RDS 2012 - RemoteApp is flickering

I have an application published on a Windows 2012 RDS server. Running the application from within a remote desktop session works fine, but when accessing via RemoteApp (tried on XP SP3, and 7 SP1), the application window flickers when moving the mouse,
or clicking on buttons or dropdowns within the application, etc. Has anyone seen this before?

You may be experiencing the same issues that we were having.  We have a very critical remote site with hundreds of users that use nothing but RDS.  They are currently using 2008 R2 RDS and one of the biggest complaints they have is PDF scrolling
lag.  So once Server 2012 came out and I read about RDP 8 and its performance benefits while using UDP, we decided to see if that would resolve the PDF issue.  Well I can tell you its a massive improvment.  Anyhow, I built a 2012 RDS test pilot
and within the first week we started to here complaints about "flickering".  All other testing was very positive, incuding the PDF scrolling, but the flickering started to become a real issue.  So I opened a case with MS and worked through the issue
for several months and then they finally figured out the issue.  They provided a private hotfix that we tested with success and it just so happens the official hotfix was released this past patch Tuesday.  Hopefully this corrects the issue for you. 
Another related issue we had, which is also resolved by this patch, was with launching emails from Outlook 2010 and that's all described in the KB article below.

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  • RDS 2012 RemoteApp - Passing Parameters

    Windows 2012 R2, RDS 2012, Single server configuration trying to get an remote application to accept the additional parameters to run at desktops.
    Here is the command line that is needed to be run:
    C:\infor\facts78\pvx\pxplus.exe *plus\cs\client –arg;10000 IN4WDX
    in the remote app I have entered the following:
    RemoteApp program location:
    Always use the following command-line parameters:
    *plus\cs\client –arg;10000 IN4WDX
    The program starts on the remote computers, but the parameters are not being passed properly.  Am I missing something special to get these to pass through.  I have tried putting quotes around the parameters,
    but it made no difference.
    The software vendor demo's the software via an rdp desktop.  I was hoping to use the remote app feature instead of the virtual desktop.

    Hi Benny,
    Initially please confirm whether the software is compatible to use with RemoteApp. Also the provided command line seems to be little invalid, please provide with specified full location and verify. You can check the related article for information.
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • RDS 2012 R2 - RemoteApp Disconnected

    Hi RDS 2012 R2 Experts,
    I would like some guidance here if possible
    My setup is a follow.
    1x 2012r2 with the following role, Broker, Web access, Gateway and License called RDS01
    2x 2012r2 Session Host called RSH01 an RSH02
    1x wildcard cert
    I would like to my users to be able to either internal and external to use the same link, remote.mydomain.com since my internal domain is mydomain.local
    What i have done so far.
    Created a DNS Zone called remote.mydomain.com and added the following records there.
    REMOTE, it points to web access server IP ( same server for Gateway and Broker )
    2x RDSFarm, one record points to RSH01 and the other to RSH02, and 33
    Gateway, the record points to ( same servers as broker and web access)
    Broker, the record points to ( same servers as web access and gateway)
    i have set the gateway manager the following
    Edited the deployment RD Gateway to remote.mydomain.com
    Installed the wildcert for all the roles, *.mydomain.com in all 4 roles
    created Manage Local computer groups and added both RSH01 and 02, RDSFarm record, remote record, gateway record and broker record
    linked the allowed resources with the policy and users ( also tried allow users to connect to any resources )
    configure the gateway in the RD Gateway farm
    Configured the IIS to
    auto redirect
    and the DefaultTSGAteway under Pages to remote.mydomain.com
    Also I used the Set-PublishName (http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Change-published-FQDN-for-2a029b80) to change it to broker.mydomain.com
    Now, the issue I have is, when users either internally or externally try to launch a RemoteApp they get the error.
    RemoteApp Disconnected
    This computer cant connect to the remote computer.
    Try connecting again.
    To overcome this error I did the following:
    Set-PublishName to RDSFarm.mydomain.com ( it is using the round robin to get to the session host servers)
    There is two problem with this setup.
    I no longer can shadow the users under Connections in the broker ( it seems to be bypassed )
    I get certificate mismatch due the servers names
    What I would like to achieve is to fix both problems above.
    Thanks for any advice in advance.

    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Initially check that you have applied external used FQDN of server under Server name in RD Gateway Deployment properties and used Bypass RD Gateway for local address. 
    Please try to perform the steps 
    •  Create a new DNS zone, .COM to allow split-brain DNS (so that internal clients can resolve external names internally)
    •  Create a relevant DNS entry in the aforementioned zone to point to the RDS environment’s internal IP address
    •  Create a relevant DNS entry in external DNS to point to the firewall which is publishing RDS’s external IP address
    •  Use the following script to change the FQDN of the RDP files provided by RD Web Access / RemoteApp and Desktop connection feed 
    Change published FQDN for Server 2012 or 2012 R2 RDS Deployment
    In addition, for shadow related issue you can use the server in administrative mode use mstsc /shadow command and check the result. 
    Detailed walkthrough on Remote Control (Shadowing), reintroduced in Windows Server 2012 R2  
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki

  • RDS 2012 R2 RemoteApp Server Name Mismatch

    Hi All,
    I wonder if someone can scratch my head on this.
    Brand new RDS 2012 R2 deployment.
    RDS01 with Connection Broker and Session Host Roles installed
    RDS02 with Web Access and Gateway roles installed
    one ssl certificate with one domain remote.mycompany.com 
    the certificate have been imported to all the servers via the Edit Deployment
    the local domain is mycompany.local
    the problem that i am having is that when i launch RemoteApp after login in the remote.mycompany.com externally, i get Certificate mismatch, because it is contact the local name of the Session host server RDS01.
    What i tried so far.
    Used the Set-PublishName (http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Change-published-FQDN-for-2a029b80) without success
    Try to configure RDS01 certificate via (http://ryanmangansitblog.wordpress.com/2013/03/10/configuring-rds-2012-certificates-and-sso/)
    Check Any resources ( http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/d1b0ebe4-9e53-47ff-8c75-43fd91ff538a/windows-2012-rds-certificate-mismatch?forum=winserverTS)
    Has anybody out there could shade me some knowledge in how to rectify the mismatch name warning.

    Hi -TP,
    Answering your queries.
    1_the Set-RDPublishedName was successful, restarted the servers, refreshed the RDWeb page externally, tried to connect unsuccessfully.
    2_I am using externally windows 8 and internally 7 fully updated
    3_it had the green successful message.
    After, set-rdpublishedname command, i get an erro when try to connecting saying, RemoteApp Disconnected.
    Remote desktop cant connect to the computer "remote.mycompany.com"
    1)Your user account is not listed in the RD Gateway Permission ( not true, it was set for domain users and my test user is under that group)
    2)you might have specified the remote computer in netbios format or ip
    Do you reckon i am having this problem because the RDS01 with Connection Broker and Session Host Roles installed?


    Hello,  I deployed a RDS 2012 VIRTUAL DESKTOP SESSION FARM.
    Is it possible publish a REMOTEAPPS with Virtual Desktop Session?, I only find information with Remote Desktop Session

    Seems this is not the possible scenario for deployment, we need to have Session based deployment as both virtual desktop session and session based deployment differs from other.
    Dharmesh Solanki
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

  • RDS 2012 R2 RemoteApp from NetShare

    We have a new RDS 2012 R2 Server.
    The Problem is our ERP Software has to be started from a network share. I find out that it is not possible to publish a Application with the Servermanager which is on a netShare
    So i want to try it with PowerShell, but evertime i try it i get the following error message
    New-RDRemoteApp -CollectionName COLL_NAME -DisplayName APPNAME -FilePath \\SERVER\APP.EXE -IconPath \\SERVER\APP.EXE
    New-RemoteApp : A Remote Desktop Services deployment does not exist on RDS2012SERVER This operation can be
    performed after creating a deployment. For information about creating a deployment, run "Get-Help Set-VDIDeployment" o
    r "Get-Help Set-RDSHDeployment".
    At line:1 char:1
    + New-RemoteApp
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,New-RemoteApp
    Same with
    get-rdremoteapp -collectionname "COLL_NAME" -connectionbroker RDS2012SERVER | Format-List
    We just used a default Deployment with a Single Server.
    Anyone an idea?
    Thanks for the Help!

    Import-Module remotedesktopservices 
    then try the commands again
    also, when using -connectionbroker parameter, use FQDN for broker, not netbios name.
    also ensure powershell is opened as administrator and the user you log onto the machine has admin permissions on the broker.

  • RDS 2012 R2 - RemoteApp - Certificate Mismatch

    We have a newly built RDS 2012 R2 setup.
    It consists of the following:
    1 x Server with the Gateway and the Web Access role
    2 x Servers running a Connection Broker HA cluster
    3 x Servers running as Session Hosts
    The internal domain name is example.local
    We have purchased a wildcard certificate for the entire setup. (called *.example.com)
    An external DNS record - RDS.example.com - has been created and it NAT to the Gateway and Web Access server.
    We have used the script from
    https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Change-published-FQDN-for-2a029b80 to publish the FQDN. The name we have publised is Broker.example.com. We have created a split-brain DNS internally so that the clients can resolve external names internally.
    Whenever we try to launch a RemoteApp externally we get the dreaded "Name mismatch" (and it takes about 30 seconds before we get the prompt):
    Any ideas how to solve this issue?

    Hi TP.
    Thank you for your advice.
    I've updated the Windows 7 client to RDP 8.1 and it did the trick! Thank you.
    But we have several external users - and we don't have any chance of controlling if they are running RDP 8.1. I tried to import the wildcard certificate to all RDSH servers
    - using the script in this link: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/475fb55f-e394-45d9-a6bd-a37e2a5fe86c/rds-2012-session-host-certificate-assignment?forum=winserverTS
    However - that is when I see the "Name mismatch" warning when launching a RemoteApp (as mentioned in my original post). I suppose this is because the certificate is valid
    only for *.example.com - and not for *.example.local?
    Is there any solution to this?

  • Clickonce in the RemoteApp RDS 2012 R2

    Hi Folks,
    Searching information for applications ClickOnce, in RDS 2012 R2, in Remote Desktop Services Blog, I read these applications can't published as RemoteApp programs directly, they can now be installed and run from their hosting website through a web browser such
    as Internet Explorer published as a RemoteApp program.
    Exist another form in the solve is the challenge?
    I can solve these challenge using RDS combined with App-v.
    Thanks a lot!
    Wilsterman Fernandes

    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Yeah, you can try to use Clickonce application to install on App-v server combined with RDS and then provide the path for application to use by the user through Internet Explorer. Also you can get ClickOnce app to work by installing on session host with admin
    rights ad then copied the shortcut to the redirected start menu. After that user can access via full desktop method.
    More information.
    RemoteApp improvements in Windows Server 2012 R2
    Difference between Remote App and Click Once
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki

  • How do you configure a farm name in RDS 2012?

    I understand Remote Desktop Services has undergo some drastric changes.
    How do you configure a farm name in RDS 2012? Or is the concept around farm name changed in another concept?
    Although I have imported a certificate on the RDCH withe the farm name I want to use. When I click on a RemoteApp on the RD Web Access portal, it does not connect to the right farm name.
    Boudewijn Plomp, BPMi Infrastructure & Security

    You don't.  You create a collection.  A client connects to the Connection Broker and then is redirected to the collection it is connecting to.  The collection name is embedded in the connection file that the client downloads from RDWeb or
    the RDWeb feed. 
    A collection is basically at least one RDSH server (for session based desktops) or one virtual machine (virtual machine based desktops). 
    Don Geddes - SR Support Escalation Engineer - Remote Desktop Services - Printing and Imaging

  • Users see all applications in RDS 2012 Web access in one-way trust domain environment

    We have RDS 2012 deployment in domainA.local. There is a one-way trust between domainA.local and domainB.local: A trusts B and B doesn't trust A.
    A user from domainB.local authenticates in Web-access interface (wa.domainA.local) and sees
    every published application in every collection in the deployment independently of UserGroups setting of collections and applications. This occurs for any domainB user.
    In the security log of wa.domainA.local we can find an event :
    An account failed to log on.
    Security ID:                IIS APPPOOL\RDWebAccess
    Account Name:                RDWebAccess
    Account Domain:                IIS APPPOOL
    Logon ID:                0x2C7B16
    Logon Type:                        3
    Account For Which Logon Failed:
    Security ID:                NULL SID
    Account Name:                
    Account Domain:                
    Failure Information:
    Failure Reason:                An error occurred during logon
    Status:                        0xC000005E
    Sub Status:                0x0
    Also in network trace on wa.domainA.local kerberos error could be found:
    On TGS-REQ for krbtgt/[email protected] there is an answer: KRB5KDC_ERR_S_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN (7), server name krbtgt/domainB.
    How to deal with this issue? The aim is to show only specified applications to domainB users.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you for your posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Please check below links might useful for your case.
    “After adding the RDS server’s computer account to the Builtin Windows Authorization Access Group domain group, the RemoteApp icons displayed perfectly.” (Quoted from
    this article)
    1. Remote APP list empty
    2. RD
    Web Access unable to access Source (RD Server)
    In respect to Kerberos Error, refer this link for troubleshooting.
    1. Troubleshooting Kerberos Authentication problems – Name resolution issues
    2. Kerberos Authentication problems – Service Principal Name (SPN) issues - Part 2
    Hope it helps! 

  • RDS 2012 - Certificate Mistmatch

    I am getting the most annoying error with my RDS 2012 Setup.
    certificate mismatch and double password prompts when trying to connect to my RDS setup.
    I have tried all that's out there and have got no positive results.
    All roles are on identical on 2 servers. the RDCB is in HA Mode.
    I keep getting the Certificate mismatch error.
    Already have a public or external SAN certificate assigned to all roles.
    Ran the powershell and wmi query to ensure the correct url is used when connected to gateway but I still get the double prompt when launching the remoteapps.
    I even tried the approach by cleaning IE's history, data to get the RDPSHplugin and its not helped in my case.
    All servers run 2012.
    I need some urgent assistance, please and thank you
    I have also checked and rebooted the RDS environment multiple times.
    All certs show valid. the mismatch also goes to another cert in my environment which is utilized by OWA.
    Please help me.

    I downloaded the script to C:\ and tried running it - no luck
    PS C:\> .\Set-RDPublishedName.ps1 "remote.domain.com"
    Security warning
    Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your
    computer. Do you want to run C:\Set-RDPublishedName.ps1?
    [D] Do not run  [R] Run once  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "D"): R
    iwmi : Privilege not held.
    At C:\Set-RDPublishedName.ps1:9 char:11
    + $return = iwmi -class "Win32_RDMSDeploymentSettings" -namespace "root\CIMV2\rdms ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-WmiMethod], ManagementException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeWMIManagementException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWmiMethod
    I also tried it from the other HA RDCB server.
    PS C:\> .\Set-RDPublishedName.ps1 "remote.domain.com"
    Security warning
    Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm
    computer. Do you want to run C:\Set-RDPublishedName.ps1?
    [D] Do not run  [R] Run once  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "D"): R
    Set-RDClientAccessName : A valid fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the server was not specified.
    At C:\Set-RDPublishedName.ps1:22 char:1
    + Set-RDClientAccessName -ConnectionBroker $ConnectionBroker -ClientAccessName $Cl ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Set-RDClientAccessName
    I also tried is this way- 
    PS C:\Users\administrator.TBCL\Downloads> .\Set-RDPublishedName.ps1
    Security warning
    Run only scripts that you trust. While scripts from the internet can be useful, this script can potentially harm your
    computer. Do you want to run C:\Users\administrator.TBCL\Downloads\Set-RDPublishedName.ps1?
    [D] Do not run  [R] Run once  [S] Suspend  [?] Help (default is "D"): R
    cmdlet Set-RDPublishedName.ps1 at command pipeline position 1
    Supply values for the following parameters:
    (Type !? for Help.)
    ClientAccessName: remote.domain.com
    iwmi : Invalid namespace
    At C:\Users\administrator.TBCL\Downloads\Set-RDPublishedName.ps1:9 char:11
    + $return = iwmi -class "Win32_RDMSDeploymentSettings" -namespace "root\CIMV2\rdms ...
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (:) [Invoke-WmiMethod], ManagementException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : InvokeWMIManagementException,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeWmiMethod

  • RDS 2012 R2 Separate Session Collection Behavior

    Hi everyone!  I should start by saying that I've found a number of threads which are semi-related to this topic, but they just don't seem to address my particular complaint.  I'm not sure if this is a bug, a configuration error on my part, or if
    it is expected behavior (which would be unfortunate for my intended use cases).
    The issue is that I need to provide two separate collections of RemoteApps, and I only want the collection appropriate to the logged-in user to be displayed in Web Access (or in the feed, for that matter).  One collection includes an expansive set of
    RemoteApps, and the other collection includes a limited subset of those published in the first.
    Now, I know that a SH can only belong to one session collection.  That makes sense, and in my case, I wouldn't want it any other way.  It offers better separation between the user environment intended for use by employees, and the user environment
    intended for use by non-employees, which is a bit more restrictive.  (Those are the actual purposes of the two collections described earlier.)  So far, so good.  Now, it seems to me like every other role beside the SH role should be able to
    do its job for all collections.  What other purpose could the concept of a "Collection" possibly serve, after all?  If I had to stand-up Connection Broker, Web Access, Gateway, and Session Host for every collection of RemoteApps, then there
    wouldn't need to exist any concept in RDS 2012 R2 called "Collections".  So, I figured that Connection Broker, Web Access, and Gateway could serve all collections, and Session Host is of course limited to serving one single collection.  And,
    I guess, that's largely the way it works, with one exception.
    My issue is that in Web Access, all RemoteApps from all published RemoteApp collections are presented to every user who has access to one collection OR the other, despite my best intentions of having provisioned each collection with seprate user group assignments
    using two separate AD groups.  I don't want to advertise all RemoteApps from all collections in the Web Access namespace!  To me, the presence of "User Group" configuration at both the Collection level and at the RemoteApp level implies
    that there is some user group filtering going on, but so far that's looking like a false assumption.  Why would the RemoteApp list in one collection bleed into the RemoteApp list in the second collection?  Why would I want the users of one collection
    to see the applications of the other, even when they're not going to be able to launch them anyway?
    Does anyone have anything to add to the equation?  Is there something I'm missing?  Thanks ahead of time.

    This is now resolved.  There is obviously some additional configuration necessary in some relatively odd places when you want your RemoteApp collections to work as advertised.  I hope this thread can help others in that regard.
    The relevant (error) event generated for each "populate list of RemoteApps for Web Access" process (refreshing the web access portal was my test case), when my IIS application pool is provisioned by the new AD account is Event ID 10, Source: RDWebAccess. 
    In the body, it says "[...] unable to access rdcb1.[local]" and suggests that the RD Web Access server needs to be added to the TS Web Access Computers security group on the connection broker.  However, that was obviously already the case.
    Although not 100% correct in its suggested resolution, this error was helpful, because it shows that the break is occurring when Web Access tries to populate RemoteApps, and is shows that the break is occurring en-route to the CB server.  So, I added
    the new service account (for the Web Access application pool identity) to the Administrators group on the server with the CB role, and all is now resolved.  I now have two separate collections, the list of each appearing for the appropriate user scopes,
    but not for both user scopes like before. 
    Obviously, adding an account as an administrator fixes a lot of access related things very easily, but it is probably not the least-privileged way of doing things.  To that end, I'd like to know the least privileged way, but can certainly live with
    this much improved functionality as-is.
    Thanks for all your help, Razwer.

  • RDS 2012 R2 HA - CustomRdpProperty gets overwritten by sync

    I am implementing an RDS 2012 R2 Farm at a customer site. The customer is using different DNS-names internally and externally so I have implemented a Custom RDP Property via PowerShell on the Farm.
    Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration -CollectionName "Collection" -CustomRdpProperty "use redirection server name:i:1 `n alternate full address:s:broker.external.com"
    I can see, the property is applied and synced to the other broker servers - perfect!
    I have verified via PowerShell and registry and I have tested that the 'redirection' actually Works - fantastic!
    The problem is, that when the farm is synchronized Again, my custom property gets overwritten/deleted.
    What am I missing? Permissions?
    Is the Custom Property supposed to get written to the SQL database that is used for Broker high availability?
    Hopefully someone can help med with this one :-).
    Thanks in advance!
    /Michael, Denmark

    Yes, they do get the files from the same source.  If using RemoteApp and Desktop Connections it stores a cached copy of the .rdp files in the user's profile and updates them periodically, so it is possible some of them could be using a rdp
    file with the old information.  For RDWeb a fresh copy is downloaded each time the page is refreshed.
    To keep things consistent I would recommend you undo the custom rdp property you made.  To do this you can run the command on
    both brokers with a just a space or newline (`n) for the customrdpproperty parameter, like this:
    Set-RDSessionCollectionConfiguration -CollectionName "collectionname" -CustomRdpProperty " "

  • RDS 2012 - unable to connect to SH via webgateway

    Dear all,
    we have setup a RDS 2012 system following this article;
    It all went ok as far is I could see but Im running into the following problem.
    If I use MSTSC to connect through the gateway directly things work, I get the desired SH desktop without a problem. (eg connect to SH001.domain.local using the web url for the gateway/webserver).
    If I go to the external website and try to setup a connection it goes into somekind of loop. It first gives me a security warning stating it wants to connect to the connection broker, then I get a certificate error from the connection broker, which is correct
    in this case, I choose to ignore the certificate warning and continue anyway. RDP then continues; Securing external connection, checking bandwith, starting the external connection. And there it hangs, it doesnt go any further and tries to connect for ever.
    The external adres of the gateway is xxx.xxxx.nl and internally it xxx.xxxx.local not sure if this could be related. I noticed an article with a powershell script that would change the .local into .nl
    Strange thing it worked before. I even went as far as  trashing all 3 machines, removing the roles and removing them from the domain to run the install again on fresh machines with new DNS names. Still no luck.
    Not sure on how to troubleshoot this any further. Eventlogs on the GW and CB show nothing special, no errors. One thing that I do notice is a recurring WMI 5605 ID - The root\cimv2\RDMS namespace is marked with the requiresEncryption flag. Access to this
    namespace might be denied if the script or application does not have the appropriate authentication level. Change the authentication level to Pkt_Privacy and run the script or application again.
    Thanks for any thoughts on this.
    Best regards,

    Can you confirm everything works internally and your problems occur when trying to access resources externally.
    Firstly check the certificates and ensure you have configured self signed or trusted.
    Try turning of certificate authentication for testing only - this will answer your authentication level question.
    Have a look at the following post:
    It does sound like you are experencing issues with the Internal and external nameing of the gateway. There are a few ways round this. TP has written a script which will assist with the change.
    http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/Change-published-FQDN-for-2a029b80/file/103829/2/Set-RDPublishedName.ps1 If you have questions
    around the use of this, reply in this post.
    Ryan Mangan | Ryanmangansitblog.wordpress.com | Help keep the forums tidy, if this has helped please mark it as an answer

  • RDS 2012- connect to session collection trough mstsc.exe on XP SP3

    Hi!! i need to connect to a session collection based on rds 2012 directly trough mstsc.exe on xp sp3 clients... xp don't support remoteapp and desktop connection and my users can't use internet explorer to connect trough rd web Access..

    What you could do is upgrade Windows XP with the latest Remote Desktop Client available for Windows XP (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/969084)
    Then extract the .RDP file you want from the RDS 2012 environment (or specify the properties manually in a .RDP) file.
    Recently I wrote on article on the distribution of Remote Apps and desktops in Windows Server 2012, that might be useful:
    Also, more info on the .RDP properties specifically needed for RDS 2012:
    Kind regards,
    Freek Berson
    The Microsoft Platform
    Wortell company website

Maybe you are looking for