Quicktime 7.4 / Safari streaming issue

Ever since upgrading to Quicktime 7.1.2 and Safari 2.0.4 web pages that I've created with streaming qt clips (from a streaming server) no longer stream (though the pages themselves load). The pages work fine in IE and Firefox, and they even work fine from any Mac with QT 6 and the older version of Safari.
Any help? I've done the old moving the qt plugin bit, and deleting preferences. And deleting the plist. Seems some sort of incompatibility in the coding that used to work when designing in Dreamweaver and working with QT 6. Again, the clips play fine in IE and Firefox, so it doesn't seem to be a QT 6 v. QT 7 issue, but something about Safari.

Sorry. I wasn't aware the page code was you own.
The .tif files should be converted to .jpg and then saved (via QuickTime Pro) as .mov files. They become the "poster" movie for your object and embed tags. Changing them to .mov should shrink there size to about 20KB's.
http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=61011 Info about these tags.
New changes required for Internet Explorer and these same tags.
One of my pages that uses this new javascript page code. Mine targets the QuickTime Player instead of the browser (target="quicktimeplayer" versus target="myself). View the page source to see this new format. I use the external .js file in the <head> tag.
A "virgin" PC (no QuickTime installed) using Internet Explorer couldn't view your files.
A least you seem to have sorted out the streaming error. I saw a Stouffers box.
Replacing the .tif files with .jpg saved as .mov files will trim 900KB's from the load time of your page. It will also help with the href lined streaming files.
Proper (more modern) html code will allow you more visitors.

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    Hi Sami,
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    Check your system preference pane under "other" and tell me if you have any of the plug-ins I mentioned installed.  Maybe we will be able to see a common culprit.
    Let's keep each other posted.
    Chris in Ohio (USA)

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    What troubleshooting methods have you tried to resolve your issue?
    Need this info to avoid the +"been there, done that"+ scenarios.
    Tried any of the following?
    Repairing permissions from your HD & restarting and/or from your Tiger DVD
    To fix a QT related problem w/Safari, quit Safari & look in the /Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder (this is the Library folder at the root level of your HD, not the one inside your Users/user name folder).
    Try removing the VLC Plugin.plugin (if you have it) & *QuickTime Plugin.webplugin files from this folder, & then relaunch Safari. If the problem isn’t fixed, a different plug-in may be to blame. Keep removing files from this folder (start with any third-party plug-ins that are present) until the problem disappears.
    Replace the plug-ins that don’t cause any problems.
    MacAddict Magazine...12/06
    *Edited by Baby Boomer
    If you have an Intel-based Mac, running Safari in Rosetta can also resolve some QT plug-in issues.
    First quit the app if it’s open & then, in your Applications folder, select Safari & press Command+I.
    In the General area of the Safari Info dialog that appears (click the disclosure triangle if this area is not already expanded), select Open Using Rosetta, & then close the Safari Info dialog.
    Relaunch Safari.
    If none of the above works, please provide the following info: Which QT version are you using?
    Which Safari version are you using?

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    Hi John
    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    YouTube is Flash oriented. Sometimes the Flash settings in Quicktime are active, which blocks Adobe's Flash player from functioning properly creating the ? syndrome.
    Go to your System Preferences>Quicktime>Advanced panel. Enable Flash ought to be checked. Then, click on the Mime Settings button. Make sure nothing is selected in the Miscellaneous panel.
    As you use an Intel machine, files using Windows Media Player will not play natively, as Microsoft no longer supports this player on the Mac platform. The alternative is to use the Flip4Mac plug-in. This converts the WMV file to a Quicktime format.
    Once installed, a Flip4Mac preference panel will appear in System Preferences. Select it. In the Internet Plug-in panel, the 1st and 3rd boxes ought to be checked. In the Movies panel, the 1st box is checked.
    Post back

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    Wireless devices
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  • Why can't I open Quicktime files in Safari

    Other brousers work, but not Safari.

    Quit Safari.
    Open the Library folder in your home folder as follows:
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    ☞ If running an older version of OS X, select Go ▹ Go to Folder… from the Finder menu bar and copy the line below into the text box that opens:
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    I, too, tried all the fixes...nothing worked.
    Found another thread on this forum and looks like a lot of us are having same problem.
    Next time it happens, go to SETTINGS/GENERAL/ABOUT and check to see it there is a "low memory" incident report.
    If there is:
    See the discussion thread "iPad Air Low Memory Crashes".
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    This is my configuration:
    Operating System : Mac X
    Browser : Safari Browser 3.1.4
    Crystal Report : XII Release 2
    Application Server : Jboss 4.2.0
    I am using the following code to view the crystal report in jsp.
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.report.web.viewer.*" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.application.ReportClientDocument" %>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.reportsource.IReportSource" %>
    CrystalReportViewer theViewer = null;
    ReportClientDocument document = null;
    IReportSource reportSource = null;
    theViewer = new CrystalReportViewer();
    reportSource = document.getReportSource();
    theViewer.processHttpRequest(request, response, getServletConfig().getServletContext(), null);
    theViewer.dispose();This code is working fine when the browser is IE or Firefox on Mac X.
    But it is giving me error message when the browser is Safari on Mac X.
    If there is no parameter in the report then the error message is:
    Null Totaller
    If there is parameter in the report then the error message is:
    Parameter prompting is not supported
    Please Help.
    Edited by: VINCEJOHNSON on Jul 30, 2008 7:11 AM

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    Has anyone else experianced similar issues, update me.
    Thank you

    I was the originator of my post the other night.. "iTunes & iRadio Streaming issues, Why?" posted on October 19th. It is that another person chimed in on my topic, paulie74".
    I do not feel I was lectured, I was simply stating how you treated this other apple user, "paulie74" by stating the following. You said,
    "Also ranting about quality control will not help your cause, I use both and have absolutely no issues as do millions of others."
    Being positive and not being unhelpful is not what these forums are about, then you also mentioned,
    "perhaps you should read the Terms of Use you agreed to", I know the terms of these forums and those of the Apple company, I am not new to Apple, and would respectfully suggest that you be more constructive regarding your comments and not expresses yourself in a way that upsets others.
    And yes, I will forward all this onto Apple, for I trust they will do what's right as always.
    Thank you,

  • Streaming issues MacBook Air -- Apple TV ?

    Hello everybody.
    Does or did anyone of you eperience the same streaming issue with an macbook air mid 12 and an apple tv3?
    Only streaming from this device, any other will work proper (such as iPhone4 , iPad 2, etc.).
    The issue is:
    - streaming aborted
    - after 30-45 mins of video streaming - video only
    - apple tv not reachable
    - apple tv has no internet connection / content, etc
    - macbook gets very hot in the top left corner (wifi module?)
    - no airplay, mirroring etc. works any more with the mentioned device
    - only restar of apple tv helps
    Both devices are connected via the same WIFI/router. Network type (5GHz or what ever) is unknown due to the fact that I've forgotten my  router password. I thought this is where I am probably able to check some things... (I am soving my password stuff right now with my provider).
    so...any ideas?
    forum search and google-it did not work (for me). open to any suggestions.
    many thanks in advance :-)

    Hey mathezmichal,
    Congratulations on the purchase of your Apple TV.  The resources below will help you troubleshoot the issue you are having AirPlay, specifically streaming video from the MacBook Air.   Since YouTube is one of the channels on the Apple TV, I would suggest accessing the videos directly for that particular service.
    About AirPlay Mirroring in OS X - Apple Support
    OS X Yosemite: Use AirPlay to see your desktop on an HDTV
    OS X Yosemite: Use your TV as a display
    - Judy

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