Regd. Use of Communication /Service user

Hi All,
I have a web service to Proxy scenario have created a user of type communication data.
the roles assigned are :
Q>  With this user i am able to open/create/edit object in  IR and ID using the URL (i.e http://host:port/dir/start/index.jsp).I know that dialog logon is prevented.
       Is it a common issue? my concern is when i share the wsdl URL , it will have the host and port.Anyone can put the trailing
       part and easily logon and change/delete the objects (WorstCase)
How to control this ? Do i need to customize the user role?if yes what is the exact customization required.Checked with Basis
team also.Tried removing Dev related access ,after which the soap posting itself was not happening.
Can any one suggest the Roles required?
If communication user is supposed to access the IR and ID , then how i can control the access? Do i need to
handle it at network level , if yes please put in your thoughts on the same.

First, only SAP_XI_APPL_SERV_USER is required for sending soap request to PI. So do no add extra roles. The othe role SAP_XI_IS_SERV_USER could be provided to other user to be used at receiver side channel.
I know that dialog logon is prevented.
Yes, and therefore abap engine access won't be possible.
my concern is when i share the wsdl URL , it will have the host and port.Anyone can put the trailing part and easily logon and change/delete the objects (WorstCase)
If the person trying to access the URL from outside your organization network, this won't be accessible unless firewall port are opened. If it is from within the organization's network, then it should be called as breach in Information Security.

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    Hi Experts,
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    Edited by: Srinivas on Jul 7, 2010 7:29 PM

    Following is answer of your question:
    >(1)How can I search relevant Enterprise services in PI for the SAP R/3 BAPI.
    There is no way to look for enterprise service for BAPI, ES are harmonized services based on GDT whereas BAPI is more SAP oriented in datatype definitions, only way is to find out is look into code as many ES are calling BAPI internally. Best way to identify correct ES is business use (like Purchase Order Creation etc)
    >(2)If relevant ES is available then what are the steps to be performed?
    It depends how you want to use this ES, you can call this ES from outside world (read thirdparty tools, application) and these services can be used as ready-to-use building block for new applications. You must know URL of wsdl and security setting (user/password) to use it with any application. You can call it from ABAP, .Net, Java applications. You can test ES with any SOAP testing tool like WSNavigator or SOAP UI.
    >(3)If relevant ES is not availabe then what are the steps to be performed?
    You have few options if ES is not available, design of your own by following proper governance model (i.e. PIC process) or you can live with existing BAPI, RFC and convert them into Web Service using webservice wizard available in SE80 and SE37.

  • Service users in SAP XI?

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    Hi Ankur,
    in XI basically we deal with two type of uses. they are
    Service users are used for internal communication between XI components, which is
    usually triggered by interaction of dialog users .The service users provide dialog-free
    access to the involved XI components. They have SAP user roles in the ABAP part of the SAP
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    Component Service   
    Exchange Profile,
    System Landscape
    User Role                        
    Service User
    Dialog users represent human users (as opposed to service users), who log on through the
    various UIs of the Integration Builder, System Landscape Directory, and Runtime Workbench.
    Dialog users are generally maintained in the ABAP part of the SAP Web AS. The roles for the different dialog users displayed in the following table are predefined and
    Dialog User Role Description
    SAP_XI_DISPLAY_USER-- Read-only access to Integration Directory and
    Integration Repository
    SAP_XI_DEVELOPER--- Design and development of integration processes
    Go to this location and find the documentation.
    /sap netweaver/sap netweaver in detail/security/security in Detail/SAP Security Guides

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    write a list into spool
      call function 'GET_PRINT_PARAMETERS'
          line_count = sy-linct
          line_size  = sy-linsz
          layout     = 'X_65_132'   <<< Page format
          mode       = 'BATCH'
          immediately = ' '
          list_text   = htext_spool
          list_name   = 'ZV46 FAX'
          no_dialog   = 'X'
          out_parameters         = print_parameters
          valid                  = valid
          archive_info_not_found = 1 .
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  • Use of communication user in RFC of HCM process types

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    I have created an HCM-PA package, and when used a communication user in the RFC it gives me the error that no data exists for your user in the Transfer selection criteria activity (This is not an issue with defining target areas I have confirmed)
    I then used my ID ( a dialog user) and it works well. However, now I want other users (about 10) to be able to run their respective packages. Does that mean I have to add each of these 10 users to the RFC? How can I resolve this without having to use their ID in the RFC maintenance?

    Hi Harmeet,
    the easiest thing to do is to define a CPIC user in your receiver system destination and then to use the customising activity "Set technical switches". Here you can set a switch called SND_LOGON to the value 'X'.  When you do this, the person who calls the transfer program with the activity "Transfer Selection Criteria" must explicitly log on using their own sender system user.
    This method means that the user must have the correct HCM authorisations and prevents that a dialogue user is defined in the RFC definition (which, of course, anybody could use).
    Hope this helps.

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    david yee

    The SAPGui logon exit is called after successfull authentication has been completed and after a SAPGui session has been attached.
    If you logon via RFC, WebGui, ICM or the Wgate then this exit does not trigger.
    What are you wanting to add to your code after the logon ?
    An solution I have used is to create a wrapper RFC for a BAPI and create a webservice for the wrapper. Before calling the BAPI you can do whatever you want to from a security perspective.
    But for that you need to have an appropriate BAPI...
    Please explain what you want to do and what you would have wanted in the exit. Often there is a better way.
    ps: I moved this to the security forum.

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    Any workaround also would help

    Hi Glen,
    I am trying to use ExtendedPropertyType and put in UpdaterItemType as in this code as below. Although it is not updating the Owner
    I have tried it both by Propertyname and PropertyID. Although new custom property's canbe
    added but to change an existing one like 'Owner' ? Would this be the right method.
    2. And Is ProprertyID a fixed value as 0x811f or does it need to be calculated.
    3. Is 'Owner' the right propertname for assigning a task ?
    Thanks a lot.
    Please see code below for reference.
     PathToExtendedFieldType pathExtended = new PathToExtendedFieldType();
                //pathExtended.DistinguishedPropertySetId = DistinguishedPropertySetType.PublicStrings;
                pathExtended.DistinguishedPropertySetId = DistinguishedPropertySetType.Task;
                pathExtended.DistinguishedPropertySetIdSpecified = true;
                pathExtended.PropertyId = 0x811f;
                pathExtended.PropertyIdSpecified = true;
                //pathExtended.PropertyName = "Owner";
                pathExtended.PropertyType = MapiPropertyTypeType.String;
                ciSetAT.ExtendedProperty = new ExtendedPropertyType[1];
                ciSetAT.ExtendedProperty[0] = new ExtendedPropertyType();
                ciSetAT.ExtendedProperty[0].ExtendedFieldURI = pathExtended;
                ciSetAT.ExtendedProperty[0].Item = "[email protected]";
                SetItemFieldType set1 = new SetItemFieldType();
                set1.Item = pathExtended;
                set1.Item1 = ciSetAT;
                UpdateItemType request = new UpdateItemType();
                request.ItemChanges = new ItemChangeType[1] { new ItemChangeType() };
                request.ItemChanges[0].Item = itemId;
                request.ItemChanges[0].Updates = new ItemChangeDescriptionType[2];
                request.ItemChanges[0].Updates[0] = setstart;
                request.ItemChanges[0].Updates[1] = set1;

  • SPM: Setting a dialog user as a service user to be used as FF

    Hi all,
    We are having a dialog basis administration user in production and we are wondering if we could set is as a service user and use it as a FF in order to control a monitor his activities.
    Such user is executing background jobs periodically.
    Is there any effect for changing this user to service and use it as FF?
    Many thanks in advance. Kind regards,

    it's not compulsion to use service user as FF id.
    you can use Dialog user also as FF id.
    both options are ok. service of dialog.
    i don't think there will be any issue, just don't logout and login too frequently, as you may get FF id busy message.
    Surpreet Bal

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    current realm where employee accounts are: cn=users, dc=mycompany,dc=com
    I want to be able to add customer accounts in the same realm but I need also those customers accounts to not be viewable when a user perform a search in the directory using the self service console.
    How do i do that? I have been researching the documentation but I'm not looking for what I need.
    Any help really appreciated.

    I guess that this was the main reason to have multiple realms.
    When users are in the same realm your ACI covering the subtree (cn=users in this case) allow people to search in this realm.
    You could of course add a special attribute to the orcluserv2 or create a new objectclass customer with this attribute. Then - when you create a new user in the realm this needs to ba added. However - this is far from trivial - and furthermore you need to ensure that all tools (eg oiddas) support this - which is even more difficult to accomplish.
    In the past I have done this in the following way:
    Created a subtree cn=regionalmanagers,dc=mycompany,dc=com
    Within this tree I had entries that were composed with my own objectclass. This objectclass contained a group (uniquemembers) and I added the users (cn=John.Doe,cn=Users,dc=mycompany,dc=com) to this group. Then I checked from the application with dbms_ldap calls if a user was a regional manager.

  • ABAP Service Users  not working - important

    I installed finally BPC 75 NW, and I cannto get ito the application for the 1° time because I have several issues.... I get the error "The user ID, password  cannot be authenticated. Make sure you entered valid credentials".
    On Server Mgr. i get 2 errors " Sap server connection : database connection"  and "ms message queue:  queue name:  .private$BPCstatusmessagequeue".
    I have done eveything in order to solve this... but... after a lot of research I found a note where it is suggested to uninstall, however I still want to change some parameters as described in the installation guide, I hope you can please help me to clear this:
    Manual, page 43, installation for NW.
    - ABAP service users can be locked as a result of the install.
    - Check and unlock users, use SU01, press Ctrl + F5  (done, not a problem)
    - Check that COM + Components exist (done)
    - Check interfaces (this means changes in Pooling & Recycling?)
    - Check that librfc32.dll is set up appropiately (I had the problem during install where i needed to reassign this dll, now is not an issue  unless there is something else to check that i am not aware of)
    - IIS Port (80 by default right?)
    - ServerConfiguration.config for the correct username and system info (cant find this file)
    - Registry Entries on 32 and 64 bits (how can I do this)
    - Check C:windowssytem32driversetchosts file to ensure that a fully qualified domain and IP resolution exists (what exactly do i need to check)
    On server mgr also I have for  COM+ components " domain system administrator with which i installed  & password"   is this right?
    Thanx in advance, it is really important.

    Thanx for the feedback !! really appreciate it. Here is the response:
    The COM components are ok, as well as the MSMQ and every other component you mentioned (also reinstalled it). I reactivated all "dictionary" to the 3 users created in ABAP, changed role to communication, and give SAP_ALL permission.
    In the machine, changed the Default web site to port 81 (to let BPC website take port 80)
    Reinstalled  NET 2.0, set all components for BPC website to Net 2.0
    Created the 3 abap users in domain and gave in both systems  the same password.
    Entered in the machine as the administrator user (also administrator in Netweaver) and started the installation without trouble.
    After that, tried to run the server diagnostic but this user was lacking permits, so I added the 3 users (abap) in the local machine as administrators, in a  new group called BPC (only giving the administrator role). Entered now in the machine as BPC_SYSADMIN and ran the Server Diagnostic without trouble.
    After doing this, I now am facing an issue trying to add users to the 1° appset... choosing the domain users... however someone mentioned that this is related to the NET tier, is it better to reinstall this tier completely or at least try with NET 1.1, but im just about to find out.
    Thanx again for the response.

  • Communication error, user "did not accept your invitation"

    I think need some help. I have read many of the topics, however i have not been able to address my issue. Let me start by saying I am new to Macs (about 3 weeks) and not very technical. I have a Imac and also running time capsule as my wireless connection. As instructed i obtained an AIM account and attempted to do video chat, however when I try i get a communication error, user "did not accept your invitation". I have spent about an hour with apple tech services and have been able to successfully connect to the Apple test buddy. In fact my friend was also able to connect to the Apple test buddy. I have not tested a connection with anyone else.
    I would greatly appreciate any help with this issue.

    Hi Thank you for responding,
    The message says that there was a communication error - did not receive response from the other person. On the other side they received the same error. Below is the error log
    Yes, Time Capsule sits between my modem and my computer. I also have a Voice over Internet phone.
    The entire set up is as follows.
    Internet modem (make; Ambit) to Voice over Internet Modem to Time Capsule (set as router - share a single IP address using DHCP & NAT)
    as for setting up time capsule - i set it to "i don't have a wireless network and wanted to create one"
    I have not attempted to reach anyone in table 2 - I will do so and let you know
    my error log -- again thanks for your help
    Date/Time: 2008-03-27 20:46:00.255 -0400
    OS Version: 10.5.2 (Build 9C7010)
    Report Version: 4
    iChat Connection Log:
    2008-03-27 20:45:25 -0400: AVChat started with ID 2073701542.
    2008-03-27 20:45:25 -0400: loopie5331: State change from AVChatNoState to AVChatStateWaiting.
    2008-03-27 20:45:25 -0400: 0x14ae87f0: State change from AVChatNoState to AVChatStateInvited.
    2008-03-27 20:45:35 -0400: 0x14ae87f0: State change from AVChatStateInvited to AVChatStateConnecting.
    2008-03-27 20:45:35 -0400: loopie5331: State change from AVChatStateWaiting to AVChatStateConnecting.
    2008-03-27 20:45:55 -0400: 0x14ae87f0: State change from AVChatStateConnecting to AVChatStateEnded.
    2008-03-27 20:45:55 -0400: 0x14ae87f0: Error -8 (Did not receive a response from 0x14ae87f0.)
    2008-03-27 20:45:55 -0400: loopie5331: State change from AVChatStateConnecting to AVChatStateEnded.
    2008-03-27 20:45:55 -0400: loopie5331: Error -8 (Did not receive a response from 0x14ae87f0.)
    Video Conference Error Report:
    17.607834 @SIP/SIP.c:2719 type=4 (900A0015/0)
    [SIPConnectIPPort failed]
    19.608154 @SIP/SIP.c:2719 type=4 (900A0015/0)
    [SIPConnectIPPort failed]
    Video Conference Support Report:
    0.523429 @Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:1582 type=2 (00000000/0)
    [Connection Data for call id: 1 returns 1
    9.592914 @Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:1597 type=2 (00000000/0)
    [Prepare Connection With Remote Data - remote VCConnectionData: 1, local VCConnectionData: 1
    9.600060 @Video Conference/VCInitiateConference.m:1701 type=2 (00000000/0)
    [Initiate Conference To User: u0 with Remote VCConnectionData: 1 with Local Connection Data: 1 conferenceSettings: 1]
    15.607906 @SIP/Transport.c:2362 type=1 (00000000/0)
    [INVITE sip:user@rip:16402 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP lip:16402;branch=z9hG4bK5e75a87f218371dd
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: "u0" <sip:user@rip:16402>
    From: "0" <sip:user@lip:16402>;tag=300068541
    Call-ID: 4a78f1f6-fc60-11dc-80cb-9299630c4012@lip
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Contact: <sip:user@lip:16402>;isfocus
    User-Agent: Viceroy 1.3
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: 731
    o=Aldo 0 0 IN IP4 lip
    c=IN IP4 lip
    t=0 0
    m=audio 16402 RTP/AVP 110 121 12 3 0
    a=rtpmap:121 speex/16000
    a=rtpmap:122 speex/8000
    a=rtpmap:113 X-AAC_LD/44100
    a=rtpmap:110 X-AAC_LD/22050
    a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
    a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
    m=video 16402 RTP/AVP 123 126 34
    a=rtpmap:123 H264/90000
    a=rtpmap:126 X-H264/90000
    a=rtpmap:34 H263/90000
    a=fmtp:34 imagesize 1 rules 30:352:288
    a=RTCP:AUDIO 16402 VIDEO 16402
    a=fmtp:126 imagesize 0 rules 20:640:480:640:480:20
    a=fmtp:123 imagesize 0 rules 20:640:480:640:480:20
    16.108265 @SIP/Transport.c:2362 type=1 (00000000/0)
    [INVITE sip:user@rip:16402 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP lip:16402;branch=z9hG4bK5e75a87f218371dd
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: "u0" <sip:user@rip:16402>
    From: "0" <sip:user@lip:16402>;tag=300068541
    Call-ID: 4a78f1f6-fc60-11dc-80cb-9299630c4012@lip
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Contact: <sip:user@lip:16402>;isfocus
    User-Agent: Viceroy 1.3
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: 731
    o=Aldo 0 0 IN IP4 lip
    c=IN IP4 lip
    t=0 0
    m=audio 16402 RTP/AVP 110 121 12 3 0
    a=rtpmap:121 speex/16000
    a=rtpmap:122 speex/8000
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    m=video 16402 RTP/AVP 123 126 34
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    a=fmtp:123 imagesize 0 rules 20:640:480:640:480:20
    17.108616 @SIP/Transport.c:2362 type=1 (00000000/0)
    [INVITE sip:user@rip:16402 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP lip:16402;branch=z9hG4bK5e75a87f218371dd
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: "u0" <sip:user@rip:16402>
    From: "0" <sip:user@lip:16402>;tag=300068541
    Call-ID: 4a78f1f6-fc60-11dc-80cb-9299630c4012@lip
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Contact: <sip:user@lip:16402>;isfocus
    User-Agent: Viceroy 1.3
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: 731
    o=Aldo 0 0 IN IP4 lip
    c=IN IP4 lip
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    a=rtpmap:34 H263/90000
    a=fmtp:34 imagesize 1 rules 30:352:288
    a=RTCP:AUDIO 16402 VIDEO 16402
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    a=fmtp:123 imagesize 0 rules 20:640:480:640:480:20
    17.608293 @SIP/Transport.c:2362 type=1 (00000000/0)
    [INVITE sip:user@rip:16402 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP sip:32768;branch=z9hG4bK757dcfb6358328fd
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: "u0" <sip:user@rip:16402>
    From: "0" <sip:user@lip:16402>;tag=2081639093
    Call-ID: 4baa518c-fc60-11dc-80cb-ea4e74ce4012@lip
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Contact: <sip:user@sip:32768>;isfocus
    User-Agent: Viceroy 1.3
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: 725
    o=Aldo 0 0 IN IP4 sip
    c=IN IP4 sip
    t=0 0
    m=audio 32768 RTP/AVP 110 121 12 3 0
    a=rtpmap:121 speex/16000
    a=rtpmap:122 speex/8000
    a=rtpmap:113 X-AAC_LD/44100
    a=rtpmap:110 X-AAC_LD/22050
    a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
    a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
    m=video 32768 RTP/AVP 123 126 34
    a=rtpmap:123 H264/90000
    a=rtpmap:126 X-H264/90000
    a=rtpmap:34 H263/90000
    a=fmtp:34 imagesize 1 rules 30:352:288
    a=RTCP:AUDIO 32768 VIDEO 32768
    a=fmtp:126 imagesize 0 rules 20:640:480:640:480:20
    a=fmtp:123 imagesize 0 rules 20:640:480:640:480:20
    18.108636 @SIP/Transport.c:2362 type=1 (00000000/0)
    [INVITE sip:user@rip:16402 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP sip:32768;branch=z9hG4bK757dcfb6358328fd
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: "u0" <sip:user@rip:16402>
    From: "0" <sip:user@lip:16402>;tag=2081639093
    Call-ID: 4baa518c-fc60-11dc-80cb-ea4e74ce4012@lip
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Contact: <sip:user@sip:32768>;isfocus
    User-Agent: Viceroy 1.3
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: 725
    o=Aldo 0 0 IN IP4 sip
    c=IN IP4 sip
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    m=audio 32768 RTP/AVP 110 121 12 3 0
    a=rtpmap:121 speex/16000
    a=rtpmap:122 speex/8000
    a=rtpmap:113 X-AAC_LD/44100
    a=rtpmap:110 X-AAC_LD/22050
    a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
    a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
    m=video 32768 RTP/AVP 123 126 34
    a=rtpmap:123 H264/90000
    a=rtpmap:126 X-H264/90000
    a=rtpmap:34 H263/90000
    a=fmtp:34 imagesize 1 rules 30:352:288
    a=RTCP:AUDIO 32768 VIDEO 32768
    a=fmtp:126 imagesize 0 rules 20:640:480:640:480:20
    a=fmtp:123 imagesize 0 rules 20:640:480:640:480:20
    19.108980 @SIP/Transport.c:2362 type=1 (00000000/0)
    [INVITE sip:user@rip:16402 SIP/2.0
    Via: SIP/2.0/UDP sip:32768;branch=z9hG4bK757dcfb6358328fd
    Max-Forwards: 70
    To: "u0" <sip:user@rip:16402>
    From: "0" <sip:user@lip:16402>;tag=2081639093
    Call-ID: 4baa518c-fc60-11dc-80cb-ea4e74ce4012@lip
    CSeq: 1 INVITE
    Contact: <sip:user@sip:32768>;isfocus
    User-Agent: Viceroy 1.3
    Content-Type: application/sdp
    Content-Length: 725
    o=Aldo 0 0 IN IP4 sip
    c=IN IP4 sip
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    a=rtpmap:122 speex/8000
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    a=rtpmap:110 X-AAC_LD/22050
    a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
    a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
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    a=fmtp:123 imagesize 0 rules 20:640:480:640:480:20
    Video Conference User Report:
    0.000000 @:0 type=5 (00000000/16402)
    [Local SIP port]
    19.715397 @Video Conference/VideoConferenceMultiController.m:1474 type=5 (00000000/0)
    [IP And Port Data With Caller IP And Port Data: Obtained 120 bytes of local IP and port data (3 entries). Remote data was 0 bytes (0 entries).
    Message was edited by: aldoz

  • To create service user

    hi guys
    pls tel me how to create a service user in portal..

    Hi Kamal,
    can you elaborate the question as to why you need a service user in Portal, what is the requirement.
    And can you give some details on how is user management set up in the company.
    By any chance you are using CUA (central User Administration) for UME. if so you can create the user there and from one of the tabs you can select the service user / communication user / dialog user.
    Hope this helps.

  • Why would you use a managed service account rather than a virtual account in SQL Server 2012?

    In SQL Server 2012, service accounts are created as
    virtual accounts (VAs), as described
    here, as opposed to
    managed service accounts (MSAs).
    The important differences I can see for these, based on the descriptions:
    MSAs are domain accounts, VAs are local accounts
    MSAs use automagic password management handled by AD, VAs have no passwords
    in a Kerberos context, MSAs register SPNs automatically, VAs do not
    Are there any other differences? If Kerberos is not in use, why would a DBA ever prefer an MSA?
    Another user has noted a
    possible contradiction in the MS docs concerning VAs:
    The virtual account is auto-managed, and the virtual account can access the network
    in a domain environment.
    Virtual accounts cannot be authenticated to a remote location. All virtual accounts
    use the permission of machine account. Provision the machine account in the format
    What is the "machine account"? How/when/why does it get "provisioned"? What is the difference between "accessing the network in a domain environment" and "authenticating to a remote location [in a domain environment]"?

    “Virtual accounts cannot be authenticated to a remote location. All virtual accounts use the permission of machine account. Provision the machine account in the format <domain_name>\<computer_name>$.”
    “The virtual account is auto-managed, and the virtual account can access the network in a domain environment. If the default value is used for the service accounts during SQL Server setup on Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows 7, a virtual account
    using the instance name as the service name is used, in the format NT SERVICE\<SERVICENAME>”
    Per the above description, they are two concepts and not conflict with each other.
    As you understand, virtual account access network resources by using the credentials of the computer account. Generally, computer account will not be granted permission unless giving the computer account permission on the shared folder manually.
    Tracy Cai
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to authenticate Out of Browser Silverlight application with SharePoint O365 site using SharePoint Web Service (.asmx) ?

    I have Silverlight Out of Browser application which uses SharePoint Lists Service (Lists.asmx). Currently when I trying to communicate to SharePoint O365 site, I am getting  the exception as below -
    Communication Exception -
    The remote server returned an error: NotFound.
    How do I authenticate the user?
    Amol C kadam

    You could follow below article to make sure your application configuration is correct.
    Besides, below article could also give you some help:
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Difference between a Service user and Dailog user ?

    Hi All,
    Can anybody tell me the difference between a service user and a dailog user?
    Why can't we use a service user for BSP applications?
    We are on a 620 system and use bsp system login.
    With a dialog user it works, but when I switch this user to a service user the login returns an empty login screen.
    Thanks in advance.

    A service user can only be used for background processing and communication within a system (such as RFC users for ALE, Workflow, TMS, and CUA). Dialog screens are not allowed for these users.
    Dialog users however have individual, interactive system access.
    [user types|]

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