Redirecting PFI 0 TO RTSI 0?

my task is rather simple: I want to transfer the signal present on PFI0 of my NI6025 to RTSI0 and then use it to trigger the frame grabber NI1429. All this using CVI and traditional NIDAQ.
I tried e.g.:
Select_Signal ((short)card, ND_IN_START_TRIGGER, ND_PFI_0, ND_LOW_TO_HIGH);
Select_Signal ((short)card, ND_RTSI_0, ND_IN_START_TRIGGER, ND_LOW_TO_HIGH);
BTW: I do not perform any triggered measurement on NIDAQ. Could it be that signal forwarding is only done during triggered acquisition?

in the meantime I tried with a very simple program:
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
short DAQCard;
int res=0;
Init_DA_Brds (1, &DAQCard);
// route A
res=Select_Signal ((short)1, ND_IN_START_TRIGGER, ND_PFI_0, ND_LOW_TO_HIGH);
// route B
res=Select_Signal ((short)1, ND_RTSI_0, ND_IN_START_TRIGGER, ND_LOW_TO_HIGH);
return 0;
I set a break point at 'return 0' and tried all combinations of A and B by commenting them out or swap. In neither case the signal on PFI0 appeared on RTSI0. Of course the card ID is 1.
I assume that a triggered acquisition must be activated to get the PFI0 propagated?!

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    Hi All:
    I tried to trigger my line camera with RTSI signal.
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    thanks a lot.
    Triggered with RTSI from ‏63 KB
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    Thanks a lot, the post helped.
    But I am still confused with the details:
    To camera and PCIe 1433 configruaration, as the attached pictures shows: RTSI is configurerd as Camera Control Line as number "2"; the exposure control of camera is defined as "triggered".
    In previous attached VI, you may find that the IMAQ configurer trigger is applied to define trigger  type as "RTSI", trigger number as "2".
    About ttrigger signal from PCI 6259 (Dev2), digital pulse is generated and output terminal is defined as ctr0 ( seems only ctr0 or ctr1 is option).
    So I still do not know how to route signal from "Dev2/ctr0" to "Imag0 CCL 2" in labview.
    By the way, I read  the online example "LL Triggered Ring using DAQmx Pulse Train",  Within this VI,  the DAQmx Connect Terminals VI is applied to route the counter's output to a RTSI pin so the signal can be used by the IMAQ device. However Dev2/ctro is not recognized as scour terminal, only other items such as PFI, APFI or RTSI are avaible, and output signal source is also limited with similar things, sounds like just internal connectrion with Dev2.
    thanks a lot.

  • Physical RTSI Connection

    Dear All,
    I'm using LabVIEW 8.5 on Windows XP with legacy DAQ and a 6602 board with a SH68-68-D1 cable.
    I have an external device I would like connected to either counter 1's gate or source pin. I was hoping I could internally route an arbitrary PFI to, say, RTSI line 0 and then internally connect RTSI line 0 to either the gate or the source. Unfortunately it appears arbitrary PFI lines cannot be connected to any RTSI lines. I am wondering, then, if there is a way to physically connect my external device to any of the RTSI lines. Perhaps some of the pins on the 6602 board labeled as "Reverved" are in fact connected to RTSI lines? Seems unlikely but I thought I'd ask.

    Hi Ed,
    When you look at the device in MAX, you can select to view the device's Routing Table for possible routes. Looking at the 6602, it seems like every PFI line can route to any RTSI line except RTSI 7, but there are more restrictions for routing the RTSI line to a PFI line. Only PFI8 and 9 can route directly, but there are some options for indirect routing on a few other PFFI lines. Indirect routing will use up other subsystems on the board, which you can check by hovering your mouse over the yellow block, then the bottom left corner of the Routing Table will populate the name of the subsystem used. You can also get a more detailed list of all the lines used to make that route possible by Shift-Clicking on the yellow block.
    The reserved lines are not intended for any application. Don't use them.
    The 'Other Counter Gate' refers to the gate of the 'other counter' which refers to a counter pairing in Traditional DAQ. The Traditional DAQ help files have a article page titled 'Other Counter Definition (ND_OTHER_GPCTR_TC) Table: GPCTR_Watch'. Here is a copy of the table from that article:
    Other Counter: E Series and 44XX Devices
    Other Counter: 6602 and 6608 Devices
    45XX and 6601 Devices
    So for the 6602, the 'Other Counter Gate' refers to a different counter gate depending on which counter the task is configured for.
    - Regards,

  • X series device synchronization

    I have a simple problem and cannot find any solution:
    I have two PCIe-6320 devices connected with RTSI cable. The cable is registered and works correctely.
    I create two analog input tasks and synchronize them with OnBoard Clock- it wirks correctly.
    Now when I try to add counter output task (to generate 12 pulses for SSI encoder) I get error -89137.
    What clock should I use to run analog and digital task in the same time?
    Attachments: ‏54 KB

    Dear vcb,
    First of all, let me welcome you to the NI forums. I am looking forward to work with you on solving the issue.
    For the first step I recommend you to read this KB about the specific error code, it may help: 
    Why Do I Get Error 89137 "Specified route cannot be satisfied..." When Routing PFI Lines Over RTSI?
    It is also important to note that the routing in your case is 10MhzRefClock to RTSI0, (it is not wired to Sample Clock in your VI). 
    You could also check the DAQmx Device Configuration palette, where you can use an API to route within the device. It is generally adviced to do RTSI signal sharing in the following way:
    Use DAQmx Export and/or DAQmx Export Signal Property Node
    There you have a property for TimeBase sharing. In the other device, if you wire a constant to you TimeBaseSrc, you can right click the constant -> I/O Name Filtering.. --> Include Advanced Terminals
    This way you get access to more options. From there you can specify RTSI0 as TimeBase.
    Please let me know if you found these information useful, and/or if you need more help with the issue.
    Best regards,
    Peter L.
    National Instruments Hungary
    Applications Engineer

  • Generate Internal Trigger

    Hello everyone!
    I have a PCI 6115 DAQ card.  I have created a finite analog input task and a finite digital output task.  I wish to have both tasks start at the same time through the use of a trigger.  It is my understanding that, even though these tasks are running at different frequencies, their sample clocks derive from the same base clock, so as long as the tasks start with the same trigger, then they will be synchronized.
    I have never used a trigger before, so I've been doing alot of learning.  However, I'm a bit stuck, and I would appreciate some input.  It is my understanding (which could very well be wrong) that the digital output task and the analong input task on the PCI 6115 card can only be triggered from a PFI or a RTSI source.  However, I want the trigger to be generated internally, not from an external source.  As such, I've put together the following sequence to make this happen:
    In this example code, the following sequence happens:
    1) create analong input task
    2) make analog input task wait for trigger from RTSI0 in order to start
    3) create counter channel
    4) export counter signal to RTSI0 line.  (I would have used a DIO channel, but the PCI 6115 doesn't allow this)
    5) When user presses trigger button control, the RTSI0 line is sent high.  This triggers and start the analog input task
    I tested this and it seems to work.  My questions are as follows:
    1) Am I doing things "correctly"?  Is there a simpler solution?  It feels kind of hokey writing a counter to a RTSI line just to trigger an internal channel
    2) On an actual PCI 6115 card, this code seemed to work fine. However, on a MAX-simulated PCI 6115 card, the analog input task immediately started without waiting for the trigger.  I assume that this is simply a limitation of the simulation software for dealing with external input sources - correct?
    Thank you for your comments and assistance!
    trigger ‏28 KB

    A score does not typically have the ability to generate any sort of signal. You have not mentioned the male and model. Where in its manual do you see pulse generation?

  • Connect Digital port PFI2 to RTSI3

    i have a question about connecting a digital port (e.g. PFI2) to RTSI port (e.g. RTSI3).
    My device: PCI6731
    i have already sucessfully connected 'Ctr0InternalOutput' to RTSI0.
    Now I need a digital input to another RTSI. But I failed to do that and got the prompt message: 'Specified route cannot be satisfied, because it requires resources that are currently in use by another route.'
    Please tell me how to connect a digital input to a RTSI?
    Thank you!

    Greetings lyonco.
    This is a great question and can be somewhat of a tricky task at times.  For advice on how best to proceed, please refer to the following KnowledgeBase article. 
    Why Do I Get Error 89137 "Specified route cannot be satisfied..." When Routing PFI Lines Over RTSI?
    In the case of the PCI-6731, it appears from the routing table that Counter0 is used as a subsystem when routing from any of the PFI lines to RTSI0-6.  I hope this information helps get you on the right track. 
    Michael G.
    Michael G.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
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  • Synchronizing 1 PCI 6220 and 2 PXI 6711 Boards

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    Ultracold Bloom User ‏77 KB

    One solution would be to run a wire (a real one! you know with copper inside it? ) from the counter output to one of the PFI lines on the same card and then tie the PFI line to RTSI bus...
    There might be a more elegant way of doing it that someone could share, but this would certainly work. Just make sure that you document in your code the assumption that this jumper wire is in place.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Routing start trigger to RTSI/PFI (NI-6110)

    We've got a customer who is trying to route a start trigger to a PFI or RTSI line.  He is not using LabVIEW as can be seen below and is using traditional NI-DAQ.  Can you please confirm if it is possible to do using the NI-6110 and traditional NI-DAQ.  I've included his email as well which contains the relevant information.
    "As explained I use 2 Ni6110 cards at Wits. These cards are synchronized via a rtsi cable and operate in pre-trigger mode based on an analogue trigger on channel 1 of the master card.
    Everything works well, but I need to be notified via a digital line (or RTSI line) when the trigger condition is met. At present because of the stop trigger method of configuring the card, I get notifed when the stop trigger condition occurs. This is obviously too late in the process.
    The following relevant commands are used:
    //The following line is used to get the second card to be synchronized with the first card
    On the second card:
    How can I be notifed of the start trigger condition?
    I thought that something like the following could work, but I have not verified it. I need the signal to be available on a 6224 M Card:
    Thanks for your help.

    I looked at the Device Routes and the Device Pinouts in MAX and
    found that you are not able to route any of the digital lines on port 0
    to the RTSI lines, only those that are directly linked to the PFI
    lines. The counter lines are all directly routed to the PFI lines. In
    the Device Pinouts chart it shows that the digital lines on ports 1 and
    2 are directly routed to the PFI lines. Please refer to that chart and
    then you can use the DAQmx Connect Terminal VI for simple easy signal routing.
    To see the Device Routes in MAX: Select your device and then select the tab at the bottom titled Device Routes. Green means you can use the DAQmx Connect Terminal VI. To see the Device Pinouts in MAX: Select your device and then press the button at the top labled Device Pinouts. You can also right click on your device and it is listed there.
    Vince M
    Applications Engineer

  • Routing m-series timing signals to pfi or rtsi

    I'm looking for sample code for routing internal timing signals to PFI or RTSI terminals as output.  Chapters 8 & 9 of the M Series User's Manual talk about doing this but the details just aren't there...

    Guided by the coding methods in ddk example dioex2.cpp the following approaches have been tried: 
    Method 1:
    // Set PFI0 to output ai/SampleClock
    board->IO_Bidirection_Pin.writePFI0_Pin_Dir (tMSeries::tIO_Bidirection_Pin::kPFI0_Pin_DirOutput);
    board->PFI_Output_Select_1.writePFI0_Output_Select (tMSeries::tPFI_Output_Select_1::kPFI0_Output_SelectAI_Start2_PFI);  // 0x02
    //Set PFI 1 to output ai/ConvertClock
    board->IO_Bidirection_Pin.writePFI1_Pin_Dir (tMSeries::tIO_Bidirection_Pin::kPFI1_Pin_DirOutput);
    board->PFI_Output_Select_1.writePFI1_Output_Select (tMSeries::tPFI_Output_Select_1::kPFI1_Output_SelectAI_Convert);  // 0x03
    Method 2:
    // Set PFI0, PFI1 for output
    board->IO_Bidirection_Pin.writeRegister (0x0003);
    // set binary 0 00000 00011 00010 pattern
    board->PFI_Output_Select_1.writeRegister (0x0062);
    Both methods produce the same results.  We see what appears to be the Convert Clock only and it's not on the expected PFI.  The other output looks nothing like the Sample Clock.  Where did we go wrong?

  • Sync output timing to hardware trigger (PFI?)

    I'd like to sync the output of my cards (2 PCI-6733 connected with an RTSI cable, and using  BNC-2110's) to the AC power line of the lab I work in. That is, when told to output, they will always wait and output at the same point in the 60Hz cycle.  
    To that end, I've built a circuit that gives a TTL signal that is synced to the building's AC line. I now need to find a way to take this TTL signal and use it as the starter for my experimental sequence. If there is a delay that's ok, however it needs to be a consistant delay (to within a few microseconds preferably). This is so that everytime I run my experimental sequence, I'm starting at the same point in the AC power cycle.
    Is it correct to use the PFI port to try and do this? Other suggestions?
    The sequence would be:
    Step 1: Cards are ready to write
    Step 2: Cards write once, started by hardware trigger of the TTL from the circuit I built.
    Step 3: Other Labview code runs, and then returns to step 1.
    Go to Solution.

    Ok. Knowing about DAQmx export signal is definitely helpful. I don't think I've got everything set up quite right though, as it's giving me an error with what I tried. 
    Error -89136 occurred at DAQmx Start
    Possible reason(s):
    Specified route cannot be satisfied, because the hardware does not support it.
    Property: StartTrig.OutputTerm
    Destination Device: Dev1
    Destination Terminal: PFI0
    Task Name: _unnamedTask<1E>
    I'm not sure on the correct order of the DAQmx functions. I currently have: Create Channel -> Timing -> Write -> Export Signal (?) -> Start Task. This doesn't seem to be the correct way to do this though. The sample you linked to had the Write after the Start Task... which doesn't quite make sense to me... In addition, I'm not sure where to put the DAQmx in this sequence.
    Any pointers to set me in the right direction? I've attached a screenshot and vi of my current code to show you what I do now. 
    Write2PCI6733 (SubVI).vi ‏54 KB
    WriteToPCIscheme_Mar9_2012.PNG ‏59 KB

  • Is the Packager for iPhone (pfi) still for download somewhere?

    It's great to see that Adobe is making updates for the iOS development platform.
    However, I have an application in the appstore that I developed using the (old) pfi packager using Flash cs5.
    Therefore I can't update the app using Air 2.6 or 2.7.
    I wonder: what if I reinstall my mac from scratch, I need to reinstall pfi to create updates to my app.
    Does anyone know where I can download the old pfi?
    Or maybe someone downloaded the installer and is willing to send it to me?
    I would hate to be unable to continue development of my "old" apps...
    Thanx in advance!

    Thanx for your quick respons Sanika.
    Unfortunately the download-link doesn't work. It redirects to the new air-pages with no sign of a download link to the old files.
    I know I should better move to air 2.7 (and believe me, I want to!), but 2 things are bothering me about air 2.7:
    1) I am not able to upgrade my existing games due to the fact that some older devices aren't supported anymore. I have about 20.000 downloads allready so I can't ask all those people to download my app again when I release it under a different name. I just don't think people will like that. Especially when they have to pay for it again!
    2) My app is a game for kids and most of them don't have a fancy iPhone 4 or iPad. A lot of them have iPod touches (2nd en 3rd generation) and releasing an app in Air 2.7 makes it impossible for them to download it. I would loose a rather big audience if I do so...
    So, if anyone has a working download link for the old iPhone packager (PFI) or has another solution for the problems described above, I would really appreciate it.
    (makes me wonder how you other guys update your existing apps)

  • How to export counter to rtsi?

    I am generating a counter frequency out signal on a pci-6220 m-series card.  I want to then share this signal with other cards over an RTSI line, and therefore, I use export signal VI.  However, right after a computer reboot this VI will not produce a counter signal.  If I then generate a signal using MAX, I can go back and run this VI fine until the computer is rebooted again.  If I remove the export signal VI, then everything runs fine. 
     It seems like the inclusion of the export signal VI makes it not workafter reboot until it is initialized using MAX.  I am quite confused.
    Thanks for your help,
    Go to Solution.
    laser ‏19 KB

    Hi Pat,
    Are you getting counter output on RTSI0 but not on PFI12? This sounds like a bug that was reported to R&D as CAR #44655 and fixed in NI-DAQmx 8.8. Normally DAQmx uses the value of the CO.Pulse.Term channel property (which defaults to PFI12 for ctr0) to control the counter output route, but exporting the Counter Output Event signal caused CO.Pulse.Term to be ignored. In DAQmx 8.8 and later, the values of both properties should be combined.
    Why would creating a pulse generation task in MAX seem to fix the problem? When a DAQmx task routes signals to PFI lines, they stay routed until you reboot, reset the device, or reconfigure that PFI line for a different purpose (a different output signal, or an input).
    If you're using 8.7.x or older, I'd recommend upgrading to the latest version, NI-DAQmx 8.9. If you can't upgrade, or if that doesn't fix the problem, I would try passing "/Dev2/RTSI0,/Dev2/PFI12" to the DAQmx Export Signal VI. Alternately, you could change your VI to create, start, stop, and clear a second task to emulate what the pulse generation task in MAX is doing.
    Brad Keryan
    NI R&D

  • Need to use quadrature encoder to trigger (RTSI) single point DAQ on 2 channels of E-Series DAQ, using 6602 NI-TIO for counting encoder pulses.

    This is for LV6i, W2000, all PCI equipment.
    Using a quadrature-measure position-VI, I get 7200 edges/rev from the encoder of my physical system. This equates to 0.05 degrees of angular displacement. This amounts to an angle stamp as opposed to a time stamp.
    I need each of these 7200 edges (source: 6602 NI-TIO) to trigger (using RTSI) the acquisition of a single sample from each of 2 channels on an E-Series DAQ board (maybe more channels later). I only need/want one rev (7200 samples per channel) of data for each run of the test. As I write this I think I want pre-triggering and a little more than a rev of data. So the
    re is a buffering step. Anyway, you can get the idea.
    I need this angle stamp and the DAQ samples to be placed in an array and on the hard drive for graphing and other mathematical treatment, analysis, etc.
    I think there must be a way to use the quadrature output of the counter/timer as a scan clock for the DAQ board, but I haven't seen an example to guide me.
    It seems like all of the RTSI or other triggering examples I have seen trigger once to start a continuous scan, not a series of discrete samples repeated quickly. I am not sure how to fill an array with this data. Again, examples are for continuous sampling, not a series of discrete readings.
    Any hints on any part of this task will greatly appreciated. This is my first LV project.

    Sounds like a fairly ambitious first project!
    I assume your 7200 edges/rev come from an encoder with 2 channels in quadrature which each provide 1800 cycles/rev. You can clock in analog data at 1800 scans/rev with either of the two encoder channels, but will probably need an external quadrature decoder circuit to produce 7200 scans/rev. Either method can be done with screwdriver and wire or else by using another counter from the 6602 and the RTSI bus. Here are two approaches in detail, but you could mix-and-match as needed.
    Note also that if you can be sure that your reference encoder will be uni-directional, you wouldn't need to measure position -- position could be determined by the array index of the analog scan data. This would simplify things greatly.
    1800 scans/rev, screwdriver & wire
    Wire both encoder channels to your 6602 breakout box and configure your counter for the 4x quadrature option. Send a wire from one of the encoder channel connections at your 6602 breakout box to a PFI pin at your E-series board breakout box. Config the analog acquisition to use an external scan clock and specify the correct PFI pin -- there are built-in examples that will guide you. Now one edge of one encoder channel acts as a scan clock for your analog acquisition. Inside the 6602 breakout box, route the same signal to one of the default gate pins and configure your encoder counter gate to use that pin as its gate signal. Note that there will be a race condition governing whether the encoder value updates from the encoder inputs before or after the value is latched by the gate.
    7200 scans/rev, extra counter & RTSI
    Make sure you have a RTSI connector between your two acquisition boards inside your PC. Build a quadrature decoder circuit that will convert your two encoder channels into a clock and direction output. (Consider the LSI 7084 decoder chip or similar). Setup your "encoder" counter for buffered position measurement. Use "Counter Set Attribute" to define "up down" as "digital" (don't use it to define "encoder type"). The clock output goes to the counter SOURCE and the direction output goes to the counter UP_DOWN pin.
    Use "Adjacent" to identify the counter considered adjacent to your encoder counter. Configure it for "retriggerable pulse generation". Use "Counter Gate (NI-TIO).vi" to specify "other counter source" as the gating signal. Configure the output pulse specs to be short duration (make sure total of delay + pulse width is less than the minimum period of the incoming encoder clock signals). Use "Route" to send this counter's output onto the RTSI bus, say RTSI 0.
    Now configure the analog acq. to use RTSI 0 as its external scan clock. Also configure the encoder counter to use RTSI 0 as its gate signal. Voila! Now your quadrature decoder clock output acts as a scan clock for analog acquisition and a "gate" to buffer your encoder measurement. The short delay helps ensure that the clock updates the position measurement before the gate fires to latch the value.
    Respond if you need clearer explanation. There's a fair amount of decent info "out there" if you scour the online help and this website. Good luck!

  • Can PCI-6601 pulse signal over RTSI every Nth encoder count?

    Hi All,
    I have a PCI-6601 counter/timer connected to a quadrature angular encoder.   The 6601 is also connected to a PCI-1422 frame grabber with a RTSI cable.
    I want to be able to trigger the frame grabber by sending a pulse over the RTSI cable every N encoder counts (or X degrees).
    How would I go about do this using C++?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Brad,
              There are a few resources I think you may find helpful.  First, there's this DevZone article, " Generate and output pulse every no count an encoder traverses".  Generally, the way this would work is:
    If you want to output a pulse every 4 counts, you will need to take the
    total count size of the counter (2^32 bits) and subtract 4 from this.
    This will be the initial count to set, so that after 4 counts, the
    counter will reach Terminal Count and the Counter Output Event pulse
    will be fired. You can then export the Counter Output Event to a PFI
    line, and use this line as the Z index terminal. If you set the Z index
    value to be equal to the initial count, the counter will always reset
    to 4 ticks below the Terminal Count, and will output a pulse on every
    4th tick. The only drawback to this method is that it will require that
    only X1 decoding be used, and that the counter would have to be
    dedicated to sending out the Counter Output Event (if you want to
    actually count the encoder and keep track of position, another counter
    will have to be used).
    As for specifically doing this in C++, I would recommend referencing the DAQmx C Reference Help (Start»All Programs»National Instruments»NI-DAQ»Text Based Code Support»DAQmx C Reference Help).  Hope that helps, for more assistance on the frame grabber portion of your question, I would reference the post you put in the vision forum.  Have a great day! 
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments
    Digital Multimeters

  • 6602: Want to route a dedicated DIO (0-7) Line configured for output to a RTSI line

    PXI-6602: I want to use a dedicated DIO (0-7) line configured for output to trigger all 8 counters on the 6602 card. The counters are configured for two-signal-edge-separation measurement. I Have tried to use to route PFIn (0-7) to RTSI bus with no luck.

    You should be able to trigger counters on the 6602 using the Digital Lines DIO (0-7).
    Use the Set Attribute VI and set the attribute value type to Enabled and attribute ID to Start Trigger.
    Wire the output of Set Attribute Task ID to the Task ID input of the Route Signal VI. Select the start trigger for the Signal Name input, PFI n for Signal Source input and PFI line Number for Signal Source Line Number input. Try this and see if this works.
    Bharat Sandhu
    Applications Engineering
    National Instruments."

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