Regular expressions and string matching

Hi everyone,
Here is my problem, I have a partially decrypted piece string which would appear something like.
Partially deycrpted:     the?anage??esideshe?e
Plain text:          themanagerresideshere
So you can see that there are a few letter missing from the decryped text. What I am trying to do it insert spaces into the string so that I get:
                    The ?anage? ?esides he?e
I have a method which splits up the string in substrings of varying lengths and then compares the substring with a word from a dictionary (implemented as an arraylist) and then inserts a space.
The problem is that my function does not find the words in the dictionary because my string is only partially decryped.
     Eg:     ?anage? is not stored in the dictionary, but the word �manager� is.
So my question is, is there a way to build a regular expression which would match the partially decrypted text with a word from a dictionary (ie - ?anage? is recognised and �manager� from the dictionary).

I wrote the following method in order to test the matching using . in my regular expression.
public void getWords(int y)
int x = 0;
for(y=y; y < buff.length(); y++){
String strToCompare = buff.substring(x,y); //where buff holds the partially decrypted text
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(strToCompare);
for(int z = 0; z < dict.size(); z++){
String str = (String) dict.get(z); //where dict hold all the words in the dictionary
Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
// System.out.println(buff);
If I run the method where my parameter = 12, I am given the following output.
Which suggests that the method is working correctly.
However, after running for a short time, the method cuts and gives me the error:
Null(in java.util.regex.Pattern).
Does anyone know why this would occur?

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    This cannot be done using simple regular expressions - at least not if your number of <separator>s is random, which is what you seem to imply.
    Simple regular expressions are one-off, that means it can have a String array as a result, but only to the amount of brackets in the regex.
    a regex like:
    would return what you want, but I doubt that it is as flexible as you want it to be.

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    Doesn't it work anyway, since you're using greedy operators? If not, won't it work if you remove the .* at the end and use find() rather than matches()? And finally, what's the (.*?) supposed to match? Looks to me like that should be .*

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    I don't think a pure regex approach would be that slow, but it would be a maintenance nightmare. I think a combined regex/table-lookup approach would be best: use a regex to identify potential keywords, then look them up in the table to confirm. For instance, to find all Java keywords you could use the regex "\\b[a-z]{2,12}+\\b" to filter out anything that can't possibility be a keyword.
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    Newlines are only a problem if you're reading the
    text line-by-line and applying the regexp to each
    line. It wouldn't catch expressions that span
    @sabre150: your note re: CharSequence -- so what
    you're suggesting is to implement a CharSequence that
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    While ever the regex is moving forward thought the CharSequence one char at a time there is no problem because one can wrap a Reader but once it backtracks then one needs random access and one will need to have a buffer. I have used a ring buffer for this which seems to work OK but of course this will not allow the regex to move to any point in the CharSequence.
    'uncle_alice' is the regex king round here so listen to him.
    :-( I should read further ahead next time!
    Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

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    It has to match the whole String. Use Matcher.find() to match on just a sub-string()

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    It does on whatever manages to get through my 17
    firewall, hand-woven packet destroyers, and
    titanium-lead armor.So! That is your final defense mechanism. Bwah hah hah hah hah! Now I have you. That was all I needed to improve my 17-firewall-sneaking-through, hand-woven-packet-destroyer-unweaving, titanium-lead-armor-piercing virus!
    � {�                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

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    Go to Solution.

    You hit a point that's frustrated me a time or two as well (and incidentally, caused some hair-pulling that I can ill afford)
    The hint is in the help file:
    for Match regular expression "The Match Regular Expression function gives you more options for matching
    strings but performs more slowly than the Match Pattern function....Use regular
    expressions in this function to refine searches....
    Characters to Find
    Regular Expression
    A plus sign or a minus sign
    A sequence of one or more digits
    Zero or more spaces
    \s* or * (that is, a space followed by an asterisk)
    One or more spaces, tabs, new lines, or carriage returns
    [\t \r \n \s]+
    One or more characters other than digits
    The word Level only if it
    appears at the beginning of the string
    The word Volts only if it
    appears at the end of the string
    The longest string within parentheses
    The first string within parentheses but not containing any
    parentheses within it
    A left bracket
    A right bracket
    cat, cag, cot, cog, dat, dag, dot, and dag
    cat or dog
    dog, cat
    dog, cat cat dog,cat
    cat cat dog, and so on
    ((cat )*dog)
    One or more of the letter a
    followed by a space and the same number of the letter a, that is, a a, aa aa, aaa aaa, and so
    (a+) \1
    For Match Pattern "This function is similar to the Search and Replace
    Pattern VI. The Match Pattern function gives you fewer options for matching
    strings but performs more quickly than the Match Regular Expression
    function. For example, the Match Pattern function does not support the
    parenthesis or vertical bar (|) characters.
    Characters to Find
    Regular Expression
    All uppercase and lowercase versions of volts, that is, VOLTS, Volts, volts, and so on
    A space, a plus sign, or a minus sign
    A sequence of one or more digits
    Zero or more spaces
    \s* or * (that is, a space followed by an asterisk)
    One or more spaces, tabs, new lines, or carriage returns
    [\t \r \n \s]+
    One or more characters other than digits
    The word Level only if it begins
    at the offset position in the string
    The word Volts only if it
    appears at the end of the string
    The longest string within parentheses
    The longest string within parentheses but not containing any
    parentheses within it
    A left bracket
    A right bracket
    cat, dog, cot, dot, cog, and so on.
    Frustrating- but still managable.

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    write \\d+ (write followed by a space followed by one or mre digits) it doesn't work.
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    Could anyone please tell me what i am missing out
    Thank you

    thank you for your replies. Well i have still no got over the problem so i am posting my code here and hoping it can get solved
    import org.xml.sax.*;
    import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
    import java.util.regex.*;
    class textextractor extends DefaultHandler{
         boolean regex=false;
    public void startElement(String namespaceURI,String localName,String qn,Attributes attr)
    public void characters(char [] text,int start,int length)throws SAXException {
              String t=new String(text,start,length);
              boolean flag=false;
                Pattern pattern;
                  String w=new String(t);
              pattern = Pattern.compile(w);
              Matcher matcher;
              matcher=pattern.matcher("there is a bat   read  write 13    error at line ");
               System.out.println("I found the text \"" + +"\" starting at index "
               + matcher.start() +"and ending at index " + matcher.end() + ".");
               System.out.println("not found");
    public class saxt2 {
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              try {
                    XMLReader parser= XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
                    ContentHandler handler=new textextractor();
                  }catch (Exception e) {
    }The xml file is
                      <REGEX>write \\d+</REGEX>
                      </RegularExpression>by running the code you can see that write is found,write \\d+ doesn't match write 13 in the string and read[0-9] gives and error.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated

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    Well, the obvious answer is "only write the data to the database if the input doesn't match the regular expression."
    Presumably you're really asking how to do that - but it depends upon how your application is structured in the first place, and you haven't told us anything at all about that.

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    What should be the regular expression for string MT940_UB_*.txt and MT940_MB_*.txt to be used as filename inSFTP sender channel in PI 7.31 ??
    If any one has any idea on this please let me know.

    Hi All,
    None of the file names suggested is working.
    I have tried using - MT940_MB_*\.txt , MT940_MB_*.*txt , MT940*.txt
    None of them is able to pick this filename - MT940_MB_20142204060823_1.txt
    Currently I am using generic regular expression which picks all .txt files. - ([^\s]+(\.(txt))$)
    Let me know ur suggestion on this.
    Neha Verma

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    I am using Oracle 9i, does 9i support regular expression? What functions are there?
    My problem is the birth_date column in my database comes from teleform ( a scan program that reads what people wrote on paper), so the format is all jacked up.... 50% of them are 01/01/1981, 10% are 5/14/1995, 10% are 12/5/1993, 10% are 1/1/1983, 10% are 24-JUL-98. I have never really used regular expression and pl/sql, can anybody help me convert all of them to 01/01/1998?
    Does Oralce 9i support regular expression? What can I do if oralce 9i does not support regular expression? Thank you very much in advance.

    9i doesn't support regular expressions (at least not in the 10g regular expressions sense. There is an OWA_PATTERN_MATCH package that has some facilities for regular expressions). But it doesn't look like this is a regular expressions problem.
    Instead, this is probably a case where you need to
    - enumerate the format masks you want to try
    - determine the order you want to try them
    - write a small function that tries each format mask in succession until one matches.
    Of course, there is no guarantee that you'll ever be able to convert the data to the date that the user intended because some values will be ambiguous. For example, 01/02/03 could mean Feb 1, 2003 or Jan 2, 2003 or Feb 3, 2001 depending on the person who entered the data.
    Assuming you can define the order, your function would just try each format mask in turn until one generated a valid date, i.e.
        l_date := TO_DATE( p_string_value, format_mask_1 );
        RETURN l_date;
        l_date := TO_DATE( p_string_value, format_mask_2 );
        RETURN l_date;
        l_date := TO_DATE( p_string_value, format_mask_3 );
        RETURN l_date;
        l_date := TO_DATE( p_string_value, format_mask_N );
        RETURN l_date;

  • Regular expressions and backreference

    I am trying to use backreferences in REGEXP in the PERL-style, where I want to match my regular expression and later refer to the grouped values. I can read that those are referecenced with \1 .. \9, but I simply cant get it to work. Here is an example in PL/SQL:
    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR(l_users.adresse,'([A-Z]+)\s+(\d+)')
    INTO l_dummy_varchar2
    FROM dual;
    OR I could do things like:
    l_dummy_varchar2 := REGEXP_SUBSTR(l_users.adresse,'([A-Z]+)\s+(\d+)');
    It seems to work, but I cant figure out how to get the backreferenced value.
    I would love to do things like:
    dbms_output.put_line('my value ='||\1)
    but this doesnt work.
    Help is very much appreciated.
    Best regards

    Likewise you can extract things using the
    REGEXP_SUBSTR, but you don't need back
    referencing...backreferencing is better than additional function (ltrim) use, and BTW be careful with this "ltrims":
    SQL> set serveroutput on
      2       v_txt VARCHAR2(100);
      3     BEGIN
      4       v_txt := ltrim(regexp_substr('HERE IS AN ASCII CHARACTER', 'IS AN [[:alnum:]]*'),'IS AN ');
      5       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Word after IS AN: '||v_txt);
      6  END;
      7  /
    Word after IS AN: CII
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
      2       v_txt VARCHAR2(100);
      3     BEGIN
      4       v_txt := regexp_replace('HERE IS AN ASCII CHARACTER', 'IS AN ([[:alnum:]]*)|.','\1');
      5       DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Word after IS AN: '||v_txt);
      6  END;
      7  /
    Word after IS AN: ASCII
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed
    SQL> -----------

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    allow-commands2=interfaces .*. description .*$
    allow-configuration1=interfaces .*. description .*$
    allow-commands2=show configuration.*
    allow-commands3=show configuration
    (some of these regex i know that are not needed, i was just playing around to check everything before posting)
    Any pointers as to why or how to resolve this?
    example output with the above:
    show configuration
    ## Last commit: 2014-01-09 09:34:44 EET by someone
    interfaces {
        xe-0/0/0 {
        xe-0/0/1 {
            description xxxx;
        xe-0/1/0 {
            description xxxx;
        xe-0/1/1 {
            description xxxx;
        xe-0/2/0 {
        xe-0/2/1 {
            description xxxx;
        xe-0/3/0 {
            description xxxx;
        xe-0/3/1 {
            description xxxx;
        ae0 {
            description "xxxx";
        ae1 {
            description xxxx;
        demux0 {
        lo0 {
    Thanks in advance!

    You are absolutely right!!  I was doing research online after posting the above.  The correct RADIUS attribute to use is actually CVPN3000/ASA/PIX7.x-Group-Based-Address-Pools.  Then create the pool in ASA, and call that pool's name in ACS under that RADIUS attribute.  Someone explained this perfectly in this community before.  Much appreciate your answer!
    Here's from another post last year:
    ACS  5 does not have the feature of IP pools. Logically its always good to  setup pools locally on vpn server and if you want user to pick ip from  specific local pool you can configure acs to push that attribute.
    On ACS Go to > Policy Elements  -> Network Access ->   Authorization Profiles -> Create ->
    Name of the Policy ->Dictionary Type: Radius-Cisco VPN 3000/ASA/PIX7.x
    Attribute Type : CVPN3000/ASA/PIX7.x-Group-Based-Address-Pools
    Attribute Type: String
    Attribute Value : Static MYPOOL (Name of the Pool which is defined on the ASA)
    Access Policies ->Default Network Access -> Authorization ->  Create -> Under result section call the Authorization p

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    Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet by DaveChild
    Regular Expressions Quick Reference

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