Reg:JDBC Lookup to pull multiple values

Hi All,
We are trying to pull the data from SQL server and passing it to to RFC through JDBC lookup. Can anyone suggest me  how to pull data from  different tables and assign it to the target structure (RFC).
Thanks in Advance,

You can consider this alternative using Stored Procedure...
At receiver side you can execute stored procedure and return the required values in the Response structure. this response structure you have to map to you RFC structure.
i) You can easily handle your select queries, complex logic in the stored procedure.
ii) It is faster than triggering select queries.
You can check these examples for practice and doubts...
JDBC Stored Procedures
(3rd Scenario in the above pdf)
Also refer

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    the FM i wrote was working on a single value and returning the correct entry...  however it now needs to return multliple entries and map 0..unbounded....
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    has anyone done a single to multi value mapping on lookup?  i am not sure that it is the FM that is incorrect as it is very simple code..   
    DATA: lt_jobtype TYPE zhr_lkupjobtype_t.
      CLEAR     lt_jobtype.
      REFRESH lt_jobtype.
      SELECT * FROM zhr_lkupjobtype
        INTO TABLE lt_jobtype
        WHERE zinterface_id = import-zinterface_id
        AND   zsap_jobtype  = import-zsap_jobtype.
      MOVE lt_jobtype TO export.
    is there a way of checking the RFC part of an message mapping?  i checked the full trace within graphical mapping but this shows no return....

    I am using a MOVE instead of APPEND.
    according to the keyword help if the tables are identical, you can use MOVE.
    it works when i test in SE37.
    i have tested it both ways and i get the same result each time.
    i even tried it this way:
      SELECT * FROM zhr_lkupjobtype
        INTO TABLE export 
        WHERE zinterface_id = import-zinterface_id
        AND   zsap_jobtype  = import-zsap_jobtype.
    and that works too to get the target values into the export table!  that's what made me think it was not the code as i have tried three different ways of writing the same code...  the Function Module works perfectly anyway!  but when it is called from PI i cannot see if any values are returned....

  • Mapping JDBC lookup: Passing values to multiple fields at target

    Hi all
    i my scenario  i am using mapping JDBC lookup ,and it is working sucessfully.
    but i need to select 4 fields from lookups select query and passing it to 3 different target field at target MT.
    if i use Global container object methods,than only 1 field i can store inglobal container variable..
    and return it 1 the target fields...
    BUT how do i pass 4 fields ,result of the select query to 4 different fields at target MT..
    query :"
    Select BPNO,emp,BENR,bacepack from Ztable where BPNO='"+BPNO[0]+"'";

    I have to fetch 3 values and populate it to the 3 fields in the target. The UDF am using is as attached. This UDF is for fetching one value. Kindly tell me about the changes I will have to make to fetch 3 values instead of 1 value.
    String Query = " ";
    Channel channel = null;
    DataBaseAccessor accessor = null;               
    DataBaseResult resultSet = null;                
    // Query to retrieve the PROP value for the particular source value passed.
    Query ="Select PROP from TANKS where ID='" + ID[0] + "' ";
    //Determine a channel, as created in the Configuration
    channel = LookupService.getChannel("<Business Service>","<Communication Channel>");
    //Get a system accessor for the channel. As the call is being made to an DB, an DatabaseAccessor is obtained.
    accessor = LookupService.getDataBaseAccessor(channel);
    //Execute Query and get the values in resultset
    resultSet = accessor.execute(Query);
    for(Iterator rows = resultSet.getRows();rows.hasNext();){
    Map rowMap = (Map);                      
    catch(Exception ex){
    if (accessor!=null) accessor.close();
    catch(Exception e){

  • Reg:Error in JDBC Lookup Table

    Hi All,
    My actual requirement is,A project ID is being triggered to PI which will pull the data from the database(SQL Server 2000) ,from different tables and it has to post to file.Receiver side I will be using the File Adapter.
    For this I am using JDBC Lookup table through an User Defined function.
    // code
    String Query = " ";
    Channel channel = null;
    DataBaseAccessor accessor = null;
    DataBaseResult resultSet =  null;
    //Build the Query String
      Query =  "Select proj_id, proj_short_name from PROJECT where proj_id = '"proj_id[0]"'";
    channel = LookupService.getChannel("bs_test" ,"cc_test");
    //Get a system accessor for the channel. As the call is being made //to an DB, an DatabaseAccessor is obtained.
    accessor = LookupService.getDataBaseAccessor(channel);
    //Execute Query and get the values in output
    resultSet = accessor.execute(Query);
    Iterator rows = null;
    rows = resultSet.getRows();
       Map rowMap = (Map);
    //  String  proj_id = rowMap.get("proj_id");
    //  String project_name = rowMap.get("proj_short_name");
    result.addValue((String)rowMap.get("proj_id "));
    result.addValue((String)rowMap.get("project_short_name "));
    catch(Exception ex)
    if (accessor!=null) accessor.close();
    catch(Exception e)
    While testing in test tab of Message Mapping,I am getting the value as 'NULL' for the project id  and am not able to see the other field.
    Please suggest me in this.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi All,
    My actual requirement is,A project ID is being triggered to PI which will pull the data from the database(SQL Server 2000) ,from different tables and it has to post to file.Receiver side I will be using the File Adapter.
    For this I am using JDBC Lookup table through an User Defined function.
    // code
    String Query = " ";
    Channel channel = null;
    DataBaseAccessor accessor = null;
    DataBaseResult resultSet = null;
    //Build the Query String
    Query = "Select proj_id, proj_short_name from PROJECT where proj_id = '"proj_id[0]"'";
    channel = LookupService.getChannel("bs_test" ,"cc_test");
    //Get a system accessor for the channel. As the call is being made //to an DB, an DatabaseAccessor is obtained.
    accessor = LookupService.getDataBaseAccessor(channel);
    //Execute Query and get the values in output
    resultSet = accessor.execute(Query);
    Iterator rows = null;
    rows = resultSet.getRows();
    Map rowMap = (Map);
    result.addValue((String)rowMap.get("proj_id "));
    result.addValue((String)rowMap.get("project_short_name "));
    catch(Exception ex)
    if (accessor!=null) accessor.close();
    catch(Exception e)
    While testing in test tab of Message Mapping,I am getting the value as 'NULL' for the project id and am not able to see the other field value.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <ns0:mt_test_recv xmlns:ns0="http://xxxx">
    <proj_short_name />
    Please suggest me in this.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Edited by: Lavanya Balanandham on Dec 5, 2008 6:51 AM

  • PowerShell: Update SharePoint multiple value lookup column?!

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    multiple values and has many such records inserted manually - but I cannot do this using PowerShell. I can update the lookup column using a single "ID" lookup value - but not with multiple values.
    I cannot find any documentation on how to do this using PowerShell. I have seen some examples (C#?) but there's little help in them.
    Any suggestions?
    Thank you,
    Markus Sveinn Markusson

    Well, being impatient in nature, I did a lot of browsing and searching - and finally found a solution that works for me - in this thread: Adapted
    to my code it looks like this:
    $spAssignment = Start-SPAssignment
    $spList = (Get-SPWeb -identity -AssignmentCollection $spAssignment).Lists["Tickets"]
    $spNew = $spList.Items.Add()
    $spNew["Title"] = $Title
    $spNew["Assigned To"] = $AssignID
    $spNew["Description"] = $Descr
    $spNew["Priority"] = $Priority 
    #----- Begining of "solution"
    $lookupentry1 = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldLookupValue(1,"Service 1")
    $lookupentry2 = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldLookupValue(2,"Service 2")
    $lookupentry3 = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldLookupValue(3,"Service 3")
    $multientry = New-Object Microsoft.Sharepoint.SPFieldMultiChoiceValue($null)
    $spNew["Service"] = $multientry
    #----- End of "solution"
    Markus Sveinn Markusson

  • Updating/setting multiple values in lookup field through powershell

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    see below
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection] $itemValues = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValueCollection
    [Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue] $lookupvalue = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldLookupValue
    $lookupvalue.LookupId = 1
    $lookupvalue.LookupId = 2
    $CMRSItems["Event Type"] = $itemValues
    I was expecting the LookupID 1 and 2 to update but it doesn't. When i specify LookupId = 1 it works
    What am i doing wrong.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Patrick, 
    In your script above you're using the same object to set both ID's on. Setting the ID of $lookupvalue, then adding it to the lookupvaluecollection, before changing the ID value to 2, then adding that to the collection. 
    I wrote an article on setting fields using PowerShell, but it doesn't include multiple lookup values. It does contain multiple choice and taxonomy values though, which is a similar concept. It's here if you want to take a look:
    Regards, Matthew
    My Blog
    Matthew Yarlett's profile
    See my webpart on the TechNet Gallery that allows administrative users to upload, crop and format user profile photos. Check it out here:
    Upload and Crop User Profile Photos

  • How do you lookup multiple values in different columns based on variable criteria?

    Essentially, I'd like to be able to do a Vlookup but instead of searching for one value only, search for multiple values in separate columns. A smaller version of my current spreadsheet as an example...
    Attack Type ->
    The headers are the attack types and the list of types to the left are the receiving Pokemon. Fire does half damage (1/2x) to fire types, Water does double damage (2x) to fire types, etc. I'd like to be able to search for specific damages for each type. For example, I'd like to find a Typing that recieves half (1/2x) damage from Fire-type attacks but also recieves double (2x) from Grass-type attacks. I do want more than just two search criteria though seeing as the actual table is much, much larger.
    I've tried assigning number values to each damage multiplier and then merging all of them together for a specific typing and doing a VLOOKUP based on checkboxes determining what damage multiplier I want in a few specific types, the rest being filled in to the standard of 1x but the result isn't correct most of the time.

    Hi Mitchell,
    VLOOKUP can be set for accept either an 'exact match' or a 'close match'.  Your 17 digit 'number' is actually a 17 character text string (Numbers can handle numbers to a precision of only 15 places). Provided all 17 digits are present, sorting should be the same as for numerical values—the leftmost character is the most significant.
    As a text string, your 'number' is sorted/evaluated alphabetically. A 'close match' accepts the 'largest value that is less than or equal to the search value'.
    If your search term is 000200000 (a 9 character string), several 'wrong' answers will fit the 'close match' criteria, including all of those listed below:
    000200000 (the 'correct' match)
    0000xxxxx (x may be any of the three acceptable values)
    0001xxxxx (x may be any of the three acceptable values)
    The main problem here is that digits in a number (or characters in a text string) have decreasing significance related to their distance from the beginning of the string/number. You want a search in which each character has the same significance as each of the others when compared to the search key. To do that, you need to compare each character in the search string with the character in the same position in the similar string for each type of Pokemon, then take a count of the matches or a sum of the differences.
    Here's one approach:
    Column A contains labels.
    Column B, the 17 digit search term, created in whatever manner you wish, and the similar 17 digit string for each of the characters.
    Columns C through S contains a formula that detines, using subtraction, the difference between each digit of the search term and the corresponding digit of each character's profile.
    Column C uses SUM() to calculate the total of columns C to S for each row.
    T1 uses =MIN(T) to calculate "least different" profile.
    Column A is a Header column; Row 1 is a Header row.
    C2, and filled right to S2, then down to the last row of data:
    T1: =MIN(T)
    T2, and filled down column T: =SUM(C2:S2)
    The conditional formatting rule set for all body cells in column T is shown below the table.
    This may be enough to get you started. Formulas can be tweaked to produce results more closely matching what you're looking for, if necessary.

  • JDBC Scenario with JDBC Lookup and Updates

    Dear Experts,
    I am working on a JDBC receiver scenario.
    In this scenario, we are also using JDBC lookup to check the maximum EntyNumber which is a primary key. We are manually incrementing this primary key by one and inserting the record into the database.
    Both JDBC lookup and JDBC Insert are two differnt tasks. Thus when we send multiple IDOC's concurrently JDBC lookup fetches old values and when we try to insert the record if gives error of PRIMARY KEY VIOLATION.
    For example, consider the below scenario,
    Assume that there are already 10 records in the database.
    1. Two IDOCs No 1 and 2 sent from SAP system at the same time.
    2. Now, during the mapping of 1st IDOC we did a lookup and found that latest entry number in the database table is 10 and we mapped the entry number to 11 ( 10+1, i.e. next record )
    3. Before updating this record in the database, second IDOC triggered. During JDBC lookup of the sceond IDOC, we got the same entry as the earlier record has yet to be updated.
    4. During JDBC call we get the SQL error that "Primary Key Violation" because both the records have same primary key as "11".
    Kindly share your ideas.
    (SAP system is not sending the IDOC's in any certain order and we need a solution in PI itself. )
    - Shri

    >>> I am actually sending the primary key value to more than one table as a foreign key. I am looking for some solution
    If you are passing primary key value to many tables then jdbc lookup would not be solution. Use stored procedure.
    Refer this link for data type creation for stored procedure

  • [UIX] How To: Return multiple values from a LOV

    Hi gang
    I've been receiving a number of queries via email on how to return multiple items from a LOV using UIX thanks to earlier posts of mine on OTN. I'm unfortunately aware my previous posts on this are not that clear thanks to the nature of the forums Q&A type approach. So I thought I'd write one clear post, and then direct any queries to it from now on to save me time.
    Following is my solution to this problem. Please note it's just one method of many in skinning a cat. It's my understanding via chatting to Oracle employees that LOVs are to be changed in a future release of JDeveloper to be more like Oracle Forms LOVs, so my skinning skills may be rather bloody & crude very soon (already?).
    I'll base my example on the hr schema supplied with the standard RDBMS install.
    Say we have an UIX input-form screen to modify an employees record. The employees record has a department_id field and a fk to the departments table. Our requirement is to build a LOV for the department_id field such that we can link the employees record to any department_id in the database. In turn we want the department_name shown on the employees input form, so this must be returned via the LOV too.
    To meet this requirement follow these steps:
    1) In your ADF BC model project, create 2 EOs for employees and departments.
    2) Also in your model, create 2 VOs for the same EOs.
    3) Open your employees VO and create a new attribute DepartmentName. Check “selected in query”. In expressions type “(SELECT dept.department_name FROM departments dept WHERE dept.department_id = employees.department_id)”. Check Updateable “always”.
    4) Create a new empty UIX page in your ViewController project called editEmployees.uix.
    5) From the data control palette, drag and drop EmployeesView1 as an input-form. Notice that the new field DepartmentName is also included in the input-form.
    6) As the DepartmentName will be populated either from querying existing employees records, or via the LOV, disable the field as the user should not have the ability to edit it.
    7) Select the DepartmentId field and delete it. In the UI Model window delete the DepartmentId binding.
    8) From the data controls palette, drag and drop the DepartmentId field as a messageLovInput onto your page. Note in your application navigator a new UIX page lovWindow0.uix (or similar) has been created for you.
    9) While the lovWindow0.uix is still in italics (before you save it), rename the file to departmentsLov.uix.
    10) Back in your editEmployees.uix page, your messageLovInput source will look like the following:
        destination="lovWindow0.uix"/>Change it to be:
        partialTargets="_uixState DepartmentName"/>11) Also change your DepartmentName source to look like the following:
        disabled="true"/>12) Open your departmentsLov.uix page.
    13) In the data control palette, drag and drop the DepartmentId field of the DepartmentView1 as a LovTable into the Results area on your page.
    14) Notice in the UI Model window that the 3 binding controls have been created for you, an iterator, a range and a binding for DepartmentId.
    15) Right click on the DepartmentsLovUIModel node in the UI Model window, then create binding, display, and finally attribute. The attribute binding editor will pop up. In the select-an-iterator drop down select the DepartmentsView1Iterator. Now select DepartmentName in the attribute list and then the ok button.
    16) Note in the UI Model you now have a new binding called DCDefaultControl. Select this, and in the property palette change the Id to DepartmentName.
    17) View the LOV page’s source, and change the lovUpdate event as follows:
    <event name="lovSelect">
            <set value="${bindings.DepartmentId.inputValue}" target="${sessionScope}" property="MyAppDepartmentId" />
            <set value="${bindings.DepartmentName.inputValue}" target="${sessionScope}" property="MyAppDepartmentName" />
    </event>18) Return to editEmployees.uix source, and modify the lovUpdate event to look as follows:
    <event name="lovUpdate">
            <set value="${sessionScope.MyAppDepartmentId}" target="${bindings.DepartmentId}" property="inputValue"/>
            <set value="${sessionScope.MyAppDepartmentName}" target="${bindings.DepartmentName}" property="inputValue"/>     
    </event>That’s it. Now when you select a value in your LOV, it will return 2 (multiple!) values.
    A couple things to note:
    1) In the messageLovInput id field we don’t use the “.path” notation. This is mechanism for returning 1 value from the LOV and is useless for us.
    2) Again in the messageLovInput we supply “_uixState” as an entry in the partialTargets.
    3) We are relying on partial-page-refresh functionality to update multiple items on the screen.
    I’m not going to take the time out to explain these 3 points, but it’s worthwhile you learning more about them, especially the last 2, as a separate exercise.
    One other useful thing to do is, in your messageLovInput, include as a last entry in the partialTargets list “MessageBox”. In turn locate the messageBox control on your page (if any), and supply an id=”MessageBox”. This will allow the LOV to place any errors raised in the MessageBox and show them to the user.
    I hope this works for you :)

    Thanks Chris,
    It took me some time to find the information I needed, how to use return multiple values from a LOV popup window, then I found your post and all problems were solved. Its working perfectly, well, almost perfectly.
    Im always fighting with ADF-UIX, it never does the thing that I expect it to do, I guess its because I have a hard time letting go of the total control you have as a developer and let the framework take care of a few things.
    Anyway, I'm using your example to fill 5 fields at once, one of the fields being a messageChoice (a list with countries) with a LOV to a lookup table (id , country).
    I return the countryId from the popup LOV window, that works great, but it doesn't set the correct value in my messageChoice . I think its because its using the CountryId for the listbox index.
    So how can I select the correct value inside my messageChoice? Come to think of it, I dont realy think its LOV related...
    Can someone help me out out here?
    Kind regards

  • How to return multiple values from dialog popup

    hi all
    I'm using ADF 10g. I have a requirement that I have to return multiple values from a dialog.
    I have a page containing a table with a button which calls the dialog. The dialog contains a multi-select table where i want to select multiple records and add them to the table in the calling page.
    In the backing bean of the calling page, I have the returnListener method.
    I am thinking that I have to store the selected rows from dialog in an array and return that array to the returnListener...but I don't know how to go about it with the code.
    Can someone help me out with it?

    Hi Frank,
    I'm trying to implement your suggestion but getting comfused.
    AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().returnFromDialog(null, hashMap) is called in ActionListener method, from what I understood.
    ReturnListener method already calls it, so no need to call explicitly.
    Okay here's what i'm doing.
    command button launches the dialog on the calling page.
    In the dialog page, there is a button "select", which when i click, closes the dialog and returns to calling page. I put a af:returnActionListener on this button, which logically should have a corresponding ReturnListener() in the calling page backing bean.
    Now I have 3 questions:
    1. do i have to use ActionListener or ReturnListener?
    2. where do I create the hashMap? Is it in the backing bean of the dialog or in the one of calling page?
    3. how do I retrieve the keys n values from hashmap?
    please help! thanks
    This is found in the backing bean of calling page:
    package mu.gcc.dms.view.bean.backing;
    import java.util.Map;
    import javax.faces.application.Application;
    import javax.faces.application.ViewHandler;
    import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.el.ValueBinding;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
    import mu.gcc.dms.model.views.SiteCompaniesImpl;
    import mu.gcc.dms.model.views.SiteCompaniesRowImpl;
    import mu.gcc.dms.model.views.lookup.LkpGlobalCompaniesImpl;
    import mu.gcc.util.ADFUtils;
    import mu.gcc.util.JSFUtils;
    import oracle.adf.model.BindingContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCBindingContainer;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
    import oracle.adf.view.faces.context.AdfFacesContext;
    import oracle.adf.view.faces.event.ReturnEvent;
    import oracle.adf.view.faces.model.RowKeySet;
    import oracle.binding.AttributeBinding;
    import oracle.binding.BindingContainer;
    import oracle.binding.OperationBinding;
    import oracle.jbo.AttributeDef;
    import oracle.jbo.Key;
    import oracle.jbo.Row;
    import oracle.jbo.RowIterator;
    import oracle.jbo.RowSetIterator;
    import oracle.jbo.domain.Number;
    public class CompanyList {
    private BindingContainer bindings;
    private Map hashMap;
    DMSServiceImpl service =(DMSServiceImpl)ADFUtils.getDataControlApplicationModule("DMSServiceDataControl");
    SiteCompaniesImpl siteCompanyList = service.getSiteCompanies();
    LkpGlobalCompaniesImpl globalCompanyList = service.getLkpGlobalCompanies();
    public CompanyList() {
    public BindingContainer getBindings() {
    return this.bindings;
    public void setBindings(BindingContainer bindings) {
    this.bindings = bindings;
    *public void setHashMap(Map hashMap) {*
    *// hashMap = (Map)new HashMap();*
    this.hashMap = hashMap;
    *public Map getHashMap() {*
    return hashMap;
    public String searchCompanyButton_action() {
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding =
    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
    return null;
    return null;
    *public void addCompanyActionListener(ActionEvent actionEvent){*
    AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().returnFromDialog(null, hashMap);
    public void addCompanyReturnListener(ReturnEvent returnEvent){
    //how to get hashmap from here??
    public String addCompanyButton_action() {
    return "dialog:globalLovCompanies";

  • Passing multiple values to a single input parameter

    Hi folks,
    I have a Microstrategy query successfully passing input parameter to a calculation view.  For example I can pass a movement type to a material movements calculation view input parameter.  However if I try to pick more than one movement type the query then fails; 
    Generated SQL that works looks like this;
    ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$MoveType$$', '101')
    When choosing more than one value in Microstrategy the SQL now fails and looks like this;
    ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$MoveType$$', '101'),
    'PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$MoveType$$', '103'))
    If I cut and paste the SQL and run directly in HANA studio the error is;
    Could not execute 'select sum(a11.TOTALQUANTITY) WJXBFS1 from "_SYS_BIC"."MyPackage/CA_TEST_PASS_PARAMETER" ...' in 66 ms 361 µs .
    SAP DBTech JDBC: [2048]: column store error: search parameter error:  [2018] A received argument has an invalid value;TABLE/VIEW parameter: ( 'PLACEHOLDER'='$$MoveType$$, 103') not supported
    Is it possible to pass multiple values in a single parameter?  I'm using SP67 for this test.

    Ravi, also to answer one of your questions about how this will work in Microstrategy; I just heard back from my Microstrategy developer and he is trying MSTR Freeform SQL query with syntax like this;
    from "_SYS_BIC"."MyPackage/CA_TEST_PASS_PARAMETER"
    ('PLACEHOLDER' =('$$MoveType$$', '[Movement Type]')) PAR_TEST
    In this example [Movement Type] is the microstrategy prompt.  Unfortunately though it translates like this which is missing extra single quotes around each value;
    from     "_SYS_BIC"."development.pr1959/CA_TEST_PASS_PARAMETER"
    ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$MoveType$$', ''101', '102''))   PAR_TEST
    instead of what we need which is;
    ('PLACEHOLDER' = ('$$MoveType$$', '''101'', ''102'''))   PAR_TEST
    So at this point we are not sure if this will be possible or not.

  • Function which returns multiple values that can then be used in an SQL Sele

    I'd like to create a function which returns multiple values that can then be used in an SQL Select statement's IN( ) clause
    Currently, the select statement is like (well, this is a very simplified version):
    select application, clientid
    from tbl_apps, tbl_status
    where tbl_apps.statusid = tbl_status.statusid
    and tbl_status.approved > 0;
    I'd like to pull the checking of the tbl_status into a PL/SQL function so my select would look something like :
    select application, clientid
    from tbl_apps
    where tbl_apps.statusid in (myfunction);
    So my function would be running this sql:
    select statusid from tbl_status where approved > 0;
    ... will return values 1, 5, 15, 32 (and more)
    ... but I haven't been able to figure out how to return the results so they can be used in SQL.
    Thanks for any help you can give me!!
    Trisha Gorr

    Perhaps take a look at pipelined functions:
    Single column example:
      2  /
    Type created.
      2      l_idx    PLS_INTEGER;
      3      l_list   VARCHAR2(32767) := p_list;
      4      l_value  VARCHAR2(32767);
      5    BEGIN
      6      LOOP
      7        l_idx := INSTR(l_list, p_delim);
      8        IF l_idx > 0 THEN
      9          PIPE ROW(SUBSTR(l_list, 1, l_idx-1));
    10          l_list := SUBSTR(l_list, l_idx+LENGTH(p_delim));
    11        ELSE
    12          PIPE ROW(l_list);
    13          EXIT;
    14        END IF;
    15      END LOOP;
    16      RETURN;
    17    END SPLIT;
    18  /
    Function created.
    SQL> SELECT column_value
      2  FROM TABLE(split('FRED,JIM,BOB,TED,MARK',','));
    SQL> create table mytable (val VARCHAR2(20));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into mytable
      2  select column_value
      3  from TABLE(split('FRED,JIM,BOB,TED,MARK',','));
    5 rows created.
    SQL> select * from mytable;
    SQL>Multiple column example:
      2  ( col1   VARCHAR2(10),
      3    col2   VARCHAR2(10)
      4  )
      5  /
    Type created.
      2  /
    Type created.
      2    v_str VARCHAR2(4000) := REPLACE(REPLACE(p_str, '('),')');
      3    v_obj myrec := myrec(NULL,NULL);
      4  BEGIN
      5    LOOP
      6      EXIT WHEN v_str IS NULL;
      7      v_obj.col1 := SUBSTR(v_str,1,INSTR(v_str,',')-1);
      8      v_str := SUBSTR(v_str,INSTR(v_str,',')+1);
      9      IF INSTR(v_str,',')>0 THEN
    10        v_obj.col2 := SUBSTR(v_str,1,INSTR(v_str,',')-1);
    11        v_str := SUBSTR(v_str,INSTR(v_str,',')+1);
    12      ELSE
    13        v_obj.col2 := v_str;
    14        v_str := NULL;
    15      END IF;
    16      PIPE ROW (v_obj);
    17    END LOOP;
    18    RETURN;
    19  END;
    20  /
    Function created.
    SQL> create table mytab (col1 varchar2(10), col2 varchar2(10));
    Table created.
    SQL> insert into mytab (col1, col2) select col1, col2 from table(pipedata('(1,2),(2,3),(4,5)'));
    3 rows created.
    SQL> select * from mytab;
    COL1       COL2
    1          2
    2          3
    4          5

  • How to use a global variable for reading a query resultset in JDBC lookup?

    Hi Friends,
    Using JDBC lookup, I am trying to read from a table Emp1 using a user defined function. In PI 7.0, this function returns values of a single column only even if you fire a " Select * " query. I am planning to use a global variable(array) that stores individual column values of the records returned by a "select *" query. Need pointers on as to how a global variable can be declared and used to acheive the above scenario. Kindly explain with an example. Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Amit,
    Sounds like a good idea but then you would need an external db and update the table in a thread safe way !.
    Regarding your question as to how to work with global variable please refer [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken]

  • JDBC Lookup in message mapping

    Hi Folks,
    in a message-mapping i use a jdbc lookup.
    i get this error, can anybody help me ?
    Put value [Plain exception:Problem when calling an adapter by using communication channel JDBC_MKA_Receiver_Lookup (Party: , Service: R3EREDATA, Object ID: 3ab59ba811163c5697dbcd40fb0c4957) Check whether the communication channel exists in the Integration Directory; also check the cache notifications for the instance Integration Server (central Adapter-Engine) Channel object with Id Channel:3ab59ba811163c5697dbcd40fb0c4957 not available in CPA Cache.
    thanks for your help

    Hi Folks,
    now i get a new error.
    it will be nice when you could answered me, thanks
    Put value [Exception during processing the payload.Problem when calling an adapter by using communication channel JDBC_MKA_Receiver_Lookup (Party: , Service: BS_EPS, Object ID: 866ef440ca5b3cefb1381267f5693591) XI AF API call failed. Module exception: (No information available). Cause Exception: 'JDBC Adapter configuration not initialized: null'. Problem when calling an adapter by using communication channel JDBC_MKA_Receiver_Lookup (Party: , Service: BS_EPS, Object ID: 866ef440ca5b3cefb1381267f5693591) XI AF API call failed. Module exception: (No information available). Cause Exception: 'JDBC Adapter configuration not initialized: null'. at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at java.lang.Exception.<init>( at<init>( at<init>( at at at at at at at at at at at at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at at at at at at at at at at at at at Root Cause: XI AF API call failed. Module exception: (No information available). Cause Exception: 'JDBC Adapter configuration not initialized: null'. at java.lang.Throwable.<init>( at java.lang.Exception.<init>( at<init>( at at at at at at at at at at at at at at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at at at at at at at at at at at at at ]

  • How to avoid hardcoding in RFC Lookup and JDBC Lookup during transport...

    Hi All,
      We have RFC and JDBC Lookups in some of our scenarios(JDBC to RFC synch)....Now problem is during transport of design objects, we have to change the business system and channel name manually in UDF in target it wont change although we define the target group in SLD.....we want to avoid this idea is we can use a business service inspite of business system and assign the comm channel to it.....this business service will be generic for all environment(dev,qua and prod)...and hence we dnt hav to hardcode....pls let me knw how to achieve or its possible or not....
    waiting for ur inputs....

    For RFC lookup you might be doing hardcoding for Business system and RFC channel name.
    Options are
    1) Create value mapping for Business system. So you can maintain it in Directory part.
    2) Keep the RFC channel name same for all system (Development, Quality, Production)
        The details of channel can be changed in the Directory part of the respective system

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