Redirect a folder to subdomain?

Is there any way to redirect a folder path (such as to a subdomain ( I am running OS X Server Mavericks and I have limited knowledge about Apache. Also, I do not store my site files in the default directory. I put them in a seperate folder thats easier to access.
If you could explain the process step by step, it would be great! Thanks!!!

Check out "redirects":
< ericks-server/>
I've not used that feature myself, so I couldn't provide a step-by-step.

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    HI Vivian,
    Thank you for your reply.  Yes, the path in Group Policy Folder Redirection Root Path was updated to
    \\NEWSERVER\users.  I had planned to point this to the distributed file system, so the first used was actually
    \\domain\dfs\users.  To simplify things I have backed off to copying to just a normal share
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    Move the contents of Documents to the new location - Disabled
    Related folder settings
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    Music - Follow Documents
    Pictures - Follow Documents
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    Have a nice day.
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    TechNet Community Support

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    Site is:
    Sub is:
    Thanks in advance for the assistance.

    So your desktop and mobile versions are on different hosts? If so you need to add the redirect script to your desktop page if on mobile and you need to direct it to the mobile domain. It looks to me like you have also created the mobile layout in the desktop view in Muse?

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    I have experienced the same issue and opened a TACS case.
    After some testing I was advised to set the IE proxy lockdown to 'No' in the AnyConnect Group Policy:
    Group Policy -> Advanced -> Browser Proxy -> Proxy Lockdown
    This resolved the VPN restarting.  A Bug has been opened for this issue:
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    should I make the "home" folder go back to the Pro before I do an intial erase of the harddrive?
    If you want to transfer data from that machine to the new one in Setup or Migration Assistant, you should first restore it to the configuration you want.

  • Folder Redirection 502 Access Denied but redirecting to wrong place

    I have come across a very unusual problem.  Folder redirection was implemented a few months ago where a number of folders were redirected with the following settings:
    Redirect everyones folder to the same location
    Create a folder for each user under the root path
    It has worked flawlessly but in recent weeks when we create new users, some of them experience this problem.  Folder redirection fails consistently for that user with 502 Access denied.  That isn't the unusual bit.  This is the unusual bit
    - The message is:
    Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "Documents" to "\\fileserver\homefolders\joe.bloggs\Documents".
    Redirection options=0x1001.
    The following error occurred: "Failed to build the list of regular subdirectories under "\\fileserver\homefolders\Jane.Doe\Documents".".
    Error details: "Access is denied.
    Yes for some reason it knows where it should be redirecting to, but then attempts to redirect to someone elses home folder location.  I've substituted the server name and user names for security but the name equivalent to Jane.Doe is consistent in every
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    rebuilt the GPO that handles folder redirection, but again, same result.  I've checked and double checked Folder Redirection settings and nothing points to a this specific Jane.Doe user.
    Anyone come across this before?

    I have come across a very unusual problem.  Folder redirection was implemented a few months ago where a number of folders were redirected with the following settings:
    Redirect everyones folder to the same location
    Create a folder for each user under the root path
    It has worked flawlessly but in recent weeks when we create new users, some of them experience this problem.  Folder redirection fails consistently for that user with 502 Access denied.  That isn't the unusual bit.  This is the unusual bit
    - The message is:
    Failed to apply policy and redirect folder "Documents" to "\\fileserver\homefolders\joe.bloggs\Documents".
    Redirection options=0x1001.
    The following error occurred: "Failed to build the list of regular subdirectories under "\\fileserver\homefolders\Jane.Doe\Documents".".
    Error details: "Access is denied.
    Yes for some reason it knows where it should be redirecting to, but then attempts to redirect to someone elses home folder location.  I've substituted the server name and user names for security but the name equivalent to Jane.Doe is consistent in every
    This only occurs on our RDS 2012 R2 farm, which has 3 session hosts and doesn't happen on any other system.  We use roaming profiles.  I have logged the user off and deleted the local and network profiles but get the same result.  I've
    rebuilt the GPO that handles folder redirection, but again, same result.  I've checked and double checked Folder Redirection settings and nothing points to a this specific Jane.Doe user.
    Anyone come across this before?

  • Folder redirection configured in GPO does not create Documents folder and does not redirect

    Another Folder Redirect-post - sorry for that, but I could not find an answer for my problem so far: even with consulting many threads here...
    We have an existing environment under Windows XP and want to move away from that. Now I ran into troubles with folder redirection...
    The following folder- and permission structure exists so far:
    \\<server>\<Users$-share>: This is the base folder for all users-directories
    -> Permissions: SYSTEM: Full / Administrators: Full / Users: Read&Execute, only this folder
    -> Share-permissions: Authenticated users: Full control
    \\<server>\<Users$-share>\<username>: base folder for the specific user
    -> Permissions: SYSTEM: Full / Administrators: Full / User: Change, all permissions inherited onwards
    -> Giving only change permission prevent further problems with self-called "advanced users"... ;-)
    \\<server>\<Users$-share>\<username>\profil.V2: Profile directory of the user
    -> Of course here the permissions are set by the system: override the predefined permission
    \\<server>\<Users$-share>\<username>\daten: Atcual Home directory of the user
    \\<server>\<Users$-share>\<username>\daten\Documents: Suposed Documents directory of the user
    Now I am going to Server 2012 and Windows 8.1, configured the GPO to redirect Documents folder into the above mentioned:
    GPO - User configuration - Policies - Windows settings - Folder Redirection - Documents:
    Setting: Standart - redirects all folders to the same path
    Destination folder: Copy to base directory of the user
    I apply policy to the user, log out and in - it doesn't work, no folder Documents created in my home-folder, Folder Documents still configured at C:\Users\<user>\Documents
    A very special point:
    I also do Redirection of the My Pictures-folder: Define it to follow the Documents folder. Funnily that one works and creates and configures \\<server>\<Users$-share>\<username>\daten\Pictures
    -> So in my eyes, it should work!
    Then: I want to do the folder redirection without Offline Files, due to the fact, that our users work with dynamically assigned virtual desktops, which are been cleaned everytime a user logs off a machine. Therefore synchronizing doesn't make sense...
    I just cannot see, why this redirection does not work :-(
    Thank you very much for any help!
    Kind regards

    Hi David,
    Before going further, would you please let me confirm the OS version of the Windows Server which you used to
    configure folder redirection? Based on your description, did you mean that those users (who will be applied folder redirection settings) logged on Windows XP client computer?
    When you configure the folder redirection setting in Document Properties (path:
    User Configuration-> Policies-> Windows Settings-> Folder Redirection-> Documents), please check if you checked “Also apply redirection policy to Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 operating system” in Settings
    tab. As below picture shows.
    GPO - User configuration - Policies - Windows settings - Folder Redirection - Documents:
    à•Setting: Standart
    - redirects all folders to the same path
    folder: Copy to base directory of the user
    Would you please provide a screenshot of those settings you describe? Meanwhile, please summarily describe
    that how you configure. For example, where this GPO link to? Or any other. It will help me to understand clearly. Thanks for your understanding.
    In addition, please use
    gpresult command to check if the folder redirection group policy was really applied.
    If any update, please feel free to let me know.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

  • Folder redirection (Desktop) not working sometimes

    I'm having an issue where sometimes desktop redirection is not working properly.
    We have AD set to point the profile path to a local mandatory profile, with GP redirection set for several items, including desktop. However, about half the time when the user logs in, the desktop showing is from their local profile (C:\Users\[username]\desktop).
    By logging out and back in a couple times it will finally load the desktop from the redirected location on the network, and the correct icons will show on the desktop, but it will ultimately not work again on the next logon.
    Tried GPUPDATE, didn't fix the problem. It doesn't appear to be a rights issue, as I can successfully connect to the redirected desktop folder from within the user's account. What I don't understand is why it is ever loading the user's local profile desktop,
    when it is supposed to load the mandatory one.
    Any ideas are appreciated!

    Figured it out.
    The OU the computer was in didn't have the computer GPO linked. One of the computer GPO settings was to delete the locally cached profile of the user upon logout. Since this wasn't being done, Windows was loading the locally cached profile rather than the
    mandatory profile. This also was apparently causing the local account desktop to show rather than the redirected desktop. I'm assuming it was irregular depending on which profile was showing most recent modified.

  • CSM - How to redirect subdomains

    We have need to redirect subdomains through the CSM to various parts of our normal production website. For example, we want to be able to go to "" and then we want to automatically redirect them to ""
    We are trying to come up with a standard way to support this functionality, as creating more subdomains is very likely in order to shorten the URLs for being printed in advertising. My question is what is the best way to do this with the CSM? Should I use a URL map and corresponding policy map?
    We can dedicate a single VIP to listen for all subdomains, and that VIP would be separate from our production website's VIP.
    Any and all help is appreciated!

    So, can I do this with one URL-map, policy-map, and multiple redirect serverfarms? Or, will I have to have a unique URL-map, policy-map, and redirect serverfarm for each subdomain?
    Thanks again!

  • How can I redirect a URL with aliases or redirect?

    Hi all,
    I have this partially working on my servers, but am not 100% sure I am doing this corerectly.
    Basically I have a Web site domain, let's call it
    In server admin I have a site set up called under port 80 and another under port 443 for my SSL pages.
    Here is my problem: If a customer types "" in their favorite Web browser address bar, I would very much like the server to automatically redirect them (if that's the correct term) to ""   Currently they would end up on when they key in the URL without the "www"  I am concerned this is hurting my SEO and Google analytics as well as being an issue internally for PHP pages that are coded to the "www" addresses.
    I also have a sign-in page for my clients at the address:  When a client types "" I want them to go to that long URL for the sign-in page.  I have gotten this to work by setting up a new Site in Server Admin > Web > Sites named "" which then has a single entry on the redirect tab with the URL of the signin page above.  Not sure if that could have been done on the core Web site ( or if that was the way I should do it under Server Admin or if there is an easier way to do it.
    Primarily I want to be able to handle redirecting any type of subdomain "" to another address.  The primary one I want to deal with now is the "" redirecting to "".....  Should I just set up another Web site in Server Admin with a redirect like I did for ""?
    Any advice on doing proper redirection appreciated.
    -- Jon

    There are so many ways you could do this. You need to pick what's right for you.
    Some of the options are available through the GUI. Many more are available once you get under the hood and drive Apache directly. Your skill and comfort level will undoubtedly influence which path you take.
    At the first level, Apache groups sites together by the hostname used to access the site.
    If you want '' to go to the same place as you could create one site with an alias, so that Apache uses the same 'site' configuration for both hostnames.
    If you want the two hostnames to do different things then you could create two sites - in this case '' has the full, normal site and '' has a redirect to the equivalent page on ''.
    Within you can also setup selective redirects to the HTTPS site. This will ensure that things like the login form are accessed securely. In this way your HTTPS site is another 'site' in Apache with the SSL configuration.
    One caveat in your post is the use of ''. You don't describe your network, but if you have only 1 public IP address then this is going to be an issue since you cannot easily run multiple SSL sites on a single IP address - you'll need a different public IP address for each SSL site. This is because the SSL negotiation occurs before Apache knows what site the request is for, and therefore it doesn't know which SSL certificate to use for the connection.
    So, in general, you'll create one site for each variation in your web setup - one for ' 80', one for ' 443', one for '' (which redirects to ''), and so on.

  • Move iTunes 12 Library Folder Location?

    I need to clear room off my internal drive so I have copied the whole iTunes directory folder (playlist files, folder of actual music, etc) to an external drive.
    I would assume it would be as easy as simply moving the "iTunes Music" (folder that contains the audio files themselves) and pointing iTunes to the new location....
    A simple google search proved that it (apparently) is much more complicated than that and its very easy to break and ruin everything.
    I found quite a few "how to"s on doing this exact thing, but they were all for different versions of iTunes and each time the steps were different (and often times contained quite a few unintuitive extra steps like "consolidate library", etc).
    I have yet to find a tutorial on doing this in iTunes 12.
    I have been organizing playlists, rating tracks and so forth for years, so I am very hesitant in jumping into this without verifying the exact steps first.
    It seems like a tutorial on this would be easy to find, but I somehow missed it if it's out there.
    If anyone can help me on this I'd really appreciate it.  Perhaps its super simple and just a matter of redirecting the folder link, but I'd rather be safe than sorry :-)

    I have tried some experiments on my computer at work.
    I have found that if you copy the library, and re link it to the new copied folder (in the advanced preferences), it doesn't seem to do anything.
    After doing this I restarted iTunes, selected a song and hit "show in finder" and it was the same local location it started in!
    Then I learned about holding option down while you open iTunes lets you choose a library. I figured this might be what I was looking for. I chose the new external iTunes folder aaand..... nothing; when I reveal a song in the Finder, it still shows me they are in the original location.
    Then I added an extra step. I went to File>Library>Organize Library and checked "Consolidate files" which says it puts copies of media files used by iTunes in the iTunes Media folder. That sounds pretty good; if I've already moved those files there iTunes will surely see them in the new location and make the connection without needing to copy any files.... Not the case. iTunes literally added a duplicate to every single mp3 in my Library (really glad I didn't try this on my real library! what a mess!)
    My next idea is doing this same process, but I'll direct iTunes to an empty folder on the external drive. Hopefully when I "Consolidate files" it will do it's copying process and work fine.
    I much would prefer copying the files myself, however, for a couple of reasons. One is that I've already done the 18 hour file transfer using Carbon Copy Cloner. The other reason is that OSX is notorious with copying large amounts of files; almost every time I copy a large amount of data, OSX gets upset by some minor problem or a file that it doesn't like and it quits the whole process. I guess I'll go through these steps and let iTunes copy the data itself, and if that doesn't work I'll go to the genius bar.
    Basically a lot of work and stress for moving a simple folder.

  • Grant an account rights to read and modify files in all Redirected Documents folders?

    We have set up redirected Documents folder with the default recommended permissions that does not grant Administrators any access to the folders.  If an administrator needs access to a folder, they take ownership of the folder, grants themselves permissions
    and does whatever they need to do with the folder such as delete it or give access to a new person.  This is rarely needed so it is not a big deal.
    However,  we  now need to import everyone's Outlook PSTs (stored in their redirected MyDoc's so they are backed up) into their new  Exchange Archive mailboxes.  We will also need to be able to verify all PSTs are gone from the file server
    once the contents are imported into their archive mailbox.  We also need to be able to run reports showing which users are storing music and video files in their folders and how much.
    When I tried to run Windirstat against the share containing the redirected MyDocs folders to see what file types where taking up space, I got very incomplete results even with using psexec running as system account due to inadequate permissions on the user's
    We also need  the PST Capture Tool to have rights to read into their documents folders and move any psts found into the users archive mailbox.
    Rather than having to go to each user's redirected documents fiolder one by one and take ownership to change permissions, is there a more efficient way to have an account running the PST Capture Tool and WindirStat have access to read and change files in
    the user's redirected documents folders?
    I thought of just removing the option in the GPO that says "Grant the user exclusive rights to My Documents," but I don't think that will work on pre-existing
    folders that already have permissions set.

    Based on my research, if you already have a bunch of existing redirected My Documents folders set up with the
    Grant the user exclusive rights to My Documents check box selected, the only documented way to regain access to the folders is to take ownership of each individual folder and manually edit the permissions to give the Administrators group full
    We can use powershell script to help regain access to the folders, for more details, please go through the below link:
    Yan Li
    Regards, Yan Li

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