Remove an object from foreground with lines in background

The photo says it all.  I'm looking for suggestions on how to remove the street light from the foreground of the image (unfortunately, there was no alternative way to take this shot from my position).  BTW, those are bridge cables in the background and the original is a Canon Raw image.

You may be able to use the patch tool to do a quick hide of the light not a perfect job or spent a lot of to remove little areas  to do a better job.
Cloning onto a new layer works well to hide it to for you can trim the clone if you spend some time you can do a much better job then this

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    r035198x wrote:
    Redesign things so that the remove is done in a backing bean method rather than in a view page.Exactly that. I tend to cleanup session variables at the start and at the end of a page flow; generally the end is some sort of save or cancel action being invoked through a button but that is application specific.

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    What version of Photoshop?
    If CC then try here
    Learn Photoshop CC | Adobe TV

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    public class MusicCd
         private String musicCdsTitle;
            private int yearOfRelease;
         public MusicCd()
              musicCdsTitle = "";
              yearOfRelease = 1900;
         public MusicCd(String newMusicCdsTitle)
              musicCdsTitle = newMusicCdsTitle;
              //yearOfRelease = newYearOfRelease;
         public MusicCd(String newMusicCdsTitle, int newYearOfRelease)
              musicCdsTitle = newMusicCdsTitle;
              yearOfRelease = newYearOfRelease;
         public String getTitle()
              return musicCdsTitle;
         public int getYearOfRelease()
              return yearOfRelease;
         public void setTitle(String newMusicCdsTitle)
              musicCdsTitle = newMusicCdsTitle;
         public void setYearOfRelease(int newYearOfRelease)
              yearOfRelease = newYearOfRelease;
         public boolean equalsName(MusicCd otherCd)
              if(otherCd == null)
                   return false;
                   return (musicCdsTitle.equals(otherCd.musicCdsTitle));
         public String toString()
              return("Music Cd`s Title: " + musicCdsTitle + "\t"
                     + "Year of release: " + yearOfRelease + "\t");
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class MusicCdStore
       ArrayList<MusicCd> MusicCdList;
       public void insertCd()
            MusicCdList = new ArrayList<MusicCd>( ); 
            readOperation theRo = new readOperation();
            MusicCd theCd;
            int muiseCdsYearOfRelease;
            String muiseCdsTitle;
                    String continueInsertCd = "Y";
                        muiseCdsTitle = theRo.readString("Please enter your CD`s title : ");
                        muiseCdsYearOfRelease = theRo.readInt("Please enter your CD`s year of release : ");
                        MusicCdList.add(new MusicCd(muiseCdsTitle, muiseCdsYearOfRelease));
                        continueInsertCd = theRo.readString("Do you have another Cd ? (Y/N) : ");
                   }while(continueInsertCd.equals("Y") || continueInsertCd.equals("y") );
                   if(continueInsertCd.equals("N") || continueInsertCd.equals("n"));
                                                    //MusicCdList.add(new MusicCd(muiseCdsTitle, muiseCdsYearOfRelease));                              
                      //System.out.println("You `ve an invalid input " + continueInsertCd + " Please enter (Y/N) only!!");
       public void displayAllCd()
                    System.out.println("\nOur CD collection is: \n" );
       public String toString( )
            String result= " ";
            for( MusicCd tempCd : MusicCdList)
                 result += tempCd.toString() + "\n";
            return result;
       public void searchingMusicCd()
            readOperation theRo = new readOperation();
            String keyword = theRo.readString("Enter a CD `s Title you are going to search : ") ;
            ArrayList<MusicCd> results = searchForTitle(keyword );
              System.out.println("The search results for " + keyword + " are:" );
              for(MusicCd tempCd : results)
                   System.out.println( tempCd.toString() );
       //encapsulate the A
       public void removeCd()
            readOperation theRo = new readOperation();
            String keyword = theRo.readString("Please enter CD `s title you are going to remove : ") ;
            ArrayList<MusicCd> removeMusicCdResult = new ArrayList<MusicCd>();
                  System.out.println("The CD that you just removed  is " + keyword );
              for(MusicCd tempCd : removeMusicCdResult)
                   System.out.println( tempCd.toString() );
       //problem occurs here : i am so confused of how to remove the exactly stuff from my arrayList
       //pls help
       private ArrayList<MusicCd> removeCdForTitle(String removeCdsTitle)
             MusicCd tempMusicCd = new MusicCd();
            // tempMusicCd.setTitle(removeCdsTitle);
            //tempMusicCd.getTitle() = removeCdsTitle;
            ArrayList<MusicCd> removeMusicCdResult = new ArrayList<MusicCd>();
            for(MusicCd currentMusicCd : MusicCdList)
                     // removeMusicCdResult.remove(currentMusicCd);
            return removeMusicCdResult;
       private ArrayList<MusicCd> searchForTitle(String searchString)
            ArrayList<MusicCd> searchResult = new ArrayList<MusicCd>();
            for(MusicCd currentMusicCd : MusicCdList)
                 if((currentMusicCd.getTitle()).indexOf(searchString) != -1)
            return searchResult;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MusicCdStoreEngine{
         public static void main(String[] args)
              MusicCdStore mcs = new MusicCdStore( );
              //display the Cd that you just insert
    //Acutally result
    //Please enter your CD`s title : ivan
    //Please enter your CD`s year of release : 1992
    //Do you have another Cd ? (Y/N) : y
    //Please enter your CD`s title : hero
    //Please enter your CD`s year of release : 1992
    //Do you have another Cd ? (Y/N) : n
    //Our CD collection is:
    // Music Cd`s Title: ivan     Year of release: 1992
    //Music Cd`s Title: hero     Year of release: 1992     
    //Please enter CD `s title you are going to remove : hero
    //The CD that you just removed  is hero
    //Our CD collection is:
    // Music Cd`s Title: ivan     Year of release: 1992
    //Music Cd`s Title: hero     Year of release: 1992     
    //Enter a CD `s Title you are going to search : hero
    //The search results for hero are:
    //Music Cd`s Title: hero     Year of release: 1992
    //>Exit code: 0
    //Expected result
    //Please enter your CD`s title : ivan
    //Please enter your CD`s year of release : 1992
    //Do you have another Cd ? (Y/N) : y
    //Please enter your CD`s title : hero
    //Please enter your CD`s year of release : 1992
    //Do you have another Cd ? (Y/N) : n
    //Our CD collection is:
    // Music Cd`s Title: ivan     Year of release: 1992
    //Music Cd`s Title: hero     Year of release: 1992     
    //Please enter CD `s title you are going to remove : hero
    //The CD that you just removed  is hero
    //Our CD collection is:
    // Music Cd`s Title: ivan     Year of release: 1992
    //Music Cd`s Title: hero     Year of release: 1992<<-- it is not supposed to display cos i have deleted it from from array     
    //Enter a CD `s Title you are going to search : hero
    //The search results for hero are:
    //Music Cd`s Title: hero     Year of release: 1992<<-- i should have get this reuslt...cos it is already delete from my array
    //>Exit code: 0
    import java.util.*;
    public class readOperation{
         public String readString(String userInstruction)
              String aString = null;
                         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
                   aString = scan.nextLine();
              catch (NoSuchElementException e)
                   //if no line was found
                   System.out.println("\nNoSuchElementException error occurred (no line was found) " + e);
              catch (IllegalStateException e)
                   // if this scanner is closed
                   System.out.println("\nIllegalStateException error occurred (scanner is closed)" + e);
              return aString;
         public char readTheFirstChar(String userInstruction)
              char aChar = ' ';
              String strSelection = null;
                   //char charSelection;
                         Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
                   strSelection =;
                   aChar =  strSelection.charAt(0);
              catch (NoSuchElementException e)
                   //if no line was found
                   System.out.println("\nNoSuchElementException error occurred (no line was found) " + e);
              catch (IllegalStateException e)
                   // if this scanner is closed
                   System.out.println("\nIllegalStateException error occurred (scanner is closed)" + e);
              return aChar;
         public int readInt(String userInstruction) {
              int aInt = 0;
              try {
                   Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
                   aInt = scan.nextInt();
              } catch (InputMismatchException e) {
                   System.out.println("\nInputMismatchException error occurred (the next token does not match the Integer regular expression, or is out of range) " + e);
              } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                   System.out.println("\nNoSuchElementException error occurred (input is exhausted)" + e);
              } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                   System.out.println("\nIllegalStateException error occurred (scanner is closed)" + e);
              return aInt;

    //problem occurs hereI'm not sure that the problem does occur within the
    removeCdForTitle() method.
    Your main() method calls removeCd() which obtains the title of
    the CD to be removed (keyword). But remoceCd() never
    calls removeCdForTitle(), so nothing is ever removed.

  • How can I fill a table of objects from cursor with select * bulk collect???

    Hi All, I have a TYPE as OBJECT
    create or replace type dept2_o as object (
    deptno NUMBER(2),
    dname VARCHAR2(14),
    loc VARCHAR2(13));
    I can fill a table of objects from cursor with out select * bulk collect...., row by row
    TYPE dept2_t IS TABLE of dept2_o;
    dept_o_tab dept2_t:=dept2_t();
    i integer;
    for rec in (select * from dept) loop
    deptno => rec.deptno,
    dname => rec.dname,
    loc =>rec.loc
    end loop;
    for k IN 1..i loop
    dbms_output.put_line(dept_o_tab(k).deptno||' '||dept_o_tab(k).dname||' '||dept_o_tab(k).loc);
    end loop;
    But I can't fill a table of objects from cursor with select * bulk collect construction ...
    TYPE dept2_t IS TABLE of dept2_o;
    dept_o_tab dept2_t:=dept2_t();
    select * bulk collect into dept_o_tab from dept;
    ORA-06550: line 6, column 39;
    PL/SQL: ORA-00947: not enough values ....
    How can I fill a table of objects from cursor with select * bulk collect???

    create or replace type dept_ot as object (
    deptno NUMBER(2),
    dname VARCHAR2(14),
    loc VARCHAR2(13));
    create table dept
    (deptno number
    ,dname varchar2(14)
    ,loc varchar2(13)
    insert into dept values (10, 'x', 'xx');
    insert into dept values (20, 'y', 'yy');
    insert into dept values (30, 'z', 'zz');
    select dept_ot (deptno, dname, loc)
      from dept
    create type dept_nt is table of dept_ot
       l_depts dept_nt;
       select dept_ot (deptno, dname, loc)
         bulk collect
         into l_depts
         from dept
       for i in l_depts.first .. l_depts.last
          dbms_output.put_line (l_depts(i).deptno);
          dbms_output.put_line (l_depts(i).dname);
          dbms_output.put_line (l_depts(i).loc);    
       end loop;

  • How to remove the Object from memory.

    Flash file that i made with Flex Builder uses memory too
    Look at the next example source code.
    var testCan:Canvas = new Canvas();
    testCan = null;
    but just memory usage still goes up, is not freed instantly.
    so if i load the large flash files on my web browser,
    after 5 munites or something, the web browser is down.
    How to remove the object from memory immediately without

    It's all about the Garbage Collector ..
    There is a nice write up here :

  • How to remove unused objects from the webcatalog In OBIEE11g

    I want to delete unused objects from obiee11g catalog, i know in obiee10g it's working fine (i.e: we can do it via manage catalog then delete the unused objects) is there any way to do it automatically like RPD utility --->removing unused objects from Physical layer in RPD
    fyi: I don't want to delete manualy. i need somethink like button/link to find unused objects(report,filter,folder..etc) from my obiee11g catalog.
    Edited by: Devarasu on Nov 29, 2011 12:06 PM
    Edited by: Devarasu on Nov 29, 2011 3:15 PM

    Checked with Oracle Support team and confirmed below points
    --> incorporated into the Current product and consider as BUG it may resolve future release
    --> Currently there isnt any automatic method to remove the unused objects like reports, filters,folder etc from catalog.
    Treated as Bug
    SR 3-4984291131: How to remove unused objects from the webcatalog in obiee11g

  • Remove AP object from WLC

    How to remove AP object from WLC 8500 ?  I had dismantle one AP so it is now no longer associated with WLC, I want to remove AP info from WLC. But unable to find any command for the same.

    Hi Scott,
    Thanks for your answer..  But it's not fulfill my question.  I want to remove some of AP entries which is not currently associated with WLC.
    Below are steps which I understood when new AP joins to controller in my case.
    1) We are configuring AP with static IP and capwap protocol thru console login of AP.
    2) We are connecting AP to WLC thru netwok.
    3) When A joins to controller, It will be visible at Monitor section > Access Point Summary
    4) It will start from AP.macaddress
    5) Now remotely we are applying AP name, HIgh availability and assign to appropriate AP group.
    Now My query is when AP joins to controller, somewhere there should be entry in database that this mac address of AP is joined to controller along with AP configuration. 
    I want to delete some of AP databases which are disassociates from controller due to media failure between AP and WLC/AP no longer available.
    Is there any command to remove AP entries from Controller ? or any other procedure ?

  • How to read appended objects from file with ObjectInputStream?

    Hi to everyone. I'm new to Java so my question may look really stupid to most of you but I couldn't fined a solution by myself... I wanted to make an application, something like address book that is storing information about different people. So I decided to make a class that will hold the information for each person (for example: nickname, name, e-mail, web address and so on), then using the ObjectOutputStream the information will be save to a file. If I want to add a new record for a new person I'll simply append it to the already existing file. So far so good but soon I discovered that I can not read the appended objects using ObjectInputStream.
    What I mean is that if I create new file and then in one session save several objects to it using ObjectOutputStream they all will be read with no problem by ObjectInputStream. But after that if in a new session I append new objects they won't be read. The ObjectInputStream will read the objects from the first session after that IOException will be generated and the reading will stop just before the appended objects from the second session.
    The following is just a simple test it's not actual code from the program I was talking about. Instead of objects containing different kind of information I'm using only strings here. To use the program use as arguments in the console "w" to create new file followed by the file name and the strings you want save to the file (as objects). Example: "+w TestFile.obj Thats Just A Test+". Then to read it use "r" (for reading), followed by the file name. Example "+r TestFile.obj+". As a result you'll see that all the strings that are saved in the file can be successfully read back. Then do the same: "+w TestFile.obj Thats Second Test+" and then read again "+r TestFile.obj+". What will happen is that the strings only from the first sessions will be read and the ones from the second session will not.
    I am sorry for making this that long but I couldn't explain it more simple. If someone can give me a solution I'll be happy to hear it! ^.^ I'll also be glad if someone propose different approach of the problem! Here is the code:
    class Fio
         public static void main(String[] args)
                   if (args[0].equals("w"))
                        FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(args[1], true);
                        ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(fos);
                        for (int i = 2; i < args.length ; i++)
                   else if (args[0].equals("r"))
                        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(args[1]);
                        ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis);
                        for (int i = 0; i < fis.available(); i++)
                        System.out.println("Wrong args!");
              catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException exc)
                   System.out.println("You must use \"w\" or \"r\" followed by the file name as args!");
              catch (IOException exc)
                   System.out.println("I/O exception appeard!");
              catch (ClassNotFoundException exc)
                   System.out.println("Can not find the needed class");

    How to read appended objects from file with ObjectInputStream? The short answer is you can't.
    The long answer is you can if you put some work into it. The general outline would be to create a file with a format that will allow the storage of multiple streams within it. If you use a RandomAccessFile, you can create a header containing the length. If you use streams, you'll have to use a block protocol. The reason for this is that I don't think ObjectInputStream is guaranteed to read the same number of bytes ObjectOutputStream writes to it (e.g., it could skip ending padding or such).
    Next, you'll need to create an object that can return more InputStream objects, one per stream written to the file.
    Not trivial, but that's how you'd do it.

  • How do you remove an object from a picture.  Newbie to program CS6

    how do you remove an object from a picture.  Newbie to program CS6

    Well, generally you can use the clone-stamp tool for one, shortcut is S. It basically allows you to take data from any part of the image and copy that over. What I do is draw on a new layer above the one to modify- make sure you select Sample:"This layer and below" in the top toolbar when doing so. Other ways include blending something on top of the object too, using different blending modes. Painting over it works too at times (rarely). It'd be easier if we knew a specific case though...

  • How to remove an object from Buffer Cache

    I have a simple question. How can I remove an object from the Buffer Cache in Oracle 10gR2 ?
    I am doing some tuning tasks in a shared development database, so I can't do "alter system flush shared_pool" because it will affect other people who are running their queries. So I want to remove from Buffer Cache only the objects that I know that I am the only reader. I can see the objects that I want to be removed by querying the V$BH view.
    By the way, I did some "alter system flush shared_pool" and my objects were not removed from the Buffer Cache, and they are not in the "Keep".
    Thanks In Advance,

    Further more, you can use CACHE | NOCACHE on table level to indicate how you want Oracle handle the data blocks of said table.
    Use the CACHE clauses to indicate how Oracle Database should store blocks in the buffer cache. If you specify neither CACHE nor NOCACHE, then:
    In a CREATE TABLE statement, NOCACHE is the default
    In an ALTER TABLE statement, the existing value is not changed.
    CACHE For data that is accessed frequently, this clause indicates that the blocks retrieved for this table are placed at the most recently used end of the least recently used (LRU) list in the buffer cache when a full table scan is performed. This attribute is useful for small lookup tables.
    As a parameter in the LOB_storage_clause, CACHE specifies that the database places LOB data values in the buffer cache for faster access.
    Restriction on CACHE You cannot specify CACHE for an index-organized table. However, index-organized tables implicitly provide CACHE behavior.
    NOCACHE For data that is not accessed frequently, this clause indicates that the blocks retrieved for this table are placed at the least recently used end of the LRU list in the buffer cache when a full table scan is performed. NOCACHE is the default for LOB storage.
    As a parameter in the LOB_storage_clause, NOCACHE specifies that the LOB value either is not brought into the buffer cache or is brought into the buffer cache and placed at the least recently used end of the LRU list. The latter is the default behavior.
    Restriction on NOCACHE You cannot specify NOCACHE for an index-organized table.
    CACHE READS CACHE READS applies only to LOB storage. It specifies that LOB values are brought into the buffer cache only during read operations but not during write operations.

  • I am trying to remove an object from a photo such as the back of a person's head.  How do I do this?  I have iphoto '09.

    I am new to iphoto and am trying to figure out how to remove an object from a photo (ie the back of a person's head, or an arm in a photo that seems to belong to no one).  I have iphoto '09.

    You need an external editor for that kind of work.
    In order of price here are some suggestions:
    Seashore (free)
    Graphic Coverter ($45 approx)
    Acorn ($50 approx)
    Photoshop Elements ($75 approx)
    There are many, many other options. Search on MacUpdate.
    You can set Photoshop (or any image editor) as an external editor in iPhoto. (Preferences -> General -> Edit Photo: Choose from the Drop Down Menu.) This way, when you double click a pic to edit in iPhoto it will open automatically in Photoshop or your Image Editor, and when you save it it's sent back to iPhoto automatically. This is the only way that edits made in another application will be displayed in iPhoto. 

  • Using ps trying to remove an object from a picture, following steps but when object is removed area is replaced by another portion of the photo like someones face as opposed to what should normally be in the background

    using PS on a regular computer windows 7 tryng to remove an object from a picture,  following steps in the tutorial however when the object is removed it is replaced by another (unwanted) portion of the photo i.e. someones face  instead of what would have normally been in the background

    Well, we can't know. You have not told us what tools you use and what steps nor provided any screenshots. From your description it simply sounds like you are following some tutorial (which again we know nothing about because you haven't told us which one) and getting things wrong. You need to do much better if you want people to help you.

  • Have you removed iPod Classic from your product line?

    Have you removed iPod Classic from your product line?

    No, I haven't.
    More seriously though; you're not talking to Apple here, we're fellow users like you. But a quick check of the UK store site does not have the iPod Classic listed, which suggests that Apple have discontinued it.
    If that's so, there's probably nothing anyone here can do about it. On the other hand, since all the store's pages appear to be incomplete (if you can get them to load), perhaps you should check again tomorrow to see if any further site updates give you new information.

  • Error removing object from cache with write behind

    We have a cache with a DB for a backing store. The cache has a write-behind delay of about 10 seconds.
    We see an error when we:
    - Write new object to the cache
    - Remove object from cache before it gets written to cachestore (because we're still within the 10 secs and the object has not made it to the db yet).
    At first i was thinking "coherence should know if the object is in the db or not, and do the right thing", but i guess that's not the case?

    Hi Ron,
    The configuration for <local-scheme> allows you to add a cache store but you cannot use write-behind, only write-through.
    Presumably you do not want the data to be shared by the different WLS nodes, i.e. if one node puts data in the cache and that is eventually written to a RAC node, that data cannot be seen in the cache by other WLS nodes. Or do you want all the WLS nodes to share the data but just write it to different RAC nodes?
    If you use a local-scheme then the data will only be local to that WLS node and not shared.
    I can think of a possible way to do what you want but it depends on the answer to the above question.

Maybe you are looking for