Quicken 2006 for mac free with Tiger?

After reinstalling my OS i discovered the following file:
I installed it and it works, as its the full programm, not trial...
Anybody else is using it?

I use Quicken 2006 on my PPC Mac. I've used different Quicken versions on various Macs since 1995 - well before OS X was introduced and it has always worked well for me.

Similar Messages

  • HT1338 Does Quicken Essentials for Mac work with Mountain Lion

    Does Quicken Essentials for Mac work with Mountain Lion

    Rather than hijacking someone elses thread (as you already have one) why not use it or post another, the OP here should be allowed to ther thread replied to.
    Your other thread on the same subject is here.

  • Does Quicken 2007 for mac work with Mavericks?

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    Just a warning, however:  it doesn't work as well. I've had several crashes when I attempted to edit an already saved transaction (no data lost, apparently, besides the changed transaction), and frequently the header with all the account buttons, etc. will not appear when waking the computer (2007 Intel MacBook Pro) up from a long sleep. Annoying, but not fatal. At least Intuit hasn't totally given up on the Mac world.

  • When I upgrade from Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion my Quicken 2006 for Mac stopped working, short of paying the $59 for Quicken Mac Essentials is there anything else I can do to read my old files?


    Preface: I have no experience with Quicken Essentials, but have read, quite often, on this and other forums that it is a further strip down of features from Quicken 2007.  So I agree, get Quicken 2007 for Lion/Mt. Lion, but...
    BE CAREFUL with Quicken!
    When Intuit finally released Quicken 2007 for Lion v16.1.1 in March, 2013 it was a godsend for older Quicken PPC users.  It will directly open the data file from Quicken 2005, 2006 or 2007 PPC versions.  The upgrade to 16.1.2 with the release of Mountain Lion was also stable.
    I found version 16.1.3 to crash on opening on my Lion Mac, so I downgraded back to version 16.1.2 and all is well.  Others are now reporting that version 16.1.4, the current version sold by Intuit, is also causing some problems.  I have not been able to isolate these reports.
    My point: purchase Quicken 2007 for Lion, but ALSO:
    1.  Make copies of your Quicken 2007 PPC data file and back them up BEFORE you attempt to open it in 16.1.4; and
    2.  If you run into problems, let me know by email (michaellax) at AOL dot com.
    If it works fine for you, please report that too!
    PS: Baltwo will tell you he has encountered no problems and good for him.  But the reports of others with problems keep mounting...

  • Quicken 2006 for Mac

    My iMac came pre-loaded with Quicken 2006. When I fired it up the first time (out of curiosity), it showed a dialogue box that asked if I was a new user, returning user, etc. I decided I would return when I had more time to setup my account, so I quit the program. Since then, if I try to fire up Quicken, it pops up a Finder-style box, asking the location of my Quicken data file/s. Since I don't have any Quicken files, I have no way to get past that box. When I cancel out of it, that's it. My dock shows that Quicken is still running, but I can't get any kind of window to open. The support people at Quicken were worthless, acted as though they know nothing about Macs...big surprise there. Anyone have any ideas on how I might get my Quicken program to work? Thanks
    iMac intel 20" Mac OS X (10.4.7)
    iMac intel 20"   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Hi KentRock, Welcome to Apple's Users Help Users Forums
    In your exuberance and getting on w life did you forget to mark bbolin's post w the Green Solved Star that would go with "thanks a bunch ..."
    See the bottom of the email re post to thread for more info if needed.

  • I have quicken 2000 for mac on an old mac and wish to upgrade to a new laptop running snow leopard.  Quicken 2006 on my new laptop runs, but will not recognize the old data qif files.  What version of quicken for mac will recognize files from 2000?

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    can't open Quicken 2000 files in classic mode on new MacBook Pro version 10.6.7

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    Mac OS X 10.7.5, Mac Pro (2012), Quicken 2007 for Mac (Lion) 16.1.4.

    Thanks, Baltwo. I'm convinced it's something about my Lion installation that's the cause, since others as yourself seem to be OK—although I haven't been able to run it down. The Quicken 2007 is a fresh installation, each time I try out a new approach, I reinstall the software. Now perhaps it's accumulating some ancillary file that doesn't get trashed, but I can't run that down. I did find something interesting in my systematic search for a cause, and that is that when i install it on my Snow Leopard machine, it works fine with a new, unpopulated data file. But if I re-index my Q 2006 file, trash my Quotes file, then import it into QM 2007, the "corrupt data error" comes up. So I know everything (the QM 2007-Lion) works in Snow Leopard without prior re-indexing the data file, just not in Lion. So I saved my data file that worked in the Snow Leopard version (so it's now a QM 2007-Lion file), try to open it on my Lion machine with a new QM 2007-Lion install, and the corrupt data error appears. As I said above, opening in Safe mode, creating a new account, running my disk through Disk Utility and fixing permissions, nothing has worked so far.
    So I bit the bullet and created a Snow Leopard virtual machine (Server version) with my Parallels, and it finally works, including downloading my investment, credit card, etc. accounts. Now I can move on with my taxes, but I'm still perplexed why Lion won't let me run it. I don't like my SL VM because Parallels won't permit coherence, so it's kind of kludgy.
    That's my story after many hours of troubleshooting. I hope this helps someone else with the same problem. Thanks for trying to help.

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    Wikipedia explains DS_Store files more thoroughly.  It might not be anything now looking at it.  The software such
    EaseUS CleanGenius (formerly known as MacCleaning)
    Diablotin System Optimizer
    Mac Pilot
    Spring Cleaning
    Are all risky to use on machines without a backup.  If none of them sound familiar, then your issue is somewhere else.

  • Can I download Quicken 2007 for MAC using Mountain lion

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    so need to find another system quickly

    Intuit has an Intel native version of Quicken for Mac which should work. Do NOT purchase Quicken Essentials for Mac. This is a very watered down junk version of Quicken Intuit released with many of Quicken's features removed.
    The hard part is finding the Intel updated version of Quicken 2007 for Mac. You'd swear Intuit is deliberately hiding it. Trying to locate it through Intuit's site is almost impossible. You keep getting sent to the Essentials version. Here's the one you would want. Had to locate the page through Google.

  • Quicken 2010 for MAC

    I just bought the new Quicken for Mac ( 2010 ) and wish I had not done this. Program stinks. Cannot track stock investments. Does not resemble the original Quicken. Looks like an ILive program, but definitely is Quicken Lite. Would not recommend it at all. Larry

    There is no Quicken 2010 for Mac, only Quicken Essentials for Mac. And, AFAICT, it's not available yet. But, if you have a pre-release version and aren't happy with it, return it. Use Quicken '07 for those features.

  • Refund Quicken Essentials for Mac

    Hi, I would like to refund my purchase of Quicken Essentials for Mac.
    I purchased this item on Aug 04, 2014 and I found out that Intuit has a refund policy
    "All Quicken products have an unconditional 60-day money back satisfaction guarantee.   You can return Quicken for any reason within 60 days and receive a full refund of the purchase price not including shipping and handling fees."
    in http://quicken.intuit.com/support/help/shopping-and-buying/terms-and-conditions- for-exchanging--returning-or-refunding-quicken-products/GEN83258.html
    Therefore, I tried to report claim and get a refund with https://reportaproblem.apple.com/, but it said my purchase is not eligible for refund, which appears to be different from what Intuit homepage shows.
    How would I be able to get refund for this purchase?
    Thank you!

    That's not what the Inuit web site says:
    Terms and Conditions For Exchanging, Returning or Refunding Quicken Retail and Electronically Delivered Products
    Updated: 8/21/2014 | Article ID: GEN83258
    All Quicken products have an unconditional 60-day money back satisfaction guarantee.   You can return Quicken for any reason within 60 days and receive a full refund of the purchase price not including shipping and handling fees.
    Direct Orders from Intuit
    Retail Purchases
    Electronically Delivered Products (Downloads)
    Quicken Product Purchases Through the Mac App Store
    Apple will honor the Intuit 60-day money back guarantee.  In order to ensure your refund request is properly addressed by the Mac App Store, please ensure you contact Apple directly for resolution. 

  • Uninstall quicken essentials for mac using lion

    Bought Quicken Essentials for Mac.  Am using Lion.  I've found out that I can't use my old files on Quicken for mac 2004 with the new Quicken program.  I'd like to uninstall Quicken Essentials so I can install the 2004 version.  Help?

    Quicken '04-'07 won't run under Lion. Your only option is to restore your Snow Leopard or earlier backup/clone or Time Machine backup and use that with Quicken. Do note that you should be able to import your old data file to Essentials, but that's a WAG and you need to inquire at https://qlc.intuit.com/app/full_page#

  • Quicken Essentials for Mac

    I recently purchased an iMac to replace my much older Mac on which I used an old version of Quicken. The old version is not recognized on my new computer. I did very basic transactions on Quicken -- I only really used it as a checkbook register. Only I tried setting up a Numbers file, I don't find it user-friendly. I like the categories and reconciling features of Quicken.
    Quicken Essentials for Mac has terrible reviews. However, I am not sure all those reviewing it have such basic needs as I do. If anyone has it, how would you rate it as simply for its checkbook register program?

    As a basic checkbook register program it works just fine. I couldn't use it because the first version had no checkwriter. (yes I still cut checks). The most recent version now includes check writing so I need to give it another look.
    I think you'll be happy with it for the purposes you intend.

  • Quicken Essentials for Mac in Yosemite

    When using Quicken Essentials for Mac on my iMac i5 21" I'm having trouble generating a report. When I click on the reports to generate them I just get a gray spinning wheel.  I've called Intuit a couple of times with no results.  Please Help!!   Is there something usual about Yosemite that I need to set/reset?  Thanks so much in advance for any kind assistance.

    You need to contact the developers (Intuit) to ask for support or you may want to visit an Essentials product forum.

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