Related to do enddo statement

hi friends ,
my friend had written this code .in this he has used do and endo statement.
here w_week contains value = 3 during runtime.
but he is internally clearing that value .eventhough report is working fine .
i couldn't understand .please if u know update me on this.
DO w_week TIMES.
      IF so_date-low IS NOT INITIAL.
        CLEAR: wa_weektable, w_week.
            date   = so_date-low
            week   = wa_weektable-week
            monday = wa_weektable-monday
            sunday = wa_weektable-sunday.
        wa_weektable-wday = so_date-low.
        APPEND wa_weektable TO it_weektable.
        CLEAR wa_weektable.
        so_date-low = so_date-low + 1.

If that DO/ENDDO block is not in a form which is called more times in runtime, it makes no sense that CLEAR statement. I don't know the program logic.
Inside tha that DO, clearing w_week will affect nothing. However, will prevent next time to enter inside it again (if the is one). If you want to end the block you should use statement EXIT.
Best regards.
Valter Oliveira.

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    Best Regards,

    We can find the relevant Forms of account statements at SPRO itself...
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                                              -> Incoming payments -> Manual incoming payments -> Outgoing payment notices ->
                                                     -> Carry out and check settings for correspondence -> Define Form names for                                                                               
    correspondence print
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    Thks & Rgds,

    For a straight in-line cursor which is what I think you are requiring, the closest thing I can think of would be something like....
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    Loaded: loaded
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    What: /dev/disk/byx2duuid/7a53052dx2df673x2d40c9x2d8b21x2d1d5d87127479
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    Last edited by polomi (2015-02-27 20:19:32)

    I commented the swap line in /etc/fstab, and now I don't have the failed service. I also still have the dev-sda6.swap service active. So it looks good?
    However, when booting, I saw a line looking like this:
    Expecting device 7a53052d\x2df673\x2d40c9\x2d8b21\x2d1d5d87127479
    (It's maybe not exactly written like that, the boot is too fast for me to catch the text accurately.)
    It seems like it's partly fixed in any case. Thanks.
    Last edited by polomi (2015-02-27 20:26:56)

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    Many Thanks,
    Edited by: 918440 on 27-Jun-2012 8:04 AM

    Hi friend,
    my insert statement is as follows:
                    hiroc_rpt_user.hiroc_get_entity_name(pp.policy_fk,'POLHOLDER')  policy_holder,  
                    hiroc_sel_entity_risk_name2 (pp.risk_fk,r.entity_fk)  risk_name,   
                    substr(trim(nvl(r.county_code_used_to_rate,pth.issue_state_code)),1,2) rating_state_code,  
                    hiroc_get_province_name(substr(trim(nvl(r.county_code_used_to_rate,pth.issue_state_code)),1,2), 'PROVINCE_CODE', 'L') rating_state_name,  
                    hiroc_get_provicne_pol_prefix(substr(trim(nvl(r.county_code_used_to_rate,pth.issue_state_code)),1,2),p.policy_type_code) rating_prov_pol_prefix,   
                    nvl(r.risk_cls_used_to_rate,pth.peer_groups_code) rating_peer_group_code,  
                    hiroc_get_lookup_desc('PEER_GROUP',nvl(r.risk_cls_used_to_rate,pth.peer_groups_code),'L')  rating_peer_group_name,   
                    to_char(pth.effective_from_date,'yyyy') term_effective_year,   
                    cls.coverage_code coverage_class_code,   
                    cls.coverage_long_desc coverage_class_long_desc,   
                    decode(pp.coverage_component_code ,'GROSS',cls.exposure_unit,null) exposure_unit, --hiroc_get_expos_units_by_cov(c.coverage_pk,pc.coverage_code,c.effective_from_date,c.effective_to_date) exposure_unit,   
                    decode(pp.coverage_component_code ,'GROSS',cls.number_of_patient_day,null) number_of_patient_day,   
                    pth.effective_from_date  term_eff_from_date,   
                    pth.effective_to_date term_eff_to_date,    
                    pp.premium_amount premium_amount,    
                    (case when (pc.coverage_code in ('CP','MC1','MC2','MC3','MC4','HR','F') or pc.coverage_code like 'ST%') and  
                                  pp.coverage_component_code != 'RISKMGMT' then     
                    end) primary_premium,   
                    (hiroc_get_risk_units(hiroc_get_provicne_pol_prefix(substr(trim(nvl(r.county_code_used_to_rate,pth.issue_state_code)),1,2),p.policy_type_code)-- rating_prov_pol_prefix  
                                        ,nvl(r.risk_cls_used_to_rate,pth.peer_groups_code) -- rating_peer_group_code  
                                        ,cls.coverage_code --coverage_class_code  
                                        ,decode(pp.coverage_component_code ,'GROSS',cls.exposure_unit,null)  
                                        ,(case when (pc.coverage_code in ('CP','MC1','MC2','MC3','MC4','HR','F') or pc.coverage_code like 'ST%') and  
                                                      pp.coverage_component_code != 'RISKMGMT' then     
                                         end)  -- primary_premium  
                                        ,trunc(pth.effective_to_date))) risk_units  
             from     proddw_mart.rmv_territory_makeup tm,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_premium_class_makeup pcm,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_product_coverage pc,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_coverage c,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_risk r,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_policy_term_history pth,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_policy p,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_transaction_log tl,  
                      proddw_mart.rmv_policy_premium pp,  
                      (select  /* +rule */  
                               pc.short_description coverage_short_desc,   
                               pc.long_description coverage_long_desc,  
                               p.policy_start_date policy_effective_date,  
                               p.policy_end_date policy_expiry_date,  
                               to_char(c.effective_from_date,'YYYY') class_eff_year  
                        from   proddw_mart.odwr_coverage_only      c  
                              ,proddw_mart.odwr_product_coverage   pc  
                              ,proddw_mart.odwr_risk               r  
                              ,proddw_mart.odwr_policy             p  
                        where  pc.code                 = c.product_coverage_code  
                          and  pc.parent_product_covg_code is not null                 -- coverage classes only  
                          and  r.risk_pk = c.risk_base_record_fk  
                          and  c.accounting_to_date = to_date('1/1/3000','mm/dd/yyyy') -- only open records  
                          and  c.base_record_b = 'N'  
                          and  p.base_record_b = 'N'  
                          and  p.policy_pk = r.policy_fk  
                          and  p.accounting_to_date = to_date('1/1/3000','mm/dd/yyyy')  -- only open records  
                       group by p.policy_no,  
                               pc.short_description, -- coverage_short_desc,   
                               pc.long_description, -- coverage_long_desc,  
                               p.policy_start_date, -- policy_effective_date,  
                               p.policy_end_date, -- policy_expiry_date,  
                               to_char(c.effective_from_date,'YYYY')-- class_eff_year  
                      ) cls  
                where    tm.risk_type_code = r.risk_type_code  
                and        tm.county_code = r.county_code_used_to_rate  
                and        tm.effective_from_date <= pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        tm.effective_to_date   >  pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        pcm.practice_state_code (+) = r.practice_state_code  
                and        pcm.risk_class_code (+) = r.risk_cls_used_to_rate  
                and        nvl(pcm.effective_from_date, pp.rate_period_from_date) <= pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        nvl(pcm.effective_to_date, to_date('01/01/3000','mm/dd/yyyy')) > pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        pc.code = c.product_coverage_code  
                and        c.base_record_b = 'N'  
                and        ( c.record_mode_code = 'OFFICIAL'  
                         and (c.closing_trans_log_fk is null or  
                              c.closing_trans_log_fk != tl.transaction_log_pk)  
                         or c.record_mode_code = 'TEMP'  
                         and c.transaction_log_fk = tl.transaction_log_pk )  
                and   c.parent_coverage_base_record_fk is null  
                and        c.effective_from_date  <  c.effective_to_date  
                and        c.effective_from_date  <= pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        c.effective_to_date    >  pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and   c.accounting_from_date <= tl.accounting_date  
                and   c.accounting_to_date   >  tl.accounting_date  
                and        c.coverage_base_record_fk=pp.coverage_fk  
                and        r.base_record_b = 'N'  
                and        ( r.record_mode_code = 'OFFICIAL'  
                        and (r.closing_trans_log_fk is null or  
                             r.closing_trans_log_fk != tl.transaction_log_pk)  
                        or r.record_mode_code = 'TEMP'  
                        and r.transaction_log_fk = tl.transaction_log_pk )  
                and        r.effective_from_date  <  r.effective_to_date  
                and        r.effective_from_date  <= pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and        r.effective_to_date    >  pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and   r.accounting_from_date <= tl.accounting_date  
                and   r.accounting_to_date   >  tl.accounting_date  
                and         r.risk_base_record_fk = pp.risk_fk  
                and        pth.base_record_b = 'N'  
                and        ( pth.record_mode_code = 'OFFICIAL'  
                        and (pth.closing_trans_log_fk is null or  
                             pth.closing_trans_log_fk != tl.transaction_log_pk)  
                        or pth.record_mode_code = 'TEMP'  
                        and pth.transaction_log_fk = tl.transaction_log_pk )  
                and        pth.accounting_from_date <= tl.accounting_date  
                and        pth.accounting_to_date   >  tl.accounting_date  
                and        pth.term_base_record_fk = pp.policy_term_fk  
                and   p.policy_pk = pp.policy_fk  
                and        tl.transaction_log_pk  =  pp.transaction_log_fk  
                and   pp.active_premium_b = 'Y'  
                and        pp.rate_period_type_code in ('CS_PERIOD','SR_PERIOD')  
                and        pp.rate_period_to_date > pp.rate_period_from_date  
                and tl.accounting_date <= sysdate   
                and p.policy_cycle_code = 'POLICY'  
                and substr(p.policy_no,1,1) <> 'Q'  
                and tl.transaction_log_pk = (select max(pp.transaction_log_fk)  
                                               from proddw_mart.rmv_policy_premium pp,proddw_mart.rmv_transaction_log tl2  
                                              where pth.term_base_record_fk = pp.policy_term_fk  
                                                and pp.transaction_log_fk = tl2.transaction_log_pk  
                                                and tl2.accounting_date <= sysdate )    
                 and p.policy_type_code in ('LIABCRIME','MIDWIFE')    
                 and pth.accounting_to_date =  to_date('01/01/3000','mm/dd/yyyy') --<<<*******  eliminates duplicates  
                 and p.policy_no = cls.policy_no  
            --     and r.risk_pk = cls.risk_pk  
                 and c.coverage_base_record_fk = cls.parent_coverage_base_record_fk(+)  
                 and  cls.effective_from_date < pth.effective_to_date -- from date less than period end date  
                 and  cls.effective_to_date   > pth.effective_from_date -- to date greater than period start date  
                 and  cls.policy_effective_date   < pth.effective_to_date -- from date less than period end date  
                 and  cls.policy_expiry_date     > pth.effective_from_date -- to date greater than period start date  
           group by pp.policy_fk,  
                    substr(trim(nvl(r.county_code_used_to_rate,pth.issue_state_code)),1,2), -- rating_state_code,  
                    nvl(r.risk_cls_used_to_rate,pth.peer_groups_code) , --  rating_peer_group_code,  
                    to_char(pth.effective_from_date,'yyyy'), --term_effective_year,   
                    cls.coverage_code, -- coverage_class_code,   
                    cls.coverage_long_desc, -- coverage_class_long_desc,   
                    decode(pp.coverage_component_code ,'GROSS',cls.exposure_unit,null),-- exposure_unit,   
                    decode(pp.coverage_component_code ,'GROSS',cls.number_of_patient_day,null), -- number_of_patient_day,   
                    pth.effective_from_date, --term_eff_from_date,   
                    pth.effective_to_date, --, --term_eff_to_date,    
                    pp.premium_amount ;Edited by: BluShadow on 27-Jun-2012 16:12
    added {noformat}{noformat} tags for readability.  PLEASE READ {message:id=9360002} AS PREVIOUSLY REQUESTED!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           &

  • Callable Statement Cache Size

    Hi all,
    while using some dinamyc store procedures I get in the following error:
    [BEA][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Value can not be converted to requested type.
    I'm using WL8.1 and Sql Server 2000.
    Store procedure contains two different queries where table name is a store procedure's
    The first time it works great, after that I always have this error:
    Reading bea doc's I found
    There may be other issues related to caching prepared statements that are not
    listed here. If you see errors in your system related to prepared statements,
    you should set the prepared statement cache size to 0, which turns off prepared
    statement caching, to test if the problem is caused by caching prepared statements.
    If I set prepared statement cache size to 0 everything works great but that does
    not seem the better way.
    Should we expect Bea to solve this problem?
    Or whatever else solution?
    such as using JDBCConnectionPoolMBean.setPreparedStatementCacheSize()
    dynamically ?
    thks in advance

    caching works well for DML and thats what it is supposed to do. But it looks
    like you are doing DDL , which means your tables might be getting
    created/dropped/altered which effectively invalidates the cache. So you
    should try to turn the cache off.
    "leonardo" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    Hi all,
    while using some dinamyc store procedures I get in the following error:
    [BEA][SQLServer JDBC Driver]Value can not be converted to requested type.
    I'm using WL8.1 and Sql Server 2000.
    Store procedure contains two different queries where table name is a storeprocedure's
    The first time it works great, after that I always have this error:
    Reading bea doc's I found
    There may be other issues related to caching prepared statements that arenot
    listed here. If you see errors in your system related to preparedstatements,
    you should set the prepared statement cache size to 0, which turns offprepared
    statement caching, to test if the problem is caused by caching preparedstatements.
    If I set prepared statement cache size to 0 everything works great butthat does
    not seem the better way.
    Should we expect Bea to solve this problem?
    Or whatever else solution?
    such as using JDBCConnectionPoolMBean.setPreparedStatementCacheSize()
    dynamically ?
    thks in advance

  • Concurrency wait on an insert statement

    Hello All,
    I am running Oracle RAC 2 nodes 11g R2 on AIX 7.1
    I have a table with unique index, and the application is doing inserts/updates into this table.
    Suddenly and for about half a minute I faced a high concurrency waits on all the processes running these inserts for one node. I saw this high concurrency wait in the top activity screen of the OEM only on one of the nodes. knowing that the processes doing these inserts are running on both nodes.
    All what I have that in this half minute I see high concurrency wait in OEM top activity screen related to this insert statement and when I clicked on the insert I found high "enq: TX - index contention". Again this was only on one node.
    After this half minute everything went back to normal.
    What could be the reason and how can I investigate it ?

    Neo-b wrote:
    Hello All,
    I am running Oracle RAC 2 nodes 11g R2 on AIX 7.1
    I have a table with unique index, and the application is doing inserts/updates into this table.
    Suddenly and for about half a minute I faced a high concurrency waits on all the processes running these inserts for one node. I saw this high concurrency wait in the top activity screen of the OEM only on one of the nodes. knowing that the processes doing these inserts are running on both nodes.
    All what I have that in this half minute I see high concurrency wait in OEM top activity screen related to this insert statement and when I clicked on the insert I found high "enq: TX - index contention". Again this was only on one node.
    After this half minute everything went back to normal.
    What could be the reason and how can I investigate it ?
    Regards,I bet that the INDEX contains a SEQUENCE.

  • A query with respect to Flex 3 States

    Hi ,
    I am new to Flex3. states
    I have started with a sample application , but i couldn't able to understand some of the things in Flex 3 States . Please help .
    This is my sample Application what i am trying :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
            <mx:State name="bad">
                <mx:SetProperty target="{label1}" name="text" value="Bad Day!"/>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{linkbutton1}" name="label" value="Go Good"/>
                <mx:SetEventHandler target="{linkbutton1}" name="click" handler="this.currentState='vgood'"/>
            <mx:State name="vgood" >
                    <mx:SetProperty target="{linkbutton1}"  name="label" value="Go Good"/>
            x="255" y="191"
            text="Good Day !"
            fontSize="22" id="label1"/>
            x="255" y="98"
            label="Go To Bad Day" 
            click="this.currentState='bad'" id="linkbutton1"/>
    Please see the above code , It is working fine , but i am having some questions related to it .
    Please tell me whether  Is it possible to know under what state the Application is currently in ??
    Thnaks in advance .

    Okay fine , i will do that .
    I am having one more question related to flex 3 states . That is :
    Refering to the above program  posted , in case if i need to change the current state , i am depending on this
                <mx:SetEventHandler target="{linkbutton1}" name="click" handler="this.currentState='vgood'"/>
    Is it not possible to achive the above requirement using <mx:Property>
                <mx:SetProperty target="{linkbutton1}" name="label" value="Go Good" handler="this.currentState='vgood'"/>
    (I have tried with  this , but its not working , the mx:property is not accepting the handler attribute ) )
    seems Flex learning curve is so big .

  • Special Item Net Profit & Net Loss in Financial statement version

    I have two queries related to the financial statement version special items of Net Result Profit & Net Result Loss. The SAP help says that "The financial statement profit or loss is determined from only those accounts assigned to assets or liabilities".
    Does this mean that the difference of Assets & liabilities comes under either of these items or the amount is derived from the P&L result, please clarify. As per my understanding that we do not assign any accounts to these two nodes & the system determines the figure from assets & liabilities accounts.
    Secondly where do we assign the retained earning account, in the liabilities node or in the P&L node.

    For your first question, yes your understanding is correct. The difference of the items assigned to the Assets and Liabilities will come under the Net Result Profit or Net Result Loss, as the case may be.
    For your second question, the retained earnings should be assigned to the Liabilities node.
    Ideally, when you assign the retained earnings to the Liability node, the Net result Profit or Loss should become "zero" assuming that you had assigned all the GL accounts from your trial balance to the correct nodes in the Financial Statement Version.

  • Ncome Statement & Balance Sheet Reporting via a single ASO cube

    Hi All,
    I wanted to get some perspective on industry best practices as it relates to performing Income Statement & Balance Sheet reporting via a single Essbase ASO cube. As both these areas share a lot of common dimensions, do most of the companies implement a single cube for integrated reporting or split cubes and have tools like HFR, Web Analysis etc. combine the information from those cubes for integrated cube.
    Appreciate any thoughts on this.

    In 16 years of Essbase/Hyperion experience (14 of them consulting and training), I have seen just as many clients combining income statements and balance sheets in the same cube (BSO or ASO) as I have seen separate the two into individual cubes. Just as the BSO/ASO decision should factor in data volumes and hierarchy size, the combined/separate cube decision must come from good analysis of the situation at hand. Sometimes it is just a design preference for the company at hand.
    Your question seems weighted toward ASO, so I would encourage you to make sure you are using ASO for the right reasons. I reserver ASO for cubes where the current or planned amount of history carried will be massive and/or when a very large hierarchy is required. Otherwise, I prefer to have the full flexibility of BSO.
    One favorite project was for a re-insurance company in Bermuda (you can probably guess some of the other reasons I considered it a favorite project!?!). The consolidated P&L and B/S were in the same cube. This allowed us to properly "connect" the two statements such that retained earnings at the end of a quarter could flow over to hit the balance sheet. Of course, a two-cube design wouldn't necessarily prevent this thanks to @XREF (which didn't exist back in those days) or partitioning to name a couple of alternative. This makes my point that, to some extent, it all comes back to a matter of design preference for you and your project team.
    Darrell Barr

  • Income Statement & Balance Sheet Reporting via a single ASO cube

    Hi All,
    I wanted to get some perspective on industry best practices as it relates to performing Income Statement & Balance Sheet reporting via a single Essbase ASO cube. As both these areas share a lot of common dimensions, do most of the companies implement a single cube for integrated reporting or split cubes and have tools like HFR, Web Analysis etc. combine the information from those cubes for integrated cube.
    Appreciate any thoughts on this.

    You have asked this question the essbase forum :- ncome Statement & Balance Sheet Reporting via a single ASO cube
    Best keeping it to one forum and seeing it is a purely essbase question.

  • States question

    Hello, just learning Flex and states.
    I have created a new state. I thought a new state was
    basically a blank canvas to start constructing a new view in Flex.
    However when I start to add components to the stage in my new
    state, they are positioning themselves relative to components on
    the base state ?
    How do I start with a clean slate, so to speak ?
    Thanks for any help.

    "Greg Lafrance" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gdobtv$kig$[email protected]..
    > Read FB3 help sys or LiveDocs on states, otherwise you
    will constantly
    > have
    > difficulties.
    > That said, a new state is always relative to some other
    state, usually the
    > base state, but can be any other state you indicate.
    > In your new state you use MXML or AS code to add and
    remove children so
    > the
    > new state differs from the base state (or whatever state
    the new state is
    > referenced on), or change properties, etc.
    Or use a ViewStack

  • Control break statements

    Hi friends,
           pls explain , what is the use of control break statements( at first, at last, at new, at end of, on change of ) ? and practical difference applying at new and on change.
    Pls send me material or links related to control break statements.
    Thanks in advance.
    SR K

    Hello SR K,
    Just go through the following documentation.
    AT - Control breaks with extracts
                  1. AT NEW f.
                  2. AT END OF f.
                  3. AT FIRST.
                  4. AT LAST.
                  5. AT fg.
    Effect        In a LOOP which processes a dataset created with EXTRACT, you
                  can use special control structures for control break
                  processing. All these structures begin with AT and end with
                  ENDAT. The sequence of statements which lies between is
                  executed whenever a control break occurs.
                  You can use these key words for control break processing with
                  extract datasets only if the active LOOP statement is
                  processing an extract dataset.
                  The control level structure with extract datasets is dynamic.
                  It corresponds exactly to the sort key of the extract dataset,
                  i.e. to the order of fields in the field group HEADER by which
                  the extract dataset was sorted.
                  At the end of a control group (AT END OF, AT LAST), there are
                  two types of control level information between AT and ENDAT:
                  -  If the sort key of the extract dataset contains a
                     non-numeric field h (particularly in the field group
                     HEADER), the field CNT(h) contains the number of control
                     breaks in the (subordinate) control level h.
                  -  For extracted number fields g (see also ABAP Number Types),
                     the fields SUM(g) contain the relevant control totals.
    Notes         1. The fields CNT(h) and SUM(g) can only be addressed after
                     they have been sorted. Otherwise, a runtime error may
                  2. The fields CNT(h) and SUM(g) are filled with the relevant
                     values for a control level at the end of each control group
                     (AT END OF, AT LAST), not at the beginning (AT FIRST, AT
                  3. When calculating totals with SUM(g), the system
                     automatically chooses the maximum field sizes so that an
                     overflow occurs only if the absolute value area limits are
                  4. You can also use special control break control structures
                     with LOOPs on internal tables.
    Variant 1     AT NEW f.
    Variant 2     AT END OF f.
    Effect        f is a field from the field group HEADER. The enclosed
                  sequence of statements is executed if
                  -  the field f occurs in the sort key of the extract dataset
                     (and thus also in the field group HEADER) and
                  -  the field f or a superior sort criterion has a different
                     value in the current LOOP line than in the preceding (AT
                     NEW) or subsequent (AT END OF) record of the extract
                  If f is not an assigned field symbol, the control break
                  criterion is ignored, and the subsequent sequence of
                  statements is not executed. If a field symbol is assigned, but
                  does not point to the HEADER field group, the system triggers
                  a runtime error.
                  DATA: NAME(30),
                        SALES TYPE I.
                  FIELD-GROUPS: HEADER, INFOS.
                  INSERT: NAME  INTO HEADER,
                          SALES INTO INFOS.
                    AT NEW NAME.
                    AT END OF NAME.
                      WRITE: / NAME, SUM(SALES).
    Notes         1. If the extract dataset is not sorted before processing with
                     LOOP, no control level structure is defined and the
                     statements following AT NEW or AT END OF are not executed.
                  2. Fields which stand at hex zero are ignored by the control
                     break check with AT NEW or AT END OF. This corresponds to
                     the behavior of the SORT statement, which always places
                     unoccupied fields (i.e. fields which stand at hex zero)
                     before all occupied fields when sorting extract datasets,
                     regardless of whether the sort sequence is in ascending or
                     descending order.
    Variant 3     AT FIRST.
    Variant 4     AT LAST.
    Effect        Executes the relevant series of statements just once - either
                  on the first loop pass (with AT FIRST) or on the last loop
                   pass (with AT LAST).
    Variant 5     AT fg.
                   ... WITH fg1
    Effect        This statement makes single record processing dependent on the
                   type of extracted record.
                   The sequence of statements following AT fg are executed
                   whenever the current LOOP record is created with EXTRACT fg
                   (in other words: when the current record is a fg record).
    Addition      ... WITH fg1
    Effect        Executes the sequence of statements belonging to AT fg WITH
                   fg1 only if the record of the field group fg in the dataset is
                   immediately followed by a record of the field group fg1.
    Reward If Helpful
    Sasidhar Reddy Matli.

  • Cash flow statement preparatiom

    Hi all
    any document that is related to Cash flow statement preparation
    pl send me v v v urgent

    I hope you are looking for cash flow statement as per AS-3. i dont have document but i can tell you navigation path.
    Goto T Code fsi5
    form Type : 002
    0SAPRATIO-03 Cash flow (indirect) SAP 11.11.2000
    0SAPRATIO-04 Cash flow (direct) SAP 11.11.2000
    double click on form which method you want.
    now goto edit in menu bar & general data selection>general data selection>give your chart of accounts.
    now define formula for line appearing withxxxxxxxxxxxx
    you will have to do some R&D as per your requirement but path is same.
    Manish Jain
    Assign points if my ans is helpful.

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