Reading Analytics Multi Folio

I am able view the individual folio count, but i would like to view the download count of the app itself. Am I able to do that?

If you are looking to get a count of # of times your app is downloaded, we recommend that you get this number directly from the appstores.
If you are in DPS base analytics dashboard on, then "App First Time Launches" report will give you a trend on first time launches for an app (i.e. app installed and launched for the first time).

Similar Messages

  • DPS Pro account and a multi-folio app distribution + analytics

    Okay, here is the thing again.
    I have talked to my client and explained him about how complex it is to track each individual (out of 30) who views a folio.
    So now, he basically would be happy just to know the overall time, of how long a folio has been viewed, and also to see, which articles have been viewed the most and for how long.
    I believe, analytics can provide this data without any problems, am I right? The question is, can this be seen with baseline analytics or I would need SiteCatalyst for this?
    If I understand correctly, getting a Pro account would give me the possibility to create a single multi-folio app, which could contain many folios inside. I could delete and add them without the need to wait for some approvals from Apple?
    But the main question is, how can I distribute this multi-folio app to specific people? Can it be sent via some link or something? Because this app is not for public use.

    You need an enterprise account for private distribution.
    You could fake all this by using the Adobe Content Viewer and putting a web overlay on each page with a link back to a hidden web page with google analytics. That would give you very basic idea of what's being looked at assuming each user is on line. Beyond that you have to use enterprise.

  • Remove Prerelease Folio from Multi-Folio Viewer?

    I have a folio and multi-folio viewer made in the prerelease software that is launched and doing well. I've recreated the old folio and a new one to submit with a new viewer. The old folio was recreated in the new DPS system to be able to use the new analytics tools with it.
    In the documentation for prerelease folios it mentions updating prerelease folios with the old software (while it is still available) and that they won't be recognized by the new system. It doesn't mention anything about deleteing them.
    In testing my new viewer I have my first folio release showing up along side the recreated one (I was hoping with the same Product ID's it might override the previous one when published.) Is it possible to delete the prerelease folio that's currently active to repleace it with the new one? Is it better to just stick with the Apple download numbers and go with it being available for download, but not part of the new DPS system?

    Wes - Unfortunately, there is currently no easy way to replace, or update, a folio created using the prerelease Content Bundler. The program team is working on a solution for an upcoming release. Until then, if the folio is Free instead of Retail, you can use the Content Bundler to delete the old folios, as you suggested, and use the new tools to publish a folio with the same name. But I wouldn't do this if I could avoid it. Your customers who have downloaded the folio will see two identical folios until they delete (archive) the older folio. If your folio is Retail, I recommend holding off on replacing the old folio until a better transition solution is in place.

  • Creative Cloud member wants to publish multi-folios for a client...

    Hello everyone,
    I did send this question as a"private message" first and did receive some answers that I would like to share here. Big thank you to both Himanshu and Bob!!!  If someone feels like adding more info regarding the subject please do.
    "I’m the Adobe Creative Cloud member (one year subscription) and as such I’m entitled to publish a Single Edition app through my Digital Publishing Suite. Now, I have just been approached by one printed magazine, here in Vancouver, Canada, and I’m suppose to provide them with an estimate for adapting their publication for the iPad. Before I start thinking about my fee I would like to know what we have to pay to Adobe. They have four issues per year and I guess this goes under multi-folio applications category. Now, the questions:
    1. Can I prepare the folios with my Creative Cloud membership or I have to upgrade to Professional edition of the DPS?
    2. Does my client need to purchase the Professional Edition of DPS or not?
    3. Or, we need only one license of the Professional Edition and if so who’s is that license going to be?
    4. Or, I’m talking nonsense and you can just explain me how this works, please?
    Have a wonderful day."
    Dragan, Vancouver
    Himanshu Singh :
    You would need to upgrade to DPS Professional Edition for multi Folio Applications. DPS Pro is $495 per month + taxes. Also you have download fees applicable. You get 250 free downloads per month for the first year and  for any additional downloads, you need to purchase Folio Bundle. Approximately, each Folio Download will cost you $ .30, so you can charge you client that amount per folio download + DPS Pro contract fees.
    If your Customer purchases DPS Pro, you can read this article to know how to work with them : gency-dps-workflows.html
    Now regarding your questions.
    1. Can I prepare the folios with my Creative Cloud membership or I have to upgrade to Professional edition of the DPS?
    You need DPS Pro for creating Multi-Issue Applications. With CC, you can create Built in single apps. For Magazine with at least 4 issues per year, it’s best to go for Pro edition.
    2. Does my client need to purchase the Professional Edition of DPS or not?
    Either you or your client can purchase DPS Pro depending upon your contract with the client. You Client needs to get themselves Apple iOS Developer account.
    3. Or, we need only one license of the Professional Edition and if so who’s is that license going to be?
    4. You need one DPS Pro Contract. You can create unlimited number of apps and account using one License.
    Bob Bringhurst :
    In this case, I believe that your client would need to pay for DPS. Have you seen the DPS Getting Started Guide? There's a section about understanding IDs and roles. suite-family/pdfs/dps-getting-started-guide-april.pdf

    Priceless man, thank you so much!
    Have a wonderful day, and if you need anything, just let me know
    Kind regards,
    [email protected]

  • Do all folios in a multi folio app need to be related?

    I am working on an idea with my company to produce book apps for one of our publishing branches. We want to offer interactive book apps which have more interactivity than an ebook or epub3 would have, but would have too little interactivity to pass Apple and Google's "single app" review process.
    The work around we are brainstorming is to create a multi-folio app for the publishing house and then create the book apps within it. I am wondering if this can be done and would be approved by the review process? The book apps would be independent publications (unlike magazine issues which share common design and featured content).
    I was told a few times at PePcon 2014 that while Apple has a high rate of rejecting single folio book apps which are too "text heavy" they are more lenient with multi-folio apps during the approval process.
    Sam Carbaugh

    Hi Sam,
    other users will have more experience in submitting Apps and the entire approval process from Apple, but I believe you need to stick to the category you choose when creating the App in iTunes Connect (see definitions).
    While that might go through a first time with a couple of publications, I wonder what would happen in the long run if you had to submit an App update with your library clearly showing much more content outside of the chosen category.
    Hope that makes sense .. you may want to engage with Apple on this one to see if some categories might suit your needs better than others.

  • Help- Urgent- Multi-folio app not showing all languages

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    What's weird now that I think about it in Adobe Publisher online there is nowhere to specify a language or when I uploaded the folios there was no way to specify a language. So I think the problem is that Itunes doesn't see the other 5 languages? I just can't figure out what is wrong here and there is no documentation on the web or from adobe.
    Please help as my client is going nuts as am I.
    Post here but feel free to email me directly as well as this is urgent.
    [Edited at request of poster]

    Thanks for responding. I'm trying to follow you. Right now only english shows in the viewer but there are 6 folios. There is a different folio for each language, all published and all apart of the app, same ids etc. So, I guess what you are saying is the only way to get those languages to show up is to use is to use filters?
    My understanding was if I created a multi-folio with 6 folios they will all show up. But right now only one is showing up for English. All the otherlangues don't show up in the viewer. I have no idea why? Shouldn't all the languages show up? I'm been trying to figure out where is the missing setting.
    If you create a multi-folio all folios should show up for everyone regardless of language, right?
    Creating different app for each language is not an option. They spent thousands for the professional account to do this. There must be a setting somewhere I'm missing.
    I just looked up filters. Was I supposed to use that for the other folios?
    Thanks again for helping.

  • Publishing the second edition of a multi-folio

    Hi, I have a functioning multi-folio app with the first edition published successfully but when I try to publish the second edition it doesn't appear in the app on my iPad. The issues are set to Free. Both issues appear under the same Adobe ID in the Folio Producer.
    Can anyone help? Thanks!

    Hi Bob, it is published as Free / Public.
    I'm not sure if it is the settings in the Folio Producer Organizer - I currently have the Publication Name identical for both folios, and the Folio Numbers different for each folio, does the Product ID need to be the same for Issue 2 as Issue 1?

  • Folio order in a multi folios application

    I've 8 folios ready to be published in my multi-folio app. But when I published them, they appear in a random order instead of in the publication time order. How can I fix this ?

    Yes, exactly - local currency will be implied as GBP. Planning stores the relevant information in the dimension HSP_Rates - the data in HSP_InputValue, the Currency information in HSP_InputCurrency. If you dont enter currency information in a data form then HSP_InputCurrency is #missing and Planning/the currency conversion script will use (in your example) GBP.
    One important point - and besides the answer to your second question: You are only able to enter data for the Currency member "Local". All "reporting currencies" are read-only. If you would like to enter data in USD for the entity with GBP as "base currency" you have to select "Local" in the page and enter 100 USD in the relevant cells --> and then the "100" will be stored in HSP_InputValue and the currency ID for USD (you can find it out in the planning repository or in the generated currency conversion script), for example "22145" in HSP_InputCurrency.
    Kind regards

  • Content Viewer crashes, will my multi-folio app crash as well?

    I am in the process of creating back-issues before our multi-folio app goes live in a couple weeks (my first foray into Adobe DPS). Some articles in my folios are very large in size because of large PNG object state slideshows (about 25 MBs for each article). These articles are now causing Adobe Content Viewer (ACV) to crash, ever since the app was updated to accommodate the v26 versions. I have tried creating identical folios with both v25 and v26 tools, and they both crash when reading the large articles.
    ACV did not crash when reading the exact same folios/articles before the app updated to accommodate the v26 tools. I'm testing on an iPad 1. I will be able to test on an iPad 2 and iPad 3 in a few days. The same type of folios/articles do not cause ACV to crash on android before or after update.
    My question is... does ACV crashing mean my real multi-folio app is guaranteed to crash when it goes live in a few weeks? Or is this a bug in ACV that will not exist in my real multi-folio app?

    ACV and the custom viewer are the same. If you are seeing problems with ACV you will have the same problems with your custom app. This isn't a bug in the app, it's the app running out of memory because of the complexity of your pages. iPads aren't as powerful as desktops. If you are designing articles with full-page PNG slideshows with multiple states you will wind up with low memory problems. You should rethink your page design to simplify the number of large assets you have.

  • Multi Folio App for Educative Institution

    We are an educative institution and have an internal magazine which we view in iPad with Adobe Content Viewer.
    Now we want to publish to App store and we already have the Apple Dev Account, and all Certificates and Assets ready too.
    My question is: ¿What is the simplest, and, well, cheapest way to publish our multi folio app?
    I see that with a Creative Cloud Account you get the DPS but only single edition. Do we have to purchase the DPS Pro Edition in order to publish Multi Folio App or is there another way?
    We also have the CS5.5 license for education. Are there any special offers for Educative Intitutions?
    Thank you so much
    Eduardo Flores

    You can purchase DPS Professional Account either Monthly or Annual to create Multi Issue Apps. I do not think that there are any offers for DPS Pro edition.

  • Why is my multi folio app now not available?

    We are a small company intending to publish 4 times a year through our multi folio app (Challenger Times). utm_medium=Organic&utm_campaign=CT+2013+Q4+Apple
    As we need to publish on more than just apple devices, and we wanted to create a multi folio app we, on Adobe's advice, purchased Professional edition on a monthly basis.  It was advised to us that once our app was in store and we were not publishing new versions we could go back to using the creative cloud version and the app would stay live, upgrading to professional whenever we wanted to create and publish a new folio, and paying for additional download bundles where neccesary.
    HOWEVER - now our professional edition has lapsed we have been informed that new folio downloads are not available to new users. Which means we are unable to do any further promotion of it.
    For a small business paying for full access for the whole year is not financially viable, especially when this is a free app which we only expect download numbers of around 500 per folio.
    Now that we have created, and promoted, the app that is in store we are essentially now bound to paying the professional fee every month, which is a total nightmare for us.
    Is there any way that we can make the multi folio app and current folio available for new users with a different subscription?

    Hi Bob
    Thanks for replying, and the clarification, I'm not the developer so get my terms mixed up.  I understand that our app is still available, but without the folio content to download within it it is essentially just an empty shell, and so totally useless to any new subscribers.
    Essentially my issue is still the same, someone at Adobe advised us incorrectly when we were deciding on subscriber levels and now i'm either stuck with a $500 a month charge forever or have no publication to promote.  It just seems like a really bad deal for small publishers that we are now locked into a huge monthly charge just because we wanted to make our publication available on other devices. 
    Is there no way we could pay a reduced level subscription for just hosting the folio content? 
    If anyone can point me towards someone who can help at Adobe I'd really appreciate it, we put a lot of work into our latest folio, with plans to produce another in early 2014, and we're feeling pretty despondant about this latest development.  We're going to have to completely shelve this project if there is no workaround.
    Any advice would be gratefully received.

  • Creating a Multi Folio App from InDesign?

    Hi all --
    Situation is that I have a login for an Enterprise/Pro account and I can see that all of the other apps are Multi Folio. However, when I hit Create App, it gets added no problem but its a Single-Edition.
    I was told that if I want to push updates that happen instantly, it has to be a multi folio app and that single editions apps need to be completely resubmitted and it can take another 2 weeks before it's updated.
    How do I create or CHANGE this single edition app to a multi folio so I can push updates to it that happen quickly?
    If I hit "NEW" in the DPS App Builder and select multi folio, how does it know what my app files are?

    I am pretty certain we do because when I go to the app builder, I can can see multiple apps that are live including muli-folio ones. We were just given a login to this account that falls under this umbrella.
    So, once I have added the app and published it, via the Folio Producer online, what would do I do next to get the .ipa and .zip I need? Would I use the DPS App Builder, create new, and make sure that the email/app ID is the same login as the Folio Producer one and it will just recognize it?

  • Folio not loading in Multi-Folio App

    I've created a Folio and published it in Folio Producer but the Folio is not loading into the App. I've signed in with the same e-mail address and  yet nothing loads on the iPad. How can I get this to load onto the iPad.

    When you say the app is not being pulled down from the adobe server, do you mean the app or the folio?
    When you build your multi-folio app, are you creating and downloading the development .ipa file using App Builder, loading it into iTunes, and adding it to your device? I assume so, but I just wanted to make sure.

  • My folio not loading in Multi-Folio App

    My folio not loading in Multi-Folio App, i made the app and download te ipa file, i can see the app in my ipad but not the folio, my folio looks published as free and public, can u help me?

    Thanks a lot!! i put the same ID and generate another user on my account, a new email account for the title ID and it works! regards!

  • Generate next publication in multi folio app

    Hi, How can I generate a next publication in my multi folio app in iPad, if I´ve published and notificated these new publication?

    Use the same Folio Producer Account (Title id in DPS App Builder) to publish folios as 'Public'. When you do that, the folios will be available in your App. For Paid issues, you also need to create in-app purchases and use the same product id as the folio.

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