Reg:Local object

Hi ,
I developed one report but assigned in local object  .
Same object(report) how assign my project package
Any one explains steps.

Goto -> Object directory entry => (change mode)
Hope this will be useful

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    I am new to Web Channel.
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    Web Channel

    You can get it from "User" or "Shop" business object.
    Try to get User or Shop Business Object as shown below.
    BusinessObjectManager bom = (BusinessObjectManager) userSessionData.getBOM(BusinessObjectManager.ISACORE_BOM);
    User user = bom.getUser();
    char decimalNotation = user.getDecimalPointFormat().getGroupingSeparator();
    If you are seeing "1,234.00" then above code will return "."
    I hope this information help you to resolve your issue.
    eCommerce Developer.

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    Dear ABAP-Specialists,
    i am trying to append contents of a local object to a dynamic table. The most relevant lines are the ones written in bold
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    +METHOD wddomodifyview .+
      +DATA lo_ui_root                TYPE REF TO  if_wd_view_element.+
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    Thanks a lot in advance for your Ideas.
    Best regards
    Carsten Klatt
    Please post in the correct forum and use code tags to format your code
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Oct 1, 2010 1:27 PM

    This might help - you should not reference the data reference directly:
    DATA: lt_t001 TYPE TABLE OF t001,
          ls_t001 TYPE t001.
    DATA: lr_dref    TYPE REF TO data.
    DATA: lv_tabname TYPE tabname.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lfs>      TYPE table,
                   <lfs_line> TYPE ANY.
    lv_tabname = 'T001'.
        CREATE DATA lr_dref TYPE TABLE OF (lv_tabname).
        ASSIGN lr_dref->* TO <lfs>.
      CATCH cx_sy_create_data_error.
    *     Do something
    SELECT * FROM t001 INTO TABLE lt_t001.
    LOOP AT lt_t001 INTO ls_t001.
      ASSIGN ls_t001 TO <lfs_line>.
      APPEND <lfs_line> TO <lfs>.

  • A perticular Project automatically saving in the local Object

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    Can you please give me more suggessions to solve this problem ...
    Thanks in advance ..

    Hi Shashi,
    If it is getting assigned to a TR then it can't be local object.
    Can you give some more details. Also which system, version you are on.

  • A question about creating packages as local objects in ABAP

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    What I would like to ask is that, is it possible to create a package (and not just programs inside a given package) as a local object? so that every new object created in this package will be considered as a local object?
    Thanks in advane,
    Kind Regards,

    Thomas Zloch wrote:
    Please also check the F1 help for the package field e.g. in SE80, SAP standard is in range A-S and U-X, namespaces start with "/", so you should be save. I am using the T namespace for temporary stuff since a long time and did not have a problem so far.
    > Thomas
    > P.S. this applies to the package name only, of course
    Thank you very much for this remark, I checked F1 help for the package field and in fact as you mentioned these ranges are for local objects.
    Once again, thank you very much for your help.
    Kind Regards,

  • How to pass a locale object into another function?

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    import java.util.*;
    public class Locales{
         public static void main(String[] args){
              Locale locale= new Locale("EN", "US");
    public void convert(Locale convert)
         String language = convert.getDisplayLanguage();
    }I got this error: non-static method convert(java.util.Locale) cannot be referenced from a static content
                    ^How do i correct it?

    Did you bother to do a search?
    Did you bother to read any of the material that the search would have linked you to?
    If you had then you would be able to understand where you are going wrong and how to fix it yourself. Instead of being spoonfed by us.

  • Screen 910 getting saved in Local object - not even asking for Package

    Hi ABAPers,
    I am using Enhancement CONFPP07 and for this created Z project in CMOD.
    When I am creating the screen 910 for the screen exit SAPLCORU_S of that Z Project, that 910 is getting created in Local object not even asking for the Package and the request.
    I tried to create that screen from the SE80 in the function group XCOF, there also it is getting saved in local object.
    I tried to do it from SE51 also, but arrived that screen in the local object only.
    Please Suggest me with your valuable comments.
    Thanks and Regards
    Pinaki Mukherjee

    Do a version management on the screen and see if it was ever created before and then deleted. If so, reassign it to the package you want.

  • Copying from client through se71 is getting saved as local object only?

    i am copying the form from std to z form through se71.but after doing copy from client,it is getting saved automatically s a local objct $tmp.
    Also,there is no option enabled to save it to transportable object.
    in se80,in the object list also that object is not reflecting.

    check it
    Re: local object to transport request for a form
    just go to SE03  > object  Directory > change object directory entries

  • Problem in saving 'Z' develpments to Local Object

    Hi Experts,
    Let me explain my the client settings first -
    I'm working on a implementation project. We have a development server having four clients as 311 sandbox, 322 - customizing client (Without transactions and masters), 411 - Testing client and 422 as a golden master with all configuration and master data.
    The path is  322 >> 411 >> 422
    We do not have configured TMS till now.
    While i'm creating any 'Z' development whether report or table or do any changes on the 311 client i.e. sand box and saving it as a local object or save in a request the changes or newly created reports can directly affect the upto client master i.e. 422 without transporting the request.
    Because of this i'm facing problems as if i created any report just for testing on 311 i.e. sandbox it directly appears on every client without transporting request even when it has been saved in the local object. Also if i do any changes in any sap standard screen, program or in any object as per SAP notes on 311 they directly affects whole development system.
    Please guide me how to set the system landscape to avoide this.

    all development and client independend customizing is visible at once at all clients of an SAP instance.
    You have create separate instances like YA1(100) = DEV; YA2(100) = TEST; and YA3(100) = PROD. As a customizing sandbox in DEV a separate cleient might be helpfull.
    All instances could be created at the same server in an early stage of the project. Later at least for production a separate server should be used.
    Some consultants with some experience could save costs in such a project.
    Kind regards,


    Dear Experts,
    My info packages are getting failed for the Z data sources with the below given error message.
    Please guide me to resolve this issue at the earliest, as it is related to production system.
    Error Message:
    The object R3TR AQQU SYSTBWGENER0SY000000000095 does not exist
    Assign a package
    Specify the package or flag it as a local object
    Job cancelled after system exception ERROR_MESSAGE
    Thanks and Regards,
    Suresh Reddy.

    some notes/patches are applied your ECC. so its shows your objects are in $Tmp.
    Your error indicates that name which it specified it exist in $TMP package.
    How to check whether its in $tmp or not.
    ECC side, RSA6--> double click on data source-->double click on extract structure--> menu go to--> direct object entry.
    at BW prod, go to RSA1->transport conection,
    Find your data source or source system and drag into right pane,
    You can see package as $tmp.
    Can you check at dev system, if its works well there,
    please do the follow things.
    1. Collect ecc data source into transports move up to prod.
    2. Replicate transported data source from ECC prod to BW Prod.
    3.Collect data source form bw dev into transports move upto prod.
    4. Once your data source was active bw prod, try to run your info pack. it it works then no issue.
    if its required you can transport whole further data flow like target,transformations,info pack and dtp.

  • Cannot save query as local object

    Dear community,
    One of our users is not able to save a query change as a local object (not to be transported).  While another user is able to do this.
    Since we don't want the query changes to be transported, I must find a way to allow the save as local object in $TMP.
    An authorizations trace shows everything is OK from job role perspective.
    When the user changes a query in development and chooses "Save As", she is prompted for a transport.  At this time if she chooses "local object" then she is taken to the create a transport dialog.
    For another user this is not the case, and the 2nd user is able to save query changes locally without a transport request.
    Any thoughts on what might be the cause for this ?

    Hi Keith,
    without knowing the details of you system settings and the system where it happens (prod, dev, ...). One general remark:
    If you save a query lots of repository objects are generated an written to a transport request (i.e. structures, selections, ...), not only one for the query itself. Maybe in your case, the original query uses a globally defined structure in the columns or rows. If you now want to "save as" new query, many objects are checked for transportation. The global structure can not be saved as local object, because it was already transported before. Whilst the new query itself can be stored as local object. Means not all objects of the new query can be saved as local, because some are already transported.
    One way to check if this could also be your problem, both of your mentioned example users should try to save exactly the same query as new local query.

  • Cancel 'Local object' status

    Hi Everybody,
    During installation of DataSource from Business content (RSA5), the status of DataSource was accidentally switched to 'Local Object'. As a result it's not possible to modify the DataSource in Customizing cockpit (LBWE) and replicate it to BW.
    Is there any way to revoke 'local' status and setup the DataSource for transfer to BW?
    I would appreciate any help.

    Option "Object directory entry" should be able to change the package;however if you are at the start of project and in Sbox/Dev ,try deleting these DS in RSA6 and re-installing from RSA5,saving it in proper package and then replicating the DS in BI.
    Hope it Helps

  • Request  Or local object ?

    Hi all,
    Let me explain the scenario. I have to two fields to my existing customizing report. they have used some global structure in that i have added two fields . for testing purpose i have copied the same report and saved as local object its working with updated fields in OOALV.
    After that i have made the same changes in my original report and saved under some request now its not working . Even i have copied all the lines from local object then also its not working. Could any one of you please resolve my issue..
    thanks in advance...

    I am sure u missed some thing while copying. Just debug both programs parallelly and see where is wrong.
    Single statement can cause the difference.
    U can also compare the programs in parallel screens using tcode SE39. Check this and get back in case of issues.

  • Change local object

    Hi I have a process chain in already in Production. I made few changes in Dev for testing and saved as local object. Now, I need to transport those changes to prod. So, I need to change in BW package not in local object. I I don't know how to change it..I am deleting the changes and redoing it to see if the pop-up would come so that I can save not in local object...but it's not poping up anything..could anyone please help me.

    So if you follow the steps that I wrote, you will not actually be doing the will just collect all objects required to do a successful transport (variants, processes and InfoPackages etc). At the top will be the process chain name. You can select it and right click and choose Change Package. When you chnage the package and save, it will pop up for the request. Assign the same request to all other objects that may be $tmp. Then you can hand over this request number to your Basis team.
    Hope this helps...


    hi frnds,
    i have assigned one enhancemnt to project. in that screen exit is stored as a local object and package name as ME and Owner is SAP. now i need to transport this to prodction. its not allowing to create the new request as well as changing the Package name.
    except this screen exit, all other things.. like include tables and function exits are moved into prodcution.
    points will be rewarded for helpful answers.

    Hi KBS,
    Please follow steps mentioned below
    1. Go to transaction CMOD and enter your enhancement
       (Don't press enter or and any other function)
    2. Now on the same screen i.e CMOD screen click on
       following standard menu path
         GO TO -> Object Directory Entry
    3. On the pop window on pencil icon to switch
       to change mode
    4. Now change the directory from local to your package
    5. It will ask for request while doing so...lock in some request and transport the same to production.
    Hope this solves your problem..let me know if you any prob in this...
    Enjoy SAP.
    Pankaj Singh

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