R U sure that JWindow's deaf?

Hi every1,
I'm developing a biomedical application: I've got a main frame and I would like to place
a tiny JWindow in the middle of it as a floating toolbar.
But neither I want any toolbar nor a new button to appear on the OS taskbar as a JFrame
causes. I thought of a JInternalFrame, it's behaviour is the right one, but it displays a OS
dependent top bar.
I landed onto a JWindow. The funny thing is that, even implementing WindowListener
interface, JWindow seems to be deaf to WindowEvents: I can't determine if it's the
focused window or if it is activated. Whenever I click on the main frame my JWindows
goes to back and, even though focused, it doesn't come to front any more.
I would like to know if I can instantiate a JWindow and give it the behaviour of a JInternalFrame,
without it to have an OS dependent top bar but only a costumized button.
Thanx a lot

IMHO those youngsters are used to that silly SMS and
chat speak, so that'sI think this is a bit of a misconception. SMS is slang not a "new language" I agree with that.
thus it is actually a slang dialect from a particular region. In fact it is
worse than that because SMS actually seems to devlove into a
language that only the two people communicating can understand. I disagree with that; IMHO sms-notation was born because of the maximum
length of the message that could be sent: 160 characters or so. People
were quite creative in substituting single digits for an entire syllable that
sounded similar. In the Dutch language people are over-creative with that,
e.g. 'FF' stands for 'just a moment': 'FF' being a shortand for 'effen', (multiple effs)
which is sort of slang for 'eventjes', which basically translates to 'just a moment'.
Similar things happen to just phonetic parts of words (i.e. not syllables),
i.e. 'w8' means 'wacht' ('wait' in English, the similarity is just a coincidence).
So in SMS speak 'wait for a moment' in Dutch is translated to 'w8 FF'.
When enough room for editing a proper text is available I find this SMS
stuff terrible. I do think though that youngsters are more familiar with this
type of notation and I think they will go further than I just sketched.
kind regards,

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    Quick answer if you use iTunes' default preferences settings:  Copy the entire iTunes folder (and in doing so all its subfolders and files) intact to the other drive.  Open iTunes and immediately hold down the option (alt) key (shift on Windows) so you get a prompt to select a library, then guide it to the 'iTunes Library.itl' file in the moved iTunes folder.
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    Put the phone in Airplane mode...this turns off all iPhone radios...but, you can go back into settings & turn WiFi back on. You can then use iMessage.
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