Reading a XML file in JBoss

I have the code below to read a xml file into a DOM, as a standalone class it works fine, but now I want to have this class as a bean, and I don't know how to get the xml file path. I'm using JBoss.
package meuPacote;
import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
public class LerConstantes {
    public void leConstantes() {
        Document doc = parseXmlFile("infilename", false);
System.out.println("doc " + doc);
        Element element = doc.getElementById("primeira");
        String primeira ="";
        if(element != null) primeira = doc.getElementById("primeira").hasAttribute("valorConstante")?element.getAttribute("valorConstante"):"";
        System.out.println("valor -->" + primeira);
//    public static void main(String[] args) {
//        Document doc = parseXmlFile("infilename.xml", false);
//        Element element = doc.getElementById("primeira");
//        String primeira ="";
//        if(element != null) primeira = doc.getElementById("primeira").hasAttribute("valorConstante")?element.getAttribute("valorConstante"):"";
//        System.out.println("valor -->" + primeira);
    // Parses an XML file and returns a DOM document.
    // If validating is true, the contents is validated against the DTD
    // specified in the file.
    public static Document parseXmlFile(String filename, boolean validating) {
        try {
            // Create a builder factory
            DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            // Create the builder and parse the file
            Document doc = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(new File(filename));
            return doc;
        } catch (SAXException e) {
            // A parsing error occurred; the xml input is not valid
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return null;
}thanks, V

This is an XQuery forum. XDK has an XSU (XML SQL Utility) component that may help here. You can post your question to the XDK forum.

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
        <source type="XSD">
          <schema location="../xsd/B2BMarketProperties.xsd"/>
          <rootElement name="ReceipentIDType" namespace=""/>
        <target type="XSD">
          <schema location="../xsd/B2BMarketProperties.xsd"/>
          <rootElement name="ReceipentIDType" namespace=""/>
      <!-- GENERATED BY ORACLE XSL MAPPER 110106.1932.5682) AT [TUE DEC 03 16:06:03 EST 2013]. -->
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
                    exclude-result-prefixes="xsi xsl ns0 xsd bpws xp20 mhdr bpel oraext dvm hwf med ids bpm xdk xref ora socket ldap">
      <xsl:output method="xml" version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" indent="yes"/>
      <xsl:variable name="ReceipentID" select="document('../xsd/B2BMarketProperties.xml')"/>
      <xsl:template match="/">
        <xsl:for-each select="$ReceipentID">
            <xsl:value-of select="$ReceipentID"/>
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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <ReceipentIDType xmlns:xsi=""
                     xsi:schemaLocation=" B2BMarketProperties.xsd"
    The output i am getting with this code is
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:ReceipentIDType xmlns:ns0="">
    But, I need output in the following format
    <ns0:ReceipentIDType xmlns:ns0="">
    Could you guys let me know what i am doing wrong. Any help would be appreciated.

    This worked for me :
      <xsl:template match="/">
          <xsl:for-each select="document('B2BMarketProperties.xml')/*:ReceipentIDType/*:ReceipentID">
            <xsl:variable name="count" select="position()"/>
              <xsl:value-of select="document('B2BMarketProperties.xml')/*:ReceipentIDType/*:ReceipentID[$count]"/>

  • Issue in reading the XML file

    Hi Gurus,
    I am dier need of one of the xml issue which I am facing right now.
    I am reading one of the xml file which is like this
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    - <GEBIZ_ORDER xmlns:xsi="">
    - <HEADER>
      <DESCRIPTION>Purchase Order for Air tickets for SOT to Korea (from 17th - 26th Sep 2011) off PC(RPO000ECN11000100)for SAS</DESCRIPTION>
      <PAYMENT_TERMS xsi:nil="true" />
      <BILL_TO>One-Stop Centre, 9 Woodlands Avenue 9, S(738964)</BILL_TO>
      <JUSTIFICATION>Please refer to attached approval email.</JUSTIFICATION>
      <TERMINATE_REASON xsi:nil="true" />
      <TERMINATE_TIMESTAMP xsi:nil="true" />
    - <SUPPLIER>
      <NAME>Safe2Travel Pte Ltd</NAME>
      <CONTACT_EMAIL>[email protected]</CONTACT_EMAIL>
    - <SITES>
    - <SITE>
      <NAME>ravel Pte Ltd</NAME>
      <PHONE_EXTENSION xsi:nil="true" />
      <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
      <ADDRESS_LINE1>10 Eunos Road 8</ADDRESS_LINE1>
      <ADDRESS_LINE2>#08-03 (North Lobby)</ADDRESS_LINE2>
      <ADDRESS_LINE3>Singapore Post Centre</ADDRESS_LINE3>
      <PROVINCE xsi:nil="true" />
      <STATE xsi:nil="true" />
      <CITY xsi:nil="true" />
      <AREA_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
      <REGION_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
    - <SITE>
      <NAME>ravel Pte Ltd</NAME>
      <PHONE_EXTENSION xsi:nil="true" />
      <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
      <ADDRESS_LINE1>3 Lim Teck Kim Road</ADDRESS_LINE1>
      <ADDRESS_LINE3>Singapore Technologies Building</ADDRESS_LINE3>
      <PROVINCE xsi:nil="true" />
      <STATE xsi:nil="true" />
      <CITY xsi:nil="true" />
      <AREA_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
      <REGION_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
    - <SITE>
      <NAME>Safe2Travel Pte Ltd</NAME>
      <PHONE_EXTENSION xsi:nil="true" />
      <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
      <ADDRESS_LINE1>3 Lim Teck Kim Road</ADDRESS_LINE1>
      <ADDRESS_LINE3>Singapore Technologies Building</ADDRESS_LINE3>
      <PROVINCE xsi:nil="true" />
      <STATE xsi:nil="true" />
      <CITY xsi:nil="true" />
      <AREA_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
      <REGION_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
    - <USER>
    - <BUYER>
      <NAME>Sally Ang</NAME>
      <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
    - <ITEMS>
    - <ITEM>
      <DESCRIPTION>Return Air Ticket including Airport Taxes and Fuel Surcharges (2 staff and 24 students)</DESCRIPTION>
      <MATERIAL_MASTER_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
      <MATERIAL_GROUP_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
      <PLANT_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
      <ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
      <INSTRUCTION_TO_SUPPLIER>Purchase of goods/services is subject to the Terms & Conditions found in and/or in the ITQ/ITT Specifications. Please liaise with the Contact Person for delivery details. Invoice MUST be addressed to the Contact Person. PO number MUST be included in the Description field under e-Invoice Details section at Vendor@Gov.</INSTRUCTION_TO_SUPPLIER>
      <NATO_STOCK_NUMBER xsi:nil="true" />
      <MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER xsi:nil="true" />
      <PART_NUMBER xsi:nil="true" />
      <CAGE_CODE xsi:nil="true" />
      <CAGE_NAME xsi:nil="true" />
      <ITEM_CONDITION xsi:nil="true" />
      <MINIMUM_SHELF_LIFE xsi:nil="true" />
      <SHELF_LIFE_REMAINING xsi:nil="true" />
      <CERTIFICATE_OF_CONFORMANCE xsi:nil="true" />
      <EXPORT_LICENSE xsi:nil="true" />
    - <LOCATION>
      <DELIVERY_DESTINATION>Republic Polytechnic, One-Stop Centre, 9 Woodlands Avenue 9, S(738964)</DELIVERY_DESTINATION>
      <NAME>One Stop Centre</NAME>
      <EMAIL>[email protected]</EMAIL>
      <PROJECT_DISTRIBUTION xsi:nil="true" />
      </GEBIZ_ORDER>I was able to read this kind of file structure but due to some constraints now they added supplier sites and increment that one which will be like variable kind of thing now.
    And below mentioned is the script which I am using right now for reading that xml file
      lv_supp_file     XMLTYPE;
      lv_hdr_error     VARCHAR2(240);
      lv_line_error    VARCHAR2(240);
      lv_line_loc_err  VARCHAR2(240);
      lv_dist_err      VARCHAR2(240);
      l_file_name      VARCHAR2(300);
      l_folder_name    VARCHAR2(300);
      lv_sysdate       DATE := sysdate;
      l_file_name     := p_xml_file;
      l_folder_name   := p_folder_name;
      -- this clause to check whether is xml file or NODATA FILE.
      IF upper(substr(l_file_name,instr(l_file_name,'.',1)+1,3)) ='XML' THEN
        lv_supp_file  := xmltype( bfilename('XMLDIR',P_XML_FILE), nls_charset_id('AL32UTF8'));
        dbms_output.put_line('P_XML_FILE '||P_XML_FILE);
    -- Initially insert data into 11g table
    -- This is to read xml datafile
       (ministry_code                ,
        department_code              ,
        order_code                   ,
        external_system_code         ,
        amendment_number             ,
        variation_number             ,
        description                  ,
        status                       ,
        status_date                  ,
        payment_terms                ,
        bill_to                      ,
        justification                ,
        create_timestamp             ,
        terminate_reason             ,
        terminate_timestamp          ,
        order_type                   ,
        sub_business_unit            ,
        cost_center_group            ,
        buyer_code                   ,
        financial_system_order_code  ,
        user_nric                    ,
        supplier_code                ,
        supplier_name                ,
        gst_number                   ,
        contact_name                 ,
        contact_phone                ,
        contact_email                ,
        contact_fax                  ,
        supp_site_id                 ,
        supp_site_name               ,
        supp_site_phone              ,
        supp_sit_phone_ext           ,
        supp_site_fax                ,
        supp_site_email              ,
        supp_site_add_line1          ,
        supp_site_add_line2          ,
        supp_site_add_line3          ,
        supp_site_country_code       ,
        supp_site_province           ,
        supp_site_state              ,
        supp_site_city               ,
        supp_site_area_code          ,
        supp_site_zip                ,
        supp_site_region_code        ,
        user_code                    ,
        user_name                    ,
        user_org_name                ,
        currency_code                ,
        currency_rate                ,
        currency_rate_date           ,
        currency_rate_type           ,
        currency_amount              ,
        tx_field_2                   ,
        agency_code                  ,
        admin_fee_sgd                ,
        buyer_orgn_code              ,
        buyer_orgn_name              ,
        buyer_name                   ,
        buyer_phone                  ,
        buyer_fax                    ,
        buyer_email                  ,
        ao_code                      ,
        ao_name                      ,
        line_no                      ,
        line_status                  ,
        line_status_date             ,
        line_description             ,
        unit_of_measure              ,
        line_qty                     ,
        line_type                    ,
        unit_price                   ,
        line_total_amount            ,
        material_master_code         ,
        material_group_code          ,
        item_category_code           ,
        line_admin_fee_sgd_amt       ,
        instruction_supplier         ,
        period_contract_line_no      ,
        goods_inspect_flag           ,
        pr_code                      ,
        pr_line_number               ,
        nato_stock_number            ,
        manufacturer_part_no         ,
        part_number                  ,
        cage_code                    ,
        cage_name                    ,
        item_condition               ,
        minimum_shelf_life           ,
        shelf_life_remaining         ,
        cert_of_conformance          ,
        export_license               ,
        line_location_no             ,
        line_loc_status              ,
        line_loc_status_date         ,
        line_loc_qty                 ,
        delivery_destination         ,
        delivery_date                ,
        delivery_terms               ,
        port_of_origin               ,
        recipient_code               ,
        recipient_name               ,
        recipient_phone              ,
        recipient_email              ,
        dist_line_no                 ,
        dist_line_status             ,
        dist_line_status_date        ,
        dist_line_qty                ,
        chart_of_account             ,
       SELECT --Header Data
              ministry_code                ,
              department_code              ,
              order_code                   ,
              external_system_code         ,
              amendment_number             ,
              variation_number             ,
              description                  ,
              status                       ,
              status_date                  ,
              payment_terms                ,
              bill_to                      ,
              justification                ,
              create_timestamp             ,
              terminate_reason             ,
              terminate_timestamp          ,
              order_type                   ,
              sub_business_unit            ,
              cost_center_group            ,
              buyer_code                   ,
              financial_system_order_code  ,
              user_nric                    ,
              supplier_code                ,
              supplier_name                ,
              gst_number                   ,
              contact_name                 ,
              contact_phone                ,
              contact_email                ,
              contact_fax                  ,
              supp_site_id                 ,
              supp_site_name               ,
              supp_site_phone              ,
              supp_sit_phone_ext           ,
              supp_site_fax                ,
              supp_site_email              ,
              supp_site_add_line1          ,
              supp_site_add_line2          ,
              supp_site_add_line3          ,
              supp_site_country_code       ,
              supp_site_province           ,
              supp_site_state              ,
              supp_site_city               ,
              supp_site_area_code          ,
              supp_site_zip                ,
              supp_site_region_code        ,
              user_code                    ,
              user_name                    ,
              user_org_name                ,
              currency_code                ,
              currency_rate                ,
              currency_rate_date           ,
              currency_rate_type           ,
              currency_amount              ,
              tx_field_2                   ,
              agency_code                  ,
              admin_fee_sgd                ,
              buyer_orgn_code              ,
              buyer_orgn_name              ,
              buyer_name                   ,
              buyer_phone                  ,
              buyer_fax                    ,
              buyer_email                  ,
              ao_code                      ,
              ao_name                      ,
              line_no                      ,
              line_status                  ,
              line_status_date             ,
              line_description             ,
              unit_of_measure              ,
              line_qty                     ,
              line_type                    ,
              unit_price                   ,
              line_total_amount            ,
              material_master_code         ,
              material_group_code          ,
              item_category_code           ,
              line_admin_fee_sgd_amt       ,
              instruction_supplier         ,
              period_contract_line_no      ,
              goods_inspect_flag           ,
              pr_code                      ,
              pr_line_number               ,
              nato_stock_number            ,
              manufacturer_part_no         ,
              part_number                  ,
              cage_code                    ,
              cage_name                    ,
              item_condition               ,
              minimum_shelf_life           ,
              shelf_life_remaining         ,
              cert_of_conformance          ,
              export_license               ,
              line_location_no             ,
              line_loc_status              ,
              line_loc_status_date         ,
              line_loc_qty                 ,
              delivery_destination         ,
              delivery_date                ,
              delivery_terms               ,
              port_of_origin               ,
              recipient_code               ,
              recipient_name               ,
              recipient_phone              ,
              recipient_email              ,
              dist_line_no                 ,
              dist_line_status             ,
              dist_line_status_date        ,
              dist_line_qty                ,
              chart_of_account             ,
         FROM XMLTable('/GEBIZ_ORDER'
              passing lv_supp_file
              ministry_code                      VARCHAR2(3)    path    'HEADER/MINISTRY_CODE',
              department_code                    VARCHAR2(3)    path    'HEADER/DEPARTMENT_CODE',
              order_code                         VARCHAR2(17 )  path    'HEADER/ORDER_CODE',
              external_system_code               VARCHAR2(1)    path    'HEADER/EXTERNAL_SYSTEM_CODE',
              amendment_number                   VARCHAR2(5)    path    'HEADER/AMENDMENT_NUMBER' ,
              variation_number                   VARCHAR2(5)    path    'HEADER/VARIATION_NUMBER',
              description                        VARCHAR2(500)  path    'HEADER/DESCRIPTION',
              status                             VARCHAR2(500)  path    'HEADER/STATUS',
              status_date                        VARCHAR2(24)   path    'HEADER/STATUS_DATE',
              payment_terms                      VARCHAR2(400)  path    'HEADER/PAYMENT_TERMS',
              bill_to                            VARCHAR2(200)  path    'HEADER/BILL_TO',
              justification                      VARCHAR2(400)  path    'HEADER/JUSTIFICATION',
              create_timestamp                   VARCHAR2(24)   path    'HEADER/CREATE_TIMESTAMP',
              terminate_reason                   VARCHAR2(400)  path    'HEADER/TERMINATE_REASON',
              terminate_timestamp                VARCHAR2(24)   path    'HEADER/TERMINATE_TIMESTAMP',
              order_type                         VARCHAR2(2 )   path    'HEADER/ORDER_TYPE',
              sub_business_unit                  VARCHAR2(5 )   path    'HEADER/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM/SUB_BUSINESS_UNIT',
              cost_center_group                  VARCHAR2(20 )  path    'HEADER/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM/NFS/COST_CENTER_GROUP',
              buyer_code                         VARCHAR2(30 )  path    'HEADER/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM/NFS/BUYER_CODE',
              financial_system_order_code        VARCHAR2(20 )  path    'HEADER/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM/NFS/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM_ORDER_CODE',
              user_nric                          VARCHAR2(9 )   path    'HEADER/FINANCIAL_SYSTEM/NFS/USER_NRIC',
              supplier_code                      VARCHAR2(10)   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/CODE',
              supplier_name                      VARCHAR2(140)  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/NAME' ,
              gst_number                         VARCHAR2(30 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/GST_NUMBER',
              contact_name                       VARCHAR2(140 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/CONTACT_NAME',
              contact_phone                      VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/CONTACT_PHONE',
              contact_email                      VARCHAR2(100)  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/CONTACT_EMAIL',
              contact_fax                        VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/CONTACT_FAX',
              supp_site_id                       NUMBER         path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ID',
              supp_site_name                     VARCHAR2(140)  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/NAME',
              supp_site_phone                    VARCHAR2(23)   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE',
              supp_sit_phone_ext                 VARCHAR2(4 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE_EXTENSION',
              supp_site_fax                      VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/FAX',
              supp_site_email                    VARCHAR2(100 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/EMAIL',
              supp_site_add_line1                VARCHAR2(254 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE1',
              supp_site_add_line2                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE2',
              supp_site_add_line3                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE3',
              supp_site_country_code             VARCHAR2(2 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/COUNTRY_CODE',
              supp_site_province                 VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PROVINCE',
              supp_site_state                    VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/STATE',
              supp_site_city                     VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/CITY',
              supp_site_area_code                VARCHAR2(10 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/AREA_CODE',
              supp_site_zip                      VARCHAR2(20 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ZIP',
              supp_site_region_code              VARCHAR2(3 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/REGION_CODE',
              user_code                          VARCHAR2(16 )  path    'HEADER/USER/CODE',
              user_name                          VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/USER/NAME',
              user_org_name                      VARCHAR2(95 )  path    'HEADER/USER/ORGANISATION_NAME',
              currency_code                      VARCHAR2(3 )   path    'HEADER/FUND_COMMIT_AMOUNT/CURRENCY_CODE',
              currency_rate                      NUMBER         path    'HEADER/FUND_COMMIT_AMOUNT/CURRENCY_RATE',
              currency_rate_date                 VARCHAR2(24)   path    'HEADER/FUND_COMMIT_AMOUNT/CURRENCY_RATE_DATE',
              currency_rate_type                 VARCHAR2(5 )   path    'HEADER/FUND_COMMIT_AMOUNT/CURRENCY_RATE_TYPE',
              currency_amount                    NUMBER         path    'HEADER/FUND_COMMIT_AMOUNT/CURRENCY_AMOUNT',
              tx_field_2                         VARCHAR2(17 )  path    'HEADER/PERIOD_CONTRACT/CODE',
              agency_code                        VARCHAR2(6 )   path    'HEADER/PERIOD_CONTRACT/AGENCY_CODE',
              admin_fee_sgd                      NUMBER         path    'HEADER/PERIOD_CONTRACT/ADMIN_FEE_SGD_AMOUNT'  ,
              buyer_orgn_code                    VARCHAR2(5 )   path    'HEADER/BUYER/ORGANISATION_CODE',
              buyer_orgn_name                    VARCHAR2(95 )  path    'HEADER/BUYER/ORGANISATION_NAME',
              buyer_name                         VARCHAR2(80 )  path    'HEADER/BUYER/NAME',
              buyer_phone                        VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/BUYER/PHONE',
              buyer_fax                          VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/BUYER/FAX',
              buyer_email                        VARCHAR2(100 ) path    'HEADER/BUYER/EMAIL',
              ao_code                            VARCHAR2(16 )  path    'HEADER/APPROVING_OFFICERS/APPROVING_OFFICER/CODE',
              ao_name                            VARCHAR2(40 )  path    'HEADER/APPROVING_OFFICERS/APPROVING_OFFICER/NAME',
              items                              XMLTYPE        path    'ITEMS'
              ) x1,
            passing x1.items
              line_no                            VARCHAR2(5)    path    'LINE_NUMBER',
              line_status                        VARCHAR2(15)   path    'STATUS',
              line_status_date                   VARCHAR2(24)   path    'STATUS_DATE',
              line_description                   VARCHAR2(500)  path    'DESCRIPTION',
              unit_of_measure                    VARCHAR2(3)    path    'UNIT_OF_MEASURE',
              line_qty                           NUMBER         path    'QUANTITY',
              line_type                          VARCHAR2(20)   path    'LINE_TYPE',
              unit_price                         NUMBER         path    'UNIT_PRICE',
              line_total_amount                  NUMBER         path    'TOTAL_AMOUNT',
              material_master_code               VARCHAR2(20)   path    'MATERIAL_MASTER_CODE',
              material_group_code                VARCHAR2(10)   path    'MATERIAL_GROUP_CODE',
              item_category_code                 VARCHAR2(18)   path    'ITEM_CATEGORY_CODE',
              line_admin_fee_sgd_amt             NUMBER         path    'ADMIN_FEE_SGD_AMOUNT',
              instruction_supplier               VARCHAR2(400)  path    'INSTRUCTION_TO_SUPPLIER',
              period_contract_line_no            NUMBER         path    'PERIOD_CONTRACT_LINE_NUMBER',
              goods_inspect_flag                 VARCHAR2(1)    path    'GOODS_INSPECT_FLAG',
              pr_code                            VARCHAR2(17)   path    'PURCHASE_REQUEST/CODE',
              pr_line_number                     VARCHAR2(5)    path    'PURCHASE_REQUEST/LINE_NUMBER',
              nato_stock_number                  VARCHAR2(14)   path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/NATO_STOCK_NUMBER',
              manufacturer_part_no               VARCHAR2(32)   path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/MANUFACTURE_PART_NUMBER',
              part_number                        VARCHAR2(200)  path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/PART_NUMBER',
              cage_code                          VARCHAR2(10)   path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/CAGE_CODE',
              cage_name                          VARCHAR2(140)  path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/CAGE_NAME',
              item_condition                     VARCHAR2(1)    path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/ITEM_CONDITION'  ,
              minimum_shelf_life                 NUMBER         path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/MINIMUM_SHELF_LIFE',
              shelf_life_remaining               VARCHAR2(3)    path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/SHELF_LIFE_REMAINING',
              cert_of_conformance                VARCHAR2(1000) path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/CERTIFICATE_OF_CONFORMANCE',
              export_license                     VARCHAR2(3)    path    'PART_NUMBER_INFORMATION/EXPORT_LICENSE',
              locations                          XMLTYPE        path    'LOCATIONS'
             passing x2.locations
              line_location_no                   NUMBER         path     'LINE_NUMBER',
              line_loc_status                    VARCHAR2(15)   path     'STATUS',
              line_loc_status_date               VARCHAR2(24)   path     'STATUS_DATE',
              line_loc_qty                       NUMBER         path     'QUANTITY',
              delivery_destination               VARCHAR2(1000) path     'DELIVERY_DESTINATION',
              delivery_date                      VARCHAR2(24)   path     'DELIVERY_DATE',
              delivery_terms                     VARCHAR2(3)    path     'DELIVERY_TERMS',
              port_of_origin                     VARCHAR2(150)  path     'PORT_OF_ORIGIN',
              recipient_code                     VARCHAR2(16 )  path     'RECIPIENT/CODE',
              recipient_name                     VARCHAR2(40 )  path     'RECIPIENT/NAME',
              recipient_phone                    VARCHAR2(23 )  path     'RECIPIENT/PHONE',
              recipient_email                    VARCHAR2(100 ) path     'RECIPIENT/EMAIL',
              distributions                      XMLTYPE        path     'DISTRIBUTIONS'
             passing x3.distributions
              dist_line_no                       NUMBER         path     'LINE_NUMBER',
              dist_line_status                   VARCHAR2(15)   path     'STATUS',
              dist_line_status_date              VARCHAR2(24)   path     'STATUS_DATE',
              dist_line_qty                      NUMBER         path     'QUANTITY',
              chart_of_account                   VARCHAR2(420)  path     'CHART_OF_ACCOUNT',
              project_distribution               VARCHAR2(4000) path     'PROJECT_DISTRIBUTION'
    end;As there is change in requirement now I need to read the multiple supplier sites at the header level. Current this is my structure please give an idea how to read the mulitple sites as one record, probably i can increase the supplier site columns at table level so as to capture second site level information.
    But if in case if i receive that time it should not fail please provide some good solution for this issue.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Hi odie,
    Thanks for your response. But here my supplier site will always be maxiumum 2 times and minimum 1 time. My thinking is to fit this one in the existing code by repeating the supplier site only like this
              supp_site_id                       NUMBER         path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ID',
              supp_site_name                     VARCHAR2(140)  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/NAME',
              supp_site_phone                    VARCHAR2(23)   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE',
              supp_sit_phone_ext                 VARCHAR2(4 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE_EXTENSION',
              supp_site_fax                      VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/FAX',
              supp_site_email                    VARCHAR2(100 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/EMAIL',
              supp_site_add_line1                VARCHAR2(254 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE1',
              supp_site_add_line2                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE2',
              supp_site_add_line3                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE3',
              supp_site_country_code             VARCHAR2(2 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/COUNTRY_CODE',
              supp_site_province                 VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PROVINCE',
              supp_site_state                    VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/STATE',
              supp_site_city                     VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/CITY',
              supp_site_area_code                VARCHAR2(10 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/AREA_CODE',
              supp_site_zip                      VARCHAR2(20 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ZIP',
              supp_site_region_code              VARCHAR2(3 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/REGION_CODE',
              supp_site_id2                       NUMBER         path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ID',
              supp_site_name2                     VARCHAR2(140)  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/NAME',
              supp_site_phone2                    VARCHAR2(23)   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE',
              supp_sit_phone_ext2                 VARCHAR2(4 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PHONE_EXTENSION',
              supp_site_fax2                      VARCHAR2(23 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/FAX',
              supp_site_email2                    VARCHAR2(100 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/EMAIL',
              supp_site_add_line1_2                VARCHAR2(254 ) path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE1',
              supp_site_add_line2_2                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE2',
              supp_site_add_line3_2                VARCHAR2(35 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ADDRESS_LINE3',
              supp_site_country_code_2             VARCHAR2(2 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/COUNTRY_CODE',
              supp_site_province_2                 VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/PROVINCE',
              supp_site_state_2                    VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/STATE',
              supp_site_city_2                     VARCHAR2(25 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/CITY',
              supp_site_area_code_2                VARCHAR2(10 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/AREA_CODE',
              supp_site_zip_2                      VARCHAR2(20 )  path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/ZIP',
              supp_site_region_code_2              VARCHAR2(3 )   path    'HEADER/SUPPLIER/SITES/SITE/REGION_CODE',As this table I am being used in many areas, it will be problem for me if try to go for different levels of tables. Or else can it be possible to read only once
    I mean only the first in the xml tags and leave the second xml. As there is not much significant for the second one.
    I appreciate your ideas on this, as the structure we are following is to rigid so I don't have much options to explore, please provide me your inputs in this context.
    Thanks for your help.
    Edited by: 838961 on Jul 13, 2011 1:43 AM

  • Reading A xml file and sending that XML Data as input  to a Service

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to read(I am using File adapter to read) a xml file and map the data in that xml to a service(schema) input variable.
    Example of  xml file that I have to read and the content of that xml file like below:
           <Name> ravi</Name>
          <fathername> raghu</fathername>
           <Name> raju</Name>
          <fathername> ravi</fathername>
    I have to pass the data(ravi,EEE,raghu etc) to a service input varible. That invoked Service input variable(schema) contains the schema similar to above schema.
    My flow is like below:
      ReadFile file adapter -------------------> BPEL process -----> Target Service.I am using transform activity in BPEL process to map the data from xml file to Service.
    I am using above xml file as sample in Native Data format(to create XSD schema file).
    After I built the process,I checked file adapter polls the data and receive the file(I am getting View xml document in EM console flow).
    But transform activity does not have anything and it is not mapping the data.I am getting blank data in the transform activity with only element names like below
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------EM console Audit trail (I am giving this because u can clearly understand what is happening-----------------------------------------------------
            -some datedetails      received file
              View XML document  (This xml contains data and structure like above  xml )
        - transformData:
                  <part name="body">
    'Why I am getting like this".Is there any problem with native data format configuration.?
    Please help me out regarding this issue as I am running out my time.

    Hi syam,
    Thank you very much for your replies so far so that I have some progrees in my task.
    As you told I could have put default directory in composite.xml,but what happenes is the everyday new final subdirectory gets created  in the 'soafolder' folder.What I mean is in  the c:/soafolder/1234_xmlfiles folder, the '1234_xmlfiles' is not manually created one.It is created automatically by executing some jar.
    Basically we can't know the sub folder name until it is created by jar with its own logic. whereas main folder is same(soafolder) ever.
    I will give you example with our folder name so that it would be more convenient for us to understand.
    1) yesterday's  the folder structure :  'c:/soafolder/130731_LS' .The  '130731_LS' folder is created automatically by executing some jar file(it has its own logic to control and create the subdirectories which is not in our control).
    2) Today's folder structure :  'c:/soafolder/130804_LS. The folder is created automatically(everytime the number part(130731,130804).I think that number is indicating 2013 july 31 st like that.I have to enquire about this)is changing) at a particular time and xml files will be loaded in the folder.
    Our challenge : It is not that we can put the default or further path in composite.xml and poll the file adapter.Not everytime we have to change the path in composite.xml.The process should know the folder path (I don't know whether it is possible or not.) and  everyday and file adapter poll the files in that created subfolders.
    I hope you can understand my requirement .Please help me out in this regard.

  • Reading a XML file in a standalone java application

    What are my options if I have a standalone java application running outside any app. server and I need to read an XML file, probably read some of the attributes in the file...? Please explain clearly as I'm new to this. Appreciate your help.

    nope you don't need a DTD
    you have to write your Java code in a way that doesn't rely too much on the structure:
    - avoid getFirstChild().getFirstChild()... because you know that this element is first grandson of that element)
    - prefer using getElementByTagName() or some XPath() API
    but if the XML completely changes, well, yeah, you have to do some programmation: better think well your document structure in the beginning.

  • Error when reading a XML File

    When I am reading an XML file in a folder I am getting extra characters like squares before and after each and every character of the XML file.
    Why is this so.I thought they are spaces and trimmed it but i didnt work.I replaced thinking as escape characters and that also did not work.But when I am prionting the ASCII value of the first character of the file I am getting -17.
    Please can anyone help me out of this.

    public class Example()
    File file = new File("C:/SCTMUnZip/"+files);
    System.out.println("Files inside the directory:::"+files[i]);
    String filedata = getContentsofFile(file);
    InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("C:/SCTMUnZip/"+files[i]+"/"));
    System.out.println("Encoding Style:::"+reader.getEncoding());
    byte[] filebytes = filedata.getBytes("UTF-16");//byte[] utf8String = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(srcString);
    System.out.println("This is a XML File...");
    /*Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[^]");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(filedata);
    String str = matcher.replaceAll("");
    filedata = str;
    System.out.println("This is a normal file...");
    static public String getContentsofFile(File file)
    StringBuilder filecontents = new StringBuilder();
    BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
    String line = null; //not declared within while loop
    * readLine is a bit quirky :
    * it returns the content of a line MINUS the newline.
    * it returns null only for the END of the stream.
    * it returns an empty String if two newlines appear in a row.
    while (( line = input.readLine()) != null){
    finally {
    catch (IOException ex){
    return filecontents.toString();
    The files in the folder are log.txt and output.xml(has UTF-16 as the encoding style in the first line).log.txt is read fine but output.xml is not.

  • I need for a simple example of  reading a xml file using jdom

    I have been looking for a simple example that uses Jdom to read am xml file and use the information for anything( ), and I just can't find one.since I'm just beggining to understand how things work, I need a good example.thanks
    here is just a simple cod for example:
              <item name="first" value="123" createdDate="1/1/90"/>
              <item name="second" value="456" createdDate="1/4/96"/>
              <property name="port" value="12345"/>
              <property name="maxClients" value="3"/>

            FileInputStream fileInputStream = null;
            try {
                fileInputStream = new FileInputStream("my_xml_file.xml");
            } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            } finally{
                if (fileInputStream == null) return;
            SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder();
            saxBuilder.setEntityResolver(new EntityResolver() {
                public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException {
                    return new InputSource(new StringReader(""));
            Document document = null;
            try {
                document =;
            } catch (JDOMException e) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
            } finally {
                if (document == null) return;
            Element element = document.getRootElement();

  • Reading an XML file from a package .....

    I m trying to read an xml file from a package. The XML file is located on desktop (not on unix system). if i mention the path of the file in a package, is it sufficient ???. OR do i need to CREATE DIRECTORY in oracle and mention the file path in this directory ???
    I have granted CREATE directory permissions...
    If not any suggestion or advice is great ???
    Thank you!!

    1     Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    2     PL/SQL Release - Production
    3     CORE     Production
    4     TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    5     NLSRTL Version - Production
    Thank you !!!

  • Reading an xml file from a jar file

    Short question:
    Is it possible to read an xml file from a jar file when the dtd is
    placed inside the jar file? I am using jdom (SAXBuilder) and the default
    sax parser which comes with it.
    Long Question:
    I am trying to create an enterprise archive file on Weblogic 6.1. We
    have a framework that is similar to the struts framework which uses it's
    own configuration files
    I could place the dtd files outside the jar ear file and specify the
    absolute path in an environment variable in web.xml which is
    configurable through the admin console.
    But I want to avoid this step and specify a relative path within the jar
    I have tried to use a class which implements the entityresolver as well
    as try to extend the saxparser and set the entity resolver within this
    class explicitly, but I always seem to sun into problems like:
    The setEntityresolver method does not get called or there is a
    classloader problem. i.e. JDOM complains that it cannot load My custom
    parser which is part of the application

    Please contact the main BEA Support team [email protected]
    They will need to check with product support to determine
    the interoperatablity of Weblogic Server with these other

  • Reading an XML file stored in Oracle

    Is it possible to read an xml file stored in Oracle via Oracle methods?

    If by "read" you mean "read as text", then you can just select the document as a CLOB and return it.
    If by "read" you mean "read and parse", then you can use the Oracle XML Parser for PL/SQL to parse the CLOB into a DOM structure.
    My Building Oracle XML Applications book has lots of examples of doing this, but especially in chapter 5, "Processing XML with PL/SQL".
    Steve Muench
    Development Lead, Oracle XSQL Pages Framework
    Lead Product Manager for BC4J and Lead XML Evangelist, Oracle Corp
    Author, Building Oracle XML Applications

  • Reading my Xml file in Unity using C#

    Hi, i have to read a xml file like this:
    I mitocondri sono gli organelli che producono ATP all'interno della cellula,aggiungine di nuovi per aumentare la produzione di ATP
    How can i make a simple xml reader in c# to read this structure?

    Try this.  The code writes your sample XML and then reads it back
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Xml;
    using System.Xml.Serialization;
    using System.Xml.Schema;
    using System.IO;
    namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
    const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\Test.xml";
    static void Main(string[] args)
    UIs uIs = new UIs()
    uI = new UI()
    titolo = new Titolo()
    Ita = "Mitocondri",
    english = "Mitochondrion"
    corpo = new Corpo()
    ita = "I mitocondri sono gli organelli che producono ATP all'interno della cellula,aggiungine di nuovi per aumentare la produzione di ATP",
    english = "Mitochondrion"
    price = 120,
    maxNumber = 1
    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UIs));
    StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(FILENAME);
    XmlSerializerNamespaces _ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
    _ns.Add("", "");
    serializer.Serialize(writer, uIs, _ns);
    XmlSerializer xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(UIs));
    XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(FILENAME);
    UIs newUIs = (UIs)xs.Deserialize(reader);
    public class UIs
    public UI uI { get; set; }
    [Serializable, XmlRoot("UI")]
    public class UI
    public Titolo titolo { get; set; }
    public Corpo corpo { get; set; }
    public int price { get; set; }
    public int maxNumber { get; set; }
    [Serializable, XmlRoot("Titolo")]
    public class Titolo
    public string Ita { get; set; }
    public string english { get; set; }
    [Serializable, XmlRoot("Corpo")]
    public class Corpo
    public string ita { get; set; }
    public string english { get; set; }

  • Reading an xml file in actionscript using flex3

    plzz tell me how to read an xml file in actionscript using flex3.......

    One possible option to parse an xml-file to a flex XML object:
    public function parseConXML(source:String):void
                    xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
                    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(source));
                      // Eventlistener: if URL loaded --> onLoadComplete function
                      xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoadComplete);
                public function xmlLoadComplete(evt:Event):void{               
                    var xml:XML = new XML();
                     // ignore comments in XML-File
                    XML.ignoreComments = true;  
                       //ignore whitespaces in XML-File
                     XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
                    // XML-Objekt erstellen
                    xml = new XML(;
                   //AFTERWARDS use your xml as your wish

  • Reading the xml file in customized table.

    Hi Experts ,
    I have a requirement to read the xml file in one "z" table . Can anyone let me know the exact steps .
    Thank you

    Hi Ashutosh,
    1. First read the file in BINARY MODE into an XSTRING.
    2. Then use the method create_istream_xstring to create the input stream
    3. Then you need to create the document tree and the parser
    4. Once your Document tree and your parser are created now can use the document tree to access individual elements.
    Some Class interfaces that maybe helpful to you are as follows: if_ixml_node, if_ixml_node_iterator, if_ixml_element....etc
    DATA:o_ixml                    TYPE REF TO if_ixml,
               o_streamfactory   TYPE REF TO if_ixml_stream_factory,
               o_istream              TYPE REF TO if_ixml_istream.
               o_parser               TYPE REF TO if_ixml_parser          
               o_document          TYPE REF TO if_ixml_document
    o_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ).
    o_istream = o_streamfactory->create_istream_xstring( string = <give the xstring name here>).
    o_document = o_ixml->create_document( ).
    o_parser = o_ixml->create_parser( stream_factory = o_streamfactory
                                                                           istream = o_istream
                                                                       document = o_document ).
    You can make the final code as dynamic as possible to read into an internal table.

  • Reading an xml file from jar

    I have an xml file in a jar file other than the class that needs to read it. Most of teh posts I've seen reccomend using class.getResource to get access to the jar, but since the file is in a different jar this wont work.
    I load classes using URLClassLoader and explicitely access the class I need from a specific jar by creating a url thusly....
    jar:file:/" + workingDirectory + "/folder/jarfile.jar!/specificfolder/specificfile.class"
    Is there a similar thing for reading an xml file for a jar?

    Have you tried:
    "jar:file:/" + workingDirectory + "/folder/jarfile.jar!/specificfolder/specificfile.xml"

  • Reading an XML file from package .....

    I m trying to read an xml file from a package. The XML file is located on desktop (not on unix system). if i mention the path of the file in a package, is it sufficient ???. OR do i need to CREATE DIRECTORY in oracle and mention the file path in this directory ???
    If not any suggestion or advice is great ???

    Depends upon the version of Oracle being used. Going from memory, I think it started with 10g that you had to CREATE DIRECTORY and then use that object in references to disk. It could have been 9i as I skipped that version. If you look at the documentation for whatever provided procedure you are calling it will tell you what it expects.
    As the code runs on the server the DB resides on, the data file will need to be network accessible from there in order for your code to read the file.

Maybe you are looking for

  • 0CalQuarter not working after upgrade issue

    Hi Guys, I tried to change the Dispaly settings under Business Explorer->General settings for 0calquarter to Text , but it didnt change. But when i changed 0Claquarter2 to Text it reflected at Query level and didplaying as Text. Same with 0Calmonth2.

  • G/L Account is missing 1 / Message 131-46 / Out Going Excise - India

    Hi All, Please note I have created a Sales Delivery and copied it to Outgoing Excise Invoice.When I click on Add I receive following error message. G/L Account is missing 1 Message 131-46 Now when I made the G/L account field visible, found that it w

  • How to Debug Functional Module called via RFC?

    Hi Experts,      Please, can someone explain to me how to debug functional module that is called via RFC? Thanks in advance.   Best Regards, Aleksandar

  • Bug in developer

    1. if we select value from list item by mouse and after selection .press enter. NOTHING HAPPEN CURSOR STILL ON LIST ITEM. whats the reason? is it bug? (use tab or mouse to move to another field.why not enter. ) tabular forms you will copy a valu

  • How to send logic 0,logic 1 to labview wirelessly?

    hi all, I'm a starter of labview. Now what I am trying to do is to build a button, and when a person pressed the button, the labview can receive logic 1 as "true". I know that this kind of communication from the button to labview can be done by using