Re: Passing a string from Java class to JSP

How can I pass a string from a function within my bean class to my JSP page?
I would like to pass something like this with the necessary params filled in:
String myString ="Successful <b>" + Sales.getActionType() + "</b> was made on <b>" + (new Date()).toString();
The ActionType will be either a BUY or SELL and the current date need to be added in.
Thank you in advance!


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    If you are talking in terms of web terminology...
    People do intialization of page in the following way.
    var java_script_variable = <%=String_variable%>

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    Java Code:
    public class ABKeyBoard {
    public native long leerBanda(int pista, String datos);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
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    new ABKeyBoard().leerBanda(1,datos);
    System.out.println(datos); //the content of datos here is empty.
    C++ Code:
    Java_ABKeyBoard_leerBanda(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,jint pista, jstring datos)
         char buffer[2024];
         memset(buffer,     0x00,     sizeof(buffer));
         strcpy(buffer, "xxxx");
         datos = env->NewStringUTF(buffer);
    Thanks for your help.

    In java every parameter are always passed by value.
    The datos parameter is a local copy of the string
    reference you pass to the method.This is wrong. The String passed to the native method is the same String object you use in Java. Although everything is passed by value in Java, what is actually passed by value is the reference to the String. This means that you can modify the object you pass, but you are not allowed to change the reference to point to a totally different object. That is where the problem is coming in.
    The trouble is that it is illegal to modify a String, even from native code. If you need to make changes in-place to the text, pass an array of chars (if your native code uses Unicode), an array of bytes (if it uses normal 8-bit characters) or a StringBuffer. You can legally modify any of these data structures with the new data. But the StringBuffer object is the only one whose length can be changed after it is created. Unfortunately it is also the hardest to use from JNI.
    Generally I think you should always pass arrays of bytes/chars to native code instead of Strings when possible. They can be modified in place, and you can use String's methods to get a byte-array in the platform's proper encoding. Using the GetStringUTFChars method is problematic because UTF only maps directly onto ASCII in the case of characters which are in the set of 7-bit ASCII characters. Your code will do wrong things if your String happens to contain some other character, unless your native code expects UTF format strings.
    The good news is that C(++) functions which return results in their arguments do not ordinarily change the length. So you should be able to allocate a byte[] or char[] ahead of time of the appropriate size (don't forget to add the trailing null, which is not a component of Java strings). I think byte[] or char[] is the best answer because you can easily map those onto C-style arrays with Get[Primitive]ArrayRegion; the return of that is suitable for passing directly to native code, as long as you have remembered the null-terminator. For instance you could do (*env)->GetByteArrayRegion(env, javaArray, 0, arrayLength, CArray) and then your CArray would be changed to point at the contents of the javaArray (note: it does not copy data into CArray, it changes CArray to point at the array contents, so do not allocate memory for CArray first). Then when you do ReleaseByteArrayRegion the results will be propagated back to Java.

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    did you check the answer in your previous thread
    Passing Variable from Javascript to Controller

  • Passing a parameter from one class to another class in the same package

    I am trying to pass a parameter from one class to another class with in a package.And i am Getting the variable as null every time.In the code there is two classes.
    We have implemented caching in the front-end level.But according to the business logic we need to clear the cache and again have to access the database after some actions are happened.There are another class file called
    So, we are dealing with three java files.The database interaction is taken care by the file.Below I am giving the code for the perticular function in the
    public Object loadContent() throws Exception {
    Hashtable htStore = new Hashtable();
    JetspeedRunData rundata = this.getInputData();
    String pId = this.getPorletId();
    PortalLogger.logDebug(" in the portlet content: "+pId);
    pId1=pId;//done by sraha
    htStore.put("PortletId", pId);
    HttpServletRequest request = rundata.getRequest();
    "BugWatcherPortletContent:: build normal context");
    HttpSession session = null;
    int bugProfileId = 0;
    Hashtable bugProfiles = null;
    Hashtable bugData = null;
    boolean fetchProfiles = false;
    try {
    session = request.getSession(true);
    // Attempting to get the profiles from the session.
    //If the profiles are not present in the session, then they would have to be
    // obtained from the database.
    bugProfiles = (Hashtable) session.getAttribute("Profiles");
    //Getting the selected bug profile id.
    String bugProfileIdObj = request.getParameter("bugProfile" + pId);
    // Getting the logged in user
    String userId = request.getRemoteUser();
    if (bugProfiles == null) {
    fetchProfiles = true;
    if (bugProfileIdObj == null) {
    // setting the bugprofile id as -1 indicates "all profiles" is selected
    bugProfileIdObj =(String) session.getAttribute("bugProfileId" + pId);
    if (bugProfileIdObj == null) {
    bugProfileId = -1;
    else {
    bugProfileId = Integer.parseInt(bugProfileIdObj);
    else {
    bugProfileId = Integer.parseInt(bugProfileIdObj);
    ("bugProfileId" + pId),
    //fetching the bug list
    bugData =BugWatcherAPI.getbugList(userId, bugProfileId, fetchProfiles);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("BugWatcherPortletContent:: got bug data");
    if (bugData != null) {
    Hashtable htProfiles = (Hashtable) bugData.get("Profiles");
    } else {
    htStore.put("NoProfiles", "Y");
    } catch (CodedPortalException e) {
    htStore.put("Error", CommonUtil.getErrMessage(e.getMessage()));
    ("BugWatcherPortletContent:: CodedPortalException!!",e);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    "BugWatcherPortletContent::Generic Exception!!",e);
    htStore.put(     "Error",CommonUtil.getErrMessage(ErrorConstantsI.GET_BUGLIST_FAILED));
    if (fetchProfiles) {
    bugProfiles = (Hashtable) bugData.get("Profiles");
    session.setAttribute("Profiles", bugProfiles);
    // putting the stuff in the context
    htStore.put("Profiles", bugProfiles);
    htStore.put("SelectedProfile", new Integer(bugProfileId));
    htStore.put("bugs", (ArrayList) bugData.get("Bugs"));
    return htStore;
    And I am trying to call this function as it can capable of fetching the data from the database by "getbugProfiles".
    In the new class I have coded a part of code which actually clears the caching.Below I am giving the required part of the code:
    public void doPerform(RunData rundata, Context context,String str) throws Exception {
    JetspeedRunData data = (JetspeedRunData) rundata;
    HttpServletRequest request = null;
    //PortletConfig pc = portlet.getPortletConfig();
    //String userId = request.getRemoteUser();
    /*String userId = ((JetspeedUser)rundata.getUser()).getUserName();//sraha on 1/4/05
    String pId = request.getParameter("PortletId");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("just after pId " +pId);  */
    //Calling the variable holding the value of portlet id from
    //We are getting the portlet id here , through a variable from
    /*BugWatcherPortletContent bgAct = new BugWatcherPortletContent();
    String portletID = bgAct.pId1;
    PortalLogger.logDebug("got the portlet ID in bugwatcherRefreshAction:---sraha"+portletID);*/
    // updating the bug groups
    Hashtable result = new Hashtable();
    try {
    request = data.getRequest();
    String userId = ((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName();//sraha on 1/4/05
    //String pId = (String)request.getParameter("portletId");
    //String pId = pc.getPorletId();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("just after pId " +pId);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after getting the pId-----sraha");
    result =BugWatcherAPI.getbugList(profileId, userId);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("select the new bug groups:: select is done ");
    context.put("SelectedbugGroups", profileId);
    //start clearing the cache
    ContentCacheContext cacheContext = getCacheContext(rundata);
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching - removing markup content - before removecontent");
    // remove the markup content from cache.
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching-removing markup content - after removecontent");
    //remove the backend content from cache
    CacheablePortletData pdata =(CacheablePortletData) PortletCache.getCacheable(PortletCacheHelper.getUserHandle(((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName()));
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching User: " +((JetspeedUser)data.getUser()).getUserName());
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching pId: " +pId);
    if (pdata != null)
    // User's data found in cache!
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -inside pdata!=null");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -inside pdata!=null- after removeObject");
    PortalLogger.logDebug("listBugWatcher Caching -finish calling the remove content code");
    //end clearing the cache
    // after clearing the caching calling the data from the database taking a fn from the
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after clearing cache---sraha");
    BugWatcherPortletContent bugwatchportcont = new BugWatcherPortletContent();
    Hashtable httable= new Hashtable();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after making the type casting-----sraha");
    Set storeKeySet = httable.keySet();
    Iterator itr = storeKeySet.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
    String paramName = (String);
    context.put(paramName, httable.get(paramName));
    PortalLogger.logDebug("after calling the databs data from hashtable---sraha");
    } catch (CodedPortalException e) {
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction:: Exception- ",e);
    context.put("Error", CommonUtil.getErrMessage(e.getMessage()));
    catch (Exception e) {
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction:: Exception- ",e);
    context.put(     "Error",CommonUtil.getErrMessage(ErrorConstantsI.EXCEPTION_CODE));
    try {
    ((JetspeedRunData) data).setCustomized(null);
    if (((JetspeedRunData) data).getCustomized() == null)
    catch (Exception e)
    PortalLogger.logException("bugwatcherRefreshAction", e);
    In the bugwatcher Action there is another function called
    here though i have found the portlet Id but unable to fetch that in the . I am also giving the code of that function under the bugWatcherAction.Java
    // Get the PortletData object from intermediate store.
    CacheablePortletData pdata =(CacheablePortletData) PortletCache.getCacheable(PortletCacheHelper.getUserHandle(
    pId1 = (String)portlet.getID();
    PortalLogger.logDebug("in the bugwatcher action:"+pId1);
    try {
    Hashtable htStore = null;
    // if PortletData is available in store, get current portlet's data from it.
    if (pdata != null) {
    htStore =(Hashtable) pdata.getObject(     PortletCacheHelper.getUserPortletHandle(
    //Loop through the hashtable and put its elements in context
    Set storeKeySet = htStore.keySet();
    Iterator itr = storeKeySet.iterator();
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
    String paramName = (String);
    context.put(paramName, htStore.get(paramName));
    bugwatcherRefreshAction bRefAc = new bugwatcherRefreshAction();
    So this is the total scenario for the fetching the data , after clearing the cache and display that in the portal.I am unable to do that.Presently it is still fetching the data from the cache and it is not going to the database.Even the portlet Id is returning as null.
    I am unable to implement that thing.
    If you have any insight about this thing, that would be great .As it is very urgent a promt response will highly appreciated.Please send me any pointers or any issues for this I am unable to do that.
    Please let me know as early as possible.
    Thanks and regards,
    Santanu Raha.

    Have you run it in a debugger? That will show you exactly what is happening and why.

  • Is it possible to pass a string from an applet to the web site?

    Hi, everybody!
    Is it possible to pass a String from an applet to a web site (as a field value in a form, an ASP variable, or anything else). Basically, I have a pretty large String that is being edited by an applet. When a user clicks on the submit button, a different page will show up which has to display the modified string. The String is pretty large so it doesn't fit into the URL variable.
    Please, help!
    Thank you so much!

    Why do you want to do this in Java?
    Javascript is the correct language for these type of situations.
    for instance:
    in the head of your html document:
    <script language=javascript type="text/javascript">
    newDoc = new document
    newWin =,'newWin','width=200;height=150')
    in the body:
    <form onSubmit="createWindow(this)">
    Enter a String:<input type=text size=30 name="text">
    <input type=submit value="submit"> 
    <input type=reset value="reset">

  • Parse errors while creating a Web service from Java class!

    Can anybody tell me please, is it possible to create a Web Service from java class where the input from user is required ?
    I have the following program, which is successfully compiled, but when I'm trying to make a web service in JDeveloper, the following error occurs:
    "Validation failed.
    The implementation class primePackage.isPrime ofport type MyWebService contains parse errors."
    import java.util.*;
    class isPrime
    public static void main (String args[])
    Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
    int n;
    System.out.println ("Enter a number you want to know is it prime or not");
    if (isPrime(n))
    System.out.println ("True");
    System.out.println ("False");
    static boolean isPrime (int n)
    int i=2;
    while (i<=n-1)
    if (n%i==0)
    return false;
    return true;

    Can anybody tell me please, is it possible to create
    a Web Service from java class where the input from
    user is required ?Yes, the parameters of your method will be mapped in WSDL.
    But i've some considerations about your code.
    I suggest you change the name of isPrime do Prime, its a good code convention to put the name of class starting with Upper case. and isn't good the name of class equals to name of method.
    I suggest you to change the "static boolean isPrime (int n)" to "public boolean isPrime(int n)" to publish a method as a WebService method it's must be public and not static. After this change try to generate your Web Service.


    I'm new to BPEL and I've a problem: i need to create a WEBSERVICE from Java class.
    This Java class contain functions to call other functions in other packages.
    These last function contain sql query: it's an java "interface" application between BPEL and an EXTERNAL Oracle database 10g.
    I want to create one WEB SERVICE from this application and i followed the steps (right click, menù, create j2ee webservice, etc) i obtain error:
    VALIDATION FAILED --- Files at the following URLs cannot be modified:
    Show the java class "interface":
    package controller;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import domain.*;
    import dao.*;
    import utility.*;
    public class Request_Incoming_Controller {
    public Request_Incoming_Controller() {}
    /* Update StatoTurismo */
    public static String aggiornaStTurismo(int numIncoming, String tur) {
    GregorianCalendar dp = FormatoData.dataDaDate1("00/00/0000");
    Request_Incoming ric = new Request_Incoming(numIncoming,"","",dp,dp,"","","",0,"",tur,"");
    // try {
    if(ric.aggiornaTurismo()<0)return "NO";
    return "OK";
    // } catch (SQLException ex) {
    // System.err.println("Eccezione durante l'aggiornamento "
    // + ex.getMessage()); }
    /* Update StatoCassa */
    public static String aggiornaStCassa(int numIncoming,String cash) {
    GregorianCalendar dp = FormatoData.dataDaDate1("00/00/0000");
    Request_Incoming ric = new Request_Incoming(numIncoming,"","",dp,dp,"","","",0,"","",cash);
    // try {
    if(ric.aggiornaCassa()<0) return "NO";
    return "OK";
    // } catch (SQLException ex) {
    // System.err.println("Eccezione durante l'aggiornamento "
    // + ex.getMessage()); }
    /* Lettura del NumIncoming assegnato dal sistema dopo il caricamento della
    * richiesta in base alla matricola del Dipendente
    public static int caricaNumDaDip(String dipendente){
    Request_Incoming ric = new Request_Incoming(0,dipendente);
    // try {
    return ric.getNumIncoming();
    // } catch (SQLException ex) {
    // System.err.println("Eccezione durante l'aggiornamento "
    // + ex.getMessage()); }
    Can Anyone help?
    Is urgently.........thanks

    You should try to post it there:
    But if I look at the error, it looks like some files are Read-Only. Maybe you should check if they are or if you have the appropriate rights on the folder.
    Good luck

  • Web Service From Java class, serialization problem

    I want to create Web Service from Java class, I made java project, generated web service from it, create web service archive project and deployed it to WAS 6.40.
    My class have 2 methods,
    public int add(int a, int b);
    public MyResponse doSomthing(MyRequest req);
    I can succesfully call add method from Web Service Navigator, it works fine but when I call doSomthing methods I get the following error:
    Deserializing fails. Nested message: XML Deserialization Error. Result class [] does not have property [Amount] of type [java.lang.String]. It is required to load XML..
    Any ideas how to resolve it?
    P.S. MyRequest class is exposed throw VI, has default constractor and public getters and setters for all properties. It implements Serializable as well. Any guesses?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Bhavik, thanks for response.
    as I already mentioned it implements Serializable, so it is not the problem.
    Thanks Avi but it didn't helps iether

  • How to set classpath from java class ??

    I have tried to use System.setProperty("java.class.path", "my class path string ") to set classpath dynamically. But it is not working. How to set it dynamically from java class ?? Thanks , gary

    Look into the You can't set the classpath after the fact but you can specify URL's that will checked when you try to load a class with that loader.

  • Struts - Data pass from Action class to JSP

    hello ,
    I am new to struts and have a strange question in my mind .
    How do we pass business logic data from action class to JSP.Do we use session object or any other best way to be used to pass data.
    Example scenario:
    Once the user logins into application by passing userid and password ,we need to display his open queries (from database table) on jsp.
    Components used :
    LoginForm(getter and setter methods of userid & password)
    LoginAction(get database connection,perform query to fetch user's open queries form the database)
    OpenQueries.jsp(to display Open queries on a tabular format)
    In LoginAction - We fetched user's open Queries from the database and stored them in collection object .
    My question is : what is the best way to pass Collection object from LoginAction to OpenQueries.jsp ?
    Thanks in advance...
    Edited by: ram_76uk on Apr 10, 2008 8:21 PM

    You can use plain javabeans to transfer the data. Check out the jsp:usebean tag. If you don't know how to do, check out the Java EE tutorial: Using javabeans in JSP pages starts halfway chapter 4.

  • How can i open the popup from java class

    Please tell me how can i open the popup from java class.
    I am using jdev
    I have used the below code which works fine in jdev 2.1 but it will have some errors in
    Please tell me some way to do this in all jdev versions.
    Bean obj = (Bean)RequestContext.getCurrentInstance.getExternalContext.getPageFlowScope(“obj”);
    Code for hide pop-up
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    String popupId = obj.getPopUpBind().getClientId()
    ExtendedRenderKitService service = Service.getRenderKitService(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(),
    String hidePopup = "var popupObj=AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('" + popupId +
    "'); popupObj.hide();";
    service.addScript(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), hidePopup);
    Code to Show pop-up
    StringBuffer showPopup = new StringBuffer();
    showPopup.append("var hints = new Object();");
    showPopup.append("var popupObj=AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent('" +
    obj.getPopUpBind().getClientId() + "');;");
    service.addScript(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), showPopup.toString());
    Code need to be added in jsff pop tag
    Variable need to be added in
    private RichPopup popUpBind;

    Since you're using a non-public build of JDeveloper, you should be using a non-public forum.

  • How To Change Resource Bundle file's data from Java Class

    i have used below code for accessing Resource Bndle from Java Class but here i also want to make change in a particular key and its value.
    please let me know the code i should use to make changes in Resource Bundle file's key and value and saving the same in the file.
    package test;  import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.ResourceBundle;
    public class ResourceBundleTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("test.bundletest.mybundle");
    Enumeration <String> keys = rb.getKeys();
    while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
    String key = keys.nextElement();
    String value = rb.getString(key);
    System.out.println(key + ": " + value);

    With further debugging, I noticed the following line only works in integrated WLS but not in standalone WLS
    resourceBundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("com.myapp.MyMappings");
    I confirmed the corresponding properties file was included properly in the EAR file but the standalone WLS failed to find the properties file at runtime.
    Why did the standalone WLS class loader (must be the same as the integrated WLS) failed to find the properties file deployed under the WEB-INF/classes path in the EAR file?
    The above line was in a POJO class which has the same classpath as the properties file ie. com.myapp.MappingManager.class.
    It was strange that the class loader could load the POJO class but unable to find the in the same classpath!!!
    Is this a bug in standalone WLS?
    Edited by: Pricilla on May 26, 2010 8:52 AM
    Edited by: Pricilla on May 26, 2010 9:01 AM

  • How to pass a variable from one class to another class?

    Is it possible to pass a variable from one class to another? For e.g., I need the value of int a for calculation purpose in method doB() but I get an error <identifier> expected. What does the error mean? I know, it's a very, very simple question but once I learn this, I promise to remember it forever. Thank you.
    class A {
      int a;
      int doA() {
          a = a + 1;
          return a;
    class B {
      int b;
      A r = new A();
      r.a;  // error: <identifier> expected. What does that mean ?
      int doB() {
         int c = b/a;  // error: operator / cannot be applied to a
    }Thank you!

    elaine_g wrote:
    I am wondering why does (r.a) give an error outside the method? What's the reason it only works when used inside the (b/r.a) maths function? This is illegal syntax:
    class B {
      int b;
      A r = new A();
      r.a;  //syntax error
    }Why? Class definition restricts what you can define within a class to a few things:
    class X {
        Y y = new Y(); //defining a field -- okay
        public X() { //defining a constructor -- okay
        void f() { //defining a method -- okay
    }... and a few other things, but you can't just write "r.a" there. It also makes no sense -- that expression by itself just accesses a field and does nothing with it -- why bother?
    This is also illegal syntax:
    int doB() {
          A r = new A();
          r.a;  // error: not a statement
    }Again, all "r.a" does on its own is access a field and do nothing with it -- a "noop". Since it has no effect, writing this indicates confusion on the part of the coder, so it classified as a syntax error. There is no reason to write that.

  • Passing Tables back from Java Stored Procedures

    Thomas Kyte has written (in reference to
    trying to pass an array back from a stored
    function call):
    You can do one of two things (and both require the use of
    objects). You cannot use PLSQL table types as JDBC cannot bind to
    this type -- we must use OBJECT Types.
    Another way is to use a result set and "select * from
    plsql_function". It could look like this:
    ops$tkyte@8i> create or replace type myTableType as table of
    varchar2 (64);
    2 /
    Type created.
    ops$tkyte@8i> create or replace
    2 function demo_proc2( p_rows_to_make_up in number )
    3 return myTableType
    4 as
    5 l_data myTableType := myTableType();
    6 begin
    7 for i in 1 .. p_rows_to_make_up
    8 loop
    9 l_data.extend;
    10 l_data(i) := 'Made up row ' &#0124; &#0124; i;
    11 end loop;
    12 return l_data;
    13 end;
    14 /
    Function created.
    ops$tkyte@8i> select *
    2 from the ( select cast( demo_proc2(5) as mytableType )
    3 from dual );
    Made up row 1
    Made up row 2
    Made up row 3
    Made up row 4 [Image]
    Made up row 5
    So, your JDBC program would just run the query to get the data.
    If the function "demo_proc2" cannot be called from SQL for
    whatever reason (eg: it calls an impure function in another piece
    of code or it itself tries to modify the database via an insert
    or whatever), you'll just make a package like:
    ops$tkyte@8i> create or replace package my_pkg
    2 as
    4 procedure Make_up_the_data( p_rows_to_make_up in
    number ); 5 function Get_The_Data return myTableType;
    6 end;
    7 /
    Package created.
    ops$tkyte@8i> create or replace package body my_pkg
    2 as
    4 g_data myTableType;
    6 procedure Make_up_the_data( p_rows_to_make_up in number )
    7 as
    8 begin
    9 g_data := myTableType();
    10 for i in 1 .. p_rows_to_make_up
    11 loop
    12 g_data.extend;
    13 g_data(i) := 'Made up row ' &#0124; &#0124; i;
    14 end loop;
    15 end;
    18 function get_the_data return myTableType
    19 is
    20 begin
    21 return g_data;
    22 end;
    24 end;
    25 /
    Package body created.
    ops$tkyte@8i> exec my_pkg.make_up_the_data( 3 );
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    ops$tkyte@8i> select *
    2 from the ( select cast( my_pkg.get_the_data as mytableType
    ) 3 from dual );
    Made up row 1
    Made up row 2
    Made up row 3
    And you'll call the procedure followed by a query to get the
    I have tried this, and it works perfectly.
    My question, is what does the wrapper look
    like if the stored function is written
    in java instead of PL/SQL? My experiments
    with putting the function in java have been
    dismal failures. (I supposed I should also
    ask how the java stored procedure might
    look also, as I suppose that could be where
    I have been having a problem)

    Thanks for the response Avi, but I think I need to clarify my question. The articles referenced in your link tended to describe using PL/SQL ref cursors in Java stored procedures and also the desire to pass ref cursors from Java to PL/SQL programs. Unfortunately, what I am looking to do is the opposite.
    We currently have several Java stored procedures that are accessed via select statements that have become a performance bottleneck in our system. Originally the business requirements were such that only a small number of rows were ever selected and passed into the Java stored procedures. Well, business requirements have changed and now thousands and potentially tens of thousands of rows can be passed in. We benchmarked Java stored procedures vs. PL/SQL stored procedures being accessed via a select statement and PL/SQL had far better performance and scaleable. So, our thought is by decouple the persistence logic into PL/SQL and keeping the business logic in Java stored procedures we can increase performance without having to do a major rewrite of the existing code. This leads to the current problem.
    What we currently do is select into a Java stored procedure which has many database access calls. What we would like to do is select against a PL/SQL stored procedure to aggregate the data and then pass that data via a ref cursor (or whatever structure is acceptable) to a Java stored procedure. This would save us a significant amount of work since the current Java stored procedures would simple need to be changed to not make database calls since the data would be handed to them.
    Is there a way to send a ref cursor from PL/SQL as an input parameter to a Java stored procedure? My call would potentially look like this:
    SELECT java_stored_proc(pl/sql_stored_proc(col_id))
    FROM table_of_5000_rows;
    Sorry for the lengthy post.

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