Register a Oracle Web Account; Username

When I try to make a new Oracle Web Account I have to fill in the fields under "Are you a new user ?" in '
I don't have an account yet so I assume that I don't have to fill in the fields under "Already have an account".
Under "Are you a new user ?" and in the field Email I have to fill in my emailadress and therefore appears after Continue in the next screen my Username to be my emailadress ! I don't want that.
How can I make an account with my username to be a name and not an emailadress ?

Unfortunately, that is the way it is working right now -- your username is in the form of an email address.

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    Hi All!
    I was able to call the service EGO_ITEM_PUB-PROCESS_ITEM, but after implemented some patches, suddenly I get this error as result:
    - <env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
    - <env:Body>
    - <OutputParameters xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <X_INVENTORY_ITEM_ID xsi:nil="true" />
    <X_ORGANIZATION_ID xsi:nil="true" />
    <X_MSG_DATA>Encountered an error while getting the ORACLE user account for your concurrent request. Contact your system administrator.</X_MSG_DATA>
    Any ideas?

    hsawwan wrote:
    I was able to call the service EGO_ITEM_PUB-PROCESS_ITEM, but after implemented some patches, What are those patches?
    # Patch 8407693:R12.TXK.B ISG: Service Generation Failure - Java Compiler Could Not be Found
    # Patch 8459663:R12.OWF.B : Mandatory Consolidated One-Off Fixes for ISG on Top of 12.1.1
    # Patch 8916358:R12.OWF.B : Service Timeout When Invoking Services Deployed to Integrated SOA Gateway
    # Patch 9349321:R12.OWF.B : Issue with item Bulk Load in Oracle Product Hub PIP 2.4
    # Patch 9446625:R12.FND.B : 1OFF:8995921:12.1.1:12.1.1:PERF : LoginModules Performance Issue
    # Patch 9070077:R12.OWF.B : 1OFF:9045280:12.1.1:12.1.1:Invoking a Web Service Requires NLS Lang When It Should be Optional
    # Patch 9153106:R12.OWF.B : IREP_Parser.PL Exits with GETPWUID Function IS Unimplemented in PARSER.PM -> Wichtig für ISG (für custom pl/sqls im ISG)
    # Patch 9004712:R12.OWF.B : One-Off for IREP PARSER on Top of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.1.1 -> Wichtig für ISG (für custom pl/sqls im ISG)
    # Patch 8607523 for the AS version
    Oracle Support told me that I need this patches because of some other problem (generating wsdl and deploy for BOM_BO_PUB package does not work in my environment) and since that, the process_item call stopped working!
    btw: The EGO_ITEM_PUB-PROCESS_ITEM call for an existing item still works (I can modify the description), but creating a new item does not work anymore. Here are the parameters I send to the web service:
    <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">

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    Where are you trying to amend your username?
    It should be done at

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    I will have to reinstall CS4 on my new computer.

    It’s already registered. You don’t need to register it again.

  • How much pain does registering two Oracle Testing Id Cause to everyone?

    Reading the forum over the last 8 months or so seems apparent to me that if a candidate has two (or more!) Oracle Testing Id's and takes exams under both then problems will result as certifications will not be generated untill all pre-requisite passes are under the same Oracle Testing Id. (For those having taken exams under Prometric their Oracle Testing Id has been set to their old Prometric Id.)
    the pain this caused in the old Prometric days is mentioned on the Oracle Certification Blogs Here [] (dont follow the procedure there .. its out of date).
    The procedure for sorting this still remains a merge, however now through Pearson VUE. The procedure is not directly on Support FAQs [] though would indirectly be covered by (I have not received my success kit what do I do?). The procedure required is however authoratively mentioned at {message:id=3923313}. However as can be seen in the rest of the thread {thread:id=991553} there appears to be occasions when some Pearson Personnel VUE appear to not realise they are responsible for initiating the merge and sometimes the merge man may be on holiday (or maybe off on stress through the number of merge's perhaps?)
    Thus the candidate with two Oracle Testing Id's has a possibility (maybe even likelihood) of pain further down the line in getting it sorted. But as far as I am aware it is usually sorted ... though it may take a while. Pain to Candidate.
    Oracle and Pearson VUE have pain through this as well. There is a support cost dealing with the Oracle Testing Id Merge. Not just in authenticating and performing the merge but also when the query comes as a problem but the root cause is found to be multiple Oracle Testing Ids. While this does give support teams an opportunity to perform the net effect is increased costs for Oracle/Pearson VUE - which means reduced profits or perhaps more likely increased exam costs for everyone - in other words a pain for everyone.
    Basically no one wins on this.
    Why does it happen? I'll exclude why people have had multiple Prometric Id's (Oracle Testing Id's) for exams taken under Prometric. What was done under Prometric has been done.
    However under Pearson VUE why might this happen?
    If I start off at the linke [] - Click on My Account - then the Link Create a new web account a form is presented:
    The key part of this form is in the Previous Testing History Frame :
    Please provide the following information.
         Have you tested with Oracle Certification Program before?
         (*) No, this will be my first time testing with Oracle Certification Program.
         (*) Yes, I have tested with Oracle Certification Program before.
               Enter your Oracle Testing ID, if available:If people answer NO to this question and subsequently then need/request an Oracle Testing Id Merge in my opinion they should be charged for this. This is a blatant mistruth. I suspect some people may rush to get regsitered and take the exam and or care about the registration details; or are happy for it to be sorted afterwards rather than getting the Oracle Testing Id. Sorted now.
    - There needs to be a further email just in case they has the wrong button selected by mistake, so after registering the fact there has been no oracle testing needs to be confirmed. I believe, because of form design, there may be a signifcant chance of this happening.
    - There also needs to be indications that if two Pearson VUE Oracle Accounts have been created then subsequently different exams have been passed on each then merging will incur a cost. This is just slopiness by the registrant.
    If the people answer yes; but make a mistake in the Oracle Testing Id, they hopefully that would be picked up.
    IF people answer yes, but leave the Oracle Testing Id blank, hopefully Pearson is on top of getting it sorted and not let the issue propogate. The effects of leaving this blank as unclear to me, and I hope good procedures are in place for handling it.
    There is also IMHO a big issue here that it is not obvious from this page that canididates should enter their old Prometic Testing Id here.
    In summary I believe people having mulitple Oracle Testing Id's hurts us all, and to prevent this I would suggest a charge for merge where a candidate have incorrectly siad they have not done Oracle Testing before and where they have a had clear chance to correct this in the event the relevant form radio button has flipped without them noticing.
    But I also believe Pearson VUE could probably do a couple of minor changes to procedures, pages and boilerplates to reduce the chances of problems occuring. I think some problems could be stopped before they start.
    (1) Any pages referenced are by myself from UK at time of post. Sometimes from other countries they can be different

    I'd just like to add to this that one poster {message:id=4029960} appears not to have given a Oracle Testing ID when registering with Pearson VUE and that Pearson VUE appears to have located it for him. I assume he indicated he had tested previously and presumably his profile details matched those held by Oracle from Prometric. This appears to be a single (unverified) instance of this working correctly; and the candidate not ending up with multiple Oracle Testing Ids'.

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    I think you should contact Apple support and explain the problem to them.  It's not unknown but it might have a security side to it.   Better safe than sorry.
    Apple - Support - Apple ID - Contact

  • How to use iChat to register a new Jabber Account

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    Now, I've read that Jabber needs an account to be "registered" and several messaging clients (Psi, Adium, etc) support that registration process. What I'd like to know is either:
    a) How can one use iChat to perform the Jabber account registration process?
    b) Is there another suggested piece of software that could be used by an administrator or one individual that could complete that process so that clients could use iChat?
    That ought to do it.

    With the exception of the Get a iChat Screen Name button in the First pane of Add an Account ichat has no other way to Register any name.
    AN MobileMe name from Apple, an AIM Name for the AIM site or a Google Name all require that you register via a web Browser on a site.
    Some Other Jabber servers also allow you to do this but on the whole it needs something like Psi or AdimuX that have the Jabber Registration module.
    However if you are using OX Server then the Tiger and Leopard version have an iChat Server (which is a Jabber Server) on which Accounts can be set up.
    Leopard iChat Server Forum
    9:30 PM Tuesday; June 2, 2009
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"

  • Error in Calling Oracle Web Service through Eclipse-indigo

    Hi All,
    I'm getting an below error when trying to call my oracle web service through Eclipse-indigo.
    IWAB0135E An unexpected error has occurred.
    Bad Gateway
    Steps followed to create oracle web service and invoke WS :-
    Followed link
    which explans how to create oracle web service.
    1. Configure HTTP Access
    2. Configure the ORAWSV Servlet
    3. created user 'test' and wrote simple procedure getdescription which will return name for request id.
    4. granted all privilages to user.
    5. The orawsv servlet automatically generates a WSDL file.
    6. trying to call WS through Eclipse-indigo, but i get error.

    Trying to test via PL/SQL first via (see the following url for more info: Re: Using utl_dbws to call web service ) for example something like the following:
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> --
    SQL> --
      3  '<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="
    encoding/" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
      4          <SOAP-ENV:Body>
      5                  <m:SNUMBER-GET_SQRTInput xmlns:m="">
      6                          <m:INPUT_VALUE-NUMBER-IN>2</m:INPUT_VALUE-NUMBER-IN>
      7                  </m:SNUMBER-GET_SQRTInput>
      8          </SOAP-ENV:Body>
      9  </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>');
    11    V_REQUEST           UTL_HTTP.REQ;
    12    V_RESPONSE          UTL_HTTP.RESP;
    13    V_BUFFER            VARCHAR2(1024);
    14  BEGIN
    17    UTL_HTTP.SET_HEADER(V_REQUEST, 'User-Agent', 'Mozilla/4.0');
    18    V_REQUEST.METHOD := 'POST';
    23    LOOP
    26    END LOOP;
    31  END;
    32  /
    old   5:                <m:SNUMBER-GET_SQRTInput xmlns:m="">
    new   5:                <m:SNUMBER-GET_SQRTInput xmlns:m="">
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
    <GET_SQRTOutput xmlns="">
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> --In the example give above the WSDL info should be seen via

  • Failed to Install the "Oracle Web Services Manager Configuration Assistant"

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    Starting OLite in background ...
    Exception in thread "main" oracle.tip.esb.install.exception.InstallationDBException: Failed to execute sql file"D:\product\\OracleAS_1\integration\esb\sql\other\wfeventc.sql"
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.db.RunSQLScript.runScript(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.db.RunSQLScript.runScriptListInternal(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.db.RunSQLScript.runScriptList(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.db.NonOracleDB.runScripts(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.db.OLite.install(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.db.InstallerMain.main(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [POL-3023] ????????
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.LiteThinJDBCConnection.thinSQLError(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.LiteThinJDBCConnection.thinDriverConnect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.LiteThinJDBCConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.LiteThinJDBCFactory.createConnection(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.POLJDBCConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.OracleConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.POLJDBCDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.db.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnection(Unknown Source)
         ... 6 more
    Java Result: 1
    Importing Default System ...
    Stopping background OLite process ...
    CA::DEBUG:******:Finished OLite Install ...
    Finished Olite configuration ...
    Total time: 12 seconds
    Exit: 0
    TASK: oracle.tip.esb.install.tasks.ConfigureOC4J
    Configuring OC4J ...
    id value is 2
    id value is IASPT
    process-type value is 1
    id value is 3
    id value is IASPT
    id value is 3
    id value is ASG
    process-type value is 1
    id value is 2
    id value is ASG
    id value is 1
    id value is default_group
    process-type value is 1
    id value is 3
    id value is home
    process-type value is 1
    process-type value is 2
    process-type value is 1
    final map size value is 2
    id value is -Xrs -server -XX:MaxPermSize=128M -ms512M -mx1024M -XX:AppendRatio=3$ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/java2.policy -Djava.awt.headless=true -Dhttp.webdir.enable=false
    Jun 22, 2010 2:39:09 PM oracle.tip.esb.install.tasks.ConfigureOC4J getOpmnRequestPort
    INFO: Port value is 6003
    D:\product\\OracleAS_1\jdk\bin\java -Dant.home=D:\product\\OracleAS_1\ant -classpath D:\product\\OracleAS_1\ant\lib\ant.jar;D:\product\\OracleAS_1\ant\lib\ant-launcher.jar;D:\product\\OracleAS_1\integration\esb\lib\ant-contrib-1.0b1.jar -Dinstall.type=SoaBasic -Desb.home=D:\product\\OracleAS_1\integration\esb -Doc4j.home.dir=D:\product\\OracleAS_1 -Djava.home=D:\product\\OracleAS_1\jdk -Doracle.home=D:\product\\OracleAS_1 -Ddb.vendor=olite -Dimport.export.db_url=jdbc:polite4@localhost:1531:oraesb -Desb.appserver=ias_10.1.3 -Doc4j.design_time_host=dpxc67-01 -Doc4j.design_time_port=8888 -Dprimary.container=home -Dinstall.mode=OracleInstallerias_10.1.3_SoaBasic -Dsso=true -Dinstall.component=install-developer -Denv.OC4J_STANDALONE_HOME=D:\product\\OracleAS_1 -Dias_admin.password=*password cannot be displayed* -Denv.JAVA_HOME=D:\product\\OracleAS_1\jdk -Denv.SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD=*password cannot be displayed* -Dopmn.requestport=6003 -Ddb.vendor=olite -Ddb.connect.string=jdbc:polite4@localhost:1531:oraesb -Ddb.username=system -Dias.virtual_host=dpxc67-01 -Denv.DB_USER=system -Denv.DB_URL=jdbc:polite4@localhost:1531:oraesb -Desb.oc4j.container=home -Denv.DB_PASSWORD=*password cannot be displayed* -Ddb.password=*password cannot be displayed* -e -buildfile esbinstall.xml deploy-applications
    Buildfile: esbinstall.xml
    Trying to override old definition of datatype echoproperties
    Adding shared library apache.junit ...
    Adding shared library oracle.db.lite ...
    Adding shared library apache.commons 10.1.3 ...
    Adding shared library apache.jdom ...
    Adding shared library apache.slide ...
    Running batch script by:
    java admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:opmn://dpxc67-01:6003/home -script D:\product\\OracleAS_1\integration\esb\install\ant-tasks/esb_admin_client_script_sl.txt
    publishSharedLibrary command was successful
    publishSharedLibrary command was successful
    publishSharedLibrary command was successful
    publishSharedLibrary command was successful
    publishSharedLibrary command was successful
    publishSharedLibrary command was successful
    Adding shared library oracle.esb ...
    deployer.url: deployer:oc4j:opmn://dpxc67-01:6003/home
    publishSharedLibrary command was successful
    Deploying ESB design time ...
    Binding ESB design time ...
    Deploying ESB run time ...
    Binding ESB runtime ...
    Deploying orainfra.ear ...
    Binding orainfra ...
    Running batch script by:
    java admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:opmn://dpxc67-01:6003/home -script D:\product\\OracleAS_1\integration\esb\install\ant-tasks/esb_deployapps.txt
    10/06/22 14:39:20 Notification ==>Application Deployer for esb-dt STARTS.
    10/06/22 14:39:20 Notification ==>Copy the archive to D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\applications\esb-dt.ear
    10/06/22 14:39:20 Notification ==>Initialize D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\applications\esb-dt.ear begins...
    10/06/22 14:39:20 Notification ==>Unpacking esb-dt.ear
    10/06/22 14:39:21 Notification ==>Done unpacking esb-dt.ear
    10/06/22 14:39:21 Notification ==>Unpacking esb_console.war
    10/06/22 14:39:22 Notification ==>Done unpacking esb_console.war
    10/06/22 14:39:22 Notification ==>Unpacking esb-jca-dt.rar
    10/06/22 14:39:22 Notification ==>Done unpacking esb-jca-dt.rar
    10/06/22 14:39:22 Notification ==>Initialize D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\applications\esb-dt.ear ends...
    10/06/22 14:39:22 Notification ==>Starting application : esb-dt
    10/06/22 14:39:22 Notification ==>Initializing ClassLoader(s)
    10/06/22 14:39:22 Notification ==>Initializing EJB container
    10/06/22 14:39:22 Notification ==>Loading connector(s)
    10/06/22 14:39:22 Notification ==>Starting up resource adapters
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Warning. Unable to set up connection factory to location esb-dt for a resource adapter in {1}
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Initializing EJB sessions
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Committing ClassLoader(s)
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Initialize esb_console begins...
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Initialize esb_console ends...
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Started application : esb-dt
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Application Deployer for esb-dt COMPLETES. Operation time: 2875 msecs
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Application Deployer for esb-rt STARTS.
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Copy the archive to D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\applications\esb-rt.ear
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Initialize D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\applications\esb-rt.ear begins...
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Unpacking esb-rt.ear
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Done unpacking esb-rt.ear
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Unpacking provider-war.war
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Done unpacking provider-war.war
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Unpacking esb-jca-rt.rar
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Done unpacking esb-jca-rt.rar
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Initialize D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\applications\esb-rt.ear ends...
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Starting application : esb-rt
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Initializing ClassLoader(s)
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Initializing EJB container
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Loading connector(s)
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Starting up resource adapters
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Warning. Unable to set up connection factory to location esb-rt for a resource adapter in {1}
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Initializing EJB sessions
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Committing ClassLoader(s)
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Initialize provider-war begins...
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Initialize provider-war ends...
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Started application : esb-rt
    10/06/22 14:39:23 Notification ==>Application Deployer for esb-rt COMPLETES. Operation time: 203 msecs
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Application Deployer for orainfra STARTS.
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Copy the archive to D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\applications\orainfra.ear
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Initialize D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\applications\orainfra.ear begins...
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Unpacking orainfra.ear
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Done unpacking orainfra.ear
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Unpacking orainfra.war
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Done unpacking orainfra.war
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Initialize D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\applications\orainfra.ear ends...
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Starting application : orainfra
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Initializing ClassLoader(s)
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Initializing EJB container
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Loading connector(s)
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Starting up resource adapters
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Initializing EJB sessions
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Committing ClassLoader(s)
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Initialize orainfra begins...
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Initialize orainfra ends...
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Started application : orainfra
    10/06/22 14:39:24 Notification ==>Application Deployer for orainfra COMPLETES. Operation time: 219 msecs
    Configuring data sources for olite dehydration store ...
    design time host dpxc67-01
    design time port 8888
    primary container home
    the host is dpxc67-01and the port is 8888
    Exception in thread "main" oracle.tip.esb.install.exception.InstallationDBException: Connection Refused ""
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.db.NonOracleDB.runConnectionTest(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.db.NonOracleDB.load(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.ESBInstaller.setupDB(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.ESBInstaller.handleDesignTimeSpecificActions(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.ESBInstaller.main(Unknown Source)
    Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [POL-3023] ????????
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.LiteThinJDBCConnection.thinSQLError(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.LiteThinJDBCConnection.thinDriverConnect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.LiteThinJDBCConnection.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.LiteThinJDBCFactory.createConnection(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.POLJDBCConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.OracleConnection.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.lite.poljdbc.POLJDBCDriver.connect(Unknown Source)
         at oracle.tip.esb.install.db.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnection(Unknown Source)
         ... 5 more
    Java Result: 1
    Copying 1 file to D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\lib\ext
    Using sso=true. Redeploying esb-dt with sso
    Copying 1 file to D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\applications\esb-dt\META-INF
    Copying 1 file to D:\product\\OracleAS_1\j2ee\home\application-deployments\esb-dt

    It could be due to system language setting -
    install SOA Suite failed

  • I'm getting this error message: "User not registered for online use" when i'm trying to download music/ track names from a CD into ITunes on my Windows 8 PC.  I'm registered and my itunes account/ appleID are all correct and working.

    I'm getting this error message: "User not registered for online use" when i'm trying to download music/ track names from a CD into ITunes on my Windows 8 PC.  I'm registered and my itunes account/ appleID are all correct and working.

    The ""not recognized for on-line use". error is associated with the Gracenote service that iTunes uses to look up and retrieve metadata for CDs.  Some users have reported that this error occurs when trying to import from CD, subsequent to upgrading to version 12.  A number of slightly different solutions have been reported (though all of a similar nature).
    Try walking through the following steps - before starting you may have to enable hidden files and folders to be viewed - in Windows 7 / Windows Explorer select Organize > Folder and search options, then on the View tab make sure that Show hidden files, folders and drives is selected.  Without this you won't see the AppData folder in C:\Users\username\
    Exit iTunes
    In Windows Explorer, go to the folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes
    Delete the following files:
    CD Info.cidb
    Restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    If this doesn't work:
    In iTunes, select Edit > Preferences and make a note (or take a screenshot) of your preferences settings in all relevant tabs
    Exit iTunes
    In Windows Explorer, go to the folder C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes
    Delete the following file:iTunesPrefs.xml
    Restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    If this second procedure does work, you'll need to restore other iTunes preferences settings to those that you noted in step 1.
    If this one didn't work:
    Exit iTunes
    Check the following folders:
    C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\iTunes
    C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Apple Computer\iTunes
    Delete any copies of the following files:
    CD Info.cidb
    Restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    Again, if this procedure does work, you'll need to restore other iTunes preferences settings to those that you noted in step 1 of the second procedure. If you're still not able to retrieve CD info:
    Exit iTunes
    In Windows, select Start > Control Panel > Programs and Features.  Find the entry for iTunes, right-click and select Repair.
    When this process has finished, restart iTunes
    Insert a CD and see if details are now correctly retrieved from Gracenote
    If none of these have worked (and almost everything I've seen suggests you should be OK by this point), you may have an issue with the installation and configuration of iTunes itself.  If you have got this far, see turingtest2's notes on Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for advice on how to remove and replace of all components of iTunes.

  • Gateway in Oracle Web Service Manager

    Does anybody know a really usable document for gateways in Oracle Web Service Manager?
    I tried to use the common Oracle's document to create a gateway and counfigure a tomcat-axis web service in it, but I could not manage it.
    Supposing that I have a webservice on http://localhost:8088/axis/services/ExtService?wsdl
    and I have a OWSM administrable on http://localhost:3115/ccore
    what wuld be the steps to register my webservice into OWSM to be able to call my web service through OWSM?
    thanx in advance,

    Hi Eric,
    thank you for your answer.
    Now I managed to authenticate the user with WS-BASE against LDAP server (ApacheDS), but, with the authorization I can not move on.
    The structure of my Ldap entries is the following:
    -> system
      -> groups
        -> tomcatCallers
    attributes: cn: tomcatCallers
    objectClass: groupOfUniqueNames
    objectClass: top
    uniqueMember: 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1=owsmuser,
      -> users
        -> owsmuser
    attributes: cn: OWSM user
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: organizationalPerson
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: top
    sn: OWSM
    uid: owsmuser
    So, Authentication against owsmuser is OK, with parameters:
    LDAP baseDN (*): ou=users,ou=system
    Uid Attribute (*): uid
    How should I configure the policy step Ldap Authorize?
    I tried it with parameters:
    LDAP baseDN (*): ou=system
    ServiceRoles : tomcatCallers
    Uid Attribute (*): uid
    but it does not seem to work. I get the fault: 'Access Denied. User: owsmuser'
    One more question :-) :
    if I make a 2nd policy gateway with ID C0003002 and configure it in file
    with propery and restart the OWSM the gateway identified by C0003001 becomes unreachable.
    How can I configure OWSM to eable all the gateways at the same time?
    thanx in advance,
    Edited by: user5329589 on Jul 1, 2010 5:04 AM

  • Spellcheck in Oracle Web Access Client

    need the spellcheck in the Email Oracle Web Access Client. The question is:
    are this functionality in this Java version of email???
    Because I find this functionality (spellcheck) in the HTML version of Oracle
    Mail but I cant find the spellcheck in the Java version of email.
    Is possible connect the spellcheck from the HTML version to the Java Version or
    this is an Enhancement Request to be logged on this issue for the next version.
    Karla Barreto

    You can't do that in WAC but in the Webmail interface > Preferences > Account > Folders you can set this for Oracle Mail.
    Hope it helps.

  • Oracle Web App Server performance problems

    I am evaluating Oracle Web Application Server 3.0 and while
    everything seems to work ok, the performance is noticeably
    slower than Oracle Web Server 1.0 or 2.0. I have narrowed the
    problem down to the access/execution time to a database
    package. In other words, the PL/SQL code I have built does not
    contain any Oracle SQL statements. The package simply builds a
    small web page. If I had to guess, I would say it appears to be
    related to either a log-in to Oracle (which does not take that
    long in a ProC program) or excessive child process creation
    overhead (other programs like Apache handle this just fine). I
    created the package in the www_user account, set a virtual path
    of /test/owa/ to access it and while the page displays
    correctly, it takes about 12 to 13 seconds to do so.
    I'm running Linux on a Dell 400 MHz Pentium II with 1 Gb of
    ram. I have tried changing the cartridge configuration so that
    it starts with 2 processes instead of the default 0. This
    helped some after the first execution of the package (response
    time went from 12 seconds down to about 7). I am running it
    without security on the virtual path (I thought maybe that was
    slowing things down). I tried setting the user sessions to true
    (default was false) and setting a timeout of 1200. None of
    these things helped (nor did they make it any worse).
    On an old HP system (much slower SQLPlus response time than this
    Dell system), web pages fly at a pretty good speed using PL/SQL
    and version 2 of the web server. Except for the actual database
    query time to perform SQL queries, pages display in subsecond
    time frames; not 12 seconds.
    Please give me some idea how to improve the performance.
    Obviously, something is different with 3.0 than the older wrb
    and server.
    [email protected]

    I am evaluating Oracle Web Application Server 3.0 and while
    everything seems to work ok, the performance is noticeably
    slower than Oracle Web Server 1.0 or 2.0. I have narrowed the
    problem down to the access/execution time to a database
    package. In other words, the PL/SQL code I have built does not
    contain any Oracle SQL statements. The package simply builds a
    small web page. If I had to guess, I would say it appears to be
    related to either a log-in to Oracle (which does not take that
    long in a ProC program) or excessive child process creation
    overhead (other programs like Apache handle this just fine). I
    created the package in the www_user account, set a virtual path
    of /test/owa/ to access it and while the page displays
    correctly, it takes about 12 to 13 seconds to do so.
    I'm running Linux on a Dell 400 MHz Pentium II with 1 Gb of
    ram. I have tried changing the cartridge configuration so that
    it starts with 2 processes instead of the default 0. This
    helped some after the first execution of the package (response
    time went from 12 seconds down to about 7). I am running it
    without security on the virtual path (I thought maybe that was
    slowing things down). I tried setting the user sessions to true
    (default was false) and setting a timeout of 1200. None of
    these things helped (nor did they make it any worse).
    On an old HP system (much slower SQLPlus response time than this
    Dell system), web pages fly at a pretty good speed using PL/SQL
    and version 2 of the web server. Except for the actual database
    query time to perform SQL queries, pages display in subsecond
    time frames; not 12 seconds.
    Please give me some idea how to improve the performance.
    Obviously, something is different with 3.0 than the older wrb
    and server.
    [email protected]

  • Problem in using OracleAS Web Cache as Load Balancer

    I have two machines: and
    Both of above machines are running Redhat Linux AS 4.
    On both machines, I have installed Oracle Forms and Reports 10g Services. I have deployed my application on both machines.
    I am able to access my application at by doing:
    and I am also able to access my application at by doing:
    I have implemented OracleAS Web Cache at machine, and have enabled the Load Balancing.
    In Origin Servers, its showing me two servers:
    Host =>, PORT=> 7778, Routing=> Enabled, CAPACITY=>100, Failover Threshold=>5, PING URL=>/, PROTOCOL=>HTTP
    Host =>, PORT=> 7778, Routing=> Enabled, CAPACITY=>100, Failover Threshold=>5, PING URL=>/, PROTOCOL=>HTTP
    In Site Definition, I have following information:
    Host Name=>, PORT=>7777
    In site-to-server mapping, I have following information:
    Priority      Host Name      Port      ESI Content Policy      Host Name      Port      Proxy
    1      7777      Unrestricted      7778      No      7778                                    No
    2      *      7777           Exclude Fragments      7778      No
    3      *      *           Exclude Fragments      7778      No
    In Session Binding, I have selected "JSESSIONID" as session, and "OC4J-based" as session binding mechanism.
    Now please guide me as how would I run my application by using the OracleAS Web Cache?
    What would be the URL?
    Do I need to make any changes in httpd.conf files of and
    Please guide.
    Thanks and regards

    i hv recently configured webcache load-balancing for my 2 mid-tiers.I did not upgrade pre-requisite webcache upgrade patch 4569559 to my 10g rel 2 OAS and it still worked a bit but I do have some doubts why oracle recommends installing this patch before configuring webcache load-balancing.Have u?
    btw u need to collapse all the features of webcache of caching to turn on http load-balancing.U need to add a parameter to internal.xml (LOADBALANCE ON="YES") and register origin servers of both servers with each other and map ur sites so that origin servers of both servers will cater sites of server1 and server2 at the same time.
    what worked for me is i registered origin server of server1 at server2 and origin server of server2 at server1 and mapped site of server1 (http://server1:port/forms/frmservlet?config=something) to work with origin server of server2 as well at site-to-server page so that origin servers of both servers will load-balance my server1 site and vice-versa.
    But still its not seamless.The initial site request was still being routed to the server which is DOWN first and not seamlessly routed to other server which is UP.Maybe webcache upgrade patch would hv done this seamlessly????
    Edited by: anandk on Oct 26, 2009 6:28 PM

  • Oracle Web ADI integrate with Fixed Asset

    Dear All,
    We are doing a test for integrating fixed asset - physical inventory with Oracle Web ADI. We have managed to define the layout and create mapping for Fixed Asset - Physical Inventory, but when it came to create document for fixed asset, it does not have Fixed Asset - Physical Inventory as the integrator in the list. Does anyone know how to add Fixed Asset - Physical Inventory into the list of integrator? If you know how to do it, may you please post me the steps to add it?
    Thank you,

    If you need provisioning, your product is OIM. OAM
    controls access to web applicationes. If you need to
    provision different apps, and each one has its own
    user repository, you will need to deploy an OIM
    connector for each of them.I have done the integration of OIM with Oracle Apps 11i and now consider on adding other standalone applications such web apps, discoverer to the system. Seems from your answer, we do not need OAM. We only want the accounts managed at the central OIM. Let me know if i am wrong.

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