Reg Thumbnail image creation.

Hi am in need of creating a thumbnail image from a normal image. I have taken the source from
its not in other system while both are having same configuration and platform.
im gettting a blank thumbnail file created as per my specified width and height.
i found that its workin in some other system is there any other config related issues are there pls help me.

sorry i hav misstyped some thing.
when i execute the following code its creating a image file of my specified size but its blank
but i have executed the same code in some other machine its running fine.. so i wish to know is there any issues with the file system permission r some other config related issues.
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
* (requires Java 1.2+)
* Load an image, scale it down and save it as a JPEG file.
* @author Marco Schmidt
public class Thumbnail {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (args.length != 5) {
System.err.println("Usage: java Thumbnail INFILE " +
// load image from INFILE
Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(args[0]);
MediaTracker mediaTracker = new MediaTracker(new Container());
mediaTracker.addImage(image, 0);
// determine thumbnail size from WIDTH and HEIGHT
int thumbWidth = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
int thumbHeight = Integer.parseInt(args[3]);
double thumbRatio = (double)thumbWidth / (double)thumbHeight;
int imageWidth = image.getWidth(null);
int imageHeight = image.getHeight(null);
double imageRatio = (double)imageWidth / (double)imageHeight;
if (thumbRatio < imageRatio) {
thumbHeight = (int)(thumbWidth / imageRatio);
} else {
thumbWidth = (int)(thumbHeight * imageRatio);
// draw original image to thumbnail image object and
// scale it to the new size on-the-fly
BufferedImage thumbImage = new BufferedImage(thumbWidth,
thumbHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D graphics2D = thumbImage.createGraphics();
graphics2D.drawImage(image, 0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight, null);
// save thumbnail image to OUTFILE
BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new
JPEGImageEncoder encoder = JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(out);
JPEGEncodeParam param = encoder.
int quality = Integer.parseInt(args[4]);
quality = Math.max(0, Math.min(quality, 100));
param.setQuality((float)quality / 100.0f, false);

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    For Example: In server PC i have an image in D:\test.jpg. I want to show this image in browser. I am using Tomcat 6.0 server. Your help will be highly appreciated..

    Probably the easiest thing is not to use Tomcat at all (unless you're using only Tomcat and not Apache as the web server). Using whatever build tool you're using to deploy content to your web site (e.g., Ant), create a thumbnail in an offline, deploy-time process. Then copy the image to a designated location under your docroot (e.g., /images/thumbnails/).

  • Automatic creation of thumbnail image in BC4J App

    I have created a BC4J application using the default wizards that displays the content of the following table:
    The 'browse' jsp displays the id, description and thumb image.
    The 'edit' jsp allows the user to enter the description, employee_name and upload file details for the pic image.
    I have 2 problems with the application.
    1. How do I set the 'browse' jsp to display the thumb image as an anchor tag that points to the 'edit' jsp ?. I would also like to dynamically set the hint text for the thumb image to 'employee_name' from the database table.
    2. In the 'edit' jsp I want to invoke the Intermedia processCopy method to automatically create the thumbnail image from the image file specified by the user. How do I accommodate this method into the default code ?
    Thanks in advance

    Basically, you have to use the "manual" mode of the rendering instead of the "automatic" mode. The JDev Wizard
    generated JSP page uses the "automatic" mode which is hard to customize. The characteristic of the "automatic"
    mode is using the <AttributeIterate> tag to iterate through all attributes. You have to change the following JSP files
    to achieve what you wanted.
    1. DataTableComponent.jsp
    <%@ page language="java" import = "oracle.jbo.html.*, oracle.jbo.*" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    RequestParameters params = HtmlServices.getRequestParameters(pageContext);
    String editTargetParam = params.getParameter("edittarget");
    if ("null".equalsIgnoreCase(editTargetParam))
    editTargetParam = null;
    <jbo:DataSourceRef id="dsBrowse" reference='<%=params.getParameter("datasource")%>' />
    <table class="clsTable" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3">
    <tr class="clsTableRow"><%
    if (editTargetParam != null)
    <th class="clsTableHeader"> </th>
    <th class="clsTableHeader"><a href="<jbo:UrlEvent targeturlparam='edittarget' event='Create' datasource='dsBrowse' extraparameters='<%=originURL=" + params.getParameter("originURL")%">'/>">New</a></th><%
    <th title="<jbo:ShowHint datasource="dsBrowse" hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Id"/>" class="vrTableHeader"><jbo:ShowHint datasource="dsBrowse" hintname="LABEL" dataitem="Id">##Column</jbo:ShowHint></th>
    <th title="<jbo:ShowHint datasource="dsBrowse" hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Description"/>" class="vrTableHeader"><jbo:ShowHint datasource="dsBrowse" hintname="LABEL" dataitem="Description">##Column</jbo:ShowHint></th>
    <th title="<jbo:ShowHint datasource="dsBrowse" hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Thumb"/>" class="vrTableHeader"><jbo:ShowHint datasource="dsBrowse" hintname="LABEL" dataitem="Thumb">##Column</jbo:ShowHint></th>
    Row currentRow = dsBrowse.getRowSet().getCurrentRow();
    <jbo:RowsetIterate datasource="dsBrowse" changecurrentrow="false" userange="true">
    <jbo:Row id="aRow" datasource="dsBrowse" action="Active"/><%
    String rowStyle;
    if (aRow == currentRow)
    rowStyle = "clsCurrentTableRow";
    rowStyle = "clsTableRow";
    <tr class="<%=rowStyle%>"><%
    if (editTargetParam != null)
    <td class="tablecell"><a href="<jbo:UrlEvent targeturlparam='originURL' event='Delete' datasource='dsBrowse' addrowkey='true'/>">Delete</a>
    <td class="tablecell"><a href="<jbo:UrlEvent targeturlparam='edittarget' event='Edit' datasource='dsBrowse' addrowkey='true' extraparameters='<%="originURL=" + params.getParameter("originURL")%>'/>">Edit</a>
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Id"/>" class="tablecell" >
    <jbo:RenderValue datasource="dsBrowse" dataitem="Id">##Cell</jbo:RenderValue>
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Description"/>" class="tablecell" >
    <jbo:RenderValue datasource="dsBrowse" dataitem="Description">##Cell</jbo:RenderValue>
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Thumb"/>" class="tablecell" >
    <A href="<jbo:UrlEvent targeturlparam='edittarget' event='Edit' datasource='dsBrowse' addrowkey='true' extraparameters='<%="originURL=" + params.getParameter("originURL")%>'/>">
    <jbo:EmbedImage datasource="dsBrowse" mediaattr="Thumb" altattr="EmployeeName" />
    2. DataEditComponent.jsp
    <%@ page language="java" import = "oracle.jbo.html.*" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    RequestParameters params = HtmlServices.getRequestParameters(pageContext);
    String dsParam = params.getParameter("datasource");
    String formName = dsParam + "_form";
    String rowAction = "Current";
    <jbo:DataSourceRef id="dsEdit" reference="<%=dsParam%>" />
    <jbo:OnEvent name="edit" datasource="dsEdit">
    <% rowAction = "Get"; %>
    <jbo:OnEvent name="create" datasource="dsEdit">
    <% rowAction = "Create"; %>
    <form name="<%=formName%>" action="<%=params.getParameter("targetURL")%>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <jbo:Row id="rowEdit" datasource="dsEdit" rowkeyparam="jboRowKey" action="<%=rowAction%>">
    <table border="0">
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Id"/>" align="right">
    <jbo:ShowHint hintname="LABEL" dataitem="Id">##Column</jbo:ShowHint>
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Id"/>">
    <jbo:InputRender datasource="dsEdit" dataitem="Id" formname="<%=formName%>" />
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Description"/>" align="right">
    <jbo:ShowHint hintname="LABEL" dataitem="Description">##Column</jbo:ShowHint>
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Description"/>">
    <jbo:InputRender datasource="dsEdit" dataitem="Description" formname="<%=formName%>" />
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Pic"/>" align="right">
    <jbo:ShowHint hintname="LABEL" dataitem="Pic">##Column</jbo:ShowHint>
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="Pic"/>">
    <jbo:InputRender datasource="dsEdit" dataitem="Pic" formname="<%=formName%>" />
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="EmployeeName"/>" align="right">
    <jbo:ShowHint hintname="LABEL" dataitem="EmployeeName">##Column</jbo:ShowHint>
    <td title="<jbo:ShowHint hintname='TOOLTIP' dataitem="EmployeeName"/>">
    <jbo:InputRender datasource="dsEdit" dataitem="EmployeeName" formname="<%=formName%>" />
    <jbo:FormEvent event="update" datasource="dsEdit" addrowkey="true" />
    <%-- Pass along originURL parameter --%>
    <input type="hidden" name="originURL" value="<%=params.getParameter("originURL")%>">
    <input type="submit" value="Update">
    <input type="reset" value="Reset">
    3. DataHandlerComponent.jsp
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.jbo.ApplicationModule" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.jbo.html.*" %>
    <%@ page import="*" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
    RequestParameters params = HtmlServices.getRequestParameters(pageContext);
    String targetParam = params.getParameter("targetURL");
    String amId = params.getParameter("amId");
    String voName = params.getParameter("jboEventVo");
    if (voName != null)
    { %>
    <jbo:DataSource id="ds" appid="<%=amId%>" viewobject="<%=voName%>" />
    <jbo:OnEvent name="update">
    <jbo:Row id="myrow" datasource="ds" rowkeyparam="jboRowKey" action="Update" />
    myrow.setAttribute("Thumb", new OrdImageDomain());
    String myRowKey = myrow.getKey().toStringFormat(false);
    <jbo:PostChanges appid="<%=amId%>" />
    <jbo:Row id="theRow" datasource="ds" action="Find" rowkeyparam="jboRowKey" >
    OrdImageDomain pic = (OrdImageDomain) theRow.getAttribute("Pic");
    OrdImageDomain thumb = (OrdImageDomain) theRow.getAttribute("Thumb");
    pic.processCopy("scale=\"0.1\"", thumb);
    <jbo:OnEvent name="delete">
    <jbo:Row id="delrow" datasource="ds" rowkeyparam="jboRowKey" action="Delete" />
    <%-- Scroll event handling --%>
    <jbo:OnEvent list="firstset, nextset, previousset, lastset">
    <jbo:RowsetNavigate datasource="ds" />
    <%-- Navigation event handling --%>
    <jbo:OnEvent list="first, next, previous, last">
    <jbo:RowsetNavigate datasource="ds" />
    <%-- Query event handling --%>
    <jbo:OnEvent name="Del Criteria" >
    <% String remove = params.getParameter("index"); %>
    <jbo:ViewCriteria id="vc" datasource="ds" action="append">
    <jbo:CriteriaRow id="row<%=remove%>" index="<%=remove%>" clearall="true" />
    <jbo:OnEvent name="Clear All" >
    <jbo:ViewCriteria id="vc" datasource="ds" action="new" />
    <jbo:OnEvent list="Search, Add Criteria" >
    <% String rowParam = params.getParameter("nRows");
    int nRows = 0;
    if (rowParam != null)
    try { nRows = Integer.parseInt(rowParam); }
    catch (Exception ex) { }
    <jbo:ViewCriteria id="vc" datasource="ds" action="new">
    <% for (int index=0; index < nRows; index++)
    { %>
    <jbo:CriteriaRow id="row<%=index%>" >
    <jbo:AttributeIterate id="attrvc" datasource="ds" queriableonly="true">
    <% String item = attrvc.getName();
    String value = params.getParameter("row" + index + "_" + item); %>
    <jbo:Criteria dataitem="<%=item%>" value="<%=value%>" />
    <% } %>
    <% }%>
    <%-- Transaction event handling --%>
    <jbo:OnEvent name="Commit" >
    <jbo:Commit appid="<%=amId%>"/>
    <jbo:OnEvent name="Rollback" >
    <jbo:RollBack appid="<%=amId%>"/>
    Hope this helps.

  • Thumbnail image server behaviour

    Best new years wishes to all!
    Can anyone explain just how the thumbnail behavior works? Is it just a latent resizing process initialized on first load of a page?
    Is it a process of checking for an existent thumbnail image and then resizing only if the thumbnail is not present?
    Why not resize the image on upload to full size and also thumbnail size?
    I use the behavior and it works well, just not sure how it works and would like to know.

    Hi Steve,
    the Show Thumbnail behaviour does indeed create the thumbnails on page load and not earlier, so it seems that...
    Is it a process of checking for an existent thumbnail image and then resizing only if the thumbnail is not present?
    ...this is true.
    Why not resize the image on upload to full size and also thumbnail size?
    IMO this would be adding some more "what if the server doesn´t execute additional processes ?" insecurities, because - well - some users might already encounter the main image not being uploaded correctly for whatever reason, and any additional process like creating the subdirectory "thumbnails" plus creating a thumbnail in there will of course fail when step a) already went wrong.
    As one never really knows why on earth e.g. resizing a very large image may go wrong (due to some "memory" related limits obviously), it wouldn´t be wise to make an application even stack some extra tasks on top of that -- rolling out the thumbnail creation process to a different page seems smarter, because just in case thumbnail X isn´t created the first time, it will be created the next time someone launches the page in question.
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • How to I get high res thumbnail images?

    Just discovered once I've imported images into my library Aperture 3.2.2 (running under 10.7.3) doesn't render high res thumbnail images (when the Browser Thumbnail Resize slider is set to the far right/maximum), even though my "Previews" preference settings are as follows:
    "Use embedded JPEG from camera when possible" is unchecked
    "Don't Limit" for Photo Preview is selected
    Photo Preview quality set to 10
    Deleting and regenerating thumbnails doesn't solve the issue. However, if I delete the photo from the referenced library, then reimport the image, the browser thumbnail image renders sharp. The low res thumbnail is at left; high res thumbnail (after re-import) is at right. Both thumbnails images are sharp when the Browser Thumbnail Resize slider is positioned in the middle. Photos render sharp in the Viewer, regardless.
    Going back through my images, it seems Aperture stopped providing a sharp thumbnail image since around July 2010. Other than updating Aperture, my workflow or supported camera hasn't changed. Couldn't find a reference to this issue in the User Manual. Am I missing something a setting somewhere?

    Its unclear if the command Generate Thumbnails actually does anything if the thumbs already exist and as there isn;t a Delete Thumbnails command like there is a Delete preview command there are only two ways to force a new thumb to be generated.
    One is to import the image again and two is to delete the Thumbnail folder in the Aperture library. I don;t know for sure if this will fix you problem but as I said it is the only way to force the generation of the thumbs.
    If you try this make sure you have a good working backup of the library. Nothing here will normally cause data loss but it is always a good idea before messing with the library.
    Quit Aperture, Highlight the library in the Finder and right click, Select show package contents. One fo the folders you'll see is Thumbnails, delete it. Open Aperture.
    Also be aware that the regeneration of the thumbs will take some time. Depending on the size of the library it could be an all day affair. Aperture is usable while this is going on but it will be slower.

  • How do I set the thumbnail image of my videos that export to my computer?  I'm using Premiere Elements 11 on a windows 8.1 PC 64bit.

    How do I set the thumbnail image of my videos that export to my computer?  I'm using Premiere Elements 11 on a windows 8.1 PC 64bit.
    Or how does Premiere 11 determine where to set the image for the video it is exporting? 
    I already know how to use Freeze frame and save the image to my computer by Publish+Share/Computer/ Immage.

    This is not Adobe. Rather user to user. We are all visitors here.
    Just a bit of history....back in the days of Premiere Elements 4, you could set a "poster frame" in what was called the Project area. You did this by right clicking a blank area there and, from the drop down menu that appeared, selecting View/Preview Area, and using the poster frame feature there.
    As I said, when a video imports into Premiere Elements, the thumbnail of the import has been presenting as the first frame of the video. With this Preview area "poster frame" option, you could set the video's thumbnail in the Project area so that the first frame was another frame in the video. But, this "perk" was restricted to thumbnails of the video in Project area.
    If you exported to file with the first frame modified video, the export's thumbnail in Windows Explorer would present with other than the real first frame or the poster frame as the first frame.
    Also, in more recent versions, I have observed that the export to file does not display the real first frame of the video in Windows Explorer. Seems random, but I have not kept track.
    And, remember, at the onset I wrote
    As far as I have ever seen, Premiere Elements Windows uses the first frame of the video for its thumbnail in the program.
    I know of no way within Premiere Elements to control what the program opts to do in this matter. In some compatibility
    issues, it opts to give no image but a generic one.
    I did not say that you can expect to have the Premiere Elements' export file's thumbnail in Windows displaying with its real first frame. And, the more you get into this, depending on the versions, more details need to be added to my comment about "...first frame of video for its thumbnail in the program..."
    I would have to look into all this further to get perspective on the contributing factors.
    Add On...The Poster Frame feature appeared in versions 4, 7, 8, and 9 by my count.

  • How can I create an effect to cycle through several sets of 12 thumbnail images rather than just one

    I've searched everywhere i can think of and had no luck so thought it's about time i asked for help.
    How do I create an effect where a group of 12 thumbnail images (all with clickable links) can scroll across by clicking a button to reveal another set of 12 thumbnails and so on without having to refresh the page, im assuming jquery can help but every single slideshow or scroll effect I've come across is for single images and not a set of images.
    Its a gallery part of my website and the images are in sets of 4 in 3 rows.
    All and any help will be greatly apprieciated!

    I think what you want is a Carousel Scroller.  See Demo and Examples
    Nancy O.

  • Need help to show a thumbnail image column in report

    Hi, Gurus:
    I need to display a column of thumbnail images in a classical report. I follow the thread
    I am using APEX 4.1, Oracle 11gR2
    Here is my table:
       (     "IMAGE_ID" NUMBER(10,0),
         "THUMBNAIL" BLOB,
         "MIME_TYPE" VARCHAR2(50 BYTE),
    )Here is my procedure:
    create or replace
    procedure dl_sor_thumbnail (p_offender_id IN NUMBER) as
       v_mime_type VARCHAR2(48);
       v_length NUMBER;
       v_name VARCHAR2(2000);
       v_image BLOB;
      SELECT 'IMAGE/JPEG', dbms_lob.getlength(thumbnail), thumbnail
      INTO v_mime_type, v_length, v_image
      FROM sor_image
      WHERE offender_id = p_offender_id
      and image_id = (select max(image_id)from sor_image where offender_id = p_offender_id) ;
    -- setup the HTTP headers
    owa_util.mime_header(nvl(v_mime_type, 'application/octet'), FALSE);
    htp.p('Content-length: '||v_length);
    --htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' || substr(v_name, instr(v_name,'/') + 1) || '"');
    --htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'somemmmmmfilename.jpg'");
    -- close the headers
    -- download the Photo blob
    wpg_docload.download_file (v_image);
    END dl_sor_thumbnail;here is my report:
    select distinct 'MAP', '<img src="#OWNER#.dl_sor_thumbnail?p_offender_id='||so.offender_ID||'"/>' detail,
    so.doc_number as "DOC Number", so.offender_id as "Offender_ID", so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name||' '||so.last_name as "Offender Name",
    so.checksum as "checksum",
    so.last_name as "Last Name",
    so.first_name||' '|| so.middle_name as "First Name",
    (select sc1.description from sor_code sc1 where sc1.code_id=so.race) as "Race",
    (select sc2.description from sor_code sc2 where as "Sex",
    (select sc8.description from sor_code sc8 where sc8.code_id=so.hair_color) as "Hair Color",
    (select sc9.description from sor_code sc9 where sc9.code_id=so.eye_color) as "Eye Color",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.address1, sl.address1||' '||sl.address2 ||' '|| ||' '||sl.county||' '||(select sc3.description from sor_code sc3 where sc3.code_id=sl.state)||' '||, '-'),'#'),',') as "Address",
    replace(replace(nvl2(sl.physical_address1,sl.physical_address1||' '||sl.physical_city ||' '||sl.physical_county||' '||(select sc4.description from sor_code sc4 where sc4.code_id=sl.physical_state)||' '||sl.physical_zip, '-'),'#'),',')  as "Physical Address",
    sl.status as "Status",
    to_char(sl.ADDRESS1_LATITUDE) as "Address Latitude",to_char(sl.address1_longitude) as "Address Longitude",
    to_char(sl.physical_address_latitude) as "Physical Latitude",to_char(sl.physical_address_Longitude) as "Physical Longitude",
    decode(rox.habitual, 'Y', 'Habitual', '') as "Habitual",
    decode(rox.aggravated, 'Y', 'Aggravated', '') as "Aggravated"
    from sor_location sl, sor_offender so, registration_offender_xref rox, sor_last_locn_v sllv
    where rox.offender_id=so.offender_id
    and sllv.offender_id(+)=so.offender_id
    and sl.location_id(+)=sllv.location_id
    and rox.status not in ('Merged')
    and rox.REG_TYPE_ID=:F119_REG_ID
    and upper(rox.status)='ACTIVE'
    and nvl(rox.admin_validated, to_date(1,'J'))>=nvl(rox.entry_date, to_date(1,'J'))
    and (((select sc11.description from sor_code sc11 where sc11.code_id=so.race and sc11.code_id=:P5_SL_RACE) is not null ) or (:P5_SL_RACE is null))
    and (((select sc12.description from sor_code sc12 where and sc12.code_id=:P5_SL_SEX) is not null ) or (:P5_SL_SEX is null))
    and (((select sc13.description from sor_code sc13 where sc13.code_id=so.hair_color and sc13.code_id=:P5_SL_HAIR_COLOR) is not null ) or (:P5_SL_HAIR_COLOR is null))
    and (((select sc14.description from sor_code sc14 where sc14.code_id=so.eye_color and sc14.code_id=:P5_SL_EYE_COLOR) is not null ) or (:P5_SL_EYE_COLOR is null))
    and (exists ( (select sm.offender_id from sor_mark sm, sor_code sc15 where sm.offender_id=so.offender_id and  sc15.code_id=sm.code and sc15.code_id=:P5_SL_OTHER_MARKS  and sm.description is not null) ) or (:P5_SL_OTHER_MARKS is null))
    and ((exists (select sm1.description from sor_mark sm1 where sm1.offender_id=so.offender_id and upper(sm1.description) like upper('%'||:P5_TF_OTHER_MARKS_DESCRIPTION||'%'))) or (:P5_TF_OTHER_MARKS_DESCRIPTION is null))
    and ((floor(to_number(sysdate-so.date_of_birth)/365)-:P5_TF_AGE between -5 and 5) or (:P5_TF_AGE is null))
    and ((to_number(:P5_TF_HEIGHT_FEET)*12+to_number(nvl2(:P5_TF_HEIGHT_INCHES, :P5_TF_HEIGHT_INCHES, '0')-(floor(so.height/100)*12+mod(so.height, 100))) between -6 and 6) or (:P5_TF_HEIGHT_FEET is null))
    and ((so.weight-:P5_TF_WEIGHT between -25 and 25) or (:P5_TF_WEIGHT is null))and I set detail column as standard report column.
    however, the report shows no image, just an icon which indicates the image is not available. Would anyone help me on this problem?
    Thanks a lot.
    Edited by: lxiscas on Apr 16, 2013 1:59 PM

    lxiscas wrote:
    I need to display a column of thumbnail images in a classical report. I follow the thread
    Bad choice. Only one person involved in that thread knew what they were doing...and you copied from the wrong one.
    Here is my procedure:Lose it. Custom download procedures are overcomplicated and now almost never required.
    See the recommendation to use declarative BLOB support, as shown in the Thumbnail image problems.

  • How can I create a jpeg thumbnail image?

    I'd like to create a clear jpeg thumbnail image of the first page of a document created in InDesign.  It will be used in Constant Contact as a link to the online version of the document.  (Constant Contact doesn't take JPEG's)
    I especially need help making it crisp and clear.
    Thank you!

    And there will be occasions when it's not better, and there are alternative ways to get better results.
    You may not have tested every situation and font, but I've done enough to know that sometimes it doesn't work as expected. And it wasn't a "challenge", it was an observation.
    Here's 3 ways to make a JPEG - and the one that is the best is the one that was exported to PDF and then opened in Photoshop and then Saved as a JPEG.
    .........Direct Export .........................Export PDF................................Export PDF JPEG.from ID.....................Open in Photoshop.............Save to JPEG from Acrobat.
    (EDIT - The forum is adding extra compression to the images - I assure you the middle image is the best)

  • Thumbnail images in the event browser

    After about 20 minutes on FCPX the thumbnail images in the event browser randomaly disappear. If I move the scrubber bar over the blank thumbnail the image reappears but only for as long as I linger on the thumbnail. The audio track remains visible all the time. Changing the view or the scale doesn't help. It's difficult to find clips, as you can imagine. Anyone else having this problem? 

    Thanks Russ. After returning to original layout the problem subsided but returned after a longer time period (about two hours). I was just working (on a different project) and suddenly %90 of the thumbnails turned blue. I could still see the audio information but the pictures vanished. The picture returns when the scrubbing bar hovers over the thumbnail then disappears again when I take the bar away. This is incredibly frustrating. Could it be because I'm using a thunderboldt display off of my Mac Book Pro? Both are less than 1 year old and the Pro is (was) top of the line at the time. Blind as a bat. 

  • How to rotate a thumbnail image in Finder?

    Is there a way to rotate a thumbnail image in Finder? When I click a photo in a Finder folder, the image automatically opens in Preview and the image is correctly displayed right side up. But the thumbnail image is displaying a vertical photo horizontally. Can I rotate the thumbnail?

    please open the sidebar of the Preview window and check how the thumbnail is displayed there.
    If the orientation is wrong in the Preview sidebar as well, then apparently some program rotated the image but not the EXIF preview image, which is obviously not a good thing.
    If the orientation is correct in the Preview sidebar, but wrong in the Finder, then the file probably has a custom icon with wrong orientation. This should then be removed rather than rotated. It's useless anyhow because Snow Leopard's Finder can better use the EXIF preview image instead.

  • Image creation failed?

    Trying to create a NetRestore image.
    Used SuperDuper to repair peremissions and create DMG of Client Zero HD
    Ran SIU. Log Follows. Seemed to be going OK but hung at this point, or was I too impatient to wait any longer? had been sitting there for 20+ minutes before I Quit SIU...
    Any pointers, please?
    Starting image creation.
    Workflow Started (2011-03-17 08:47:57 +0000)
    Mac OS X Server 10.6.6 (10J567), System Image Utility 10.6.5 (447)
    Starting action: Define Image Source (1.2)
    Finished running action: Define Image Source
    Starting action: Create Image (1.5.3)
    Starting image creation process...
    Create NetInstall Image
    Initiating NetInstall from Restore Media.
    ++ progressPrefix=_progress
    ++ scriptsDebugKey=DEBUG
    ++ imageIsUDIFKey=1
    ++ mountPoint=/tmp/mnt.pde0nj
    ++ ownershipInfoKey=505:20
    mkextPathKey="/System/Library/Caches/ ext"
    ++ mkextPathKey=/System/Library/Caches/ ext
    sourceVol="/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1"
    ++ sourceVol='/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1'
    ++ skipFileChecksumKey=0
    ++ dmgTarget=NetInstall
    destPath="/image in here/NetRestore ofRolloutDMG"
    ++ destPath='/image in here/NetRestore ofRolloutDMG'
    ++ asrSource=ASRInstall.pkg
    ++ blockCopyDeviceKey=0
    . "$1/"
    + . /tmp/niutemp.laZrfc41/
    # Common functionality for the Image creation process.
    # sourced in by the various SIU scripts
    # Copyright 2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
    # Using dscl, create a user account
    # $1 long name
    # $2 short name
    # $3 isAdminUser key
    # $4 password hash
    # $5 user picture path
    # $6 Language string
    local databasePath="/Local/Target/Users/${2}"
    # Find a free UID between 501 and 599
    for ((i=501; i<600; i++)); do
    output=`/usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -search /Local/Target/Users UniqueID $i`
    # If there is already an account dscl returns it, so we're looking for an empty return value.
    if [ "$output" == "" ]; then
    # Create the user record
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -create $databasePath || exit 1
    # Add long name
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath RealName "${1}" || exit 1
    # Add PrimaryGroupID
    if [ "${3}" == 1 ]; then
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath PrimaryGroupID 80 || exit 1
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath PrimaryGroupID 20 || exit 1
    # Add UniqueID
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath UniqueID ${i} || exit 1
    # Add Home Directory entry
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath dsAttrTypeNative:home /Users/${2} || exit 1
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath authentication_authority ";ShadowHash;" || exit 1
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath picture "${5}" || exit 1
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath passwd "*" || exit 1
    # Add shell
    /usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -append $databasePath UserShell "/bin/bash" || exit 1
    # lookup generated uid
    genUID=`/usr/bin/dscl -f "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default" localonly -read /Local/Target/Users/${2} GeneratedUID` || exit 1
    # make sure the shadow/hash directory exists
    if [ ! -e "${mountPoint}/var/db/shadow/hash" ] ; then
    /bin/mkdir -p "${mountPoint}/var/db/shadow/hash" || exit 1
    /bin/chmod -R 700 "${mountPoint}/var/db/shadow" || exit 1
    # to copy our password hash in there...
    echo "${4}" > "${mountPoint}/var/db/shadow/hash/$genUID"
    /bin/chmod 600 "${mountPoint}/var/db/shadow/hash/$genUID" || exit 1
    # Create Home directory
    if [ -e "/System/Library/User Template/${6}.lproj/" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto "/System/Library/User Template/${6}.lproj/" "${mountPoint}/Users/${2}" || exit 1
    /usr/bin/ditto "/System/Library/User Template/English.lproj/" "${mountPoint}/Users/${2}" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown -R $i:$i "${mountPoint}/Users/${2}" || exit 1
    # If they exist, apply any changes
    local tempDir="$1"
    local srcVol="$2"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    if [ -e "$tempDir/" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Applying additions from System Image Utility"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt -bom "$tempDir/" "$srcVol" "${mountPoint}" || exit 1
    if [ -e "$srcVol/Library/Application Support/Apple/System Image Utility/" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Applying additions from $srcVol"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt -bom "$srcVol/Library/Application Support/Apple/System Image Utility/" "$srcVol" "${mountPoint}" || exit 1
    # Copies a list of packages (full paths contained in the file at $1) from source to .../System/Installation/Packages/
    local theFile="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    while read FILE
    if [ -e "${FILE}" ]; then
    local leafName=`basename "${FILE}"`
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Copying ${FILE}."
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${FILE}" "${mountPoint}/System/Installation/Packages/${leafName}" || exit 1
    done < "
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    while read FILE
    if [ -e "${FILE}" ]; then
    local leafName=`basename "${FILE}"`
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Copying ${FILE}."
    read SUB_PATH
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${FILE}" "${mountPoint}/System/Installation/Packages/${SUB_PATH}${leafName}" || exit 1
    done < "${theFile}"
    # Create the dyld shared cache files
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Creating dyld shared cache files"
    # This spews too much for verbose mode... only enable for debug
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /usr/bin/updatedyld_sharedcache -root "${mountPoint}" -universal_boot -force $opt
    # Validate or create the destination directory and mount point
    local destDir="$1"
    if [ ! -d "$destDir" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Creating working path at $destDir"
    /bin/mkdir -p "$destDir" || exit 1
    # Create mount point
    if [ ! -d "${mountPoint}" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Creating mountpoint for in $destDir"
    /bin/mkdir -p "${mountPoint}" || exit 1
    # If any exist, apply any user accounts
    local count="${#userFullName[*]}"
    if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Adding $count user account(s) to the image"
    for ((index=0; index<$count; index++)); do
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Adding user ${userFullName[$index]}"
    #lay down user here
    AddLocalUser "${userFullName[$index]}" "${userUnixName[$index]}" "${userIsAdmin[$index]}" "${userPassHash[$index]}" "${userImagePath[$index]}" "${userLanguage[$index]}"
    # "touch"
    /usr/bin/touch "${mountPoint}/private/var/db/.AppleSetupDone"
    /usr/bin/touch "${mountPoint}/Library/Receipts/.SetupRegComplete"
    # retry the hdiutil detach until we either time out or it succeeds
    local mount_point="${1}"
    local tries=0
    local forceAt=0
    local limit=24
    local opt=""
    forceAt=$(($limit - 1))
    while [ $tries -lt $limit ]; do
    tries=$(( tries + 1 ))
    /bin/sleep 5
    echo "Attempting to detach the disk image again..."
    /usr/bin/hdiutil detach "${mount_point}" $opt
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    # Dump a list of any still open files on the mountPoint
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /usr/sbin/lsof +fg "${mount_point}"
    if [ $tries -eq $forceAt ]; then
    echo "Failed to detach disk image at '${mount_point}' normally, adding -force."
    if [ $tries -eq $limit ]; then
    echo "Failed to detach disk image at '${mount_point}'."
    exit 1
    # Create the dyld shared cache files
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Detaching disk image"
    # Dump a list of any still open files on the mountPoint
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /usr/sbin/lsof +fg "${mountPoint}"
    # Finally detach the image and dispose the mountPoint directory
    /usr/bin/hdiutil detach "${mountPoint}" || retryhdiutildetach "${mountPoint}" || exit 1
    /bin/rmdir "${mountPoint}" || exit 1
    # If the pieces exist, enable remote access for the shell image
    local srcVol="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ -e "${srcVol}/usr/lib/pam/" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Enabling shell image remote access support"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    # install some things (again which aren't part of BaseSystem) needed for remote ASR installs
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${srcVol}/usr/lib/pam/" "${mountPoint}/usr/lib/pam/" || exit 1
    if [ -e "${srcVol}/usr/sbin/installer" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${srcVol}/usr/sbin/installer" "${mountPoint}/usr/sbin/installer" || exit 1
    # copy the sshd config and add our keys to the end of it
    if [ -e "${srcVol}/etc/sshd_config" ]; then
    /bin/cat "${srcVol}/etc/sshd_config" - > "${mountPoint}/etc/sshd_config" << END
    HostKey /private/var/tmp/sshhostkey
    HostKey /private/var/tmp/sshhost_rsakey
    HostKey /private/var/tmp/sshhost_dsakey
    # If it exists, install the sharing names and/or directory binding support to the install image
    local tempDir="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    if [ -e "$tempDir/bindingNames.plist" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing Directory Service binding information"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/bindingNames.plist" "${mountPoint}/etc/bindingNames.plist" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/etc/bindingNames.plist"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${mountPoint}/etc/bindingNames.plist"
    if [ -e "$tempDir/sharingNames.plist" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing Sharing Names support"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/sharingNames.plist" "${mountPoint}/etc/sharingNames.plist" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/etc/sharingNames.plist"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${mountPoint}/etc/sharingNames.plist"
    if [ -e "$tempDir/NetBootClientHelper" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/NetBootClientHelper" "${mountPoint}/usr/sbin/NetBootClientHelper" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/usr/sbin/NetBootClientHelper"
    /bin/chmod 555 "${mountPoint}/usr/sbin/NetBootClientHelper"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/" "${mountPoint}/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ " || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ "
    /bin/chmod 644 "${mountPoint}/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ "
    # finally, make sure it isn't disabled...
    /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete" "${mountPoint}/var/db/launchd.db/" > /dev/null 2>&1
    # Create an installer package in /System/Installation/Packages/ wrapping the supplied script
    local tempDir="$1"
    local scriptPath="$2"
    local scriptName=`basename "${scriptPath}"`
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Create installer for script $scriptName"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    # shouldn't exist on entry...
    if [ -e "${tempDir}/emptyDir" ]; then
    /bin/rm -rf "${tempDir}/emptyDir"
    # make some directories to work in
    /bin/mkdir $opt -p "${tempDir}/$scriptName.pkg/Contents/Resources"
    /bin/mkdir $opt "${tempDir}/emptyDir" || exit 1
    cd "${tempDir}/emptyDir"
    # Create Archive.pax.gz
    /bin/pax -w -x cpio -f "$tempDir/$scriptName.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax" .
    /usr/bin/gzip "$tempDir/$scriptName.pkg/Contents/Archive.pax"
    # Create the file
    /usr/bin/mkbom "$tempDir/emptyDir/" "$tempDir/$scriptName.pkg/Contents/"
    # Create the Info.plist
    /bin/cat > "$tempDir/$scriptName.pkg/Contents/Info.plist" << END
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
    <plist version="1.0">
    echo "pkmkrpkg1" > "$tempDir/$scriptName.pkg/Contents/PkgInfo"
    echo "major: 1\nminor: 0" > "$tempDir/$scriptName.pkg/Contents/Resources/package_version"
    # Copy the script
    /bin/cp "$scriptPath" "$tempDir/$scriptName.pkg/Contents/Resources/postflight"
    # copy the package to the Packages directory
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/$scriptName.pkg" "${mountPoint}/System/Installation/Packages/$scriptName.pkg" || exit 1
    # clean up
    /bin/rm -r "$tempDir/emptyDir"
    /bin/rm -r "$tempDir/$scriptName.pkg"
    # If it exists, install the PowerManagement.plist onto the install image
    local tempDir="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ -e "$tempDir/" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing PowerManagement plist to install image"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/" "${mountPoint}/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ t.plist" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ t.plist"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${mountPoint}/Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ t.plist"
    # If it exists, install the InstallerStatusNotifications.bundle and progress emitter onto the install image
    local tempDir="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ -e "$tempDir/InstallerStatusNotifications.bundle" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing progress announcer to install image"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/InstallerStatusNotifications.bundle" "${mountPoint}/System/Library/CoreServices/InstallerStatusNotifications.bundle" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown -R root:wheel "${mountPoint}/System/Library/CoreServices/InstallerStatusNotifications.bundle"
    /bin/chmod 755 "${mountPoint}/System/Library/CoreServices/InstallerStatusNotifications.bundle"
    if [ -e "$tempDir/" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing status emitter to image"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/progress_emitter" "${mountPoint}/usr/sbin/progress_emitter" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/usr/sbin/progress_emitter"
    /bin/chmod 555 "${mountPoint}/usr/sbin/progress_emitter"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/" "${mountPoint}/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${mountPoint}/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/"
    # Converts a list of scripts (full paths contained in the file at $1) into packages in .../System/Installation/Packages/
    local tempDir="$1"
    local theFile="$2"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Converting scripts into install packages"
    while read FILE
    if [ -e "${FILE}" ]; then
    # make an installer package out of the script
    InstallerPackageFromScript "$tempDir" "${FILE}"
    done < "
    local destDir="$2"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Performing post install cleanup"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ] ; then
    # delete the DS indices to force reindexing...
    if [ -e "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/indices/Default/index" ]; then
    /bin/rm $opt "${mountPoint}/var/db/dslocal/indices/Default/index"
    # detach the disk and remove the mount folder
    DetachAndRemoveMount || exit 1
    # copy the NBImageInfo.plist file
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/NBImageInfo.plist" "$destDir/NBImageInfo.plist" || exit 1
    echo "Correcting permissions. ${ownershipInfoKey} $destDir"
    /usr/sbin/chown -R "${ownershipInfoKey}" "$destDir"
    # rename the folder to .nbi
    if [ ! -e "$destDir.nbi" ]; then
    /bin/mv $opt "$destDir" "$destDir.nbi" || exit 1
    local parentDir=`dirname "${destDir}"`
    local targetName=`basename "${destDir}"`
    for ((i=2; i<1000; i++)); do
    if [ ! -e "${parentDir}/${targetName}_$i.nbi" ]; then
    /bin/mv $opt "$destDir" "${parentDir}/${targetName}_$i.nbi" || exit 1
    # Prepare the source by deleting stuff we don't want to copy if sourcing a volume
    local srcVol="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ] ; then
    if [ -e "$srcVol/private/var/vm/swapfile*" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Removing swapfiles on $1"
    /bin/rm $opt "$srcVol/private/var/vm/swapfile*"
    if [ -d "$srcVol/private/tmp" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Cleaning out /private/tmp on $1"
    /bin/rm -r $opt "$srcVol/private/tmp/*"
    if [ -d "$srcVol/private/var/tmp" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Cleaning out /private/var/tmp on $1"
    /bin/rm -r $opt "$srcVol/private/var/tmp/*"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Cleaning out devices and volumes on $1"
    if [ -d "$srcVol/Volumes" ]; then
    /bin/rm -r $opt "$srcVol/Volumes/*"
    if [ -d "$srcVol/dev" ]; then
    /bin/rm $opt "$srcVol/dev/*"
    if [ -d "$srcVol/private/var/run" ]; then
    /bin/rm -r $opt "$srcVol/private/var/run/*"
    # Copy kernel and build the kext cache on the boot image
    local destDir="$1"
    local opt=""
    local archx8664=`/usr/bin/file -b "${mountPoint}/mach_kernel" | /usr/bin/sed -ne 's/.(x86_64)):./\1/p'`
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Preparing the kernel and kext cache for the boot image"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    # Insure the kext cache on our source volume (the boot shell) is up to date
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Updating kext cache on source volume"
    /usr/sbin/kextcache -update-volume "${mountPoint}" || exit 1
    # Copy the i386 and, if it exists, the x86_64 architecture
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Preparing Intel architecture"
    # Prepare the kernel
    /bin/mkdir $opt "$destDir/i386" || exit 1
    /usr/bin/lipo -extract i386 "${mountPoint}/mach_kernel" -output "$destDir/i386/mach.macosx" || exit 1
    # Build kext cache
    /usr/sbin/kextcache -a i386 -s -l -n -z -mkext2 "$destDir/i386/mach.macosx.mkext" "${mountPoint}/System/Library/Extensions" || exit 1
    # If the x86_64 architecture exists, copy it
    if [ "${archx8664}" = "x86_64" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Preparing x86_64 architecture"
    # Prepare the kernel
    /bin/mkdir $opt "$destDir/i386/x86_64" || exit 1
    /usr/bin/lipo -extract x86_64 "${mountPoint}/mach_kernel" -output "$destDir/i386/x86_64/mach.macosx" || exit 1
    # Build kext cache
    /usr/sbin/kextcache -a x86_64 -s -l -n -z -mkext2 "$destDir/i386/x86_64/mach.macosx.mkext" "${mountPoint}/System/Library/Extensions" || exit 1
    # Create the i386 and x86_64 boot loaders on the boot image
    local srcVol="$1"
    local destDir="$2"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Preparing boot loader"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    # Copy the i386 and, by default, the x86_64 architecture
    if [ -e "${mountPoint}/usr/standalone/i386/boot.efi" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${mountPoint}/usr/standalone/i386/boot.efi" "$destDir/i386/booter" || exit 1
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$srcVol/usr/standalone/i386/boot.efi" "$destDir/i386/booter" || exit 1
    # If it exists, install the partitioning application and data onto the install image
    local tempDir="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ -e "$tempDir/PartitionInfo.plist" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing Partitioning application and data to install image"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/PartitionInfo.plist" "${mountPoint}/System/Installation/PartitionInfo.plist" || exit 1
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/" "${mountPoint}/System/Installation/" || exit 1
    # Tell the installer to run the Partitioning application
    /bin/echo "#!/bin/sh
    /System/Installation/" > "${mountPoint}/private/etc/rc.cdrom.postWS"
    # Due to the way rc.install sources the script, it needs to be executable
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/private/etc/rc.cdrom.postWS"
    /bin/chmod 755 "${mountPoint}/private/etc/rc.cdrom.postWS"
    # If it exists, install the InstallPreferences.plist onto the install image
    local tempDir="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ -e "$tempDir/InstallPreferences.plist" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing InstallPreferences.plist to install image"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/InstallPreferences.plist" "${mountPoint}/System/Installation/Packages/InstallPreferences.plist" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/System/Installation/Packages/InstallPreferences.plist"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${mountPoint}/System/Installation/Packages/InstallPreferences.plist"
    # If it exists, install the minstallconfig.xml onto the install image
    local tempDir="$1"
    local opt=""
    if [ -e "$tempDir/minstallconfig.xml" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing minstallconfig.xml to install image"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "$tempDir/minstallconfig.xml" "${mountPoint}/etc/minstallconfig.xml" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/etc/minstallconfig.xml"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${mountPoint}/etc/minstallconfig.xml"
    # untar the OSInstall.mpkg so it can be modified
    local tempDir="$1"
    local opt=""
    # we might have already done this, so check for it first
    if [ ! -d "${tempDir}/OSInstall_pkg" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "uncompressing OSInstall.mpkg"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    /bin/mkdir "${tempDir}/OSInstall_pkg"
    cd "${tempDir}/OSInstall_pkg"
    /usr/bin/xar $opt -xf "${mountPoint}/System/Installation/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg"
    # make Distribution writeable
    /bin/chmod 777 "${tempDir}/OSInstall_pkg"
    /bin/chmod 666 "${tempDir}/OSInstall_pkg/Distribution"
    handler ()
    echo "Terminated. Cleaning up. Unmounting $destPath"
    # detach the disk and remove the mount folder
    # Remove the items we created
    /bin/rm -r "$destPath/i386"
    /bin/rm "$destPath/$dmgTarget.dmg"
    /bin/rm "$destPath/System.dmg"
    # Finally, remove the directory IF empty
    /bin/rmdir "$destPath"
    exit 1
    local tempDir="$1"
    local destDir="${mountPoint}/System/Installation/Packages/SIUExtras"
    local opt=""
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    if [ -e "${tempDir}/bindingNames.plist" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing Directory Service binding information"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${tempDir}/bindingNames.plist" "${destDir}/bindingNames.plist" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${destDir}/bindingNames.plist"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${destDir}/bindingNames.plist"
    if [ -e "${tempDir}/sharingNames.plist" ]; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ]; then
    echo "Installing Sharing Names support"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${tempDir}/sharingNames.plist" "${destDir}/sharingNames.plist" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${destDir}/sharingNames.plist"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${destDir}/sharingNames.plist"
    # This is required, make sure it's here
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${tempDir}/NetBootClientHelper" "${destDir}/NetBootClientHelper" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${destDir}/NetBootClientHelper"
    /bin/chmod 555 "${destDir}/NetBootClientHelper"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${tempDir}/" "${destDir}/" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${destDir}/"
    /bin/chmod 644 "${destDir}/"
    /usr/bin/ditto $opt "${tempDir}/" "${mountPoint}/var/tmp/niu/postinstall/" || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/chown root:wheel "${mountPoint}/var/tmp/niu/postinstall/"
    /bin/chmod 555 "${mountPoint}/var/tmp/niu/postinstall/"
    trap "handler" TERM INT
    + trap handler TERM INT
    # Set up for script debugging
    + debug_opt=
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ] ; then
    + '[' DEBUG == VERBOSE -o DEBUG == DEBUG ']'
    + debug_opt=-v
    # See if the source volume was overridden (NetRestore from install media workflow)
    + isRestoreFromInstallMedia=NO
    if [ ! -z "${3:-}" ]; then
    + '[' '!' -z '' ']'
    # Prepare the destination
    CreateOrValidateDestination "$destPath"
    + CreateOrValidateDestination '/image in here/NetRestore ofRolloutDMG'
    + local 'destDir=/image in here/NetRestore ofRolloutDMG'
    + '[' '!' -d '/image in here/NetRestore ofRolloutDMG' ']'
    + '[' DEBUG == VERBOSE -o DEBUG == DEBUG ']'
    + echo 'Creating working path at /image in here/NetRestore ofRolloutDMG'
    Creating working path at /image in here/NetRestore ofRolloutDMG
    + /bin/mkdir -p '/image in here/NetRestore ofRolloutDMG'
    + '[' '!' -d /tmp/mnt.pde0nj ']'
    # If the sourceVol is the boot drive we have an asr:// type source
    if [ "$sourceVol" == "/" ]; then
    # Create an empty image to skip the ASR volume creation
    /usr/bin/touch "${destPath}/System.dmg"
    + '[' '/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1' == / ']'
    # Look for an existing System.dmg
    if [ ! -e "$destPath/System.dmg" ]; then
    # update progress information
    echo "${progressPrefix}imagingSource"
    # Create an image of the source volume
    # /usr/bin/hdiutil create "$destPath/System" -srcfolder "$sourceVol" -format UDBZ -uid 0 -gid 80 -mode 1775 -ov -puppetstrings || exit 1
    if [ "${blockCopyDeviceKey}" == 1 ] ; then
    theDevice=`/usr/sbin/diskutil info "$sourceVol" | grep "Device Identifier:" | awk '{print $3}'`
    /usr/sbin/diskutil umount "${theDevice}"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ] ; then
    echo "Creating block-level image of $theDevice"
    /usr/bin/hdiutil create "$destPath/System" -srcdevice "${theDevice}" -uid 0 -gid 80 -mode 1775 -ov -puppetstrings || exit 1
    /usr/sbin/diskutil mount "${theDevice}"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ] ; then
    echo "Creating image of $sourceVol"
    /usr/bin/hdiutil create "$destPath/System" -srcfolder "${sourceVol}" -fsargs "-c a=16384,c=8192,e=1280" -uid 0 -gid 80 -mode 1775 -ov -puppetstrings || exit 1
    # update progress information
    echo "${progressPrefix}preparingASR"
    # "Scan the image for restore"
    if [ "${skipFileChecksumKey}" == 1 ] ; then
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ] ; then
    echo "Preparing image for restore without file checksums"
    if [ "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "VERBOSE" -o "${scriptsDebugKey}" == "DEBUG" ] ; then
    echo "Preparing image for restore"
    /usr/sbin/asr imagescan --source "$destPath/System.dmg" $asr_opt || exit 1
    + '[' '!' -e '/image in here/NetRestore ofRolloutDMG/System.dmg' ']'
    + echo progress_imagingSource
    + '[' 0 == 1 ']'
    + '[' DEBUG == VERBOSE -o DEBUG == DEBUG ']'
    + echo 'Creating image of /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1'
    Creating image of /Volumes/Macintosh HD 1
    + /usr/bin/hdiutil create '/image in here/NetRestore ofRolloutDMG/System' -srcfolder '/Volumes/Macintosh HD 1' -fsargs '-c a=16384,c=8192,e=1280' -uid 0 -gid 80 -mode 1775 -ov -puppetstrings
    Finalizing disk image.
    detachTempimageFile: synchronous unmount /dev/disk1 returned 49153
    lsof: status error on /Volumes/Macintosh: No such file or directory
    lsof: status error on HD: No such file or directory
    lsof 4.82
    latest revision:
    latest FAQ:
    latest man page:
    usage: [-?abhlnNoOPRtUvV] [+|-c c] [+|-d s] [+D D] [+|-f[cgG]]
    [-F [f]] [-g [s]] [-i ] [+|-L [l]] [+|-M] [-o [o]] [-p s]
    [+|-r [t]] [-s [p:s]] [-S [t]] [-T [t]] [-u s] [+|-w] [-x [fl]] [--] [names]
    Use the ``-h'' option to get more help information.
    retrying unmount (#1)...
    detachTempImageFile: synchronous retry (#1) unmount /Volumes/Macintosh HD (/dev/disk1) returned 0
    Workflow Stopped (2011-03-17 10:01:33 +0000)
    Workflow Stopped (2011-03-17 10:01:34 +0000)
    Stopping image creation.
    Terminating script!

    Thanks for your input...I did wonder if I was being impatient...
    subsequently ran it again and was taken out of the office for a few hours, lo and behold on return all was well....
    Now however, netboot service won't start, netboot folder is not being created within library...another posting to follow
    Message was edited by: DaiVernon

  • Thumbnail images will not appear for downloaded videos!

    Until about a month and a half ago, whenever I downloaded a video to my computer, a thumbnail image always appeared on the video menu. But now, all that appears is the logo for the media player I have installed.
    From the web pages I have read, it seems that the installation of the one of the recent versions of Adobe Flash Player has caused this problem, but I don't know this for sure.
    I have tried to uninstall and then reinstall both AFP and the media player several times already, but the problem still exists.
    Does anyone know how I can resolve this problem? All answers appreciated. Thank you.

    You *might* want to try one of the solutions listed here:
    I'd recommend googling a bit for "enable flv thumbnail windows explorer" to see what you can find.

  • Thumbnail images in Forms6 client/server

    Some help would be greatly appreciated on this matter. I would like to be able to display a thumbnail image of a picture on the web in an oracle, NON-WEB enabled form.
    For example, when I open a form dealing with product details, I would like a piece of magic to retrieve a thumbnail image of the product from somewhere on the web, and display it on the form. Please note, in my situation it is not viable to store a scaled down version of the image int he database. The image must be located somewhere on the web.
    Some research into this has pointed me to OLE, but I can't seem to find anythng relating OLE to images in forms.
    Any ideas?
    - A Developer Scorned.

    I followed the instructions in the link you gave (how to put animated icons in forms in which you instructed how to use an activeX control to display images in client/server forms.
    I would like to thank you as it works beutifully, however there is one more question - Is there a way to get to image to scale or 'fit' to the size of the activeX control on the form
    - A Developer Scorned.

  • Thumbnail Images in FCS

    Hi all,
    I've been scratching my head (or more recently, beating it against my keyboard - fortunately they now make them in aluminium, good for the company's expenditure, bad for my head), trying to create some nice quality .jpg thumbnail stills through FCS. I just cannot seem to get them to come out the way I want them to, and I find the settings to be about as user-friendly as an alarm button, hidden behind bullet proof glass, with a sign saying "break glass to sound alarm".
    *What I want to achieve:*
    I need to create thumbnail images of about 50,000 video clips. These need to go on our website, and should be .jpgs sized at 200x113. Also, the source (dv clips) should be cropped a few pixels, to eliminate that nice fuzzy dv edge. These should then end up on our site via FTP (this last bit, I reckon I can do).
    *How I've been failing to do it*
    I think it's something to do with the parameters I'm using. Here's what I've been doing thus far in Administration>Transcode Settings>New preset>Parameters:
    Source Pixel Aspect Ration: Pal 16x9
    Source Offset: 3/2 (is this cropping?)
    Source Image Size: -blank-
    Destination Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square (HD)
    Image Size: 200/113
    Framce Size: -blank-
    Offset: -blank-
    Frame Number: 1
    Rotate/Flip: -off-
    The images that are produced are, well, quite nasty little things that are the wrong shape and sized and uncropped. I've looked in the documentation and can't seem to find what the above parameters mean.
    Any help and guidance would be very much appreciated.
    Message was edited by: BenKellySkyworks

    Crystal does not have the bility to use thunbnails. But that would be a great enhancement. I'll add it to the Enhancement request database.

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