Eid, want to return home as well to Java. but the camera has not been settled workmanship?
    nah, roughly what is the solution of the Sony plagued with this problem? please help, because he did not know to whom to complain. operator had just said: it's up to the father alone.
    once again I asked for his help. solution. if you can before Eid arrived.
    Thank you,
    AD. Rusmianto

    Hi awwee107, 
    Welcome to the Sony Community! 
    We have forwarded your query to the relevant team for their further assistance and someone from local CC will contact you.

  • EBS 12.1.3: a few questions about cloning

    We have EBS 12.1.3 on AIX 7.1.
    A few questions about cloning from shared application tier environment to non-shared application tier environment. We have been following "Cloning Oracle Applications Release 12 with Rapid Clone [ID 406982.1]"
    Source environment (shared app tier):
    - Two active application nodes and LB
    - One active database and one passive database setup with Oracle Data Guard.
    - SSL termination at the load balancer
    - PCP implemented
    Target environment (non-shared app tier):
    - One active application node
    - One active database node
    - No SSL
    - No PCP
    After the cloning was completed we noticed the following problems in the target system:
    1) Home page cannot be accessed as application tier $CONTEXT_FILE still contains "https" and ssl termination settings.
    Modify (with text editor) Application Tier $CONTEXT_FILE as follows.
    <webentryurlprotocol oa_var="s_webentryurlprotocol" customized="yes">http</webentryurlprotocol>
    <sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator">#</sslterminator>
    <login_page oa_var="s_login_page" customized="yes"></login_page>
    <externURL oa_var="s_external_url" customized="yes"></externURL>
    Run AutoConfig and start application tier.
    Is there a better and supported solution for this?
    2) Concurrent managers do not work correctly as they have still old node names (used in PCP in the source system). Workaround used:
    1. Logon to EBS web GUI and remove all nodes from all concurrent managers.
    2. Shutdown application tier. Verify that all concurrent managers have been shutdown. If not, kill the processes manually
    3. As apps user run cmclean.sql
    4. Restart application tier
    Is there a better solution for this?
    3) Database changes from ARCHIVELOG mode to nonarchivelog mode in the target system. Is there anyway to prevent this?
    4) Also, we would like to perform a full clone (app + db tiers) from production without shutting down the application. Is this possible? What would be the best documents to describe this? In Production, we have Oracle Data Guard setup with physical standby as per "Oracle Tech Note: Business Continuity for Oracle E-Business Release 12 Using Oracle 11g Physical Standby Database [ID 1070033.1]". This can be used when performing a hot clone for the database, right? What about the application tier? Steps described in 406982.1 include running AutoConfig in which application tier should be down. Does the application need to be down when running "Maintain Snapshot Information"?
    5) One final question (not related to cloning). Oracle Enterprise Manager console webUI has recently stopped working in IE8. E.g. gives "Page cannot be displayed". This was working correctly last week. In Firefox, the same link is working fine. Any ideas how to fix this?
    Thanks for your answers in advance.

    1) Home page cannot be accessed as application tier $CONTEXT_FILE still contains "https" and ssl termination settings.
    Modify (with text editor) Application Tier $CONTEXT_FILE as follows.
    <webentryurlprotocol oa_var="s_webentryurlprotocol" customized="yes">http</webentryurlprotocol>
    <sslterminator oa_var="s_enable_sslterminator">#</sslterminator>
    <login_page oa_var="s_login_page" customized="yes"></login_page>
    <externURL oa_var="s_external_url" customized="yes"></externURL>
    Run AutoConfig and start application tier.
    Is there a better and supported solution for this?No, you need to edit the context file manually and run AutoConfig.
    2) Concurrent managers do not work correctly as they have still old node names (used in PCP in the source system). Workaround used:
    1. Logon to EBS web GUI and remove all nodes from all concurrent managers.
    2. Shutdown application tier. Verify that all concurrent managers have been shutdown. If not, kill the processes manually
    3. As apps user run cmclean.sql
    4. Restart application tier
    Is there a better solution for this?You are following the best approach. You could update the node details from the backend if you want.
    3) Database changes from ARCHIVELOG mode to nonarchivelog mode in the target system. Is there anyway to prevent this?By default, Rapid Clone will create the target database in noarchivelog mode.
    4) Also, we would like to perform a full clone (app + db tiers) from production without shutting down the application. Is this possible? What would be the best documents to describe this? In Production, we have Oracle Data Guard setup with physical standby as per "Oracle Tech Note: Business Continuity for Oracle E-Business Release 12 Using Oracle 11g Physical Standby Database [ID 1070033.1]". This can be used when performing a hot clone for the database, right? Correct.
    What about the application tier? Steps described in 406982.1 include running AutoConfig in which application tier should be down. Does the application need to be down when running "Maintain Snapshot Information"?You can copy the application tier node files while the application is up. And, you do not need to shutdown the application to run "Maintain Snapshot Information".
    5) One final question (not related to cloning). Oracle Enterprise Manager console webUI has recently stopped working in IE8. E.g. gives "Page cannot be displayed". This was working correctly last week. In Firefox, the same link is working fine. Any ideas how to fix this?
    If it is working from one browser, then it should not be an EM issue. Have you tried from a different client and see if this works? Have you changed any setting in your IE browser? Please make sure you add the EM URL to the trusted sites list.

  • Important conceptual question about Application Module, Maximum Pool Size

    Hello everyone,
    We have a critical question about the Application Module default settings (taking the DB connections from a DataSource)
    I know that on the Web it is generally suggested that each request must end with either a commit or rollback when executing PL/SQL blocks "directly" on the DB without the framework BC/ViewObject/Entity service intervention.
    Now, for some reasons, we started to develop our applications with thinking that each Web Session would reference exactly one DB session (opened by any instance taken from the AM pool) for the whole duration of the session, so that the changes made by each Web session to its DB session would never interfere with the changes made by "other" Web Sessions to "other" DB sessions .
    In other words, because of that convincement we often implemented sort of "transactions" that open and close (with either commit or rollback) each DB session not in/after a single HTTP request, but during many HTTP Requests.
    As a concrete example think of this scenario:
    1. the user presses the "Insert" button. An HTTP request is fired. The action listener is executed and ends up with inserting rows in a table via a PL SQL block (not via the ViewObjects API).
    2. no commit or rollback after the above PL/SQL block is done yet.
    3. finally the user presses a "Commit" or "Rollback" button, firing the call to the appropriate AM methos.
    Those three requests consist of what I called "transaction".
    From the documentation it's clear that there is no guarantee that the couple AM istance + DB session is the same during all the requests.
    This means that, during step 2, it's possible that another user might reference the same "pending" AM/DbSession for his needs and "steal" somehow the work done via PL/SQL after step 1. (This happens because sessions taken by the pool are always rolled back by default.)
    Now my question is:
    Suppose we set the "Maximum Pool Size" parameter to very a great number (always inferior to the maximum number of concurrent users):
    Is there any guarantee that all the requests will be isolated in that case?
    I hope the problem is clear.
    Let me know if you want more details.

    Thanks for the answers.
    If I am right, from all your answers about resource avaiability, this means that even supposing the framework is able to always give us the same AM instance back from the AM pool (by following the session-affinity criterias), there is, however, no "connection affinity" with the connections from the DataSource. This means that the "same AM instance" might take the "a new DB connection", if necessary, from the connection pool of the DataSource. If that happens, that could give us the same problems as taking "a new AM instance" (that is, not following session-affinity) from the beginning, since each time an a new connection is taken (either via a new AM instance or via the same AM instance plus a new DB connection), the corresponding DB session is rolle back by default, clearing all the pending transactions we might have performed before with direct PL/SQL calls bypassing the AM services during the life cycle of our application, so that the new HTTP request will have a clean DB session to start to work with.

  • Question about ERMS push

    Hi Guru,
    I am prototyping the ERMS push solution in CRM7 and have some questions about the solution SAP help provided.
    Below is the detail about ERMS push:
    Here the e-mail is first handled by the e-mail pull mechanism: it is converted into a
    SAPoffice mail and analyzed by ERMS to find out more details about the mail (like language and certain keywords).
    Then the mail (including the additional information from the ERMS analysis) is transferred to the
    CMS (Communication Management Software). The CMS determines the appropriate agent team and
    dispatches the mail via the push process to an available agent of that team.
    Below is the sap help link:
    I have below questions about the solution in the help link:
    1. It mentioned about the email profile (set the agent inbox as email provider) and I changed the u201Cdefaultu201D profile delivered by sap. I setup the rule policy according to the help and assigned it in the service manager profile. The purpose of ERMS push is to push email to CMS instead of sending to agent inbox using ERMS. Which business role should this email profile be assigned to? Is it IC_agent?
    2. The help also mentioned about setup u201CERMS_ACTIONu201D as communication system ID in CRMM_BCB_ADM. Does this ID need to be added in the CMS profile? If so, which business role should this CMS profile be assigned to? Is it IC_Agent?
    3. The ERMS uses workflow WS00200001. After the email is pushed to CMS, what status should the workflow be, in progress or complete? Also does it suppose to have agent assigned in the workflow task?
    4. After the CMS pushes the email back to CRM, it will be a pop up for agent to accept or reject. Will it create an interaction record once the agent clicks the accept?
    It would be great if you could shed some light on this.
    Thanks in advance!
    Zhi Jie Kong
    Edited by: Zhijie Kong on Apr 28, 2011 4:32 PM
    Edited by: Zhijie Kong on Apr 28, 2011 4:47 PM

    Hello Zhijie,
    Let me see if I can help address some of your questions.
    1) It doesn't matter which business role you use. You can copy IC_AGENT for example. The important thing is, as Mariusz mentions in this thread, [ERMS email push: problem with CAD and transfer;,your E-Mail profile must be set for E-Mail Provider = 2 (Agent Inbox).
    2) No, this ID itself does not need to be added to any business role (as I assume it is hardcoded in the SAP workflow as Mariusz mentions).
    3) From what I remember, the ERMS Push emails are not set to complete by the system, and therefore can still get inadvertantly routed to agents! I recommend to have a second rule in your Rule Modeler policy to route the ERMS Push emails to a special, separate queue where you can close them out easily without worrying about them getting assigned to any agents!
    4) Yes, the email will arrive like a phone call with the accept/reject buttons flashing (though it will show as an email, not a phone call). And yes, when the agent accepts an Interaction Record will be created by the system automatically.
    I hope this helps you!

  • Questions about my PDF portfolio.

    I have only a few questions about a CD portfolio I am designing with Acrobat Professional (8.0)
    There were a few things i couldn't figure out on my own.
    I have about 15-20 pieces to show on CD, but there is no web design involved, so I couldn't use my own web site layout to just throw onto CD, out of that convenience.
    1) How do you make sure the PDF will always opens at the size you want?
    For example, whenever I set the document at actual size (100% view) I close and open the document, and it reopens at a random size, such as 317 percent.
    2) Where can I find examples of design portfolios that were designed in Acrobat? Everyone's portfolio is online these days, which is not my style.
    3) Is it possible to make a 'thumbnail view' on the first PDF page (like you would see in a gallery on a website) that links from that page to any one of the 15-20 pieces?
    Any advice is much appreciated.

    Fender77 wrote:
    1. i think you will have to shutt it off within settings, if the javagame won't let you turn it off temporary. Don't you find keytones annoying?
    Guess thats what ill do
    I also found another stuipd thing in some Java games the phone still has the tilt sensor active in games and software.
    Some games end up with graphic glitches forcing you to restart them, some display a message saying its unsupported and some support it partially (The number keys for navigation stay like they are in portrait which is of course messed up (The phone seems to change the navigation keys internally though so that does work)

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