RE unregistering an event listener so it can be garbage-collected

One good practice in AS 3 is: When you register and event listener with an object, be sure your program also eventually unregisters that listener.
So, let's say you created an <mx:RemoteObject> and the result listener did its job; you now have the data in an ArrayCollection or something, so you don't need the listener any longer.
Question: how do you now unregister that result listener?

That good practice only really applies to long-lived objects with short-lived listeners. Typically, when you are declaring a listener in MXML, it will be a method of your MXML component, so it will not be garbage collected anyway until your component is garbage collected. Normally, this is fine--there is no need to micro-manage the garbage collector unless your listener needs to allocate massive amounts of memory for whatever reason.
If you really want to do this anyway, you can register the listener as an anonymous function and then call something like
idOfRemoteObject.removeEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, arguments.callee);
in the listener, but I think this is overkill. When your app is done with the component and the component is elligible for garbage collection, the listener will go with it.

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    The problem that I'm having is that the event handler simply wont' go away, despite calling removeEventListener on the Image object.
    The following example demonstrates the problem (the example doesn't actually do anything's just the shortest example to demonstrate the problem).  (To run the  app, you'll have to provide any ol' JPEG file named "myImage.jpg" in the "src" directory of your project).
    What I expect to happen is :
         1) on startup, the image loads and loadComplete() runs.
         2)  loadComplete removes the event Listener so that subsequent re-loads won't re-fire the handler.  I only want the handler to  run once.
         3) "loadComplete" shoudl  be displayed in the Debug console.
         4) A button click should display only "Changing  Image" in the Debug console
    What I get instead is that the loadComplete handler isn't  removed, and every  time I click the button, loadComplete runs when the image is re-loaded   (i.e., every button click results in both "Change Image" AND "loadComplete"  being displayed in the Debug console).
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
        <mx:Image width="655" height="181" source="myImage.jpg" id="myImage" autoLoad="true" scaleContent="true" complete="loadComplete()" x="100" y="100"/>
        <mx:Button x="100" y="341" label="Button" click="click(event)"/>
                private function loadComplete():void
                    trace ("loadComplete");
                    myImage.removeEventListener("complete", loadComplete);
                private function click(evt:Event):void
                    trace ("Changing Image");
                    myImage.load("myImage.jpg");    //  Reload same image; it's just an example

    You can remove only event listeners that you added with the addEventListener() method in an ActionScript block. You cannot remove an event listener  that was defined in the MXML tag, even if it was registered using a call  to the addEventListener()method that was made inside a tag attribute.
    Check this page for reference.
    You can modify the code a bit a get it working
    <mx:Image width="655" height="181" id="myImage" scaleContent="true"
              x="100" y="100"
    private function myImage_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
    private function myImage_completeHandler(event:Event):void

  • [svn:osmf:] 14812: Fix bug where setting a resource a second time on a VideoElement caused an RTE due to the loadStateChange event listener being unregistered too soon .

    Revision: 14812
    Revision: 14812
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-03-17 09:02:11 -0700 (Wed, 17 Mar 2010)
    Log Message:
    Fix bug where setting a resource a second time on a VideoElement caused an RTE due to the loadStateChange event listener being unregistered too soon.
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 14812
    Revision: 14812
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-03-17 09:02:11 -0700 (Wed, 17 Mar 2010)
    Log Message:
    Fix bug where setting a resource a second time on a VideoElement caused an RTE due to the loadStateChange event listener being unregistered too soon.
    Modified Paths:

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    Now after 5 weeks, you have always not resolved this very important and urgent issue. It seems that Adobe has realy abandonned the actionscript / flash player projects. Why not simply discontinue flash player on desktops too ? Or even better remove or block "automaticaly" all flash players with the final update. That could create a serious issue on the Internet for few weeks but at least that will be honorable end like a Samurai's Seppuku...

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    I came across a little problem.
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    I want the for loop to end as soon as the event listener inside the for loop calls its function.
    Here is the general code for a better picture.
    this.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, function#1);
    function function#1(event:Event):void{
              if(something is true){
                        for(var i = 0; i < numOfmy_mcs; i++){
                                  this["my_mc_"+String(i)].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function#2);
    function function#2(e:Event):void{
    //do something cool here
    Thank you for any help!

    kglad wrote:
    that for-loop (if it executes), defines listeners for interactive objects.  that will complete long before any object is clicked.
    Well yes but it does it again and again (frames per second times seconds = number of times it goes through the code if i'm not mistaken), because it is inside a function, and through testing i found out that it works like this:
    there are 5 my_mc's in my project: (my_mc_0, my_mc_1, my_mc_2, my_mc_3, my_mc_4)
    if i click my_mc_0 function#2 is called and executed. BUT only after the loop finishes (i know this from tons of testing)...which is unnecessary since you cannot click two places at once. This might not be a problem in this example because i am only using 5 my_mc's buy if i use 500000000 my_mc's it would make a lot of difference.
    is there a way to stop the loop if the function is called?
    ...maybe there is a better way to write it, the only alternative i know that works is if i manually write every single listener and this also is logical in this example but as i said next to impossible if the numbers get bigger.
    I didn't specify this earlier but function#2 makes the if statement false so it wont jump back into it.
    Thank you for the help I really appreciate it!
    3rd edit...don't know what's wrong with me

  • Adding an event listener to combo box

    I am working on a mortgage calculator and I cannot figure out how to add an event listener to a combo box.
    I want to get the mortgage term and interest rate to calucate the mortgage using the combo cox. Here is my program.
    Modify the mortgage program to allow the user to input the amount of a mortgage
    and then select from a menu of mortgage loans: 7 year at 5.35%, 15 year at 5.50%, and
    30 year at 5.75%. Use an array for the different loans. Display the mortgage payment
    amount. Then, list the loan balance and interest paid for each payment over the term
    of the loan. Allow the user to loop back and enter a new amount and make a new
    selection, with resulting new values. Allow user to exit if running as an application
    (can't do that for an applet though).
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.util.Locale;
    //creates class MortgageCalculator
    public class MortgageCalculator extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
    //creates title for calculator
         JPanel row = new JPanel();
         JLabel mortgageCalculator = new JLabel("MORTGAGE CALCULATOR", JLabel.CENTER);
    //creates labels and text fields for amount entered          
         JPanel firstRow = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3,1,1,1));
         JLabel mortgageLabel = new JLabel("Mortgage Payment $", JLabel.LEFT);
         JTextField mortgageAmount = new JTextField(10);
         JPanel secondRow = new JPanel();
         JLabel termLabel = new JLabel("Mortgage Term/Interest Rate", JLabel.LEFT);
         String[] term = {"7", "15", "30"};
         JComboBox mortgageTerm = new JComboBox(term);
         JPanel thirdRow = new JPanel();
         JLabel interestLabel = new JLabel("Interest Rate (%)", JLabel.LEFT);
         String[] interest = {"5.35", "5.50", "5.75"};
         JComboBox interestRate = new JComboBox(interest);
         JPanel fourthRow = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3, 2, 10, 10));
         JLabel paymentLabel = new JLabel("Monthly Payment $", JLabel.LEFT);
         JTextField monthlyPayment = new JTextField(10);
    //create buttons to calculate payment and clear fields
         JPanel fifthRow = new JPanel(new GridLayout(3, 2, 1, 1));
         JButton calculateButton = new JButton("CALCULATE PAYMENT");
         JButton clearButton = new JButton("CLEAR");
         JButton exitButton = new JButton("EXIT");
    //Display area
         JPanel sixthRow = new JPanel(new GridLayout(2, 2, 10, 10));
         JLabel displayArea = new JLabel(" ", JLabel.LEFT);
         JTextArea textarea = new JTextArea(" ", 8, 50);
    public MortgageCalculator() {
         super("Mortgage Calculator");                     //title of frame
         setSize(550, 350);                                             //size of frame
         Container pane = getContentPane();
         GridLayout grid = new GridLayout(7, 3, 10, 10);
         pane.add(textarea); //adds texaarea to frame
         //Adds Listener to buttons
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { 
         Object command = event.getSource();
         JComboBox mortgageTerm = (JComboBox)event.getSource();
         String termYear = (String)mortgageTerm.getSelectedItem();
    if (command == calculateButton) //calculates mortgage payment
         int year = Integer.parseInt(mortgageTerm.getText());
         double rate = new Double(interestRate.getText()).doubleValue();
         double mortgage = new Double(mortgageAmount.getText()).doubleValue();
         double interest = rate /100.0 / 12.0;
         double monthly = mortgage *(interest/(1-Math.pow(interest+1,-12.0 * year)));
                   NumberFormat myCurrencyFormatter;
                   myCurrencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(Locale.US);
         if(command == clearButton) //clears all text fields
              if(command == exitButton) //sets exit button
         public static void main(String[] arguments) {
              MortgageCalculator mor = new MortgageCalculator();

    The OP already did this to both JComboBoxes.
    mochatay, here is a new actionPerformed method for you to use.
    I've improved a few things here and there...
    1) You can't just cast the ActionEvent's source into a JComboBox!
    What if it was a JButton that fired the event? Then you would get ClassCastExceptions (I'm sure you did)
    So check for all options, what the source of the ActionEvent actually was...
    2) You can't assume the user will always type in valid data.
    So enclose the Integer and Double parse methods in try-catch brakcets.
    Then you can do something when you know that the user has entered invalid input
    (like tell him/her what a clumsy idiot they are !)
    3) As soon as user presses an item in any JComboBox, just re-calculate.
    I did this here by programmatically clicking the 'Calculate' button.
    Alternatively, you could have a 'calculate' method, which does everything inside the
    if(command==calculateButton) if-block.
    This will be called when:
    a)calculateButton is pressed
    b)when either of the JComboBoxes are pressed.
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent event)
            Object command = event.getSource ();
            if (command == calculateButton) //calculates mortgage payment
                int year = 0;
                double rate = 0;
                double mortgage = 0;
                double interest = 0;
                /* If user has input invalid data, tell him so
                and return (Exit from this method back to where we were before */
                    year = Integer.parseInt (mortgageTerm.getSelectedItem ().toString ());
                    rate = new Double (interestRate.getSelectedItem ().toString ()).doubleValue ();
                    mortgage = new Double (mortgageAmount.getText ()).doubleValue ();
                    interest = rate / 100.0 / 12.0;
                catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
                    /* Display a message Dialogue box with a message */
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (this, "Error! Invalid input!");
                double monthly = mortgage * (interest / (1 - Math.pow (interest + 1, -12.0 * year)));
                NumberFormat myCurrencyFormatter;
                myCurrencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance (Locale.US);
                monthlyPayment.setText (myCurrencyFormatter.format (monthly));
            else if (command == clearButton) //clears all text fields
                /* Better than setting it to null (I think) */
                mortgageAmount.setText ("");
                monthlyPayment.setText ("");
            else if (command == exitButton) //sets exit button
                System.exit (0);
            else if (command == mortgageTerm)
                /* Programmatically 'clicks' the button,
                As is user had clicked it */
                calculateButton.doClick ();
            else if (command == interestRate)
                calculateButton.doClick ();
            //JComboBox mortgageTerm = (JComboBox) event.getSource ();
            //String termYear = (String) mortgageTerm.getSelectedItem ();
        }Hope this solves your problems.
    I also hope you'll be able to learn from what I've indicated, so you can use similar things yourself
    in future!

  • How do I assign a mouseclick event Listener to a simplebutton already nested in a movie clip when it's dropped on stage?

    I'm trying to assign a mouseclick event listener to a simplebutton nested within a movie clip's later frames, starting at frame 2 and up. This card, however, is not added to my game until later, and when the player clicks on it/turns it over.
    There are four files involved in this program:
    #1 The main actionscript file, which corresponds to
    #2 my dreamQuester .fla file.
    #3 my artifactCard file movieClip's corresponding .as file,
    #4 my file corresponding to a an instance of a simpleButton named combo1 that is already
    nested --and this instance is already named-- inside/as a child of said artifactCard movieclip.
    What I've done so far isn't working:
    In my main file, when a player clicks on an artifactCard, its MOUSE_DOWN event
    listener takes them to this function (clickArtCard), where the trouble is at:
    // player clicked on the artC card--which is a child of posArt1 on stage--to turn card over:
            function clickArtCard(a_event:MouseEvent) {
                var thisArtCard:artifactCard = ( as artifactCard);
                thisArtCard.gotoAndStop(unclickedArt1);  // go to frame number of artifact
                                    // card where combo1 button is.
                thisArtCard.buttonMode = false;
                trace("combo1.combo is:" + combo1.combo);
                trace("posArt1.artC.combo1 is:" + posArt1.artC.combo1);
                posArt1.artC.combo1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, comboClickedWHO);
    when the artC card--the static public instance of artifactCard--is clicked, it only gets to the
    trace("posArt1.artC.combo1 is:" + posArt1.artC.combo1); which returns this error message:  
    TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
        at MethodInfo-61()
    So do how would I declare a static public variable of this simpleButton at the start of my main .as
    file to make it defined to get a mouseDown actionListener into my pre-existing-and-named-instance
    combo1 simpleButton?
    perhaps there is a way, while the debug movie program is running, to click on the simpleButton and see exactly
    what it's parent heirarchy is, to see the name of all parents above the simpleButton incase they are
    different then what I think?
    (just in case, I was hoping to squeeze a zip file containing these files to be less than 9MB incase someone was willing to look at my files to see what I've done so far, but 9 megs is just too big! even though all graphics I've imported where turned into vector graphics with trace bitmap. I wish there was a way to check the file size of each symbol in Flash CS4, here...)
    Thank you so much for any help!

    Just use a
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);
    function keyPressed(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
         if(event.keyCode == ???){
              // play the sound
    Where I show the "???" you would replace with the keyCode for the key you want pressed for that sound.  To determine the keyCode you can use the trace line that I have commented out.
    Note that when testing in Flash you often need to disable the keyboard shortcuts in the Flash Player in order to be able to use alot of the keys.  You will find this option in the Control menu options in the player.

  • Help with event listener

    I'm having some trouble trying to figure out how this event listener will work.
    The main application is building an arrayCollection of a calendarDay custom components which is displayed by a DataGroup.
    Within each calendarDay custom component i may create an arrayList of a DriverDetailComponent custom components displayed within the calendarDay by a DataGroup.
    If a user double clicks on the DriverDetailComponent that is two layers in I would like to change states of the main application.  I'm having trouble figuring out what item in the main application to set the listener on.  Please help.
    I can't figure out how to post the below as scrollable code snips so this is very long.
    Main application code:
    <code><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx=""
                   xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:components="components.*"
                   width="1024" height="512"  backgroundColor="#A4BDD8">
            <s:State name="State1"/>
            <s:State name="driverDetailState"/>
        <fx:Style source="EventCalendar.css"/>
        creationComplete="readDataFile()"    creationComplete="driversList.send()"-->
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->       
            <mx:DateFormatter id="myDateFormatter"
                              formatString="EEE, MMM D, YYYY"/>
            <!--<s:HTTPService id="driversList"
            <s:HTTPService id="postDriversList"
            <!--<s:Move id="expandTab"
                import components.CalendarDay;
                import components.TruckDriver;
                import components.calendarDay;
                import events.CancelChangeDriversEvent;
                import events.ChangeDriversEvent;
                import events.EditDriverEvent;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.collections.ArrayList;
                import mx.containers.Form;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                import mx.controls.CalendarLayout;
                import mx.core.FlexGlobals;
                import mx.core.IVisualElement;
                import mx.core.WindowedApplication;
                import mx.printing.FlexPrintJob;
                import mx.rpc.xml.SimpleXMLEncoder;
                import spark.components.Application;
                import utilities.FormatUtil;
                import utilities.ObjectToXML;
                /* public var prefsFile:File; */ // The preferences prefsFile
                [Bindable] public var driversXML:XML; // The XML data
                public var stream:FileStream; // The FileStream object used to read and write prefsFile data.
                public var fileName:String="driversArrayCollection";
                public var directory:String = "AceTrackerData";
                public var dataFile:File = File.documentsDirectory.resolvePath(directory + "\\" + fileName);
                public var drivers:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection();
                private var fileStream:FileStream;
                public var calendarDayArray:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
                public var i:int;
                public var weekOneTitle:String;
                public var weekTwoTitle:String;
                public var weekThreeTitle:String;
                public var weekFourTitle:String;
                public var day:Object;
                protected function readDataFile():void
                        fileStream = new FileStream();
              , FileMode.READ);
                        drivers = fileStream.readObject() as ArrayCollection;
                        drivers = new ArrayCollection();
                        var driver:TruckDriver = new TruckDriver("New", "Driver", 000);
                protected function buildCalendarArray():void
                    for (i=0; i<28; i++)
                        var cd:calendarDay = new calendarDay;
                        cd.dateOffset= i-7
              private function saveData(obj:Object):void//this is called on the postDriversList result handler to create and write XML data to the file
                    var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
          , FileMode.WRITE);
                    /* fs.writeUTFBytes(myXML); */
                protected function driverschedule1_changeDriversHandler(event:ChangeDriversEvent):void
                    readDataFile();//i read the drivers file again, this refreshes my data, and removes any temporary data that may have been stored in the drivers array
                    currentState = 'State1';//this hides the driversdetail window after we've clicked save
                    /* postDriversList.send(event.driverInfo); */  //this needs to be different
                    /*"TEST"); */
                protected function driverschedule1_cancelChangeDriversHandler(event:CancelChangeDriversEvent):void
                    /*"Changes have been canceled."); */
                    readDataFile();//this re-reads the saved data file so that the changes that were made in the pop up window
                    // are no longer reflected if you reopen the window
                    currentState = 'State1';  //this hides the driversdetail window after we've clicked cancel
                protected function buildRowTitles():void
                    var calendarDay0:Object;
                    var calendarDay6:Object;
                    weekOneTitle = calendarDay0.getDayString() + " - " + calendarDay6.getDayString();
                    weekTwoTitle=calendarDayArray.getItemAt(7).getDayString()+ " - " + calendarDayArray.getItemAt(13).getDayString();
                    weekThreeTitle=calendarDayArray.getItemAt(14).getDayString()+ " - " + calendarDayArray.getItemAt(20).getDayString();
                    weekFourTitle=calendarDayArray.getItemAt(21).getDayString()+ " - " + calendarDayArray.getItemAt(27).getDayString();
        <s:Group height="100%" width="100%">
                <s:BasicLayout/>  <!--This is the outermost layout for the main application MXML-->
        <s:Scroller width="95%" height="100%"  >
        <s:Group height="100%" width="100%"  ><!--this groups the vertically laid out row titles hoizontally with the large group of calendar days and day titles-->
        <s:Group height="95%" width="50" ><!--this is the group of row titles layed out vertically-->
                <s:VerticalLayout paddingLeft="40" paddingTop="35"/>
            <s:Label text="{weekOneTitle}"
                     height="25%" width="115"
                     fontWeight="normal" fontSize="15"
                     paddingTop="4" textAlign="center"  />
            <s:Label text="{weekTwoTitle}"
                     height="25%" width="115"
                     fontWeight="normal" fontSize="15"
                     paddingTop="4" textAlign="center" />
            <s:Label text="{weekThreeTitle}"
                     height="25%" width="115"
                     fontWeight="normal" fontSize="15"
                     paddingTop="4" textAlign="center"  />
            <s:Label text="{weekFourTitle}"
                     height="25%" width="115"
                     fontWeight="normal" fontSize="15"
                     paddingTop="4" textAlign="center"  />
        <s:Group height="100%" width="100%" >
            <!--this vertically groups together the horizontal day names group and the tile layout datagroup of calendar days-->
                <s:VerticalLayout paddingLeft="5"/>
        <s:Group width="100%" >
            <s:layout><!--this group horizontal layout is for the Day names at the top-->
                <s:HorizontalLayout paddingTop="10"/>
            <s:Label id="dayNames" text="Sunday" width="16%" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="18" textAlign="center"/>
            <s:Label text="Monday" width="16%" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="18" textAlign="center"/>
            <s:Label text="Tuesday" width="16%" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="18" textAlign="center"/>
            <s:Label text="Wednesday" width="16%" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="18" textAlign="center"/>
            <s:Label text="Thursday" width="16%" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="18" textAlign="center"/>
            <s:Label text="Friday" width="16%" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="18" textAlign="center"/>
            <s:Label text="Saturday" width="16%" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="18" textAlign="center"/>
            <!--<s:SkinnableContainer width="16%">-->
                <s:DataGroup id="calendarDataGroup"
                             itemRenderer="{null}"  resizeMode="scale"
                              height="100%" width="100%"
                              >  <!--  I had to use a null renderer because otherwise each instance is added in a group container renderers.DriverScheduleRenderer-->
                    <s:layout >
                        <s:TileLayout requestedColumnCount="7" />
        <!--<mx:FormItem label="Today's Date:">
            <s:TextInput id="dateToday"
        <!--<components:DriverSchedule drivers="{drivers}"
            <s:HGroup>  <!--this groups together my drivers button and my print button at the bottom of the calendar-->
            <s:Button id="showDriverDetailButton"
                      label="Driver List"
                      click="currentState = 'driverDetailState'">
                <s:Button id="printButton"
                    >  click="printButton_clickHandler(event)"-->
            </s:HGroup>    <!--this is the end of the small hgroup which pairs my drivers button with the print button-->                  
        </s:Group><!--this ends the vertical grouping of the day names and the tile layout calendar-->   
    </s:Group>        <!--this ends the horizontal grouping of the calendar (names and days) with the week labels at the left-->
            <s:SkinnableContainer includeIn="driverDetailState"
                                  width="95%" height="95%"  horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0"
                                  backgroundColor="#989898" backgroundAlpha="0.51">
                <s:BorderContainer horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
                <components:DriverSchedule id="driverSchedule"
        </s:Group>  <!--end of basic layout group-->
    calendarDay.mxml code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx=""
              width="100%">  <!--width="16%" height="25%"  width="160" height="112"-->
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
            <mx:DateFormatter id="myDateFormatter"
                              formatString="MMM D"/>
            [Event(name = "editDriverEvent", type="events.EditDriverEvent")]
                import components.CalendarDay;
                import components.DriverDetailComponent;
                import events.EditDriverEvent;
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.collections.ArrayList;
                import mx.controls.CalendarLayout;
                import mx.controls.DateField;
                public var todayCollection:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection;
                public var todayList:ArrayList=new ArrayList; //arraylist created as data provider for dataGroup, this is where all drivers with an arrival date of today are added
                public var currDate:Date =new Date; //this will be used to contain the current real world date
                public var calDate:Date = new Date; //this is used below to determine the date of the calender day that is being created
                public var todaysDate:CalendarDay;
                public var currDay:int;
                public var dateOffset:int;
                public var drivers:ArrayCollection= new ArrayCollection();
                   public var driver:Object;  
                public var rowLabel:String;
                public function initDay():void
                    todaysDate  = new CalendarDay(currDate,, dateOffset)//currDate represents the day the operating system says today is
                        currDay=todaysDate.returnDate().getDate();//currDay is an int representing the day of the month
                        calDate=todaysDate.returnDate();//calDate represents the actual date on the calendar (MM-DD-YYY) that is currently being evaluated
                        /* if (currDay ==currDate.getDate()) //i want to highlight the day if it is in fact today
                            if (calDate.getDate() == currDate.getDate())
                            calDayBorder.setStyle("backgroundColor", "#FFFF00");
                            calDayBorder.setStyle("backgroundColor", "#EEEEEE");
                  public function addDrivers():void
                       var count:int = 0;
                      /*var driverDetail:DriverDetailComponent;
                      var driver =  */
                    for each (driver in drivers)
                    {//i check the date value based on data entry of mm-dd-yy format against the calculated date for the day
                        //the calender is building and if it is equal the drivers information is added to this day of the calendar
                        if (DateField.stringToDate(driver.arrivalDate,"MM/DD/YYYY").getDate() == calDate.getDate())
                                var driverDetail:DriverDetailComponent = new DriverDetailComponent; //i create a new visual component that adds the id and destination to the calendar day
                                driverDetail.driverid = drivers[count].id; //i feed the id property which is the truck# - firstName
                                driverDetail.driverToLoc=drivers[count].toLoc; //i feed the toLoc which is the current destination of the driver
                                driverDetail.driverArrayLocation=count;   //here i feed the location of this driver in the "drivers" array so i know where it's at for the click listener
                            //this concatenates the drivers truck number first name and destination to display in the calendar day
                                /* todayList.addItem(driver.truckNumber + " - " + driver.firstName + " - " + driver.toLoc); */
                    count ++;
                public function getDayString():String
                    rowLabel =myDateFormatter.format(calDate);
                    return rowLabel;
        <s:BorderContainer id="calDayBorder" width="160" styleName="Today" cornerRadius="2" dropShadowVisible="true" height="100%">
            <!--I need to make a custom item renderer for my calendar days that limits the height and width of the day, and also puts the items
            closer together so i can fit maybe 5 drivers on a single day-->
            <s:DataGroup dataProvider="{todayList}"
                         width="115" left="2">  <!--width="94%"  width="100"  width="16%"-->
                <s:layout >
                    <s:VerticalLayout gap="-4"/> <!--The reduced gap pushes the drivers together if there are serveral on one day. This helps cleanly show several drivers on one day-->
            </s:DataGroup >
            <s:Label  text="{currDay}" right="3" top="2" fontSize="14" fontWeight="bold"/>
    DriverDetailComponent code:
    <code><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Group xmlns:fx=""
            <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
            [Event(name = "editDriverEvent", type="events.EditDriverEvent")]
                import events.EditDriverEvent;
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                public var driverid:String;
                public var driverArrayLocation:int;
                public var driverToLoc:String;
                protected function label1_doubleClickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
          "You have selected " +driverid +" at location "  + driverArrayLocation.toString() +" in the drivers ArrayCollection.");
                    var eventObject:EditDriverEvent = new EditDriverEvent("editDriverEvent",driverArrayLocation);
        <s:Label id="driverDetailLabel" text="{driverid} - {driverToLoc}"  doubleClick="label1_doubleClickHandler(event)" doubleClickEnabled="true"/>

    lkb3 wrote:
    I'm trying to add a listener to [this JOptionPane pane dialog box||my dialog box], so that when it pops up, the cursor is in the text box, but then if the user clicks a button other than the default, the cursor reverts back into the text box.
    The code I have is this:
    JLabel option_label = new JLabel("Select a search option:");
    // Create the button objects
    JRadioButton b1 = new JRadioButton("Search PARTS by name");
    JRadioButton b2 = new JRadioButton("Search ASSEMBLIES by name");
    JRadioButton b3 = new JRadioButton("Search DRAWINGS by name");
    JRadioButton b4 = new JRadioButton("Search all by DESCRIPTION");
    // Tie them together in a group
    ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup();
    // Add them to a panel stacking vertically
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    panel.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panel,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
    JLabel name_label = new JLabel("Enter a search term (add *'s as required)");
    JTextField name = new JTextField(30);
    name.addComponentListener(new ComponentListener() {
    public void componentHidden(ComponentEvent ce) { }
    public void componentMoved(ComponentEvent ce) { }
    public void componentResized(ComponentEvent ce) {
    public void componentShown(ComponentEvent ce) { }
    Object[] array = { option_label, panel, name_label, name };
    int res = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, array, "Select", JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);
    String searchTerm = name.getText();This sucessfully has the focus in the text box when opened; is there a way to get the focus to go back into the text box after the user clicks a radio button?
    [this JOptionPane pane dialog box||dialog Joption]
    you will need to add ItemListener to the JRadioButtons

  • Keyboard Event Listener doesn't work in Browser

    Is there a reason why a keyboard event listener would not work if the flash is embedded in an HTML? The rest of my game is running fine in the background, but I can't launch the movieClip "nextCar." My code is below, if that makes any difference...
    function goNow (event:KeyboardEvent): void {
        thisOtherKey = event.keyCode;
        if (thisOtherKey == 32) {
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, goNow);

    This may be a silly question, but have you tryed clicking on your swf after it opens up in the browser, and then trying the keyboard controls?
    I don't know of any issues that cause event listeners to workwhen debugging, but not in a browser.  So, I'm thinking maybe your just not focused on the swf.

  • How to send the Event Listener arguments in AS3?

    In MXML
    <mx:Button click="clickHandler();"
    mouseDown="downHandler(event);" mouseOver="overHandler(btn);"
    but AS3
    var btn:Button = new Button();
    btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler, flase,
    0, true);
    only this kind of AS3 event only added, any other possibility
    to pass the arguments to handler function.
    please help.

    From that link:
    If you define an event listener inline (inside the MXML tag),
    you can add any number of parameters as long as the listener
    function's signature agrees with that number of parameters.
    If you add a listener with the addEventListener() method (in
    ActionScript), you cannot pass any additional parameters to the
    listener function, and that listener function can declare only a
    single argument, the Event object (or one of its subclasses).
    To pass additional parameters to listener functions defined
    in AS, you must define the parameters in the listener function and
    then call some other method passing it the additional parameters in
    the call from the listener.
    You can also define your own custom events, and then you are
    free to define what args your event listeners take, and access the
    data from the event object.

  • How does custom event listener work.

    With reference to Custom Event Listener, I wanted to know the behaviour of Custom Listener whether they are sync or async.
    For Example :
    Suppose i have a method1() which has the listener1() get invoked at some operation at line #1 of method();
    The task of listener1() takes 2 minutes aprox.
    Then my question is does method1() waits until listener1() finishes its task(2 Minutes) ?
    What is he default behavior of listner1()
    Can we change the default behavior of custom listners ?
    Thanks & Regards,

    jwenting wrote:
    rephrase your question in gramatically (and preferably syntactically) correct English so people can actually understand what you're asking.You took the words straight out of my mouth

  • Event Listening With Correlation

    I am seeking the better solution for listening to an event based in information that each BPEL process instance stores internally.
    To each BPEL instance is passed a correlation ID, that is not unique among several BPEL instances. I want to cancel the corresponding BPEL instances if a termination event is published in EDN referring the same correlation ID. The BPEL instances waits for the termination events in a pick activity.
    I have tried 2 solutions:
    1- Filter expression on the event listening on the onMessage branch- The problem is that i cannot acess internal instance data (id that was passed to the instance on the initiate message) to place on the expression. I can build the expression only based on the event data. Makes sense since this test is maybe taking place on the EDN.
    2- Correlation Set on the event listening. The problem is that i get a "receive conflict" since the correlation set is not unique among the instances.
    The workaround was to receive the event in all instances and test the correlation ID subsequently in an "if activity". If the correlation ID is not "mine" i have to listen again. I have to put pick activity inside a while.
    Anybody has faced this requirement?
    Can someone help me with a more elegant solution?
    Thank you very much.
    Bruno Silva

    I think you should use a midware, like CORBA. If your applications are simulations, use pRTI and study some High Level Architecture before. Then your applications can communicate through the midware. This is for programs written on different platforms. Will take you some time..

  • Validators - Event Listening

    I need to change the trigger event for a validator so it
    checks as soon as information is entered in a text area.
    1. Currently I have to click on something else before the
    Validator checks to see if anything is in the text area. I would
    like it to check as soon as data is entered into the text area.
    (like somehow linking it to the dataChange event of the text Area)
    NB The Validator is attached to a custom component that is
    dynamically created when the application is run.
    2. I have a group of labels which change color based on the
    validator when it is clicked on. Likewise each label only updates
    when I click on another label and then click back on the original
    label. I am somewhat new to Flex 2 so I am a bit confused about how
    event listening works and how events can be handled.
    My code follows below:
    // Event listener for the valid and invalid events - in
    public function
    isValid = true;
    isValid = false;
    return isValid;
    // Constructor
    <mx:Validator id="reqValid" required="true"
    source="{feedbackText}" property="text"
    valid="handleValid(event)" invalid="handleValid(event)"/>

    I think you should use a midware, like CORBA. If your applications are simulations, use pRTI and study some High Level Architecture before. Then your applications can communicate through the midware. This is for programs written on different platforms. Will take you some time..

  • Creating custom event listener ?

    Is there anyone that have a link to a tutorial or have some information on what is needed to be able to create a custom event listener on a component ?
    I am creating an interactive JSF chart library (JSFlot) and I would like to have events such as ChartDraggedEvent and ChartClickedEvent. I can create the events fine (and I can even queue them fine throught the standard action and actionListener interfaces), but I would like for the component to have attributes like chartDraggedListener and chartClickedListener, so that I can fire off the appropriate event to the appropriate listener.
    Any help would be very much appreciated!

    Well, that is what I am doing. The Renderer:
    if (event != null && event.equalsIgnoreCase("drag")) {
                        String componentValue = request.getParameter("componentValue");
                        //Cut out logic irrelevant for this example
                        FlotChartDraggedEvent dragEvent = new FlotChartDraggedEvent(component, dragValue);
                   } else if (event != null && event.equalsIgnoreCase("click")) {
                        //Cut out logic irrelevant for this example                    
                        FlotChartClickedEvent clickEvent = new FlotChartClickedEvent(component, clickedPoint, clickIndexInt, clickSeriesIndexInt, clickSeriesLabel);
                   }The problem though, is that both of these events gets delivered to the actionListener attribute of my component. What I assume is missing is functionality to register a custom listener for each event, and some code in the Tag-class and TLD to supply these listeners, and its these issues that I am unsure how is done. I may be missing something very basic here though :)

  • Event Listening across two components?

    Let's say I have two components. One of them has a button.
    The other will post an Alert once it detects that the button has
    been pressed.
    How can the Alert component detect the button press of the
    other component? I figured an eventListener would been needed, but
    I am not sure how to write it.

    Something like that might work, but from a programming
    standpoint, your components should be designed in such a way that
    they know absolutely nothing about the outside world (parent or
    other components). For all it knows, it's the only component in
    existence. But, using events, he could send out a message (event),
    that if someone else (another component) happened to hear it, they
    could do something in response to it. Think of the movie "Contact"
    (if you've ever seen it).
    Anyway, your best bet is to make a custom event that is able
    to encapsulate an ArrayCollection. Then when the button is clicked,
    you wrap up the AC in the event and send it out. Your other
    component will be listening for events that are of that type (your
    custom event). Then he can unwrap the AC in it and use it. If you
    do not know how to create custom events and/or send data in events,
    look up a tutorial on it. It's not that difficult to implement if
    you can follow the concept I just talked about. However, I've also
    personally tried to make a custom event to pass an ArrayCollection,
    and for some reason it never worked (even though I followed some
    tutorials down to the letter).

Maybe you are looking for

  • Clock problems after IOS 4.2 upgrade

    We have 2 Iphone 4 at home, each connected to a different computer ( 1 Mac, 1 PC ). After the upgrade to IOS 4.2 both have a problem with the clock. When the phone is put on "update clock automatically" ,the following happens (We live in Belgium) -Ph

  • HT1688 Iphone 3gs can't slide to button to access the phone

    I have tried to reboot by holding power and home button.  Also installed the latest update.  Still can't slide the button on the screen.  Also can't slide the button to turn off the phone.  What can I do to fix this?  Thanks.

  • Fatal errors in novfsd on SLED11

    SLED 11 all current patches applied, Novell Client for SLED 11. Running as guest OS on Vmware workstation 7.0 latest vmware tools installed. Login and file access are fine and fast - but if i logout of a user session, which was connected to NCP share

  • Can I set a role using a encrypted password ?

    Sir, I encrypt the role password using dbms_obfuscation package. Can I enable a role using such a password before decrypting it ? Thanks a lot Stephen

  • Qosmio F60 - existing advanced boot options after new OS installation

    Hello I am asking about advanced boot option when pressing F8 after restarting the computer will be more exist if I have changed the operating system which originally came with my laptop Qosmio F60 ''win7'' to win 8.1 for example