Reading data from multiple excel sheets

hi all
i have to read the data from excel file's sheet1 and sheet3. how can i do this using forms6i

Dear Rehman,
Use This Code ,it is very useful to read the data from excel file's sheet1 and sheet2 and so i written the code for sheet1 and sheet2 only.if u need sheet3 .. and extra make a code based on sheet1 or sheet2.
Gopinath M
--Declare handles to OLE objects
application ole2.obj_type;
workbooks ole2.obj_type;
workbook ole2.obj_type;
worksheet ole2.obj_type;
cell ole2.obj_type;
--Declare handles to OLE argument lists
args ole2.list_type;
Check_file text_io.file_type;
no_file exception;
PRAGMA exception_INIT (no_file, -302000);
cell_value varchar2(2000);
--Check the file can be found, if not exception no_file will be raised
Check_file := TEXT_IO.FOPEN('L:\Individual Person Folders\Gopi\test1.XLS','R');
application:= ole2.create_obj('Excel.Application');
workbooks := ole2.get_obj_property(application, 'Workbooks');
--Open the required workbook
args:= ole2.create_arglist;
ole2.add_arg(args, 'L:\Individual Person Folders\Gopi\test1.XLS');
workbook := ole2.invoke_obj(workbooks, 'Open', args);
--Open worksheet Sheet1 of that Workbook
args:= ole2.create_arglist;
ole2.add_arg(args, 'Sheet1');
worksheet := ole2.get_obj_property(workbook, 'Worksheets', args);
--Get value of cell A1 of worksheet Sheet1
     args:= ole2.create_arglist;
ole2.add_arg(args, 1);
ole2.add_arg(args, 1);
cell:= ole2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
     cell_value :=ole2.get_char_property(cell, 'Value');
args:= ole2.create_arglist;
ole2.add_arg(args, 1);
ole2.add_arg(args, 2);
cell:= ole2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
cell_value :=ole2.get_char_property(cell, 'Value');
args:= ole2.create_arglist;
ole2.add_arg(args, 1);
ole2.add_arg(args, 3);
cell:= ole2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
cell_value :=ole2.get_char_property(cell, 'Value');
message(cell_value);MESSAGE(' ');
args:= ole2.create_arglist;
ole2.add_arg(args, 'Sheet2');
worksheet := ole2.get_obj_property(workbook, 'Worksheets', args);
--Get value of cell A1 of worksheet Sheet1
args:= ole2.create_arglist;
ole2.add_arg(args, 1);
ole2.add_arg(args, 1);
cell:= ole2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
     cell_value :=ole2.get_char_property(cell, 'Value');
     args:= ole2.create_arglist;
     ole2.add_arg(args, 1);
     ole2.add_arg(args, 2);
     cell:= ole2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
     cell_value :=ole2.get_char_property(cell, 'Value');
     args:= ole2.create_arglist;
     ole2.add_arg(args, 1);
     ole2.add_arg(args, 3);
     cell:= ole2.get_obj_property(worksheet, 'Cells', args);
     cell_value :=ole2.get_char_property(cell, 'Value');
     MESSAGE(' ');
--Release the OLE2 object handles
WHEN no_file THEN
MESSAGE('file not found.');
FOR i IN 1 .. tool_err.nerrors LOOP

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  • Read data from multiple sheets

    Can anyone tell me how to read data from multiple excel sheets?

    go through this link this may help u.
    Edited by: tarangini katta on Apr 23, 2009 2:34 PM

  • Reading data froma an excel

    Hi all,
               I want to read data froma an excel sheet.
    The code i used to read the data is
    IWDAttributeInfo attributeInfo = wdContext.getNodeInfo().getAttribute(IPrivateFileUplaodView.IContextElement.FILE_RESOURCE);
    *     IWDModifiableBinaryType binaryType = (IWDModifiableBinaryType) attributeInfo.getModifiableSimpleType();*
    *                    IContextElement element = wdContext.currentContextElement();*
    *                    if(element.getFileResource()!= null)*
    *                      try*
    *                            String mimeType = binary.getMimeType().getFileExtension();*
    *                            wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("File " + binaryType.getFileName() + " has been successfuly uploaded ! ");*
    *                      catch(Exception e)*
    *                            throw new WDRuntimeException(e);*
    *                    else*
    *                         wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportException("File could not be uploaded", true);*
    *                    // Till here the code remains the same as in File Upload tutorials*
    *                    // Now the code for retrieving the values from the Excel sheet*
    *                    try*
    *                       ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(element.getFileResource());*
    *                       Workbook workbook = Workbook.getWorkbook(bais);*
    *                       Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheet(0);*
    *                       Cell a1 = sheet.getCell(0,0);*
    *                       Cell a2 = sheet.getCell(0,1);*
    *                       wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("Value of cell a1 = " + a1.getContents());*
    *                       wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("Value of cell a2 = " + a2.getContents());*
    *                    catch(Exception ex)*
    *                      wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportException(ex.getLocalizedMessage(),true);*
    But i am getting error at "binary" in  String mimeType = binary.getMimeType().getFileExtension();
    and ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(element.getFileResource()); by saying that there is no constructor of
    ByteArrayInputStream with Resource as parameter.
    Please let me know what might be the issue so that i can solve this.
    Thanks and regards,

    Replace the following code
    ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(element.getFileResource());*
    IWDResource resource = element.getFileResource();
           InputStream inputStream =;
           ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(inputStream);

  • GUI_UPLOAD to read data from an Excel File

    Hi Folks,
    I'm using FM GUI_UPLOAD to read data from an Excel File. But all I see in the table returned is 1 row with garbage values (special chacaters). Excel Workbook has proper data in the sheet, but its not getting uploaded properly. Sy-subrc is 0.
    What could be the reason?

    See the example program to get from XLS file to Internal table
    REPORT ZLWMI151_UPLOAD no standard page heading
                           line-size 100 line-count 60.
    *tables : zbatch_cross_ref.
    data : begin of t_text occurs 0,
           werks(4) type c,
           cmatnr(15) type c,
           srlno(12) type n,
           matnr(7) type n,
           charg(10) type n,
           end of t_text.
    data: begin of t_zbatch occurs 0,
          werks like zbatch_cross_ref-werks,
          cmatnr like zbatch_cross_ref-cmatnr,
          srlno like zbatch_cross_ref-srlno,
          matnr like zbatch_cross_ref-matnr,
          charg like zbatch_cross_ref-charg,
          end of t_zbatch.
    data : g_repid like sy-repid,
           g_line like sy-index,
           g_line1 like sy-index,
           $v_start_col         type i value '1',
           $v_start_row         type i value '2',
           $v_end_col           type i value '256',
           $v_end_row           type i value '65536',
           gd_currentrow type i.
    data: itab like alsmex_tabline occurs 0 with header line.
    data : t_final like zbatch_cross_ref occurs 0 with header line.
    selection-screen : begin of block blk with frame title text.
    parameters : p_file like rlgrap-filename obligatory.
    selection-screen : end of block blk.
      g_repid = sy-repid.
    at selection-screen on value-request for p_file.
                PROGRAM_NAME = g_repid
                FILE_NAME    = p_file.
    Uploading the data into Internal Table
      perform upload_data.
      perform modify_table.
        FLEX_TEXT1       =
        FLEX_TEXT2       =
        FLEX_TEXT3       =
    *&      Form  upload_data
    FORM upload_data.
                FILENAME                = p_file
                I_BEGIN_COL             = $v_start_col
                I_BEGIN_ROW             = $v_start_row
                I_END_COL               = $v_end_col
                I_END_ROW               = $v_end_row
                INTERN                  = itab
                UPLOAD_OLE              = 2
                OTHERS                  = 3.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        write:/10 'File '.
      if sy-subrc eq 0.
        read table itab index 1.
        gd_currentrow = itab-row.
        loop at itab.
          if itab-row ne gd_currentrow.
            append t_text.
            clear t_text.
            gd_currentrow = itab-row.
          case itab-col.
            when '0001'.
              t_text-werks = itab-value.
            when '0002'.
              t_text-cmatnr = itab-value.
            when '0003'.
              t_text-srlno = itab-value.
            when '0004'.
              t_text-matnr = itab-value.
            when '0005'.
              t_text-charg = itab-value.
      append t_text.
    ENDFORM.                    " upload_data
    *&      Form  modify_table
          Modify the table ZBATCH_CROSS_REF
    FORM modify_table.
      loop at t_text.
        t_final-werks = t_text-werks.
        t_final-cmatnr = t_text-cmatnr.
        t_final-srlno = t_text-srlno.
        t_final-matnr = t_text-matnr.
        t_final-charg = t_text-charg.
        t_final-erdat = sy-datum.
        t_final-erzet = sy-uzeit.
        t_final-ernam = sy-uname.
        t_final-rstat = 'U'.
        append t_final.
        clear t_final.
      delete t_final where werks = ''.
      describe table t_final lines g_line.
      sort t_final by werks cmatnr srlno.
    Deleting the Duplicate Records
      perform select_data.
      describe table t_final lines g_line1.
      modify zbatch_cross_ref from table t_final.
      if sy-subrc ne 0.
        write:/ 'Updation failed'.
        Skip 1.
        Write:/12 'Updation has been Completed Sucessfully'.
        skip 1.
        Write:/12 'Records in file ',42 g_line .
        write:/12 'Updated records in Table',42 g_line1.
      delete from zbatch_cross_ref where werks = ''.
    ENDFORM.                    " modify_table
    *&      Form  select_data
          Deleting the duplicate records
    FORM select_data.
      select werks
             srlno from zbatch_cross_ref
             into table t_zbatch for all entries in t_final
             where werks = t_final-werks
             and  cmatnr = t_final-cmatnr
             and srlno = t_final-srlno.
      sort t_zbatch by werks cmatnr srlno.
      loop at t_zbatch.
        read table t_final with key werks = t_zbatch-werks
                                    cmatnr = t_zbatch-cmatnr
                                    srlno = t_zbatch-srlno.
        if sy-subrc eq 0.
          delete table t_final .
        clear: t_zbatch,
    ENDFORM.                    " select_data

  • Help! How to read data from an Excel file?

    I need to read data from an Excel file that may contain more then one table in a sheet. How can I read them?
    I would be eternally grateful to anyone who can give me any information.

    Did you try POI from Apache?

  • How to put the data from one excel sheet in another excel sheet

    hi ,
    I want put the data from one excel sheet in another excel sheet in seq. order Eg: I have one excel sheet in which i have 3 col. Name , Sno. , Email along with data .I want to put data from this sheet to another excel sheet in the following orders of col. Sno,Name, Email .
    While loading data in another sheet , i have to perform validation like char field should n't contain numeric values and vice versa .
    Let me know on this soon ..

    Well, you can issue separate queries with the ordering you need from each tab in the spreadhseet. You can open an ODBC connection from a VBA macro, select a sheet, run a query, select another sheet and run another query. As for the validation, you can do this in Oracle via stored procedures or again in VBA code.

  • How to spool data into multiple Excel sheet if result is more then 65k rows

    Hi all,
    Wann spool data into multiple excel sheet bocz my resultant no of rows are more then 65k.
    Thanks to all in advance.....

    many choices
    1) migrate to a newer version of Excel
    2) split the files after spooling
    for instance with split
    split -l65000 file.txtor with perl, java, vb or what-so-ever
    3) do more than one report by using rownum
    spool f1
    select empno,ename  from (select rownum r,empno,ename from emp order by empno) where r<6 ;
    spool off
    spool f2
    select empno,ename  from (select * from (select rownum r,empno,ename from emp order by empno) where r<11) where r>5 ;
    spool off
    spool f3
    select empno,ename  from (select rownum r,empno,ename from emp order by empno) where r>10 ;
    spool off

  • Reading data from an excel file

    I want to read data from the excel file and display it in
    jsp page. Iam getting the following error:
    [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
    Connection con =
    Statement st = con.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select * from [holidays$]");
    Here i have created the dsn with the name "mydsn". I have the
    following data in the mydsn.dsn file:
    DRIVER=Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls)
    FIL=excel 8.0
    thanks in advance

    You might want to look at the POI project (an open source Jakarta sub-project) that allows you to create/modify/read excel files via Java code. That might be more flexible and easier than what you're currently trying to do.

  • Auto Expand Html table when we paster data from Microsoft Excel sheet

    I need copied data to my Html table.
    Actual requirement is like that when i copy selected rows with selected columns from Microsoft excel sheet and press "ctlr v" on my jsp page then table on jsp must be auto expand as data in excel sheet.
    Take an example.
    I copy 4 rows with 3 columns from excel sheet.
    I have JSP page with 1 row and 3 columns.
    when i press "ctrl v" on first cell of my jsp table then table should be auto expand to accommodate 4 rows of excel sheet.
    here i have some of the code which is near to this, this code just copy past only one row, but i need multiple rows.
    If need then please refer below code and if possible then give me the solution to auto expand HTML table on JSP
    Code to copy paste cell in to HTML Table
    <td><input type="text" name="t1_0" onchange="formatCells(this.value,'t1')"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="t1_1"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="t1_2"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="t1_3"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="t1_4"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="t2_0" onchange="formatCells(this.value,'t2')"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="t2_1"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="t2_2"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="t2_3"></td>
    <td><input type="text" name="t2_4"></td>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function formatCells(xls,group){
    var arrGroup = xls.split(/\t/gi);
    for(var i=0;i<arrGroup.length;i++){
    document.forms[0].elements[group + "_" + i].value = arrGroup;
    Chintan Patel

    Hi Ross,
    >> In our testing environment using both Excel 2010 and 2013 this file is imported successfully, so we cannot replicate.
    I suspect it is caused by the difference of web server security settings.
    KB: Error message when you use Web query to a secure Web page (HTTPS://) in Excel: "Unable to open"
    Hope it will help.
    By the way, this forum is mainly for discussing questions about Office Development (VSTO, VBA and Apps for Office .etc.). For Office products feature specific questions, you could consider posting them on
    Office IT Pro forum or Microsoft Office Community.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to read data from the excel file using java code.

    Hi to all,
    I am using below code to getting the data from the excel file but I can't get the corresponding data from the specific file. can anyone give me the correct code to do that... I will waiting for your usefull reply......
    advance thanks....
    import java.sql.*;
        public class sample{
                 public static void main(String[] args){
                      Connection connection = null;
                               Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:odbc:Mydsn","","" );
                               Statement st = con.createStatement();
                               ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "Select * from [Sheet1$]" );
                                  ResultSetMetaData rsmd = rs.getMetaData();
                               int numberOfColumns = rsmd.getColumnCount();
                                   while ( {
                                            for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfColumns; i++) {
                                                 if (i > 1) System.out.print(", ");
                                                 String columnValue = rs.getString(i);
                                      } catch(Exception ex) {
                                           System.err.print("Exception: ");

    1: What is the name of the excel sheet?
    2: What is printed in this program? null ? anything?
    error?Excel file name is "sample.xls" I set excel file connectivity in my JDBC driver(DSN). Here in my program I am not giving that excel file name. I am giving only that excel sheet name. that is followed
    ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery( "Select * from [Sheet1$]" );The output of this program is given bellow.

  • How to read data from a excel and HTML file

        I am writing an 2D-array of string into Excel/HTML file using Report generation.
        Can anybody tell me how to retrieve back the written data from the same files again and view in array format.
    Thanks & regards
    Go to Solution.

    you can use activex to read the data from the excel fileback in the array format...go through this vi...may b this will help you.........
    Read ‏32 KB

  • Best way to control and read data from multiple instruments?

    I'm building an application to test power supplies involving multiple pieces of equipment over a couple of different comm busses. The application will also send control instructions to some of the instruments, and read data from some of the instruments. The reading and control profiles will not run on the same schedule (variable length control steps, configurable read interval).
    I was thinking of using a queued statemachine (producer/consumer) for the control profile and another to read the data, but I got concerned that there would be collisions between sending control commands and read commands to the same machine. Is there a suggested design pattern for implementing something like this?
    Timing of the commands isn't critical down to the milisecond, but I need to collect reasonably accurate timestamps when the data is read. The same is true for the control commands.
    Here are the instruments I'm going to use, if the are control, read, or both, and the communication method
    Instrument Funtions Comm Method
    Power Supply Read data Communicates to PMBus Adapter
    PMBus to USB Adapter Read data USB (Non-Visa)
    Switch control relays USB (VISA)
    Power Dist. Unit read data/control outlets SNMP (Ethernet)
    Electronic Load read data/control load GPIB (VISA)
    Thermal Chamber read data/control temp Ethernet (VISA)

    Hello, there is a template in LV called "Continuous measurement and Logging".
    It can give you some idea how to properly decouple the "GUI Event handler" top loop (where your Event structure is) from the DAQ and other loops.
    You do not need to totally replicate the above example, but you can find there nice tricks which can help you at certain points.
    The second loop from the top is the "UI message loop". It handles the commands coming from the top loop, and regarding to the local state machine and other possible conditions and states, it can command the other loops below.
    During normal run, the different instrument loops just do the data reading, but if you send a control command from the top loop to a certain instrument loop (use a separate Queue for every instrument loops), that loop will Dequeue the control command, execute it, and goes back to data reading mode (in data reading mode the loop Dequeu itself with a "data read" command automatically). In this way the control and data read modes happen in serial not in parallel which you want to avoid (but I think some instrument drivers can even handle parallel access, it will not happen in really parallel...).
    In every instrument loop when you read a value, attach a TimeStamp to it, and send this timestamp/value couple to the DataLogging loop via a Queue. You can use a cluster including 3 items: Source(instrument)/timestamp/value. All the instrument loops can use the same "Data logging" Queue. In the Datalogging while loop, after Dequeue-ing, you can Unbundle the cluster and save the timestamp and data-value into the required channel (different channel for every instrument) of a TDMS file.
    (Important: NEVER use 2 Event structures in the same top level "main" VI!)

  • Unable to read data from an excel document of 365*24 values ( all rounded to 4 decimal points)

    I have an excel sheet containing data of hourly loads in MW( rounded to 4 decimals) of one year.  So, I have 365*24 values that I want to import to Labview using Read from However what i get in the output array is 0's and randomly some unit values at very few places. I have checked the array size of the output array and it shows different array sizes for different yearly data.
    I am attaching the four excel spreadsheets .
    Plz help me with the issue I am facing.
    Load-2012.xlsx ‏95 KB
    Load-2013.xlsx ‏94 KB
    Load-2014.xlsx ‏59 KB

    If you are using LabVIEW 2014, it includes the Report Generation Toolkit (which is also available as an add-on in earlier LabVIEW Versions).  This can read native Excel files, including .xlsx.  With a few functions (3 or 4, I think), you should be able to get the entire Table into a 2D array.
    Bob Schor

  • Script to read data in specific excel sheet

    I was wondering whether it was possible to read the data in a specific sheet of a workbook in excel?
    I already have one working for reading the file, but was hoping to be able a specific sheet in that file.
    With this, is it possible to read the names of the sheets and select the one that you want
    Hope you can help

    This should illustrate one way of getting data from different sheets:
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFDDFF;
    overflow: auto;">
    tell application "Microsoft Excel"
    set loopMax to count of worksheets of workbook 1
    repeat with sheetNumber from 1 to loopMax
    display dialog (value of cell 1 of column 1 of worksheet sheetNumber of workbook 1) as string
    end repeat
    end tell </pre>
    So what I am doing is referencing the sheet by number: e.g. "worksheet 1 of workbook 1" but there are other references you can use such as its name.

  • How to read data from many excel files

    I'm aquiring data continusly from several sensors, and every days file name are changed. Data are saved on xls files.
    Now, I'd like to read every data from this files and put them in a waveform. How can I concatenate all files and read the values?

    You probably do not want to use a traditional waveform. LabVIEW has a Waveform Chart which inputs one point at a time. Waveform Graph inputs an array.
    I suspect that the data is stored in an array. You need to read the arrays in and build them into larger arrays. If your right click on the build array vi, you can select concantenate which will append one array to the end of the other. When you have built your giant array, just feed it to a waveform graph.
    If you need to see some example code, go to the advanced search page. It is at >> support >> advanced search (it is at the botton--click on the words). Enter excel read in the all the words field and search just the example programs. There were for hits.
    Jeremy Braden
    National Ins

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