Regular expression not giving the required output.

Hi , I have msgs that look like this :
dear john smith you Bought 500 shares of Nile Cotton Ginning at 14.9 L.E On 21/01/10
Im using the Regular expression to get 4 substrings of this msg
2-Quantity of shares (ex: 500)
3-Name of the stock (ex:Nile Cotton Ginning)
4-price (ex:14.9)
Here is my code , but the output returns the whole msg back :
regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at (.*)','\1')),'(watheeqa)') buy_sell
regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at (.*)','\2')),'(watheeqa)') amount ,
regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at (.*)','\3')),'(watheeqa)') company ,
regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at ([0-9]*\.[0-9]*|[0-9][^A-Z][^a-z]) .*','\4')),'(watheeqa)') price
from SMSOUTMSG@bimsic s
where trunc(SENDDATE) = trunc(sysdate) -1
and exists (select 1 from PHONEDETAIL@bimsic p
            and SMSFLAG = 1);Thanks.

It does check it out
with t
select 'dear john smith you Bought 500 shares of Nile Cotton Ginning at 14.9 L.E On 21/01/10' smstext from dual
regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at (.*)','\1')),'(watheeqa)') buy_sell,
regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at (.*)','\2')),'(watheeqa)') amount ,
regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at (.*)','\3')),'(watheeqa)') company ,
regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at ([0-9]*\.[0-9]*|[0-9][^A-Z][^a-z]) .*','\4')),'(watheeqa)') price
from t

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    Maybe NOT TESTED! remember the [url]mantra
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      from books b,
           (select bid,count(*) the_count
              from borrowing
             group by bid
           ) c
    where = c.bidRegards

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    * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
    * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package Exp4;
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.GridLayout;
    import java.awt.event.ItemEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
    import javax.swing.JComboBox;
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            cb= new JComboBox<>();
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            combox obj=new combox();
        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e)
            else if(e.getItemSelectable().equals(1))

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    What I have got working is indvidual alert logging of Unix Log alerts by exporting the MP and changing the <IndividualAlerts> value to true and removing the suppression xml section then reimporting the MP.
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    -bash: !: event not found
    [root@bld02 ~]# tail /var/log/messages
    Nov 13 15:07:26 bld02 root: SCOM Test Warning Event ID 1001 Round 18
    Nov 13 15:07:29 bld02 root: SCOM Test Warning Event ID 1000 Round 18
    Nov 13 15:07:35 bld02 root: SCOM Test Warning Event ID 1002 Round 18
    So I am expecting 2 alerts to be generated.
    SCOM tests to show expression working:
    Test 1 Matching
    Test 2 to exclude
    Need some help with this, Thankyou in advance :)

    Here's an example of modifying the MP to exclude particular events.  Firstly, I created a log file rule using the MP template that is fairly inclusive - matching the string Warning (with either a lower or upper case W).
    I then exported the MP, and modified the rule.  I set the IndividualAlerts = true and removed the AlertSuppression element, so that every matched line will fire a unique alert.  You don't have to remove the AlertSuppression, but you should use
    Individual alerts so that the exclusion logic doesn't exclude concurrent events that you actually want to match.
    Implementing the exclusion logic involves the addition of a System.ExpressionFilter definition in the rule. This will use a conditional evaluation of the //row element of the data item.  Here's an example of a dataitem matching an individual row:
    <DataItem type="System.Event.Data"time="2013-11-15T10:33:14.8839662-08:00"sourceHealthServiceId="667FF365-70DD-6607-5B66-F9F95253B29F">
    <RawDescription>Detected Entry: warning 1002</RawDescription>
    <CollectDescription Type="Boolean">true</CollectDescription>
    <DataItem type="SCXLogProviderDataSourceData"time="2013-11-15T10:33:14.8839662-08:00"sourceHealthServiceId="667FF365-70DD-6607-5B66-F9F95253B29F">
    <row>warning 1002</row>
    <EventDescription>Detected Entry: warning 1002</EventDescription>
    Here is the rule in the MP XML.  The <ConditionDetection>...</ConditionDetection> content was what I added to do the exclusion filtering:
    <Rule ID="LogFileTemplate_66b86eaded094c309ffd2631b8367a32.Alert" Enabled="false" Target="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
    <DataSource ID="EventDS" TypeID="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.SCXLog.VarPriv.DataSource">
    <ConditionDetection TypeID="System!System.ExpressionFilter" ID="Filter">
    <XPathQuery Type="String">//row</XPathQuery>
    <WriteAction ID="GenerateAlert" TypeID="Health!System.Health.GenerateAlert">
    <AlertName>Log File Alert: ExclusionExample</AlertName>
    I traced this with the Workflow Analyzer as I tested, which shows the logic being applied.  Here is the exclusion happening:
    Here's more info on the definition of an ExpressionFilter:
    And more information on Regular Expressions in MPs:
    You can also have multiple Expressions in the ExpressionFilter joined by OR or AND operators.
    Also, if you are comfortable with the MP authoring, you can just skip the step of creating the rules in the MP template and just author your own MP with the VSAE tool:

  • Why is RoboHelp not displaying the required data content of .chm when linked as Help in my App ?

    Gorgeous Hello All,
    Has anyone encountered the below-said show- stopper. Another BIG TIME help required, will help me in tremendous fashion.
    Am using Adobe RoboHelp, Version 10 and IE version being 10.
    In my local machine :
    1.)I have completed my technical writing courtesy Design editor
    2.)Generating chm File : View -> Pods –> Single Source Layouts -> Right Click on Microsoft HTML Help -> Tagged Set as Primary Layout
    3.)Generating Primary Layout : File -> Generate -> Primary Layout (Microsoft HTML Help)…
    4.)Viewing Primary Layout : File -> View -> Primary Layout
    Everything works FANTASTICALLY till here with the required output (as Hide, Back, Refresh, Home, Print, Options, Contents, Index, Search, Glossary and with the data contents)
    Show Stopper, At my Application Server :
    5.)I copy the entire robohelp project folder from my local machine to my application Server path
    6.)My Application has been developed in ASP .NET, Version 4.0.
    7.)Help link has been created in this application wherein here the file name of < >.chm has been linked in the code to be read from the  Server’s RoboHelp project folder\!SSL!\ Microsoft_HTML_Help\
    8.)I login into my above-said application -> click on the Help page -> Displays the required structure /buttons as Hide, Back, Refresh, Home, Print, Options, Contents, Index, Search, Glossary
    a.)Clicking on any of the Books or Topics appearing beneath Contents : The System prompts out with error cautionary message called “ Navigation to the webpage was cancelled. What you can try: Retype the address ”
    *** This is a huge SHOW-STOPPER. I spent plenty of hours on this, but unable to deciper with a solution at all) ***
    ( Note : Am able to directly open and read the required data contents by Clicking on any of the Books or Topics appearing beneath Contents from Server’s RoboHelp project folder\!SSL!\ Microsoft_HTML_Help\ < >.chm )
    Why is the RoboHelp not displaying the required data contents of <>.chm when linked as Help in my Application ?
    Cheese – Vipin Nambiar

    If you looked at the error message and searched the forum, you should find the answer as this is a problem that started in 2005. You should not run CHM files from a server and cannot without editing the users registry. See the page below.
    All along your questions have been based on webhelp, why suddenly are we going go CHMs.
    See Snippets on my site for the correct form of help to use in different scenarios.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    You should probably ask in
    Note: Make Sure you post your table structure, your sample query and expected output.

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    i want to extract data from two different tables and to create a single table.
    first table is gc1
    idx suburb_form
    1 ALBANY
    2 PERTH
    WHERE      exists(select NULL from POI.SH_POI_SMALL_CITIES C where upper(trim(A.SUBURB_FORM))=C.CITY OR RTRIM(A.SUBURB_FORM,' CBD')) =C.CITY)     

    CONTAIN ALL RECORDS FROM THE GC1 TABLEIn these case, wouldnt just selecting GC1 be sufficient?

  • Problem of configuration the requirement output control ?

    Hi ,
    i am now in a very urgent situation that is the system does not create the message type after executing the transaction VL31N.
    In detail :
       I have used the transaction NACE to configure the "Requirements output control" and i have created 3 message type (Z1 , Z2, Z3)  ( type V6 : handling unit) and i have coded for each of them to check the requirements for creating the messsage type ( the message type will be created if the sy=subrc = 0 after the forms are executed.
    Check condition from the structure  komkbv6
    if cond Ok
      sy-subrc = 0.
      FORM KOBEV_Z2.
    Check condition from the structure  komkbv6
    if cond Ok
      sy-subrc = 0.
      FORM KOBEV_Z3.
    Check condition from the structure  komkbv6
    if cond Ok
      sy-subrc = 0.
    But in fact , even if i have put the sy-subrc = 0 for each of them or for all , the message type was not created as i need .
    Result :
      if the message type is created automatically after executing the KOBEV or KOBEV , a printing program will be called to print the SAPscript form , but till now , i can not do that , to print the form i have to created the message type by hand ..
    Is the something wrong in the system ? How can i configure them to run well ?
    Please help me .
    PS : I will reward immediately and i am waiting
    Thank you very much

    If you are supposed to bring across characteristic values to your target, then you will not be able to jump from the result line. The configuration expects that the values of the characteristic marked as being used in the jump are filled with unique values. When you use the result line as a source for your jump, the values in the result line will most likely be based on the sum of multiple characteristic values.

  • The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features.

    I am trying to set up timeMachine on my new mac book pro over a regular home network on a shared network drive. I have tried everything but I keep getting "The network backup disk does not support the required AFP features." I am on lion with the lateset unpdate (10.7.4). I have even tried creating sparebundles on from tutorial that I have found online, but non of the hacks that I have tried seemed to work. Have anyone figured out a way around this? If so, can you share, it will be greatful. I could just buy the time capsule that apple sells but I already have a 2TB internal HDD in an old pc that's hosting my file server so no need for the time capsule hardware. Let me know if there is a way around this thank.

    ookakaa wrote:
    1) Apple time capsule
    Or USB drive connected to a Time Capsule
    2) NAS with the latest firmware
    Not just any NAS.  It has to support the communications protocols used by Time Machine (some involving security, some about error detection and handling).  Some NASs never supported TM; some that worked on Leopard never got updated for Snow Leopard; and some that worked on Snow Leopard still haven't been updated for Lion.
    4) Another networked mac (not a pc)
    A Mac running Leopard 10.5.6 or later.
    Are these the only options?
    Those are the only options supported by Apple.  Some other destinations may work, to some degree, in some circumstances.  Some require "hacks" or other workarounds.  Most are somewhat unreliable, and, may stop working at all on the next OSX upgrade.
    Side note. I've been seeing some online post of how some people are setting up TM on a networked PC drive by setting up a sparsebundle like this site:
    Any thoughts? I have tried some of these examples and it don't seem to work...
    Some of those may have worked at one time, in some circumstances (2 are dated before Lion was released, the other is undated). 
    Wireless backups are tricky enough to a supported destination, with all the security and error detection and handling Apple has been able to employ.   If your backups are important to you, don't trust them to a marginal scheme.
    And, in any event, don't trust your backups to a single piece of hardware or software.  See Time Machine - Frequently Asked Question #27 for an explanation and some suggestions.


    Hi All,
    Oracle Apps :12.0.4
    OS:AIX 5.3
    Problem Description:
    We are presently facing an issue in Payables not getting the report output in PDF esp for the reports "Invoice Register", Invoice Hold Report and also other reports. We were able to generate the reports till our last test performed on last Thursday. This instance was cloned over the last weekend and probably the new upgrade to RUP5 R12,would have impacted it.
    Concurrent Programs submitted are completed normal but on clicking "view output" results in Blank PDF output.
    The error message what was shown is as below:
    "Adobe Reader could not open 'AcrC.tmp' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded)".
    Where could we locate ther above 'AcrC.tmp' of Adobe Reader..
    could anyone please share such an experience encountered for resolution..
    Would appreciate an early response..
    Thanks for your time!

    I suggest you speak to your DBA/sysadmin. This is not likely to be a reports problem.
    Check that you can see the output from apps through the viewer (the report may not hav output anything)
    Check whether you can print anything on that printer from apps.
    May also be worth checking to see if you can print to another printer from this report.

  • Scheduling Agreement -Schedule line should not pass the requirement to MRP

    Hi Friends!
    As we all know the scheduling agreements is outline agreement with future schedule lines, with this system will  pass the requirements to MRP for the schedule line which is even after 5 years, so my requirement is  if the schedule line date is above 15 days from the current date then requirement should not pass to MRP. 
    solution which we gave is, SA initially will determine the schedule line category as  CN (which will not transfer the requirement) and  a batch job program will run daily and it will check for each schedule line if any of the schedule is with in the 15 days from the current date then it will change the schedule line category from CN to CP. 
    Now the problem is , by using Batch Job which program I have to call to change the schedule line category?????
    1. we tried BAPI_SALESORDER_CHANGE but when we are changing the CN to CP it is not performing ATP where as if we do manually it is performing.
    2. we tried BDC but here also we facing some strange problem i.e. while recording the ATP screen is not populating where it is coming while doing manual.
    Can someone let me know which one program we should call in Batch job to do this change.

    Hi nath,
    i also failed in changing shedule line category in userexit and in BAPI.
    in one case, i succeded in doing it with a bdc after MV45AFZZ / userexit_save just bevore the datas are reset but after the commit-work is processed.
    the other possibility is, to change the accepted amount in userexit RV03VFZZ / USEREXIT_AVAILABILITY_OUT.
    3. possibility is, to block the order with a delivery - block , same as the credit-control-block. This block can be set in MV45AFZZ or perhaps in BAPI too.

  • HT3275 Since updating OS to Mountain Lion from leopard, I get the following error message when trying to backup with time machine on external drive.  Could not complete backup to media share.  The network backup disk does not support the required AFP feat

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    This means that your NAS does not support the required encryption. Update your NAS to the latest firmware or ditch it and buy a Time Capsule (they are the most reliable when using TM).

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    Try to disable hardware acceleration in Firefox.
    *Firefox > Preferences > Advanced > General > Browsing: "Use hardware acceleration when available"

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