Queue with Iterator

How hard is to implement an Iterator in a Queue?

Most people in these forums would never bother. They'd just use the LinkedList in the API and get on with life.
That said, most of us did do the hard work of writing our own (mine was back in the days of Turbo Pascal) - so we understand how the API LinkedList is implemented.
So, let's turn this around and make into a question for YOU: Given your knowledge of how linked lists are implemented, what challenges do you think there would be in implementing an iterator for it?
Ensure that your answer accounts for changes that may be made to the queue while the iterator is still active.
I'm going to set a watch on this topic - if you reply and give a good shot at the answer, I'll see if I can provide some things for you to think about.
- K

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    Hi Dennis,
    You could for instance wire the array to an auto-indexed for loop. I attach an example. I assume you wish to concatenate the arrays a singel waveform.
    Hope it helps,
    Pelle S
    District Sales Manager
    National Instruments Sweden
    Dynamic queue.vi ‏245 KB

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    Hi zigune,
    Thank you for your question.
    We could try to the following command to get the recipient address:
    Get-MessageTrackingLog –server “servername” | FL sender,Event-id,recipients | export-csv C:\test\test.csv
    Then, we could use log parser to view csv file for invalid recipient address, we could download log parser tool by the following link:
    In other way, we could also try adding the “-IncludeRecipientInfo” in command:
    If there are any questions regarding this issue, please be free to let me know. 
    Best Regard,

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    You can see the queues status (and number of stuck entries etc) through the link:
    There, you can maintain the queues.
    There is also a link for the EOIO Sequence Monitor:
    There you can see the stuck messages and maintain these.
    Make sure to handle the proper message IDs.
    All of these are acessible through the Messaging System main page:

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    ERROR2) <SUPPL_DETAIL><![CDATA[java.lang.NullPointerException
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    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
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    Yes, WebLogic can interoperate with 9.2. SAF agents are "Store and Forward" agents, so they'd need to run in the source cluster. If you need to get messages from a remote destinations into a local SAF "imported destinations", or just a plain-old destination, then perhaps the best option would be to deploy a simple MDB on the 10.3.6 cluster (some layered products can setup such an MDB for you).
    I'm not familiar with ESB, but assume that it already provides tooling for pulling messages from remote destinations (I assume a product like ESB is designed to try and more-or-less hide JMS details from the user by providing layered tooling...). You might be able to get help from an ESB newsgroup. If this doesn't help, you may also want to see the JMS interop FAQ:
    BTW, It's not clear to me why you need SAF Agents in this use case.

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    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE pat_history_queue_payload_type AS OBJECT
    queue_table => 'pat_history_queue_table',
    queue_payload_type => 'pat_history_queue_payload_type',
    multiple_consumers => TRUE
    queue_name => 'pat_history_queue',
    queue_table => 'pat_history_queue_table',
    max_retries => 10
    queue_name => 'pat_history_queue'
    queue_name => 'pat_history_queue',
    subscriber => SYS.AQ$_AGENT(
    NULL )
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    I'm looking for a bit of performance optimization..  
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    I've attached a screen dump to maybe make the question more obvious..
    I've been thru the "clear as mud" thread, as recommended in other threads that covers this topic - but i gets very high tech, and I kind of lost my way in it.. So looking for a more simple "you should use solution #x, because..."
    Thank you in advance. 
    Go to Solution.

    I believe (but am not sure) RT FIFOs will allocate this memory for you ahead of time. But, remember they are not deterministic on windows. You need to wire an array constant of the correct size into the FIFO read function also to avoid memory allocation, which is easy to overlook. It's worth looking into, if nothing else, assuming you have RT functions available. WIth this method, the queue size needs to be set, and you run the risk of overflowing and losing elements if not handled correctly. 
    Just throwing other options out there.
    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

  • PLSQL Notification on a multi-subscriber queue with sys.aq$_jms_text_messag

    Hi all,
    I am trying to get PLSQL notification working on a multi subscriber queue with sys.aq$jms_text_message as the payload type. The commands to create my queue are as follows:
    queue_table => 'SOA_JMS.RJMTESTxx_QTAB',
    multiple_consumers => true,
    queue_payload_type => 'sys.aq$_jms_text_message'
    queue_table => 'SOA_JMS.RJMTESTxx_QTAB',
    retention_time => 86400, --Keep processed messages for 24 hours
    max_retries => 3,
    retry_delay => 1
    queue_name => 'SOA_JMS.RJMTESTQ',
    subscriber => sys.aq$_agent('SUBSCRIP1',null,0),
    rule => NULL,
    transformation => NULL,
    queue_to_queue => FALSE,
    delivery_mode => dbms_aqadm.persistent
    I then create a procedure with the following signature:
    create or replace procedure SOA_JMS.EXCEPTION_QUEUE_NOFIFYCB_1(
    p_context in raw,
    p_reginfo in sys.aq$_reg_info,
    p_descr in sys.aq$_descriptor,
    p_payload in raw,
    p_payloadl in number
    And register it as follows:
    reginfo := sys.aq$_reg_info(
    reg_list := sys.aq$_reg_info_list(reginfo);
    The problem is the notifications are not firing as they should be.
    I have done some tracing and found an error:
    Error in PLSQL notification of msgid:BA964334E5A057A4E040C69BAF397075
    Queue :"SOA_JMS"."RJMTESTQ"
    Consumer Name :SUBSCRIP1
    : Exception Occured, Error msg:
    ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 2
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'EXCEPTION_QUEUE_NOFIFYCB_1'
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    This says that the parameters I have for my procedure is wrong. Looking through the documents I think it is something to do with the ?PR=0 used in the register call, but I can’t find any documentation telling me what the required parameters are.
    Does anyone here know?

    I have found the solution and I am posting here in case it helps anyone else.
    The paramater names must match the callback not just the types and in/out.
    So the following works:
    create or replace procedure SOA_JMS.EXCEPTION_QUEUE_NOFIFYCB_2(
    context in raw,
    reginfo in sys.aq$_reg_info,
    descr in sys.aq$_descriptor,
    payload in raw,
    payloadl in number

  • Migration from Serial polling to Serial queue with event handler

    Hi, I am trying to migrate from classical serial polling communications to serial queue with "event handler" for the buttons pressed by the user. I have placed four while loops, one for the event handler, a second one for serial reading, a third one for serial writing (depending on what button was pressed) and the last one for processing what was read from the serial reading while loop, via a queue.
    My attached device reads the signals from 8 sensor ( 4 temperature and another 4 temperature plus humidity in the same sensor ) and send them via serial to Lavbiew.
    First of all, only once just after running the LV program, I must turn on my attached device with an ON command plus a carriage return after that the device will respond with the number of sensors plugged to it, disabling the corresponding buttons in the front panel. Then labview must wait until I pressed Acquire Button (event handler) and send a CF command plus what sensors to acquire plus a carriage return, then the device will respond continuously to labview with the sensor readings until I press the stop button (event handler), there is also another button to exit the program, also with event handler.
    I am having problems using the event handler and the queues because I am new using these structures, I have looked at  the LV examples but there is nothing concrete on using serial with event handler and queue.
    Take a look at my VI and you will soon notice what kind of problems I am having, any suggestions will welcome.
    Thank's in advance.
    serial queue.zip ‏76 KB

    Hi Luisete,
    Maybe the problem arise because you are En- and DeQueue in parallel. You do a lot of things in parallel, that is nice if you are sure that one loop doesn't have to wait for another loop. Make sure you don't dequeue before enqueue.
    Hope this helps
    I never knew that the standard error cluster output could be wired directly to the loop control of a while loop.
    First time I see this

  • CFSTKE* Queues with few entries executing for long durations  (10 hrs)

    In APO 7.0 the CFSTKE* Queues with few entries executing for long durations  (10 hrs)
    Below are the FM from the queue 
    Do any one have the same problem and any fixes ?
    Thank You

    Hi Aravind,
    What is the status of your queue:
    Is it in status running, ready or sysfail?
    If it is in "Running" status since last 10 hours then check the following things:
    Check SM51 and see if you find a long running process, see if it is trying to do a sequential read on some table.
    If yes then ask your Basis team to run ST04 and see what index it is using,
    If that is also fine then ask them to check stat on that table.
    Builiding stat may help if a read on table is taking long time and index which is being picked up is correct.
    Your basis team should be able to help you.
    I hope it helps.
    Edited by: Anupam Sengar on Aug 11, 2011 12:06 AM

  • How to notify the waiting queue with first-in-first-out?

    Could anyone know
    how to notify the waiting queue with first-in-first-out?
    I dont want to notify the waiting queue randomly!

    i assume you are referring to wait "queue" of threads waiting to be notified. while you can do this with some effort on your own part (it's not trivial), depending on what type of guarantees you want, you could use a ReentrantLock with the "fair" policy. it tries to be FIFO but doesn't guarantee it. if you need stronger guarantees, then you will have to code it yourself.
    note, that many of the reasons for using wait/notify explicitly are now handled with some of the concurrent utilities like BlockingQueue, so you may not need to code your own wait/notify logic.

  • Integration Oracle Advance Queue with OSB

    We are doing integration for Oracle Advance Queue with OSB.
    I created an AQ adapter in Jdev and generate the WSDL and XSD.
    I imported both WSDL and XSD in OSB Project.
    When i am configuring the business service and selecting the WSDl i am not able to select Binding and ports, is it due to any issue in WSDL?
    Please help.
    Mihir Panda

    Hi again,
    I made some adjustments to your wsdl. I added the binding part and its reference to the appropriate port.
    Now I reckon, you should be able to do your thing:
    <plt:partnerLinkType name="Enqueue_plt" >
    <plt:role name="Enqueue_role" >
    <plt:portType name="tns:Enqueue_ptt" />
    <!-- Define AQ Headers = Payload Headers -->
    <schema attributeFormDefault="qualified" elementFormDefault="qualified"
    xmlns:obj1="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/APPS" >
    <import namespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/xdb/APPS" schemaLocation="xsd/APPS_WF_EVENT_T.xsd"/>
    <complexType name="enqHeaderCType" >
    <!-- payload header -->
    <element name="PayloadHeader" type="xs:string" />
    <element name="enqHeader" type="ph:enqHeaderCType" />
    <schema targetNamespace="http://xmlns.oracle.com/pcbpel/adapter/opaque/"
    xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" >
    <element name="opaqueElement" type="base64Binary" />
    <wsdl:message name="Enqueue_msg">
    <wsdl:part name="opaque" element="opaque:opaqueElement"/>
    <wsdl:message name="Header_msg">
    <wsdl:part name="Header" element="ph:enqHeader"/>
    <wsdl:portType name="Enqueue_ptt">
    <wsdl:operation name="Enqueue">
    <wsdl:input message="tns:Enqueue_msg"/>
    <wsdl:binding name="Enqueue_Binding" type="tns:Enqueue_ptt">
         <soap:binding style="document" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
              <wsdl:operation name="Enqueue">
                   <soap:operation soapAction="put_your_own_URI_here"/>
                        <soap:body use="literal"/>
    <wsdl:service name="EnqueueService">
         <wsdl:port name="Enqueue_ptt" binding="tns:Enqueue_Binding">
              <soap:address location="No Target Adress"/>
    Good luck.

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