An additional question about regular expressions with String.matches

does the String.matches() method match expressions when some substring of the String matches, or does it have to match the entire String? So, if i have the String "123ABC", and i ask to match "1 or more letters" will it fail because there are non-letters in the String, but then pass if i add "1 or more letters AND 1 or more digits"? so, in the latter every character in the String is accounted for in the search, as opposed to the first. Is that correct, or are there ways to JUST match some substring in the String instead of the whole thing? i WILL make some examples too... but does that make sense?

It has to match the whole String. Use Matcher.find() to match on just a sub-string()

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    Hi everyone,
    Here is my problem, I have a partially decrypted piece string which would appear something like.
    Partially deycrpted:     the?anage??esideshe?e
    Plain text:          themanagerresideshere
    So you can see that there are a few letter missing from the decryped text. What I am trying to do it insert spaces into the string so that I get:
                        The ?anage? ?esides he?e
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    int x = 0;
    for(y=y; y < buff.length(); y++){
    String strToCompare = buff.substring(x,y); //where buff holds the partially decrypted text
    Pattern p = Pattern.compile(strToCompare);
    for(int z = 0; z < dict.size(); z++){
    String str = (String) dict.get(z); //where dict hold all the words in the dictionary
    Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
    // System.out.println(buff);
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    For example, there is a context,
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    What I really need is that, via the regular
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    0.400 ]
    [   +goals] for iterations with the support"
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    for iterations with the support"
    String 2) is what I need finally!
    Thanks for your any reply!Well I gave you the answer to that one already :-)
    If you need to preserve the spaces in between words use this one. I'm sure there's a better way to do it, I'm no RegEx master.
        public static void main(String[] args)
            String s = "[ 1 ] [ 0.400 ]\n[ +go als]";
            System.out.println( "Before: " + s );
            System.out.println( "\n\n" );
            s = s.replaceAll( "\\[\\s+", "[" );
            s = s.replaceAll( "\\s+\\]", "]" );
            s = s.replaceAll( "\\]\\s+\\[", "][" );
            System.out.println( "After: " + s );

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    Hello and thanks for your feedback,
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    import java.util.regex.Matcher;
    import java.util.regex.Pattern;
    * @author Martin
    public class RegExprTest {
         private static String stringToBeParsed = "3800157w-e26";
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("" +
                        "([0-9]{7})" +
                        "([a-z]{1})" +
                        "(( |-){1})" +
                        "([a-z]{1})" +
                        "([0-9]{2})" +
              Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(stringToBeParsed);
    }the class is trying tobreak down the following string "3800157w-e26" as follows:
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    w(one letter)
    e(one letter)
    26(two digits)
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    Thanks in advance,

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    A least one digit "A.*\\d.*A"
    Only digits "A\\d+A"

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    } else {
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    fmarchioniscreen wrote:
    thank you very much, that's exactly what I needed.
    But it looks like you're parsing some XML like data: probably better to use a proper parser on it. Well it's a very short string containing XML tags. it's used in a marginal area of the application so I prefer just using a regular expression to fetch the values
    thanks again
    MarkYou could use XPath to get the value.

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  • Simple question about regular expression

    I have a little problem with
    select regexp_substr('123 Mapla Avenue','[a-z]') my_test from dual;
    answer: M
    I excecute this query in SQLPlus and SQL Developer result is this same.
    select regexp_substr('123 Mapla Avenue','[M]') my_test from dual;
    answer: M
    select regexp_substr('123 Mapla Avenue','[a]') my_test from dual;
    answer: a
    I used oracle 10g
    Thanks for your help

    hm wrote:
    In the oracle documentation of regexp_substr you can find:Do not confuse pattern and sort. Pattern [a-z] means any lowercase letter. REGEXP_SUBSTR parameter match_param value i tells REGEXP to treat uppercase letters same as lowercase letters and vice versa. And setting NLS_SORT can do the same. As you can see it is not that straight-forward. To make it transparent use exact pattern you need. In this particular case use:
    select regexp_substr('123 Mapla Avenue','[[:alpha:]]') my_test from dual;where class [:alpha:] is POSIX predefined class of all letters (regardless of case). This way you are not dependent of client side settings like NLS_SORT and the above will always return first letter within a string. If you want first uppercase letter use:
    select regexp_substr('123 Mapla Avenue','[[:upper:]]') my_test from dual;Or, for first lowercase letter:
    SQL> alter session set nls_sort=binary;
    Session altered.
    SQL> select regexp_substr('123 Mapla Avenue','[a-z]') my_test from dual;
    SQL> select regexp_substr('123 Mapla Avenue','[[:lower:]]') my_test from dual;
    SQL> alter session set nls_sort=binary_ci;
    Session altered.
    SQL> select regexp_substr('123 Mapla Avenue','[a-z]') my_test from dual;
    SQL> select regexp_substr('123 Mapla Avenue','[[:lower:]]') my_test from dual;
    SQL> SY.

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    Kind Regards, Dmitry.


  • Off Topic: Books about Regular Expression

    Somebody can to indicate books about Regular Expression in Oracle ?

    Regex tag of Blog of Volder.
    This entry mentions my regex solution :-)
    By the way
    My regex homepage mentions regex problems of perl like regex (regex of EmEditor).
    example questions (written by Japanese language)

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    Hi All,
    What should be the regular expression for string MT940_UB_*.txt and MT940_MB_*.txt to be used as filename inSFTP sender channel in PI 7.31 ??
    If any one has any idea on this please let me know.

    Hi All,
    None of the file names suggested is working.
    I have tried using - MT940_MB_*\.txt , MT940_MB_*.*txt , MT940*.txt
    None of them is able to pick this filename - MT940_MB_20142204060823_1.txt
    Currently I am using generic regular expression which picks all .txt files. - ([^\s]+(\.(txt))$)
    Let me know ur suggestion on this.
    Neha Verma

  • Regular Expressions and String

    How do I return a String array as follow using regular expression.
    String[] strArray = {"Now is the time", "you can optionally preview your post","message by using a number of special tokens."}
    from this string
    <separator>Now is the time</separator><separator>you can optionally preview your post</separator><separator>message by using a number of special tokens.</separator>
    Note: The string has the <separator> XML tag

    How do I return a String array as follow using regular
    String[] strArray = {"Now is the time", "you can
    optionally preview your post","message by using a
    number of special tokens."}
    from this string
    <separator>Now is the time</separator><separator>you
    can optionally preview your
    post</separator><separator>message by using a number
    of special tokens.</separator>
    Note: The string has the <separator> XML tag
    This cannot be done using simple regular expressions - at least not if your number of <separator>s is random, which is what you seem to imply.
    Simple regular expressions are one-off, that means it can have a String array as a result, but only to the amount of brackets in the regex.
    a regex like:
    would return what you want, but I doubt that it is as flexible as you want it to be.

  • Regular expression with delimited string

    I'm trying extract all characters in a string (as word or words) which is delimited by ' -- '
    Been playing around with regular expression and got as far as this;
    with t_vw
    as (select 'hello -- world' txt from dual
    union all
    select 'hello-world' from dual
    union all
    select 'hello' from dual
    union all
    select 'hello -- world -- bye' from dual
    union all
    select 'hello--worldbye' from dual
    select txt, regexp_substr(txt,'[^ -- ]+',1,1) word1,
    regexp_substr(txt,'[^ -- ]+',1,2) word2,
    regexp_substr(txt,'[^ -- ]+',1,3) word3
    from t_vw;
    It's returning;
    "hello -- world" "hello","world",""
    "hello-world"          "hello","world",""
    "hello"               "hello","",""
    "hello -- world -- bye"     "hello","world","bye"
    "hello--worldbye"      "hello","worldbye",""
    So it seems to work in all cases apart from when there are no spaces before/after "--".
    Any ideas?

    Please enclose your code in *{noformat}{noformat}* tags to preserve your formatting and to prevent the forum software from mangling your regular expressions.
    Also, you've given your input and show the output that you are getting, but I don't know what your issue is.  If you could include the desired output and explain how it differs from what you are getting so far that would help.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Regular Expressions with Unicode Strings - length restriction?

    I can't quite figure this one out. I am checking a String for the presence of a URL.. more specifically, a jpg or gif URL.
    Anyway, the following reg exp will work fine for me. However, when testing with unicode data (chinese text) the expression will only work up to a certain string length. Here's an example:
    boolean isURL = text.matches(".*http\\S*(jpg|gif).*");
    My thought is that since Unicode data takes up more space, there a limitation to dealing with Strings. Does anyone know what that number is? Or, is there another reason the reg exp fails??
    This works for any length String I throw at it using standard ASCII text.. But a unicode string of a certain length won't recognize the URL (I doubt I can simply paste my example here and have it turn out correctly..)
    DOESN'T WORK: (length is reported via text.length() as 344
    "FWD: test_tancy: FWD: tancy: FWD: supporter:
    WORKS: (length is reported via text.length() as 296
    "FWD: Joe: &#35201;&#35753;&#23621;&#25152;&#30475;&#36215;&#26469;&#28165;&#29245;&#20937;&#24555;&#65292;&#21487;&#37319;&#29992;&#20197;&#30333;&#33394;&#20026;&#20027;&#35843;&#30340;&#24067;&#32622;&#12290;&#30333;&#33394;&#19981;&#20294;&#33021;&#22686;&#21152;&#31354;&#38388;&#24863;&#65292;&#36824;&#33021;&#33829;&#36896;&#26126;&#24555;&#23425;&#38745;&#30340;&#27668;&#27675;&#65292;&#35753;&#20154;&#24773;&#32490;&#31283;&#23450;&#12290;&#21478;&#22806;&#65292;&#26377;&#24847;&#35782;&#22320;&#22686;&#28155;&#19968;&#28857;&#20919;&#33394;&#65292;&#20063;&#33021;&#20196;&#20154;&#22312;&#35270;&#35273;&#19978;&#35273;&#24471;&#30021;&#24555;&#12290;&#19981;&#36807;&#65292;&#19968;&#38388;&#25151;&#20869;&#33509;&#20840;&#37096;&#20351;&#29992;&#20919;&#33394;&#65292;&#25110;&#20840;&#37096;&#37319;&#29992;&#26262;&#33394;&#65292;&#20250;&#20351;&#20154;&#24863;&#21040;&#19981;&#23433;&#12290;&#26368;&#22909;&#26159;&#30830;&#23450;&#20027;&#33394;&#21518;&#65292;&#23567;&#38754;&#31215;&#20351;&#29992;&#20123;&#21576;&#40092;&#26126;&#23545;&#27604;&#30340;&#33394;&#24425;&#12290;&#20837;&#22799;&#36141;&#32622;&#19968;&#20123;&#33394;&#35843;&#28165;&#20937;&#30340;&#39280;&#29289;&#25670;&#35774;&#65292;&#26159;&#26368;&#30465;&#38065;&#26377;&#25928;&#30340;&#19968;&#25307;&#65292;&#22914;&#20026;&#21488;&#28783;&#25442;&#20010;&#30333;&#33394;&#28783;&#32617;&#12289;&#22312;&#27927;&#25163;&#38388;&#25918;&#19968;&#22871;&#20912;&#34013;&#33394;&#30340;&#27792;&#28020;&#29992;&#20855;&#31561;&#12290;(UU&#20026;&#24744;&#25552;&#20379;&#29983;&#27963;&#21672;&#35759;&#24182;&#31069;&#24744;&#29983;&#27963;&#24841;&#24555;&#65281;&#22914;&#19981;&#24076;&#26395;&#25171;&#25200;&#35831;&#22238;&#22797;?NO?)"

    Perhaps you should check the version of Java you are using. I am using 1.4.2_04
    public class A {
        public static void main(String[] args) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
            String text = "FWD: test_tancy: FWD: tancy: FWD: supporter:                   " +
                    new String(new char[]{(char) 35201, (char) 35753, (char) 23621, (char) 25152, (char) 30475, (char) 36215,
                                          (char) 26469, (char) 28165, (char) 29245, (char) 20937, (char) 24555, (char) 65292,
                                          (char) 21487, (char) 37319, (char) 29992, (char) 20197, (char) 30333, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 20026, (char) 20027, (char) 35843, (char) 30340, (char) 24067, (char) 32622,
                                          (char) 12290, (char) 30333, (char) 33394, (char) 19981, (char) 20294, (char) 33021,
                                          (char) 22686, (char) 21152, (char) 31354, (char) 38388, (char) 24863, (char) 65292,
                                          (char) 36824, (char) 33021, (char) 33829, (char) 36896, (char) 26126, (char) 24555,
                                          (char) 23425, (char) 38745, (char) 30340, (char) 27668, (char) 27675, (char) 65292,
                                          (char) 35753, (char) 20154, (char) 24773, (char) 32490, (char) 31283, (char) 23450,
                                          (char) 12290, (char) 21478, (char) 22806, (char) 65292, (char) 26377, (char) 24847,
                                          (char) 35782, (char) 22320, (char) 22686, (char) 28155, (char) 19968, (char) 28857,
                                          (char) 20919, (char) 33394, (char) 65292, (char) 20063, (char) 33021, (char) 20196,
                                          (char) 20154, (char) 22312, (char) 35270, (char) 35273, (char) 19978, (char) 35273,
                                          (char) 24471, (char) 30021, (char) 24555, (char) 12290, (char) 19981, (char) 36807,
                                          (char) 65292, (char) 19968, (char) 38388, (char) 25151, (char) 20869, (char) 33509,
                                          (char) 20840, (char) 37096, (char) 20351, (char) 29992, (char) 20919, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 65292, (char) 25110, (char) 20840, (char) 37096, (char) 37319, (char) 29992,
                                          (char) 26262, (char) 33394, (char) 65292, (char) 20250, (char) 20351, (char) 20154,
                                          (char) 24863, (char) 21040, (char) 19981, (char) 23433, (char) 12290, (char) 26368,
                                          (char) 22909, (char) 26159, (char) 30830, (char) 23450, (char) 20027, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 21518, (char) 65292, (char) 23567, (char) 38754, (char) 31215, (char) 20351,
                                          (char) 29992, (char) 20123, (char) 21576, (char) 40092, (char) 26126, (char) 23545,
                                          (char) 27604, (char) 30340, (char) 33394, (char) 24425, (char) 12290, (char) 20837,
                                          (char) 22799, (char) 36141, (char) 32622, (char) 19968, (char) 20123, (char) 33394,
                                          (char) 35843, (char) 28165, (char) 20937, (char) 30340, (char) 39280, (char) 29289,
                                          (char) 25670, (char) 35774, (char) 65292, (char) 26159, (char) 26368, (char) 30465,
                                          (char) 38065, (char) 26377, (char) 25928, (char) 30340, (char) 19968, (char) 25307,
                                          (char) 65292, (char) 22914, (char) 20026, (char) 21488, (char) 28783, (char) 25442,
                                          (char) 20010, (char) 30333, (char) 33394, (char) 28783, (char) 32617, (char) 12289,
                                          (char) 22312, (char) 27927, (char) 25163, (char) 38388, (char) 25918, (char) 19968,
                                          (char) 22871, (char) 20912, (char) 34013, (char) 33394, (char) 30340, (char) 27792,
                                          (char) 28020, (char) 29992, (char) 20855, (char) 31561, (char) 12290, (char) 20026,
                                          (char) 24744, (char) 25552, (char) 20379, (char) 29983, (char) 27963, (char) 21672,
                                          (char) 35759, (char) 24182, (char) 31069, (char) 24744, (char) 29983, (char) 27963,
                                          (char) 24841, (char) 24555, (char) 65281, (char) 22914, (char) 19981, (char) 24076,
                                          (char) 26395, (char) 25171, (char) 25200, (char) 35831, (char) 22238, (char) 22797}) +
            boolean isURL = text.matches(".*http\\S*(jpg|gif).*");
            System.out.println("isURL="+isURL+", length="+text.length());
    isURL=true, length=344

  • Email Regular Expression with a String.Match()

    I'm currently using a RichTextEditor for a user to build HTML
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    and it seems to work, but it only returns one email at a time from
    the string. I have had to revert to a while loop to traverse the
    string until I'm satisfied. I don't particularly like that method
    and would like to just do one String.match() query to retrieve all
    of the emails. Can anyone see something here that I'm missing?

    Try adding the global flag (g):
    var emailPattern:RegExp =

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