CSM - How to redirect subdomains

We have need to redirect subdomains through the CSM to various parts of our normal production website. For example, we want to be able to go to "http://whatwedo.company.com" and then we want to automatically redirect them to "http://www.company.com/aboutus/mission/whatwedo.htm."
We are trying to come up with a standard way to support this functionality, as creating more subdomains is very likely in order to shorten the URLs for being printed in advertising. My question is what is the best way to do this with the CSM? Should I use a URL map and corresponding policy map?
We can dedicate a single VIP to listen for all subdomains, and that VIP would be separate from our production website's VIP.
Any and all help is appreciated!

So, can I do this with one URL-map, policy-map, and multiple redirect serverfarms? Or, will I have to have a unique URL-map, policy-map, and redirect serverfarm for each subdomain?
Thanks again!

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    Thank you.

    Dear Christian,
    Thank you for your reply,
    I would like to explain something,
    When I using the following function,
    *create or replace FUNCTION custom_auth_g (
    p_username IN VARCHAR2,
    p_password IN VARCHAR2)
    FOR c1 IN (SELECT 1
    FROM login_table
    WHERE upper(username) = upper(p_username)
    AND upper(password) = upper(p_password))
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    My Login_table also contains type which has 2 type as I mentined above.
    But As I mentioned earliar based on the user type it has to be redirected to 2 different page.
    I found this Package but I cant understand,Can you please Explain?
    *create or replace PACKAGE app_security_pkg
    PROCEDURE add_user
    p_username IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_password IN VARCHAR2
    PROCEDURE login
    p_uname IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_password IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_session_id IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_flow_page IN VARCHAR2
    FUNCTION get_hash
    p_username IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_password IN VARCHAR2
    PROCEDURE valid_user2
    p_username IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_password IN VARCHAR2
    FUNCTION valid_user
    p_username IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_password IN VARCHAR2
    END app_security_pkg;*
    *create or replace PACKAGE BODY app_security_pkg
    PROCEDURE login
    p_uname IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_password IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_session_id IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_flow_page IN VARCHAR2
    lv_goto_page NUMBER DEFAULT 1;
    -- This logic is a demonstration of how to redirect
    -- to different pages depending on who successfully
    -- authenticates. In my example, it simply demonstrates
    -- the ADMIN user going to page 1 and all other users going
    -- to page 2. Add you own logic here to detrmin which page
    -- a user should be directed to post authentication.
    IF UPPER(p_uname) = 'ADMIN'
    lv_goto_page := 1;
    lv_goto_page := 2;
    END IF;
    p_uname => p_uname,
    p_password => p_password,
    p_session_id => p_session_id,
    p_flow_page => p_flow_page || ':' || lv_goto_page
    END login;
    PROCEDURE add_user
    p_username IN VARCHAR2
    ,p_password IN VARCHAR2
    INSERT INTO app_users (username, PASSWORD)
    VALUES (UPPER (p_username),
    get_hash (TRIM (p_username), p_password));
    END add_user;
    -- Function to Perform a oneway hash of the users
    -- passwords. This cannot be reversed. This exmaple
    -- is a very week hash and if been used on a production
    -- system, you may want to use a stronger hash algorithm.
    -- Read the Documentation for more info on DBMS_CRYPTO as
    -- this is the supported package from Oracle and
    -- DBMS_OBFUSCATION_TOOLKIT is now depricated.
    FUNCTION get_hash (p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_password IN VARCHAR2)
    input_string => UPPER (p_username)
    || '/'
    || UPPER (p_password));
    END get_hash;
    PROCEDURE valid_user2 (p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_password IN VARCHAR2)
    v_dummy VARCHAR2 (1);
    SELECT '1'
    INTO v_dummy
    FROM app_users
    WHERE UPPER (username) = UPPER (p_username)
    AND PASSWORD = get_hash (p_username, p_password);
    THEN raise_application_error (-20000, 'Invalid username / password.');
    END valid_user2;
    FUNCTION valid_user (p_username IN VARCHAR2, p_password IN VARCHAR2)
    valid_user2 (UPPER (p_username), p_password);
    END valid_user;
    END app_security_pkg;*
    And you said "assign an URL to FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL, depending on the Type column",
    Where to assign,Could you please Explain?
    Thank you.

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    "fscommand("fullscreen", "true");" only works for self-running executables, not embedded SWFs in a web page.
    To get the swf to fill the browser page, the best thing to do would be to adjust the publish settings of the "HTML Wrapper" page and copy the necessary pieces from the resultant HTML file into the HTML file you are putting the swf into.
    I have had some successes dealing with similar navigation issues by breaking up the code into multiple tasks:
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    var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
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    Samson Fu

    Hi Samson,
    Check following link for your query:-
    Re: page has to navigate to the next page when  clicking button in the popup
    You can also make usae of Navigation Handler to invoke the navigation action in your task flow as
    FacesContext facesCtx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    NavigationHandler nh = facesCtx.getApplication().getNavigationHandler();
    nh.handleNavigation(facesCtx, "", "ActionNameInTaskFlow");

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    Hello Senana,
    Assuming you're using wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.login to log in, and p_flow_page is set to "[your app id]:1" try placing the following line just before your call to wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.login:
    :FSP_AFTER_LOGIN_URL := null;This should force user to page 1 after log-in.
    Hope this helps,

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    You can't, directly. There's no connection betweenthe server and browser.
    even after invalidating the session. we can do it
    directly using the statement
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    U can use the following code to Pop up in new window
    if(action != "")
    response .sendRedirect("Jsp2.jsp");
    <html><head><title>JSP 1</title>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function View()
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    thanks for the reply... cant tell you if it works, im working
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    was my fault for not stating it...
    Building the app in ASP, SQL2005 using DW8
    "geschenk" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f0tasq$oho$[email protected]..
    > You´ll probably just need to paste the following
    snippet *at the very
    > beginning*
    (line 1) of the respective page:
    > <?php
    > if(!isset($_SESSION['username'])) { // if session
    variable "username"
    > doesn´t
    > exist or has expired...
    > header('Location: login.php'); // ...redirect to the
    login page
    > }
    > ?>
    > I *think* this should work

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    Hi Experts,
    I have a scenario where I want to keep data for last 3 years in 3 different cubes.e.g. lets say cube 1 holds data for current 2006 year, cube 2 holds 2005 and cube 3 holds 2004.Now in next year 2007, I want to keep data for 2007, 2006 and 2005.I want to keep data for 2007 in cube 3 which was holding 2004 data.(delete 2004 data and load 2007).
    This process should be automated i.e. which cube to load should be done auto.In short, <b>data for new cube should go into cube which is holding data for oldest year.</b>
    I want to know :
    1) Which Options I can use to do this?
    2) What about ABAP program : custom table can be maintained to know which cube is holding what data, but how to redirect loading flow?
    3) What about "Decision process type" in process chain?
    4) Also would custom process type solve this functionality?
    Any ideas would be highly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Sorabh,
    Its just an Idea, Im assuming that this would work. This should also work for INIT DELTA I guess. But would need proper testing.
    Have a Custom Table ZCUBEYEAR and maintain the CUBE as the Key.
    CUBE     YEAR
    Y1       2004
    Y2       2005
    Y3       2006.
    In the update rule->Start Routine for Cube Y1, extract this entry from the table ZCUBEYEAR for Y1, which in this case would be 2004.
    in our case YEARFORCUBEY1 = 2004.
    For cube Y2 and Y3 the Delete statement would be as follows in their Start Routines.
    This would ensure that only 2004 data would flow to Y1, 2005 for Y2 and 2006 for Y3.
    Once we come to a NEW YEAR, We need to run a program or Manually change the CUSTOM TABLE "ZCUBEYEAR" updating the cube Y1 with 2007, the Deltas would flow correctly.
    Please email me at [email protected], we could have a detailed discussion.
    Hope the above helps your cause.

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    thanks for your help.

    hi sandeep
    Thanks for your answer. Let me ellaborate more on the requirement here.
    - Password Policy and Lost Password management are set up in the identity system
    - Configure login tries allowed= 5. Verify accout is lock out after 5 unsucessful login.
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    2) Then if the user attempts (remaining) 2 times incorrect challenge answer then his/her account should be locked out.
    3) If he/she answers the challenge answer correctly then he/she should be redirected to password reset page.
    Is this possible?

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    For example , how to redirect the output of this command to a text file on /tmp
    CellCLI> list metrichistory where objectType = 'CELL' -
    and name = 'CL_TEMP'Thanks

    cellcli has spooling capabilities similar to sqlplus:
    CellCLI> help spool
      Usage:  SPO[OL] [<filename> [ CRE[ATE] | REP[LACE] | APP[END]] | OFF ]
      Purpose: SPOOL <filename>: Direct the results to the file <filename>.
               SPOOL OFF: Turn off the spooling.
               SPOOL: Check the current spooling status.
        <filename>: The filename where the results will be output.
        [APPEND]: If the filename already exists, the following output will
                  be appended to the file. Without this option, the existing file
                  contents will be replaced.
        [CREATE]: If the filename already exists, an error is reported.
        [REPLACE]: If the filename already exists, the contents will be
                  replaced.  This is the default, when no option is provided.
        spool myfile
        spool myfile append
        spool off
        spoolBut if you are trying to script it, it would be easier to just run it command line:
    # cellcli -e "list metrichistory where objectType = 'CELL' and name = 'CL_TEMP'" > /tmp/CL_TEMP.txtAlso look into dcli which allows you to run cellcli commands on one or more cells from a compute node.
    Good luck.

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    ....for example, assume i'm having a textbox and a button...when i click the button , i need the output of 'ls' to be in the textbox....i think execution of the command could be accomplished by Runtime's exec() ...but how to redirect outputs???

    You should find what you are looking for here:

  • How to create subdomains and mask url

    Can some one please tell me how can create subdomains for my domains? I have an application, where the url will be http://www.abc.com/user/student/login.html now this url I want to musk by a unique subdomains for the user and make it look like this http://MERIT.abc.com/login.htmlThis will be created for all users. The users will get to chose the url that they want. I was wondering how can this be done?
    I think here
    1, I will have to create a subdomain after making sure that it is not already registered
    2. Point this domain to www.abc.com/users/login
    Usually I do this in the server using control panel by creating an A RECORD. Is there any provision in servlets to create A record?

    That depends on the appserver in question. Consult the documentation which come along with it. If you're using for example Tomcat, then you should read this document: [http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/virtual-hosting-howto.html]. Googling using smart keywords like "$appservername subdomain" (e.g. "tomcat subdomain") may also generate lot of helpful information.
    This has essentially nothing to do with servlets. Self-respected appserver vendors have a forum or mailinglist at their website for the case you stucks.

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    can any one help me how to redirect in java pages the code must be in java function not in jsp or any thing else
    thanks in advance

    Function? Don't you rather mean method?
    Anyway, in JSF you can send a redirect using ExternalContext#redirect(). If your JSF environment is on top of JSP/Servlet, then under the hood it basically invokes HttpServletResponse#sendRedirect() and FacesContext#responseComplete().

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    Finally we solve this.
    In startup.bat we've changed string
    call "%EXECUTABLE%" start %CMD_LINE_ARGS%
    call "%EXECUTABLE%" run %CMD_LINE_ARGS% 1>..\logs\catalina.out 2>..\logs\catalina-err.out
    (the above in one string)
    May be someone know something better?

Maybe you are looking for

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