Refresh episode list

I've spent 30 minutes looking for this answer.
How do I refresh the episode list of a podcast? A daily podcast list has missing days. I just want it to rebuild the list in iTunes.
I've done this before but can't find the answer anywhere.

Un-expand the list and then re-expand holding down the Option key.
I keep forgetting this very useful shortcut too

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    Hello I am using Jdeveloper Version
    The table is a normal table that is made to look like a treeTable.
    For some rows are or can be parents with Parent_vo_group_id = null and other are children with parent_vo_group_id = vo_group_id of the parent...
    If a children changes its parent_vo_group_id to null it can become a parent as well.
    I am having a select one choice inside a table column. The list comes from the same table with column Name:
    <af:table value="#{bindings.VoGroupAdminView2.collectionModel}" var="row"
                                                      visible="#{bindings.VoGroupAdminView2Iterator.currentRow != null}"
                                                      partialTriggers="::soc1" styleClass="AFStretchWidth"
                                                      rowBandingInterval="0" editingMode="clickToEdit"
                                                      rowSelection="single" id="t5">
                                                <af:column sortProperty="#{}"
                                                           sortable="false" styleClass="columnData"
                                                    <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.Name.inputValue}"
                                                                  requiredMessageDetail="Please enter a group name"
                                                                  required="true" id="it7" immediate="true" autoSubmit="true"
                                                                  contentStyle="#{row.ParentVoGroupId eq null? 'font-weight:bold' : 'padding-left:20px'}"
                                                        <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.Name.validator}"/>
                                                <af:column sortProperty="#{}"
                                                           sortable="false" styleClass="columnData"
                                                    <af:selectOneChoice value="#{row.bindings.ParentVoGroupId.inputValue}"
                                                                        simple="true" immediate="true"
                                                                        id="soc2" autoSubmit="true"
                                                                        visible="#{row.bindings.ChildrenCount.inputValue eq 0 ? true : false}">
                                                        <f:selectItems binding="#{adminGroupManagementBean.selectOneChoiceList}"
                                            </af:table> My select one choice uses the same iterator as the table.
    <iterator Binds="VoGroupAdminView2" RangeSize="-1" DataControl="AppModuleDataControl"    id="VoGroupAdminView2Iterator"/>The table uses this view called VoGroupAdminView:
    Select t1.vo_Group_id,     
           t1.Parent_Vo_Group_Id ,
           decode (t2.children_count, null, 0, t2.children_count) as children_count
    (SELECT VoGroup.vo_Group_id,     
      FROM VO_GROUP VoGroup
    START WITH VoGroup.Parent_Vo_Group_Id IS NULL
    CONNECT BY VoGroup.Parent_Vo_Group_Id = PRIOR VoGroup.Vo_Group_Id
    order SIBLINGS by t1,
    (select parent_vo_group_id, count (parent_vo_group_id) as children_count from vo_group
    group by parent_vo_group_id) t2
    where t1.vo_group_id = t2.parent_vo_group_id (+)the ParentVoGroupId attribute has list of values from this view object called VoGroupAdminLov:
    and VO_GROUP.VO_GROUP_ID <> ?
    order by  VO_GROUP.NAMEI want to refresh the list of values in the select one choice everytime when i add a new row in the table, delete row in the table or change the value of select one choice component.
    What I have tried:
        public void parentIdValueChangeListener(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
            this.setValueToEL("#{row.bindings.ParentVoGroupId.inputValue}", valueChangeEvent.getNewValue());
            BindingContainer bc = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
            DCIteratorBinding voGroupAdminIterator = (DCIteratorBinding)bc.get("VoGroupAdminView2Iterator");
            Key selectedGroupKey = voGroupAdminIterator.getCurrentRow().getKey();
            AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)ADFUtils.getApplicationModuleForDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
            am.getVoGroupAdminView2().executeQuery(); //refresh the table view object;
            am.getVoGroupAdminLov1().executeQuery(); //refresh the list of values view object
            voGroupAdminIterator.invalidateCache();  //remove the cache of the iterator
            voGroupAdminIterator.setCurrentRowWithKey(selectedGroupKey.toStringFormat(true)); // set the selected row again.
            RichSelectOneChoice soc =
        }When i am adding a new row to the table its select one choice list is refreshed but only for the new row. The rest rows have not updated list of values for their select one choice components.
        public String addGroupButtonAction() {
            AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)ADFUtils.getApplicationModuleForDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
            ViewObjectImpl voGroupAdminView = am.getVoGroupAdminView2();
            Row newRow = voGroupAdminView.createRow();
            voGroupAdminView.insertRowAtRangeIndex(0, newRow);
            return "null";
        }Edited by: 897833 on Mar 19, 2012 9:07 AM

    I made a button to refresh the value of select one choice and it doesn't work yet.
    So I just move one of the
        public String refreshParentIdSOCButtonAction() {
            BindingContainer bc = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
            DCIteratorBinding voGroupAdminIterator = (DCIteratorBinding)bc.get("VoGroupAdminView2Iterator");
            Key selectedGroupKey = voGroupAdminIterator.getCurrentRow().getKey();
            AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)ADFUtils.getApplicationModuleForDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
            AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(this.parentIdSelectOneChoice);  //refresh the binded SOC as you said
            AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(this.parentIdSelectOneChoiceList); //refresh the binded list even
            AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addPartialTarget(this.groupTable); //refresh the table it is in;
            return null;
        }Edited by: 897833 on Mar 23, 2012 2:58 AM

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    Apple developers, if you read this please add this feature - you had it in Music App.

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    Have a look at the following: s=1 s=1

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    # Not used in this version.
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    Hi Joe,
    normally the inbox is refreshed automatically when you enter.
    We found the program that is called when you enter the inbox.
    Here you can add additional code.
    Function module: SINWP
    subroutine: append_folrg_to_tree
    Best regards,

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    I have a SharePoint 2010 farm with two Web Applications.
    For example:
    Both Webapp use https --> 443. Same valid certificate for both (*
    I tested exporting an Excel library in
    It export and sync up sucessful the Excel library and it updates it OK.
    However, once exported the Excel library in, when
    I try to syncronize or update the library I receive an error back, which indicates: "A connection to the SharePoint site cannot be established. To synchronize or
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    Do you have any idea about this issue?? Why do not
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    I had tested the security with IIS, SSL, WebDav.
    Thank you,

    I solved this problem.
    I created a new Application Web in the farm (, dismount content database the old application web (
    and the new application web (
    #New AppWeb
    Get-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication | Dismount-SPContentDatabase -WhatIf
    #Old AppWeb
    Get-SPContentDatabase -WebApplication | Dismount-SPContentDatabase -WhatIf
    Mount the old content database to the new application web (
    Mount-SPContentDatabase "WSS_Content_Finance" -DatabaseServer "MyServer" -WebApplication
    If you want to keep the same url, change the alternate access mappings.
    Remember to change the bindings in IIS.
    Hope you help the solution...

  • New podcast episode downloads in subscription but not shown in episode list

    We are uploading podcasts under the name Rivendell Fellowship. (link is
    I subscribe and the most recent episode downloaded automatically and plays in I-tunes. But when I search through our episode list, it isn't shown. I wanted to post an online link to that particular episode but can't find it to do so.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Your latest episode, 'Follow Me', posted 6 March, appears in the feed, when subscribing, and in the Store page. The only oddity is that the Store page is not showing the duration - this is a quirk which has affected a number of podcasts recently: but everything otherwise is quite normal.
    If you want to post a link to the actual media file, it's at
    Otherwise I'm not entirely clear whether you still have a problem - please do post back if you have, but it would be helpful if you could provide exact details of what you are expecting to see but aren't.

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    But when I click on the show icon, I get an error message "Could not complete the Music Store request. The store may be busy. Check your internet connection, or try again later."
    My connection is fine, thankyouverymuch, and I've tried at a wide variety of different times for almost two weeks.
    Now what?
    Could this somehow be related to the number of episodes I have available (more than 20)?
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
    (please ignore this post, I tried to make sure it went into the Apple iTunes discussion area - and - obviously - failed)
    Message was edited by: C.G. Niebank

    see edit in message.

  • Refresh a list when a mxml is opened

    Hi all,
    I have two mxml. In the first, i've a datagrid that is correctly populated and it has some headercolumns (for example: name).
    In the second mxml, I want to show the user all the names  in the datagrid.
    To show the names I use a list. That list is populated when the mxml creation is completed (event 'creationCompleted'). The problem is when the datagrid change so the new names are not shown to user.
    Is there any way, event or similar wich I can refresh the list when the second mxml is opened?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi, thanks for your answers!
    DataBinding is very "hard" for my app because I really haved lot of mxml.
    I tried to use dataChange property but nothing happens.
    This is my actual code:
          Datagrid in main.mxml
    <comp:ColoredDataGrid id="dg_events" width="100%" height="100%"
                                  <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Nombre de evento" width="150"
                                  <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="ID" width="40"
                                  <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Propietario" width="120"
                                  <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Fecha" width="70"
                                  <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Hora" width="55"
                                  <!-- <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="N. Parámetros" width="100"
                                       dataField="numParams"/> -->
                                  <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Parámetros"
                                  <!--<mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Archivo" width="40"
    And now filterParam.mxml (this is where I want to refresh the list). I paste a bit of code:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:VBox xmlns:mx="" xmlns:comp="comp.*"
              //Activamos panel de filtrado por parámetros y cargamos valores                    
              public function load():void{
                   panel.percentHeight = 100;                              //Ajustamos tamaño
                   eventsArr = new Array();
                   eventsArr = eventList.categories_events();          //Obtenemos listado de eventos
                   eventsArr.push('---Todos---');                         //Añadimos etiqueta todos para el filtrador
                   eventsArr.sort(1);                                        //Organizamos alfabéticamente
                   owners = eventList.categories_owners();               //Obtenemos objetos propietarios
                   categories = eventList.categories_params();          //Obtenemos todos los parametros
                   matchFilter = new MatchFilter(dg);                    //Herramientas de filtrado
                                  <mx:List id="nameList" dataProvider="{eventsArr}" width="200" height="200"
                                        doubleClick="nameEv = nameList.selectedItem.toString();"/>
                                  <mx:HBox width="100%">
                                       <mx:Spacer width="100%"/>
                                       <mx:Image source="@Embed('/assets/images/system/add.png')" click="addEvent()"
                                                     toolTip="Bla bla bla bla"/>     
    Thanks for your answers!

  • Option to manually order the Unplayed Episodes list

    I really like the new podcast app. However, when I am listening to podcasts I don't necessarily want to listen from newest episode to oldest episode in the Unplayed Episodes list. I would like the option to manually order this list. This way I can specify the order I want to listen, which is not usually newest to oldest.

    At this point it looks like you can order newest to oldest or oldest to newest but thats it.
    To change the sort order tap on the podcast in the library window, tap on the podcast header where you set your subscription options, scroll down and below the option for how many episodes to keep is another that allows you to say oldest to newest or newest to oldest for sort order. No manual sort yet but it would be nice.

  • JPA -- Best way to refresh a List association?

    I need to refresh a OneToMany association.
    For example, I have two entities: Header & Detail.
    public class Header implements Serializable {
        private List<Detail> details;
    public class Detail implements Serializable {
        @JoinColumn(name="HDR_ID", referencedColumnName="HDR_ID")
        private Header header;
    }So, I fetch the Header along with all its Details.
    At a later point of time, I know that some Detail rows in the database have been changed behind my back. I need to re-fetch the list of Details. What should I do?
    1. I could add a cascade parameter to the @OneToMany association. I could specify:
    @OneToMany(mappedBy="header", cascade={CascadeType.REFRESH})Then I could run:
    entityManager.refresh(header);The trouble is that, since all the Details are already in the cache, the cached entities will be returned, not the ones fetched from the database. So, I won't refresh a thing. A query will be sent to the database indeed, but I will get the cached (i.e. stale) entities. I don't know of a way to specify something like
    setHint(TopLinkQueryHints.REFRESH, HintValues.TRUE)dynamically for associations, so that the values in the cache would be replaced with the ones fetched from the database.
    2. I could try to turn off the caching for the while Entity class. The trouble is that for some reason this doesn't work (see my other question here JPA -- How can I turn off the caching for an entity? Besides, even if it worked, I don't want to turn off the caching in general. I simply want to refresh the list sometimes.
    Could anyone tell me what's the best way to refresh the association?
    Best regards,

    Hi Chris,
    First, let me thank you that you take the time to answer my questions. I really appreciate that. I wish to apologize for my late reply but I wasn't around the PC for a while.
    TopLink doesn't refresh an entity based on a view. I will try to explain in more detail. I hope you'll have patience with me because this might be a bit longer even than my previous post. I will oversimplify my actual business case.
    Let's assume we have two tables and a view:
    create table MASTERS
      (id number(18) not null primary key,
       master_name varchar2(50));
    create table DETAILS
      (id number(18) not null primary key,
       master_id number(18) not null,   -- FK to MASTER.ID
       price number(7,2));
    create view DETAILS_VW as
      select id, master_id, price
      from details;Of course, in real life the view is useful and actually peforms complex aggregate calculations on the details. But at the moment I wish to keep things as simple as possible.
    So, I create Entities for the tables and the view. Here are the entities for MASTERS and DETAILS_VW, only the essential stuff (w/o getters, setters, sequence info, etc.):
    public class Master {
         @Column(name="ID", nullable=false)
         private Long id;
         private String masterName;
         @OneToMany(mappedBy="master", fetch=FetchType.LAZY, cascade=CascadeType.REFRESH)
         private List<DetailVw> detailsVw;
    public class DetailVw {
         private Long id;
         @JoinColumn(name="MASTER_ID", referencedColumnName="ID")
         private Master master;
         private Double price;
    }So, now we have the tables and the entities. Let's assume one master row and two detail rows exist:
    MASTER:  ID=1, MASTER_NAME='Master #1'
    DETAIL:  ID=2, MASTER_ID=1, PRICE=8And now let's run the following code:
    // List the initial state
    Master master = em.find(Master.class, 1L);
    List<DetailVw> detailsVw = master.getDetailsVw();
    for (DetailVw dv : detailsVw) {
    // Modify a detail
    EntityTransaction tx = em.getTransaction();
    Detail d = em.find(Detail.class, 2L);
    // Refresh
    // List the state AFTER the update
    detailsVw = master.getDetailsVw();
    for (DetailVw dv : detailsVw) {
    }And here are some excerpts from the console (only the essentials):
    DetailVw: id=1, price=3
    DetailVw: id=2, price=8
         bind => [1, 2]
         bind => [1]
         bind => [1]
    DetailVw: id=1, price=3
    DetailVw: id=2, price=8You see, the UPDATE statement changes the DETAILS row. The price was 8, but was changed to 1. I checked the database. It was indeed changed to 1.
    Furthermore, due to the refresh operation, a query was run on the view. But as you can see from the console output, the results of the query were completely ignored. The price was 8, and continued to be 8 even after the refresh. I assume it was because of the cache. If I run an explicit query on DETAILS_VW with the hint:
    q.setHint(TopLinkQueryHints.REFRESH, HintValues.TRUE);then I see the real updated values. But if I only refresh with em.refresh(master), then the DetailVw entities do not get refreshed, even though a query against the database is run. I have tested this both in JavaSE and in OC4J. The results are the same.
    An explicit refresh on a particular DetailVw entity works, though:
    DetailVw dvw = em.find(DetailVw.class, 2L);
    System.out.println(dvw);Then the console says:
    DetailVw: id=2, price=1So, the price is indeed 1, not 8.
    If you can explain that to me, I will be really thankful!
    Best regards,

  • JCS-122017 Error When refreshing Application List

    JCS-122017 Error When refreshing Application List
    This issue started occurring when we migrated CPS from M28 to M33
    We currently have M33.45 in Dev and are still experiencing the same error when refreshing the application list.
    To replicate the issue, I can login, click applications, click the redwood folder, then click the refresh button within CPS and receive the below error.
    [Errors found]      11:35:27 AM: JCS-122017: Trying to use non-attached object Application:2,472
    Has anyone else had this issue, this appears to happen to all of the application lists when refreshing
    JCS-122017: Trying to use non-attached object Application:2,472
         at com.redwood.scheduler.model.BaseSchedulerEntityImpl.checkHasSession(
         at com.redwood.scheduler.model.BaseSchedulerEntityImpl.checkCanRead(
         at com.redwood.scheduler.model.NamedRootObjectImpl.getName(
         at com.redwood.scheduler.ui.meta.MetaTabPageSetNameAction.performModelAction(
         at com.redwood.scheduler.ui.meta.MetaModelAction$ModelActionImpl.performModelAction(
         at com.redwood.scheduler.ui.model.impl.FormImpl.modelActions(
         at com.redwood.scheduler.ui.servlet.Servlet.handleRequest(
         at com.redwood.scheduler.ui.servlet.Servlet.doPost(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.redwood.scheduler.module.impl.ModuleFilter.doFilter(
         at com.redwood.scheduler.servlet.RequestCharsetFilter.doFilter(
         at Method)
    The error is in the admin guide
    No timezone could be found to calculate this TimeWindowElement. This means
    that the object that includes the TimeWindow should set the TimeZone to use
    for the calculation of the TimeWindow, or a TimeZone must be set on the
    TimeWindow or TimeWindowElement.
    I do not see how this would occur within the application list.
    Edited by: Nick Katsoulis on Jan 17, 2012 6:39 PM

    Hi Nick,
    I think you have already received this info via OSS - In case anyone else encounters this same problem - This issue will be fixed in a future version of CPS, planned for the M33-April release.

  • Refreshing iTunes List

    i have a big problem ! i have 105 app in itunes but i can see only 20 of them , how can i refresh applications list in itunes on iphone?

    Do you have enough space on your HD to download? If so, then see if repairing permissions & restarting helps.
    Suggest that you also cross-post over in the iTunes for Mac Forums

  • Refreshing Applications List

    i have a big problem ! i have 105 app in itunes but i can see only 20 of them [ i can only see 20 of them in applications list in iphone ], how can i refresh applications list in itunes on iphone?

    Just so you are aware...when you signed up to this site, you were presented with certain sets of documentation concerning the purpose and acceptable use of this site. To reiterate (paraphrase) that for you now...this site is a user-to-user community. It is not a user-to/from-RIM channel for any formal communications whatsoever. Hence, the answer to your question would be one from RIM can formally answer your question here. All escalations are contractually bound to follow your formal support channel...the place where you currently have an open ticket can escalate into RIM if required, but you have no free path by which to bypass them. You must first escalate through them, to higher and higher levels of their management if necessary, until such point as they agree to escalate into RIM. Such is the nature of the contractually required support channel...and all parties (the carriers, service centers, RIM, and indeed the end users) are bound by that contract to which they agreed upon purchase/subscription for services.
    I wish there were a better answer for you, but sadly at this time there is not.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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