Quicktime Error -150

Hi, I have been using fcpx alot lately exporting videoes for youtube in 720p.
But now suddenly i get Quicktime Error -150 whenever i try to export either "Export with compressor settings" or "Send to compressor".
If I use "Send to compressor" It opens up Compressor 4, i put on destination and quality and submits the project. Then it start transcoding and it gives me the error!
Anyone who can help me with this?

Anyone who can help me with this?
Quickdraw & Color Manager Error:
-150 (cMatchErr) "Color2Index failed to find an index"
Haven't the slightest idea how to fix this one. Is the source file B&W or color? Source file video compression? Source of the source file?

Similar Messages

  • Quicktime error -2048 when trying to play.mov files.

    I have been frustrated this weekend trying to find a solution to a problem that has only recently occurred accessing some digitised VCR tapes that had been archived on an external HDD. These are files that played back fine on my Quicksilver after I had recorded them, but now give a "Movie Not Available" message in Quicktime. However when opened in VLC I get a debug message box with the following information posted below. Any clues as to what might be the problem?
    I recorded the files from my VCR using an ADVC-100 DA converter over firewire into BTV Pro which created .mov files (DV-PAL). When I try to open the files in BTV Pro, I get a message box "There was an error opening the movie. No Movie found. Error code 20,-2048" Did a search for this error and -2048 appears to be a Quicktime error, so am wondering if there is a problem with my installation of Quicktime. I have got all the usual suspects in stalled, Flip4Mac, Perian, VLC. Mpeg Streamclip but can't get the file to open. The external HDD is Mac formatted but I found some info about problems with missing resource forks in older .mov files causing problems if copied to NTFS HDD's.
    Any ideas as to where to look next will be appreciated.
    +main debug: CPU has capabilities AltiVec FPU+
    +main debug: looking for memcpy module: 2 candidates+
    +main debug: using memcpy module "memcpyaltivec"+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: thread 26421248 (Interaction control) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interaction.c:382)+
    +main debug: Creating an input for 'Media Library'+
    +main debug: Input is a meta file: disabling unneeded options+
    +main debug: `file/xspf-open:///Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf' gives access `file' demux `xspf-open' path `/Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf'+
    +main debug: creating access 'file' path='/Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf'+
    +main debug: looking for access module: 3 candidates+
    +access_file debug: opening file `/Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf'+
    +main debug: using access module "access_file"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 26.549 ms - Total 26.549 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 26.549 ms)+
    +main debug: Using AStream*Stream+
    +main debug: pre-buffering...+
    +main debug: received first data for our buffer+
    +main debug: creating demux: access='file' demux='xspf-open' path='/Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf'+
    +main debug: looking for demux module: 1 candidate+
    +playlist debug: using XSPF playlist reader+
    +main debug: using demux module "playlist"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 19.485 ms - Total 19.485 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 19.485 ms)+
    +main debug: `file/xspf-open:///Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/ml.xspf' successfully opened+
    +main debug: looking for xml module: 2 candidates+
    +main debug: using xml module "xml"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 99.281 ms - Total 99.281 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 99.281 ms)+
    +playlist debug: parsed 0 tracks successfully+
    +main debug: removing module "xml"+
    +main debug: EOF reached+
    +main debug: control type=1+
    +main debug: removing module "playlist"+
    +main debug: removing module "access_file"+
    +main debug: TIMER input launching for 'Media Library' : 71.406 ms - Total 71.406 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 71.406 ms)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: waiting for thread initialization+
    +main debug: thread 25213440 (preparser) created at priority 0 (../../src/playlist/thread.c:79)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: waiting for thread initialization+
    +main debug: thread 26413056 (fetcher) created at priority 0 (../../src/playlist/thread.c:108)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: waiting for thread initialization+
    +main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist+
    +main debug: rebuild done - 0 items, index -1+
    +main debug: thread 26417152 (playlist) created at priority 0 (../../src/playlist/thread.c:117)+
    +main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate+
    +main debug: using interface module "hotkeys"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 48.316 ms - Total 48.316 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 48.316 ms)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: thread 25212416 (interface) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interface.c:168)+
    +main debug: looking for interface module: 17 candidates+
    +main debug: using interface module "signals"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 34.354 ms - Total 34.354 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 34.354 ms)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: thread 26470400 (interface) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interface.c:168)+
    +main: Running vlc with the default interface. Use 'cvlc' to use vlc without interface.+
    +main debug: looking for interface module: 4 candidates+
    +main debug: using interface module "macosx"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 511.368 ms - Total 511.368 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 511.368 ms)+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: thread 26482176 (interface) created at priority 0 (../../src/interface/interface.c:148)+
    +main debug: no fetch required for Playlist (art currently (null))+
    +main debug: adding item `testing.mov' ( /Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.mov )+
    +main debug: rebuilding array of current - root Playlist+
    +main debug: rebuild done - 1 items, index -1+
    +main debug: starting new item+
    +main debug: processing request item testing.mov node Playlist skip 0+
    +main debug: resyncing on testing.mov+
    +main debug: testing.mov is at 0+
    +main debug: creating new input thread+
    +main debug: Creating an input for 'testing.mov'+
    +main debug: waiting for thread initialization+
    +main debug: thread started+
    +main debug: thread 26771456 (input) created at priority 22 (../../src/input/input.c:370)+
    +main debug: `/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.mov' gives access `' demux `' path `/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.mov'+
    +main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.mov'+
    +main debug: looking for access_demux module: 2 candidates+
    +main debug: no fetch required for Playlist (art currently (null))+
    +macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface+
    +macosx debug: notification received in VLC with name VLCOSXGUIInit and object VLCEyeTVSupport+
    +main debug: no fetch required for Playlist (art currently (null))+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 1288.828 ms - Total 1288.828 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1288.828 ms)+
    +main debug: creating access '' path='/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.mov'+
    +main debug: looking for access module: 8 candidates+
    +vcd debug: trying .cue file: /Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.cue+
    +vcd debug: could not find .cue file+
    +access_file debug: opening file `/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.mov'+
    +main debug: using access module "access_file"+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 110.747 ms - Total 110.747 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 110.747 ms)+
    +main debug: Using AStream*Stream+
    +main debug: pre-buffering...+
    +main debug: received first data for our buffer+
    +main debug: pre-buffering done 1408981 bytes in 0s - 9031 kbytes/s+
    +main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.mov'+
    +main debug: looking for demux module: 59 candidates+
    +mp4 debug: found Box: mdat size 32+
    +mp4 debug: skip box: "mdat"+
    +mp4 debug: found Box: mdat size 18891508192+
    +mp4 debug: skip box: "mdat"+
    +mp4 debug: dumping root Box "root"+
    +mp4 debug: | + mdat size 32+
    +mp4 debug: | + mdat size 1711639008+
    +mp4 debug: file type box missing (assuming ISO Media file)+
    +mp4 error: MP4 plugin discarded (no moov box)+
    +avformat debug: detected format: mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2+
    +avformat error: avopen_inputstream failed+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Users/irdesigns/Library/Preferences/VLC/lua/playlist+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/anevia_streams.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/appletrailers.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/bbccouk.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/break.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/canalplus.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/cue.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/dailymotion.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/france2.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/googlevideo.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/joox.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/koreus.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/lelombrik.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/megavideo.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/metacafe.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/youtube.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua playlist script /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/lua/playlist/youtube_homepage.lua+
    +lua debug: Trying Lua scripts in /Applications/VLC ƒ/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/share/lua/playlist+
    +ps error: cannot peek+
    +vobsub debug: could not read vobsub IDX file+
    +dummy error: unknown command `/Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.mov'+
    +subtitle debug: subtitle demux discarded+
    +main warning: no demux module matching "mp4" could be loaded+
    +main debug: TIMER module_Need() : 1954.294 ms - Total 1954.294 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 1954.294 ms)+
    +main error: no suitable demux module for `/:///Volumes/IR My Book/BTV Videos ƒ/testing.mov'+
    +main debug: finished input+
    +main debug: dying input+
    +main debug: removing module "access_file"+
    +main debug: thread ended+
    +macosx debug: input has stopped, refreshing interface+
    +macosx debug: addition to non-blocking error panel received+
    +main debug: dead input+
    +main debug: thread 26771456 joined (../../src/playlist/engine.c:244)+
    +main debug: TIMER input launching for 'testing.mov' : 3573.150 ms - Total 3573.150 ms / 1 intvls (Avg 3573.150 ms)+
    +main debug: starting new item+
    +main debug: changing item without a request (current 0/1)+
    +main debug: nothing to play+
    +main debug: no fetch required for Playlist (art currently (null))+

    Well it used to work fine so I think so. When I try and run the installer you linked to I get a message saying that a later version is already installed- isn't it built into the latest QT releases? One thing I thought of- the original files I think were made on a mac so there were some resource fork files of 4K size. I deleted these as I kept trying to open them by mistake, but then after this trouble I dragged them back out the trash to the original location but it didn't fix the problem- could that have caused some sort of association problem?

  • Quicktime error 0

    I'm trying to export a video that I sent from FCP 6 to compressor and every time it says Fail, QuickTime error 0, I don't understand I've tried with different compression settings, DVD Best Quality 90 minutes, 120 minutes, Fastest encode 150, 120... all with the same result, Failed and when I look in the Batch Monitor it only says QuickTime Error 0.
    Anybody knows what could be??

    did you send it directly from FCP timeline?
    If so export the edited video as QT movie self-contained or reference movie and import that into Compressor.
    That should solve the problem, which I believe is caused by some corrupted media sitting in FCP timeline and not Compressor.
    Good luck,

  • Quicktime Error -50 on output to compressor

    For the life of me I cannot output my edit!  I have tried a variety of ways, Share, Export via QT Conversion and Compressor.  Each of which fails with the quicktime error code -50.  Despite a general google search i cannot seem to find any reference to thois error code at all.  The problem is particularly frustrating since each output iteration takes several hours before it reports a fail.  I have been at this for a week now and have missed the films output deadline. 
    In anticipation of the questions to this post see below for the following:
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          Mac Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacPro3,1
      Processor Name:          Quad-Core Intel Xeon
      Processor Speed:          3.2 GHz
      Number Of Processors:          2
      Total Number Of Cores:          8
      L2 Cache (per processor):          12 MB
      Memory:          8 GB
      Bus Speed:          1.6 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:          MP31.006C.B05
      SMC Version (system):          1.25f4
    Final Cut Pro:
      Version:          7.0.3
      Last Modified:          18/11/2011 14:22
      Kind:          Universal
      64-Bit (Intel):          No
      Get Info String:          Final Cut Pro 7.0.3, Copyright © 2001-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
      Location:          /Applications/Final Cut Pro.app
      Version:          3.5.3
      Last Modified:          28/06/2011 09:54
      Kind:          Universal
      64-Bit (Intel):          No
      Get Info String:          Compressor version 3.5.3, Copyright 2003-2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
      Location:          /Applications/Compressor.app
    Film details
    20min duration orginal edit captured from JVC 201 camcorder in .m2t format re-formatted via 4 square to appleproresproxy and edited.
    recaptured at appleproresHQ and put onto appleproresHQ sequence before output.
    A couple of attempted Outputs as example:
    1.  Compressor
    Name: H.264 800Kbps Streaming
    Description: H.264 for high-bandwidth streaming
    File Extension: mov
    Estimated size: 107.32 MB
    Audio Encoder
              AAC, Stereo (L R), 48.000 kHz
    Video Encoder
              Format: QT
              Width and Height: Up to 428 x 240
                        Selected: 427 x 240
              Pixel aspect ratio: Square
              Crop: None
              Padding: None
              Frame rate: (100% of source)
                        Selected: 50
              Frame Controls: Automatically selected: Off
              Codec Type: H.264
              Multi-pass: On, frame reorder: On
              Pixel depth: 24
              Spatial quality: 50
              Min. Spatial quality: 50
              Key frame interval: 150
              Temporal quality: 50
              Min. temporal quality: 50
              Average data rate: 0.688 (Mbps)
              Maximum data rate: 0.688 (Mbps)
              Hinted for QuickTime
                streaming server
    2. Share to Youtube
    H.264 video at 8Mbps audio aac 44.1KHz

    Hi David, thanks for the prompt reply.
    Currently locked out as I am attempting another output.  I have succeeded outputting as a self-contained fcp mov with very large output size ~24Gb.  Took a few minutes to process
    Dimensions 1280X720
    Codec:  Apple prores 422HQ, Linear PCM, timecode
    Colour Profile:  HD(1-1-1)
    Duration 20mins
    Audio channels 2
    total bit rate:  145, 064
    Ok as i'm typing that processing completed kicking out a 1.29Gb Youtube version as follows:
    Dimensions 1280X720
    Codec:  H.264, AAC, Timecode
    Colour Profile:  HD(1-1-1)
    Duration 20mins
    Audio channels 2
    total bit rate:  8,289
    I achieved this by re-ingesting the above outputted selfcontained FCP mov back into a new project, dragged to sequence and re-output via share option took around an hour to process.  So I'm geting somewhere, but still not convinced of quality

  • Compressor: Failed: QuickTimer Error: 0

    When compressing with Compressor I get error message: Failed: QuickTime Error: 0
    This happens when I am exporting from Final Cut Pro HD (photo Jpeg video), and also when I am compressing from Final Cut movie file (with current settings and not self contained).
    Does anyone know what this error message means?
    Cinema Craft encoded same files without problem!
    Powemac G5, dual 2Ghz, 1.5 GB ram, 150 gb free disk space, OS X 10.4, all software with latest updates (freshly installed on formated drive)! I have even tried to turn off one processor with CHUD tool.
    On G4 dual 1Ghz, 768 MB ram, OS X 10.3 works OK.
    Thank you!

    Use the System Profiler to review what is in the system and console logs. You may find a message or error there that will tell you more about what is happening. Note, there will almost certainly be other warnings or errors in these logs, that's fairly normal, you want to look for something that is related to QuickTime or Compressor (et.al.) or one of the files you are trying to process.

  • Render Farm fails in compressor 3.5.3 with host failed quicktime error -36

    I have been having regular problems while render farming in Compressor 3.5.3 the Host computer is running OSX 10.8.5 and the other computers are running 10.8.4 and 10.7.5. after about compressor is about half way done. the job fails. I get this error
    Failed - HOST [mc-21-imac.local] QuickTime Error: -36
    The file being compressed is 1080 24p and is exported with the timeline settings then brought into compressor
    here is the log from the most recent batch.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
       <service type="jobcontroller:com.apple.qmaster.cluster.admin" displayName="NCC’s iMac" address="tcp://" hostName="mc-27-thin-imac.local">
          <logs tms="405381920.683" tmt="11/05/2013 14:05:20.683" pnm="unknown">
             <log tms="405381920.683" tmt="11/05/2013 14:05:20.683" pid="290" kind="mrk" sub="error" what="get-log" avail="false" msg="Not logging to file."/>
       <service type="requestprocessor:com.apple.qmaster.contentcontroller" displayName="NCC’s iMac" address="tcp://" hostName="mc-27-thin-imac.local">
          <logs tms="405381176.354" tmt="11/05/2013 13:52:56.354" pnm="ContentController">
             <mrk tms="405381177.690" tmt="11/05/2013 13:52:57.690" pid="324" kind="begin" what="service-request" req-id="1BBA659D-7474-481A-A70E-8CB5E633C8E5:1" msg="Preprocessing job."></mrk>
             <log tms="405381177.699" tmt="11/05/2013 13:52:57.699" pid="324" msg="Source file is local - we will try hard-linking."/>
             <log tms="405381177.700" tmt="11/05/2013 13:52:57.700" pid="324" msg="Hard-linked source file to cluster storage."/>
             <mrk tms="405381182.693" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:02.693" pid="324" kind="end" what="service-request" req-id="1BBA659D-7474-481A-A70E-8CB5E633C8E5:1" msg="Preprocessing job request end."></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381182.722" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:02.722" pid="324" kind="begin" what="service-request" req-id="FDC914D3-4A0A-4431-948A-137D9A76AD03:1" msg="Preprocessing."></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381187.725" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:07.725" pid="324" kind="end" what="service-request" req-id="FDC914D3-4A0A-4431-948A-137D9A76AD03:1" msg="Preprocessing service request end."></mrk>
       <service type="servicecontroller:com.apple.stomp.transcoder" displayName="mc-12-core" hostName="mc-12-core.local" managed="false" address="tcp://">
          <logs tms="405381194.382" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:14.382" pnm="CompressorTranscoderX">
             <mrk tms="405381224.941" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.941" pid="738" kind="begin" what="service-request" req-id="C10642AE-6B51-45BE-9235-8A5DDE3C1743:1" msg="Processing."></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381224.942" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.942" pid="738" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381224.942" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.942" pid="738" msg="Cluster storage URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared" />
             <log tms="405381224.942" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.942" pid="738" msg="Local subscribe path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <log tms="405381224.942" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.942" pid="738" msg="Subscribing to shared storage."/>
             <mrk tms="405381224.957" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.957" pid="738" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381224.957" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.957" pid="738" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381224.958" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.958" pid="738" msg="Source file /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-A9A8BE65-F4F2-4BB5-AA92-8 75CA53F8D9A.mov is directly accessible."/>
             <log tms="405381224.958" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.958" pid="738" msg="Source file can be opened."/>
             <log tms="405381224.960" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.960" pid="738" msg="Source file can be read."/>
             <mrk tms="405381224.961" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.961" pid="738" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381224.968" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.968" pid="738" msg="starting _processRequest for job target: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-2"/>
             <log tms="405381224.968" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.968" pid="738" msg="Writing transcode segment: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-2"/>
             <log tms="405381225.158" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.158" pid="738" msg="QuickTime Transcode, rendering in YUV 8 bit 422"/>
             <mrk tms="405381275.202" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.202" pid="738" what="service-request" req-id="C10642AE-6B51-45BE-9235-8A5DDE3C1743:1" msg="Cancelling."></mrk>
             <log tms="405381275.345" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.345" pid="738" msg="QuickTime Transcode aborted by user: 50.1812 seconds.  status = 0"/>
             <log tms="405381275.348" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.348" pid="738" msg="Done _processRequest for job target: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-2"/>
             <log tms="405381275.348" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.348" pid="738" msg="Unsubscribing to shared storage: URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared, local path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <mrk tms="405381279.982" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:39.982" pid="738" kind="end" what="service-request" req-id="C10642AE-6B51-45BE-9235-8A5DDE3C1743:1" msg="Processing service request end."></mrk>
       <service type="servicecontroller:com.apple.stomp.transcoder" displayName="NCC’s iMac" hostName="mc-27-thin-imac.local" managed="false" address="tcp://">
          <logs tms="405380926.271" tmt="11/05/2013 13:48:46.271" pnm="CompressorTranscoderX">
             <mrk tms="405381224.968" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.968" pid="172" kind="begin" what="service-request" req-id="9796F993-EC7C-4BF4-98ED-5456258940CE:1" msg="Processing."></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381224.969" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.969" pid="172" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381224.969" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.969" pid="172" msg="Cluster storage URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared" />
             <log tms="405381224.979" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.979" pid="172" msg="Local subscribe path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <log tms="405381224.979" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.979" pid="172" msg="Not subscribing, cluster storage is local and its path matches the local subscribe path."/>
             <mrk tms="405381224.979" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.979" pid="172" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381224.979" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.979" pid="172" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381224.979" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.979" pid="172" msg="Source file /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-A9A8BE65-F4F2-4BB5-AA92-8 75CA53F8D9A.mov is directly accessible."/>
             <log tms="405381224.979" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.979" pid="172" msg="Source file can be opened."/>
             <log tms="405381224.979" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.979" pid="172" msg="Source file can be read."/>
             <mrk tms="405381224.979" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.979" pid="172" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381224.984" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.984" pid="172" msg="starting _processRequest for job target: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-3"/>
             <log tms="405381224.985" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:44.985" pid="172" msg="Writing transcode segment: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-3"/>
             <log tms="405381225.053" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.053" pid="172" msg="QuickTime Transcode, rendering in YUV 8 bit 422"/>
             <mrk tms="405381275.178" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.178" pid="172" what="service-request" req-id="9796F993-EC7C-4BF4-98ED-5456258940CE:1" msg="Cancelling."></mrk>
             <log tms="405381275.402" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.402" pid="172" msg="QuickTime Transcode aborted by user: 50.3491 seconds.  status = 0"/>
             <log tms="405381275.404" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.404" pid="172" msg="Done _processRequest for job target: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-3"/>
             <mrk tms="405381280.007" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:40.007" pid="172" kind="end" what="service-request" req-id="9796F993-EC7C-4BF4-98ED-5456258940CE:1" msg="Processing service request end."></mrk>
       <service type="servicecontroller:com.apple.stomp.transcoder" displayName="mc-27-imac" hostName="mc-27-imac-2.local" managed="false" address="tcp://">
          <logs tms="403310666.066" tmt="10/12/2013 15:44:26.066" pnm="CompressorTranscoderX">
             <mrk tms="405381297.306" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.306" pid="122" kind="begin" what="service-request" req-id="FDC914D3-4A0A-4431-948A-137D9A76AD03:7" msg="Preprocessing."></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381297.306" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.306" pid="122" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381297.306" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.306" pid="122" msg="Cluster storage URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared" />
             <log tms="405381297.307" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.307" pid="122" msg="Local subscribe path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <log tms="405381297.307" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.307" pid="122" msg="Subscribing to shared storage."/>
             <mrk tms="405381297.322" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.322" pid="122" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381297.322" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.322" pid="122" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381297.323" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.323" pid="122" msg="Source file /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-A9A8BE65-F4F2-4BB5-AA92-8 75CA53F8D9A.mov is directly accessible."/>
             <log tms="405381297.324" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.324" pid="122" msg="Source file can be opened."/>
             <log tms="405381297.326" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.326" pid="122" msg="Source file can be read."/>
             <mrk tms="405381297.326" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.326" pid="122" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381297.331" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.331" pid="122" msg="preProcess for job target: file://localhost/Users/nccvideo/Desktop/Checklist-Vimeo%20HD.mov"/>
             <log tms="405381297.865" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.865" pid="122" msg="done preProcess for job target: file://localhost/Users/nccvideo/Desktop/Checklist-Vimeo%20HD.mov"/>
             <log tms="405381297.891" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:57.891" pid="122" msg="Unsubscribing to shared storage: URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared, local path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <mrk tms="405381302.310" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.310" pid="122" kind="end" what="service-request" req-id="FDC914D3-4A0A-4431-948A-137D9A76AD03:7" msg="Preprocessing service request end."></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381302.505" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.505" pid="122" kind="begin" what="service-request" req-id="B07BFEAB-40E3-4136-A4EC-027048E1E2DC:1" msg="Processing."></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381302.506" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.506" pid="122" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381302.506" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.506" pid="122" msg="Cluster storage URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared" />
             <log tms="405381302.506" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.506" pid="122" msg="Local subscribe path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <log tms="405381302.506" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.506" pid="122" msg="Subscribing to shared storage."/>
             <mrk tms="405381302.519" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.519" pid="122" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381302.519" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.519" pid="122" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381302.520" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.520" pid="122" msg="Source file /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-A9A8BE65-F4F2-4BB5-AA92-8 75CA53F8D9A.mov is directly accessible."/>
             <log tms="405381302.520" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.520" pid="122" msg="Source file can be opened."/>
             <log tms="405381302.522" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.522" pid="122" msg="Source file can be read."/>
             <mrk tms="405381302.522" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.522" pid="122" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381302.528" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.528" pid="122" msg="starting _processRequest for job target: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-5"/>
             <log tms="405381302.528" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.528" pid="122" msg="Writing transcode segment: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-5"/>
             <log tms="405381302.580" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:02.580" pid="122" msg="QuickTime Transcode, rendering in YUV 8 bit 422"/>
             <mrk tms="405381352.679" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:52.679" pid="122" what="service-request" req-id="B07BFEAB-40E3-4136-A4EC-027048E1E2DC:1" msg="Cancelling."></mrk>
             <log tms="405381352.776" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:52.776" pid="122" msg="QuickTime Transcode aborted by user: 50.1935 seconds.  status = 0"/>
             <log tms="405381352.777" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:52.777" pid="122" msg="Done _processRequest for job target: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-5"/>
             <log tms="405381352.777" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:52.777" pid="122" msg="Unsubscribing to shared storage: URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared, local path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <mrk tms="405381357.538" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:57.538" pid="122" kind="end" what="service-request" req-id="B07BFEAB-40E3-4136-A4EC-027048E1E2DC:1" msg="Processing service request end."></mrk>
       <service type="servicecontroller:com.apple.stomp.transcoder" displayName="NCC’s iMac" address="tcp://" hostName="mc-27-thin-imac.local">
          <logs tms="405381920.887" tmt="11/05/2013 14:05:20.887" pnm="CompressorTranscoder">
             <log tms="405381920.887" tmt="11/05/2013 14:05:20.887" pid="289" kind="mrk" sub="error" what="get-log" avail="false" msg="Not logging to file."/>
       <service type="servicecontroller:com.apple.stomp.transcoder" displayName="mc-21-imac" hostName="mc-21-imac.local" managed="false" address="tcp://">
          <logs tms="403310199.775" tmt="10/12/2013 15:36:39.775" pnm="CompressorTranscoderX">
             <mrk tms="405381225.047" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.047" pid="150" kind="begin" what="service-request" req-id="10FFCD5A-52B4-460C-B651-63414EE146EA:1" msg="Processing."></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381225.072" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.072" pid="150" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381225.072" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.072" pid="150" msg="Cluster storage URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared" />
             <log tms="405381225.106" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.106" pid="150" msg="Local subscribe path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <log tms="405381225.106" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.106" pid="150" msg="Subscribing to shared storage."/>
             <mrk tms="405381225.390" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.390" pid="150" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381225.390" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.390" pid="150" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381225.392" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.392" pid="150" msg="Source file /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-A9A8BE65-F4F2-4BB5-AA92-8 75CA53F8D9A.mov is directly accessible."/>
             <log tms="405381225.393" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.393" pid="150" msg="Source file can be opened."/>
             <log tms="405381225.395" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.395" pid="150" msg="Source file can be read."/>
             <mrk tms="405381225.395" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.395" pid="150" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381225.402" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.402" pid="150" msg="starting _processRequest for job target: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-6"/>
             <log tms="405381225.402" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.402" pid="150" msg="Writing transcode segment: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-6"/>
             <log tms="405381225.495" tmt="11/05/2013 13:53:45.495" pid="150" msg="QuickTime Transcode, rendering in YUV 8 bit 422"/>
             <log tms="405381270.026" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:30.026" pid="150" msg="Time for QuickTime transcode: 44.5298 seconds.  status = -36"/>
             <log tms="405381270.028" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:30.028" pid="150" msg="Done _processRequest for job target: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-6"/>
             <log tms="405381270.029" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:30.029" pid="150" msg="Unsubscribing to shared storage: URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared, local path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <mrk tms="405381275.107" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.107" pid="150" kind="end" what="service-request" req-id="10FFCD5A-52B4-460C-B651-63414EE146EA:1" msg="Processing service request error: QuickTime Error: -36"></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381275.162" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.162" pid="150" kind="begin" what="service-request" req-id="A9E024F4-2FCB-4355-B7AD-C5A69764BD46:1" msg="Processing."></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381275.162" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.162" pid="150" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381275.162" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.162" pid="150" msg="Cluster storage URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared" />
             <log tms="405381275.163" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.163" pid="150" msg="Local subscribe path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <log tms="405381275.163" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.163" pid="150" msg="Subscribing to shared storage."/>
             <mrk tms="405381275.180" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.180" pid="150" what="service-request" req-id="A9E024F4-2FCB-4355-B7AD-C5A69764BD46:1" msg="Cancelling."></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381275.207" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.207" pid="150" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::mountClusterStorage"></mrk>
             <mrk tms="405381275.207" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.207" pid="150" kind="begin" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381275.209" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.209" pid="150" msg="Source file /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-A9A8BE65-F4F2-4BB5-AA92-8 75CA53F8D9A.mov is directly accessible."/>
             <log tms="405381275.214" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.214" pid="150" msg="Source file can be opened."/>
             <log tms="405381275.220" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.220" pid="150" msg="Source file can be read."/>
             <mrk tms="405381275.220" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.220" pid="150" kind="end" what="CServiceControllerServer::checkRequiredFiles"></mrk>
             <log tms="405381275.227" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.227" pid="150" msg="starting _processRequest for job target: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-7"/>
             <log tms="405381275.228" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.228" pid="150" msg="Writing transcode segment: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-7"/>
             <log tms="405381275.774" tmt="11/05/2013 13:54:35.774" pid="150" msg="QuickTime Transcode, rendering in YUV 8 bit 422"/>
             <log tms="405381346.861" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:46.861" pid="150" msg="Time for QuickTime transcode: 71.0861 seconds.  status = 0"/>
             <log tms="405381346.863" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:46.863" pid="150" msg="Done _processRequest for job target: file://localhost/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared/Checklist-Vimeo%20H D-F12CF6CD-0DCA-41EB-9BD6-557B63EB3E41.mov-7"/>
             <log tms="405381346.863" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:46.863" pid="150" msg="Unsubscribing to shared storage: URL = nfs://mc-27-thin-imac.local/private/var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared, local path = /var/spool/qmaster/87C75A89-72519530/shared"/>
             <mrk tms="405381350.222" tmt="11/05/2013 13:55:50.222" pid="150" kind="end" what="service-request" req-id="A9E024F4-2FCB-4355-B7AD-C5A69764BD46:1" msg="Processing service request end."></mrk>

    digital rebellion has a crash analyzer that's part of Pro Maintenance Tools
    There's a free trial, but it's worth every penny.

  • Error 150.30 with Photoshop Elements

    My Windows 7 PC died, and I've transferred photographs to my old Dell XP machine.  When I execute Elements, I get the error 150.30 message asking me to restart the maching.  I did that, but still get the error when executing Adobe.


  • Photoshop CS4 - Licensing Error 150:30

    I have a MacBook with the OS X Maverick Operating System and have had no prior issues using my Photoshop CS4. My computer recently crashed and had to have my operating system re-installed. I tried to open up Photoshop today and this window popped up: "Licensing for this product has stopped working". I tried restarting the computer like the window mentioned and that did nothing. I also tried the solutions listed on the Adobe website for the Error: 150:30 and nothing has worked. My main problem is I cannot finish the "solutions" because I cannot locate the folder "FlexNet" or "FlexNet Licensing" or anything of that nature that is referred to in the solutions.

    The Licensing repair tool does work. OSX 10.7 and above:
    Download and open LicenseRecovery111.dmg on your Desktop
    Open Terminal and type sudo and leave a space. <do not press "Enter" yet>.
    Open the License Folder on the opened LicenseRecovery111.dmg and drag
    "LicenseRecover.py" file into the Terminal Window.
    The sudo command and path to the .py file should look like the screenshot below.
    Press Enter to begin
    Type in your password, but know that you will not see dots or asterisks as you type.
    Press Enter again, let the script run and finish. You should be able to run Photoshop now.
    (If this answer solves it, mark it as "correct" or get back to me if it doesn't.)

  • Error 150:30 after restoring CS4 from Time Machine backup

    I just got myself a new Imac with OS X Maverick and set it up using a time-machine-backup. My Adobe CS4 now has a Problem with the license and shows me error: 150:30?
    Do I need to uninstall CS4 and reinstall? Is there any easier solution to this problem?
    Thank you anyone for some help.

    Thanks a lot for your help......everything back to normal after reeinstallation.
    Am 29.09.2014 um 23:28 schrieb John Waller <[email protected]>:
    Error 150:30 after restoring CS4 from Time Machine backup
    created by John Waller in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussion
    Do I need to uninstall CS4 and reinstall?
    Unfortunately yes.
    Also run the Cleaner Tool prior to reinstalling
    Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6
    Restoring from Time Machine backups invariably breaks the activation mechanism (Error 150:30) and there's no easy way to fix a 150:30 error other than via re-installing.
    Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at https://forums.adobe.com/message/6775090#6775090
    Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
    To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at . In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
    Start a new discussion in Adobe Creative Cloud by email or at Adobe Community
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to http://forums.adobe.com/thread/416458?tstart=0.

  • Error 150:30 when I try opening InDesign (CS4) on my new macbook pro.

    I keep getting Error 150:30 after setting up my new MacBookPro and restoring from backup. When I open InDesign (CS4) it says Licensing for product has stopped working. PLEASE HELP!

    Hi there,
    I'd try a fresh install. You can download the installer here: Download CS4 products
    Please make sure you are signed in with Adobe ID first.
    Here's more info on the error code: Error "Licensing has stopped working" | Mac OS
    Let us know how it goes!

  • Hi.  Ever since I downloaded the last itunes and quicktime update (a week or so ago), I can't access any video podcasts or movies I have stored in itunes.  iTunes keeps crashing and telling me I have a quicktime error.  Do I uninstall quicktime? or?

    Hi .  Ever since I downloaded the last itunes and quicktime update ( a week or so ago), I can't access any movies or video podcasts i have store in itunes on my pc (vista).  iTunes crashes and my error reports tell me it is a quicktime error.  Do i uninstall and reinstall quicktime, or completely uninstall itunes and reinstall it -- if so, what will i lose?  Help, please!

    Let's try the following user tip:
    iTunes for Windows "iTunes has stopped working" error messages when playing videos, video podcasts, movies and TV shows

  • Error 150 30 - After Effects

    I just reinstalled Lion onto my old MacBook and restored the back-up from my new MacBook (which I'm sending back and swapping for an iMac). Although now when I try and open After Effects CS4 I get the following error: 150 30.
    Naturally I googled this and found this: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/512/cpsid_51260.html
    However, problem is...the files and folders they refer to don't exist on my system. I've gone to the 'Go' menu and held down option key to access the system library, but nowhere can I find FlexNet Publisher/ or Adobe PCD/
    I have also got a trial version of CS5.5 which works fine. I did a clean install from the disks on the new MacBook and have since cleared the hard drive. It didn't ask me for anything other than the serial code.
    Happy to delete and re-install, but according the link I posted, I need to delete some folders which don't exist on my system.
    Any ideas appreciated.

    There's nothing to delete because it's not there. Those folders only exist after proper installs, or more to the point the encryprted licensing files the program reports as missing, since they are generated and system specific. Simply go ahead with running the uninstaller/ installer. Just in case you may wanna have a look at this, also.

  • Error 150:30 at start after miragtion from old to new macbook

    My elements 8.0 did not longer start. Is terminates with error 150:30 . The adobe support could not me in this case. Hope somebody could help me.

    thanks for your help. You may right that Adobe Photoshop is not a tidy programm. But it is the only of my applications that make problems after using the MA. Anf for what the MA ist made for?
    But i still have a question. Is this cc-cleaner as well working for Photoshop Elements 8.0? I tried the link but at the second step "Uninstall Creative Cloud or Creative Suite applications" I do not find at the Application folder the Utitily folder.
    Am 16.01.2014 um 17:49 schrieb Barbara B. <[email protected]>:
    Re: Error 150:30 at start after miragtion from old to new macbook
    created by Barbara B. in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
    How did you migrate? Unless you cloned over a complete system you just made a bunch more trouble for yourself. You can never, never migrate PSE with the migration assistant. PSE is not a tidy package app in accordance with the apple developer guidelines. It strews stuff all over your hard drive and puts things in places the MA isn't programmed to look. Now you will have a lot of manual cleaning up to do. You must always reinstall PSE from scratch.
    First download and run this:
    http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/cs5-cleaner-tool-installation -problems.html
    Then you can manually remove the bits that got copied over. You can't use spotlight to help with this; it's programmed to ignore these kinds of files. In addition to what's in the applications folder, you will need to go to the library at the top level of your hard drive>Application Support>Adobe and remove anything in there, as well as your username>library>preferences. Then you can reinstall from your original media.
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    Start a new discussion in Photoshop Elements at Adobe Community
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  • Error 150:30 ?

    Since I installed Yosemite I cannot reach Adabe photoshop Elements any more. I become error 150:30 ! How can I fix it?
    Jean-Marie Dupont
    Depuis que j'ai installé Yosemite sur mon Imac je ne peux plus ouvrir Adobe Photoshop Elements j'ei un message : Error 150:30 comment puis-je régler cela ?
    Merci de m'apporter une réponse rapidement.

    I have Adobe Photoshop 8. I did not make a restore, on the other hand I have CD. Is what I owe déinstaller PSE and to reinstall it with my CD?
    Jean-Marie Dupont
    Message du 25/01/15 15:43
    De : "Barbara B."
    A : "Jean-Marie Dupont"
    Copie à :
    Objet :  Error 150:30 ?
    Error 150:30 ?
    created by Barbara B. in Photoshop Elements - View the full discussion
    Which version of PSE and how did you install Yosemite? Did you try to restore PSE from a time machine or other backup?
    If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: https://forums.adobe.com/message/7129537#7129537 and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer
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    Start a new discussion in Photoshop Elements by email or at Adobe Community
    For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1516624.

  • Photoshop CS4 extended Error 150:30

    I have reinstalled Photoshop CS4 extended on my new hard disk as it was replaced by apple, and it now won't open, showing Error 150:30. What do i do?

    Please see this link: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4752665

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