Quicktime import bug?

When i import a Qucktime movie which have 2 video streams, Motion plays always a wrong part of the movie. In Quicktime player its always fine. Are i missing a setting?

The Quicktime was made with Quicktime Pro. So just copy and paste video from one to another. Then you have 2 video streams inside. And Motion will not play as the Quicktime Player does. < </div>
Sequential or embedded?
Embedded or layered?
Why did you use QTPro?
Easy and quick solution: Do them one at a freakin' time.

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    I think the designers page may hold better answers to your troubles.
    First trouble is that most of these games can only be played from the "device" (CD/DVD) and also include their own QuickTime playback "engine".
    So. Your installed version of QuickTime may not be the one used for playback.

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    Hello Larry,
    i am the developer of the IDMLlib http://idmllib.com/ a Java library which is able to read/modify/create IDML.
    I have also noticed some strange behavior regarding the importing of IDML, where the order of elements affect the parsing of the IDML in CS4/CS5.
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        <ListItem type="record">
            <Alignment type="enumeration">LeftAlign</Alignment>
            <AlignmentCharacter type="string">,</AlignmentCharacter>
            <Leader type="string"></Leader>
            <Position type="unit">144</Position>
    If you change this by moving the Position to the top, which is no problem regarding the schema which doesn´t enforce a strict order of the elements:
    element Alignment { enum_type, TabStopAlignment_EnumValue }&
    element AlignmentCharacter { string_type, xsd:string }&
    element Leader { string_type, xsd:string }&
    element Position { unit_type, xsd:double })
    So if you change this example to this, and reimport the IDML into CS4/CS5 INDD the <Position/> will not be parsed and you wont see a TabList
    <TabList type="list">
         <ListItem type="record">
            <Position type="unit">144</Position>
             <Alignment type="enumeration">LeftAlign</Alignment>
             <AlignmentCharacter  type="string">,</AlignmentCharacter>
             <Leader type="string"></Leader>
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    There has been a posting from a guy complaining about different import results regarding the attribute order of IDML element:
    I will try to reproduce the behavior you decribed.
    Cheers, Andreas

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    public function SubClass() {
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    import test.BaseClass.myMethod;
    public class SubClass extends BaseClass {
    public function SubClass() {
    override public function myMethod():void {
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    Damir Murat,
    Did you already file a bug for this? If not, would you mind
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    Ok, but we'll need more details.
    Your OS version, how you calibrate your monitor, whether you see the same playing through Quicktime standalone on your Mac, what camera the videos came from, whether they've been edited in other software, etc. 
    This is a beta so there will be bugs - that information could help narrow down and fix issues such as these.

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    SDO_GEOMETRY(2002, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1, 4, 4, 1, 2, 1, 9, 2, 2, 13
    , 2, 2, 17, 2, 1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(278222.37, 179102.519, 278222.37, 179111.223,
    278222.37, 179176.31, 278223.164, 179194.567, 278224.751, 179206.473, 278238.913,
    179237.143, 278262.587, 179261.242, 278288.15, 179273.083, 278316.033, 179277.117,
    278336.935, 179274.471, 278357.997, 179271.272))
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    Any ideas for a workaround or fix for this bug?

    Hi Sunil,
    This is a bug. There doesn't seem to be a workaround.
    Can you contact me via email or post your email?

  • Import Bugs

    Nice work, guys! This is exactly what I've been waiting for, and I'm very excited to put the new app through its paces.
    For starters, I encountered a few bugs with document importing.
    1) I was unable to import a script written in Word 2007 (DOCX file format). After converting the doc into Word 97 - 2003 format (DOC), the document was successfully imported.
    2) There seems to be a problem with conversion of special characters (curly quotes, m-dashes, n-dashes, etc) during a Word document import. This is especially prominent in scene headings (see the screenshot below for details).
    3) Most of the time, the different script elements (scene heading, action, character, dialog) are successfully recognized, but sometimes character names get incorrectly identified as "shot" elements. In fact, as I look through the imported script, it looks like scene headings, parentheticals, transitions, and dialog seem to be 100% correct. But about 90% of the character headings are imported as "shot" elements. The strange thing is that my doc has very good formatting consistency (since I use a Word template to create the doc, and all of my script elements have their own word "styles")
    FYI, in addition to the screenshot attached below, I'm adding a link to the Word 2007 template that I use for auto-formatting my Word docs into screenplay format. (It's a heavily-modified version of the template originally found here; it's a pretty popular template, so I think it'd make a lot of sense for Story to support it, and others like it.) This should give you an idea for how my scripts are formatted before import.
    If you have any questions, let me know.
    (Also, do you plan on opening a public bug database for alpha/beta testers? I'd be happy to log bugs directly if such a database existed.)

    Really looking forward to putting this through a solid working test drive.
    I had one major issue with importing my Final Draft 7 file. All of my apostrophies and quotes were turned into Õ and another O but with a carrot on top (a symbol not readily at my disposal at the moment).
    After an attempt at a simple FIND and REPLACE, it promted me to use my BROWSERS find function, which did me no good when working with my scirpt. Hence I had to manually find and replace all the apostrophes, and quotes in my script. Luckily, it's only a short. Had it been a 120 feature, that would've been an instant dealbreaker.
    Hope this helps.
    Zach G.

  • Can't add transition to Quicktime import

    I made a Quicktime movie in IMovie using a series of photos and then imported it to FCE. It's now sitting in the Timeline but I cannot add transitions to either end of it. Any thoughts?

    If you come from iMovie, you're used to iMovie making transitions by shortening the adjacent shots, taking a bit off each of them to create an overlap for the transition to occur. This incidentally shortens your sequence and possibly pulls things out of alignment with your audio, but that's a problem for iMovie users to deal with.
    In FCE and FCP and all other professional editing applications, the overlap is not taken from inside the shot; it's taken from extra material, called handles in FCE, that lie beyond the end of the shot. So if you put a shot in a sequence that uses all the available media for that shot, that is you marked the out point on the very last frame, there are then no handles for the application to extend the shot and create the necessary overlap to make the transition, and the transition will fail.
    For the default one second transition you need at least 15 more frames after the marked out point of the outgoing, and 15 more frames in front of, before the marked in point on the incoming shot. That will give you enough material for the default centered on edit, one second cross dissolve or whatever transition you're adding.
    All the best,

  • No sound on quicktime import

    I have a quicktime movie that plays fine in qt but when I import it into iMovie HD there is no sound.
    Any ideas?

    I read the posts. I downloaded MPEG Streamclip 1.7. I tried exporting the mpg clip to dv and avi. I tried converting to mpeg. nothing worked. no sound when imported into iMovie 5 or 6. I even tried importing to iMovie 2, but that version does not recognize such files. Whenever I select export MPEG, it reads "encoding moive at 0:00"14, dta rate 292 kbps 35^ completed" forever. It doesn't finish. I'm trying it again and it has the same message.
    Here's what the Stream Info says:
    Stream: 20060512 145646.mpg
    Type: MPEG program stream
    Duration: 0:00:49
    Data Size: 3.50 MB
    Bit Rate: 0.60 Mbps
    Video Tracks:
    224 MPEG-1, 320 × 240, 25 fps, 104.86 Mbps
    Audio Tracks:
    192 MP1 stereo, 32 kHz, 320 kbps
    Stream Files:
    20060512 145646.mpg (3.50 MB)
    Dual 867 MHz PowerPC G4 512 MB   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • Wsdl import bug?

    Dear All,
    I have found the following piece of code in the "Import Web Service" Function
    This piece of code strips of the https:// as it does not equal http://
    This then said that my URL was bad (Which it isnt) and stopped me from importing my webservice.
    See NI arent I kind to you!  I have never reported a bug and I dont even know if this is one (Although I am pretty sure it is) so I havent posted anything related to bugs etc.
    I did manage to get my web service imported by short cutting the above piece of code (Hence the TRUE Constant)
    LabVIEW 2012

    Hi Craig,
    Where exactly is this code located? I wasn't able to find the VI this is inside. As a workaround for the issue in LabVIEW 2009, you can do a quick check to see what the protocol is, rather than just accepting it's always correct with a true constant. You can use the following method to implement that:
    If you let me know where this located, I can check whether this has been fixed for the latest build of LabVIEW already.
    Imtiaz Chowdhury
    Head of Digital Technologies
    url_protocol.vi ‏8 KB

  • Premiere Pro CS5 Quicktime Import Problem

    Hi Everyone,
    I am having a problem importing Quicktime .MOV files into Premiere Pro CS5.  When I import .mov files (I've tried several; some I've created myself from AE5, others are purchased from third party libraries) the file shows up in the PPro CS5 project bin, but can't be previewed by dragging into the Source Monitor (system spins for 1-2 minutes, then PPro Source Monitor just shows a gray backround, no video present).  If I drag the file to the timeline, the system will again spin for 1-2 minutes and then the Program Monitor will just display a black video frame.  If I try to play the timeline, the audio will play (if present), but the Program Monitor will show black with occasional "flashes" of a frame from the .mov file.  If I try to render the timeline nothing really happens except the estimate time to finish increases with no end in sight (3 minute clip was showing 20+ hours remaining before I killed it).
    On the same machine, I can view the .mov files just fine using Quicktime 7.6.8, AE 5, and even PPro CS4.
    I am running Windows 7 x64, 9GB memory, Core i7 Processor, Multiple HDD's (per Adobe recommendations), and a nVidia GFX740 card.  I've updated PPro CS5, Quicktime, and nVidia drivers all to the latest version this week.
    Does this sound familiar to anyone?  Any ideas of how to fix this problem?

    Although you speak sooth, it is I believe rather impulsive to think that the simple answer was meant to be an evangelistic approach for using .mov in final production.
    I only edit final productions in native formats or professional intermediates. 
    But, how about doing rough storyboard edits where you are burning the many endless midnight hours (hmm, like now maybe, and I just ran out of coffee and smokes?!) fleshing out a story or script, or knocking out an animatic or honing in on the details out of a cinematic script - and while that creative candle burns, you are rapidly pulling together whatever material in whatever format you can find to rough together your ideas before you lose that thought - often over the weekend for a presentation to investors or some such on a Monday.  Sometimes, my friend, all you have is what you get. And when I am creatively doing a pitch or preparing for an on-set walkthrough or a meeting with pre-production, and all I have are  .mov's from whereever thay came or a crappy home office scan or a repro of an old 16mm film of a POW camp that someone copied onto VHS by projecting it off a painted concrete block wall and then shot that with an old VHS camera, and whatever 20 generations later you are handed a .mov of that to put together a final script concept while the originals get dug up.....My Friend, you have to be able to rapidly put your thougths and concepts together without limitations to your equipment and you don't have time to mess around with codecs you don't have when you are in a pinch.  And some of us aren't mathematical codec wizards either -- we just need to see something and see it now.
    After all, this is Planet Earth we are living on isn't it?  And rare is the idyllic, calm, cool, breezy day absent from the pounding heartbeat of production!
    And in those desperate moments, there have been a few times I will confess I needed to pop a .mov file (from wherever its birth may have been I will never know) into premiere and it wouldn't go.  And in a rush like that with no sleep, I don't care.  I ran it though QT Pro. I guess that makes me a sinner from Arcturus.
    From a professional point of view, there are many ways to use premiere.  Like I said, often preparing for a final edit in a production house with an editing team on an Avid or whatever system.   And on the creative side, I use it often to develop my scripts or my projects before I walk on set to direct or produce or have a meeting with the pre-production crew.  And there are many others including of course, the beloved, finished, polished edits that go straight to broadcast -- which premiere does a great job.
    For a final production, .mov, nope. (Although I have had animation houses swear by the .mov animation.)
    Feel a little better now? 

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