Recent work in The Gimp - Call for blog-contributors

hi everyone,
i went out to take some nature pics and took on of the tree group and one for the reflection in the water.
then i fired up gimp, put everything together and applied some layer-action in combination with the channel-mixer and the curves-tool:
there are some tuts from me in the following blog:
If anyone is willing to contribute some cool, neat or just handy tutorials for any recent gimp version please email me :-)
Last edited by Labello (2010-07-21 14:34:19)

Labello wrote:
well liquid-rescale is way to complex for my way of editing images. i much rather tend to use simple and easy to controll effects in neat combinations to achieve complexity.
i wrote a new tut just about 20 minutes ago: … -mask.html
some more recent work is to come:
a friend of mine was asking me to to some work on one of her portrait shots. so i fired up gimp and could come up with the following. i am rather satisfied although one could have spent more time on adding structure to her skin after smooting everything out but heck. i think it still rocks xD:
I hope you like it :3
Nice work! Seeing that reminded me how powerful GIMP can be!

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    Third Click (clicked on In Progress) (succeeds)
    Any ideas why this might happen?
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    var _dweb;
    var _dlist;
    var _dwebId;
    var _dlistId;
    var _dfolderUrl;
    var _dchildContainerId;
    var _dactionContainerId;
    var _dlistItems;
    var _rtdocsJsInQuery = 0;
    function expandorcolapsefolder(webId, listId, folderUrl, parentElementId, childContainerId, actionContainerId) {
    var parentElement = $(("#" + parentElementId));
    var childElement = $(("#" + childContainerId));
    if (parentElement.attr("expanded") == "0") {
    parentElement.attr("expanded", "1");
    childElement.css("display", "block");
    } else {
    parentElement.attr("expanded", "0");
    childElement.css("display", "none");
    if (childElement.attr("dataretrieved") == "0") {
    GetData(webId, listId, folderUrl, childContainerId, actionContainerId);
    function GetData(webId, listId, folderUrl, resultsElementId, actionContainerId) {
    alert('Please wait for the previous action to finish, before trying again.');
    _rtdocsJsInQuery = 1;
    _dchildContainerId = resultsElementId;
    _dactionContainerId = actionContainerId;
    _dwebId = webId;
    _dlistId = listId;
    try {
    var context = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
    _dweb = context.get_web();
    _dlist = _dweb.get_lists().getById(listId);
    var query = new SP.CamlQuery();
    query.set_viewXml('<View><OrderBy><FieldRef Name="Title"/><FieldRef Name="FileLeafRef"/></OrderBy></View>');
    _dlistItems = _dlist.getItems(query);
    context.load(_dlistItems, 'Include(ID,Title,DocIcon,_dlc_DocIdUrl,DisplayName,FileSystemObjectType,FileLeafRef,ServerUrl)');
    } catch (e) {
    alert("Failed to execute query... " + e);
    function QuerySuccessful(sender, args) {
    try {
    // Code omitted.
    } catch (error) {
    alert("Failed to process query results... " + error);
    _rtdocsJsInQuery = 0;
    window.setTimeout(HideActionContainer(_dactionContainerId), 500);
    function QueryFailed(sender, args) {
    alert('Failed to get list items. \nError: ' + args.get_message() + '\nStackTrace: ' + args.get_stackTrace());
    _rtdocsJsInQuery = 0;
    Regards, Matthew
    My Blog
    Matthew Yarlett's profile
    See my webpart on the TechNet Gallery that allows administrative users to upload, crop and format user profile photos. Check it out here:
    Upload and Crop User Profile Photos

    I fixed this problem by initialising the clientcontext object with a URL (rather than using the get_current property). This suits my needs, as the web that the page the webpart is on, won't always be in the same web as the list.
    I'm still unsure why  "var context = SP.ClientContext.get_current();" fails every second time?!
    Here's the snippet of code I changed, for others reference (namely "var ctx = new SP.ClientContext('/weburl');"):
    function GetData(webId, listId, folderUrl, resultsElementId, actionContainerId) {
    alert('Please wait for the previous action to finish, before trying again.');
    _rtdocsJsInQuery = 1;
    _dchildContainerId = resultsElementId;
    _dactionContainerId = actionContainerId;
    _dwebId = webId;
    _dlistId = listId;
    try {
    var ctx = new SP.ClientContext('/eog');
    _dweb = ctx.get_web();
    _dlist = _dweb.get_lists().getById(listId);
    var query = new SP.CamlQuery();
    query.set_viewXml('<View><OrderBy><FieldRef Name="Title"/><FieldRef Name="FileLeafRef"/></OrderBy></View>');
    _dlistItems = _dlist.getItems(query);
    ctx.load(_dlistItems, 'Include(ID,Title,DocIcon,_dlc_DocIdUrl,DisplayName,FileSystemObjectType,FileLeafRef,ServerUrl)');
    return true;
    } catch (e) {
    alert("Failed to execute query... " + e);
    return false;
    Regards, Matthew
    My Blog
    Matthew Yarlett's profile
    See my webpart on the TechNet Gallery that allows administrative users to upload, crop and format user profile photos. Check it out here:
    Upload and Crop User Profile Photos

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    2. Then delete the rows with ChnNovHandle.
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    Laenge=CL("Zeitkanal DIO")
    'Call MsgBoxDisp ("Länge Zeitkanal : "&Laenge)        ' zur Überprüfung
    call Schleife
    call Schleife ' 3mal aufrufen, da beim ersten Mal "ChnNovHandle" nicht funktioniert  ?????!!!!!!!!
    call Schleife ' 3mal aufrufen, da beim ersten Mal "ChnNovHandle" nicht funktioniert  ?????!!!!!!!!
    Sub Schleife '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Check1 = True
    Check2 = True
    Check3 = True
    Check4 = True
    For i=1 to Laenge
        if chdx(i, 5) = chdx(i+1, 5) and (chdx(i, 5) = chdx(i-1, 5) or chdx(i-1, 5) = 9.9E+34) then          ' 9.9E+34 = NoValue
        check1 = True
        check1 = False
        End if
        if (check1 = True) and (check2 = True) and (check3 = True) and (check4 = True) Then
        chdx(i, 4) = NOVALUE                             ' Es reicht hier den Steuerkanal auf "Novalue" zu setzen - Ausgehend davon dann die ganze Zeile löschen !
        End IF
    call ChnNovHandle(4, "5-8", "Delete", "X", 1)
    call ChnCharacterAll                                   ' aktualisieren der Kanal-Eigenschaften?
    Laenge=CL("Zeitkanal DIO")
    Call MsgBoxDisp ("Fertig : "&Laenge)        ' zur Überprüfung
    End Sub 'Schleife --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Windows XP, Diadem 8.1.1292
    Attachment: Full Skrip and sample Data
    Attachments: ‏347 KB

    Hi Frank,
    Sorry, I missed the "DIAdem 8.1" reference that you had in the footer of your email.  I had all kinds of functions in there that were added in DIadem 9.x or DIAdem 10.x.  I believe I now have them all rooted out and that the following will run in DIAdem 8.1:
    Dim i, DeltaThresh, TimeCh, DigChs, DeltaCh1, DeltaCh2, Length, NewTimeCh, NewDataCh
    DeltaThresh = 10
    TimeCh = "Zeitkanal DIO"
    DigChs = Array("", "DO1", "DO2", "DI1", "DI2")
    L4 = CNo(TimeCh)
    Call FormulaCalc("Ch('Delta1'):= Ch(L4)")
    DeltaCh1 = CNo("Delta1")
    Call FormulaCalc("Ch('Delta2'):= Ch(L4)")
    DeltaCh2 = CNo("Delta2")
    Length = ChnLength(TimeCh)
    FOR i = 1 TO UBound(DigChs)
      Call ChnDeltaCalc(DigChs(i), DeltaCh1)
      Call ChnAreaInsert0(DeltaCh1, 1, 1)
      ChDX(1, DeltaCh1) = ChDX(2, DeltaCh1)
      Call ChnDeltaCalc(DeltaCh1, DeltaCh2)
      ChnLength(DeltaCh2) = Length
      ChDX(Length, DeltaCh2) = ChDX(Length, DeltaCh2)
      L1 = DeltaCh1
      L2 = DeltaCh2
      L3 = CNo(DigChs(i))
      R1 = DeltaThresh
      Call FormulaCalc("Ch('NewTime'):= Ch(L4)")
      Call FormulaCalc("Ch('NewData'):= Ch(L3) + NoValue*((abs(Ch(L1))<R1) AND (abs(Ch(L2))<R1))")
      NewTimeCh = CNo("NewTime") : ChnName(NewTimeCh) = ChnName(TimeCh) & " " & ChnName(DigChs(i)) & " Events"
      NewDataCh = CNo("NewData") : ChnName(NewDataCh) = ChnName(DigChs(i)) & " Events"
      ChDX(1, NewDataCh) = ChD(1, DigChs(i))
      ChD(Length, NewDataCh) = ChD(Length, DigChs(i))
      Call ChnNoVHandle(NewTimeCh, NewDataCh, "Delete", "XY", 1, 0)
    NEXT ' i
    Call ChnDel(DeltaCh2)
    Call ChnDel(DeltaCh1)
    Let me know if I missed one, I don't have DIAdem 8.1 here handy to test with,
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
    if (e.getPropertyName().equals("fileFilterChanged")) {
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    -> Clear Cookies & Cache
    -> [[How to clear the cache#w_clear-the-cache|Clear the Network Cache]]
    -> Reload web page(s) and bypass the cache.
    * Press and hold Shift and left-click the Reload button.
    * Press "Ctrl + F5" or press "Ctrl + Shift + R" (Windows,Linux)
    * Press "Cmd + Shift + R" (MAC)
    -> [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]
    Check and tell if its working.
    '''Plugins Updates'''
    -> Your Flash plugin is quite older. You need to update it.
    * Adobe Flash Player (3.59 MB)
    -> Your Java plugin is quite older. You need to update it.
    * Java Version 6 Update 29
    * [[Using the Java plugin with Firefox]]
    -> Update All your Firefox Plugins
    '''When Downloading Plugins Update setup files, Remove Checkmark from Downloading other Optional Softwares with your Plugins (e.g. Toolbars, McAfee, Google Chrome, etc.)'''

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    Adonit have released an upgraded Stylus and hence PS touch does not work with the new stylus to it's full extent that is it doesn't even have the pressure registered. It basically renders the stylus as good as a finger. Adonit have new SDK for the software developers and have not had a confirmation at this point from Adobe re PS touch that they are working or aware, I believe.
    I am requesting that the Adobe developers confirm their intentions re the new SDK. Can they confirm they are aware of it and are going to implement it or not. If so do they have a timeframe approximately.
    I would like to register my desire for Adobe to work on this and ask others to do the same. Note there are other discussions on this topic and I would like to add to the desire for this. I also ask that the suite of capabilities for this pen are utilised also. e.g. palm rejection, assign actions to the 2 buttons, 2000 levels of pressure, and more
    Adobe can contact Adonit at [email protected] to also confirm their intent so they can put it on their list of in development.
    I can't find an email address to ask for this directly.

Maybe you are looking for