Question about tables in Pages

Is it possible to adjust the sizes of cells in a table?

It works just like it does in numbers, Tap in any cell and you will see two bars appear, one above the table and one to the left. Touch that bar above the column or next to the row you want to adjust and drag the right or bottom edge for height adjustment

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  • Question about printing by page count

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    Thank you in advance

    Hi Ido,
    Thanks for your input. This is more or less what Carl was suggesting yesterday and I gave it a lot of thinking. The problem here is that I cannot go with "good enough resolution" - I need perfect resolution.
    The reason for this apparently silly requirement (why would one sort a bunch of invoices by number of pages instead of Customer Number, as long as they end up in an envelope anyway?) is the proposed purchase of a folding/stuffing machine which could do very fast what now takes one person 4 days to achieve.
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    Given that the statement contains variable-length (and depth) messages that vary by month and by profit center, and it could also contain one or more groups of details, each with its own header, it is very risky to try to come up with magic numbers attempting to estimate the number of pages based on the number of detail lines. Someone will still have to eyeball very carefully the initial stack of statements in the areas where the number of pages increases by one and make sure that ordering by number of detail lines did not mix, for example, one report with two pages among two reports with one page. Of course, this increased scrutiny will be necessary only around the areas where the page number transitions from 1->2, 2->3 and 3->4, which is much better than trying to order by number of pages all 1500 statements, but still depends on one's manual intervention and focus and, as a result, makes me pretty uncomfortable.
    I have taken a look at the "Group Sort Expert". If you select the "All" option (all groups) and you had some kind of summary value then you could sort the report by that value. The idea was to create a hidden Average field over the TotalPageCount runtime variable (which will always equal the TotalPageCount for that customer, since it's the same for all the pages in that group) and use that summary field in the "Group Sort Expert", which would have solved the problem elegantly. Unfortunately, there is no way to create a summary field over a runtime variable. I even created a formula that just returns the TotalPageCount, but that formula did not show up in the list of fields available for summarization (while other formulas did).
    It looks like the reporting engine does not allow this type of "late-sorting". I wonder if it is possible at all, because in effect this would require the engine to execute an additional pass: first it should somehow generate the whole report grouped by Customer Number so it knows how many pages are in each group, then it should sort by the number of pages and only after that it could render the report. I'm not sure the engine can do this additional pass.
    I would be very curious to hear about the other (more complex) ideas you mentioned. For example, I have seen (in Crystal 2008) a checkbox allowing "sorting by a formula". I don't know how to write a formula used in sorting, but the basic question in the paragraph above still stands: does the engine even support such a feature?
    Thanks again.

  • Simple question about table structure and HR in BW

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    current FTE, employee number, cost place
    i dont think the current FTE is stored per employee. Therefor is would need a list that contains:
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    my question : what tables names and field names do i need?
    Thanks in advanced

    For Head Count you can use 0HR_PA_0 datasource and the other Employee details like start date and end date you can get them from employee master data and FTE can be calculated from the Emloyee Master Data and Head count data.
    Hope this helps...

  • Question about Table Locks

    Hi All,
    Is there any Oracle defined table/place from where we can know the details about Tables that have been locked in the current session?
    Thank you.

    Hi ,
    To know which all objects are locked, you can use the below query :-
    COLUMN owner FORMAT A20
    COLUMN username FORMAT A20
    COLUMN object_owner FORMAT A20
    COLUMN object_name FORMAT A30
    COLUMN locked_mode FORMAT A15
    SELECT b.session_id AS sid,
           NVL(b.oracle_username, '(oracle)') AS username,
           a.owner AS object_owner,
           Decode(b.locked_mode, 0, 'None',
                                 1, 'Null (NULL)',
                                 2, 'Row-S (SS)',
                                 3, 'Row-X (SX)',
                                 4, 'Share (S)',
                                 5, 'S/Row-X (SSX)',
                                 6, 'Exclusive (X)',
                                 b.locked_mode) locked_mode,
    FROM   dba_objects a,
           v$locked_object b
    WHERE  a.object_id = b.object_id
    ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4;Anand

  • Question about table data loading at startup of .jspx page

    I'm trying to debug an intermittent user error - the user loads a .jspx page (jdev - this page contains an af:table that uses a read-only view object with a sql statement containing bind variables. The table uses a partial trigger linked to a command button that when pressed, updates the data in a table by calling a service method on the application module. The pagedef file does not contain an invokeaction, so my assumption is that the table will not attempt to be populated or execute the sql in the view object until the user pressess the command button?
    The error received is a JBO-271222 - it appears (though not 100%) that when the page loads the sql on the view object attempts to execute w/o the user pressing the command button, which gives an error saying the statement parameter 1 (bind variable) is not set. I have not been able to replicate the issue, but a couple of users have experienced this. Is there any reason the table would attempt to execute the view object when the page is first loaded?
    Note one other twist is that the id for the af:table is also used as a partial trigger to another section of the page (so that when the table is populated and a row selected, the other section of the page is updated.) This should not be causing the view object to run at startup though.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    Hi javaX,
    I'll take a shot at this one...
    Here's my guess: I think the answer may lay in your pageDef.xml file.
    1) You have no <invokeAction> in your file, so you're not running the <action> / <methodAction> to set the parameters.
    2) However, you do have an <iterator> for your viewObject. This <iterator> does infact get executed during the startup of your application.
    My suggestion is to perhaps tweak the refresh= / refreshCondition= for the iterator. This way you can identify when the <iterator> will get executed. Also check the possible use of #{adfFacesContent.postback} in the refreshCondition. This may also help you out.
    The other suggestion is to set some arbritary NDValue= for your <action>/<methodAction> that will cause the query to return nothing, and then <invokeAction> this before your iterator. The execution in pageDef.xml is sequental in the <executables> section.
    Hope this helps!

  • Question about "Create Item" page

    Im working on trying to Insert a new item into a Self-Service Web Applications page.
    As part of my research, I have been looking at this doc:
    Oracle® Application Framework
    Personalization Guide
    Release 11i
    Part No. B25439-02
    The document does not seem to go into much detail about how to Insert an item on a page. I also checked the "OA Component Reference" document.
    I checked the online help via "Create Item Page" - e.g.
    Again, that doesn't give a lot of information.
    As part of my testing / research, I would like to add a new Item to a page, and have the value of the item to be taken from an existing SQL Query.
    For example, in iProcurement, when viewing a Requisition Details, e.g. via this page:
    I would like to add in the "NOTE_TO_AUTHORIZER" field from the "po.po_requisition_headers_all" table.
    From looking at the "About this Page" link, I can see there is a View Object called "oracle.apps.icx.por.reqmgmt.server.ReqHeaderVO".
    This ViewObject contains an Attribute called "NoteToAuthorizer" with a Type of "java.lang.String".
    When I go to the "Create Item" page, and choose and Item Style of "Message Styled Text" there seems to be no way to say which database field you want to include.
    From looking at a previous customisation that a developer did, I can see you can pull in an Attribute via the "View Attribute" field, and link in the VO via the "View Instance" field.
    When inserting database values into a Self-Service page, can we only insert Attributes, and not any of the other regular fields from View Objects?
    Apologies for the rambling essay.
    Any advice much appreciated.

    Hi Jimr,
    In OAF sql queries are represented by View Objects and columns of query will be represented by View Attribute.
    For every column in query there will be corresponding view attribute name, so while adding any item on self service page which represents data from database you need to specify view instance name and view attribute name, which will specify which column and from which query it will show the data.
    *"When I go to the "Create Item" page, I can't work out how to tell Oracle that the Item I want to create should be the "NoteToAuthorizer" field from the "ReqHeaderVO" ViewObject."* so ReqHeaderVO1 will be the instance(by default OAF generates instance like this) and "NoteToAuthorizer" can be mentioned in View Attribute name property.
    Let me know if you need further clarification.
    Reetesh Sharma

  • Question about rendering the page

    i have button on page 73 which this button brings me to page 74
    in page 74 i have a sqlquery report region,
    and another simple html region which have a button
    called "send_mail" there is a process which executed when i press this
    button and of course i did branch to this button which brings me to the same page 74
    my question is do the sqlquery report region run again when the page in
    rendering? or the apex save it as cache? and if not is there a way that it won't run again but stay in cache like"save state" ? cause i saw only conditional display and not conditional process of sqlquery report?
    the reason that i ask this cause the query is very heavy
    thanks in advanced

    Hello Naama,
    >> i wanted to ask if there any more things that i can missed because of this "old" version
    APEX is using the PL/SQL Web Toolkit extensively. I don’t really know the differences between every version, and I don’t think it’s matter. In some cases, a new version can fix some bugs (like in the rendering process), in others, can add new features (like caching) and in general, making the code better (optimizing etc.). So, I can’t really give you a list of things you are missing, but I can assure you that not using the latest version can damage/degrade the quality of your system.
    There is another problem with not meeting the pre-required installation terms, because usually people will assume you are. It can make debugging really hard. In your case, you were lucky that Scott asked you right away about the OWA version. Unfortunately, Scott is unique that way. Other (like you and me) can spent a lot of time trying to figure out why something is not working as expected, without knowing (remembering) that the only reason is a faulty infrastructure.
    Is there a problem to install the latest version of the PL/SQL Web Toolkit? As far as APEX concern, it will not harm your 1.6 instance, and should not damage any other database functionality, so why not upgrade?

  • A mild question about table alignment

    I use a specific style for table anchor points, imaginatively called :anchor and defined as left justified. Sometimes I import tabbed text for a fairly narrow table, and convert it using a table style defined as left justified.
    How come the results (in this special case of a narrow table) float airily to the centre of the page, ignoring the "left" setting for both the table and its anchor? What's the trick for forcing a narrow table to line up with the lefthand text margin, apart from widening columns until it decides to jump?

    This may or may not relate to your case...
    Does your text flow allow for side heads? If so, then if your table anchor is in a paragraph that is in the text column (that is, NOT in the side head), then the table will also be in the text column IF it is narrower than the text column. Such a table aligned left aligns at the left side of the TEXT column, NOT the left side of the text FRAME. If you make the table wider than the text column, it will align to the left side of the text frame.
    If you want a narrow table to align with the left side of the text frame, then put its anchoring paragraph in the side head.

  • Creating SAP QUERY - question about tables in buisness transactions.

    I am pretty new to SAP.
    I want to create a query, as i so far have successfully done by creating a join in transaction SQVI.
    I am useing several tables;
    I have two questions.
    1: I try to join CRMD_ORDER_INDEX-PARTNER_NO with BUT000-PARTNER, but it won't do the trick. After a join like this i would like to join BUT000 with ADRC . Can someone explain how i could do this?
    2: I want join CRMD_ORDERADM_I with all the partners for the specific Item. (sold-to-party, shipping-party and so on). Can anyone tell me which table(s) i can find this in, and what fields to join.
    I will appreciate any answer to this

    For the second question, enter your transaction number ( Object ID ) into <b>CRMD_ORDERADM_H</b>  table. Pass the guid to table <b>CRMD_LINK.</b>
    Take set guid from CRMD_LINK and pass it to <b>CRMD_PARTNER</b>.
    You will get all the partners in that transaction
    <b>Kindly Reward the points if helpful !</b>

  • Question about table partitioning...

    Hello, all.  I'm using SQL 2012 Enterprise.  I have 8 very large tables (the largest two having 227M and 118M records, and the others between 11M-44M records).  For performance reasons, I'm considering partitioning the tables across multiple
    files/filegroups.  For my largest table (227M records), the data is spread across years 2011, 2012, and 2013 with 2013 having 104M records.  So naturally I'm considering partitioning on a Date column.  My question is should I go with four partitions
    (2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 for new data) and still end up with a very large aggregation of data on the 2013 partition (104M) or should I further breakdown the 2013 partition into months now having 12 partitions for 2013 alone, and then I'm OK with all
    of 2011 and 2012 on their own partitions.  Again, this is for one table.  I'd still like to partition the other 7 large tables.  In the end, I could end up with many, many partitions and hence many, many filegroups.  I'm interested in how
    others partition MULTIPLE large tables.  Can you share partition functions/schemes across tables?
    Any thoughts, your own personal experiences, etc would be greatly appreciated.  Also, can someone recommend a good book, article, blog, etc on partitioning large databases.
    Thanks much in advance.

    If you query against more than one partition I have doubts  you will gain performance...
    -- Create partition functions
    -- Create filegroups
    -- Create partition schemes
    TO (FG1, FG2, FG3, FG4);
    TO (FG5, FG6, FG7);
    CREATE VIEW [dbo].[partition_info] 
    DB_NAME() AS 'DatabaseName'
    ,OBJECT_NAME(p.OBJECT_ID) AS 'TableName'
    ,p.index_id AS 'IndexId'
    WHEN p.index_id = 0 THEN 'HEAP'
    END AS 'IndexName'
    ,p.partition_number AS 'PartitionNumber'
    ,prv_left.value AS 'LowerBoundary'
    ,prv_right.value AS 'UpperBoundary'
    , as PartitionScheme
    , as PartitionFunction
    END AS 'FileGroupName'
    ,CAST(p.used_page_count * 0.0078125 AS NUMERIC(18,2)) AS 'UsedPages_MB'
    ,CAST(p.in_row_data_page_count * 0.0078125 AS NUMERIC(18,2)) AS 'DataPages_MB'
    ,CAST(p.reserved_page_count * 0.0078125 AS NUMERIC(18,2)) AS 'ReservedPages_MB'
    WHEN p.index_id IN (0,1) THEN p.row_count
    ELSE 0
    END AS 'RowCount'
    WHEN p.index_id IN (0,1) THEN 'data'
    ELSE 'index'
    END 'Type'
    FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats p
    INNER JOIN sys.indexes i
    ON i.OBJECT_ID = p.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = p.index_id
    INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces ds
    ON ds.data_space_id = i.data_space_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_schemes ps
    ON ps.data_space_id = i.data_space_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_functions pf
    ON ps.function_id = pf.function_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces dds
    ON dds.partition_scheme_id = ps.data_space_id
    AND dds.destination_id = p.partition_number
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.filegroups fg
    ON fg.data_space_id = dds.data_space_id
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values prv_right
    ON prv_right.function_id = ps.function_id
    AND prv_right.boundary_id = p.partition_number
    LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values prv_left
    ON prv_left.function_id = ps.function_id
    AND prv_left.boundary_id = p.partition_number - 1
    AND p.index_id IN (0,1)
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Question about table strucuture

    Hello Gurus,
           I have following two questions:
        (1) how can I know what is the key field for a table ?
        (2) in SE80, when I display the structure of a table, there are component type and data type , why does here have two different types? ( apparently, there values are differenct)
    thanks very much!

        1) Go to t.code 'SE11'
            enter the table name and display.
             there the key checkbox is enabled.this the primary key field.
            If the checkbox is not enabled then it is a non key field.
      2) In structure,
             Component type refers the data element.
              Datatype refers type of the field that is wheather it is char,int etc.,
    Thank u,
    Manjula Devi.D

  • Question about table row key

    There is a table named mytable in the JSF page. After I retrieve rows from database and execute the method on one of the rows: System.out.println(mytable.getRowKey());
    the following message is printed on the Jdev console:
    [oracle.jbo.Key[rrpm BK 9712 2 AAAHdMAAWAAAAfZAAG ]]
    That is a composite row key. Now I want to get part of the row key like BK.
    How can I get that?

    Thanks for the reply.
    To get part of the row key using the substring method is not practical because the length of each part of the row key may change row by row.
    Any other idea to get part of a table row key precisely?

Maybe you are looking for

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