Re : field not equal to empty

        In condition i want to give delivery block field(LIFSK) not equal to empty.
how to give this.

Use NX(Object/element does not exist) to check whether the expression is Initial

Similar Messages

  • Warning Message only if 1 to 3 fields do not equal 100%

    I have 3 potential fields that will be completed.  If Field1 (Primary Beneficiary) is 100%, then the user will leave Fields 2 and 3 empty.  If Fields 1 and 2 equal 100%, then Field 3 will be empty.  Otherwise they will have values in Fields 1, 2, and 3.  Regardless, they should not be able to continue completing the rest of the form until the sum of these three fields equal 100%.  Therefore I did modify the form as follows, but two issues: it throws the error message up even when first entering a value in Field 1.  This script need NOT run until all 3 fields have been tabbed through, or they click on the next section of the form to continue completing.  The "Total 100" (name of this particular field) is in the Tab Order to appear after "Beneficiary 3 Benefit Percent" field.  And secondly, it still permits the user to continue rather than returning to Field1 even if the total does not equal 100%.  Your assistance is greatly appreciated!  PS:  How do I mark that the post was either helpful or correct?
    event.value = ''; // clear field
    // get the values of Beneficiary Benefit fields 1, 2 and 3 as string
    var sField1 = this.getField("Beneficiary 1 Benefit Percent").value.toString();
    var sField2 = this.getField("Beneficiary 2 Benefit Percent").value.toString();
    var sField3 = this.getField("Beneficiary 3 Benefit Percent").value.toString();
    // adjust for a field being 100 and others null
    if (sField1 == 100 & sField2 == '' & sField3 == '') sField2 = "0" , sField3 = "0";
    if (sField2 == 100 & sField1 == '' & sField3 == '') sField3 = "0" , sField1 = "0";
    // do only if Beneficiary Benefit fields 1, 2 and 3 are not null
    if(sField1 != '' & sField2 != '' & sField3 != '') {
    event.value = Number(sField1) + Number(sField2)+ Number(sField3);
    if (event.value != 100) app.alert("The sum of Benefit percent must equal 100.", 1, 0);
    this.getField("field 1").setFocus();

    Two problems just from a first glance at this line:
    if (sField1 == 100 & sField2 == '' & sField3 == '') sField2 = "0" , sField3 = "0";
    1. You're comparing a string to a number
    2. You're separating commands with a comma and not placing {} around the block of commands.
    It needs to be something like this:
    if (sField1 == "100" & sField2 == "" & sField3 == "") {sField2 = "0"; sField3 = "0";}
    There are probably more errors, but start by fixing those.
    Also, you should probably post which error message you're getting.

  • Update Record Field if Value Not Equal

    Hello All,
    I am using Toad for Oracle 10. I have a MERGE INTO Process that updates tbl_requisition based on FK - fk_allotment_id that equals parent table tbl_allotment PK - pk_allotment_id. Both tables have create, update and deletes triggers. The process is executed when a Apply Changes/update button is clicked from tbl_allotment. So, all the record data from tbl_allotment updates tbl_requisition record if the fk and pk keys are equal. My problem is if a record is updated within tbl_requisition. Now the record from tbl_requisition is different from tbl_allotment. If any value is updated from tbl_allotment for the matching pk_allotment_id = fk_allotment_id record from tbl_requisition. tbl_allotment record data will override the updated value within tbl_requisition. I would like to only update the values that were updated/changed and are not equal from tbl_allotment to tbl_requisition. Can anyone assist me with this?
    MERGE INTO tbl_requisition req
    USING tbl_allotment alt
    ON (req.fk_allotment_id = alt.pk_allotment_id)
         req.FK_JOBCODE_ID = alt.FK_JOBCODE_ID,
         req.FK_DIVISION_ID = alt.FK_DIVISION_ID,
         req.REPORT_UNDER = alt.REPORT_UNDER;
        dbms_output.put_line('No data found');
    End; Thanks for reading this thread and I hope someone can provide some assistance. If the create tables or anything is needed that is not a problem to provide.

    Thanks for responding Frank and providing the EXCEPTION information also. Here are my create tables and insert statement. I changed the child table from tbl_requisition to tbl_allotment_temp, same process though.
       (     "PK_ALLOTMENT_ID" NUMBER,
         "FK_DIVISION_ID" VARCHAR2(100),
         "FK_JOBCODE_DESCR" VARCHAR2(100),
         "FK_DIVISION_ID" VARCHAR2(100),
         "FK_JOBCODE_DESCR" VARCHAR2(100),
    INSERT INTO tbl_allotment
    (00002, 0000220000, 100408, 'Revenue Analyst',
      2210, 38389, 5);Once data is created for tbl_allotment, this insert statement inserts the data to tbl_allotment_temp.
    INSERT INTO tbl_allotment_temp(
        VALUES (
         :P3_NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS);Once any update occurs to tbl_allotment, this process updates tbl_allotment_temp based on temp.pk_allotment_temp_id = alt.pk_allotment_id.
    MERGE INTO tbl_allotment_temp temp
    USING tbl_allotment alt
    ON (temp.pk_allotment_temp_id = alt.pk_allotment_id)
         temp.FK_JOBCODE_ID = NVL (alt.FK_JOBCODE_ID,    temp.FK_JOBCODE_ID),
    End;Once the data is created within tbl_allotment the data is also inserted within tbl_allotment_temp. If tbl_allotment_temp.NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS value is changed from 5 to 10 is fine. The problem is when a update occurs within tbl_allotment and the updated field is not NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS. The changed field values from tbl_allotment should only update the field data within tbl_allotment_temp.
    UPDATE tbl_allotment_temp
    UPDATE tbl_allotment
    FK_JOBCODE_DESCR = 'Revenue Test'Now within tbl_allotment_temp only field FK_JOBCODE_DESCR should be updated to Revenue Test but my MERGE INTO process will update all the field values. So the updated NUMBER_OF_POSITIONS value 10 will now be 5. I would only like to update any changed value from tbl_allotment to tbl_allotment_temp. If any record value from tbl_allotment_temp was changed that value should not be updated from the MERGE INTO Process within tbl_allotment unless those values have been updated within tbl_allotment. Let me know if this is not clear so I can clarity more Frank.
    Edited by: Charles A on Aug 29, 2011 8:41 AM

  • How to compare two currency form fields and display a message if the fields do not equal?

    My form has 2 fields named Total_1 and Total_2. If one of the fields does not equal the other, a hidden field will display a message in red on the form alerting the user. Otherwise, the message does not display. Looks like a validation script but I would greatly appreciate help in getting it started. Any ideas?
    Thanks, Charlie

    Since the field values that you want to compare are the results of calculations, you should not normally compare their string values, but rather their numeric values when rounded appropriately (and perhaps then converted to a string). For example, if you have two values that display as 3.14, one could be 3.1400000001 and the other could be 3.13999999999991234. When you get the field values as strings and compare them, they won't be equal though they appear to be. Even some values that are numerically identical won't be equal when compared as strings ("0.0" != "0.00") So the code could be changed to:
    // Get the two field values, rounded to two decimals
    var v1 = util.printf("%.2f", getField("Total_1").value);
    var v2 = util.printf("%.2f", getField("Total_2").value);
    // Hide/Show the error message
    event.value = (v1 === v2 || (+v1 === 0 && +v2 === 0)) ? "" : "Error message here.";

  • Fields not getting displayed in AdvancedTable

    I have created AdvancedTable region following the steps given in help of Jdeveloper.
    Under advancedTable I have created 3 columns, one having a messageChoice item and rest two items are messageTextInput.I have set the ViewObject property of AdvancedTable and have also set the viewAttributes for items.
    But when I run the page, It does not display any fields of AdvancedTable. It just gives the table outline and text that is set for table empty property.
    I have also executed the VO in processRequest of page's controller.
    What could be the reason for the fields not been displayed?
    Thanks in advance,

    You should provide the ability to create rows, you can do it on the table by making the table editable and putting a Add another row or you can choose to add it in a drill down create page.
    You can also add a set of new rows initially by creating and inserting rows in the vo in your PR.


    I want to block user to create any sales invoice for some customers based on  sales order where quantity in sales order is not equal to invoice.

    Hi Anitha,
    You can do this by selecting check marks on two field under BP Master data >>Payment Terms
    1) Allow Partial Delivery of Sales Order
    2) Allow Partial Delivery per row.

  • Is BDC's CALL TRANSACTION 'VA01' is not equals to ONLINE(manual) creation?

    Hi Experts,
    Ours is IS-Oil.
    If the user do not enters/inputs OIC_MOT (Mode Of Transport) at ITEM level on the External Details popup, SAP will get it from Customar Master-KNA1 and populates on it, because its a mandatory field (OIC_MOT), but, do not throws an Error message and interupts the sales order creation process.
    We have a inbound IDOC posting function module for sales order (VA01), which posts the sales oreders by using BDC (CALL TRANSACTION 'VA01') in the system. In this function module, we are not populating the OIC_MOT field contained segment by hoping SAP will populate/default it while it hits CALL TRANSACTION 'VA01' of my BDC of my FM of IB IDOC. But, SAP is not defaulting/populating and throwing error message (saying 'OIC_MOT field is a mandatory input field' data is missing) and IDOC is failing, pls. let me know Wht its so? is the BDC's CALL TRANSACTION 'VA01' is not equals to ONLINE (manual ) creation of sales order?
    Thank you

    Several transactions can ba a different behavior between online and bdc process, but if you simulate the trx by SM35 you should find out these gaps
    I don't know OIL vertical, but the main transactions have a bapi can be used insted of BDC program (BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2, but perhaps there's a particular BAPI for OIL).

  • KE5Z drilldown report does not equal grr3 report values

    We have a grr3 report where the COGS line is based on functional area and account ranges.  The total displayed on the GRR3 report for the COGS cell matches the values I would expect based on the specified account and functional area restrictions assigned to that cell.  When I drill into the KE5Z report (Profit Center: Actual Line Items), which is identified as a receiver report, the summed value of the "In Company Code Currency" field does not equal what is displayed in GRR3.  The GRR3 report is returning results in the same currency as the company code currency that the report is being executed for so that is not the problem.  During my investigation it looks like the functional area restrictions are not being accounted for when I drill into KE5Z.  Any recommendations on why the restrictions identified for the cell in the GRR3 report would not be carried through to the KE5Z results?  I have been playing with this for hours and have run out of ideas.  I can't determine why the COGS cell value is different than the actual line items sum.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Jordan,
    in my experience the report-report interface can only pass through selections independently.
    To give an example: I had a report painter report with line 1 that had a selection on two characteristics (say cost element A and cost center B) then a second line with selection cost element C and cost center D selected and finally a line with the sum of the two lines above.
    Now when I jump to a connected line item report by double-clicking on the line with the sum, the parameters passed on are:
    cost centers: B, D
    cost element: A, C
    Therefore, the sum of my line items is not equal to the sum that I departed from, as I get line items with cost element A and cost center D, for example, a combination that was excluded from my original report.
    I hope I made the point clear.
    Another possibility is of course, that the receiving report has additional selection active (in the form used in the dril down report) that were not present in the original report
    Edited by: Nikolas John on Mar 24, 2011 9:21 AM

  • How to search for "Kind not equal to Folder"

    I'm trying to set up a Smart Folder with criteria:
    - Last Modifed within last 2 weeks AND
    - Kind is not Folder
    How do you set up Finder search criteria for Kind "doesn't equal" something? All I can find is Kind = All or one thing in particular?
    Thanks for any help you can provide.
    OS X 10.4.8
      Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
      Mac OS X (10.4.8)  
      Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    You'll have to use the Raw Query in order to have boolean operators, such as "is not" or "or" and so on. So do your Command-F, choose Last Modified, then for second criterion select "Other" from the drop down menu and scroll to Raw Query and select it. In the Raw Query field copy and paste this:
    kMDItemKind != "Folder"
    That should do it. The booleans are:
    == equal
    != not equal
    < less than
    <div class="jive-quote"> greater than
    <= less than or equal to
    <div class="jive-quote">= greater than or equal to
    For more information than you will probably ever want to know, you can start here: html
    The above comes from the link to Query Expression Syntax.
    PS--Hi biovizier, looks like you hit post before I did. Great minds....

  • How to add  operator NE (not equal) in view BP_HEAD_SEARCH/MainSearch?

    Hi Experts:
    I am usuing CRM 2007.
    In view BP_HEAD_SEARCH/MainSearch I have added some new fields. This is working fine. But the operators of these new fields are all limited to Equal to. I need to add filter option (operator) NE (not equal).
    How can I do this?
    Best regards,

    Hi Carl:
    Thanks for your answer. Could you please explain a little bit more in detail ?
    Thanks a lot in advance!!
    Best regards,

  • Argument error; the number of columns does not equal the number of parameters.

    I am using the Database Toolkit (Enterprise Connectivity) to check for a network connection and then send information from a local database to a SQL database on the network if needed.  In development of the code I continue to receive Error 1 and the Possible Reason(s) is "Argument error; the number of columns does not equal the number of parameters."  I am using the DBToolsSelectData.VI to retrieve data from the local MDB file and the DBToolsInsertData.VI to write it to the SQL file.  The collection of the data from the MDB file is successful and the connection and validation of the table and columns in the SQL file is also successful.  The error occurs when the Insert VI tries to build the query.  The number of columns being written (attempted) does match the number of columns in the data, they are both 16 string arrays.

    Ok, it's taken a bit, and I have a solution! It took a while to figure out what the DCT is doing, but it seems to be working now.
    The reason for the original error is that you were passing into the insert subVI an array of variants - which the input to the VI coerced into a single variant. You were getting the error because as far as the insert VI was concerned you were only passing it a single data value. The way to get around that was to create a cluster with one element for each column value, convert the cluster to a variant and pass the result to the insert VI - see attachment.
    In terms of the other modifications, I made a copy of the endurance.mdb file, emptied it and used it as the destination for the copy.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps
    Attachments: ‏49 KB

  • Showing Booking amount when it does not equal Opportuity Revenue Total

    I there a way to create a report to easily show where the booking amount of an opportunity does not equal the sum of the products in the product revenue section? I tried Sum(Product revenue), can't quite remeber the field name, but that did not work
    Also, we would like to see any opportunity that has no predict revenue associated with it, either in the same report or a different report.

    The Opportunity-Product subject areas contain both Opportunity Revenue fields and Opportunit-Product Revenue fields. The Opportunity-Product Revenue field located in Columns/Opportunity-Product/Revenue/Revenue will aggregate the total amount of all products for the opportunity. There is no need to SUM this field.
    Build a report and filter it based on a field that calculates the difference between the two revenue columns and you should get your desired list of opportunities.
    Now that you know where the right fields are, you other report should be a simple filter on the appropriate revenue field = 0

  • KO23 Object currency assigned  value not equal Line item assigned value

    Dear all:
                    I have one problem.  Some Internal Order budget  use KO23  view about Object currency assigned value not equal Standard Reprt
    S_ALR_87013019 - List: Budget/Actual/Commitments  assign value.
    I don't knew what happen ?
    So I wish someone can give me a hand. Tel me how to fix this problem.
    thank you !

    Hi Jason,
    First of all:
    The displayed account code must be translated into the internally used code ("_SYS...") when using segmentation - when not using segemntation it is just internal code = displayed code.
    The code displayed is just a sample to give you a hint in case you are already familiar with the SAP Business One application.
    Therefore the sample code does not talk about where you got e.g. the value for FormatCode from ("FormatCode" is e.g. a field in table OACT where the account name with segments is (redundantly) stored without separators).
    The user should know on which account he/she wants to book a line on; maybe you might want to give some help to the user by displaying a dialog with suitable - or preselected accounts?
    In addition I am sure you know how to assign a string value to a string property - without explicitly writing it, right?

  • BEx Report : Selection Not Equal to Characteristics value 'blank' & more

    Hi Experts,
    I 'm working on a report where I require one of the selection criteria for a key figure to be displayed when the characteristics 'rejection code' is not empty.
    So the selection would be like keyfigure: ZAMOUNT, when XREJ_CODE Not Equal to "  ".
    How do I achieve this?- In the restriction criteria, I can use exclude from, but how do I exclude a blank space?
    Question 2.
    The second selection is display keyfigure when fiscal period(user entry) is not equal to the booking period  of that particular order.
    Would this require Customer exit variable? how do I go about this?
    All help appreciated.

    if XREJ_CODE  contine blank value we can use "Exclude from Selection "
    Select XREJ_CODE -
    >right click "restrict" -
    > select blank value(#) move to right side and select that value right click select "Exclude from Selection"

  • How do I make the my login page username field not case-sensitive?

    Can anyone tell me how to make my username field not case-sensitive?
    This is my code
    <%@ page import="java.sql.*" %>
    String username = request.getParameter("username");
    String password = request.getParameter("password");
    Connection login = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:Testing","abc","abc");
    Statement stmtLogin = login.createStatement();
    String sqlLogin = "SELECT UserName, UserPassword FROM Users WHERE UserName='"+username+"'";
    ResultSet rsLogin = stmtLogin.executeQuery(sqlLogin);
    String suser = rsLogin.getString("UserName");
    String spass = rsLogin.getString("UserPassword");
    if(username.equals(suser) && password.equals(spass))
    HttpSession mysession = request.getSession(true);
    else if(!(username.equals(suser) && password.equals(spass)))

    if(username.equalsIgnoreCase(suser) && password.equals(spass))Hope this helps!

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