Range of time to create a 100G bigfile Tablespace decent server HW

Creating a 100G bigfile data space with autoextend 2G max of 200G. I run the script with smaller sizes 300mb initial 20mb autoextend 2g max size to ensure it worked as intended. All went well. So when I put in the larger file sizes it is taking a lot longer. I am aware that there is a large increase in the time needed to create 100GB tablespaces as oppposed to 300MB. I was wondering if you guys have created similar sized tablespaces and maybe how long it took you. I have let this run for over 12 hours and nothing to show for it.
Any contributions would be appreciated.

Bruce_Bruce wrote:
I left it running over night and still nothing....
SQL> create bigfile tablespace bigtbs datafile '/data/oracle/mydb/bigtbs.dbf' size 100g;
Tablespace created.
Elapsed: 00:40:34.33
SQL> drop tablespace bigtbs including contents and datafiles;
Tablespace dropped.
Elapsed: 00:00:04.29On AIX5.3, RAID10 on SAN fibre-channel with following lv and vg specs :
oracle:/data/oracle# lslv lvoradata
LOGICAL VOLUME:     lvoradata              VOLUME GROUP:   vgoradata
LV IDENTIFIER:      xxx                    PERMISSION:     read/write
VG STATE:           active/complete        LV STATE:       opened/syncd
TYPE:               jfs2                   WRITE VERIFY:   off
MAX LPs:            2048                   PP SIZE:        1024 megabyte(s)
COPIES:             1                      SCHED POLICY:   parallel
LPs:                1398                   PPs:            1398
STALE PPs:          0                      BB POLICY:      relocatable
INTER-POLICY:       minimum                RELOCATABLE:    yes
INTRA-POLICY:       middle                 UPPER BOUND:    64
MOUNT POINT:        /data/oracle           LABEL:          /data/oracle
Serialize IO ?:     NO
oracle:/data/oracle# lsvg vgoradata
VOLUME GROUP:       vgoradata                VG IDENTIFIER:  yyy
VG STATE:           active                   PP SIZE:        1024 megabyte(s)
VG PERMISSION:      read/write               TOTAL PPs:      1399 (1432576 megabytes)
MAX LVs:            512                      FREE PPs:       0 (0 megabytes)
LVs:                2                        USED PPs:       1399 (1432576 megabytes)
OPEN LVs:           2                        QUORUM:         2 (Enabled)
TOTAL PVs:          1                        VG DESCRIPTORS: 2
STALE PVs:          0                        STALE PPs:      0
ACTIVE PVs:         1                        AUTO ON:        yes
MAX PPs per VG:     130048
MAX PPs per PV:     2032                     MAX PVs:        64
LTG size (Dynamic): 256 kilobyte(s)          AUTO SYNC:      no
HOT SPARE:          no                       BB POLICY:      relocatableYou may have wrong config.

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    With Rgds,

    this is to inform you that,
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    Most likely you have Office 2004 which are PPC-only applications and will not work in Lion. Upgrade to Office 2011. Other alternatives are:
    Apple's iWork suite (Pages, Numbers, and Keynote.)
    Open Office (Office 2007-like suite compatible with OS X.)
    NeoOffice (similar to Open Office.)
    LibreOffice (a new direction for the Open Office suite.)

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    Best Regards.

    Please go through this ->
    Note 739562 Simplified pricing: Price 0.00 if catalog item.
    This is the standard system response as of EBP 3.5 Support Package 05 or Note 569275.
    This also depends on how you uploaded the price in the catalogs ->
    For price details you should use the following characteristics:-
    /ccm/price[1]#/ccm/amount /ccm/price[1]#/ccm/currency_code
    Perhaps you have to maintain field pricechangeable in BADi-InterfaceIF_EX_BBP_CATALOG_TRANSFER in method - ENRICH_ITEM_DATA. This will make sure you can edit the price_
    Other useful pointers ->
    Re: Price determination
    Re: free item shopping from catalogue....product with zero price
    OSS note 550071 - price for catalog product
    How to Upload Price details for a catalog in CCM 2.0
    Do let me know.
    - Atul

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    I m using 'BAPI_GOODSMVT_CREATE' in my custom report, it takes more time for creating Material documents.
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    Thanks in advance

    please check if some of following OSS notes are not valid for your problem:
    [Note 838036 - AFS: Performance issues during GR with ref. to PO|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/838036]
    [Note 391142 - Performance: Goods receipt for inbound delivery|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/391142]
    [Note 1414418 - Goods receipt for customer returns: Various corrections|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1414418]
    The other idea is not to commit each call, but executing commit of packages e.g. after 1000 BAPI calls.
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    please check if some of following OSS notes are not valid for your problem:
    [Note 838036 - AFS: Performance issues during GR with ref. to PO|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/838036]
    [Note 391142 - Performance: Goods receipt for inbound delivery|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/391142]
    [Note 1414418 - Goods receipt for customer returns: Various corrections|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/1414418]
    The other idea is not to commit each call, but executing commit of packages e.g. after 1000 BAPI calls.
    But otherwise, I am afraid you can not do a lot about performance of standard BAPI. Maybe there is some customer enhancement which is taking too long inside the BAPI, but this has to be analysed by you. To analyse performance, just execute your program via tr. SE30.

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    for assigning the primary key while using insert statement, write a piece of code to get the last pk value, increment it by 1 and then assign this value to the pk field of the next record while inserting. if you are using a fn mod to insert values, just have this piece of code right before the insert query. a better way would be to use a GUID which will be unique globally. there is a fn mod GUID_CREATE which you can use to generate GUID. i don't think there is a way to automate this while making entries using se11, unless you change the code that actually creates the entry in the database.

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    every time I create a button it moves to the centre of the page when outputting to pdf
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    I imported a jpg image as my button. Converted it to a button by Interactive/convert button. Even before I setup all the options in the buttons panel it moves. So for instance I have the button in the bottom RHS in Indesign. Then make a interactive pdf and its in the centre of the page. I have even converted the image back to an object and it goes back to in proper position.
    I have tried this in several documents, starting from scratch and using different images and also drawn a button. I have also used the buttons from the button library
    In previous version of Indesign I have never uncounted this problem.
    2 weeks later to above post
    Can anyone help this has not be resolved and I have several annual reports to get out urgently. Its happening to all documents!

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