Re-connecting issue from source drive

I am trying to open an FCP project from a friends USB 2.0 Drive
The hard drive contains all source materials
When i open the project file in FCP it begins to search for all the source capture which exists on the Hard Drive. However it searches for every single source MOV. The project takes 20 minutes to open
and by the time it opens, if it does, all the media is disconnected and/or there are no files there.
Thank you in advance.

First of all, a USB drive simply will not cut it for video editing. As you have a Mac Pro, install a second drive and transfer the media and project file to that.
The reason that the media is offline is because the project file is still looking at the old path -"Your friends computer name/Volumes/USB drive/name of projects capture scratch folder". Opened on your computer, it falls at the first hurdle.
To make the project file work, your buddy needs to use the Media Manager to consolidate the project and all its media to a single folder. Then reconnecting is just a matter of finding one file -the others will be found automatically.

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    Apr 6, 2013 1:00:59 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve invoke
    SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw exception
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    at oracle.jdbc.oci8.OCIDBAccess.logon(
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    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
    523 80
    ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from IND_TEST
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    You are now making the connection to the Sybase database but there is a problem with the user and password used in the database link.
    Sybase is case sensitive for names so you need to surround the user/password in double quotes to make sure they are passed to Sybase in the correct case -
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    Edited by: mkirtley on Sep 27, 2011 12:55 PM

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    You posted two questions on the same topic. Seems like you pressed Post twice. Please continue at [/questions/994533]. I'll be closing this thread.

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    Now i have install sqldeveloper but i am not able to connect to oracle databse.
    GETTING AN ERROR Network adapter could not make it connection
    after that i have tried to check listners.ora through tnsping orcl getting following result
    C:\Users\Kailas>tnsping orcl
    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 08-APR-2
    011 00:20:05
    Copyright (c) 1997, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Used parameter files:
    Used TNSNAMES adapter to resolve the alias
    Attempting to contact (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = kailasLa
    pi)(PORT = 1521)) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED) (SERVICE_NAME = orcl)))
    TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
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    SQLDeveloper 3.0 production is supplied with the thin driver
    it needs version to use thick which has a few additional features over thin.
    To avoid confusion with other Oracle software you can set the ORACLE_HOME in the session you start sqldeveloper in as described below:
    The version mismatch is often because SQLDeveloper is trying to use the 'thick' driver and thick is not available,
    thin by:
    1/(uncheck Tools->preferences->Datababae->advanced->use OCI/thick driver, and
    2/If necessary, set ORACLE_HOME for your cmd.exe session where sqldev is started from to where sqldeveloper is where %ORACLE_HOME%\jdbc\lib exists, (so SQLDeveloper does not try your existing ORACLE_HOME) and
    3/If using connection type TNS, use Connection Type TNS -> Network Alias.
    4/You may need to set Tools->preferences->Datababase->advanced->Tnsname directory to the directory containing tnsnames.ora
    SQLDeveloper Team

  • Oracle Client Side connectivity issues from a Windows XP Machine

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    Please help..

    Might want to try out a couple of things:
    When it's running slow:
    1. ping the server to see the response time of the server.
    2. check the CPU usage on the server. There could be a resource crunch taking place due to other large and/or multiple transactions going on.
    3. kill the VB connection and run the SQL from the command prompt and see how long it takes. Sometimes executing an SQL from the application may take longer, while from the command prompt, it's quicker. In this case, application tuning is required.
    4. check to see the CPU and memory usage on the client PC itself. If there are multiple applications in use chewing up these resources, it can and will slow things down on the client PC itself.
    Oracle client does not require configuration as such.

  • Connectivity issue from only one computer

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    3/18/2014 9:39:45 AM
    Remote Desktop Services has taken too long to load the user configuration from server \\ADDS1.PDX.DAVISDARVISH.COM for user davis
    RDPClient_SSL: An error was encountered when transitioning from TsSslStateDisconnected to TsSslStateDisconnected in response to 25 (error code 0x8000FFFF).

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  • Connection Issues from OBIEE to Essbase

    We are facing the below problem while pulling members or data either from OBIEE repository or Presentation Service. We can see the basic dimensions after connection in physical layer.
    Nqserror:10058 A general error has occurred.
    Nqserror:43093 An error occurred while processing the EXCUTE PHYSICAL statement.
    Essbase Error
    We use Essbase with OBIEE on different servers
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    1) Reinstalled OBIEE
    2) Changed the Essbase variables to System Variables
    but still facing the same problem. For now we have security through Shared Services with admin login.
    Can anyone tell me what needs to be done at essbase end or OBIEE end to make this work. Like what are the pre-requisites, etc.
    I was able to execute the final sql generated by OBIEE through MDX in EAS from the below log.
    Log file from OBIEE*
    +++admin:350000:350004:----2011/03/08 18:48:54
    -------------------- SQL Request:
    SET VARIABLE QUERY_SRC_CD='Report';SELECT LOR_DB."Total CUST" saw_0, LOR_DB."Active CUST" saw_1, LOR_DB."New CUST # ( Last 12 Months)" saw_2, LOR_DB."New CUST # ( Last 12 Months)" saw_3, LOR_DB."Annual Frequency" saw_4 FROM "LOR_DB#1"
    +++admin:350000:350004:----2011/03/08 18:48:54
    -------------------- General Query Info:
    Repository: Star, Subject Area: LOR_DB, Presentation: LOR_DB#1
    +++admin:350000:350004:----2011/03/08 18:48:54
    -------------------- Logical Request (before navigation):
    RqList distinct
    Total CUST:[DAggr(LOR_DB.Total CUST by [ ] )] as c1 GB,
    Active CUST:[DAggr(LOR_DB.Active CUST by [ ] )] as c2 GB,
    New CUST # ( Last 12 Months):[DAggr(LOR_DB.New CUST # ( Last 12 Months) by [ ] )] as c3 GB,
    New CUST # ( Last 12 Months):[DAggr(LOR_DB.New CUST # ( Last 12 Months) by [ ] )] as c4 GB,
    Annual Frequency:[DAggr(LOR_DB.Annual Frequency by [ ] )] as c5 GB
    +++admin:350000:350004:----2011/03/08 18:48:54
    -------------------- Execution plan:
    Child Nodes (RqCache):
    RqList <<4179>> [for database 0:0,0] distinct
    D1.c4 as c1 GB [for database 0:0,0],
    D1.c3 as c2 GB [for database 0:0,0],
    D1.c2 as c3 GB [for database 0:0,0],
    D1.c2 as c4 GB [for database 0:0,0],
    D1.c1 as c5 GB [for database 0:0,0]
    Child Nodes (RqJoinSpec): <<4205>> [for database 0:0,0]
    RqList <<4186>> [for database 3023:6:precrmmkt01.INDIA.COM,34]
    AggrExternal(LOR_DB.Annual Frequency) as c1 GB [for database 3023:6,34],
    AggrExternal(LOR_DB.New CUST # ( Last 12 Months)) as c2 GB [for database 3023:6,34],
    AggrExternal(LOR_DB.Active CUST) as c3 GB [for database 3023:6,34],
    AggrExternal(LOR_DB.Total CUST) as c4 GB [for database 3023:6,34]
    Child Nodes (RqJoinSpec): <<4189>> [for database 3023:6:precrmmkt01.INDIA.COM,34]
    LOR_DB T259
    ) as D1
    +++admin:350000:350004:----2011/03/08 18:48:54
    -------------------- Sending query to database named precrmmkt01.INDIA.COM (id: <<4186>>):
    { [Measures].[Annual Frequency],
    [Measures].[New CUST # ( Last 12 Months)],
    [Measures].[Active CUST],
    [Measures].[Total CUST]
    } on columns
    from [LOR_PROT.LOR_DB]
    +++admin:350000:350004:----2011/03/08 18:48:54
    -------------------- Query execution terminated: <<4186>>
    +++admin:350000:350004:----2011/03/08 18:48:54
    -------------------- Execution Node: <<4179>> Projection, Close Row Count = 0, Row Width = 0 bytes
    +++admin:350000:350004:----2011/03/08 18:48:54
    -------------------- Execution Node: <<4179>> Sort, Close Row Count = 0, Row Width = 0 bytes
    +++admin:350000:350004:----2011/03/08 18:48:54
    -------------------- Execution Node: <<4207>> DbGateway Exchange, Close Row Count = 1, Row Width = 0 bytes
    +++admin:350000:350004:----2011/03/08 18:48:54
    -------------------- Query Status: Query Failed: Essbase Error
    Appreciate any help.:)

    Anyone faced this problem anytime.
    Appreciate any help, thanks in advance.

  • Intermittent connection issues from Mac Pro & iPhone

    Hello I have a single band AEBSn. I bought it in Nov. 2007 and it's been working great. Occasionally on my Mac Pro my the airport signal strength drops off and it displays a "searching" icon (the icon cycles through all signal strengths as it searches). During this time I cannot connect to the AEBSn with my iPhone, either. This scenario has been observed with all iPhone OS versions as well as Leopard and Snow Leopard on the Mac Pro which rules out the issue being the computer.
    The green light is always illuminated on the router and I get no error messages. After awhile (sometimes a couple min, sometimes longer) the connection re-establishes on it's own. No restart of any device is necessary for it to reconnect.
    Any ideas what could be the issue?

    I have it set to automatically find a channel. I thought it scanned for the least amount of traffic on a given channel to use? I only pick up 4 other wifi hotspots at my house but I do live in the city with plenty of other devices running I'm sure.
    What's default for most Linksys and D-Link routers, Ch 11 correct? I'll try changing to Ch 1 for now to see how that goes.

  • Connection issue from BI to ECC 5.0

    I am facing the problem while connecting the BI 7.0(Unicode) to ECC 5.0(Non Unicode).
    The Source system is created and activated. But when i run the infopackage the Request IDOCs are not getting sent to the ECC 5.0.
    There is an error stating "Code Page Not Found". Idocs with Status 02.
    Plz suggest a solution for this.

    Check  the connections in R/3 and BW side by using  tranasactions SM59 and SALE.
    Hope it helps..

  • Connectivity Issue FROM Server To Client

    Hi All,
    I am having one trouble when i am connecting my server to the clients some of my client machines are working and some of the client machines are in remote locations.In Remote locations i am facing a problem when i want to upgrade the client machines to PL 20 and when i am trying to update it is taking a long time and after some time it is giving a message box as COMMUNICATION LINK FAILURE and DATABASE CONNECTION IS LOST OR BAD CONNECTION.So please help me to resolve this problem and when i am running ADDON'S       User Defined Objects are getting deleted and for some ADDON'S it is saying it as Wrong EXECUTABLE DIGITAL SIGNATURE.

           The connection to the other places from the main server to other by Cable is working fine but when it is connceted to the other place which is a wireless connection is taking time for upgradation and also installation of the addons as it is utilizing the maximum network and unable to load the Customized addon even though when it is installed. and when i continously checking the ping suddenly at one point of time it is saying request timed out and application is closing from the client system.

  • Connectivity Issue

    Hi All
    Probably due to connectivity issue from Adapter engine to Integration engine, we have encountered with the following error in audit log of channel monitoring. Can any have an idea where we look for right settings?
    "Transmitting the message to endpoint http://<Host name : service number (8000)>/sap/xi/engine?type=entry using connection File_ failed, due to: Connection refused"
    I tried to surf SDN, however I didn't get exact solution. Thanks in advance

    check if this 8000 is the same port used in SMICM-Services-http port,sxmb_admin-integration engine configuration-pipeline URL and  exchange profile-http should be same 8000.

  • Connectivity Issue - Server Network

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    I'm having connectivity issues, from my network, with the Servers Network that's located behind the Ace 4710... I'm monitoring the servers and i get Timeouts with a simple ICMP monitor...
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    I cleared all the config for the actual loadbalance and left the config regarding the client and server networks...
    Any help??
    Thanks in advance...

    Thanks for the reply Gilles...
    What do you mean with a show tech...
    I'm looking at you blog posts...To see if it helps...

  • Connectivity Issue - Server Network - Windows Servers

    I'm  having connectivity issues, from my network, with the Servers Network  that's located behind the Ace 4710... I'm monitoring the servers and i  get Timeouts with a simple ICMP monitor... This problem is only with Windows Servers...
    I  never have problems regarding the access to the Admin context, but in  the context that i use to load balance the applications i have problems
    reaching directly the servers...
    For  example... I have two servers and i lose connectivity with one of them  for about 2-5 minutes and then i regain connectivity... If i undo the ft  group and redo the ft group i regain instant access to the server... As i said this problems only appear with Windows Servers...
    Thanks in advance...

    Thanks for the reply Gilles...
    What do you mean with a show tech...
    I'm looking at you blog posts...To see if it helps...

  • Retrieve data from a Hard Disk That was connected to the optical Drive of Mac Book pro

    Hi Experts
    I have been using a Mac Book pro from 2011 (Early 2011 Model), In the mid of 2012 I have planned to upgrade, and bought a 240 GB SSD and 16 GB ram from OWC, Installed successfully and bought another 750 GB WD Sata Disk and connected it to the Optical Drive Bay of the Laptop, using the optical drive as an external device now
    I was using the SSD as the main disk for all the applications and OS itself, and tranferred all the user library (iTunes Library, iPhoto Library, Documents etc..) to the additinal 750 SATA Disk,
    Last week the Mag Safe cable has been worn out and seperated completely from the adapter, I tried soldering the cable again and it was working for two days, third day The machine stopped charging and it was working until the battery run out of charge,
    Now I have bought a new Mag Safe Charger for 108 Singapore Dollars and it wont charge, read in iFixit Forums to change the Mag Safe DC in Board, so found a new part in singapore and replaced DC in Board myself, after doing this when I connected the new mag safe adapter, it fired the cpu fan for two second, I was able to see the green light the adapter and it stopped again and the green light wont lit up now
    Removed the logic board from Laptop completely and tried connecting the Mag Safe Adapter I can see the green light,
    So with all the above details, Iam confused whether its the Logic Board or the Battery that is giving me issue, I can find out the problem by contacting a Authorised service centre, but Iam thinking whether its is worth to repair it or buy a New Mac Book Pro ?, Because if I need to change the logic Board need to spend 900 Dollars + 100 dollar service charge
    So I was trying to remove the 750 GB WD Sata Disk to see if I can get the data back so I can buy a new Laptop without worrying,
    The real issue now is when I connect the 750 WD Disk using a sata to usb converter cable to my official macbook, it says the connected USB device is drawing more power than expected and it wont even detect the hard disk, Iam wondering why it cannot detect the hard disk even in the disk utility, is there any way to get the data back from the 750 GB WD Sata disk (which was connected to the Optical Drive Bay)
    Your expert advice is much appreciated

    Welcome to the discussions!
    It sounds as if your disk was not correctly formatted to work with the Mac operating system. I suspect it was formatted in FAT32, which is primarily a Windows format. This type of format will not allow the disk to accept any files larger than 4GB. That's probably why you are seeing the crashes.
    Connect the drive to your Mac and open Applications > Utilities > Airport Utility.
    Click your disk on the left and click the erase tab on the right. You need to format the drive in +Mac OS Extended (Journaled)+. Formatting will erase everything on the disk.
    Then you could try the drive again attached to your AirPort Extreme to see if that will do what you want.

Maybe you are looking for