Read a file with a variable=counter : NAMEFILE001,NAMEFILE002..

I would need your councils.
I can read a logical file on my server(logical example of name: NAMEFILE) with function FILE_GET_NAME.
But I would like to be able to read a file with a counter i.e.
the first time: to read NAMEFILE001;
the second time read NAMEFILE002;
the third time read NAMEFILER003...
How made you that?
With function FILENAME_EXIT _?
But, where do I put the variable = counter? In a table...?
Thank you in advance of your answer

Hi Servane,
You could also do the following:
in transaction FILE you set up the physical path name as follows:
then you call the function FILE_GET_NAME:
         PARAMETER_1             = W_FILENUMBER
           FILE_NAME               = THEFILE
            FILE_NOT_FOUND          = 1
            OTHERS                  = 2.
This will equally construct the name/counter as you wish.
AND, if I am not wrong, since the system does it, you will not have to worry about putting the last counter value away in the DB.
Message was edited by: Phillip Morgan

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    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import formatter.Base64;
    var imgB64Str:String="";
    var ld:Loader=new Loader();
    var my_req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("horses.img");
    var my_loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    my_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadText);
    function loadText(e:Event):void{
        // set string variable to loaded text
        imgB64Str =;
        // position, decode & display
        ld.x = ld.y = 50;
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    import flash.utils.ByteArray;
    import formatter.Base64;
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    var ld:Loader=new Loader();
    var my_req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images.img"); // CHANGED: source file, due to new format
    var my_loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    my_loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; // CHANGED: formatting input from text to variables
    my_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadText);
    function loadText(e:Event):void{
        imgB64Str =; // CHANGED: instead of grabbing whole data, grabbing the image1 variable
        trace(imgB64Str); // CHANGED: traces fine!
        // same as other from here down!
        ld.x = ld.y = 50;
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  • Read xml File with counter

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    The MainWindow.xaml:
    <Window x:Class="MainWindow"
    Title="" Height="1220" Width="1017" WindowStartupLocation="Manual" ScrollViewer.HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Visible" ScrollViewer.CanContentScroll="True" UseLayoutRounding="False" WindowState="Maximized">
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    <GridViewColumn x:Name="Antwoord" Header="Antwoord" DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Antwoord}">
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    Imports System.Reflection.Assembly
    Imports System.Xml
    Imports System.Data
    Class MainWindow
    Dim VraagListBox As New ListBox
    Dim AntwoordListBox As New ListBox
    Dim Hoofdmap As String = GetExecutingAssembly().Location
    Dim Bestand As String
    Private Sub MainWindow_Loaded(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles Me.Loaded
    'RUNNEN MAAR!!!!
    'Het bestand vinden in de commandline argumenten
    Dim args() As String = System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()
    Dim Teller As Integer = "0"
    For Each arg As String In args
    If Teller = "1" Then
    Bestand = arg
    Teller = Teller + "1"
    End If
    Bestand = "D:\Alles voor school!\Alles voor school!\Vakken\Stepping Stones\DATA1\Hoofdstuk 1\Leerlijsten\Hoofdstuk 1 Grammer 1.xas"
    'Welk bestand? Set de title
    Me.Title = Path.GetFileName(Bestand) & " - ListViewer (V."
    If Bestand <> "" Then
    'Vragen en antwoorden toevoegen in de kolommen
    If Path.GetExtension(Bestand) = ".xas" Then
    Dim orderInfo = XElement.Load(Bestand)
    For Each entry As XElement In orderInfo...<word>
    Dim thisOrder As New Order
    With thisOrder
    .Vraag = entry...<v>.Value
    .Antwoord = entry...<a>.Value
    End With
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    Dim orderInfoVraag = XElement.Load(Bestand)
    For Each entry As XElement In orderInfoVraag...<word>
    Dim thisOrderVraag As New VraagClass
    With thisOrderVraag
    .Vraag = entry...<v>.Value
    End With
    'Virtuele antwoordlistbox toevoegen = kolom Antwoord van LisView1
    Dim orderInfoAntwoord = XElement.Load(Bestand)
    For Each entry As XElement In orderInfoAntwoord...<word>
    Dim thisOrderAntwoord As New AntwoordClass
    With thisOrderAntwoord
    .Antwoord = entry...<a>.Value
    End With
    'Check wat er fout is aan het bestand, en geef een melding
    MessageBox.Show("Er is een verkeerde extentie geselecteerd, namelijk: " & Path.GetExtension(Bestand) & ".", "Verkeerde extentie - ListViewer", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error)
    End If
    If Bestand = "" Then
    MessageBox.Show("Je hebt geen bestand geselecteerd", "Geen bestand geselecteerd - ListViewer", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error)
    MessageBox.Show("Er is iets misgegaan met het laden van het bestand, probeer het later opnieuw", "Onbekende error - ListViewer", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error)
    End If
    End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub ListView1_MouseDoubleClick(sender As Object, e As MouseButtonEventArgs) Handles ListView1.MouseDoubleClick
    Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetTempPath & "110% Soft\ListViewer\" & Path.GetFileName(Bestand))
    Dim SchrijfVraag As New StreamWriter(Path.GetTempPath & "110% Soft\ListViewer\Word.txt")
    Dim SchrijfFile As New StreamWriter(Path.GetTempPath & "110% Soft\ListViewer\File.txt")
    Dim WoordenScherm As ViewWord
    WoordenScherm = New ViewWord()
    End Sub
    End Class
    ViewWord.xaml is:
    <Window x:Class="ViewWord"
    Title="ViewWord" Height="155" Width="1017" ResizeMode="NoResize" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" Topmost="True" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen">
    <Label x:Name="VraagLabel" Content="Vraag:" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="23,11,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="106"/>
    <TextBox x:Name="VraagTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="24" Margin="134,13,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="743" />
    <Label x:Name="AntwoordLabel" Content="Antwoord:" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="23,42,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="106"/>
    <TextBox x:Name="AntwoordTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="24" Margin="134,44,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="743"/>
    <Button x:Name="VraagAanpassenButton" Content="Aanpassen" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="882,15,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="107"/>
    <Button x:Name="AntwoordAanpassenButton" Content="Aanpassen" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="882,44,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="107"/>
    <Label x:Name="VraagNummerLabel" Content="Vraagnummer:" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="23,72,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="106"/>
    <TextBox x:Name="VraagNummerTextBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="24" Margin="134,74,0,0" TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="743"/>
    <Button x:Name="VraagNummerAanpassenButton" Content="Aanpassen" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="882,74,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="107"/>
    In VraagTextBox must come the entry <word><v>test123v</v></word>, in AntwoordTextBox must come the entry <word><a>test123a</a></word>, and in VraagNummerTextBox must come the entry <word><n>0</n></word>
    This is the code to fix that (ViewWord.xaml.vb):
    Imports System.IO
    Public Class ViewWord
    Private Structure AntwoordVraag
    Public Vraag As String
    Public Antwoord As String
    End Structure
    Private Sub ViewWord_Initialized(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Initialized
    End Sub
    Private Sub AntwoordAanpassenButton_Click(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs) Handles AntwoordAanpassenButton.Click
    Dim Vraagnummer As String
    Dim Bestandsnaam As String
    Dim LeesVraag As New StreamReader(Path.GetTempPath & "110% Soft\ListViewer\Word.txt")
    Dim LeesFile As New StreamReader(Path.GetTempPath & "110% Soft\ListViewer\File.txt")
    Vraagnummer = LeesVraag.ReadLine()
    Bestandsnaam = LeesFile.ReadLine()
    Dim teller As Integer = 0
    Dim orderInfo = XElement.Load(Bestandsnaam)
    If teller = Vraagnummer Then
    VraagNummerTextBox.Text = orderInfo...<word>...<n>.Value
    VraagTextBox.Text = orderInfo...<word>...<v>.Value
    AntwoordTextBox.Text = orderInfo...<word>...<a>.Value
    teller = teller + 1
    End If
    End Sub
    End Class
    But the result isn't:
    VraagTextBox.Text = testv
    AntwoordTextBox.Text = testa
    NummerTextBox.Text = 1 
    if i click on the number 2 of the listview (index = 1)
    How can i fix it?

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    private void method() {
    private void method2() {
    <%@include file="xy"%>//dosn�t work above
    //only in <%%>tag

    This should be done using either the Properties class or ResourceBundle. Ex.
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    String username = resBun.getString("username");
    String password = resBun.getString("password");
    // etc

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    If it's a plain routing use case and no message processing is required then you may simply use OSB's FILE transport instead of JCA adapter. Create a messaging type proxy service and select request message type as "binary". Also enable the content streaming (Disk buffer, compression).
    From OSB Dev guide -
    Oracle JCA Adapter for FTP and Files – Attachments (large payload support), pre- and post-processing of files, using a re-entrant valve for processing ZIP files, content streaming, and file chunked read are not supported with Oracle Service Bus.
    You may also refer -
    Reading huge flat file in OSB 11gR1

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    How to read & write files with same extension(like ".sas", ".txt" , ".csv",and ".log" in Adobe AIR.
    Please let me tell if anybody knows asap.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Thanks Jon,
    But, I know how to read the file if we give exact file path
    I need to get the path  and  read file(s) with same extension files in the same folder using adobe air, not single file.
    Don't have file path even, i have folder path,  in that somany files are there. So i need to get which are the same extension(Ex: ".txt", ".sas") files
    If you have any idea , please help me out

  • Read XML file with LINQ

    hello all,
    I've this XML file:
    <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
    <PageConfigurations softwareCode="63720415" softwareVersion="07" />
    <Page pageName="PAGE1">
    <switchName />
    <switchAddress />
    <switchType />
    <debugName />
    <debugAddress />
    <debugType />
    <switchName />
    <switchAddress />
    <switchType />
    <debugName />
    <debugAddress />
    <debugType />
    <switchName />
    <switchAddress />
    <switchType />
    <debugName />
    <debugAddress />
    <debugType />
    <Page pageName="PAGE2">
    <switchName />
    <switchAddress />
    <switchType />
    <debugName />
    <debugAddress />
    <debugType />
    <switchName />
    <switchAddress />
    <switchType />
    <debugName />
    <debugAddress />
    <debugType />
    <Page pageName="PAGE3">
    <switchName />
    <switchAddress />
    <switchType />
    <debugName />
    <debugAddress />
    <debugType />
    with this class:
    public class Page
    public string PageName { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public List<Param> List = new List<Param>();
    public class Param
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Address { get; set; }
    public string Format { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    How can I read this file with LINQ (I'm no expert) for fill correctly my object ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Please refer to the following sample code:
    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load("c:\data1.xml");
    List<Page> pages = new List<Page>();
    var pageElems = doc.Root.Elements("Page");
    foreach (var page in pageElems)
    Page pageObj = new Page();
    pageObj.PageName = page.Attribute("pageName").Value;
    pageObj.Description = page.Element("description").Value;
    pageObj.List = new List<Param>();
    var paramElems = page.Elements("Param");
    foreach(var paramElem in paramElems)
    Param paramObj = new Param();
    paramObj.Address = paramElem.Element("address").Value;
    paramObj.Description = paramElem.Element("description").Value;
    The code adds the Page objects to the pages list.
    Please remember to close your threads by marking all helpful posts as answer and then start a new thread if you have a new question.

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    Can we read Money files with iCompta?

    Yes and no. I f you mean reading multiple files as one-single-payload to a process, you can not use this. But the file adapter reads all the files (depending on the number of agents) almost at once, processing each file, or each line in the file as a process instance.

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    Hi Experts,
       I  have a file with RAW data like DE864E48833BFFF1B805001CC4EF4BFA
       I am using GUI_UPLOAD.
       But this FM is throwing error.
       I tried by giving FILETYPE as ASC. The output internal table for this FM contains a field of type c size 32.
       Now it is able to read the file but I want to assign this value to a RAW data type variable.
       This it is unable to do. How to convert the char value to RAW data type?
    Please help!

    The documentation for the function module contains an example for RAW upload.
                begin of itab,
                      raw(255) type x,
                end of itab occurs 0.
                  filetype =  'BIN'
                  filename = 'C:\DOWNLOAD.BIN'
                 data_tab = itab.

  • To read XML file with DTD in SSIS

    My SISS package needs to read .mak file and store it in a sql tables.
    I am receiving xml file content in mak file extension with DTD. So I couldn't read through XML source shows error DTD is prohibited in this document. After removing DTD by manually, the xml file has multiple outputs.
    Please guide me how to remove DTD by coding and also I don't have xsd and xsl file for this only mak file.

    Thanks Visakh for your answer.
    I have tried in XML task which described in the thread. But I couldn't remove DTD file, I am getting following error,
    [XML Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\FAST\Builder\bin\makefile.dtd'.".
    As I said before I am receiving in .mak file extension. The beginning of file content is like below,
    <?xml version='1.0'?>
    <!DOCTYPE makefile SYSTEM "file:///C:/ProgramFiles
    <!ENTITY % default-content-type "'text/html'">
    <!ENTITY prjdir "G:\cdrom\Employees_2014_02">
    <!ENTITY imgdir "G:\images\forms\gifs">
    <!ENTITY foddir "G:\SOFT\FORMS CD\Feb14">
    <!ENTITY ccdir "Y:\Content">
    <content-collection id="b1" title="Employers and Employees" filename="&ccdir;\Employees_2014_02.nfo" password=""> ....
    After replace all variable (prjdir,imgdir,fodder,ccdir) into values specified in the entity tag, I removed above underlined part - so the xml file is ready without DTD part and able to use in
    XML source. I have received 6 outputs from XML source.
    My question is how to do this manual work in SSIS? It’s not only one file, so many files needs to updated SQL tables automatically so everything should be done by coding.
    Please guide me in which way I can achieve this?
    If you want to do this in SSIS
    one way is to use Script Task to parse the file and remove the DTD part.
    Please Mark This As Answer if it helps to solve the issue Visakh ----------------------------

  • Why can't I read a file with Hebrew on my iPod?

    I recently purchased a new iPod (30GB, color, video) thinking I would be able to, among other things, see Hebrew song titles and read Hebrew files. I found a small patch that will let the iPod display Hebrew song titles and album names but it has no effect on reading text files.
    In the past I have studied Chinese, and my son is learning Japanese, and we are able to put study notes on our iPods and read them with no problem. So I thought reading my personal Hebrew docs on the iPod would be Just as easy. But no luck! Hebrew letters don't even appear on the screen! Please tell me there's a fix.
    I have tried using TextEdit. Saving the document in "plain Text" format, and saving it to the iPod "notes" folder. Result: Nothing appears on the iPod screen when I try to view the doc.
    I have tried using MS Word 2004. Saving the document as "unicode" and putting it in the iPod "notes" folder. Result: All English words appear properly but the Hebrew letters are completely gone.
    I am using a Mac G4, running OS 10.3.9
    I have several Hebrew fonts installed:
    New Peninim MT
    Corsiva Hebrew
    Arial Hebrew
    Lucida Grande
    SBL Hebrew (this is the only font that I can choose in MS Word 2004 when I am saving as unicode)
    Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
    [email protected]

    Thank you for the info and links. I never actually read anything from Apple about Hebrew not being supported. Since I was able to use other languages, of seemingly greater complexity, I assumed that Hebrew would work. The patch I was speaking of (that makes Hebrew song titles, etc readable) is actually not a hack. It was developed by a student in an Israeli university and purchased by Apples regional distributor (Yeda Inc., Apple's Israeli distributor). The software is called iPodHE.
    If you would like to read more about this: enDisplay=view&enDispWhat=object&enVersion=0&enZone=Culture
    The "iPodHE" web site is:
    Here is a link to installation instructions in english: r-the-english-speaking-mac-user/
    I did read somewhere that they are working with Apple to resolve a conflict with the latest version of iTunes and iPodHE v2.0.
    Maybe this will be useful to someone.
    Thanks again for your help.

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