Regarding dbms_jobs

Hello All,
I want to know when generally we schedule a job using dmbs_jobs and when using crontab ?
If we schedule job using dbms_jobs,then is it possible to run the job regularly in intervals ? or is the job run only once using dbms_job package?

I want to know when generally we schedule a job using dmbs_jobs and when using crontab ?Hi,
I would recommend always using dbms_jobs /dbms_scheduler (from 10g and above) to schedule any kind of database job.When features is available within oracle why to go for OS level crontab.
If we schedule job using dbms_jobs,then is it possible to run the job regularly in intervals ? or is the job run only once using dbms_job package?Yes, it is possible.Example:-
    ( job       => X
     ,what      => 'SCHEMA_STATS;'
     ,next_date => to_date('20/09/2010 20:00:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
     ,interval  => 'job_next_dates.every_day(''20:00'')'
     ,no_parse  => TRUE
  SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job Number is: ' || to_char(x));
commit;When the job is schedule with above inputs the job will run automatically everyday at 8:00PM.

Similar Messages

  • Help Regarding DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT

    I Have Job Like this
    ( job => X
    ,what => 'CSNG.CS_JSP_RQST;'
    ,next_date => to_date('13/06/2008 01:00:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss')
    ,interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+1) + (1/24)'
    ,no_parse => TRUE
    SYS.DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job Number is: ' || to_char(x));
    'CSNG.CS_JSP_RQST' Procedure is executing every day ..
    i want to execute it only when
    can anyone tell how to do this
    any suggestions please ..
    Thanks in advance ..
    Message was edited by:
    Data Boy
    Message was edited by:
    Data Boy

    you will need to put the procedure CSNG.CS_JSP_RQST in another procedure to call it. then have a logic that checks for the value of the column create_date with today's date in the table CS_JSP_TABLE. if that match call the procedure CSNG.CS_JSP_RQST. something like to this example below:
      create or replace procedure CSNG.CS_JSP_CALL as
        vCnt     number := 0;
         select count(*)
           into vCnt
           from CS_JSP_TABLE
          where trunc(create_date) = trunc(sysdate);
         if vCnt > 0 then
         end if;
    in your DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT you call the procedure CSNG.CS_JSP_CALL.
        x number;
        sys.dbms_job.submit ( job => X ,
                              what => 'CSNG.CS_JSP_CALL',
                              next_date => to_date('13/06/2008 01:00:00','dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),
                              interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+1) + (1/24)',
                              no_parse => TRUE );
        sys.dbms_output.put_line('Job Number is: ' || to_char(x));

  • Regarding DBMS_JOB

    Hello sir,
    here i am sending you syntex for my DBMS_JOB for the flush shared_pool at everyday on windows box on 12.00am
    In the above procedures when i tried the following query it is not giving me Last_date.
    select job,what,interval,next_date,last_date from all_jobs;
    so can you please let me know if any thing wrong in my syntex or not

    Other thing :
    Instead of that :
    I will put
    Because trunc(sysdate) is always in the past...

  • Tuning a procedure and using dbms_job.submit proc that call's functions

    I have Procedure that have 3 curosrs which are nested one below with in each other
    and it looks as below
    it's structure will look some thing look like this
    empno_fetch number;
    CURSOR deu_process IS
    SELECT empno
    FROM emp
    WHERE flg_process = 'N'
    AND ROWNUM <= 5000
    ORDER BY empno;
    CURSOR dup_all IS --c1 fetch around 400000 records
    (select empno
    from emp
    where empno>l_empno
    order by empno
    where rownum<=empno_fetch;
    CURSOR rules IS --c2
    SELECT rule_id, rule_score, name_Of_func
    FROM rule;
    l_count := 1;
    OPEN dedupe_rule_attr;
    Here one loop is used for fetching 5000 records at time and
    Here deu_process cursor is opened ,assume it fetches one record
    Here another cursor dup_all is used for fetching the records and assume it fetched 400000 then
    Here another cursor is opened name where it fetches 10 rows
    Here logic is if first row then
    call's stored function which has following functionalty
    it compares fields such as address of outer most cursor i.e deu_process with all the address of the other rows i.e 400000 rows and return a number
    if second row then
    call's another stored function which has
    compares other fields such as first name,last name
    if third then other field
    so on ....
    up to 10
    and then finally ends
    so if i comment all the rules loop then it takes only one min to execute .If it validaes all of them if takes 14 minutes to execute .so there is problem in that 10 procedures to execute
    So i found an approach to run all the rules simultaneously using dbms_job .But i face a problem that i can't uderstand how to send the input and out put parameter's to calling procedure.And these parameter's must be passed by variable from called procedure to calling procedure
    Please suggest me what is the syntax of dbms_job with input and output parameters with variable's that must be passed as formal parameter's
    Regarding DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT I am getting following error
    x number:=1;
    b number;
    jobnumber number;
    DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT(JOB => jobnumber,
    WHAT => 'vamsi_proc1('||x||');',
    NEXT_DATE => (sysdate+1/(86400)),
    INTERVAL => null);
    --dbms_output.put_line('value of b is '||b);
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 107:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ")" when expecting one of the following:
    ( - + case mod new not null others <an identifier>
    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> avg
    count current exists max min prior sql stddev sum variance
    execute forall merge time timestamp interval date
    <a string literal with character set specification>
    <a number> <a single-quoted SQL string> pipe
    The symbol "null" was substituted for ")" to continue.
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JOB", line 79
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JOB", line 136
    ORA-06512: at line 5
    create or replace procedure vamsi_proc1(v in out number) as
    x number(4);
    insert into emp_vamsi(select 677,ENAME,SAL,DEPTNO,MANAGER from emp where empno=v);
    using dbms_job.submit proc that call's functions which returns out and in parameters to calling procedure environment .I can't get this with out using data base table's.
    If you have any method for this Plese suggest
    And also please suggest me weather using job's is a good idea ,If not than suggest me what ever will the other approach.
    Thank's and Regard's
    vamsi krishna

    Hi <br>
    I have looked at all sql trace file ,<br>
    I found that there is no problem in sql statemens all of them are using proper <br>indexes execpt the folllowing statement<br>
    SELECT nvl(COUNT(ref_appln_no),0)<br>
    FROM ci_cust_dedupe_mast<br>
    WHERE flg_mnt_status='A'<br>
    This statement executes only once for 1*3,77000*10 times <br>
    The function that i had sent previously executes more than 4000000*20 times .<br>
    I think all it takes is only for iterations that are caused<br>
    I am also sending sql trace for reference
    TKPROF: Release - Production on Mon Aug 14 17:30:50 2006     <br>
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2002, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.     <br>
    Trace file: afhuat_ora_2204.trc     <br>
    Sort options: default     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    count = number of times OCI procedure was executed     <br>
    cpu = cpu time in seconds executing      <br>
    elapsed = elapsed time in seconds executing     <br>
    disk = number of physical reads of buffers from disk     <br>
    query = number of buffers gotten for consistent read     <br>
    current = number of buffers gotten in current mode (usually for update)     <br>
    rows = number of rows processed by the fetch or execute call     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    alter session set sql_trace=true     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Misses in library cache during execute: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61      <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    declare     <br>
    x varchar2(100);     <br>
    y varchar2(100);     <br>
    ap number;     <br>
    begin     <br>
    x:=to_char(sysdate,'dd-mon-rrrr hh:mi:ss');     <br>
    ap:=ap_ci_dedupe_proc;     <br>
    y:=to_char(sysdate,'dd-mon-rrrr hh:mi:ss');     <br>
    dbms_output.put_line(x||' '||ap);     <br>
    dbms_output.put_line(y||' '||ap);     <br>
    end;     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 820.23 0 0 0 1     <br>
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 2 0.00 820.23 0 0 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61      <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select user#      <br>
    from     <br>
    sys.user$ where name = 'OUTLN'     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 1 0.00 0.00 0 2 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 3 0.00 0.00 0 2 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    1 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID USER$ (cr=2 r=0 w=0 time=31 us)     <br>
    1 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_USER1 (cr=1 r=0 w=0 time=18 us)(object id 44)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    SELECT *     <br>
    FROM ci_dedupe_rule_attr     <br>
    ORDER BY cod_rule_attr_id     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.06 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 21 0.00 0.01 1 3 0 20     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 23 0.00 0.07 1 3 0 20     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    SELECT COUNT(1)     <br>
    FROM ci_cust_dedupe_mast     <br>
    WHERE flg_process = 'N'     <br>
    AND     <br>
    AND     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 1 0.00 0.00 0 22 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 3 0.00 0.00 0 22 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    SELECT nvl(COUNT(ref_appln_no),0)     <br>
    FROM ci_cust_dedupe_mast     <br>
    WHERE flg_mnt_status='A'     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 1 1.68 3.03 18867 21183 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 3 1.68 3.03 18867 21183 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    SELECT ref_appln_no     <br>
    FROM ci_cust_dedupe_mast     <br>
    WHERE flg_process = 'N'     <br>
    AND     <br>
    AND     <br>
    AND     <br>
    ORDER BY ref_appln_no     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 3 0.00 0.09 18 43 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 6 0.00 0.09 18 43 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    SELECT     <br>
    FROM     <br>
    WHERE     <br>
    AND     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 377709 8.71 7.64 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 377709 18.18 60.19 19802 1510836 0 377709     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 755419 26.90 67.84 19802 1510836 0 377709     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    SELECT NVL(MAX(cod_serial_no),0) + 1     <br>
    FROM ci_dedupe_details_mast     <br>
    WHERE ref_appln_no = :b1     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 1 0.00 0.01 2 2 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 3 0.00 0.01 2 2 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    SELECT COUNT(1)     <br>
    FROM ci_dedupe_details_mast     <br>
    WHERE ref_appln_no = :b1     <br>
    AND     <br>
    AND flg_mnt_status = 'A'     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 1 0.00 0.00 0 3 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 3 0.00 0.00 0 3 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    SELECT ref_appln_no FROM     <br>
    (     <br>
    SELECT ref_appln_no     <br>
    FROM ci_cust_dedupe_mast     <br>
    WHERE     <br>
    AND     <br>
    ORDER BY ref_appln_no     <br>
    )     <br>
    WHERE ROWNUM <= :b2     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 77 0.01 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 377786 10.21 12.33 908 377865 0 377709     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 377864 10.23 12.33 908 377865 0 377709     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    SELECT cod_rule_id, cod_rule_score, nam_rule_func     <br>
    FROM ci_dedupe_rule_defn     <br>
    WHERE flg_valid = 'Y'     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 377708 5.50 4.03 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 4154788 62.79 54.04 16 4532496 0 3777080     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 4532497 68.29 58.07 16 4532496 0 3777080     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select con#,obj#,rcon#,enabled,nvl(defer,0)      <br>
    from     <br>
    cdef$ where robj#=:1     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 2 0.00 0.01 1 2 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 6 0.00 0.01 1 2 0 0     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select con#,type#,condlength,intcols,robj#,rcon#,match#,refact,nvl(enabled,0),     <br>
    rowid,cols,nvl(defer,0),mtime,nvl(spare1,0)      <br>
    from     <br>
    cdef$ where obj#=:1     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 2 0.00 0.01 2 4 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 6 0.00 0.01 2 4 0 0     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select,, t.update$, t.insert$, t.delete$, t.enabled      <br>
    from     <br>
    obj$ o,user$ u,trigger$ t where t.baseobject=:1 and t.obj#=o.obj# and      <br>
    o.owner#=u.user# order by o.obj#     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 4 0.00 0.05 6 9 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 10 0.00 0.05 6 9 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    0 SORT ORDER BY (cr=1 r=1 w=0 time=4772 us)     <br>
    0 NESTED LOOPS (cr=1 r=1 w=0 time=4747 us)     <br>
    0 NESTED LOOPS (cr=1 r=1 w=0 time=4744 us)     <br>
    0 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TRIGGER$ (cr=1 r=1 w=0 time=4740 us)     <br>
    0 INDEX RANGE SCAN I_TRIGGER1 (cr=1 r=1 w=0 time=4736 us)(object id 130)     <br>
    0 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID OBJ$ (cr=0 r=0 w=0 time=0 us)     <br>
    0 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_OBJ1 (cr=0 r=0 w=0 time=0 us)(object id 36)     <br>
    0 TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER USER$ (cr=0 r=0 w=0 time=0 us)     <br>
    0 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_USER# (cr=0 r=0 w=0 time=0 us)(object id 11)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select o.owner#,,o.namespace,o.remoteowner,o.linkname,o.subname,     <br>
    o.dataobj#,o.flags      <br>
    from     <br>
    obj$ o where o.obj#=:1     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 3 0.00 0.02 5 9 0 3     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 8 0.00 0.02 5 9 0 3     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 3)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select col#, grantee#, privilege#,max(mod(nvl(option$,0),2))      <br>
    from     <br>
    objauth$ where obj#=:1 and col# is not null group by privilege#, col#,      <br>
    grantee# order by col#, grantee#     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 3 0.00 0.01 2 6 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 9 0.00 0.02 2 6 0 0     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    INSERT INTO ci_dedupe_details_mast     <br>
    VALUES     <br>
    (     <br>
    :b6,     <br>
    :b5,     <br>
    :b4,     <br>
    :b3,     <br>
    'Y',     <br>
    'N',     <br>
    '',     <br>
    0,     <br>
    SYSDATE,     <br>
    'A',     <br>
    ' ',     <br>
    :b2,     <br>
    'SYSTEM',     <br>
    :b1,     <br>
    1     <br>
    )     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.01 3 3 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.01 4 1 6 1     <br>
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 2 0.00 0.02 7 4 6 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select obj#,type#,ctime,mtime,stime,status,dataobj#,flags,oid$, spare1,      <br>
    spare2      <br>
    from     <br>
    obj$ where owner#=:1 and name=:2 and namespace=:3 and remoteowner is null      <br>
    and linkname is null and subname is null     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 1 0.00 0.01 2 3 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 3 0.00 0.01 2 3 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select audit$,options      <br>
    from     <br>
    procedure$ where obj#=:1     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 1 0.00 0.01 3 3 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 3 0.00 0.01 3 3 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    1 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID PROCEDURE$ (cr=3 r=3 w=0 time=14110 us)     <br>
    1 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_PROCEDURE1 (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=13871 us)(object id 115)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_timestamp,p_obj#,      <br>
    d_owner#, nvl(property,0),subname      <br>
    from     <br>
    dependency$,obj$ where d_obj#=:1 and p_obj#=obj#(+) order by order#     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 4 0.00 0.07 8 12 0 3     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 6 0.00 0.07 8 12 0 3     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    3 SORT ORDER BY (cr=12 r=8 w=0 time=72867 us)     <br>
    3 NESTED LOOPS OUTER (cr=12 r=8 w=0 time=72813 us)     <br>
    3 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID DEPENDENCY$ (cr=4 r=4 w=0 time=41297 us)     <br>
    3 INDEX RANGE SCAN I_DEPENDENCY1 (cr=3 r=3 w=0 time=25897 us)(object id 127)     <br>
    3 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID OBJ$ (cr=8 r=4 w=0 time=31484 us)     <br>
    3 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_OBJ1 (cr=5 r=2 w=0 time=14872 us)(object id 36)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select order#,columns,types      <br>
    from     <br>
    access$ where d_obj#=:1     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 2 0.00 0.02 3 4 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 4 0.00 0.02 3 4 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    1 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID ACCESS$ (cr=4 r=3 w=0 time=27026 us)     <br>
    1 INDEX RANGE SCAN I_ACCESS1 (cr=3 r=2 w=0 time=21717 us)(object id 129)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select /*+ index(idl_sb4$ i_idl_sb41) +*/ piece#,length,piece      <br>
    from     <br>
    idl_sb4$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by piece#     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 3 0.00 0.02 3 7 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 7 0.00 0.02 3 7 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    0 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID IDL_SB4$ (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=19830 us)     <br>
    0 INDEX RANGE SCAN I_IDL_SB41 (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=19826 us)(object id 123)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select /*+ index(idl_ub1$ i_idl_ub11) +*/ piece#,length,piece      <br>
    from     <br>
    idl_ub1$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by piece#     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 3 0.00 0.03 3 9 0 2     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 7 0.00 0.03 3 9 0 2     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    0 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID IDL_UB1$ (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=21757 us)     <br>
    0 INDEX RANGE SCAN I_IDL_UB11 (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=21753 us)(object id 120)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select /*+ index(idl_char$ i_idl_char1) +*/ piece#,length,piece      <br>
    from     <br>
    idl_char$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by piece#     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 2 0.00 0.01 2 4 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 6 0.00 0.01 2 4 0 0     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    0 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID IDL_CHAR$ (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=19465 us)     <br>
    0 INDEX RANGE SCAN I_IDL_CHAR1 (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=19461 us)(object id 121)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select /*+ index(idl_ub2$ i_idl_ub21) +*/ piece#,length,piece      <br>
    from     <br>
    idl_ub2$ where obj#=:1 and part=:2 and version=:3 order by piece#     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 2 0.00 0.01 2 4 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 6 0.00 0.01 2 4 0 0     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    0 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID IDL_UB2$ (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=15070 us)     <br>
    0 INDEX RANGE SCAN I_IDL_UB21 (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=15066 us)(object id 122)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select baseobject,type#,update$,insert$,delete$,refnewname,refoldname,     <br>
    whenclause,definition,enabled,property,sys_evts,nttrigcol,nttrigatt,     <br>
    refprtname,rowid      <br>
    from     <br>
    trigger$ where obj# =:1     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 1 0.00 0.00 1 2 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 3 0.00 0.00 1 2 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    1 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TRIGGER$ (cr=2 r=1 w=0 time=9352 us)     <br>
    1 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_TRIGGER2 (cr=1 r=1 w=0 time=9340 us)(object id 131)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select owner#      <br>
    from     <br>
    obj$ o where obj# = :1     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 1 0.00 0.00 0 3 0 1     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 3 0.00 0.00 0 3 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    1 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID OBJ$ (cr=3 r=0 w=0 time=15 us)     <br>
    1 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_OBJ1 (cr=2 r=0 w=0 time=7 us)(object id 36)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select tc.type#,tc.intcol#,tc.position#,c.type#, c.length,c.scale,     <br>
    c.precision#,c.charsetid,c.charsetform      <br>
    from     <br>
    triggercol$ tc,col$ c ,trigger$ tr where tc.obj#=:1 and c.obj#=:2 and      <br>
    tc.intcol#=c.intcol# and tr.obj# = tc.obj# and (bitand(,32) !=      <br>
    32 or bitand(tc.type#,20) = 20) union select type#,intcol#,position#,69,0,0,     <br>
    0,0,0 from triggercol$ where obj#=:3 and intcol#=1001 union select tc.type#,     <br>
    tc.intcol#,tc.position#,121,0,0,0,0,0 from triggercol$ tc,trigger$ tr where      <br>
    tr.obj# = tc.obj# and bitand(,32) = 32 and tc.obj# = :4 and      <br>
    bitand(tc.type#,20) != 20     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 34 0.00 0.05 8 236 0 33     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 36 0.00 0.05 8 236 0 33     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    33 SORT UNIQUE (cr=236 r=8 w=0 time=54877 us)     <br>
    33 UNION-ALL (cr=236 r=8 w=0 time=54606 us)     <br>
    33 NESTED LOOPS (cr=197 r=8 w=0 time=53779 us)     <br>
    33 NESTED LOOPS (cr=162 r=8 w=0 time=53053 us)     <br>
    77 TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER COL$ (cr=83 r=6 w=0 time=40045 us)     <br>
    1 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_OBJ# (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=13764 us)(object id 3)     <br>
    33 INDEX RANGE SCAN I_TRIGGERCOL2 (cr=79 r=2 w=0 time=12523 us)(object id 133)     <br>
    33 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TRIGGER$ (cr=35 r=0 w=0 time=466 us)     <br>
    33 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_TRIGGER2 (cr=2 r=0 w=0 time=152 us)(object id 131)     <br>
    0 INDEX RANGE SCAN I_TRIGGERCOL2 (cr=2 r=0 w=0 time=5 us)(object id 133)     <br>
    0 NESTED LOOPS (cr=37 r=0 w=0 time=574 us)     <br>
    33 INDEX RANGE SCAN I_TRIGGERCOL2 (cr=2 r=0 w=0 time=81 us)(object id 133)     <br>
    0 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TRIGGER$ (cr=35 r=0 w=0 time=350 us)     <br>
    33 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_TRIGGER2 (cr=2 r=0 w=0 time=139 us)(object id 131)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select grantee#,privilege#,nvl(col#,0),max(mod(nvl(option$,0),2))     <br>
    from     <br>
    objauth$ where obj#=:1 group by grantee#,privilege#,nvl(col#,0) order by      <br>
    grantee#     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 3 0.00 0.00 0 6 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 9 0.00 0.00 0 6 0 0     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    UPDATE     <br>
    SET     <br>
    WHERE ref_appln_no = :b1     <br>
    AND flg_mnt_status = 'A'     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.16 9 8 17 1     <br>
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 2 0.00 0.16 9 8 17 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select type#,blocks,extents,minexts,maxexts,extsize,extpct,user#,iniexts,     <br>
    NVL(lists,65535),NVL(groups,65535),cachehint,hwmincr, NVL(spare1,0)      <br>
    from     <br>
    seg$ where ts#=:1 and file#=:2 and block#=:3     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 3 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 3 0.00 0.01 3 9 0 3     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 9 0.00 0.01 3 9 0 3     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 0     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    Rows Row Source Operation     <br>
    ------- ---------------------------------------------------     <br>
    1 TABLE ACCESS CLUSTER SEG$ (cr=3 r=3 w=0 time=17332 us)     <br>
    1 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN I_FILE#_BLOCK# (cr=2 r=2 w=0 time=10258 us)(object id 9)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    INSERT INTO ci_dedupe_details     <br>
    VALUES     <br>
    (     <br>
    :b31,     <br>
    :b32,     <br>
    :b31,     <br>
    :b30,     <br>
    :b29,     <br>
    :b28,     <br>
    :b27,     <br>
    :b26,     <br>
    :b25,     <br>
    :b24,     <br>
    :b23,     <br>
    :b22,     <br>
    :b21,     <br>
    :b20,     <br>
    :b19,     <br>
    :b18,     <br>
    :b17,     <br>
    :b16,     <br>
    :b15,     <br>
    :b14,     <br>
    :b13,     <br>
    :b12,     <br>
    :b11,     <br>
    :b10,     <br>
    :b9,     <br>
    :b8,     <br>
    :b7,     <br>
    :b6,     <br>
    :b5,     <br>
    :b4,     <br>
    :b3,     <br>
    :b2,     <br>
    :b1,     <br>
    'N',     <br>
    0,     <br>
    'E' )     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.01 0.03 4 1 5 1     <br>
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 2 0.01 0.03 4 1 5 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    select /*+ rule */ bucket_cnt, row_cnt, cache_cnt, null_cnt, timestamp#,      <br>
    sample_size, minimum, maximum, distcnt, lowval, hival, density, col#,      <br>
    spare1, spare2, avgcln      <br>
    from     <br>
    hist_head$ where obj#=:1 and intcol#=:2     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 36 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Fetch 36 0.00 0.02 3 108 0 36     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 73 0.00 0.02 3 108 0 36     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: RULE     <br>
    Parsing user id: SYS (recursive depth: 2)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    COMMIT     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 2 0.00 0.01 0 0 1 0     <br>
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 4 0.00 0.01 0 0 1 0     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61 (recursive depth: 1)     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 1     <br>
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Optimizer goal: CHOOSE     <br>
    Parsing user id: 61      <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 2 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    Execute 3 0.00 820.23 0 0 0 2     <br>
    Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 5 0.00 820.23 0 0 0 2     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 1     <br>
    Misses in library cache during execute: 1     <br>
    call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    Parse 49 0.00 0.10 3 3 0 0     <br>
    Execute 755577 14.25 11.90 17 10 29 3     <br>
    Fetch 4910422 92.89 130.18 39671 6442895 0 4532611     <br>
    ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------     <br>
    total 5666048 107.14 142.19 39691 6442908 29 4532614     <br>
    Misses in library cache during parse: 11     <br>
    17 user SQL statements in session.     <br>
    35 internal SQL statements in session.     <br>
    52 SQL statements in session.     <br>
    ********************************************************************************     <br>
    Trace file: afhuat_ora_2204.trc     <br>
    Trace file compatibility: 9.00.01     <br>
    Sort options: default     <br>
    1 session in tracefile.     <br>
    17 user SQL statements in trace file.     <br>
    35 internal SQL statements in trace file.     <br>
    52 SQL statements in trace file.     <br>
    36 unique SQL statements in trace file.     <br>
    5666466 lines in trace file.     <br>
    vamsi krishna<br>

  • Commits after dbms_job submit

    a question regarding dbms_job.submit..
    Is it necessary to commit after calling dbms_job.submit. My job seems to be running only after calling commit after submit (although i see and entry for that job in user_jobs). Is there any setting that needs to be done to make it default ?
    Here is the snippet of code:
    PROCEDURE start_sync_job (i_sync_interval IN NUMBER) IS
    l_jobno NUMBER :=0;
    l_job_count NUMBER :=0;
    dbms_job.submit(l_jobno, 'begin SS_PKG.sync_job; end;',
    SYSDATE + 1/1440, 'SYSDATE + '||i_sync_interval||'/1440');

    This is not a problem of the dbms_job.submit, it is
    the problem of SS_PKG.sync_job ,I think someone
    forget issue commit inside this procedure(package).It is not.
    The SS_PKG.sync_job procedure will run via the dbms_job queue only when a commit is issued after calling dbms_job.submit. The commit inside the code for SS_PKG.sync_job procedure would not help in making the procedure run via the job queue.
    As mentioned by OP:
    My job seems to be running only after calling commit after submitMessage was edited by:
    Kamal Kishore

  • Jobs in treeview to view dbms_scheduler

    Regarding dbms_jobs
    On the treeview, will there be one for jobs to view dbms_scheduler? In Version I did not find one.
    BR Andrea

    There's at least one existing request for this. Please vote for those instead of creating duplicates. Scattering requests and votes would bring down the real weight and might delay priorities on implementation.

  • Error in DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT

    Dear All,
    I am getting erron when submitting job in oracle 9.2 database. pl help me to submit the job. job need to be executed on every day 5pm.
    NOB => 12
    ,what => 'SYS.PR_STATUS;'
    ,next_date => 'trunc(sysdate)+1+(17*60)/(24*60)'
    ,interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+1)'
    error Information
    Error starting at line 36 in command:
    NOB => 12,
    what => 'SYS.PR_STATUS;'
    ,next_date => 'trunc(sysdate)+(1020/1440)'
    ,interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+1)'
    Error report:
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 1:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'SUBMIT'
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 1:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
    *Cause:    Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
    Thanks and regards,

    sorry Teymur,
    By mistake i had type in Nob that is Job..
    JOB => 12,
    what => 'SYS.PR_STATUS;'
    ,next_date => 'trunc(sysdate)+(1020/1440)'
    ,interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+1)'
    and the error is
    Error starting at line 36 in command:
    JOB => 12,
    what => 'SYS.PR_STATUS;'
    ,next_date => 'trunc(sysdate)+(1020/1440)'
    ,interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE+1)'
    Error report:
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 1:
    PLS-00363: expression '<expression>' cannot be used as an assignment target
    ORA-06550: line 2, column 1:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    06550. 00000 - "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
    *Cause:    Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.

  • Using APEX_MAIL from within a procedure invoked from DBMS_JOB

    I have done a lot of googling and wasted a couple of days getting nowhere and would appreciate some help. But I do know that in order to use APEX_MAIL from within a DBMS_JOB that I should
    "In order to call the APEX_MAIL package from outside the context of an Application Express application, you must call apex_util.set_security_group_id as in the following example:
    for c1 in (
    select workspace_id
    from apex_applications
    where application_id = p_app_id )
    apex_util.set_security_group_id(p_security_group_id =>
    end loop;
    I have created a procedure that includes the above (look towards the end)
    create or replace procedure VACANCIES_MAILOUT
    (p_application_nbr number,
    p_page_nbr number,
    p_sender varchar2)
    Purpose: Email all people registerd in MAILMAN [email protected]
    with details of any new vacancies that started listing today.
    when no_data_found
    then null;
    when others then raise;
    l_body CLOB;
    l_body_html CLOB;
    l_vacancy_desc VARCHAR2(350);
    to_headline varchar2(200);
    to_org varchar2(100);
    l_vacancies_desc varchar2(2000);
    to_workspace_id number(22);
    CURSOR vacancies_data IS
    select DISTINCT v.headline to_headline,
    ou.org_name to_org
    from VACANCIES v,
    Org_UNITS ou
    ou.org_numb = v.Org_Numb
    and v.public_email_sent_date is Null
    Order by ou.org_name, v.headline;
    FOR vacancies_rec in vacancies_data
    -- build a list of vacancies
    l_vacancy_desc := '<br><b>' ||
    vacancies_rec.to_org || '<br>' ||
    vacancies_rec.to_headline || '</b><br>';
    -- l_vacancy_desc :=
    -- vacancies_rec.to_org || ' - ' ||
    -- vacancies_rec.to_headline ;
    l_vacancies_desc := l_vacancies_desc || l_vacancy_desc;
    l_body := 'To view the content of this message, please use an HTML enabled mail client.'||utl_tcp.crlf;
    l_body_html :=
    <style type="text/css">
    body{font-family:  Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
    l_body_html := l_body_html || l_vacancies_desc
    || '<p>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</strong></p>'
    || '<p>The above new vacancies have been posted on the <strong>Jobs At Murdoch</strong> website.</p>'
    ||'<p>For futher information about these vacancies, please select the following link</p>'
    ||'<p> Jobs At Murdoch </p>'
    l_body_html := l_body_html
    ||' Regards
    ||' <span class="sig">Office of Human Resources</span>
    for c1 in (
    select workspace_id
    from apex_applications
    where application_id = 1901)
    apex_util.set_security_group_id(p_security_group_id => c1.workspace_id);
    end loop;
    p_to => '[email protected]',
    p_from => '[email protected]',
    p_body => l_body,
    p_body_html => l_body_html,
    p_subj => 'Jobs At Murdoch - new vacancy(s) listed');
    update VACANCIES
    set public_email_sent_date = trunc(sysdate,'DDD')
    where public_email_sent_date is null;
    but still get the error
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    ORACLE_HOME = /oracle
    System name: Linux
    Node name: node
    Release: 2.6.18-194.17.1.el5
    Version: #1 SMP Mon Sep 20 07:12:06 EDT 2010
    Machine: x86_64
    Instance name: instance1
    Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1
    Oracle process number: 25
    Unix process pid: 5092, image: (J000)
    *** 2011-07-12 09:45:03.637
    *** SESSION ID:(125.50849) 2011-07-12 09:45:03.637
    *** CLIENT ID:() 2011-07-12 09:45:03.637
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2011-07-12 09:45:03.637
    *** MODULE NAME:() 2011-07-12 09:45:03.637
    *** ACTION NAME:() 2011-07-12 09:45:03.637
    ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job 19039
    ORA-20001: This procedure must be invoked from within an application session.
    ORA-06512: at "APEX_040000.WWV_FLOW_MAIL", line 290
    ORA-06512: at "APEX_040000.WWV_FLOW_MAIL", line 325
    ORA-06512: at "APEX_040000.WWV_FLOW_MAIL", line 367
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Can someone please tell me what what stupid thing I am doing wrong? The procedure worked when invokded from SQL Workshop but fails in a DBMS_JOB.
    much thanks Peter

    I think that might help...
    Thanks to EasyApex..

  • Regarding Batch Jobs for migration of data from client DB to our local DB

    Hi Folks,
    GoodDay, Previously I worked as a Oracle Developer and recently shifted into a BIG organisation as PL?SQL developer. Here my base work is with INTERFACES(Stored Procedure). That is retrieving data from client DB and need to put the data in our staging tables. For that i created 2 INTERFACES(stored procedures). One is for one time migration. No need to run on regular basis. The second one is to run regularly why because if any updations are done in client DB that should be replicate to our DB. For that we need to run a BATCH JOB regulary 24X7 basis.
    But i dont have any working knowledge on BATCH JOB creation and running. Please let me guide on this issue ASAP.

    You can try
    just out of curiosity.. tell me if you are interested...
    what you were doing as a "oracle developer" ( is it like writing only "sql" )...

  • DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT guidance.

    what IN VARCHAR2,
    next_date IN DATE DEFAULT sysdate,
    interval IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'null',
    instance IN BINARY_INTEGER DEFAULT any_instance,
    I've come across a script in which the DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT is invoked with just the 'job' and the 'what' inputs. In such case, when would the job kick off?
    Thank you!!

    Not sure what is your exact question. But, when you execute this script with proper param value the job will be kicked off. And, interval is the param where you specify the gap between two consecutive execution.
    Satyaki De.

  • Dbms_job submit status

    I need to disable/hide the submit button after i submit the job using dbms_job submit process.
    Also after after completion needs to enable the button.
    Is there any background process i can run which enable or disable the button?

    Client (your browser) need check status from server.
    Here is one example that might help
    When you press "Submit Job" button page is submitted and process creates job using APEX_PLSQL_JOB.
    Then window is refresh every 10 sec, until job finish.
    I did create application item G_META_TAG
    I did place to page HTML header
    &G_META_TAG.Then I did create display only item Px_JOB_RUNNING and Px_JOB_ID
    Computation "PL/SQL Function body" for Px_JOB_RUNNING
    FOR c1 IN(
      SELECT 1
      FROM apex_plsql_jobs
      WHERE (job = :Px_JOB_ID OR :Px_JOB_ID IS NULL)
      AND system_status = 'COMPLETE'
      RETURN 'No';
    RETURN 'Yes';Computation "PL/SQL Function body" for G_META_TAG
      RETURN '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="10">';
    END IF;Then submit button conditionally Px_JOB_RUNNING value "No".
    Page after submit process
      l_sql VARCHAR2(4000);
      l_job NUMBER;
      l_sql := '
          FOR i IN 1..3
          END LOOP;
        p_sql => l_sql,
        p_status => 'Background process submitted'
      --store l_job for later reference
      :PX_JOB_ID := l_job;
      :PX_JOB_RUNNING := 'Yes';
    END;I did make process conditionally by submit button and Px_JOB_RUNNING value "No"
    This is not ready solution and probably have bugs.
    One thing is specially how you check is job running.
    My sample stores job id to item session state. Value is lost if user logout, close browser or clears cache.
    Then user can submit job again, even previous job is running.
    Anyway I hope it give idea for you how continue.
    You can do similar check using Ajax/dynamic actions. Then whole window is not refreshed.
    Edited by: jarola on Nov 18, 2010 7:10 PM
    Here is sample using Ajax


    Dear all
    Good Day
    I have a procedure call dp_process() with two parameter. i can call this procedure in forms like
    IS it possible to call this procedure using DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT in forms. If so what is the syntax.
    Thanks with Regards
    Sathian A

    Hi Sathian,
    Here is the syntax of dbms_job.submit..
    dbms_job.submit(:v_your_job_id_var, 'your_procedure;', INTERVAL => 'SYSDATE+(2/24)');where v_your_job_id_var is the variable you've declared to hold the job_id (it is an out parameter, so, you have to declare the variable - say declare v_your_job_id_var number;), your_procedure is the procedure that you want to execute once in every 2 hours. SYSDATE+(2/24) means, your procedure will be executed once in every two hours starting from now.

  • Dbms_job.submit failed

    Hi all,
    I'm just wondering why is it that when i submit a job using dbms_job.submit, it always fails.. But when I try or execute the procedure itself, the procedure was executed successfully and I was able to get the output that i want.
    Here's my code snippet:
    x_job number;
    sys.dbms_job.submit(x_job, 'begin cl_msg2.cl_msg_call; end;', sysdate,NULL);
    I tried to check the alert_log.txt and it shows this error:
    Errors in file /u1/oracle/admin/ABC4/bdump/snp3_1854.trc:
    ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job 694
    ORA-06512: at "ABCDEV.SYSTOR", line 81
    ORA-06512: at "ABCDEV.CL_MSG2", line 512
    ORA-06512: at "ABCDEV.CL_MSG2", line 21
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    When i check for the source of the error, I found out that the sqlcode it returns is 100.. which means no_data_found. It's doing an update on a table. (I've tried running the )
    It's kinda weird because when I checked the record on the table, it DOES exists.. And as I've mentioned earlier, there's no problem when i use to run the procedure.
    I really don't have an idea as to what have caused the failure on the job.
    Thanks and regards,

    Thanks for the immediate reply. Sorry, but I have a very little knowledge when it comes to database issues.. And this is my first time to use dbms_job utility. Here is the code snippet of where the error occurs:
    UPDATE CL_DRAWDOWN SET msg_cnf = 'Y'
    WHERE dd_key = cmsg.dd_key
    AND loan_no = cmsg.loan_no
    AND dd_no = cmsg.dd_no;
    Systor.insert_error_msg (SQLCODE, 'CL_MSG2', 'MSG_PAY', 'O', '10 '|| TO_CHAR(cmsg.dd_key));
    As you can see on the above snippet, SYSTOR package is being used to handle exception and for monitoring/recording of errors. It actually inserts the error encountered on a table and raise an application error with code -20001.
    Im not really sure I understand this part
    'Ordinary session and job session have different environment. Your code can (recursively) query v$session in unappropriate way.'. Could you please elaborate?
    Thanks a lot for your help!

  • Scheduling job using DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT()

    Hi people I hav esubmitted a job using DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT() package.I have set the time it should run after 5 minutes from the time i created.but now my question is how do we know the submitted job has been executed within specified interval?.am using oracle 9i.please suggest me.

    You should refer to DBA_JOBS and DBA_JOBS_RUNNING views to get information about your jobs
    Please refer to this address to get more information about these views
    Kamran Agayev A. (10g OCP)

  • Is this the correct syntax to submit a job using DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT?

    Is this the correct syntax to submit a job?
    v_job_number NUMBER;
    v_job_command VARCHAR2(1000) := 'PREPARE_ORACLE_TEXT_SEARCH;';
    v_interval VARCHAR2(1000) := 'trunc(SYSDATE)+1+7/24';
    DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT(v_job_number, v_job_command, sysdate, v_interval, false);

    v_job_number NUMBER;
    v_job_command VARCHAR2(1000) := 'BEGIN
    v_interval VARCHAR2(1000) :=
    DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT(v_job_number, v_job_command, sysdate,
    v_interval, false);
    About your error:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'PREPARE_ORACLE_TEXT_SEARCH'
    must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 96:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    The problem is that the job cannot find the procedure
    (maybe own by an other user). The user who run the
    job is not the same as the owner of the package.
    Bye, AronYou forget the semicolon after END.
    But we don't need here begin - end Block.
    So it's OK.
    v_job_command VARCHAR2(1000) := 'PREPARE_ORACLE_TEXT_SEARCH;'[b];
    As you right mentioned, it is probably problem with owner or typo in the name of procedure.
    Dmytro Dekhtyaryuk
    Message was edited by:

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