Question about kernel patch revisions

Installing a recommended patch cluster for Solaris 9. I've noticed there are serveral patches for the kernel. Why is this? Also when I type uname -a and it shows the "revision" of the system, what is this referring to?
Thanks in advance.

When the kernel patch starts getting too big and unwieldy, they create a new kernel patch and list the previous patch as a prereq.
The revision referred to in uname -a is the kernel patch revision.

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    Hey thanks everybody. I really appreciate the replies! I figured out where it came from. I installed from the 2010.05 i686 core iso and selected base-devel, the lts kernel is part of that package.
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    hume's doona wrote:
    I think that depends on the kernel. A stock kernel should be set up for generic x86-64 and take a range of processors, but it is possible to only allow the features of a smaller set, like core 2 duo, or 64 bit atoms.
    If you are asking, I'm assuming it's not a custom kernel and should be fine on a different cpu
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    2. copy ~/kernelbuild/linux-* src/
    Am I right?
    Last edited by cinan (2009-08-22 12:16:34)

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    # yaourt -Syu
    or is there something else i will have to do?
    Last edited by j0sh (2010-06-16 11:08:34)

    Just a useful note for anyone else interested in this thread. Using the above mentioned solution works, but it is slower as the building takes place in /tmp directory by default. This means that everytime you attempt to upgrade your revision, all the files will be downloaded all over again and saved somewhere in /tmp, and these files will be purged when your build is completed.
    To make building much faster, the solution would be to have all the files downloaded in another directory, so that yaourt does not purge all the files used for building, and only downloads any changed files. Have a look at this topic on the forum for what sort of directory to create.
    Last edited by j0sh (2010-06-16 11:20:53)

  • Questions about Tuxedo patches and errors during installation

    Please help me. I'm doing my school project that requires me to install PeopleSoft Human Capital Management. I do not have customer identifier. Therefore, I could not sign in to Oracle Support. Really appreciate your help!!! Thank you in advance!
    Q1. Are Tuxedo patches able to download from Oracle support only?
    Q2. Is Tuxedo patch compulsory?
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    Q3. For the documentation (V27932-01 PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.52 Supplemental Installation Information --> PeopleTools_8.52_Installation_MSS --> Task 7-5-1: Running SQRs on the Client Workstation), I got this error when I use sqrw.exe:
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc on line 408:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 409:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 410:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 411:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 412:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 413:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 414:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 415:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 416:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 417:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 418:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 419:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 420:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 421:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 422:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 423:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 424:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 425:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 428:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "setenv.sqc" on line 429:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 38:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 92:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 92:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 92:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 92:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 92:
    <SQR 3601> Out of substitution or #DEFINE variables; use -Mfile to increase SUBVARS.
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 116:
    <SQR 4707> No value found for substitution variable: {page_paper_size}
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 117:
    <SQR 5312> Qualifier 'paper-size' requires a list of values: <val [,val]...>.
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 117:
    <SQR 4707> No value found for substitution variable: {page_orientation}
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 118:
    <SQR 5302> Incorrect value for qualifier 'orientation'. Valid values are: portrait landscape
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 118:
    <SQR 4707> No value found for substitution variable: {line_height}
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 119:
    <SQR 5316> Qualifier 'line-height' uses an invalid Unit-Of-Measure suffix.
    Valid suffixes are: dp pt mm cm in
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 119:
    <SQR 4707> No value found for substitution variable: {char_width}
    Error in include file "ptset01.sqc" on line 120:
    <SQR 5316> Qualifier 'char-width' uses an invalid Unit-Of-Measure suffix.
    Valid suffixes are: dp pt mm cm in
    <SQR 1806> Out of query space. Use -Mfile to increase QUERIES.
    SQR for PeopleSoft: Program Aborting.
    Press ENTER to close...
    Q4. For the documentation (V27932-01 PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.52 Supplemental Installation Information --> PeopleTools_8.52_Installation_MSS --> Task 8-4-1: Creating, configuring, and Starting the Application Server Domain), I can't boot when I use psadmin application and got this error:
    (i choose serial boot (1), don't know which is better to choose)
    Command to execute <1-2, q> [q]: 1
    Attempting to boot bulletin board...
    tmadmin - Copyright <c> 2007-2008 Oracle.
    Portions * Copyright 1986-1997 RSA Data Security, Inc.
    All Rights Reserved.
    Distributed under license by Oracle.
    Tuxedo is a registered trademark.
    No bulletin board exists. enter boot mode.
    INFO: Oracle Tuxedo, Version with VS2008, 32-bit, Patch Level <none>Booting admin processes ...
    exec BBL -A :
    process id=4952 ... Started.
    1 process started.
    Attaching to active bulletin board.
    Attempting to boot ...INFO: Oracle Tuxedo, Version with VS2008, 32-bit, Patch Level <none>
    Booting server processes ...
    exec PSWATCHSRV -o ".\LOGS\stdout" -e ".\LOGS\stderr" -A -- -ID 35931 -D TESTSERV -S PSWATCHSRV :
    process id=4076 ... Started.
    exec PSAPPSRV -o ".\LOGS\stdout" -e ".\LOGS\stderr" [email protected] -- -D TESTSERV -S PSAPPSRV :
    CMDTUX_CAT:1685: ERROR: Appliction initialization failure
    tmboot: CMDTUX_CAT:827: ERROR: Fatal error encountered; initiating user error handler
    tmshutdown -qy

    you said3. I run the SQR by pressing the PS_HOME\bin\sqr\MSS\binw\sqrw.exe and I type in my report name, datasource, username and password then click ok then the command came out.
    What you didn't do was set the SQR arguments in the Report Arguments section. You need to supply the arguments as follow:
    -ZIF%PS_HOME%\sqr\pssqr.ini -i%PS_HOME%\sqr -fc:\temp\youroutput.htm -printer:ht -keep
    You have to do this for each SQR you want to start.
    To avoid typing these arguments every time, create a shortcut of sqrw.exe, on your desktop, or where ever your like and open the properties of the shortcut and change to command line to
    %PS_HOME%\bin\sqr\ORA\binw\sqrw.exe -ZIF%PS_HOME%\sqr\pssqr.ini -i%PS_HOME%\sqr -fc:\temp\youroutput.htm -printer:ht -keep
    Now when you dubble click on the shortcut the arguments will be filled in automatically.
    Change %PS_HOME% in above statements to your PS_HOME.
    You can also read this in the installation manual in chapter Task 7A-21-1: Running SQRs on the Client Workstation

  • Question about Project Lockdown

    I've been reading through Arup Nanda's "Project Lockdown". I understand all of his rationals and procedures, but a few things leave me feeling a bit uneasy. Maybe it's just fear of the "unknown unknowns". In particular is the discussion on changing the unix access profiles for the oracle binaries. I have this uneasy feeling that if I were to implement those particular suggestions, it would end up biting me somewhere down the road.
    Has anyone implemented all of the suggestions in this document? If so, what have been your experiences?

    Arup Nanda_2 wrote:
    Hi Ed,
    Thanks Mark for pointing me out to this.
    I have been using that for more than 8 or 9 years now, without any side effects. But as Emre Baransel reported that although he has been following that without any untoward effects, you should take every advise in the specific context of your environment. I have tried to put all caveats there; but there is no way for me to check all possible comobinations.
    For instance, one of the advises is to remove executable permissions from extjob executable. If you are not using extrnal jobs from the database (99% of people don't), heeding that advise does nothing to your activities. But if you do external jobs, they are broken now. I have made that clear in the article; but I can't be sure if the reader will pay attention to that. But if you don't use external jobs, by changing the permissions you just closed a major vulnerability without applying the CPU patch, which may or may not close all the vulnerabilities.
    Another is the case of nmb and nmo executables. If you are using Enterprise Manager to manage the O/S as well, then changing those executables will no longer allow you to do that. But if you don't do that particular activity (most don't), you again closed a major vulnerabillity without affecting your functionality.
    For anyone who has ever authored anything, one thing is clear - the work is like broadcast, not point to point transmission. Even point-to-point. "If you explain something so clearly that no one can misunderstand, someone will".
    It's not consulting which is situation specific. So, any work which is not prepared in context of a specific situation must be taken with that disclaimer - your mileage may vary. Understanding and testing is a must before committing the work.
    Hope this helps.
    ArupThanks for the response. Besides worrying about the "unknown unknowns" I also have a question about applying patches, especially the quarterly CPUs. Since, at some level, applying a patch is simply overlaying a specific file with a newer version, will this cause permissions to revert to default? Would we have to go through the process after applying a patch? I'll go back and re-read the original doc several more times to make sure I have a good grasp of what's going on here.

  • Question about the Filter type for the trace provide "Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-File"

    Hello all,
    I have moved this question from the Windows
    Server General Forum accorfing to the suggestion from Mr. Justin Gu 
    I have a question about the Filter function for the trace provider "Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-File".
    I can find the Filter function with the following operation.
    Mr. Justin Gu wrote:
    > You create a Data Collector Set for the trace provider "Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-File" and finish completely, then you > can right click it and select Properties.
    In the Properties dialog box, click Filter and
    then select ‘Edit…’. You will be> able
    to see the Filter type and Filter data in the Filter dialog box.
    Kind of Filter can
    I use in this Filter dialog box?
    And, how can I set to exclude the some kind of datas?
    Could you give me your suggestion?
    Thank you.

    Kind of Filter can
    I use in this Filter dialog box?
    And, how can I set to exclude the some kind of datas?
    Could you give me your suggestion?
    Thank you.
    I'm looking for the same information.

  • Kernel Patch questions

    Sorry but it has been a while. After reading all the kernel threads, I still have a few kernel patch questions.
    1) Sequencing - Does it matter what sequence I apply all the patches? Alphabetic order? Date sequence? Always finish with DW?
    2) Versioning info - some commands have a -v parameter to tell what version you currently have. Some don't. Is there some way to find out versioning info for all potential patches?
    3) Marketplace - I see there is a "complete" kernel on the marketplace now (albeit in two parts). However it's never current. It looks like the hot setup to download that and patch that and then slip that in. Does everyone agree with that assessment?
    4) Yes, I know the truly hot setup would be to contract with Volker to get s fully patched CD but since we were stuck on 4.0B for so long, I haven't had a chance to keep my skills up to date. This looks like a good opportunity.

    Hi my friend
    I assume you're referring to how to load new 700 kernel since you didn't mention. Here's the steps listed below, for details you could find in Note 912575 - iSeries: Using LODSAPKRN to load a 7.00 kernel
    1. Download the latest SAPEXE.SAR, SAPEXEDB.SAR and IGSEXE.SAR from SWDC.
    2. Create a directory in IFS and put 3 SAR files there, create a stream file called "parts" with content below:
    P.S: I opt this way to patch IGS myself because it's more convenient, the formal IGS patching is introduced in
    Note 937000 - iSeries: Installing and patching the IGS
    3. Log on as QSECOFR or equivalent user (in 912575 it says SIDADM, which could lead to lack of authorization sometimes), and run command:
    LODSAPKRN DEV(STMF) MNTPNT('<dir>') KRNLIB(<kernel library>) USERDEF(YES) LIST('<dir>/parts')
    4. Stop SAP system and then remove old kernel:
    5. Change the library list (EDTLIBL) and replace the old kernel library with the new 7.00 kernel library.
    6. Activate the new 7.00 kernel:
    APYSAP TYPE(*KERNEL) SID(<SID>) DSTLIB(<new kernel library>)
    7. Delete all SQL packages: DLTR3PKG SID(<SID>)
    then start SAP system

  • Kernel Patch Update

    I have a question about updating the kernel patch to the latest version Can a kernel patch be directly updated from any lower version to the latest version by applying the latest patch even if the kernel patch number itself has changed like the below scenarios
    1. Can I directly update the kernel pacth 122300-51 to 122300-57
    2.Can I directly update the kernel patch 142909-17 to 144488-17
    Thanks in advance

    Basically, yes, but you need to take care of the patch dependencies. Usually a kernel patch with a new patch ID will require the last revision of each former kernel patch to be installed first.
    Either you use patchadd on the most recent kernel patch you want to apply and then work yourself back through the patch dependencies, or you use PCA ( which will do this job for you. Use e.g. "pca -l 144488" to get a list of all the patches which have to be installed first to get the system up to the wanted kernel patch level.

  • Real Time Kernel patch

    Has anyone tried to add the realtime kernel patch to an existing arch installation?
    Can anyone provide home help ?
    I want to add the RT patch so i can use some Real Time Java implementations on arch

    As you can see, a bit of googling would have solved your problems. Now, please go read the wiki on custom kernels and the AUR before asking questions about how to use those.

  • Question about LVM

    i have a really quick question about LVM, been trying to search but can't really find the answer
    here's the scenario
    i have my new quad core phenom system running arch, with an LVM volume on a few 1TB drives. i was overclocking it the other night and running geekbench, pulled 8300 flat anyway, not too bad since i started at 4900 on the arch kernel, and then hit 6800 with a custom zen patched kernel. anyhow, before i get carried away, what i want to do, is slap a spare drive and install windows 7 for a wider suite of benchmarks. but i'm worried that the drives with the lvm volume may not go in the same order when i pull the windows drive out.
    so what i want to know, is does the order of the drives with the lvm volume matter, or does LVM not care about the order at all?

    i was pretty sure thats how it worked....but pretty sure just isn't enough sometimes. like when you're looking at 3TB's of data

  • Kernel patches

    Not too long ago I posted a request to the forums and flyspray for adding the fbcondecor patch to the arch kernel:
    Quite a few other people wanted it as well. Needless to say it was turned down:
    Closed by  Thomas Bächler (brain0)
    Tuesday, 23 October 2007, 12:49 GMT-5
    Reason for closing:  Won't implement
    Additional comments about closing:  We don't randomly add features to our kernel, we like to stay as vanilla as possible.
    No problem. I saw the point. I moved on and patched my own kernel. However I got really pissed off when I saw the undervolting patch among other patches being added in the next kernel release, kernel26 It sure looks like features are randomly added to the arch kernel. Doesn't it?
    To make this more of a constructive criticism than a rant let me ask the question:
    What is the process used by the devs for deciding what patch is added to the arch kernel?
    Last edited by raymano (2007-11-09 12:27:24)

    raymano wrote:However I got really pissed off when I saw the undervolting patch among other patches being added in the next kernel release, kernel26 It sure looks like features are randomly added to the arch kernel. Doesn't it?
    So because you didn't get the feature you wanted, and someone else did, that makes you mad?  I can assure you that patches aren't "randomly" added, and I'm sure if you take a step back you can agree that an undervolting patch has a greater overall benefit than a bootsplash patch.
    (-edit- Hm, upon re-reading it sounds like I'm supporting the undervolting patch. I suppose I should add that I have no use for either undervolting or bootsplash.  I could do without either, and I recognize that undervolting in and of itself can be dangerous and unstable, however the heat and battery savings shouldn't be overloooked either. 
    I don't intend to support anything over anything else - my point was that undervolting offers tangible benefits, while bootsplash is simply eye candy.  Regardless, I leave these decisions up to the kernel maintainers, as I lack the knowledge and experience to make informed decisions on such things. -/edit-)
    Now, that aside, as tomk pointed out we're currently having a discussion on what gets included and what doesn't as far as kernel patches go.  Hopefully a solid policy will emerge from this.  However, the attitude of "I didn't get what I wanted so now I'm mad!" won't get you very far.
    Last edited by Cerebral (2007-11-09 14:54:12)

  • A question about the impact of SQL*PLUS SERVEROUTPUT option on v$sql

    Hello everybody,
    SQL> SELECT * FROM v$version;
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE  Production
    TNS for Linux: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    OS : Fedora Core 17 (X86_64) Kernel 3.6.6-1.fc17.x86_64I would like to ask a question about the SQL*Plus SET SERVEROUTPUT ON/OFF option and its impact on queries on views such as v$sql and v$session. Here is the problem
    Actually I define three variables in SQL*Plus in order to store sid, serial# and prev_sql_id columns from v$session in order to be able to use them later, several times in different other queries, while I'm still working in the current session.
    So, here is how I proceed
    SET SERVEROUTPUT ON;  -- I often activate this option as the first line of almost all of my SQL-PL/SQL script files
    VARIABLE myserial# NUMBER;
    VARIABLE saved_sql_id VARCHAR2(13);
    -- So first I store sid and serial# for the current session
        SELECT sid, serial# INTO :mysid, :myserial#
        FROM v$session
        WHERE audsid = SYS_CONTEXT('UserEnv', 'SessionId');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    -- Just check to see the result
    SQL> SELECT :mysid, :myserial# FROM DUAL;
           129   1067
    SQL> Now, let's say that I want to run the following query as the last SQL statement run within my current session
    SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary >= 2800 AND ROWNUM <= 10;According to Oracle® Database Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2) description for v$session]
    the column prev_sql_id includes the sql_id of the last sql statement executed for the given sid and serial# which in the case of my example, it will be the above mentioned SELECT query on the employees table. As a result, right after the SELECT statement on the employees table I run the following
        SELECT prev_sql_id INTO :saved_sql_id
        FROM v$session
        WHERE sid = :mysid AND serial# = :myserial#;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> SELECT :saved_sql_id FROM DUAL;
    SQL> Having the value of sql_id, I'm supposed to find all information about cursor(s) for my SELECT statement and also its sql_text value in v$sql. Yet here is what I get when I query v$sql upon the stored sql_id
    SELECT child_number, sql_id, sql_text
    FROM v$sql
    WHERE sql_id = :saved_sql_id;
    0              9babjv8yq8ru3    BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINES(:LINES, :NUMLINES); END;Therefore instead of
    SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary >= 2800 AND ROWNUM <= 10;for the value of sql_text I get the following value
    BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.GET_LINES(:LINES, :NUMLINES);Which is not of course what I was expecting to find in v$sql for the given sql_id.
    After a bit googling I found the following thread on the OTN forum where it had been suggested (well I think maybe not exactly for the same problem) to turn off SERVEROUTPUT.
    Problem with dbms_xplan.display_cursor
    This was precisely what I did
    SET SERVEROUTPUT OFFafter that I repeated the whole procedure and this time everything worked pretty well as expected. I checked SQL*Plus documentation for SERVEROUTPUT
    and also v$session page, yet I didn't find anything indicating that SERVEROUTPUT should be switched off whenever views such as v$sql, v$session
    are queired. I don't really understand the link in terms of impact that one can have on the other or better to say rather, why there is an impact
    Could anyone kindly make some clarification?
    thanks in advance,

    and also v$session page, yet I didn't find anything indicating that SERVEROUTPUT should be switched off whenever views such as v$sql, v$session
    are queired. I don't really understand the link in terms of impact that one can have on the other or better to say rather, why there is an impact
    Hi Dariyoosh,
    SET SERVEROUTPUT ON has the effect of executing dbms_output.get_lines after each and every statement. Not only related to system view.
    Here below what Tom Kyte is explaining in this page:
    Now, sqlplus sees this functionality and says "hey, would not it be nice for me to dump this buffer to screen for the user?". So, they added the SQLPlus command "set serveroutput on" which does two things
    1) it tells SQLPLUS you would like it <b>to execute dbms_output.get_lines after each and every statement</b>. You would like it to do this network rounding after each call. You would like this extra overhead to take place (think of an install script with hundreds/thousands of statements to be executed -- perhaps, just perhaps you don't want this extra call after every call)
    2) SQLPLUS automatically calls the dbms_output API "enable" to turn on the buffering that happens in the package.Regards.

  • A question about grub and USB

    Hi All
    I have a quick question about grub and USB that I can't quite find the answer to by searching.   Most of the FAQs discuss booting a full linux dristribution from USB. My situation is this.  I am getting a new computer with two drives, the second will be arch and the first will be Vista (for my wife).  I want the computer to boot the same way that my wife's machine boots at work so I don't want to install grub on the MBR.  So, is there a way to have all of the grub config files and kernels installed on the second drive and simply install to grub boot loader to the MBR of a USB stick?  My goal would be to simply plug the USB stick into the new PC and boot arch from the second drive. 

    i cant say for hp's
    havent worked on any in a while
    recent machines have been coupleof dell's , vaio & emachine
    which dells do offer it at least the ones i tried , my laptop does(dell)
    all home pc's are built by me which do offer to boot individual drives
    what hp you getting it may tell in specs
    are both discs sata? if so it might not offer this option with 2 drives of same interface
    check your power supply alot of these preconfigured machines put cheap under reated power supplies in there
    & will burn your motherboard i just replaced PS(250 watt) & mobo(845gvsr) in an emachines <cheap stuff<
    i hope you researched the pc before buying ie : mobo, power supply are the biggest concerns
    i find it much more benificial to build my own machine gives me peace at mind. the cost is sometimes more in $ but not always , your biggest expense is time researching hardware
    if you live in usa the best places to start looking are &
    i am not affiliated with either & niether sell the hardware they are just advertisers a place to buy
    for costomized machines that i would trust is theyll asemble & test before shipping
    i have gotten 2 machines so far from them with NO PROBLEMS with hardware (knock knock)
    you may want to consider this in your next venture for pc

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