Quick question about FCE ?

I have been thinking about buying FCE, is it worth the $200?
How does it compare to iMovie?
I am just editing family home movies and transfer to iTunes so I can access my movies on the TV.
I am using a small SONY HDdv camcorder.
Thanks for your suggestions.

FCE gives you MUCH more control over all aspects of your video, but the learning curve is fairly steep for most people. You can create very nice videos using iMovie and it's much more intuitive. The capabilities of FCE which you'd probably find most useful are the multiple video and audio tracks you can layer overtop of one another (for picture-in-picture, split screen shots, etc.). Again, the learning curve is fairly steep. For family home movies, FCE is probably overkill, IMHO (unless, of course, you're looking for an excuse to buy a new toy).

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    You're welcome.
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    The unlimited data plan for the first generation iPhone still costs $20/mo and includes 200 SMS. The only thing you need to get from an at&t store is a new SIM card. Take the iPhone with you telling them what you plan on doing and they should give you a new SIM card at no cost.
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    iBook G4

    And You could take a look at the plug-ins to iMovie.
    - Stupendous software http://www.stupendous-software.com
    - GeeThree http://www.geethree.com
    - cf/x. http://www.imovieplugins.com
    and possibly more.
    QT-pro can do this as said above - but You need to be very precise.
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    Yours Bengt W

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