Regarding resuability of Picklist VO on same page

In create page, there are two messageChoice inputs. Depending on the value selected in 1st messageChoice, the values of 2nd messaheChoice are retrieved.
Now, I have to two more messageChoice inputs in the same page which can use the same picklist as created for previous, but here again the 2nd messageChoice is dependent on value of 1st messageChoice.
Should i use the same picklist or create a new picklist....?
or should i add the picklist VO twice to AM...?
Thanks in advance,

1. There are 2 messageChoice items, of which the 2nd is dependent on the value selected in the 1st item. For this, i have created two picklist VOs.
2. Further, i have 2 more messageChoice items on the same page which can use the same piclikst VOs that were created for the 1st pair. Here too the 2nd item value is dependent on the value selected in 1st item.
I wanted to know whether the picklist VO tht was created for the dependent messageChoice in point 1 could be reused for the dependent messageChoice of point 2.

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    In Web Application Designer, for the properties of your analysis webitem under the Paging category, change parameter 'Number of Data Columns Displayed at Once' (BLOCK_COLUMNS_SIZE) to 0.  This will make all columns show instead of paginating as it is doing now.

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    SSRS 2012
    Hi guys,
    I am developing a report that includes a subreport.
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    Hi Fasttrack2,
    According to your description, there is a main report with more than 100 rows of summary information, when users click the item of the row, the report need to jump to detail information shows as graph. The problem you are facing is that you are not sure
    subreport, drilldown or drillthrough report should be used? You hope to set display detail information in the main report and keep high performance of report.
    In Reporting Services, each subreport instance is a separate query execution and a separate report processing task. Subreports are recommended when there are just a few subreport instances. We should not use subreports inside a group when there are many
    group instances, instead, consider using drillthrough reports. Drilldown reports process all data even when the data is first hidden. In order to improve the performance of the report, we can split drilldown reports into parameterized drillthrough reports,
    because Drillthrough reports do not run until a user clicks the drillthrough link in the main report.
    In this case, we can consider using drilldown or drillthrough report. In drilldown report, when we click a plus or minus button to expand or collapse a section of a report, the detail data will be displayed in place. By using drillthrough report, when we
    click the link in the main report, the detail data will be displayed, we can come back to the main report by click return button in the drillthrough report.
    Troubleshooting Reports: Report Performance
    Drillthrough, Drilldown, Subreports, and Nested Data Regions
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Fu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click

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    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to create Parent (Global) and Current (Navigation) on the Same Page.
    You can make quicklaunch work contextually like structural nav quicklaunch using Managed Metadata navigation. Please refer to:
    Managed Metadata Navigation - How do you make quicklaunch work contextually like structural nav quicklaunch?
    In addition, you can used JQuery and CSS to achieve staticlevel left navigation in SharePoint 2013.
    Here is a similar thread for your reference:
    More information:
    Overview of managed navigation in SharePoint Server 2013
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Please see post Re: session state security
    It has been done for a single form in a page and can be extended to multiple forms as well.

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    If it is the 1st one (pop Up) then you can use Koti's threads.
    also check this library files to do this, if it is a external window I think this suits your requirement very well
    Open view in external window..
    Open views in non-modal external windows - the patch version
    Edited by: pradeep bondla on Jul 18, 2008 7:14 AM

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    hi all ,
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    end loop ;
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    Create a Master Detail Form through the APEX Wizard 
    Make sure you choose the Primary Keys for the Master Detail as one of your Column and not the ROW ID.
    Selecting an existing Sequence for the Primary Key is preferred.
    Select the option the where your Master and Detail appears in the same page.
    Initially when you run the page your master and detail will not appear at the same time in the page when your Master Detail Form is in the entry form mode. For this you have to go to your Tabular Form(Detail Form) region, and below you will have to remove the Condition for the display of your Tabular form and set it to “No Condition”.
    Now when you run the page both the Master and Detail form will appear together in the create mode but you will not be able to insert or create both master and detail records at the same time when u click the create button. For this the following needs to be done: You need to create a PL SQL Tabular Form process :
    Let's say your master form is based on DEPT and your detail tabular form is based on EMP. Make sure the following things are configured:
    The DEPT insert/update DML process runs before the new tabular form PLSQL process. (ie) the new PL SQL Tabular Form Process that you create should be inbetween Automatic Row Processing(DML) and Multi Row Update Process , so create the new Tabular Form Pl SQL process with a sequence number inbetween these two Processes.
    Make sure you choose Tabular form while creating this PL SQL process.
    The new tabular form PL/SQL process executes the following as the source
       :DEPTNO := :P1_DEPTNO;
    Where DEPTNO is the Foreign Key column in the Tabular Form that links the Primary Key Item P1_DEPTNO of the Master Form.
    Finally this new PL SQL process conditionally runs when DEPTNO is null, so you need to add the following condition to the process:
    The final step to accomplish in creating both the Master and Detail records at the same time is to make a change in the condition of the Multi Row Update Process. :request in ('SAVE','CREATE') or :request like 'GET_NEXT%' or :request like 'GET_PREV%'
    -We make this change so that records get inserted into the Detail table when we click the ‘’Create” button.
    Now you can Run your page and create both the Master and Detail records at the same time.
    Thanks and Regards,

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    Are you saying that you need conditional headers? If so, then use <?IF ...> statements.
    If your footer is not working correctly make sure your syntax is correct?

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    Department: Select List
    Prod Month: Date Picker
    Button: Report View.
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    Thank you.

    Sounds like you are building the query string and submitting that and the fact that they leave something out messes up that string...<br><br>If that's the case, you can add validations to the page to make sure they enter in all the appropriate information.<br><br>

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    I am trying to figure out how to make the refiner web parts show and hide depending on which tab is selected.
    Any help pointing to someone thats already attempted this would be appreciated! 

    For your issue, you can consider using SharePoint Search Navigation which can achieve a similar feature but not on the same page.
    Search Navigation allows users to move quickly between search experiences listed in the Navigation. Navigation is displayed in the Quick Launch control on search pages, and can also be shown as a drop-down menu from the search box.
    For more information, you can refer to the blog:
    Best Regards,
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Using VO as form and table on same page

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    Hey Ami,
    I've tried understanding your problem but i'm not sure if i could.
    The problem is that you can insert via the form but it doesn't update the table ?
    Is that it ?

  • Server side function not get called after dispatching cairngorm event second time on same page

    Hi All,
    I am facing a urgent issue regarding cairngorm event. Actually my page contain 3 button add,delete,save
    and  clicking of any button I do the respected functionality. For ex:
    I click the add button & on clicking of add button I fire a cairngorm evnt & after getting response from server side that the record is added
    I displayed a message that the record is added & update the data source.
    After addition of the record , with out going to other page if I perform the same functionaly(Like adding another record) on same page the cairngorm
    event not call the server side function  -  after debugging I find out that cairngorm event  reach to the corresponding excutecommand function & called that function  but it is not calling my server side function & I also din't get any error message .
    I dont know why  the server side function not get called?. similarly if I try for delete or update case the same things happend. Only for the first time it works properly but not for the second  time.
    Could any of  you please tell me why the cairngorm event not calling the server side function.
    Thank you for your kind assistance.

    Okay, well I think I've worked out the problem.
    In ASP.NET we would typically bind repeating controls such as DataLists and Repeaters manually using <i>Control</i>.DataBind(), because we're usually using a separate class library containing collections for our objects. Seems the SAP Table control doesn't like this approach.
    I changed the code so that the databinding is specified on the control, and call the Page's DataBind() method and it all worked fine.
    One tip: because the collection I used to bind to is in a separate class library, I receieved a <i>BC306523: Reference required to assembly MyAssemblyName...</i> message, even though I had a reference to the assembly in my project and the DLL is being properly deployed. To fix this, you must include the following directive at the top of the component's ASCX file:
    <%@ Assembly Name="AssemblyName" %>

  • How to make fields grow dynamically within the same page and in column wise

    Like the newspaper format: Where contents of news are shown columns wise.
    We need to make the fields in a page grow column wise within that same page.
    For example, in a page:
    Column 1 Column 2
    If the Column 1 is full with the fields in the page it should start filling the column 2 which is also in the same page.
    If the Column 2 is also full then only it should move to the next page and should continue the same scenario.
    Please suggest a better way to do this in the Adobe Output Designer.
    Thanks and regards,
    Gurunath V.
    E-Mail: [email protected]
    P.S: Please also mail to my e-mail ID.

    Hi Gurunath, if you steel need a solution on this problem, I think this could help:
    1- place two fields on the form (JF01, JF02), one under each other.
    2- Make two subform with them (Sline1, Sline2)
    3- Make the field JF02 expand on same subform.
    4- Modify the preamble in this way:
    ^define group:D_line1 \field$POSITION\reserve"0.333",in\subformSline1.\positionsave,"first_line"
    ^define group:JF01!OnOverflow \groupG_Sline2.\fieldJF02.
    ^define group:G_Sline2!OnBOF \positionrestore,"first_line"\positionright,"3.65",in
    In the data file put all the text in JF01.
    -The first line say:
    When JF01 is called, save it's y position (\positionsave,"first_line")
    -The second line means:
    when the text overflow JF01 put it in JF02.
    (cause JF02 overflow on itself all the remaining data is overflowed in JF02)
    -The third line means:
    if JF02 arrives at the end of the page (OnBOF), restore the saved position ( \positionrestore,"first_line") and move to the right of "3,65" inches (\positionright,"3.65",in).
    In other words, when JF02 arrive at the and of the age, the next field JF02 is positioned at the same height of JF01 and is shifted on the right
    Take care that in this way JF02 cannot anymore go o a new page.
    Hope this help.

  • Form and report on the same page...

    I want to have a form and report on the same page... as soon as user enters the information and submit the form via button then the report should be able to display the addition...
    may I know how to accomplish this...
    Thanks in advance

    Can you try like this
    1.First create an empty page and add a html region and template as form region and add the necessary fields to insert into table
    2. create a another region with type as "SQL Query" and template as report region and add the necessary fields for the reports.
    Once u entered the details into form region and created process and insert into table and then automatically the report region query will fetch the recently added row and displays in the report.
    Hopes this might helps you.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Interactive report with detail sub-report on the same page

    Hi all,
    I'm fairly new to APEX, sorry if my question is too obvious. I'm using Apex 4.0.2 on top of Oracle 11.2.
    I have an interactive report listing the content of a table. Since there are many columns in that table I would the report to show only a few identifying columns and the complete record currently selected being displayed using another report in a separate region on the same page.
    The "Link Column" on the interactive report does almost that except that it jumps on another page; I would like to simply have a sub-report updated with the selected data instead of a new page displayed. Does anyone know how to do that?
    Thanks for your help,

    this sounds like what I normally do in my referential data.
    I use the wizard to create "form with report"
    I make sure that both regions (the form and the report) will be set on the same page number
    then I check/change the order of the regions (report first, form second)
    then I set the form to display in column 2
    P.S. the report only shows enough columns to recognize the records. the form shows all records

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