Regarding express document message

Hai friends,i am uploading material master using BDC for MM01.while i am processing through foreground it is processing weell and finally showing me success messaage that 'Material is created'.But,immediatly i am receving a express dcoument message stating that 'UPDATE WAS TERMINATED'.Even though of message success message of material creation update was being terminated.Can anyone please help regarding this what would be the problem.Thanks in advance.

Take a look at [Update Management|] in [Updates in the SAP System (BC-CST-UP)|] - focalize on [Analyzing and Correcting Update Errors|]
Useful transactions
- SM13 "Display Update Records", SM14 "Update Program Administration"
- ST22 "ABAP dump analysis"
- SM21 "System log"
Basically, the transaction checked the data, found no error and submitted update task function modules which should have updated the database, recorded change documents, updated statistics and the like. Then it sended a success message and end the transaction. Later, one of those FM has failed, so the system cancelled the proposed changes in the database and sent back an express message to warn user who called the transaction.

Similar Messages

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       When i am processing document through MIRO,i got an error messge that Express document update was terminated.
    Can anybody let me know the possible solution for this.

    please check the no. ranges for invoices.
    This error is a result of overlapping of no.ranges

  • Express Document  "Update was terminated" in FM: BUPA_ADDRESS_CHANGE

    Hi all,
    As per our requirement we needed to add different types of phone nos to an Business Partners Address.  We are using the Function Module BUPA_ADDRESS_CHANGE to insert the Telephone nos by passing values to the internal table for ADR2 table in the FM. The function module updates the phone nos successfully twice.  The Function module fails the third and subsequent times within the same session.  The code used for the same is as below:
         iv_partner          = l_bpnumber          "BP no.      
         iv_addrnumber   = l_addrnumber       "BPs address no      
         iv_addrguid        = l_addrguid           " Address guid    
         is_address        = t_addrdetails        "Address details    
         it_adtel             = t_teldetails           "Telehphone nos to be inserted with the sequence nos from 001(Home telephone no), 002(Work Phone No.) & 003(Mobile no)
         it_adfax            = t_faxdetails          "One Fax No and its extension with the sequence no set to 001    
         it_adsmtp         = t_emaildetails       "Email Details with sequence no set to 001      
         it_comrem        = t_telremarks         "Adding a remark to a particular phone no as WORK PHONE No.     
         it_adtel_x         = t_teldetailsx         "Setting the updateflag to I for insertion of telephone nos.    
         it_adfax_x        = t_faxdetailsx        "Setting the updateflag to I for insertion of fax nos.     
         it_adsmt_x       = t_emaildetailsx    "Setting the updateflag to I for insertion of email.       
         it_comre_x       = t_telremarksx      "Setting the updateflag to I for insertion of remarks nos.       
         et_return          = t_returntab.          "Returns tab for error message   
    The FM Inserts the Telephone nos successfully twice but fails the third time within the same cic0 session, with the error message as below:
    "Express Document "Update was terminated" received from author Kumaran Vurunathan".
    Displaying the Document we get the following detail:
    Update was terminated
    System ID....   DD0
    Client.......   040
    Transaction..   CIC0
    Update key...   42A303E8F2B23E97E1000000947F220A
    Generated....   13.06.2005, 04:43:28
    Completed....   13.06.2005, 04:43:28
    Error info...   CD 328: DUPREC:POS&BUPA_ADR&0000105277
    Again, if everytime new Business Partner is used to add telephone nos within the same cic0 session, the program works fine.
    The problem occurs only on the same BP being used for the third time within the same session.  We are thinking that this might be a Locking problem and thats why the Update is getting terminated.
    If anyone had encountered the same issue while using this FM, please advise the reason for the same and how this could be rectified.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Babu Changalvala,
    AOL: babuchangalva.

    To be clear, my understanding is that you are updating the same partner multiple times with this function.
    Try 'commit work' after each call of the FM, if that is not an issue for your current logic.
    Another option you can try is calling it with destination option. This is just a guess. Try it like 'Call .... destination NONE importing.....'

  • Express document "Update was terminated" received from author in J2IUN.

    Pl. help
    At the time excise utlization this message is come
    Express document "Update was terminated" received from author
    Suresh Yadav

    "For your update terminate problem please proceed accordingly
    goto SM13, there you can see the updates terminated & their logs.
    Click on one of the Updates terminated with transaction.
    Double click on the line , you will see alist of Function modules, click on the function module in red, here click on the log to see more details on the reason for update termination.
    in the dump anlysis you can see the reason for dump.
    Act as per the dump anlaysis. usuall reasons for the dump is any new changes to the program or number range error ."
    Please take help of ABAPEr for Dump analysis , if it is sytem issue take hlep of BASIS
    Thanks & Regards

  • Express Document "update was terminated" received from author in MIGO

    Hi All,
    We are getting the below error message at the time of goods receipt at receving plant for STO OBD delivery, when user trying to post the GR, then GR number created and when they try to open the number , then they get this error message.
    Express Document "update was terminated" received from author
    When we went in to SM13 and saw that everything is fine , there was no message in red.
    Erro details showing the s032 update error with Internal session terminated with a runtime error DBIF_RSQL_SQL_ERROR.
    Short text
        SQL error "-413" when accessing table "S032".
    What happened?
        Error Text of the Database: "SQL0413N Overflow occurred during numeric data type conversion. SQLSTATE=22003 row=1"
    Please help to solve this issue ASAP.

    This is probably an overflow of a field on the infostructure S032.
    Please check this table for this material and plant combination and observe if there is any field with a high value.
    As a workaround, you may deactivate the updating of S032 via OMO9 to "no updating" to avoid the dump.
    Best regards,
    Caetano Almeida

  • SmartForm error: Express document "update was terminated" received from aut

    Hi friends
    we requirement to send PO smartform through Print out as well as through mail.
    after creating PO i am getting popup box saying that :
    " Express document "update was terminated" received from author "XXXX".
    Please help me.
    my code as follows:
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          CLEAR g_outop.
          SELECT  SINGLE ldest dimme FROM nach INTO (g_outop-tddest,
         g_outop-tdimmed) WHERE knumh EQ knumh.
              formname           = 'YNZ_PO'
              fm_name            = sf_name
              no_form            = 1
              no_function_module = 2
              OTHERS             = 3.
          w_ctrlop-getotf = 'X'.
          w_ctrlop-no_dialog = 'X'.
          w_compop-tdnoprev = 'X'.
          CALL FUNCTION sf_name
              output_options     = g_outop
              user_settings      = 'X'
              wa_ynz_po_head     = wa_ynz_po_head
              control_parameters = w_ctrlop
             job_output_info    = w_return
              t_ynz_po_item      = t_ynz_po_item
              formatting_error   = 1
              internal_error     = 2
              send_error         = 3
              user_canceled      = 4
              OTHERS             = 5.
    for mail
              formname           = 'YNZ_PO'
              fm_name            = sf_name
              no_form            = 1
              no_function_module = 2
              OTHERS             = 3.
           CLEAR g_outop.                   " Commented by sharma
           g_outop-tddest = nast-ldest.
           g_outop-tdimmed = nast-dimme.
          w_ctrlop-getotf = 'X'.
          w_ctrlop-no_dialog = 'X'.
          w_compop-tdnoprev = 'X'.
          CALL FUNCTION sf_name
              output_options     = w_compop
              user_settings      = 'X'
              wa_ynz_po_head     = wa_ynz_po_head
              control_parameters = w_ctrlop
              job_output_info    = w_return
              t_ynz_po_item      = t_ynz_po_item
              formatting_error   = 1
              internal_error     = 2
              send_error         = 3
              user_canceled      = 4
              OTHERS             = 5.
      i_otf[] = w_return-otfdata[].
          format                = 'PDF'
          max_linewidth         = 132
          bin_filesize          = v_len_in
          otf                   = i_otf
          lines                 = i_tline
          err_max_linewidth     = 1
          err_format            = 2
          err_conv_not_possible = 3
          OTHERS                = 4.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
        WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    Convert PDF from 132 to 255.
      LOOP AT i_tline.
    Replacing space by ~
        TRANSLATE i_tline USING ' ~'.
        CONCATENATE w_buffer i_tline INTO w_buffer.
    Replacing ~ by space
      TRANSLATE w_buffer USING '~ '.
        i_record = w_buffer.
    Appending 255 characters as a record
        APPEND i_record.
        SHIFT w_buffer LEFT BY 255 PLACES.
        IF w_buffer IS INITIAL.
      REFRESH: i_reclist,
      CLEAR w_objhead.
    Object with PDF.
      i_objbin[] = i_record[].
      DESCRIBE TABLE i_objbin LINES v_lines_bin.
    Object with main text of the mail.
      i_objtxt = 'Find attached the output of the smart form.'.
      APPEND i_objtxt.
      i_objtxt = 'Regards,'.
      APPEND i_objtxt.
      i_objtxt = 'Narasimha'.
      APPEND i_objtxt.
      DESCRIBE TABLE i_objtxt LINES v_lines_txt.
    Document information.
      w_doc_chng-obj_name = 'Smartform'.
      w_doc_chng-expiry_dat = sy-datum + 10.
      w_doc_chng-obj_descr = 'Smart form output'.
      w_doc_chng-sensitivty = 'F'. "Functional object
      w_doc_chng-doc_size = v_lines_txt * 255.
    Pack to main body as RAW.
    Obj. to be transported not in binary form
      CLEAR i_objpack-transf_bin.
    Start line of object header in transport packet
      i_objpack-head_start = 1.
    Number of lines of an object header in object packet
      i_objpack-head_num = 0.
    Start line of object contents in an object packet
      i_objpack-body_start = 1.
    Number of lines of the object contents in an object packet
      i_objpack-body_num = v_lines_txt.
    Code for document class
      i_objpack-doc_type = 'RAW'.
      APPEND i_objpack.
    Packing as PDF.
      i_objpack-transf_bin = 'X'.
      i_objpack-head_start = 1.
      i_objpack-head_num = 1.
      i_objpack-body_start = 1.
      i_objpack-body_num = v_lines_bin.
      i_objpack-doc_type = 'PDF'.
      i_objpack-obj_name = 'Smartform'.
      CONCATENATE 'Smartform_output' '.pdf'
      INTO i_objpack-obj_descr.
      i_objpack-doc_size = v_lines_bin * 255.
      APPEND i_objpack.
    Document information.
      CLEAR i_reclist.
    e-mail receivers.
      i_reclist-receiver = '[email protected]'.
      i_reclist-express = 'X'.
      i_reclist-rec_type = 'U'. "Internet address
      APPEND i_reclist.
    Sending mail.
          document_data              = w_doc_chng
          put_in_outbox              = 'X'
           commit_work                = 'X'
          packing_list               = i_objpack
          object_header              = w_objhead
          contents_bin               = i_objbin
       contents_hex               = i_objbin
          contents_txt               = i_objtxt
          receivers                  = i_reclist
          too_many_receivers         = 1
          document_not_sent          = 2
          document_type_not_exist    = 3
          operation_no_authorization = 4
          parameter_error            = 5
          x_error                    = 6
          enqueue_error              = 7
          OTHERS                     = 8.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        WRITE:/ 'Error When Sending the File', sy-subrc.
        WRITE:/ 'Mail sent'.

    Hi ashok
    thanks for your reply.
    i got the error at commit in the below Func module.
    document_data = w_doc_chng
    put_in_outbox = 'X'
    commit_work = 'X'
    packing_list = i_objpack
    object_header = w_objhead
    contents_bin = i_objbin.
    if i remove commit = 'X'.  no error but mail is not sending.
    please advice.

  • PM workorder printing problem -- *"Express document "Update was terminated"

    Hi All,
    I have designed a PM workorder smartform.
    This form is getting triggered from the standard transaction IW32. There is a Z driver program and Z smartform.
    However when I am directly trying to print the this smartform(Order> Print>order) using the shoppaper number customized for my Zdriver program and zsmartform, the workorder gets saved but then on again entering into the workorder its gives the message :-
    "Express document "Update was terminated" received from author "XXX".
    And hence I am not able to print the smartform.
    However when I see its print preview and then try to print the smartform its allowing me to do so.
    Can anyone provide me the solution for the same.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    the exception in fm CO_BH_ORD_HEADER_PRE_READ appears in two places:
      IF import_message_id IS INITIAL.
        IMPORT order_tab FROM MEMORY ID import_message_id.
    * Aussteigen falls überhaupt kein Auftrag/Netzplan gefunden wird
      IF NOT sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
        RAISE not_found.
      IF no_afpo IS INITIAL.
        IMPORT pos_tab FROM MEMORY ID import_message_id.
    * Aussteigen falls überhaupt kein Auftrag/Netzplan gefunden wird
      IF NOT sy-subrc    IS INITIAL AND
             counter_tot =  1       AND
             no_afpo     IS INITIAL.
        RAISE not_found.
    Put a break point and execute to see what is going on.
    Best regards.

  • Getting Express document 'Update was Terminated' in Call Transaction AS02

    Hi All,
       I've written BDC for changing the Asset Master using Call Transaction Method. After the Call Transaction it it showing me the Success message that 'The Asset has been Changed'.But it is not reflecting in the Database table.When i navigate back from th e screen I'm getting the Express document as 'Update was terminated'.
    Please help me in this regard.
    Thanks and Regards.

    have you used commit statement after the call transaction statement, or if there is any enhancement for AS02 transaction remove the commit work statement from the enhancement.
    Regards, Qamar

  • FMBBC Express document " Update was terminated error"

    Hi ,
    while saving data FMBBC i am getting saved message , after that if i come out of the Tcode i am getting message as
    Express document " update was terminated".I was debugging the standard code found that the error comes from SXOP table entry, This table is get filled from FM SO_EXPRESS_FLAG_SET. But this FM is called from background I think. There is no job also created.After displaying the message automatically the SXOP table entry is get deleted. I want to debug this FM or wht is the reason for displaying message.
    siva kumar

    Following steps may help you.
    1. GO to SM13 transaction.
    2. Check your update request.
    3. You can see exact point in the standard program where you are getting this message

  • Express document update was terminated in mm02

    Dear experts:
                        when i use MM02 to change the material master,after saving,i get the error message'Express document update was terminated'.
                        The ID has working period of time and the authority is enough to do this,pls give some advice.
                        Thank you very much!

    Hi Stephen,
    This error message comes when ur transaction doesn't get the proper system resources or when the load on the server is too much. Becuase of which tables dont get update and u get the error .
    basically it is performance issue of the system. U can try after some time if proble persists u can contact ur BASIS team.

  • Error :  "Express Document  Update was terminated"

    Hi All,
               When creating a PO & after saving, I get a message PO number successfully created. But when I press "Back" button I immediately get a SAP mail "Express Document Update was Terminated".
    In SM13 - the following error is shown:-
    I had read all the previous threads relating to this issue.
    Based on the above threads I checked the number range & it seems to be correct. So, I'd like to know what causes this error and also how to solve it.
    Any inputs related to this would be of great help.

    Hi Deivakaniraja,
                         Thanks for the response.
    Option 1 - the flag is already unchecked only.
    Option 2 - What should be checked in Terms & Conditions?
    Hi Volkan,
                      Thanks for the response.
    Actually am an ABAPer and am posting this message on behalf of my Functional.
    After double clicking the error line in SM13 only I'm getting this one below:-
    Thanks & am currently debugging the error in program and also kindly let me know if there's any other solution that could be possible.

  • Error Msg: Express Document 'Update was Terminated'  in VF02 t-code

    Hi all,
    When I click on save in VF02 transaction I am getting message that ' Express Document 'Update was Terminated'  received from author 'XYZ'.
    After saving when I am seeing in header -output the output type not appearing.
    Please Help me Its an urgent requirement.

    Hi Vinod,
    there is two reasons
    1) Number range is not specied limit define billing document number range.
    path- img sd- billing -define number range and see diffenettly i hope your problam willbe solved.
    2) t.code NACE  whether you have maintained the condition record or not check other wise please maintain it.
    i hope you have understood
    if your problam is solved don't forget to reward.
    thanks& regards

  • In unicode system:  Express document" update was terminated

    Hi Friends,
    When we create a PO /  Delivery / Sales / Billing documents in UNICODE Systems
    we are getting message
    "Express document" update was terminated"
    this is coming before we save the transaction.  Could any body help on this .

    Express error due to many reasons,
    1. If any Sap scripts/forms using then is that unicode compliant? check if any errors
    2. Verify the SAP Notes for that service pack, as there might be some bugs in the system
    3. Verify the problem might due to user exists or BADIs.

  • Express document "Updated was terminated" received from author in IW32

    I am creating PO in then method of IN_UPDATE or BEFORE_UPDATE of BADI  WORKORDER_UPDAT using BAPI_PO_CREATE or BAPI_PO_CREATE1, but it is not allowing commit transaction implicitly triggered by bapi so it is throwing the message Express document "Updated was terminated" received from author 'XXXX'.
    Please advice how to achieve creatING PO in the BADI.

    Then it would be really difficult because you will face an update termination every time incase something goes wrong in creating the PO.
    In this method even if you raise any messages it would lead to update termination.
    If you check the documentation it says that messages can be issued only in AT_SAVE method.
    Try creating your PO in this method.
    If you need the document number then what you can do is create a custom RFC FM and call it in background. In this FM call your BAPI and using the document number do the further processing.
    But if you want this document number to update something in the workorder then i feel that is not possible using this BADI.
    Ankur Parab

  • Express documents - how to get list at logon?

    (4.6c release)
    I have a background job which creates a spool and send it to a sap-user by sap-mail with check 'Express'. However, if the user is not logged on, on his/her next logon he/she didn't get a popup with info message that there are express documents waiting in his/her inbox.
    I have a lazy experience with sap-mail and don't know how to achieve this.
    How this can be switched on? I need the user to get this popup info message at logon.
    Any help would be highly appreciated.
    Many thanks in advance.
    Ivaylo Mutafchiev

    Go to transaxtion SO16
    Uncheck the check box for <b>'No Notification of unviewed mails at log on</b>' in the <b>user tab</b> .

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