Regexes fail on APEX 3.0

Hello - I've got an application written in APEX 2.2 that I have deployed onto the apex public server. The application makes extensive use of regex validations, and I notice that they all fail on the apex public server. Is there something I need to do to 'convert' these regexes?
For example - here's my old date (DD/MM/YYYY) regex: ^(((0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01])\/(0[13578]|1[02])\/((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)\d{2}))|((0[1-9]|[12]\d|30)\/(0[13456789]|1[012])\/((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)\d{2}))|((0[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8])\/02\/((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)\d{2}))|(29\/02\/((1[6-9]|[2-9]\d)(0[48]|[2468][048]|[13579][26])|((16|[2468][048]|[3579][26])00))))$
That works fine on my test environment, but on the public site it fails. The 3.0 designer suggests the following instead:
However, that doesn't take date validity into account. I have another one used to validate UK postcodes:
it doesn't work on the public site and I don't know why - again it's fine on my dev env.
My application is ID 38935, and these regexes can be found at page 100.
Many thanks for any help,
Danny Layne

Just FYI - the online help in your installation of Application Express has a search interface, and will return the results sorted by score. A simple search for 'SMTP' of the online help returns 2 pages of results, with the 5th result being for "Configuring Email Settings".

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    h4. ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("APEX_040000"."WWV_FLOW_USER_ACCESS_LOG2$"."SECURITY_GROUP_ID") ERR-10480 Unable to run authentication credential check function.
    h5. Location: f?p=128:101:3059364335985257&notification_msg=Invalid%20Login%20Credentials/BC024DDF77AEE643E81F807FB74C83E6/
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          p_username IN VARCHAR2,
          p_password IN VARCHAR2 )
        l_ldap_user   VARCHAR2 (256);
        l_ldap_base   VARCHAR2 (256) := 'DC=domain,DC=org';
        l_ldap_server VARCHAR2 (256) := '';
        l_ldap_port   NUMBER         := 389;
        l_domain      VARCHAR2 (256) := '';
        l_retval      PLS_INTEGER;
        l_session     DBMS_LDAP.SESSION;
        l_attrs       DBMS_LDAP.string_collection;
        l_message     DBMS_LDAP.MESSAGE;
        l_entry       DBMS_LDAP.MESSAGE;
        l_vals        DBMS_LDAP.string_collection;
        l_dn          VARCHAR2(256);
        l_attr_name   VARCHAR2(256);
        l_ber_elmt    DBMS_LDAP.ber_element;
        l_org_unit    VARCHAR2(256) :='CN=GRP-StrainInterestApex_Users,OU=Domain_Local,OU=Groups,DC=domain,DC=org';
        l_org_unit_test VARCHAR2(2) := 0;
        attr_index    PLS_INTEGER;
        entry_index   PLS_INTEGER;
        l_ldap_user             := p_username || '@' || l_domain;
        l_session               := DBMS_LDAP.init (l_ldap_server, l_ldap_port);
        l_retval                := DBMS_LDAP.simple_bind_s (l_session, l_ldap_user, p_password);
        DBMS_LDAP.use_exception := TRUE;
        l_attrs (1)             := '*';
        l_retval                := DBMS_LDAP.search_s ( ld => l_session, base => l_ldap_base, scope => DBMS_LDAP.scope_subtree, filter => '(sAMAccountName='||p_username||')', attrs => l_attrs, attronly => 0, res => l_message );
        l_entry                 := DBMS_LDAP.first_entry ( ld => l_session, msg => l_message );
        l_dn                    := DBMS_LDAP.get_dn(l_session, l_entry);
        WHILE l_entry IS NOT NULL
          l_attr_name       := DBMS_LDAP.first_attribute(l_session,l_entry,l_ber_elmt);
          attr_index        := 1;
          WHILE l_attr_name IS NOT NULL
            l_vals := DBMS_LDAP.get_values (l_session, l_entry,l_attr_name);
               when others then
          if l_vals.COUNT > 0 then
            FOR i IN l_vals.FIRST..l_vals.LAST
              IF l_attr_name = 'mail' THEN
              END IF;
               --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('ATTR  IS: '||l_attr_name);
               --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('VALUE IS: '||l_vals(i));
              IF l_vals(i) = l_org_unit THEN
                l_org_unit_test := 1;
              END IF;
            END LOOP;
            end if;
            l_attr_name := DBMS_LDAP.next_attribute(l_session,l_entry,l_ber_elmt);
            attr_index  := attr_index+1;
          END LOOP;
          l_entry     := DBMS_LDAP.next_entry(l_session, l_entry);
          entry_index := entry_index+1;
        END LOOP;
        l_retval          := DBMS_LDAP.unbind_s (l_session);
        IF l_org_unit_test = 0 THEN
          RETURN FALSE;
        END IF;
        RETURN TRUE;
        l_retval := DBMS_LDAP.unbind_s (l_session);

    DOH. Too much copy/paste.
    In my code, I was setting an application variable to contain the email address I was retrieving from AD. Once commented out, it worked fine.
              IF l_attr_name = 'mail' THEN
              END IF;

  • Regex fails to match, so it reports closest match

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    I am using the regex API to match 2 lines of a message. If the match fails the 2 lines are reported to the user so they can see what has failed. Unfortunately the lines I am comparing are very long. (1000+ chars) So the user needs an indication of exactly what has failed.
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    Any help would be appreciated. thanks.

    I don't know of a way to do this, you could look into ParsePosition, but I don't know if you'll get usefull output if it doesn't match (it's worth a try, 'though).
    Otherwise you'd probably need a "real" parser. They can usually give very accurate positions for the errors (usually off-by-one token/line).

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    Hi Scott,
    This was setup as a process in page header.After we set this page it was not opening.
    Edited by: user7335426 on Apr 24, 2009 1:26 PM

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    Hi Colin,
    though I haven't tested with 11g XE, 11g in general still supports LDAP. However, starting with 11gR1 (and the current beta is based on 11gR2) you need to define ACLs for network access. If you haven't done this, you won't get any LDAP connection out of the database. There is quite a good example for that in the APEX Installation Guide:
    I think this is a good example and can be adopted for other database users easily.
    If that's not the solution in your case, please post the error message you receive when the authentication fails.

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    link[joelkallman blog|]
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    column plsql_optimize_level format 999
    column plsql_code_type format a20
    select count(*), o.object_type, s.plsql_optimize_level, s.plsql_code_type
    from dba_objects o, dba_plsql_object_settings s
    where o.object_name =
    and o.owner = 'FLOWS_030100'
    and s.owner = o.owner
    group by o.object_type, s.plsql_optimize_level, s.plsql_code_type
    order by 2 asc
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    Thanks for your reply, Roel!
    I always deeply thanks for your help.
    After reading your reply, I found out I missed install HTTP Server.
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    But I can't solve my problem yet.
    I entered the address - - in the web browser, then
    I saw such a like under the message.
    +++Service Temporarily Unavailable+++
    +++The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later.+++
    +++Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server Server at Port 7777+++
    Please help me one more time.
    I'm waiting for your help. Thanks.

  • Authentication failing for APEX against OID when uppercase used in password

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    having a uppercase character ... "Blackhawk" is one example. We authenticate discoverer using OID and do not have the same problem.
    Has anyone else encounter this problem please ?
    Cheers Rod
    The Function I use is shown below:
    OWA_UTIL.REDIRECT_URL('f?p=' || v('APP_ID') || ':101:' || v('APP_SESSION') );
    END IF ;
    ( p_username => :APP_USER, p_pass => NULL
    , p_auth_base => 'cn=Users,dc=planforlife'
    , p_host => 'oraapp01'
    , p_port => '389'
    , p_group => 'OID-PilotUsers'
    , p_group_base => 'cn=vaultgroups,cn=Groups,dc=planforlife');
    OWA_UTIL.REDIRECT_URL('f?p=' || v('APP_ID') || ':101:' || v('APP_SESSION') );
    END IF;
    OWA_UTIL.REDIRECT_URL('f?p=' || v('APP_ID') || ':101:' || v('APP_SESSION') );

    Are you sure it is not the 'username' which is causing the issue ? If it is the username then to preserve the case in which the username is entered you will need to set the ' p_preserve_case' parameter to true in the call to APEX_CUSTOM_AUTH.LOGIN . This API is invoked in the application's login page as an after-submit page process.

  • Report failed to parse SQL query:ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name

    We are currently upgrading from v2. to v4.
    I have copied the applications onto our test server along with the various database objects and data etc.
    When I am running a report in v4, it is failing with the following error: "failed to parse SQL query: ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name".
    When I copy the SQL that builds the report into TOAD (on out test server) it runs OK so really cant see why it would fail in APEX. It works fine when I run the query in our APEX v2 and in TOAD in our live server.
    The query is as follows:
    ,aea.assembly_name "Revised BOM"
    ,assembly.description "Revised BOM Description"
    ,assembly.INVENTORY_ITEM_STATUS_CODE "Revised BOM Status"
    ,flv.MEANING "Alteration Type"
    ,aea.component_name "Part No"
    ,component.description "Part No Description"
    ,component.INVENTORY_ITEM_STATUS_CODE "Part No Status"
    ,TO_CHAR(aea.last_update_date,'DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')"Last Update Date"
    , fnd_lookup_values flv
    FROM mtl_system_items_b
    WHERE 1=1
    AND organization_id = 26) component
    FROM mtl_system_items_b
    WHERE 1=1
    AND organization_id = 26) assembly
    WHERE 1=1
    AND aea.COMPONENT_NAME = component.segment1 (+)
    AND aea.assembly_NAME = assembly.segment1 (+)
    AND flv.lookup_code = aea.acd_type
    AND = :P13_ECO
    AND flv.lookup_type = 'ECG_ACTION'
    AND modify_flag = 'Y'
    ANy help would be great,
    Edited by: Cashy on 22-Nov-2010 04:13
    Edited by: Cashy on 22-Nov-2010 04:14

    For some reason, the updatable fields (this is a updateable report) where not connecting to the database properly. Whn I changed them to a report columns and removed the database field reference, the report rendered

  • Upgrade to APEX 4.2.3 apexins_con.sql gets: catconInit: database is not open Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting

    Upgrade to APEX 4.2.3 apexins_con.sql gets Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting
    I am attempting to install/upgrade apex 4.2.3 under Oracle12c in a Multi-Tenant configuration.
    Here are the environmental details
    Windows 7 64 bit
    Apex 4.2.3
    Here is the current states of the pluggable databases
    NAME                           OPEN_MODE  TOTAL_SIZE/1024/1024/1024
    PDB$SEED                       READ ONLY                 .263671875
    PDBORCL                        READ WRITE                .366210938
    This is the command that I am using to re-install/upgrade APEX:
    # remove 4.2.2 installation
    cd M:\apex_4.2.3\apex_4.2.3_en\apex
    sqlplus /@ORCL as sysdba
    @apxremov.sql   <<  this was successful
    Install 4.2.3 installation
    sqlplus /@ORCL as sysdba
    @apexins_con.sql i10wrk SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/  << this failed
    The APEX  installation fails immediately with the following message:
    catconInit: database is not open
    Unexpected error encountered in catconInit; exiting
    I cannot determine which database is not open.  Both my CDB$ROOT and PDBORCL are reported as open (READ WRITE Mode).
    Here is my Container database
    SQL> select instance_name,status from v$instance;
    orcl             OPEN
    Here is the associated Pluggable Database
    sqlplus /@PDBORCL as sysdba
    SQL> select instance_name,status from v$instance;
    orcl             OPEN
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-65019: pluggable database PDBORCL already open
    I am confused…. Which database is not open?
    The PDB$SEED is open in (READ ONLY) mode, but that is simply the template database.  I don't think that ever needs to be open in (Read Write) mode.

    I cannot vouch for the specific error that is being returned by, but I would try the following in your situation.
    1. It seems you connect to CDB$ROOT and ran apxremov.sql. This only removed the common APEX option from CDB$ROOT. Your PDB is now in an inconsistent state, since APEX is no longer in the root. I would reconnect to CDB$ROOT and run apxremov_con.sql, make sure you use the one from the 4.2.3 distribution. The one in the ORACLE home will not work.
    2. I would then re-run apexins_con.sql connect to CDB$ROOT. Also, you need to pass the proper parameters. Why are you passing i10wrk? You should be invoking it like:
    @apexins_con.sql SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/

  • Any one used UTL_FILE through APEX?

    Version: 4.1.1
    Hi There,
    I had a oracle forms 6i form which calls a PL/SQL package, which basically, selects data from a table and using UTL file writes the data to the file on my C drive. The directory definition is created using
    create directory oraload as 'c:\oraload\';
    grant read,write on directory oraload to UWCLASS;
    grant read,write on directory oraload to HR;
    It works fine without any issues.
    I now wanted to call the same package through the Apex app that I have developed which is in the same schema HR where the package is compiled. However, I get the error
    ORA-29283: invalid file operation ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_FILE", line 475
    IF I add the directory directly like "C:\ORALOAD\" then it gives the error
    ORA-29280: invalid directory path
    Do I need to grant any specific priveleges to Apex? Not sure, why its failing in Apex when all that I am doing is callng the package which should be running in the DB
    Any suggestions or ideas?
    Edited by: ryansun on Nov 28, 2012 1:15 AM

    Nevermind. This was a mistake at my end. I had the file locked!

  • How to filter the file type and size when uploadind files into APEX

    I was wondering how I can do to validate the size of a file, before moving it to my table ? I'd like to filter the file type, but for this one, I think I can use regular expressions in a validation process.
    I don't know if there is a way to read the file size even before sending it into the temporary file table.
    Thank you

    Hello Leinad,
    AFAIK, you have to create an APEX validation (PL/SQL returns Boolean or Returns error text), which will query the file details from apex_flow_files table. Here you can get filetype and size etc.
    So just validate and if any validation fails, then delete the file from apex_flow_files and riase error message.
    P.S. Please note that, if there are other apex validations on your page and if they fail, still apex will load the file into apex_flow_files table. So it's good idea to create a validation (PL/SQL) which will fire (condition) when inline validation errors occured. Make sure that this is the LAST validation on your page in sequence. And here you can write code to delete the file from apex_flow_files table.
    Edited by: Hari_639 on Sep 20, 2012 10:09 PM

  • Invalid LOV query error

    I am trying to modify a query for LOV page item but get an Invalid LOV query error when trying to Apply Changes to my page(query however works in SQL*Plus)
    I am trying to change the date format of query result to MON YYYY.
    Original query that works:
    select distinct bill.BILLED_DATE display_value, bill.BILL_ID return_value
    from BILL;
    New Query that fails in APEX (but works in SQL*Plus)
    select distinct to_char(bill.BILLED_DATE, 'MON YYYY') display_value,
    bill.BILL_ID return_value from BILL;
    Anyone have any idea what I need to do to make this work?
    "1 error has occurred
    LOV query is invalid, a display and a return value are needed, the column names need to be different. If your query contains an in-line query, the first FROM clause in the SQL statement must not belong to the in-line query"

    Strange, this lov does work and is no different than yours:
    select distinct to_char(sysdate,'MON YYYY') disp, 1 retval from dual
    What are the results from the query? Can there be something wrong with that?
    Regards Guido

  • Extract email address from html

    I am trying to extract "email address"  from an html output query. How would I do that?
    I am on CF9.
    Query col1:
    <html><head></head><body>today they emailed about it from (mailto:[email protected]) ...hello there and here</body></html>

    Argh!  No!
    God I hate it when people knock together a regex like this and go "Look!  Email address validation!"
    Before one starts down this road, one should read the RFC (, summarised here:
    Your own regex fails my spamtrap email address (for example: [email protected]), because you've forgotten that a + is a legitimate character in the local part of an email address.  Along with a bunch of other completely legit characters.
    Reading on through the RFC you will realise than ANYTHING is valid in the local part of an email address, provided it's quoted (double-quote being another character your regex doesn't accept).
    If someone doesn't want to give you their valid email address, they won't.  I can give you [email protected], and that will pass.  If I do want to give you my address, you should make sure your code will actually accept it!
    I can understand wanting to make sure the punter doesn't key their email address in incorrectly, but your method doesn't help here.  It'd pass [email protected], despite the fact that it should be [email protected]  "Close" is not good enough in these cases.
    The only sensible way of doing this is to ask them to type it in twice.  This will assist people who don't just roll their eyes and copy and paste what they typed in the first box into the second box, wondering why you're wasting their time.  So a typo will be transferred, so it's no help.
    If you really want to get a person's email address, deprive them of something until they respond to an email that you end them.  At the email address they specified. Because they actually don't mind you having their email address.  This only works if you're not simply trying to harvest email addresses for your own benefit, and not the benefit of your subscribers.
    Bottom line: email address is a mug's game, and one not often played by people who know the rules.

  • Regular expressions in eclipse

    am trying to filter out some search results in eclipse with regular expressions, but am not having any luck. I am trying to find all jsp pages that contain html:text tags that DON'T have a maxlength attribute.
    I have tried this, but it doesn't seem to work:
    html:text .*[^m][^a][^x][^l|L][^e][^n][^g][^t][^h]How do you specify to NOT match an entire string (like maxlength, for example) while still matching another string (like html:text) in the same regexp?
    Thanks in advance.

    "[^>m]++" matches one or more of anything that's not '>' or 'm', which is always safe. If that fails (meaning a '>' or 'm' was seen), the second alternative tries to match an 'm' unless it's the beginning of "maxlength" (it could actually be the middle of "foobarmaxlength", but I'm assuming that won't happen). The whole alternation is in a group controlled by an asterisk, so it will keep cycling until either '>' or "maxlength" is seen. If it's "maxlength" rather than '>' that stops the loop, the regex fails.
    I was assuming that '>' wouldn't appear inside a tag. (It actually can, even in HTML, if it's enclosed in quotes, but nobody ever seems to do that. JSP, of course, is another story.) I think the simplest way to fix this regex is to add another alternative for quoted values:  <html:text\b([^>"m]++|"[^"]*+"|m(?!axlength))*+>BTW, it's important to use possessive quantifiers (++, +, etc.) in a pattern like this, where the general form is (X)*. Otherwise, you could get into a runaway-backtracking scenario where the regex takes forever to decide no match is possible.

  • ON SAVE -The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.


    The difference for me isn't the browser - it is the firewall. The machines where this consistently fails have firewalls that are flagging it because there is a post command that contains a <script> tag or javascript reference. The firewall event log includes the button from Bill's example. It successfully saves the item, and you can revisit the edit page and run the page, but clicking Apply Changes with javascript as Bill outlined, or including javascript in a region or page, tosses the error instead of returning to the edit page.
    Event description
    A remote attacker may be attempting to execute arbitrary code on the Web server by sending a specially-crafted POST command containing malicious script. The script could be written in Java or some other scripting language.
    I suspect it's the same for Bill.
    Interesting note for posterity._
    Using a machine where the example fails using Apex 4.0 I added a simple js to a region footer.
    <script type="text/javascript">
    This fails.
    Same machine, same browser, new tab, I opened an Apex 3.2 page and did the exact same thing - added that javascript to the region footer. It worked. Nothing recorded in the firewall log.
    Go figure...

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