Recording from sound board?

We want to use Garage Band to record our Sunday worship services at church.  Can we just plug a line from our sound board into the microphone jack on our MacBook?  Then would we record in Podcast mode?
Thanks in advance for any input (pun intended).

Sherry Moore wrote:
Can we just plug a line from our sound board into the microphone line-IN jack on our MacBook?
(Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)
Sherry Moore wrote:
Then would we record in Podcast mode?
that's fine (it doesn't really matter much)
note: making long recordings is typically better done with an audio editor (they're less prone to throwing modal error dialogs):
(Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

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    I bet you've moved to a Vista or Windows 7 machine.
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    ->> Hardware and Sound
    ->> Manage Audio devices
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    What sound card was installed on other notebooks??
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    - I hope the inside recording didn't have too much reverberation or 'room tone' (imagine recording it in a washroom). The indoors sound needs to be flat (no echo from walls, no background sound)
    - Reverb puts dead sound into a space with walls. You can add reverb, but you can't take it away. If your character is on a football pitch but you record the dialog in a washroom, it's not going to work. If your scene is in the Louvre, and your talent is recorded in a voice-over booth (or in a car or in the bedroom surrounded by blankets - hey it works), you can add the reverb.
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    This beeping plagued me for months and months, driving me insane.  I tried to find a solution on the Internet; however, all I found were many people complaining about this random beeping noise from their HP laptops.  A couple of times the beeping stopped for a few days, but then it would come back.   But almost three months ago it stopped for good (I hope)!  I didn't do anything--it just stopped.  WEIRD.  But you might find this link helpful.

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    I would think a 15" with the i7 CPU. You can get a 13" with the i7 CPU but the 15" has a dedicated graphic chip along with the intergrated one.
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    I bought a brand new machine and have be configuring it all week. Everything has been going well, except getting Adobe Audition 2.0 (the new version) to “hear” sound from the 1212m.
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    What I can’t seem to get to work is getting Adobe Audition to “hear” the sound coming from the 1212m.
    Patchmix seems to be working ok. The audio bars jump each time I hit a note on the keyboard.
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    I was hoping that once the audio made it from the VST though the 1212m and out to the speakers, that getting Audition to record it would be easy, but that hasn’t been the case.
    The Intel 955 Extreme Edition and the 975 motherboard are brand new and I’m worried that being on the bleeding edge of technology, that one of the drivers isn’t working correctly and causing me hours of debugging a problem that is unworkable from my end.
    Hopefully the problem is just some small stupid thing that I’m doing or failing to do (like normal).
    Any ideas would be helpful.

    I'm just saving it into a file in "My documents" on the internal hard drive. It's a computer in the office which has been used my other people before me and I have my own file which I was always able to save Adobe sound files into before, so I don't think it's anything to do with me not being allowed or read-only.
    I've also been trying to save it onto USB hard drives. This works when I save it under a different name, but not when I'm just trying to update a file i've been working on. Basically I have to create a new file everytime I add something, so like "myaudit1", "myaudit2", "myaudit3" etc etc, even though it's the same piece of work just updated.
    Hope that makes sense!

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