Read variables from XML

Is it somehow possible to read variables and values from xml into an PowerShell script without specifying each of them separately?
For example I've set the following variables:
$arrPostcode @()
$arrPostcode += ,@('1234AB', 'City1')
$arrPostcode += ,@('4567CD', 'City2')
$blnHome =$True
$blnNld =$False
$intNumbers =556
$strText ='Something'
And I have a xml file like (can be ajusted when required to get a better result):<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Object Type="System.Management.Automation.PSVariable">
<Property Name="Name" Type="System.String">arrPostcode</Property>
<Property Name="Value" Type="System.Object[]">
<Property Type="System.Object[]">
<Property Type="System.String">9874ZX</Property>
<Property Type="System.String">City5</Property>
<Property Type="System.Object[]">
<Property Type="System.String">6541UH</Property>
<Property Type="System.String">City3</Property>
<Property Name="ModuleName" Type="System.String" />
<Object Type="System.Management.Automation.PSVariable">
<Property Name="Name" Type="System.String">blnHome</Property>
<Property Name="Value" Type="System.Boolean">False</Property>
<Object Type="System.Management.Automation.PSVariable">
<Property Name="Name" Type="System.String">blnNld</Property>
<Property Name="Value" Type="System.Boolean">True</Property>
<Object Type="System.Management.Automation.PSVariable">
<Property Name="Name" Type="System.String">intNumbers</Property>
<Property Name="Value" Type="System.Int32">13</Property>
<Object Type="System.Management.Automation.PSVariable">
<Property Name="Name" Type="System.String">strText</Property>
<Property Name="Value" Type="System.String">World</Property>
</Objects>And say I want to use the 'default' values if the xml file was not
found, but if the xml file is found I want to use (replace) the
variables and values defined in that xml file.

First of all your sample code I not PowerShell.  Second XML has no "variables".  It is a structured document.  When imported into PowerShell it shows up as an XMLDocument object.  If you want values from the document you have
to extract them by direct reference or query.
The simple answer to your question is "yes".  You can assign a default to a variable which will be updated only if the value exist in the document.  The rest cannot be determined from what you have asked.
Start by learning some of the basics of PowerShell scripting and ask a new question when you can see what it is you want to do.
Here is a good starting point:
The XML you have posted is actually PowerShell object serialization format so it is already a PS object.  It is not just arbitrary XML.  It isnot clear howyou acquired this which is another reason to learn more of the PS basics. 
It appears that you have used ConvertTo-XML to create an XML object.  This can be sued to dave values and state but may not bethe best method.  Export-CliXml can persist an object and restore it more directly.  We can wrap this in a function
that can be used to default values.
Look into Export.CliXml and Import-CliXml.
$ziptable+=New-Object PsObject -Property $myProps
Name='New York'
$ziptable+=New-Object PsObject -Property $myProps
$ziptable | Export-CliXml myzips.clixml
$savezips = Import-CliXml myzips.clixml
Result demo:
PS C:\scripts> $savezips
ZipCode Name
20192 Detroit
90100 New York
PS C:\scripts> $savezips[0]
ZipCode Name
20192 Detroit
PS C:\scripts> $savezips[0].Zipcode
PS C:\scripts>
Of course a simple lookup table would be done with a pure hash and persisted.  For more comples things I would use a custom dataset which can also be persited and restored the same way.  Sort of a poor man's portable database.

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  • Read data From XML

    I am new to XML.I want to read data from XML input ....For test purpose i have writte following
    procedure , but when i print output value it shows ...NO ROWS SELECTED
    Actually i want to read [ trd_relate ] value from following XML Input
    '<ROOT><TRD trd_relate = "somevalue" trd_mainid = "152" trd_rate = "0.0000"/></ROOT>'
    plese help me to solve this problem.
    create or replace procedure xml_test1(p_xml clob,rc1 in out mypkg.rc)
    aaa xmltype;
    aaa :=xmltype(p_xml);
    open rc1 for
    SELECT extractValue(aaa, '/ROOT/TRD/trd_mainid') SOME_NAME
    FROM table(XMLSequence(extract(aaa, '/ROOT/TRD/trd_mainid'))) ResultSet;
    end xml_test1;
    var a refcursor;
    exec xml_test1('<ROOT><TRD trd_relate = "" trd_mainid = "152" trd_rate = "0.0000"/></ROOT>',:a);
    print a;

    try this:
    1 create or replace function test(xml xmltype, qry varchar2) return varchar2 is
    2 xx varchar2(100);
    3 begin
    4 select extractValue(xml, qry)
    5 into xx
    6 from dual;
    7 return xx;
    8* end;
    SQL> /
    Function created.
    SQL> variable out varchar2(100)
    SQL> exec :out := test(xmltype('<ROOT><TRD trd_relate = "somevalue" trd_mainid = "152" trd_rate = "0.0000"/></ROOT>'), '/ROOT/TRD/@trd_relate');
    SQL> print out

  • LPX-00601: Invalid token in: err while trying to read data from xml

    Hey ,
    While trying to read data from xml i got err:
    LPX-00601: Invalid token in: 'path'
    the proc. i'm using to read data from the xml is:
    procedure read_xml_file_test (in_filename in varchar2)
    my_dir  varchar2(20) := 'XML_DIR;
      cur_emp2 number:=0;
      l_bfile   BFILE;
      l_clob    CLOB;
      l_parser  dbms_xmlparser.Parser;
      l_doc     dbms_xmldom.DOMDocument;
      l_nl      dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
      l_nl2    dbms_xmldom.DOMNodeList;
      l_n       dbms_xmldom.DOMNode; 
      l_n2     dbms_xmldom.DOMNode;
      l_temp    VARCHAR2(1000);
    v_errors        internet_clients.errors%type; 
    src_csid       NUMBER := NLS_CHARSET_ID('UTF8'); 
    dest_offset    INTEGER := 1;
    src_offset     INTEGER := 1;
    lang_context   INTEGER := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx;
    warning        INTEGER;
    v_count       number := 0;   --total records
    v_count_s      number := 0;   -- sucsess record
    v_count_f      number := 0;   -- failed record
    v_flag varchar2(1);
    v_char2 varchar2(1);
    v_l1 VARCHAR2(255);
    v_l2 VARCHAR2(255);
    v_l3 VARCHAR2(255);
    v_l4 VARCHAR2(255);
    v_l6 VARCHAR2(255);
      l_bfile := BFileName(my_dir, in_filename);
      dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_clob, cache=>FALSE);, dbms_lob.lob_readonly);
      dbms_lob.loadclobfromfile(l_clob, l_bfile, dbms_lob.getlength(l_bfile), dest_offset,src_offset, src_csid, lang_context, warning);                        
      -- make sure implicit date conversions are performed correctly
      dbms_session.set_nls('NLS_DATE_FORMAT','''DD/MM/RR HH24:MI:SS''');   
      -- Create a parser.
      l_parser := dbms_xmlparser.newParser;
      -- Parse the document and create a new DOM document.
        dbms_xmlparser.parseClob(l_parser, l_clob);
        l_doc := dbms_xmlparser.getDocument(l_parser);
      -- Free resources associated with the CLOB and Parser now they are no longer needed.
      -- Get a list of all the  nodes in the document using the XPATH syntax.
      l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectNodes(dbms_xmldom.makeNode(l_doc),'soap:Envelope/soap:Body/GetFieldsNameResponse/GetFieldsNameResult/diffgr:diffgram/DataSet_FRM_GANERIC_PROP/FRM_GANERIC_PROP');
      -- Loop through the list and create a new record in a tble collection
      -- for each  record.
      FOR cur_emp IN 0 .. dbms_xmldom.getLength(l_nl) - 1 LOOP
       l_n := dbms_xmldom.item(l_nl, cur_emp);
         v_count := v_count + 1;
        -- Use XPATH syntax to assign values to he elements of the collection.
      when others then 
    exit when cur_emp2=dbms_xmldom.getLength(l_nl2);
      END LOOP;
      end loop;
      -- Free any resources associated with the document now it
      -- is no longer needed.
      --remove file to another directory   
          --COMMIT;  -- do not use the commit if you want to run this proc. from within the search_dir_list proc , because it execute a select from tmp table dir_list which contain a "on commit delete rows"  clause.    
        ROLLBACK; */
    END;While trying to execute this i got:
    ORA-31011: XML parsing failed
    ORA-19202: Error occurred in XML processing
    LPX-00601: Invalid token in: 'soap:Envelope/soap:Body/GetFieldsNameResponse/GetFieldsNameResult/diffgr:diffgram/DataSet_FRM_GANERIC_PROP/FRM_GANERIC_PROP'
    ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR", line 939
    ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XSLPROCESSOR", line 967
    ORA-06512: at "MARKET.READ_XML_FILE_TEST", line 51
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    i guess i mised somthing at the line
    l_nl := dbms_xslprocessor.selectNodes(dbms_xmldom.makeNode(l_doc),'soap:Envelope/soap:Body/GetFieldsNameResponse/GetFieldsNameResult/diffgr:diffgram/DataSet_FRM_GANERIC_PROP/FRM_GANERIC_PROP');i attached here part of my xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    - <soap:Body>
    - <GetFieldsNameResponse xmlns="">
    - <GetFieldsNameResult>
    - <xs:schema id="DataSet_FRM_GANERIC_PROP" xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
    - <xs:element name="DataSet_FRM_GANERIC_PROP" msdata:IsDataSet="true" msdata:Locale="he-IL">
    - <xs:complexType>
    - <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
    - <xs:element name="FRM_GANERIC_PROP">
    - <xs:complexType>
    - <xs:sequence>
    - <diffgr:diffgram xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata" xmlns:diffgr="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-diffgram-v1">
    - <DataSet_FRM_GANERIC_PROP xmlns="">
    - <FRM_GANERIC_PROP diffgr:id="FRM_GANERIC_PROP1" msdata:rowOrder="0">
      </soap:Envelope>I Guess it somthing that have to do with node definition ,
    but i have tried so many combinations and none ot those worked for me.
    i'm deeply stuck here.
    What do i miss here?
    THANKS yair
    Edited by: yair_k on 02:30 14/10/2010

    Hey , after got a lot of success with the xml reading part , i wonder if you
    can help me with a problem while trying to reading that xml from a web service.
    i use a procedure as followes:
    FUNCTION read_from_web_service(in_username in varchar2 , in_password in varchar2)
      l_service          UTL_DBWS.service;
      l_call   ;
      l_a_ns                     VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_wsdl_url         VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_namespace        VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_service_qname    UTL_DBWS.qname;
      l_port_qname       UTL_DBWS.qname;
      l_operation_qname  UTL_DBWS.qname;
      l_xmltype_in       SYS.XMLTYPE;
      l_xmltype_out      SYS.XMLTYPE;
      l_return           VARCHAR2(32767);
      l_wsdl_url        := '';
      l_namespace       := '';
      l_service_qname   := UTL_DBWS.to_qname(l_namespace, 'ServiceGetpublisherTable');
      l_port_qname      := UTL_DBWS.to_qname(l_namespace, 'ServiceGetpublisherTableSoap');
      l_operation_qname := UTL_DBWS.to_qname(l_namespace, 'GetFieldsName');
      l_service := UTL_DBWS.create_service (
        wsdl_document_location => URIFACTORY.getURI(l_wsdl_url),
        service_name           => l_service_qname);
      l_call := UTL_DBWS.create_call (
        service_handle => l_service,
        port_name      => l_port_qname,
        operation_name => l_operation_qname);
      l_xmltype_in := SYS.XMLTYPE('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <GetFieldsName xmlns="' || l_namespace || '">
        <user>' || in_username || '</user>
        <password>'|| in_password || '</password>
      l_xmltype_out := UTL_DBWS.invoke(call_Handle => l_call,
                                       request     => l_xmltype_in);
      UTL_DBWS.release_call (call_handle => l_call);
      UTL_DBWS.release_service (service_handle => l_service);
      l_return := l_xmltype_out.extract('//GetFieldsName/text()').getstringVal();
      RETURN l_return;
    END;but when i run it i got message:
    ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException: Server did not recognize the value of HTTP Header SOAPAction: .
    regarding the line:
    l_xmltype_out := UTL_DBWS.invoke(call_Handle => l_call,
    request => l_xmltype_in);
    So , i deeply stuck here!
    my web service description is:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <wsdl:definitions xmlns:soap="" xmlns:tm="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:s="" xmlns:soap12="" xmlns:http="" targetNamespace="" xmlns:wsdl="">
    - <wsdl:types>
    - <s:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="">
    - <s:element name="GetFieldsName">
    - <s:complexType>
    - <s:sequence>
      <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="user" type="s:string" />
      <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="password" type="s:string" />
    - <s:element name="GetFieldsNameResponse">
    - <s:complexType>
    - <s:sequence>
    - <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetFieldsNameResult">
    - <s:complexType>
    - <s:sequence>
      <s:element ref="s:schema" />
      <s:any />
    - <s:element name="GetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed">
    - <s:complexType>
    - <s:sequence>
      <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="user" type="s:string" />
      <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="password" type="s:string" />
    - <s:element name="GetMSG_ByUser_Not_ReadedResponse">
    - <s:complexType>
    - <s:sequence>
    - <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="GetMSG_ByUser_Not_ReadedResult">
    - <s:complexType>
    - <s:sequence>
      <s:element ref="s:schema" />
      <s:any />
    - <s:element name="SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_Readed">
    - <s:complexType>
    - <s:sequence>
      <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="user" type="s:string" />
      <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="password" type="s:string" />
      <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="Rec_Id" type="s:string" />
    - <s:element name="SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_ReadedResponse">
    - <s:complexType>
    - <s:sequence>
      <s:element minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1" name="SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_ReadedResult" type="s:boolean" />
    - <wsdl:message name="GetFieldsNameSoapIn">
      <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetFieldsName" />
    - <wsdl:message name="GetFieldsNameSoapOut">
      <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetFieldsNameResponse" />
    - <wsdl:message name="GetMSG_ByUser_Not_ReadedSoapIn">
      <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed" />
    - <wsdl:message name="GetMSG_ByUser_Not_ReadedSoapOut">
      <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:GetMSG_ByUser_Not_ReadedResponse" />
    - <wsdl:message name="SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_ReadedSoapIn">
      <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_Readed" />
    - <wsdl:message name="SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_ReadedSoapOut">
      <wsdl:part name="parameters" element="tns:SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_ReadedResponse" />
    - <wsdl:portType name="ServiceGetpublisherTableSoap">
    - <wsdl:operation name="GetFieldsName">
      <wsdl:input message="tns:GetFieldsNameSoapIn" />
      <wsdl:output message="tns:GetFieldsNameSoapOut" />
    - <wsdl:operation name="GetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed">
      <wsdl:input message="tns:GetMSG_ByUser_Not_ReadedSoapIn" />
      <wsdl:output message="tns:GetMSG_ByUser_Not_ReadedSoapOut" />
    - <wsdl:operation name="SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_Readed">
      <wsdl:input message="tns:SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_ReadedSoapIn" />
      <wsdl:output message="tns:SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_ReadedSoapOut" />
    - <wsdl:binding name="ServiceGetpublisherTableSoap" type="tns:ServiceGetpublisherTableSoap">
      <soap:binding transport="" />
    - <wsdl:operation name="GetFieldsName">
      <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" />
    - <wsdl:input>
      <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:output>
      <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:operation name="GetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed">
      <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" />
    - <wsdl:input>
      <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:output>
      <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:operation name="SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_Readed">
      <soap:operation soapAction="" style="document" />
    - <wsdl:input>
      <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:output>
      <soap:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:binding name="ServiceGetpublisherTableSoap12" type="tns:ServiceGetpublisherTableSoap">
      <soap12:binding transport="" />
    - <wsdl:operation name="GetFieldsName">
      <soap12:operation soapAction="" style="document" />
    - <wsdl:input>
      <soap12:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:output>
      <soap12:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:operation name="GetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed">
      <soap12:operation soapAction="" style="document" />
    - <wsdl:input>
      <soap12:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:output>
      <soap12:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:operation name="SetMSG_ByUser_Not_Readed_As_Readed">
      <soap12:operation soapAction="" style="document" />
    - <wsdl:input>
      <soap12:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:output>
      <soap12:body use="literal" />
    - <wsdl:service name="ServiceGetpublisherTable">
    - <wsdl:port name="ServiceGetpublisherTableSoap" binding="tns:ServiceGetpublisherTableSoap">
      <soap:address location="" />
    - <wsdl:port name="ServiceGetpublisherTableSoap12" binding="tns:ServiceGetpublisherTableSoap12">
      <soap12:address location="" />
      </wsdl:definitions>also i have to mention that i have changed publisher references inside the code , and i also canot
    supply username and password , so i guess you canot test it. still i not shure if my definitions (namespace est.) inside my code defined correctly.
    hope you can help me with this.

  • Reading data From XML file and setting into ViewObject to Pouplate ADF UI

    I have following requirement.
    I would like to read data from XML file and populate the data in ViewObject so that the data can be displayed in the ADF UI.
    Also when user modifies the data in the ADF UI, it should be modified back into to ViewObject.
    Here is an example - XML file contains Book Title and Author. I would like to read Book Title and Author from XML file and set it into ViewObject Attribute and then display Book title and Author in ADF UI page. Also when user modifies Book title and Author, I would like to store it back in View Object.
    Please help me with this requirement and let me know if any solution exist in ADF, for populating the ADF UI screen fields with external XML file data.

    Read chapter 42 of the fusion developer guide
    Section 42.7, "Reading and Writing XML"
    Section 42.8, "Using Programmatic View Objects for Alternative Data Sources"

  • Error when reading data from XML using JAXB?

    Hi all,
    I get the error message when reading data from XML using JAXB.
    [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.]
         at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.createUnmarshalException
         at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.createUnmarshalException(
         at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal0(
         at com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.unmarshaller.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(
         at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(
         at javax.xml.bind.helpers.AbstractUnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(
    I don't find the reason, please help!
    Thanks in advance!

    The problem is sovled.

  • Read data from xml files and  populate internal table

    How to read data from xml files into internal tables?
    Can u tell me the classes and methods to read xml data..
    Can u  explain it with a sample program...

    <pre>DATA itab_accontextdir TYPE TABLE OF ACCONTEXTDIR.
    DATA struct_accontextdir LIKE LINE OF itab_accontextdir.
    DATA l_o_error TYPE REF TO cx_root.
    DATA: filename type string ,
                 xmldata type xstring .
    DATA: mr      TYPE REF TO if_mr_api.
    mr = cl_mime_repository_api=>get_api( ).
    mr->get( EXPORTING  i_url     = 'SAP/PUBLIC/BC/xml_files_accontext/xml_accontextdir.xml'
                  IMPORTING  e_content = xmldata ).
    WRITE xmldata.
          SOURCE XML xmldata
          RESULT shiva = itab_accontextdir.
      CATCH cx_root INTO l_o_error.
    LOOP AT itab_accontextdir INTO struct_accontextdir.
        WRITE: / struct_accontextdir-context_id,
    In the above code snippet I am storing the data in an xml file(you know xml is used to store and transport data ) called 'xml_accontextdir.xml' that is uploaded into the MIME repository at path 'SAP/PUBLIC/BC/xml_files_accontext/xml_accontextdir.xml'.
    The below API is used to read a file in MIME repo and convert it into a string that is stored in ' xmldata'. (This is just a raw data that is got by appending the each line of  xml file).
    mr = cl_mime_repository_api=>get_api( ).
    mr->get( EXPORTING  i_url     = 'SAP/PUBLIC/BC/xml_files_accontext/xml_accontextdir.xml'
                  IMPORTING  e_content = xmldata ).
        Once the 'xmldata' string is available we use the tranformation to parse the xml string that we have got from the above API and convert it into the internal table.
          SOURCE XML xmldata
          RESULT shiva = itab_accontextdir.
      CATCH cx_root INTO l_o_error.
    Here the trasnsformation 'id ' is used to conververt the source xml 'xmldata' to resulting internal table itab_accontextdir, that have same structure as our xml file 'xml_accontextdir.xml'.  In the RESULT root of the xml file has to be specified. (In my the root is 'shiva'). 
    Things to be taken care:
    One of the major problem that occurs when reading the xml file is 'format not compatible with the internal table' that you are reading into internal table.  Iin order to get rid of this issue use one more tranformation to convert the data from the internal table into the xml file.    
            SOURCE shiv = t_internal_tab
            RESULT XML xml.
        CATCH cx_root INTO l_o_error.
      WRITE xml.
    This is the same transformation that we used above but the differnce is that the SOURCE and RESULT parameters are changed the source is now the internal table and result is *xml *string. Use xml browser that is available with the ABAP workbench to read the xml string displayed with proper indentation. In this way we get the format of xml file to be used that is compatable with the given internal table. 
    Thank you, Hope this will help you!!!
    Edited by: Shiva Prasad L on Jun 15, 2009 7:30 AM
    Edited by: Shiva Prasad L on Jun 15, 2009 11:56 AM
    Edited by: Shiva Prasad L on Jun 15, 2009 12:06 PM

  • Reads data from xml file

    i need a procedure that reads data from xml file and stores into an oracle table.

    Check the below links:
    Best regards,

  • Reading data from XML

    I want my program to read data from external XML file. I know
    that Flash has an XML class, but I just don't get the way it
    reads and writes data from/to it.
    I have a following XML file (a part of it):
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    I have created an XML class:
    xml_data = new XML();
    How to make Flash read this value of 66 and add it to some
    By logic, it would seem to be:
    _global.volume =
    But it's not.
    Also, what are commands for writing data to an XML files.
    Thanks in advance.

    Flash can't write to an xml file (or write anything at all
    for that matter)
    on its own. You'd need some serverside script to do that
    (.php, .asp, etc).
    As for the processing of the xml file, you might want to read
    up a bit in
    the help documentation under the xml class. To handle the
    different nodes in
    an xml file you use childNode
    , firstChild and such. Attributes in an xml
    file can be reached with
    childNode.attributes.{attributename} (without
    the {} brackets).
    Below is an example copy/paste of a processig code I've got.
    function processXML(XMLObj:XML):Void {
    var thisClass = this;
    thisClass.RawData = XMLObj;
    thisClass.Data = new Object();
    var node = thisClass.RawData.firstChild;
    for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
    .nodeName] =
    If you run this on your xml file then you should end up with:
    this.Data[soundvolume] == 66.
    "Kolja1987" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:egu92e$r0f$[email protected]..
    > Hello!
    > I want my program to read data from external XML file. I
    know that Flash
    > has
    > an XML class, but I just don't get the way it
    > reads and writes data from/to it.
    > I have a following XML file (a part of it):
    > <?xml version="1.0"?>
    > <configuration>
    > <soundvolume>66</soundvolume>
    > </configuration>
    > I have created an XML class:
    > xml_data = new XML();
    > xml_data.load("config.xml");
    > How to make Flash read this value of 66 and add it to
    some variable?
    > By logic, it would seem to be:
    > _global.volume =
    > But it's not.
    > Also, what are commands for writing data to an XML
    > Help...
    > Thanks in advance.

  • Load variables from XML into Flash

    I was wondering how to load variables from an XML document to
    a Flash file? I am familiar with the code to do it for a text file,
    but was wondering how to do it for XML.
    Many thanks in advance!

    Thanks for the recommendation on the site. What I am trying
    to do is load varaibles from an XML file into text boxes in my
    flash movie.
    Here is my loading:
    var my_xml = new XML();
    my_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
    my_xml.onLoad = function(success){
    if (success) {
    this is what I have on my frame with the text boxes (the text
    boxes are also have the variable name in the variable area)
    var narration = my_xml.picture01;
    var my_title = my_xml.my_title;
    var my_date = my_xml.my_date;
    should I do my_date.text = my_xml.my_date; instead?
    my xml doc looks like this
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <picture01>This is the text for picture
    <picture02>This is the text for picture
    <my_title>Las Vegas</my_title>
    Any help on this would be GREATLY appreciated!
    my_date.text = my_xml.my_date;

  • Read info from xml file

    HI All,
             I task to read the data from XML file and and assign to variable in batch script.Can any one help me how can I do this

    Here you go:
    @echo off
    for /F %%a in (d:\test.xml) do echo %%a | find /i "var=" && set var=%%a
    It is extremely unlikely that this batch file will do what you want it to do but in the absence of any details in your post I was forced to use crystal ball gazing techniques. Seriously - if someone asked
    you how to do the job, what would
    you tell him? There is no room for guesswork in scripting!

  • Read variable from c++ applicatio​n

    I would like to do this but I don't know how it could be done: (the Labview will run parallel with c++ application and read the variable from the c++ application)
    Thank you for your help.

    "XN" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > I would like to do this but I don't know how it could be done: (the
    Labview will run parallel with c++ application and read the variable from
    the c++ application) Thank you for your help.
    There are several ways. You'll have to describe your application more if you
    want a recomendation about the prefered method. For instance, is it a
    command line application? Do you have the source code? How much data is
    there to transfer (bytes, kB, MB? per second). Do you want to poll this
    value, or do you need to get a notification if the value is changed? Etc.
    Some ways to do this:
    Through the command line (using pipes in LabVIEW).
    With a TCP/IP connection.
    Memory mapped files.
    File sharing.
    Windows messaging system.

  • Read data from XML file

    I have column (CLOB data type) with XML data in it. How to read data from that column and insert into myTable? This XML represent one report divided by Location. Every location has analytic data and total at the end.
    How to get something like this:
    bilbo bagins Total BBB (tran: 6) 12.00 13.00 14.10
    bilbo bagins Total EEE (tran: 2) 12.50 44.59 72.52
    bilbo bagins Total bilbo bagins (tran: 8) 34.89 17.85
    Data in CLOB column:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <CrystalReport xmlns="urn:crystal-reports:schemas:report-detail" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:crystal-reports:schemas:report-detail">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Group Level="1">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupNameLocation1" FieldName="GroupName ({SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>bilbo bagins</FormattedValue><Value>bilbo bagins</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total BBB (tran: 6)</FormattedValue><Value>Total BBB (tran: 6)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>12.00</FormattedValue><Value>12.00</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>13.00</FormattedValue><Value>13.00</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>14.10</FormattedValue><Value>14.10</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
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    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total EEE (tran: 2)</FormattedValue><Value>Total EEE (tran: 2)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>12.50</FormattedValue><Value>12.50</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>44.59</FormattedValue><Value>44.59</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>72.52</FormattedValue><Value>72.52</Value></Field>
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="LocationGroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@LocationGroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total bilbo bagins (tran: 8)</FormattedValue><Value>Total bilbo bagins (tran: 8)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb2" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>34.89</FormattedValue><Value>34.89</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee2" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>17.85</FormattedValue><Value>17.85</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="1">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupNameLocation1" FieldName="GroupName ({SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>Bruce Lee</FormattedValue><Value>Bruce Lee</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
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    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total BBB (tran: 5)</FormattedValue><Value>Total BBB (tran: 5)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>18.11</FormattedValue><Value>18.11</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>3.24</FormattedValue><Value>3.24</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>1.33</FormattedValue><Value>1.33</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
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    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total EEE (tran: 8)</FormattedValue><Value>Total EEE (tran: 8)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>10.17</FormattedValue><Value>10.17</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>7.62</FormattedValue><Value>7.62</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>1.53</FormattedValue><Value>1.53</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
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    <Details Level="3">
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    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total UUU (transactions: 7)</FormattedValue><Value>Total UUU (transactions: 7)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>2.01</FormattedValue><Value>2.01</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>3.71</FormattedValue><Value>3.71</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>2.58</FormattedValue><Value>2.58</Value></Field>
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="LocationGroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@LocationGroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total Bruce Lee (tran: 60)</FormattedValue><Value>Total Bruce Lee (tran: 60)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb2" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>99.74</FormattedValue><Value>99.74</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee2" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>55.81</FormattedValue><Value>55.81</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="1">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupNameLocation1" FieldName="GroupName ({SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>Katar pipin</FormattedValue><Value>Katar pipin</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
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    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total BBB (tran: 5)</FormattedValue><Value>Total BBB (tran: 5)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>7.00</FormattedValue><Value>7.00</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>7.00</FormattedValue><Value>7.00</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>3.82</FormattedValue><Value>3.82</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
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    <Section SectionNumber="0">
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    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total EEE (tran: 3)</FormattedValue><Value>Total EEE (tran: 3)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>65.50</FormattedValue><Value>65.50</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>1.75</FormattedValue><Value>1.75</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>55.50</FormattedValue><Value>55.50</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
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    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total UUU (tran: 1)</FormattedValue><Value>Total UUU (tran: 1)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>1.00</FormattedValue><Value>1.00</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>17.35</FormattedValue><Value>17.35</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>10.69</FormattedValue><Value>10.69</Value></Field>
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="LocationGroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@LocationGroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total Katar pipin (tran: 9)</FormattedValue><Value>Total Katar pipin (tran: 9)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb2" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>9.10</FormattedValue><Value>9.10</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee2" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>2.01</FormattedValue><Value>2.01</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="1">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupNameLocation1" FieldName="GroupName ({SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>Samsung</FormattedValue><Value>Samsung</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total BBB (tran: 5)</FormattedValue><Value>Total BBB (tran: 5)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>16.00</FormattedValue><Value>16.00</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>17.00</FormattedValue><Value>17.00</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>17.46</FormattedValue><Value>17.46</Value></Field>
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="LocationGroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@LocationGroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total Samsung (tran: 15)</FormattedValue><Value>Total Samsung (tran: 5)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb2" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>5.00</FormattedValue><Value>5.00</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee2" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>17.46</FormattedValue><Value>17.46</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="1">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupNameLocation1" FieldName="GroupName ({SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>Erica</FormattedValue><Value>Erica</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total BBB (tran: 5)</FormattedValue><Value>Total BBB (tran: 5)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>6.10</FormattedValue><Value>6.10</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>6.12</FormattedValue><Value>6.12</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>88.08</FormattedValue><Value>88.08</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total EEE (tran: 2)</FormattedValue><Value>Total EEE (tran: 2)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>13.00</FormattedValue><Value>13.00</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>15.87</FormattedValue><Value>15.87</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>13.00</FormattedValue><Value>13.00</Value></Field>
    <Group Level="2">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Details Level="3">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="GroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@GroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total UUU (transactions: 1)</FormattedValue><Value>Total UUU (transactions: 1)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommission1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.Commission}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>22.00</FormattedValue><Value>22.00</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>32.70</FormattedValue><Value>32.70</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee1" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Currency})"><FormattedValue>41.38</FormattedValue><Value>41.38</Value></Field>
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="LocationGroupFooterText1" FieldName="{@LocationGroupFooterText}"><FormattedValue>Total Erica (tran: 8)</FormattedValue><Value>Total Erica (tran: 8)</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionBbb2" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionBBB}, {SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>4.87</FormattedValue><Value>4.87</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="SumofCommissionEee2" FieldName="Sum ({SubAgentSettlement.CommissionEEE}, {SubAgentSettlement.Location})"><FormattedValue>2.66</FormattedValue><Value>2.66</Value></Field>
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Text Name="Text11"><TextValue>Total num of tran:</TextValue>
    <Field Name="CountofDate1" FieldName="Count ({SubAgentSettlement.Date})"><FormattedValue>126</FormattedValue><Value>126</Value></Field>
    <Field Name="CurrencyRateLine1" FieldName="{@CurrencyRateLine}"><FormattedValue>Curr on date: 12/03/2009</FormattedValue><Value>Curr on date: 12/03/2009</Value></Field>
    <Subreport Name="Subreport1">
    <Details Level="1">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="CurrencyLine1" FieldName="{@CurrencyLine}"><FormattedValue>1 EEE = 10.12345 UUU</FormattedValue><Value>1 EEE = 10.12345 UUU</Value></Field>
    <Details Level="1">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="CurrencyLine1" FieldName="{@CurrencyLine}"><FormattedValue>1 EEE = 7.12345 BBB</FormattedValue><Value>1 EEE = 7.12345 BBB</Value></Field>
    <Details Level="1">
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Field Name="CurrencyLine1" FieldName="{@CurrencyLine}"><FormattedValue>1 UUU = 6.12345 BBB</FormattedValue><Value>1 UUU = 6.123456 BBB</Value></Field>
    <Section SectionNumber="0">
    <Section SectionNumber="1">

    Here's a starter :
    SQL> SELECT x1.GroupName
      2       , x2.Field1
      3       , x2.Field2
      4       , x2.Field3
      5       , x2.Field4
      6  FROM my_clob_table t
      7     , XMLTable(
      8         XMLNamespaces(default 'urn:crystal-reports:schemas:report-detail'),
      9         '/CrystalReport/Group'
    10         passing xmltype(t.xml_data)
    11         columns
    12           GroupName varchar2(30) path 'GroupHeader/Section/Field/Value'
    13         , Groups    xmltype      path 'Group|GroupFooter'
    14       ) x1
    15     , XMLTable(
    16         XMLNamespaces(default 'urn:crystal-reports:schemas:report-detail'),
    17         '/Group/GroupFooter/Section|/GroupFooter/Section'
    18         passing x1.Groups
    19         columns
    20           Field1 varchar2(30) path 'Field[1]/Value'
    21         , Field2 varchar2(30) path 'Field[2]/Value'
    22         , Field3 varchar2(30) path 'Field[3]/Value'
    23         , Field4 varchar2(30) path 'Field[4]/Value'
    24       ) x2
    25  ;
    GROUPNAME          FIELD1                         FIELD2    FIELD3    FIELD4
    bilbo bagins       Total BBB (tran: 6)            12.00     13.00     14.10
    bilbo bagins       Total EEE (tran: 2)            12.50     44.59     72.52
    bilbo bagins       Total bilbo bagins (tran: 8)   34.89     17.85    
    Bruce Lee          Total BBB (tran: 5)            18.11     3.24      1.33
    Bruce Lee          Total EEE (tran: 8)            10.17     7.62      1.53
    Bruce Lee          Total UUU (transactions: 7)    2.01      3.71      2.58
    Bruce Lee          Total Bruce Lee (tran: 60)     99.74     55.81    
    Katar pipin        Total BBB (tran: 5)            7.00      7.00      3.82
    Katar pipin        Total EEE (tran: 3)            65.50     1.75      55.50
    Katar pipin        Total UUU (tran: 1)            1.00      17.35     10.69
    Katar pipin        Total Katar pipin (tran: 9)    9.10      2.01     
    Samsung            Total BBB (tran: 5)            16.00     17.00     17.46
    Samsung            Total Samsung (tran: 5)        5.00      17.46    
    Erica              Total BBB (tran: 5)            6.10      6.12      88.08
    Erica              Total EEE (tran: 2)            13.00     15.87     13.00
    Erica              Total UUU (transactions: 1)    22.00     32.70     41.38
    Erica              Total Erica (tran: 8)          4.87      2.66     
    17 rows selected

  • Reading variables from a shell script

    i was wondering if it is possible to enter variables from a shell script that an sql file can use:
    shell script file
    stty -echo
    read pwd?"Enter password for user: "
    stty echo
    read var?"Please enter value for variable: "
    $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus user/$pwd @TEST.sql
    sql file TEST.sql
    set serveroutput on
    set verify off
    spool out.log
    update table set parameter_value = '$var' where parameter_name = 'X';
    spool off;
    i tried that and it seems its updating my table with "var" and not what the user entered that is the bind variable $var
    am i missing something?

    if user hits enter (which means null) can the program
    not end and ask the user to enter another value?Try this way :
    while :
            echo -n "Please enter value for variable: "
            read VAR
            if [ "$VAR" ]; then

  • Read data from XML file to LabVIEW

    I am writing LabVIEW front panel objects data to an XML file using LabVIEW 6.1 VI. Now, I want to read that XML file in another VI objects. How can I do this?
    test.xml ‏1 KB ‏1 KB

    LV version 6.1 has tools for both reading and writing XML files. Check the examples, you should find your answer there.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Read variables from an XML file

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to query valuables in an xml document which is structured quite differently from the examples I've seen around here, and I can't get my head around what to do.
    The XML document I've got looks like this;
    <data>Data for prop1</data>
    <data>Data for prop2</data>
    <data>Data for prop3</data>
    What I need to do is query the XML document for the property name and then return the data associated with that property.  I've just got no idea how to do it.
    Any suggestions?

    Is Universalproperties your root node?
    FWIW, this is the full code I played with. This builds the XML in situ, so if your actual XML is slightly different you may need to adjust the expression.
    $Name = 'PropName1'
    [xml]$XML = "<universalproperties>
    <data>Data for prop1</data>
    <data>Data for prop2</data>
    <data>Data for prop3</data>
    $Data = ($XML.SelectSingleNode("/universalproperties/property[name='$Name']/data")).'#text'

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