Regular expression to abbreviate the names

I have tables names like MY_TABLE_NAME, and I need to generate the abbreviations for the tables as MTN. Can any one help me to get using regular expression?

SQL> select table_name, regexp_replace(initcap(table_name), '[[:lower:]]|_') new_tab_name from user_tables
TABLE_NAME                     NEW_TAB_NAME                 
UT_METADATA                    UM                           
V_DELIVERY_DC_DW               VDDD                         
V_DBWE_DW                      VDD                          
PLAN_ZIP                       PZ                           
JOB_HISTORY                    JH                           
DEMO_USERS                     DU                           
DEMO_CUSTOMERS                 DC                           
DEMO_ORDERS                    DO                           
DEMO_PRODUCT_INFO              DPI                          
DEMO_ORDER_ITEMS               DOI                          
DEMO_STATES                    DS                           
DEMO_PAGE_HIERARCHY            DPH                          
PLAN_TABLE                     PT                           
UT_LOOKUP_CATEGORIES           ULC                          
MV_CORES                       MC                           
PRODUCTS_QUALITY               PQ                           
V_BSTPOS_DW                    VBD                          
TRN_BR                         TB                           
GL_BR                          GB                           
V_FAKTUR_DW                    VFD                          
CHANGE_LOGS                    CL                           
V_FAKTUR_OLD_DW                VFOD                         
T_EXT                          TE                           
TRANSFER_GLOBAL                TG                           
ORDER_LINES                    OL                           
T_ERR                          TE                           
UT_SUITE_TEST_RESULTS          USTR                         
UT_SUITE_RESULTS               USR                          
UT_TEST_RESULTS                UTR                          
UT_TEST_COVERAGE_STATS         UTCS                         
UT_TEST_IMPL_RESULTS           UTIR                         
UT_TEST_IMPL_ARG_RESULTS       UTIAR                        
UT_TEST_IMPL_VAL_RESULTS       UTIVR                        
UT_SUITE_TEST                  UST                          
UT_SUITE                       US                           
UT_LIB_DYN_QUERIES             ULDQ                         
UT_LIB_VALIDATIONS             ULV                          
UT_LIB_TEARDOWNS               ULT                          
UT_LIB_STARTUPS                ULS                          
UT_TEST_IMPL_ARGUMENTS         UTIA                         
UT_VALIDATIONS                 UV                           
UT_TEST_IMPL                   UTI                          
UT_TEST_ARGUMENTS              UTA                          
UT_TEST                        UT                           
UT_LOOKUP_VALUES               ULV                          
UT_LOOKUP_DATATYPES            ULD                          
ERR_DT                         ED                           
47 rows selected.

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    I would write it that way :SQL> with t as (
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      3          union all select 'ABC#DEF2' from dual
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    2 rows selected.You could also add some length condition in the regexp if your convention is supposed to enforce any.
    Just my 2 cents :
    DBMS_ASSERT.SIMPLE_SQL_NAME looks good +(I didn't know that package)+ but it would allow double quoted names with "unwanted" characters inside. Even if valid for the RDBMS maybe it's not ok regards to the OP's naming convention :SQL> l
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    static function test(i,j)
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    function test(i,j)
    static procedure test
    static procedure test(i,j)
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    The expression can be improved.

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    from SMSOUTMSG@bimsic s
    where trunc(SENDDATE) = trunc(sysdate) -1
    and exists (select 1 from PHONEDETAIL@bimsic p
                and SMSFLAG = 1);Thanks.

    It does check it out
    with t
    select 'dear john smith you Bought 500 shares of Nile Cotton Ginning at 14.9 L.E On 21/01/10' smstext from dual
    regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at (.*)','\1')),'(watheeqa)') buy_sell,
    regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at (.*)','\2')),'(watheeqa)') amount ,
    regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at (.*)','\3')),'(watheeqa)') company ,
    regexp_replace(trim(regexp_replace(SMSTEXT,'^.* you (Sold|Bought)(.*) of (.*) at ([0-9]*\.[0-9]*|[0-9][^A-Z][^a-z]) .*','\4')),'(watheeqa)') price
    from t

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    Thanks.I had taken that into consideration.
    But using regular expression I could say
    ISA* only once
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    ISA before IEA
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    T1 T2 T3
    1 rows selected
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    Thanks for all your helps.
    MichaelS, REGEXO_SUBSTR (str, '(\w+)_VERSION$',1,1,null,1) works, but if any string which does not have "_VERSION", it would return NULL. Also, I had used'$' in my expression and missed to put it in the forum. I am sorry not to make it clear that my column can/cannot end with "_VERSION".
    hm, Thank you for making me understand how the regexp works. I thought if you do a '^' and supply a word, it would be considered together.
    What needs to be done for making negation for a specific word?
    REGEXP_REPLACE is a better option. But in this case, it helps me the same way with the regular REPLACE function as my column will not contain any other '_VERSION' substring.
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    I've tried using:
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    \ is the escape character for both Java and regex. The first escape character is for Java, so that the second \ will be treated as a literal in Java and passed as-is to the pattern matcher. The second \ is for the regex, so the pattern matcher will treat the ^ as a literal.

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    Can anyone help me achieve this, or am i better using an alternative method (e.g filepath to array string, search for .llb)
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Matt,
    attached you'll find two other options.
    Message Edited by MikeS81 on 04-13-2010 01:30 PM
    Path.PNG ‏7 KB

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    does anyone know (or of any links that talk about)
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  • Regular expressions: the shorter the string, the longer the time to analyse

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    I've got a problem with regular expressions...
    I analyse those two strings with the same regular expression, searching for the "message" word.
    The first of them, which is much longer than the other one, is instantly analysed... but the second one takes about to one second !
    Do you see the problem ? (I do not, as you can guess...).
    I tried to put the same special characters in the two ones... but it still works slowly for the second one.
    This is instantly analysed:
    "Coucou----- Origin.a.l. .message -----From: clems= To: Cl�ment S=ent: Wednes=day, April 30, 2003 1:38 PMSubject: Fw: mail de test----- Original Message -----From: clemsTo: Cl�ment Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 1:37 PMSubject: mail de testcoucou, ceci est un mail de t.e.s.t... !!!Clems.".matches("((.*\\W)*\\Q" + "message" + "\\E(\\W.*)*)")
    This takes about to one second:
    "This is a b message ubodyub.brHere s a href= the second linea.".matches("((.*\\W)*\\Q" + crit�reActuel.getLeMot(i).toLowerCase() + "\\E(\\W.*)*)")
    Pleaaase, help ;)

    Well in fact everything seems to work... there was another problem...
    My regular expression seems to be wrong and the code too...
    I apologize... sorry for the waste of time.
    See you later :) for my next wrong problem ! :))

  • Unix Log Monitoring regular expression not picking up alerts

    We are moving our unix monitoring to SCOM 2012 SP1 rollup 4.
    What I have got working is indvidual alert logging of Unix Log alerts by exporting the MP and changing the <IndividualAlerts> value to true and removing the suppression xml section then reimporting the MP.
    What I am trying to do is use the regular expression to peform the suppression of specific event (such as event codes).
    The expression is:
    ie Search the log for "warning" (not case sensitive) then check if events 1222 or 1001 exist if so return no match, if they dont exist then return true. 
    I use the built in test function in SCOM when creating the rule and the tests come back as expected but when I inject test lines into the unix log, no alerts get generted.
    I suspect it could be the syntax not being accepted on the system (its running RedHat 6 )
    I have tested this with regex tools and works.
    When I try and test it on the server i get:
    [root@bld02 ~]# grep ((?i:Warning)(?!(.*1222)|(.*1001))) /var/log/messages
    -bash: !: event not found
    [root@bld02 ~]# tail /var/log/messages
    Nov 13 15:07:26 bld02 root: SCOM Test Warning Event ID 1001 Round 18
    Nov 13 15:07:29 bld02 root: SCOM Test Warning Event ID 1000 Round 18
    Nov 13 15:07:35 bld02 root: SCOM Test Warning Event ID 1002 Round 18
    So I am expecting 2 alerts to be generated.
    SCOM tests to show expression working:
    Test 1 Matching
    Test 2 to exclude
    Need some help with this, Thankyou in advance :)

    Here's an example of modifying the MP to exclude particular events.  Firstly, I created a log file rule using the MP template that is fairly inclusive - matching the string Warning (with either a lower or upper case W).
    I then exported the MP, and modified the rule.  I set the IndividualAlerts = true and removed the AlertSuppression element, so that every matched line will fire a unique alert.  You don't have to remove the AlertSuppression, but you should use
    Individual alerts so that the exclusion logic doesn't exclude concurrent events that you actually want to match.
    Implementing the exclusion logic involves the addition of a System.ExpressionFilter definition in the rule. This will use a conditional evaluation of the //row element of the data item.  Here's an example of a dataitem matching an individual row:
    <DataItem type="System.Event.Data"time="2013-11-15T10:33:14.8839662-08:00"sourceHealthServiceId="667FF365-70DD-6607-5B66-F9F95253B29F">
    <RawDescription>Detected Entry: warning 1002</RawDescription>
    <CollectDescription Type="Boolean">true</CollectDescription>
    <DataItem type="SCXLogProviderDataSourceData"time="2013-11-15T10:33:14.8839662-08:00"sourceHealthServiceId="667FF365-70DD-6607-5B66-F9F95253B29F">
    <row>warning 1002</row>
    <EventDescription>Detected Entry: warning 1002</EventDescription>
    Here is the rule in the MP XML.  The <ConditionDetection>...</ConditionDetection> content was what I added to do the exclusion filtering:
    <Rule ID="LogFileTemplate_66b86eaded094c309ffd2631b8367a32.Alert" Enabled="false" Target="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.Computer" ConfirmDelivery="false" Remotable="true" Priority="Normal" DiscardLevel="100">
    <DataSource ID="EventDS" TypeID="Unix!Microsoft.Unix.SCXLog.VarPriv.DataSource">
    <ConditionDetection TypeID="System!System.ExpressionFilter" ID="Filter">
    <XPathQuery Type="String">//row</XPathQuery>
    <WriteAction ID="GenerateAlert" TypeID="Health!System.Health.GenerateAlert">
    <AlertName>Log File Alert: ExclusionExample</AlertName>
    I traced this with the Workflow Analyzer as I tested, which shows the logic being applied.  Here is the exclusion happening:
    Here's more info on the definition of an ExpressionFilter:
    And more information on Regular Expressions in MPs:
    You can also have multiple Expressions in the ExpressionFilter joined by OR or AND operators.
    Also, if you are comfortable with the MP authoring, you can just skip the step of creating the rules in the MP template and just author your own MP with the VSAE tool:

  • In a Regular expressions I can set up an "OR" statement?

    HI, I'm using e-tester version 8.2..My problem is about regular expessions.
    I need to catch a dynamic value from a Form Field (My-TxtBox).. this textbox gets pre populated data ( when the customer has info in the database).. this is the code:
    *<input name="My-TxtBox" type="text" value="XXXX" id="ID-TxtBox"*
    ---- ( XXXX = dynamic number prepopulated by the web app)
    So, I'm using this regular expression:
    *<input name="My-TxtBox" type="text" value="(.+?)" id="ID-TxtBox"*
    -----At this point, everything is fine.. but there is an exception
    I'm getting a big problem when the customer doesn't have data in the server, the code is NOT like this
    <input name="My-TxtBox" type="text" value="" id="ID-TxtBox"
    When the customer doesn't have data in the server, the code is more like this:
    *<input name="My-TxtBox" type="text" id="ID-TxtBox"*
    ---- (please note that there is not a value parameter now)
    So, I think there is no way to create a CDV that will work for both cases? any idea to solve this?
    i was thinking that maybe in the reg exps sintax you can create an "OR" statement.. my idea was to create a CDV
    that works for both cases.. when there is the "value=" string and when there is not.
    something like this
    This CDV returns the dynamic value when there is the "value=" string =
    <input name="My-TxtBox" type="text" value="(.+?)" id="ID-TxtBox"
    And this CDV returns "" when there is no "value=" string = Without value:
    <input name="My-TxtBox" type="text" (.*?)id="ID-TxtBox"
    My idea is to place something like this in some point of the CDV = *{* value="(.+?)" *OR* (.*?) *}*
    so my dream is to create a CDV similar to this:
    <input name="My-TxtBox" type="text" { value="(.+?)" *OR* (.*?) }id="ID-TxtBox
    I was searching on google but I simply don't get an is posible to place an OR statement into a Reg Exp and how the sintax is? ..
    Regards.. I appreciate your time.

    You can use a regular expression such as:
    <input name="My-TxtBox" type="text" ?v?a?l?u?e?=?"?(.*?)"? id="ID-TxtBox"
    Note that:
    * Note that there is a question mark sign (?) after each letter that may appear in the string. This means that the letter may or may not appear.
    * Note that instead of using (.+?) you should use (.*?).
    This means that will match any character that appears zero or mutliple times. The question mark here means that is non-greedy, meaning that it will not include in the .* matching anything like the rest of the pattern (in this case the rest of the pattern is "? id="ID-TxtBox").
    * Note that the question mark in front of the v of value is there to match a space that may or may not exists.
    Few other facts:
    * In regular expressions the parenthesys determine sequence of operations and mark groups. Such groups can be referenced in code (not in etester but in general). In eTester it will always get the value of the first group (first group = first set of parenthesys).
    * ORs in regular expressions can be expressed with the pipe "|" (without the quotes), but you will need parenthesys in this case which would not allow you to capture the group of characters that you want.
    [Z]{1}uriel C?
    Edited by: Zuriel on Oct 5, 2009 3:07 PM
    Edited to avoid having the text changed by the forum formatting options.

  • Regular Expressions In Dreamweaver

    Hi i am using Dreamweaver CS3, i am creating more than 100 HTML files every couple of days and need to use the regular Expressions Feature in the Find and Replace box but couldn't find or generate the expression i am looking For, i want to Replace every images name to be same as it's htm file name across all htm Files.
    Ex : cieg.htm
        <td colspan="2"><table id="Table_04" width="850" height="88" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <td><img src="Viva/XXXthefilenameXXX_38.gif" width="213" height="88"></td>
              <td><img src="Viva/XXXthefilenameXXX_39.gif" width="212" height="88"></td>
              <td><img src="Viva/XXXthefilenameXXX_40.gif" width="213" height="88"></td>
              <td><img src="Viva/XXXthefilenameXXX_41.gif" width="212" height="88"></td>
    and replace it to be:
        <td colspan="2"><table id="Table_04" width="850" height="88" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <td><img src="Viva/cieg_38.gif" width="213" height="88"></td>
              <td><img src="Viva/cieg_39.gif" width="212" height="88"></td>
              <td><img src="Viva/cieg_40.gif" width="213" height="88"></td>
              <td><img src="Viva/cieg_41.gif" width="212" height="88"></td>
    and same as another htm file named zsac.htm
    Any one knows a way to do it???

    You will not see sql with asp when using view source and the
    like. The
    server executes the query and send the results. You need to
    access to the source documents.

Maybe you are looking for