RE:Extended Value Selector.

Hi All
I have taken a evs i.e Extended Value Selector. i have got the values in the evs at runtime and the code that i have used is
IWDAttributeInfo attributeInfo =     wdContext.getNodeInfo().getAttribute("Status");
     ISimpleTypeModifiable StatusType =     attributeInfo.getModifiableSimpleType();
     IModifiableSimpleValueSet valueSet =     StatusType.getSVServices().getModifiableSimpleValueSet();
But i was unable to read the values i.e is selected in that evs can anybody tell how to read values from EVS.....

You can retrieve the selected value from the attribute mapped to UI. For example for dropDownByKey, from the property selectedKey.
It will return the key of the value selected.
thanks & regards,

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    Hi Kiran,
                  Create a seperate view with the table of records same u are showing EVS because with EVS it is not possible to raise any event.
    So add ths view to a seperate window and open that window instead of EVS .So here you can raise an event becuse it a view.
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    Go through the following link
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    and also you can search in SDN, there are lots of threads

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    HI Tom,
    ->EVS just picks value from enumeration type which you must have created and displays those value.
    ->ONLY key and Value are the two columns possible. You cannot add any new columns to that.
    ->F4 help  helps only to get values for a particular field which are already present somewhere ex may be some bapi or database.
    ->OVS is new version and you can look for that also if it suits you.

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    Hi Steffen,
    nice to meet you here The filtering functionality of the EVS UI is based on a simple "starts with"-criterion. It does not support regular expressions. In addition it does not display those displaytexts which contain the given string as a substring.
    For getting more information on how to show displaytexts for keys in combination with the EVS search help please read this article:
    <b>Yet Another EVS Valuehelp - Showing Displaytexts for Keys (36)</b> -
    Regards, Bertram

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    Hi Thomas,
                      Sorry to say but its not possible with EVS. I think for ur requirement ,OVS is better option.

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    System Administration > Permission > Security Zones > > high_safety > > low_safety > > high_safety > high_safety
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    Hi Srikanta,
    you can use object value help selector in table by creating a singleton node attribute by this you will make sure that one row's value is not affected by other row's value selection for object value help please refer to this wiki article [Value Help - Object Value Selector|]. Please let us know if you need any help.

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    SAP JCo Functions,Architecture,Applications,Installation,Client & Server Programming :
    Creating Jco destination:
    Maintaining Jco destination:
    The SAP JCo Repository :
    Dynamic Jco creation Blogs:

  • Object Value Selector

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    Thanks in Advance,
    Ravi Kiran

    Hi Ravi,
               refer this link for OVS:
    Thanks and Regards

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    Use "is null" like this.
    SMS_G_System_ServerReboot_ServerReboot_1_0.Reboot is Null

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    public void applyResult(IWDNodeElement applicationNodeElement,
         IWDNodeElement queryOutputNodeElement) {
    <b>IPrivateOVS_testView.IFlight_dataElement ovsCallerNodeElement =(IPrivateOVS_testView.     IFlight_dataElement) applicationNodeElement;</b>
    The exception thows on this line of the code.
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    Thank you

    Hi Arun,
    Check out the following post.
    Re: Display search results in popup window

  • How to fill Object Value Selector

    Hello All,
    I want to fill values for my value help node dynamically. Where should I write the code. I mean in which Method I should write.
    Any help on this is highly appreciated.

    if you want to get the help, before view is shown to user , then write the code in WDDoInit() , if you want to get the help on performing any action lets say, on clicking button then
    create one action , bind this to the OnAction of button , then you can write the code in the action event handler of that button; so value help will be recieved on clicking the button.
    if you want to refer any tutorial , here it is: [original link is broken]
    let me know if you have any problem

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