Recently Developed Performance Issues

Three days ago, while watching a video on in full screen, my MacBook Pro running OX 10.4.11 locked up. The screen became slightly distorted with purple stripes. The entire OS was unresponsive: I was unable to exit out of full screen on the video, was unable to open the window to Force Quit and was forced to do a hard shut down by holding down the power button.
I was able to reboot the system and things operated normally for roughly a day. The issue occurred again, and I had to force a shut down again by holding down the power button. This time at the grey start up screen, a darker overlay loaded saying the computer had to be restarted and to do so by holding down the power button. Upon doing this, the message appeared again. This processes repeated several times - sometimes including the purple streaks across the screen - until I was able to load the operating system normally. It was then that I attempted to open Safari, and the streaks returned, the OS locked up and the only way out was a hard reboot again. Finally I was able to access the OS successfully and things continued to work normally until I was watching another video, when the same OS crashing occurred.
The next time I successfully loaded the OS, I attempted to run Disk Utility, but this immediately led to the same locking up as before and included at least once the same purple streaks on the monitor.
Per suggestion of another topic, I booted up from the install disk and ran a Hardware Test. But the initial and extended tests revealed the following error code:
4YDC/1/40000003:Video Controller
I then did a Safe Boot, which after some time loaded the OS. There I attempted to run Disk Utility. I was able to repair the drive permissions, but when I attempted to verify the disk I received the following error message after the status bar filled up:
"First Aid Failed.
Disk Utility stopped verifying volume because the following error was encountered:
The underlying tasks reported failure on exit."
As a result of the failure of verification, I am unable to repair the disk using disk utility. The verification did report one error:
"Invalid directory item count
(It should be 39 instead of 38)"
Upon attempting a normal restart out of the safe boot, the circle at the gray loading screen stopped spinning and locked up. After a hard reboot from that point, the OS loaded normally. I then attempted to load up Safari (I was successful) and visited several webpages. Upon loading up iChat, the system locked up again (without any discoloration on the monitor) and I was forced to perform a hard reboot. However, the system loaded up normally again, and I was able to load Firefox and get to this page to write up this post.
Some information on my machine
17 inch MacBook Pro purchased in June 2007
Running OSX 10.4.11
188 GB HD, 74.86 GB free
Processor: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
Memory: 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM
Boot ROM version: MBP31.0070B07
SMC Version: 1.16f11
I performed the most recent system update earlier this week and have had no other issues with the machine up to this point. When I had the initial problems, it seemed like my system was especially warm, but it's difficult for me to verify that at all. Any thoughts on what my problem might be would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to try and figure out what the issue is before trying an Archive & Install (and would like to know if my available HD space is sufficient to take that step)
Thank you all for any help.

Hello capbarclay, and a warm welcome to the forums!
4YDC/1/40000003:Video Controller
If AHT finds an error then it's likely believable, seems you have a Hardware problem. I'd run the extended test again.
As a result of the failure of verification, I am unable to repair the disk using disk utility. The verification did report one error
Run it from the Install Disc again until you have no errors. Do not attempt to use it in any other way until you get no errors.
I'd like to try and figure out what the issue is before trying an Archive & Install (and would like to know if my available HD space is sufficient to take that step)
You do have enough Free Space to A&I, but I would not attempt it until the Disk is known to not have any errors.

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    unixmon wrote:
    We recently had a performance issue with our application running on Java 1.4.2 on Windows where the CPU utilization was extremely high. Using the +PrintClassHistogram option I was able to determine that a char array was utilizing more than 500 megabytes of memory.
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    This is a management problem. If you have a performance problem then you should be calling the developers and telling them to figure it out and that they need to fix it. You certainly shouldn't be looking at code or profilers.
    Unless you have plenty of time on your hands and your goal is to become a developer.
    But regardless...
    Buying a profiler is an option but if you go that route then to figure out a solution you will be a java programmer even if that isn't your title.
    You should however figure out how to simulate load on the server, even with a profiler. There are tools that allow you to send things like http requests, web service requests, etc. Simulating load is a good idea even without a profiler. It allows you to estimate future system needs dependent upon future company growth.
    Note that profiling really slows down an application so an app that can handle 10 requests a second might only be able to do 1 a second or less while being profiled.

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    So, you managed to fix the
    issues you had?
    To support future users with the same issue; would you mind marking the correct answers in your threads and updating the threads with any solution you found (and mark that as an answer if it solved the problem)?
    This way, we keep this forum useful for future reference as well.
    As far as the performance issue goes;
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    Check out my blog:
    Microsoft Embedded Partner
    Consultancy, training and development services.

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    Union is always the last option. If you can get all record in one report, do not use union.
    since all records, which you are targeting, are in the activity subject area, it is not nessecery to combine reports. add a column with the following logic
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  • RE: Case 59063: performance issues w/ C TLIB and Forte3M

    Hi James,
    Could you give me a call, I am at my desk.
    I had meetings all day and couldn't respond to your calls earlier.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: James Min []
    Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 2:50 PM
    To: Sharma, Sandeep; Pyatetskiy, Alexander
    Cc:;; Tenerelli, Mike
    Subject: Re: Case 59063: performance issues w/ C TLIB and Forte 3M
    I just want to reiterate that we are very committed to working on
    this issue, and that our goal is to find out the root of the problem. But
    first I'd like to narrow down the avenues by process of elimination.
    Open Cursor is something that is commonly used in today's RDBMS. I
    know that you must test your query in ISQL using some kind of execute
    immediate, but Sybase should be able to handle an open cursor. I was
    wondering if your Sybase expert commented on the fact that the server is
    not responding to commonly used command like 'open cursor'. According to
    our developer, we are merely following the API from Sybase, and open cursor
    is not something that particularly slows down a query for several minutes
    (except maybe the very first time). The logs show that Forte is waiting for
    a status from the DB server. Actually, using prepared statements and open
    cursor ends up being more efficient in the long run.
    Some questions:
    1) Have you tried to do a prepared statement with open cursor in your ISQL
    session? If so, did it have the same slowness?
    2) How big is the table you are querying? How many rows are there? How many
    are returned?
    3) When there is a hang in Forte, is there disk-spinning or CPU usage in
    the database server side? On the Forte side? Absolutely no activity at all?
    We actually have a Sybase set-up here, and if you wish, we could test out
    your database and Forte PEX here. Since your queries seems to be running
    off of only one table, this might be the best option, as we could look at
    everything here, in house. To do this:
    a) BCP out the data into a flat file. (character format to make it portable)
    b) we need a script to create the table and indexes.
    c) the Forte PEX file of the app to test this out.
    d) the SQL staement that you issue in ISQL for comparison.
    If the situation warrants, we can give a concrete example of
    possible errors/bugs to a developer. Dial-in is still an option, but to be
    able to look at the TOOL code, database setup, etc. without the limitations
    of dial-up may be faster and more efficient. Please let me know if you can
    provide this, as well as the answers to the above questions, or if you have
    any questions.
    At 08:05 AM 3/30/00 -0500, Sharma, Sandeep wrote:
    James, Ken:
    FYI, see attached response from our Sybase expert, Dani Sasmita. She has
    already tried what you suggested and results are enclosed.
    -----Original Message-----
    Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 6:43 PM
    To: Pyatetskiy, Alexander
    Cc: Sharma, Sandeep; Tenerelli, Mike
    Subject: Re: FW: Case 59063: Select using LIKE has performance
    w/ CTLIB and Forte 3M
    We did that trick already.
    When it is hanging, I can see what is doing.
    It is doing OPEN CURSOR. But not clear the exact statement of the cursor
    it is trying to open.
    When we run the query directly to Sybase, not using Forte, it is clearly
    not opening any cursor.
    And running it directly to Sybase many times, the response is always
    consistently fast.
    It is just when the query runs from Forte to Sybase, it opens a cursor.
    But again, in the Forte code, Alex is not using any cursor.
    In trying to capture the query,we even tried to audit any statementcoming
    to Sybase. Same thing, just open cursor. No cursor declaration anywhere.==============================================
    James Min
    Technical Support Engineer - Forte Tools
    Sun Microsystems, Inc.
    1800 Harrison St., 17th Fl.
    Oakland, CA 94612
    Support Hotline: 510-451-5400
    CUSTOMERS open a NEW CASE with Technical Support:
    CUSTOMERS view your cases and enter follow-up transactions:

    Earthlink wrote:
    Contrary to my understanding, the <font face="courier">with_pipeline</font> procedure runs 6 time slower than the legacy <font face="courier">no_pipeline</font> procedure. Am I missing something? Well, we're missing a lot here.
    - a database version
    - how did you test
    - what data do you have, how is it distributed, indexed
    and so on.
    If you want to find out what's going on then use a TRACE with wait events.
    All nessecary steps are explained in these threads:
    HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting
    Another nice one is RUNSTATS:

  • Performance issues with flashed 7800GT (G5)

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    This is what OS X puts out (german):
    NVIDIA GeForce 7800 GT:
      Chipsatz-Modell:    GeForce 7800GT
      Typ:    Monitor
      Bus:    PCIe
      Steckplatz:    SLOT-1
      PCIe-Lane-Breite:    x16
      VRAM (gesamt):    256 MB
      Hersteller:    NVIDIA (0x10de)
      Geräte-ID:    0x0092
      Versions-ID:    0x00a1
      ROM-Version:    2152.2
    Performance issues are: I can't seem to reach frame rates that are anywhere near the results provided by barefeats. Quake 3 runs with approx 200fps in 1600x1200x32 (I expected 300+ fps), Quake 4 and UT2004 run okay, but not on high settings with high resolutions. So, not equivalent to what you wouldd expect from the system's specs) Same goes for Colin McRae Rallye. Now, I remember reading about performance issues in 10.5.8 with the flashed ROM since it doesn't seem to be a 1:1 copy of the original one. I didn't try it in Tiger since I don't exactly want to go back from Leopard. Am I right that this is probably an issue of the "OEM ROM" (from the macelite)? Does anyone have the real deal in terms of 7800GT ROMs and could provide me with a link?

    If you send me an email via my website, I can send you a couple of ROMs that might work better.
    Problem with the flashed 256 MB GT, though, is that Leopard runs slow.
    Bad driver interaction.....
    The 512 MB GTX is the way to go........

  • Performance issues with LOV bindings in 3-tier BC4J architecture

    We are running BC4J and JClient (Jdeveloper 9.0.2) in a 3-tier architecture, and have problems with the performance.
    One of our problems are comboboxes with LOV bindings. The view objects that provides data for the LOV bindings contains simple queries from tables with only 4-10 rows, and there are no view links or entity objects to these views.
    To create the LOV binding and to set the model for the combobox takes about 1 second for each combobox.
    We have tried most of tips in, but they do not seem to help on our problem.
    The performance is OK (if not great) when the same code is running as 2-tier.
    Does anyone have any good suggestions?

    I can recommend that you look at the following two bugs in Metalink: Bug 2640945 and Bug 3621502
    They are related to the disabling of the TCP socket-level acknowledgement which slows down remote communications for EJB components using ORMI (the protocol used by Oracle OC4J) to communicate between remote EJB client and server.
    A BC4J Application Module deployed as an EJB suffers this same network latency penalty due to the TCP acknowledgement.
    A customer sent me information (that you'll see there as a part of Bug# 3621502) like this on a related issue:
    We found our application runs very slow in 3-Tier mode (JClient, BC4J deployed
    as EJB Session Bean on 9iAS server 9.0.2 enterprise edition). We spent a lot
    of time to tune up our codes but that helped very little. Eventually, we found
    the problem seemed to happen on TCP level. There is a 200ms delay in TCP
    level. After we read some documents about Nagle Algorithm,  we disabled a
    registry key (TcpDelAckTicks) in windows2000  on both client and server. This
    makes our program a lot faster.
    Anyway, we think we should provide our clients a better solution other than
    changing windows registry for them, for example, there may be a way to disable
    that Nagle's algorithm through, in BC4J,
    or anywhere in our codes. We have not figured out yet.
    Bug 2640945 was fixed in Oracle Application Server 10g (v9.0.4) and it now disables this TCP Acknowledgement on the server side in that release. In the BugDB, I see backport patches available for earlier 9.0.3 and 9.0.2 releases of IAS as well.
    Bug 3621502 is requesting that that same disabling also be performed on the client side by the ORMI code. I have received a test patch from development to try out, but haven't had the chance yet.
    The customer's workaround in the interim was to disable this TCP Acknowledgement at the OS level by modifying a Windows registry setting as noted above.
    See Also
    "New registry entry for controlling the TCP Acknowledgment (ACK) behavior in Windows XP and in Windows Server 2003" which documents that the registry entry to change disable this acknowledgement has a different name in Windows XP and Windows 2003.
    Hope this info helps. It would be useful to hear back from you on whether this helps your performance issue.

  • Performance Issues with Acrobat Reader when secure mode is enabled

    Hello All,
    We are experiencing sporadic issues with Acrobat across our domain, users are reporting performance issues when opening PDF documents whether locally or from a network share.
    We have found that turning off Secure Mode helps towards reducing this delay and in the cases it doesn't we are repairing the installation and/or reinstalling the application.
    Due to the security implications we need to leave this turned on, I am wondering if anyone has encountered this issue and what steps were taken towards resolving it?
    I also wonder whether the white list function in the new release would be a solution to this issue?
    Kind Regards,
    Ryan McCarty

    No probelm, so....
    We had no problems with Adobe Reader 9 and 10, we encountered the issues when upgrading to
    Initially we found that turning off the Protected Mode, helped but did not resolve the issue.
    We tried;
    1. Turn off protected mode - issue still present
    2. Clearing the recent file registry using the below registry path and deleting the keys underneath it.
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0\AVGeneral\cRecentFiles (this does not turn recent files off permanently). - works but needs clearing regularly
    3. Turning off welcome screen by creating -  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\11.0\FeatureLockDown\cWelcomeScreen - works to improve app open speed.
    4. uninstall/reinstall of - works most likley due to the recent files being cleared.
    5. upgrade to - issue still present
    Following reboots the issue is still present.
    When Adobe Reader is the only application open this issue is still present.
    As mentioned I have no systems available which I could test this issue using as we have fixed them, albeit temporarily using the reinstall method.
    I am concious that this issue is going to reoccur once that cache (recent files) builds back up because the fix above (#2) is clearing the recent files cache NOT disabling it.

  • Performance issues with pipelined table functions

    I am testing pipelined table functions to be able to re-use the <font face="courier">base_query</font> function. Contrary to my understanding, the <font face="courier">with_pipeline</font> procedure runs 6 time slower than the legacy <font face="courier">no_pipeline</font> procedure. Am I missing something? The <font face="courier">processor</font> function is from [url]improving performance with pipelined table functions .
    Edit: The underlying query returns 500,000 rows in about 3 minutes. So there are are no performance issues with the query itself.
    Many thanks in advance.
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE pipeline_example
       TYPE resultset_typ IS REF CURSOR;
       TYPE row_typ IS RECORD (colC VARCHAR2(200), colD VARCHAR2(200), colE VARCHAR2(200));
       TYPE table_typ IS TABLE OF row_typ;
       FUNCTION base_query (argA IN VARCHAR2, argB IN VARCHAR2)
          RETURN resultset_typ;
       c_default_limit   CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 100;  
       FUNCTION processor (
          p_source_data   IN resultset_typ,
          p_limit_size    IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT c_default_limit)
          RETURN table_typ
          PARALLEL_ENABLE(PARTITION p_source_data BY ANY);
       PROCEDURE with_pipeline (argA          IN     VARCHAR2,
                                argB          IN     VARCHAR2,
                                o_resultset      OUT resultset_typ);
       PROCEDURE no_pipeline (argA          IN     VARCHAR2,
                              argB          IN     VARCHAR2,
                              o_resultset      OUT resultset_typ);
    END pipeline_example;
       FUNCTION base_query (argA IN VARCHAR2, argB IN VARCHAR2)
          RETURN resultset_typ
          o_resultset   resultset_typ;
          OPEN o_resultset FOR
             SELECT colC, colD, colE
               FROM some_table
              WHERE colA = ArgA AND colB = argB;
          RETURN o_resultset;
       END base_query;
       FUNCTION processor (
          p_source_data   IN resultset_typ,
          p_limit_size    IN PLS_INTEGER DEFAULT c_default_limit)
          RETURN table_typ
          PARALLEL_ENABLE(PARTITION p_source_data BY ANY)
          aa_source_data   table_typ;-- := table_typ ();
             FETCH p_source_data
             BULK COLLECT INTO aa_source_data
             LIMIT p_limit_size;
             EXIT WHEN aa_source_data.COUNT = 0;
             /* Process the batch of (p_limit_size) records... */
             FOR i IN 1 .. aa_source_data.COUNT
                PIPE ROW (aa_source_data (i));
             END LOOP;
          END LOOP;
          CLOSE p_source_data;
       END processor;
       PROCEDURE with_pipeline (argA          IN     VARCHAR2,
                                argB          IN     VARCHAR2,
                                o_resultset      OUT resultset_typ)
          OPEN o_resultset FOR
               SELECT /*+ PARALLEL(t, 5) */ colC,
                      SUM (CASE WHEN colD > colE AND colE != '0' THEN colD / ColE END)de,
                      SUM (CASE WHEN colE > colD AND colD != '0' THEN colE / ColD END)ed,
                      SUM (CASE WHEN colD = colE AND colD != '0' THEN '1' END) de_one,
                      SUM (CASE WHEN colD = '0' OR colE = '0' THEN '0' END) de_zero
                 FROM TABLE (processor (base_query (argA, argB),100)) t
             GROUP BY colC
             ORDER BY colC
       END with_pipeline;
       PROCEDURE no_pipeline (argA          IN     VARCHAR2,
                              argB          IN     VARCHAR2,
                              o_resultset      OUT resultset_typ)
          OPEN o_resultset FOR
               SELECT colC,
                      SUM (CASE WHEN colD > colE AND colE  != '0' THEN colD / ColE END)de,
                      SUM (CASE WHEN colE > colD AND colD  != '0' THEN colE / ColD END)ed,
                      SUM (CASE WHEN colD = colE AND colD  != '0' THEN 1 END) de_one,
                      SUM (CASE WHEN colD = '0' OR colE = '0' THEN '0' END) de_zero
                 FROM (SELECT colC, colD, colE
                         FROM some_table
                        WHERE colA = ArgA AND colB = argB)
             GROUP BY colC
             ORDER BY colC;
       END no_pipeline;
    END pipeline_example;
    ALTER PACKAGE pipeline_example COMPILE;Edited by: Earthlink on Nov 14, 2010 9:47 AM
    Edited by: Earthlink on Nov 14, 2010 11:31 AM
    Edited by: Earthlink on Nov 14, 2010 11:32 AM
    Edited by: Earthlink on Nov 20, 2010 12:04 PM
    Edited by: Earthlink on Nov 20, 2010 12:54 PM

    Earthlink wrote:
    Contrary to my understanding, the <font face="courier">with_pipeline</font> procedure runs 6 time slower than the legacy <font face="courier">no_pipeline</font> procedure. Am I missing something? Well, we're missing a lot here.
    - a database version
    - how did you test
    - what data do you have, how is it distributed, indexed
    and so on.
    If you want to find out what's going on then use a TRACE with wait events.
    All nessecary steps are explained in these threads:
    HOW TO: Post a SQL statement tuning request - template posting
    Another nice one is RUNSTATS:

  • Performance issues with Planning data load & Agg in

    We recently upgraded from to Post upgrade we face performance issues with one of our Planning job (eg: Job E). It takes 3x the time to complete in our new environment ( when compared to the old one ( This job loads then actual data and does the aggregation. The pattern which we noticed is , if we run a restructure on the application and execute this job immediately it gets completed as the same time as However, in current production ( the job runs in the following sequence Job A->Job B-> Job C->Job D->Job E and it completes on time, but if we do the same test in in the above sequence it take 3x the time . We dont have a window to restructure the application to before running Job E  every time in Prod. Specs of the new Env is much higher than the old one.
    We have Essbase clustering (MS active/passive) in the new environment and the files are stored in the SAN drive. Could this be because of this? has any one faced performance issues in the clustered environment?

    Do you have exactly same Essbase config settings and calculations performing AGG ? . Remember something very small like UPDATECALC ON/OFF can make a BIG difference in timing..

  • Performance issues with version enable partitioned tables?

    Hi all,
    Are there any known performance issues with version enable partitioned tables?
    I’ve been doing some performance testes with a large version enable partitioned table and it seems that OCB optimiser is choosing very expensive plans during merge operations.
    Tanks in advance,
         Object Name     Rows     Bytes     Cost     Object Node     In/Out     PStart     PStop
    UPDATE STATEMENT Optimizer Mode=CHOOSE          1          249                    
    UPDATE     SIG.SIG_QUA_IMG_LT                                   
    NESTED LOOPS SEMI          1     266     249                    
    PARTITION RANGE ALL                                   1     9
    TABLE ACCESS FULL     SIG.SIG_QUA_IMG_LT     1     259     2               1     9
    VIEW     SYS.VW_NSO_1     1     7     247                    
    NESTED LOOPS          1     739     247                    
    NESTED LOOPS          1     677     247                    
    NESTED LOOPS          1     412     246                    
    NESTED LOOPS          1     114     244                    
    INDEX RANGE SCAN     WMSYS.MODIFIED_TABLES_PK     1     62     2                    
    INDEX RANGE SCAN     SIG.QIM_PK     1     52     243                    
    TABLE ACCESS BY GLOBAL INDEX ROWID     SIG.SIG_QUA_IMG_LT     1     298     2               ROWID     ROW L
    INDEX RANGE SCAN     SIG.SIG_QUA_IMG_PKI$     1          1                    
    INDEX RANGE SCAN     WMSYS.WM$NEXTVER_TABLE_NV_INDX     1     265     1                    
    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     WMSYS.MODIFIED_TABLES_PK     1     62                         
    /* Formatted on 2004/04/19 18:57 (Formatter Plus v4.8.0) */                                        
    UPDATE /*+ USE_NL(Z1) ROWID(Z1) */sig.sig_qua_img_lt z1                                        
    SET z1.nextver =                                        
    SYS.ltutil.getcontainedverinrange (z1.nextver,                                        
    FROM wmsys.wm$modified_tables
    WHERE table_name = 'SIG.SIG_QUA_IMG'
    AND workspace = 'NpCyPCX3dkOAHSuBMjGioQ=='
    AND VERSION > 4574
    AND VERSION <= 4575) j1,
    sig.sig_qua_img_lt t1,
    sig.sig_qua_img_lt t2,
    wmsys.wm$nextver_table j2,
    FROM wmsys.wm$modified_tables
    WHERE table_name = 'SIG.SIG_QUA_IMG'
    AND workspace = 'NpCyPCX3dkOAHSuBMjGioQ=='
    AND VERSION > 4574
    AND VERSION <= 4575) j3
    AND t1.ima_id = t2.ima_id
    AND t1.qim_inf_esq_x_tile = t2.qim_inf_esq_x_tile
    AND t1.qim_inf_esq_y_tile = t2.qim_inf_esq_y_tile
    AND t2.nextver != '-1'
    AND t2.nextver = j2.next_vers

    Hello Vitor,
    There are currently no known issues with version enabled tables that are partitioned. The merge operation may need to access all of the partitions of a table depending on the data that needs to be moved/copied from the child to the parent. This is the reason for the 'Partition Range All' step in the plan that you provided. The majority of the remaining steps are due to the hints that have been added, since this plan has provided the best performance for us in the past for this particular statement. If this is not the case for you, and you feel that another plan would yield better performance, then please let me know and I will take a look at it.
    One suggestion would be to make sure that the table was been recently analyzed so that the optimizer has the most current data about the table.
    Performance issues are very hard to fix without a reproducible test case, so it may be advisable to file a TAR if you continue to have significant performance issues with the mergeWorkspace operation.
    Thank You,

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