RAC BAckground Processes

Hi All,
I am new to RAC, week ago I start reading RAC. Now i have little knowledge about the concepts & Architecture.
But still its confuse about the BAckgroup processes.
i have an idea about RAC background processes, but for better understanding kindly tell me the uses of RAC BG prosesses.
Try to explain with your own knowledge, because i read almost 15 to 20 documents. i understand but not clear.
better write your own experience.
S Senthil Kumar

RAC Mandatory BG Processes
1) DIAG 2) LMSn 3)LMD 4)LMON 5)LCK
1) LMD : Global Enqueue Service Daemon.
To Serialize the transaction it is allocating enqueues inside the buffer memory(DBBC)
Detects dead locks and submitting to GRD (Global Resource Directory)
Maintaining the enqueue request status in the clustering environment.
2) LMSn : Global Enqueue Cache Service.
Responsible for shifting of enqueues that is cache fusion and synchronization of GRD along with library cache and data dictionary cache from one node to another.
Performing cache fusion(DBBC) and non cache fusion(GRD and variable part)
3) LMON : Global Enqueue Service Monitor:
Monitor the enqueue status.
Repairs enqueues based on parity report of enqueue which is available in another node taking help of cluster group service(CGS O/s Service).
4) DIAG: Diagnostic Daemon:
Gives errors related to node health inside alert log file.
It also helps LMD to detect deadlocks.
Publishes deadlock information inside alert log.
Shifting of buffer memory
Responsible for generating RPC calls, which is used for shifting of data from one node to another or related to heart bit check.
GRD (Global Resource Directory): It resides in SGA.
In GRD it maintains status of Buffer Information. Status is nothing but current location of Buffers.
Which role that Buffer consist whether that is Global Role or Local Role.
Which mode that Buffer consists of
     Exclusive (X)
     Shared (S)
     Null (N)
Which Image
     Post Image (I)
     Current Image (O)
10g daemons:
CRSD-Cluster Ready Service Daemon
EVMD-Event Manager Daemon.
ORS-Oracle Notification Service.
VIP-Virtual IP
CSSD – Cluster Synchronization service daemon

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    On Oracle knowledgebase...any search for VKRM, gives about the same 3 articles relating to RDA (Remote Diagnostic Assistant).
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    ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress
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    [oracle@server2 bin]$ ./srvctl status database -d INSTANCE
    Instance INSTANCE1 is running on node server1
    Instance INSTANCE2 is running on node server2
    Instance INSTANCE3 is running on node server3
    Instance INSTNANCE4 is running on node server4
    Instance INSTANCE5 is running on node server5
    Anyway, thought I'd poke around. I started with trying to get srvctl to stop instance #2...in GRID it seemed that instance 2,4 and 5 weren't working.
    srvctl stop instance -D INSTANCE -i INSTANCE2
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    PRCR-1065 : Failed to stop resource (((((NAME STARTS_WITH ora.instance.) && (NAME ENDS_WITH .svc)) && (TYPE == ora.service.type)) && ((STATE != OFFLINE) || (TARGET != OFFLINE))) || (((NAME == ora.instance.db) && (TYPE == ora.database.type)) && (STATE != OFFLINE)))
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    CRS-2675: Stop of 'ora.instance.db' on 'server4' failed
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    Process ID: 0
    Session ID: 0 Serial number: 0
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    ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
    Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
    Process ID: 0
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    I get similar messages when I try to restart.
    clusters seem to be up, and other instances seem to be ok
    Looking at alert log...I found some strangeness in the traces
    Starting background process VKRM
    Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/instance/INSTANCE2/trace/INSTANCE2_dbrm_26982.trc:
    ORA-00443: background process "VKRM" did not start
    Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/instance/INSTANCE2/trace/INSTANCE2_ora_27467.trc:
    ORA-00450: background process '' did not start
    Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/instance/INSTANCE2/trace/INSTANCE2_ora_27467.trc:
    ORA-00450: background process '' did not start
    Error 450 happened during db open, shutting down database
    USER (ospid: 27467): terminating the instance due to error 450
    LGWR waiting for instance termination
    Instance terminated by USER, pid = 27467
    ORA-1092 signalled during: ALTER DATABASE OPEN...
    opiodr aborting process unknown ospid (27467) as a result of ORA-1092
    Looking at the trace listed above:
    2011-05-09 12:17:18.305726 :84271119:db_trace:ksb.c@2157:ksbs1p_real(): [10254:6:464] KSBS1P: process DBRM trying to start background VKRM
    2011-05-09 12:17:18.305729 :8427111A:db_trace:ksb.c@2220:ksbs1p_real(): [10254:6:464] KSBS1P: process DBRM obtained PR enqueue to start background VK
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    Trace Bucket Dump End: default bucket for process 6 (osid: 26982, DBRM)
    ORA-00443: background process "VKRM" did not start
    kskdbrmpa: reply error 450
    Any ideas? Again...I can't seem to find much of ANY information searching out there for the VKRM background process not starting...
    Thanks in advance,
    Edited by: cayenne on May 9, 2011 11:34 AM

    Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?
    Ok..have been on phone with Oracle support, and have them stumped so far.
    I've checked..other instances are running (except one other that failed to cleanly shut down with srvctl and same error messages).
    I've check...ASM is running on all 5 nodes. I've used crsctl to check CRS on all nodes..clustering seems ok.
    Memory while somewhat high...should have enough room...the system has never complained before, and this has been up on this config for over a year.
    I was able on node one...to fire up the first nodes instance using the pfile there...it came up. I started it restrict..and promptly ran a datapump export, and then shut back down.
    While Oracle support is going through logs and trace files I sent...I've got another 11Gr2 environment (3 node RAC) I've been using as a test environment...and am recreated the instance there temporarily to allow my developers to test and get past the upcoming deadline.
    But, I'm still puzzled as to the solution on the main cluster. This seem to be normal, except these two instances....
    any ideas on where and what to look for?

  • Background processes in RAC

    I am new to RAC , so i want to know how all additional background processes in RAC works ?
    Enviornment : oracle 10g release 2 with RAC , OS : HP-ux 11i

    Read the following doc's:

  • GUI_DOWNLOAD and background processing

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    <b>first question</b> - is there a FM to do a FTP from the app server to a directory on our network for the user to access?
    <b>second question</b> - is this the right approach or is there something else that I should be doing.
    thanks in advance for your help

    Yes, your right, GUI_DOWNLOAD wil not work in background mode, you need to place the file in Application server, here.
    See the below link for a FTP program, use the proper commands(i do not know whether downloading the file is possible through the commands)
    or else, write a small program which downloads the data from the application server, but it should run in the foreground

  • The request could not be submitted for background processing.

    Post Author: Chriss
    CA Forum: Administration
    It's an BOE XI SR2, on Win2k3 server, with a print cluster with two print spools, handling 3000+ printers. I discovered this error to be intermittent and only on one of the spools. It turned out that the only common factor was an HP4250 print driver. I backed all the 4250s down to 4200 drivers and the intermitent error ("Error in File. The request could not be submitted for background processing.") went from about 100 a day to zero. The other spool had a different version of the HP4250 driver and would on rare occassion cause this error, "Error in File ... Page header or footer longer than a page." but never the background processing error.
    For reference, when I got this error in XI R1, this was the solution for 'the error with one name and many causes':The error "The request could not be submitted for background processing" can be related to a corrupt or wrong versioned crpe32.dll in the Crystal bin folder. Renaming to crpe32.dll_bak and using the repair command in the the "Add/Remove Programs" tool in the "Control Panel" will reinstall the correct dll. Then restart the Crystal services.

    Post Author: krishna.moorthi
    CA Forum: Administration
    For Crystal reports :
    Error : "The request could not be submitted for background processing"
    I think,this was not related to a corrupt or wrong versioned crpe32.dll.
    but the below mentioned is one of the reason for getting this error.
    I got the error when the main report(crystalreports10) having more than 2 subreports not assigned proper tables for the subreports.
    Example: (this code raise the abone mentioned error.)
    rpt.Subreports&#91;"subreportname1"&#93;.SetDataSource(Exdataset); // Exdatatset.Tables&#91;1&#93;
    rpt.Subreports&#91;"subreportname2"&#93;.SetDataSource(Exdataset);// Exdatatset.Tables&#91;2&#93;

  • How to Create Excel File in Background processing with different colors

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    I am trying to create Excel file in background & send it to user through e-mail, this i could acheive using fucntion module SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1, but here my requirement is i want to put different colors to columns of excel & this should happen in Background processing,
    Initially i completed above requirement by using HTML type of document with attachment type 'ALI'  & formatted output using write statement & used colors, after that i took this o/p using save_list function module & then table compress...etc.
    but i don't know how to achieve same if we need o/p in excel as size of object of excel file is less than that of HTML
    I am thankfull to everybody who will help me.

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  • Data of alv report in  excel file in background processing using open datas

    Hi Experts,
    I have developed report for purchase register . if i execute this report in background process i am not able to get the downloaded file in excel and output is also not coming properly, columns are going to overlap.
    i used open dataset  read dataset and close dataset but still problem is not solved. so if anyone have code with this and also which will have concatenate statement in the code send it.

    Hi Rahul,
    Ur code shud be like below:
    DATA : l_filename2 TYPE string,
        SPLIT p_filename AT '.xls' INTO l_filename2  v_extn.
        CONCATENATE l_filename2  'downloaded'  INTO l_filename2  SEPARATED BY '_'.
        CONCATENATE l_filename2  'txt'   INTO l_filename2 SEPARATED BY '.'.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE e499(sy) WITH text-e02.
        LOOP AT it_order_number INTO wa_order_number.
          TRANSFER wa_order_number TO l_filename2.
        CLOSE DATASET l_filename2.
    Now, go to tcode AL11 and check it in the Application server itself.
    Hope this helps,

  • When running the workflow background process for drop shipment order, sale order line's status gets automtically closed instead of awaiting shipping

    Hello friends,
    I am created a drop shipment order with all the setups done . now i have booked the sale order as source type external. but when i run the workflow background process , after completing the report when i check the sale order line status it changes to "closed" instead of "awaiting shipping".
    Plz guide me if i have missed something in the setups.

    Hi Sachin,
    pls check the below notes from MOS
    Drop Ship Sales Order Cycle In Order Management (Doc ID 749139.1)
    Vision Demo - How To Create A Drop Ship Sales Order/Purchase Order (Doc ID 1060343.1)

  • Crystal Reports VS 2008 "The request could not be submitted for background processing"

    I am going to try to explain this issue the best I can. Please let me know if you need any other information or have any ideas as I have exhausted my resources. We have an ASP.NET application that has highly formatted crystal reports in them that the users can export as PDFs. All reports export without a problem when the application is run off of our desktops. The reports use a sql server authenticated user, executing stored procedures, and each subreport is linked by the main parameter. We are using Visual Studio 2008 version 3.5 SP1 with Crystal Reports Basic for Visual Studio 2008 on Windows 7 Enterprise SP1. We have designed the reports in Crystal Reports XI Release 2 ( and imported them into the ASP.NET application. When trying to export the reports as PDFs from the development or production servers, we get the error message below for some, not all, reports:
    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800002AD):  Error in File C:\Windows\TEMP\KeyAccountProfile {9FA5C095-77A2-425D-AC6B-8BB66B435336}.rpt: The request could not be submitted for background processing.     at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ReportSourceClass.Export(ExportOptions pExportOptions, RequestContext pRequestContext)     at CrystalDecisions.ReportSource.EromReportSourceBase.ExportToStream(ExportRequestContext reqContext)
    We have cleared the temp directory on the servers before exporting and are still receiving the error. We have installed Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for Visual Studio ( on both servers. I have identified the underlying issue to one stored procedure/subreport that is causing the report to fail. The weird thing is, when we change the connection to point to development, the stored procedure/subreport runs fine for the report that generates an error when run from production, and the data is the exact same. I have tried rebuilding the subreport but the error still appears even though it runs fine for other reports.
    I have been through the document below, and othe similar issues in the forums, but still have not found a resolution. I was trying to use the "modules" application put since this is an ASP.NET application I am unsure of which executable I should be looking at.
    Thanks in advance for your assistance,
    Brad Hood
    OK.. I did some more investigating on this today. I have found out when I move the sub report that generates the error under another sub report, the sub report in question runs without issue. But when I try and move the sub report that produces the error above any other sub report, the error still generates. Can this get any weirder.... FYI.. there is a total of ten sub reports on this report.

    Hi Brad
    I'm not sure that Modules would show us anything in this case, so let's try a few other things:
    1) Make sure you are using SP 1 for Crystal Reports Basic Runtime for Visual Studio:
    Crystal Reports for VS 2005 and VS 2008 Updates & Runtime Downloads
    2) Seeing as this works on dev, this may be some db inconsistency so enabling the report option "Verify on 1st Print" will be a good idea.
    3) Double check the database client and make sure the same client is used on dev and deployed systems. Actually I take back my Modules negative as this is where it may prove useful. Once you have the Modules logs, look at who is loading the crpe32.dll, then look at that process and see the client dlls.
    4) Check the printer driver; see if there are any updates. Try a different printer driver.
    Ten subreports is not too bad, though not that good either as you are loading the report engine with at minimum 11 simultaneous reports (each subreport is considered to be a report). If a subreport is in a details section and the details section returns a 100 records, you are running 100 + 1 reports. This may lead to memory issues, which may lead to the error.
    If I was a betting man, I'd put most of my money on the printer driver (based on your last addition to your post). What ever money I had left would go to some database issue (be it actual data or client related).
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • Background process taking very long time to complete.

    Dear All,
    Platform: HP UX
    Version: 12.0.6
    While time of shutting down the instance below background process taking very long time to complete.
    what is below mention process? can i kill it? total 3 process i am getting while finding ps -ef|grep applpre(applepre is apps instance's owner)
    applpre/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/appsutil/jdk/bin/IA64N/java -DCLIENT_PROCESSID=5457 -server -Xmx384m -XX:+UseSerialGC -Dor
    Thanks in Advance,

    Please see (Note: 567551.1 - Configuring various JVM tuning parameters for Oracle E-Business suite 11i and R12).
    You can safely kill those processes from the OS.

  • Submit Report (Regarding Background Processing)

    Hi Guru's,
    I want help regarding Background Processing.
    I have developed a program which is running fine in forground but in Background mode no values are comming.
    All values are becomig Zero.
    Plz help.
    *--- Submit Report for 'COGI' (Postprocessing of Error Records from Automatic Goods Movements)
                      WITH  r_cumul = 'X'
                      EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY
                    AND RETURN.
    *---- Get the List
          listobject = it_list_tab
          not_found  = 1
          OTHERS     = 2.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *--- Convert to Ascii
            listobject         = it_list_tab
            listasci           = it_asci_tab
            empty_list         = 1
            list_index_invalid = 2
            OTHERS             = 3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    *      MESSAGE i000 WITH 'Problem in converting LIST to ASCII'.
        DESCRIBE TABLE it_asci_tab LINES w_cogi.
        w_cogi = w_cogi - 5.
          listobject = it_list_tab.

    Hi Arbind,
                  You have used return you need to add the addition with.Try this way hope it works
                    AND RETURN
                    WITH P_1 = P_1
                    WITH P_2 = P_2
                    WITH P_3 = P_3
                    WITH S_4  IN S_4
                    WITH S_5 IN S_5
                    WITH S_6 IN S_6.

  • Background Processing? how schedule job for "System Error" Message .

    Hello everyone,
    in sap help i have read.
    PCK> Monitoring>Message Monitoring-->Background Processing
    you can schedule jobs for various background processing:
    ●     Archiving of messages processed successfully
    ●     Deletion of messages that are not to be archived
    ●     Restarting of messages with errors
    ●     Rescheduling of lost messages
    can anyone understand this docu?
    give me some introduction, how can i define and schedule these jobs ?
    thx in advance!!
    best regards

    Background Processing
    You have started the message monitor on the initial screen of the PCK and are in Background Processing.
    You require two archiving sessions to archive messages:
    ●     One session to write the messages to the archive
    ●     One session to delete the persisted messages that have been archived
    To do this, you schedule an archiving job, which implicitly schedules the sessions to write to the archive and delete the archived messages.
    You can define one or more rules for each archiving job; these rules contain conditions that a message must meet in order to be archived by the job. At least one of the defined rules must be met for archiving to take place.
    All information that is displayed for a message in message monitoring is archived, in addition to the audit log for each message.
    A standard delete job is created automatically. It runs once a day. You can schedule additional delete jobs; however, you cannot define rules for them.
    Instead of restarting messages with errors manually with message monitoring, you can schedule a job to automatically restart these messages. This is possible for all messages for which the number of defined restart attempts has been exceeded (messages with the system error status).
    You can define one or more rules for each job to restart messages; these rules contain conditions that a message must meet in order to be restarted by the job. At least one of the defined rules must be met for archiving to take place.
    A standard job to reschedule messages is created automatically. The job runs once a day and ensures that messages lost as a result of database failure, for example, are rescheduled. You can schedule additional rescheduling jobs; however, you cannot define rules for them.
    Thx Aamir.
    But I mean the messages with errors in Adapter Engine , not in Intergrations Engine.
    the situation is like Naveen Pandrangi's WebLog
    II. Errors in Adapter Engine [XI :  How to Re-Process failed XI Messages Automatically|XI :  How to Re-Process failed XI Messages Automatically]
    Till now we have seen how to resubmit/restart message that failed in Integration Engine.  One a message makes it from Integration Engine to Adapter Engine, the message is flagged as checked in Integration Engine. The status of the message in Adapter engine does not effect the processed state in Integration Engine. Now if this message was asynchronous, XI will by default try to restart the message 3 times at intervals of 5 minutes before the status of the message is changed from Waiting to System Error .
    *how can i schedule a job to automatically restart these messages with errors?
    best regards
    Edited by: Yaning Liu on Aug 18, 2008 1:43 PM

  • ABAP trail 7.00 timeouts and background process

    Does anyone knows if it's possible to change the number of dialog and background processes?
    And the transaction to change the timeouts of such processes?
    Thank you

    you can change the timeout in rz11.Parameter-name is rdisp/max_wprun_time. Backgound processes habe no timeout, so this value is only valid for dia-processes
    To change the number, you have to adjust your instance profile. In the forum  'Netweaver Administrator' should be some information about that. So just the short hint: you can adjust the profiles in RZ10, but have to do some steps for that. Just search in NW-Admin-forum above.

  • How can I run a method as a background process?

    I am currently working on a report where depending on the number of items selected, the user may choose to process all the items right now or as a background process.
    How can I do that in ABAP?

    To run a job in the background it has to be scheduled as batch job. You would usually do that using transaction SM36. As I understand your problem you want to schedule such a job directly from your coding. You may want to have a look at function group BTCH. It overs quite a few FMs to programmatically add a batch job.

  • ERROR while uploading the data into ztable with background processing

    Hi gurus,
    i am trying to upload the data from excel file to internal table 
    its working fine ..
    if i try to upload the data with background processing , in sm37 it is saying "error during the upload of clipboard contents".

    FM GUI_UPLOAD doesnt work in background, use dataset to upload it from application server.
    refer below code
    *--Local Variables
      DATA : l_file  TYPE string,
             l_line  TYPE string,
             l_index TYPE sy-tabix.
      CLEAR : l_file.
      l_file = p_ipfile.
    *--Read the data from application server file.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    *--Error in opening file
        MESSAGE i368(00) WITH text-005.
    *--Get all the records from the specified location.
        READ DATASET l_file INTO l_line.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          SPLIT l_line AT cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab
                          INTO st_ipfile-vbeln
          APPEND st_ipfile TO it_ipfile.

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