Recommended Movie Sizes for Keynote

Can someone tell me the best way to compress a movie, step by step in Quicktime, so that the movies will play smoothly in Keynote? I think I'm placing movies that are too large, and consequently, they are playing with a jerky motion, skipping frames, from within Keynote.
I made the movie sequences in Final Cut Pro, and exported from there to movies (.mov) with an 800 x 600 size. But I don't understand resolution issues, or bit rates, or any of those other details, that might make the movie play more smoothly while retaining a clear, clean look, when projected.
My movie sequences in Keynote are anywhere from 1-10 minutes in length, and the size of the movies are anywhere between 200 mB to almost 1 Gig.
Any ideas?

I regularly incorporate videos into my presentations. I encode them using h.264, and save them as MP4 files. I specify an average bitrate around 1200. I also do not embed the files into Keynote.
One thing I noticed: If I have the ethernet connection plugged in, I get stuttering video, but if it's unplugged, it generally works better. I have no idea why.

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    1024x768 is 4x3.  2048x1536 is 4x3.  Both of these are current display dimensions for iPads 1-3.
    HD video (1920x1080 or 1280x720) is a 16x9 aspect ratio.
    Try putting a rectangle in a square. Unless you scale the retangle up and lose image on the sides you will not be able to properly fill the entire 4x3 display area. The easy compromise is letterboxing to ensure all of the rectangle is display in the square. The iPad is doing this with very little effort on your part.
    In FC you can create a new sequence and go into the settings and customize it to 1024x768, 2048x1536 or
    just about any other dimension. Even If you create a custom sequence at 1024 or 2048 in FC you will see the same results that the iPad is giving you with much less effort, render and conversion time (presuming your keynote workspace cannot change in dimensions or aspect ratio and you are unwilling to crop your 16x9 aspect ratio video to fill the space.) 

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    First Open the PDF  Use Optimizer to examine the PDF.
    a Lot of times when I create PDF's I end up with a half-dozen copies of the same font and fontfaces. If you remove all the duplicates that will reduce the file size tremendously.
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    If it is just scratch, run some benchmarks with it set to 128k and 256k and see how it feels with each. The default is too small, though some find it acceptable for small images. For larger files you want larger - and for PS scratch you definitely want 128 or 256k.

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    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    I have my dev server - I leave this on 512MB and that's fine for
    most of the stuff I do. We generally up this to a gig on our live
    servers (which only run 3-4 small sites), and historically we've not
    gone above this on our Shared servers (which host anywhere up to 400
    sites) because of the 32-bit limit.
    However, now we're running CF9 on 64-bit Server 2008, we've obviously got a lot more RAM available. The obvious choice is to ramp it up high, but I've also been heard that causes issues of its own - the Java GC then has far more work to do when it's called and as the memory fills it's harder to get a contiguous block of RAM, so performance can suffer.
    Leave the memory setting at the default value, until testing requires you to do otherwise, or your sites unravel some unforeseen memory demand. It's a risk our SysAdmin colleagues are prepared to take. With the coming of 64-bit, they've been on the alert, and have always cattle-prodded us whenever we've been tempted to push the button to go higher.
    Our defaults almost coincide with yours: 512 MB for 32-bit and just over 1GB for 64-bit. So what you yourself have just said is my own basic wisdom on the subject, too: if it aint broke, don't try to fix it.
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    yakub21 wrote:
    I have a solaris server with 16gb of RAM that will subsequently be zoned into three zones to support three separate database instances, one for each zone. Given that physically there is only 16Gb of ram, It is my understanding and experience that I should have 1.5-2 * 4Gb should be at least 6Gb of SWAP per Local Zone.
    Please advise. ThanksI'd look at it like this .....
    Your Phyiscal Memory will be used somewhat as follows:-
    - Lets say 1GB for the OS ...
    - 1.5GB for zfs arc cahce if your useing ZFS.
    - The sum of your PGAs and SGA's should fit within the remainder of ram.
    - And your may want a little more to be sure and for other things; monitroting software agents, em etc.
    In order that you can use more virtual memoy than you have physical memory for your will porably want to add a swap file, and for a 16GB machine this would probably be 4 / 8 or perhaps up to 16GB depending if would will occasionally have higher virutal memory demands or if poeple but big files in /tmp. In general swap -s can be used to monitor a shortage, though it can foolled if zfs_arc_cache is not limited.
    The situation for zones not different unless you are using zone.max-swap and the physical capped memory.
    If you have zone with a physical capped memory of 5GB, and a zone.max-swap of 8GB with is af the zone has a swapfile of 3GB; and you have to make sure:
    - The global zone is able to give that amount of memory to the non-global zone.
    - The global zone can provider the zone.max.swap from its virutal memory.
    - That the sga+pga and /tmp usage and other will fit in zone.max-swap ... use swap -s in the zone to monitor.

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    Have you read through the system requirements?
    System requirements | Photoshop

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    Hi All
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    However, I would like to test the Server/Client performance on different OS's:
    Which would be the best possible option from the following:
    1. Partition my current drive, (using e.g. Partition Magic), to e.g.
    - Win XP: 90 GB
    - Win Server 2000: 10 GB
    - Linux: 5 GB
    - Shared/Data: 5 GB
    2. Install a separate Hard drive with the different hard drives
    3. Use a disk caddie, to swap in/out test hard drives.
    4. Any thing else?
    - Would the Operating System's hard drive size affect the Server/Client's performance, e.g. affecting the number of connections, number of File Handles, the virtual memory, etc.?
    Many Thanks,

    You can use a partition on the same HDD or use a second HDD, disk caddie well if its a direct IDE or SCSI. If its usb no it will be too slow, may be if you have a fire-wire but I still don't recommend it.
    Be careful if you don't have any experience installing Linux you may do multiple partitions on you disk without knowing, because Linux ext partitions are not visible to windows.
    Recommended disk size for fedora is 10 GB. This is the amount of data that will be created on you HDD when you do a full installation.

  • Stack size for native thread attaching to JVM

    I have a native thread (see below, FailoverCallbackThread) that attaches to the JVM and does a Java call through JNI. The stack size for the native thread is 256KB.
    at psiUserStackBangNow+112()@0x20000000007a96d0
    at psiGuessUserStackBounds+320()@0x20000000007a8940
    at psiGuessStackBounds+48()@0x20000000007a8f60
    at psiGetPlatformStackInfo+336()@0x20000000007a9110
    at psiGetStackInfo+160()@0x20000000007a8b40
    at psSetupStackInfo+48()@0x20000000007a5e00
    at vmtiAttachToVMThread+208()@0x20000000007c88b0
    at tsAttachCurrentThread+896()@0x20000000007ca500
    at attachThread+304()@0x2000000000751940
    at genericACFConnectionCallback+400(JdbcOdbc.c:4624)@0x104b1bc10
    at FailoverCallbackThread+512(vocctx.cpp:688)@0x104b8ddc0
    at start_thread+352()@0x20000000001457f0
    at __clone2+208()@0x200000000030b9f0
    This causes stack overflow in Oracle JRockit JVM. (It does not cause overflow with Oracle Sun JDK.) Is there a recommended stack size for this use case for JRockit? Is there a way to compute it roughly?
    Platform Itanium 64 (linux)]
    java version "1.5.0_06"
    Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b05)
    BEA JRockit(R) (build R26.4.0-63-63688-1.5.0_06-20060626-2259-linux-ia64, )

    How do I found default heap size, stack size for the
    thread, number of threads per jvm/process supported ?The threads is OS, OS install and jvm version specific. That information is also not useful. If you create the maximum number of threads that your application can create you will run out of memory. Threads require memory. And it is unlikely to run very well either.
    The default heap size and stack size are documented in the javadocs that explain the tools that come with the sun jdk.
    and how the above things will vary for each OS and how
    do I found ? Threads vary by OS, and OS install. The others do not (at least not with the sun jvm.)
    If I get "OutOfMemoryError: Unable to create new native thread" Most of the time it indicates a design problem in your code. At the very lease, you should consider using a thread pool instead.
    I found in one forum, in linux you can create maximum
    of 894 threads. Is it true ?Seems high since in linux each thread is a new process, but it could be.

  • Recommended pixel size image on Apple Cinema

    I want to buy some photography photos online. Companies like Dreamstime sell credit packages to buy their photos, and it costs more credits for larger image size photos. I am not buying photos to print them - just to view them.
    I got a reply from Dreamtime which said
    "I would recommend checking the owners information that comes with your Apple
    Cinema. They should provide a recommended pixel size of the image (not
    necessarily related to the monitor resolution) for your particular usage.
    Higher resolution images are typically for printed applications, so check
    Apple's owner manual info for recommended sizes if you are only on-screen
    viewing and not printing."
    So my question is what is the recommended pixel size for displaying images on the Apple Cinema since it is not related to actual monitor resolution.
    I don't have an owner's manual for my cinema.
    Thank you

    Hello BSteely,
    Much thanks again for the dialogue and informing me that I'd be best off with 1680x1050 res. I've also been doing some web reading on this resolution issue.
    I understand that when a photo is exported to iPhoto that it scales it to the monitor's dimensions - as I understand it by enhancing or decreasing pixel size - so that it fits on the screen.
    Is it logical to assume then that a picture or photo with 2560 x 1600 res. would be ideal for the Apple 30" Cinema Monitor because that is its maximum resolution - and pic and monitor would have a perfect fit ? Or does it just not make that much of a difference in viewing clarity because iPhoto calibrates the resolution to fit the monitor ?
    And finally does the quality/clarity of the picture suffer more when a pixel size is increased or decreased. The way I am picturing it - picture clarity would suffer more if a pixel is increased ( stretched to fit the screen ) than if a pixel is compacted from an image larger than the maximum resolution of the monitor.
    If you wouldn't mind clarifying that for me that should put the end of my inconveniencing you. You've been really helpful.

  • Recommend datafile size on Linux

    Can anyone suggest in general what is the max recommended datafile size for Oracle database (8i,9i, 10g) on linux platforms.
    datafiles are placed located on local server and i dont prefer keeping the autoextend on for Prod databases.
    I heard that 4G is the best max size, after which we keep on adding datafiles as required.
    Is that true?
    Please suggest.

    I heard that 4G is the best max size, after which we keep on adding datafiles as required.
    Is that true?well this is a myth, send it to mythbuster to get it bustered.
    According to Oracle Document,
    Database file size Maximum
    Operating system dependent.
    Limited by maximum operating system file size; typically 2^22 or 4 million blocks
    If your block size is 8k, that's 32G

  • Ptsearchserver recommended partition size

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    Allocation of 140GB spare allocated disk space, was requested and mounted
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    Any input about this action we are attempting to take is greatly appreciated.

    Really depending on what you are going to store on D and E you would need to decide what the paritition size should be since there is not a recommend partition size for thos parititions these are customizable.
    The recommend size for C is at least 32 GB

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