Redirecting request to Apache

We have an application which is deployed on Weblogic 7.0 SP2, the application has
to be accessed through Apache server, so the request first goes to Apache and
then redirects it to WLS, but if somebody directly accesses the WLS server then
also he can access the application, I do not want any one to directly access
the WLS but all requests should be routed through Apache server. If someone accesses
the WLS directly then he should be redirected through Apache, is there some way
if this could be acheived by updating some configuration file.

In apache - tomcat integration, we do configurations at tomcat side also.
In server.xml of tomcat we add following lines for connector.
        <!-- Define an AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 -->
            <Connector port="8009" enableLookups="false" request.tomcatAuthentication="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3" />
Do we have any such file or do we have to do any such configurations on SAP WAS?

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    I have no experience with nginx and varnish and asking configuration problems regarding these products is perhaps beyond the scope of this forum.
    While configuring varnish, we are getting issues and unable to connect server from my browser if I change port 80.
    You did not describe the issues, but it is possible and very common that your IP Firewall is blocking access to ports other than 80 and 22. For testing, you can simply turn it off. If you do not know how, please post your OS distribution version first, as it all depends.

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    Thanks but, now after rediriceting the request I am
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    Edited by: Frank Nimphius on Feb 8, 2012 5:17 PM

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    Uhm, you should use the plugin from WebLogic 8.1 SP2 and follow the instructions in the WebLogic 8.1 documentation.

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    If the path begins with a protocol such as "http:" the page flow runtime will look outside of this web application for the resource, and it will automatically cause a redirect (rather than a server forward) to the resource. If the path begins with a forward slash, "/", the runtime will start at the web application's root directory to locate the resource. If the path omits the forward slash, "/", the reference is relative to the page flow's directory.
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    Go to iPhoto and hit File and go to EXPORT. From there you can export your entire iPhoto Library to your external drive in any folder you want. Now if you've named the pictures in iPhoto and you select the check box for NAME and Keywords in the EXPORT menu the photos will be exported with the names given in iPhoto and any keywords you have added to the photo such as a description.. Hope this helps not sure if this is what your looking for.

  • doesn't handle the http redirect request

    Hi AFCS team,
         I just tried out the java script for external authentication. By default, when calling new AFCS.AccountManager(accountURL);, I'll get an error like the following:
    "GET failed with status 302";
         Actually this url will be redirected to "" for me.
         However,  the script handles the http response only when status=200, or it consider the status as error.
         So I added following code to http_get()/http_post(), everything goes well so far.
                if (responseCode == 200) {
                    return connection.getInputStream();
                // handle the redirect status
                else if (responseCode == 302) {
                    return http_get(connection.getHeaderField("Location"), headers);
                else {
                   throw new Error();
         Is it something need to be fixed in next release?

    So, the code was there a couple of releases ago, and then I took it out because I noticed that the lower level API were already processing redirections (but at this point I don't know on which case)
    I'll do some more testing and if needed add the code back. Thanks for pointing it out!

  • Redirect requests to access internet abnormal

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    below a small question I want to propose you:
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    Are you testing from a system in the IP-range from Then your Object-definition used for nat is wrong:
    object network INSIDE_NET
    should be:
    object network INSIDE_NET
    Don't stop after you've improved your network! Improve the world by lending money to the working poor:

  • Http request through Apache

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    on Apache deployed on same/other machines . As this application is intended to be used by few administrators, I need to authenticate the user before access.
    Is there any standard way to achieve this?
    What I need to configure on OC4J/Apache.
    Do I need to make any changes in the application to achieve this ?
    Any thoughts

    Hi Pranay,
    I can only suggest the following references (although I'm not sure
    if they will help you).
    Good Luck,

  • File request: org.apache.httpd.plist

    Can some one post me their 10.5 copy of org.apache.httpd.plist as I've managed to remove this somehow.

    Welcome to Apple Discussions, Neil.
    I found this on Apple Mailing Lists
    and a possible solution:
    Maybe it's empty?
    +"Try going into your server admin "Certificates" section and removing and regenerating the certificate. Could also be permissions."+
    and a resolution, ta-ta!
    +"The problem seems to have come from my renaming the default key provided with OSX Server. For some reason, when I rebooted this past time it broke apache, even though none of the sites had SSL enabled. Fixing the default .conf files so that they referred to the new key name (and those for the four sites on Apache) fixed the problem."+
    Of course, who knows if yours is the same issue?

  • Problem with sp11, wl 5.1, apache and server root requests

    We have the following server configuration:
    Solaris 2.6
    Java 1.3.1_02
    Weblogic 5.1
    Apache 1.3.20
    We recently moved from sp9 to sp11, and noticed a change in the behavior of the Apache-WL
    bridge (
    We have apache running in front of our WL instance. We're planning to offload static
    content to apache, but for now, we pass all requests through to weblogic. This means
    we don't have any files in Apache's server root. They all are in the (separate) weblogic
    root. This has worked fine until sp11. Now, when you make a request to the server
    root, ie, or, weblogic's 404 page is returned.
    After turning on the debug logs of an sp9 and an sp11 bridge, I think this is what's
    The way we have the bridge pass everything on is with a " MatchExpression * " directive
    in the <IfModule mod_weblogic.c> section of our httpd.conf. We've also tested alternatives
    using Directory, Location and LocationMatch directives like this:
    <LocationMatch "^/">
         SetHandler weblogic-handler
    and the behavior I'm writing about still remains.
    In sp11, when making the root level request, the only request that apache passes
    on to wl is a request for the error page set in the default apache config. (I'm looking
    at the mod_wl debug logs).
    In sp9, you see a request for "/", and wl returns a 302 redirection. The next request
    is to "/index.jsp", which returns correctly (a 200 response).
    What I think is happening is that mod_wl stopped intercepting the "/" URL request
    in sp11. It would then default to apache's mod_dir to lookup an index file for /,
    try to find that file in the apache root(internally to mod_dir), not find anything,
    since we don't have an index file in the apache server root, then generate a request
    for the apache error page, which is then intercepted and passed on to wl. Since wl
    doesn't have this file, a 404 is returned. (whew).
    Now, if I go to the apache server root, and create an empty index file (>touch index.jsp),
    I see one request for "/index.jsp" passed to WL which then returns correctly. Still
    no intial request for "/", which leads me to believe mod_dir is still handling the
    "/" URL request rather than mod_wl.
    Why did this behavior change between service packs, and can it switch back to the
    original behavior? I don't like having empty files lying around. Also, I didn't see
    this change in behavior documented in any of the release notes.

    I had a similar problem on Redhat Linux 7.1, Java 1.3.1, Apache 1.3.20
    doing PathPrepends for a Location directive.
    I recently saw they have release SP12 for WL5.1 which addresses
    PathPrepend issues. This could be a similar issue
    "peter morelli" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
    We have the following server configuration:
    Solaris 2.6
    Java 1.3.1_02
    Weblogic 5.1
    Apache 1.3.20
    We recently moved from sp9 to sp11, and noticed a change in the behavior of the Apache-WL
    bridge (
    We have apache running in front of our WL instance. We're planning to offload static
    content to apache, but for now, we pass all requests through to weblogic. This means
    we don't have any files in Apache's server root. They all are in the (separate) weblogic
    root. This has worked fine until sp11. Now, when you make a request to the server
    root, ie, or, weblogic's 404 page is returned.
    After turning on the debug logs of an sp9 and an sp11 bridge, I think this is what's
    The way we have the bridge pass everything on is with a " MatchExpression * " directive
    in the <IfModule mod_weblogic.c> section of our httpd.conf. We've also tested alternatives
    using Directory, Location and LocationMatch directives like this:
    <LocationMatch "^/">
         SetHandler weblogic-handler
    and the behavior I'm writing about still remains.
    In sp11, when making the root level request, the only request that apache passes
    on to wl is a request for the error page set in the default apache config. (I'm looking
    at the mod_wl debug logs).
    In sp9, you see a request for "/", and wl returns a 302 redirection. The next request
    is to "/index.jsp", which returns correctly (a 200 response).
    What I think is happening is that mod_wl stopped intercepting the "/" URL request
    in sp11. It would then default to apache's mod_dir to lookup an index file for /,
    try to find that file in the apache root(internally to mod_dir), not find anything,
    since we don't have an index file in the apache server root, then generate a request
    for the apache error page, which is then intercepted and passed on to wl. Since wl
    doesn't have this file, a 404 is returned. (whew).
    Now, if I go to the apache server root, and create an empty index file (>touch index.jsp),
    I see one request for "/index.jsp" passed to WL which then returns correctly. Still
    no intial request for "/", which leads me to believe mod_dir is still handling the
    "/" URL request rather than mod_wl.
    Why did this behavior change between service packs, and can it switch back to the
    original behavior? I don't like having empty files lying around. Also, I didn't see
    this change in behavior documented in any of the release notes.

  • Apache configuration for proxying requests to Weblogic SSL port

    Hello Everyone,
    I want to proxy requests from Apache to Weblogic server on its SSL Port 7002. I am using the default SSL demo version provided by Oracle/BEA.
    Both my Apache and Weblogic instances are running on same machine.
    This is the procedure I followed. I enabled SSL port on Weblogic. Added below configuration to Apache conf file. I am passing trusted.crt file inside WL_HOME/server/lib as parameter to TrustedCAFile .
    <Location "/">
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicHost ServerHostMame
    WebLogicPort WLInstanceSSLPort
    SecureProxy ON
    TrustedCAFile "C:/trusted.crt"
    RequireSSLHostMatch false
    Debug ALL
    WLLogFile "C:/wl_proxy.log"
    When I start the Apache instance and try to access the webpage I see below exception in proxy log.
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> Hdrs to WLS:[WL-Proxy-Client-IP]=[]
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> Hdrs to WLS:[Proxy-Client-IP]=[]
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> Hdrs to WLS:[X-Forwarded-For]=[]
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-KeepAliveSecs]=[30]
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> Hdrs to WLS:[X-WebLogic-Force-JVMID]=[unset]
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878761> INFO: No session match found
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> INFO: SSL certificate chain validation failed: 3015
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> trusted certs = 0
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> dumping cert chain
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> commonName is testmachine-us
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878761> INFO: DeleteSessionCallback
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> ERROR: SSLWrite failed
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> SEND failed (ret=-1) at 789 of file ../nsapi/URL.cpp
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> *******Exception type [WRITE_ERROR_TO_SERVER] raised at line 790 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> Marking as bad
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> got exception in sendRequest phase: WRITE_ERROR_TO_SERVER [os error=0,  line 790 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp]: at line 2994
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> INFO: Closing SSL context
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> INFO: Error after SSLClose, socket may already have been closed by peer
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> Failing over after WRITE_ERROR_TO_SERVER exception in sendRequest()
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> attempt #1 out of a max of 5
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> general list: trying connect to ''/40011/40011 at line 2619 for '/'
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> New SSL URL: match = 0 oid = 22
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> Connect returns -1, and error no set to 10035, msg 'Unknown error'
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> EINPROGRESS in connect() - selecting
    Thu Apr 09 10:38:05 2009 <735212392878852> Setting peerID for new SSL connection
    Please advice if I am missing anything here?
    - - Tarun

    I'm using WL9 and Apache2.2
    I had exact same issue as above (which I solved with these directions) in additiion to another issue, that only showed once I enabled full logging, since it shows as warning/info, not as error
    First to enable full logging, add this
    Debug ALL
    WLLogFile "C:/wl_proxy.log"
    Then after a failure (even after fixing the above), look at the log, and if you see this INFO/WARN:
    Thu Apr 23 00:48:27 2009 <235612404369072> INFO: Host (comp1) doesn't match (, validation failed
    Thu Apr 23 00:48:27 2009 <235612404368911> WARN: DeleteSessionCallback: No match found!!
    Thu Apr 23 00:48:27 2009 <235612404369072> ERROR: SSLWrite failed
    Thu Apr 23 00:48:27 2009 <235612404369072> SEND failed (ret=-1) at 795 of file ../nsapi/URL.cpp
    Thu Apr 23 00:48:27 2009 <235612404369072> *******Exception type [WRITE_ERROR_TO_SERVER] raised at line 796 of ../nsapi/URL.cpp
    Thu Apr 23 00:48:27 2009 <235612404369072> Marking as bad
    that means you have same problem as I do. The WeblogicHost inside the Location descriptor should match the actual host name for the machine. I believe it's easer because the certificate created by weblogic during its installation will encapsulate the machine host name, or because the SSL validation mechanism expects the machine host name, nothing else.
    Here's how the config would like (my hostname is comp1)
    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
    SecureProxy on
    TrustedCAFile "C:/tools/bea9/weblogic92/server/lib/CertGenCA.pem"
    Debug ALL
    WLLogFile "C:/wl_proxy.log"
    EnforceBasicConstraints off
    <Location /EnterpriseCMP>
    SetHandler     weblogic-handler
    WebLogicHost      comp1
    WebLogicPort     7002
    ConnectTimeoutSecs     1000
    ConnectRetrySecs     1000
    I believe the

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