Reg exp

hi all
select  regexp_count('1|2|3|4|'5,'|')from dual
how to count the no of pipe symbols in the string , it gives value10,please help me

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Similar Messages

  • A doubt on REG EXP

    Hi friends,
    Please clarify the following doubt in Reg Exp.
    Table EMP has following EMP_NAMEs:
    We have a set of characters as "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789".
    Now we need to find the count of EMP_NAMES whose characters (any) are not in the list of characters in the above list. In this example, the result should be 2. i.e., 'Bala_D' and 'David_C'. The query should be like:
    v_string varchar2(50) := 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789';
    v_count number(6);
    select count(*)
    into v_count
    from emp
    where regexp_like(emp_name, v_string);
    Thanks in advance!

    Welcome to the forum!
    To use REGEXP_LIKE, you could say:
    WHERE     REGEXP_LIKE ( emp_name
                  , '[^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789]'
                  )However, it will be faster not to use regular expressions:
    WHERE   LTRIM ( emp_name
               , 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
               )          IS NOT NULLEdited by: Frank Kulash on Oct 10, 2012 4:18 PM
    Removed extra single-quote, after DAMorgan, below.

  • How to make Matcher stop once a reg exp match is found

    Is there a way to make the regular expression Matcher stop reading from the underlying CharSequence once it finds a match? For example, if I have a very long String and a match for some regular expression is at the beginning of the String, can I make the Matcher object stop examining the String once it finds the match? The Matcher object seems to always examine the entire CharSequence, even if a match is very near the beginning.
    Zach Cox
    [email protected]

    Nope, {1}+ doesn't work either. I know it's
    continuing because I created my own CharSequence
    implementation that just wraps a String orwhatever,
    and I print to System.out whenever Matcher callsthe
    charAt method.What about the lookingAt() method?I think lookingAt is like matches, except just the beginning of the CharSequence has to match (i.e. starting at index 0), not the entire thing. I tried it and it doesn't even find the reg exp. The find method at least finds the reg exp, it just reads too far.

  • Reg Exp - not as expected

    Not often I ask questions myself, and perhaps my mind's just gone fuzzy this morning, but I'm having trouble doing a simple replace with regular expressions...
    In the below example I just want to replace all occurences of "fred" with "freddies"...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1* select regexp_replace('this freddies is fred fred record', 'fred', 'freddies') from dual
    SQL> /
    this freddiesdies is freddies freddies recordbut, obviously, I don't want the existing "freddies" to become "freddiesdies", it should stay as it is. So if I check for spaces either side of the search string (and take account of it maybe being at the start/end of the string...
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1* select regexp_replace('this freddies is fred fred record', '(^| )fred( |$)', '\1freddies\2') from dual
    SQL> /
    this freddies is freddies fred record
    SQL>It no longer replaces the "freddies" incorrectly, BUT it only replaces the first occurence of "fred" with "freddies" and not the latter one. ?!?!?!
    If I put an extra space inbetween the two "fred"s then it works:
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1* select regexp_replace('this freddies is fred  fred record', '(^| )fred( |$)', '\1freddies\2',2) from dual
    SQL> /
    this freddies is freddies  freddies record
    SQL>But I'm not going to have double spaces between the words and I can't determine where to insert them to make it work like this so it's not a feasible solution, although it does seem to highlight that the regular expression parser is not taking the space after the first match in the context of being the space before the second match.
    Is that a bug in the regular expression parser, a feature of the way regular expressions work (i.e. expected) or am I doing something wrong with my search and replace reg.exp. strings?

    I think this will explain ..
    SQL> select regexp_replace
      2         ('this freddies is fred fred  fred record',
      3          '(^| )(fred)($| )','\1freddies\3') str
      4  from dual
      5  /
    this freddies is freddies fred  freddies record
    1 row selected.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Reg Exp always returning false value

    Below is my code. I want to restrict the values to only alphabets and numbers and not special char.
    But the below condition fails on a positive value also. Ex: ABCD, abcd, 1234. These should be acceptable.
    Is the reg exp wrong?
    private var special_char:RegExp = /^[A-Za-z0-9]*$/;
                                  private function validateSpecialChar(inputValue:String):Boolean {
                                            if (special_char.test(inputValue))
                                                      valid = true;
                                                      valid = false;
                                            return valid;


  • Reg Exp won't make a match with metacharacters?

    Hi All,
    I'm trying to implement a filefilter using regular expressions to allow wildcard searches. Here is the code I have so far. Works fine for a literal match, but if i enter a wildcard search (eg. abc123) it will not list any files, even though if I enter the full name for a file, it matches just fine. Anyone got any ideas because I'm just comming up blank?
    package dbmanager2;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    * @author nkelleh
    public class LotDialog
        // Declare variables
        private String[] dirFiles;
        // Class constructor
        public LotDialog(String path, String name)
            // Create new file object based on path name given
            File dir = new File(path);
            // Assign file names to string array
            dirFiles = dir.list(new stdfFilter(name));
        public void printFiles()
            for (String files : dirFiles)
                System.out.println("File is " + files );
        class stdfFilter implements FilenameFilter {
            Pattern pattern;
            public stdfFilter(String search)
                // Replace wildcard, '*', with reg exp, '.*'
                search = search.replaceAll("\\*", ".*");
                search = search.replaceAll("\\?", ".");
                pattern = Pattern.compile(search);
            public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
                if (new File(dir,name).isDirectory())
                    return false;
                    // Return true if a match is found
                    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(dir.getName());
                    return matcher.matches();               

    LeWalrus wrote:
    Hi All,
    I'm trying to implement a filefilter using regular expressions to allow wildcard searches. Here is the code I have so far. Works fine for a literal match, but if i enter a wildcard search (eg. abc123) it will not list any files, even though if I enter the full name for a file, it matches just fine. Anyone got any ideas because I'm just comming up blank?
    ...Try debugging your code. A good place to start is to print the following to see where things go wrong:
    public boolean accept(File dir, String name)
      if (new File(dir,name).isDirectory())
        System.out.println("Ignoring: "+new File(dir,name));
        return false;
        Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(dir.getName()); // shouldnt that be 'name' instead of 'dir'?
        System.out.println("Accept: "+dir.getName()+"? "+matcher.matches());
        return matcher.matches();               

  • REG EXP pattern ?

    Hi Folks;
    I need to create a reg exp pattern with these rules :
    mpexprfinal      : mpexprUnit(\ OROP\ mpexprUnit)*
    mpexprUnit      : mp(\ AND\ mp)*minusplusexpr
    minusplusexpr :     "\ \(+\)\ " or "\ \(-\)\ "
    mp : "[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{6}" (ex: I123456)
    OROP : ","
    Help me please!
    Edited by: Moostiq on 2 mai 2011 16:52
    Edited by: Moostiq on 2 mai 2011 16:52

    I don't know of any really good way to assign names to sub-patterns in a regular expression, and then use those names in bigger expressions.
    You can (sort of) do the same thing in SQL, by assigning column aliases to string literals (as in def_1, below), or concatentions of literals and previouslly defined aliases (as in def_2):
    WITH     def_1         AS
         SELECT     '\(\+|-\)'          AS minusplusexpr
         ,     '[A-Z]{1}[0-9]{6}'     AS mp
         ,     ';'               AS orop
         FROM     dual
    ,     def_2        AS
         SELECT  def_1.*
         ,     mp || '( AND '
                 || mp
                 || ')*'          AS mpexprunit
         FROM    def_1
    SELECT     x.*
    FROM          table_x     x
    CROSS JOIN     def_2     d
    WHERE     REGEXP_LIKE ( x.txt
                  , d.mpexprunit || '('
                                 || d.orop
                           || '|'
                           || d.mpexprunit
                           || ')*'
    ;Take this as pseudo-code. I'm not sure it will do anything. (I can't test it until you post some sample data).
    If it does run, I'm not sure it will do what you want (since you haven't explained what you want).
    You may find it easier just to repeat the expressions in your code. An approach like the one above is most useful when the definitions (mp, mpexprunit, and so on) change frequently.
    I hope this answers your question.
    If not, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all tables, and also post the results you want from that data.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say which version of Oracle you're using. I'm not sure you'll need any features that were added after Oracle 10.1, but why take a chance?

  • Reg Exp confusion when searching for a '(' char

    I am trying to extract the name from the following HTML.
    onclick="searchCitationAuthor('Inoue, K.', true);">I want to be able to extract 'Inoue, K.'.
    My regular expression is as follows.
    "\\=true\\)\">([^<]+)</a>";I need to extract from the entire line of code. I need to extract from the =true chars as this makes the Reg Exp distinctive.
    I think the ')' char is confusing things.
    Can anyone suggest anything?
    Message was edited by:
    Sorry, I realize i was missing a ';' char. I thought the "\\)" was causing problems. Move on, nothing to see here LOL : )

    why not
    String regex = "searchCitatationAuthor\\s*\\(\\s*'([^']*)'"
    where is =true coming in though?

  • Reg exp help

    I want to extract the first token of filename (and not the directory path) from a string like this:
    the tokens would bed HG-ORA02 in all instances
    Could you help me creating a reg expression to get the token?
    best regards

    Whenever you have a problem, it helps if you post your sample data in a form people can use.
    CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements are great; so is:
    CREATE TABLE     table_x
    AS          select 'D:\MIRACLE\UPLOADS\1361\HG-ORA02#xaldb#alertlog_contents#22022010111941.mirdf.loadfailed_240210095258_62'
                   AS filename, 1 as x_id FROM dual
    UNION ALL     SELECT 'HG-ORA02#xaldb#alertlog_contents#22022010111941.mirdf.loadfailed_240210095258_62'
                   AS filename, 2 as x_id FROM dual
    UNION ALL     SELECT '\HG-ORA02#xaldb#alertlog_contents#22022010111941.mirdf.loadfailed_240210095258_62'
                   AS filename, 3 as x_id FROM dual
    UNION ALL     SELECT '/HG-ORA02#xaldb#alertlog_contents#22022010111941.mirdf.loadfailed_240210095258_62'
                   AS filename, 4 as x_id FROM dual
    ;It also helps if you explain how you get the results you want from that data.
    Assuming that
    (a) the filename is divided, first, by '/' or '\' characters, and
    (b) each of those parts may be divided into tokens by '.' or '#' characters, and that
    (c) we want the first (b) part of the last (a) part:
                              , '[^/\]*$'
                    , '[^.#]+'
                    ) AS token_1
    FROM     table_x;Here, the inner REGEXP_SUBSTR finds the last part delimited by / or \. You can add other delimiters by putting them in the square brakets, anywhere after ^.
    The outer REGEXP_SUBSTR operates on the results of the inner one. It returns the first part delimited by . or #. Again, you can add other delimiters.

  • Reg exp in form

    I need some help on reg expressions.
    I want to allow users to type a url on my html page. The way I currently handle this situations is this:
    myString = myString.replaceAll("(?:https?|ftp)://\\S+(?<![,.?!)])", "<a href=\"$0\">$0</a>");
    so when the user types in a url such as it would display it back as a url that he/she can click on. This part works fine
    However, if the user types in something like this:
    <img src=""/> it fails. In this case the user should see the image but he/she does not.
    How can I make sure that only those instances get replaced where only URL is typed which is not part of other html. Should I add blank spaces before and after the url?
    Thank you.

    Will there be any links in the source document that are already in the processed format? That is, so, you'll need to match the whole element so don't accidentally match a URL within it. Then you can deal with the situation you brought up, where a start tag has a URL attribute. For that, just match any complete start tag and plug it back in. That should take care of any URL's that are contained within larger structures, leaving only "naked" URL's that need to be processed.
    A simple replaceAll() won't work here, because you're doing different things with the text depending on what was matched. The Matcher class provides lower-level operations that let you do that kind of thing, but Elliott Hughes has written a nice little utility called Rewriter that does most of the work for you. Here's how you might use it:     String regex = "(?is)"  // CASE-INSENSITIVE and DOTALL modes
                    + "<a\\s[^>]++>.*?</a>"  // a complete A element
                    + "|"                    // or
                    + "<[a-z]+\\s[^>]++>"    // a start tag with attributes
                    + "|"                    // or
                    + "(?:https?|ftp)://\\S+(?<![,.?!)])";  // a URL
        Rewriter rewriter = new Rewriter(regex)
          public String replacement()
            String found = group(0);
            return found.startsWith("<") ? found :
                "<a href=\"" + found + "\">" + found + "</a>";
        String resultStr = rewriter.rewrite(args[0]);

  • Strange behavior when searching a phrase using reg exp and dynamic sql

    I have a strange issue while using dynamic sql for an apex page. I have a requirement to search a string in the database column which is entered by user on a page item. The search process should search the whole phrase only.
    I have a query generated dynamically in the back end and use it in a cursor in the stored procedure
      SELECT t.group_cn , t.group_desc, t.group_type, t.partner_organization_id, t.partner_organization
      FROM vr_idm_group t WHERE regexp_like(t.group_desc,'(^|\W)HR Selection & Assignment(\W|$)', 'i')The pl sql code with the dynamic sql statements are below.
       IF p_search_process NOT in ('PARTNER') THEN
          OPEN v_cursor FOR v_sql;
          OPEN v_cursor FOR v_sql USING p_search_id;
       END IF;
          FETCH v_cursor INTo v_obj.group_cn, v_obj.group_desc, v_obj.group_type, v_obj.partner_organization_id,
             v_obj.partner_organization, v_obj.match_count;
          EXIT WHEN v_cursor%NOTFOUND ;
          v_search_array(v_search_array.last) := v_obj;
       END LOOP;The search works fine if the search string does not contain any special character like &,- etc.
    However, if the search string contains any special character, it does not return any thing. This strange issue happens only if I call the procedure from the apex page and the search string contains a special character. (please note that the procedure works fine even from apex if the string does not have a special character). When I debugged this, found that, the cursor does not fetch any rows (it is supposed to fetch two rows) for unknown reason. When I run the query separately, it returns the two rows (in which the column group_desc contains the search string "HR Selection & Assignment") as desired. Also, when I test the procedure in the back end (PLSQL developer), it works fine.
    Any idea, what is causing this strange behaviour?
    Advance thanks.

    i don't see anything about a dataProvider.  you're assigning a source for a scrollpane.  scrollpane's don't have a dataProvider property.
    anyway, other than arrayRun always being false when that last if-statement executes, what's the problem?  doesn't that movieclip display when that 2nd branch of the last if-statement executes (assuming instance is defined correctly etc)?

  • Explanation of my reg exp code

    When I run my code below, the line:
    Seat 4: playafly299 ($10 in chips)
    results in a match, but
    Seat 6: WillRyker ($5.55 in chips)
    results in a miss. Can someone explain why? I read the pattern below as:
    String literal Seat followed by one or more digits followed by colon followed by space followed by anything followed by space followed by character literal '(' followed by character literal '$' or nothing, followed by one or more digits followed by character literal '.' and one or more digits, OR nothing followed by string literal in chips. Am I missing something? Please help.
             String patternStr = "Seat (\\d+): (.+) \\(\\$?(\\d+[\\.\\d+]?) in chips\\)";
             Pattern p = Pattern.compile(patternStr);
             Matcher m = p.matcher(currentLine);         
             if ( m.find() ) {
                  System.out.println("MATCH:" +currentLine);
                  Table t = h.getTable();
                  int seat_num = Integer.parseInt(;
                  String player_name =;
                  double chip_stack = Double.parseDouble(;
                  System.out.println("CREATING PLAYER: " +player_name+ " with stack: " +chip_stack);
                  Player player = new Player(player_name, chip_stack);
                  t.setPlayerAtSeat(seat_num, player);      
             } else {
                  System.out.println("MISS: " +currentLine);

    Konigs wrote:
    Thank you Sabre. When are the other brackets appropriate?The square brackets are used to define a set of characters (not a sequence) and the () brackets define a group. You have an optional group that includes the decimal point so you need () not [] .

  • Using reg exp's in filters

    We have followed the recommendation to convert the cache database from Derby to MSSQL.
    There seems to be an un-documented disadvantage in this:
    regular expressions are no longer supported in filters !
    Can anyone confirm this ?
    We are running TES 6.1.0 with MSSQL 2008 database.

    you can try a combination of instr() and substr() function. the example below is using an instr() function to determine the position of the last comma that is used in the string. the substr() function takes cares of the getting the last word that is used in the string with the help of the instr() function.
    SQL> select substr(a.str,instr(a.str,',',-1)+1) last_string
      2    from (select 'abcd,def,hijk,lmno,pqrs' str from dual) a ;

  • Oracle sql to outer join based on reg exp

    I am expecting output like (3). I want to join two tables with regex. join condition
    . For example, in table1.string(abcYYMMDD.txt) I want to match date part (YYMMDD) wit any possible number in Table2.string (abc150420.txt)
    Please suggest.
    (1) table1:
    (2) table2:
    (3) Table1 left join Table2 (join example - abc(replace YYMMDD by regex).txt=abc150420.txt)

    The audittime field is a timestamp field.
    If I give the below query, rownum is not in the sequential order, see below few records..
    SELECT rownum,to_char(audit_time_stamp,'dd-mon-yyyy HH24:MI:SS.FF') from audit_details ORDER BY audit_time_stamp
    ROWNUM     to_char(audit_time_stamp,'dd-mon-yyyy HH24:MI:SS.FF')
    16     18-apr-2007 14:30:52.551010
    17     18-apr-2007 16:33:21.900305
    18     18-apr-2007 17:49:44.061420
    19     18-apr-2007 17:49:44.134804
    20     19-apr-2007 16:40:15.775235
    21     22-apr-2007 23:31:01.818784
    ROWNUM     To_char(audit_time_stamp,'dd-mon-yyyy HH24:MI:SS.FF')
    1     01-may-2007 19:17:46.880342
    2     01-may-2007 19:24:04.952571
    3     01-may-2007 19:24:32.182110
    4     01-may-2007 19:25:49.464260
    5     01-may-2007 19:25:52.127018
    6     01-may-2007 19:27:34.099095
    7     01-may-2007 19:30:34.763481
    8     01-may-2007 19:31:06.226955
    9     01-may-2007 19:32:36.727196
    10     01-may-2007 19:40:44.061941

  • Handling '\' in reg exp query while integrating it in phython

    I am using the oracle 10g . I am trying to write a below mention sql regular expression in Python script. This query is working fine when I am running this in the sql developer (using it independently) However when I am trying to integrate the same inside Python script it doesn't do the required job. As per my Initial analysis this may be because in my regex query I have use '\' (in bold) which it is escaping because in log it is getting replaced by ^
    Actual Query_
    query = "UPDATE "+self.schema+";."+table_name+" SET SSR_FREE_TEXT=REPLACE(REGEXP_REPLACE(:1,'(\d{6})(\d{2,9})(\d{4})','\1X\3'), 'X', LPAD('X',LENGTH(SSR_FREE_TEXT) - LENGTH(REGEXP_REPLACE(SSR_FREE_TEXT,'(\d{6})(\d{2,9})(\d{4})','\1\3')),'X')) WHERE SSR_ID=:2"
    In log_
    The use of this regexp is IF I have a value of IDCCCA5475129999998943 it should be replaced to IDCCCA547512XXXXXX8943
    Whereas when using in python it replaced the value to IDCCCAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
    Could you please help me in resolving this

    I do not know much about Python but can you look into this line:
    Other programming languages like .NET languages, Java, and Python instead provide regular expressions through standard libraries.
    Please refer:

  • [JS] Reg Exp Error when using *

    Hello everyone,
    I get a syntax error when executing a script which contains RegExp handling strings with "*".
    var x = /\*\*\*ABC/;
    alert (RegExp(x)); //*** WORKS because x is defined as an EXPRESSION
    var x = "\*\*\*ABC";
    alert (RegExp(x)); //*** SYNTAX ERROR when executing
    var x = "***ABC";
    alert (RegExp(x)); //*** SYNTAX ERROR when executing
    My problem is I have to build the expression using strings. So I was hoping to concatenate the string portionsa and use New RegExp to create my expression. Unfortunately, if we have STARS (*) in the string you get an error. Which as forced me to HARDCODE and I whish not to.
    alert (\*\*\*ABC/);
    FYI: I have expample in HTML where ".value" is used. But it does not work w/ InDesign???
    var re = new RegExp(document.demoMatch.regex.value);
    if (document.demoMatch.subject.value.match(re))
    alert("Successful match");
    alert("No match");
    Any suggestions?

    Yes it works!!!
    To look for 3 stars and "ABC", I have to define like this
    var a="\\*\\*\\*ABC";
    var patt1=new RegExp(a);
    So when I build the string I have to use 2 backslashes!!!
    Thank you so much.
    FYI: Using ".source" work too. Still working on how to add a flag (/i)
    var y = "xxx***ABCyyyxxx***ABCyyyxxx***ABCyyy";
    var x = /\*\*\*/;
    var x = new RegExp(x.source + "ABC");
    alert (RegExp(x));
    var z = x.exec(y);
    if (z != null)
    alert ("Found at position "+z.index+"\nHow many: "+z.length);
    var z = y.match(x);
    if (z != null)
    alert ("Found at position "+z.index+"\nHow many: "+z.length);

Maybe you are looking for